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Goal : knowledge of Performance Testing

1. 3 Times watching Both the courses

2. Making Nice Notes Each Step Specify

3. Revision of the Notes DAILY

Lecture 89 : Why Corelation ? 04-01

-- A dynamic value generated by the server each time as a response.

For example : While lauching the website server sent the dynamic value and
when we request for the login in the server , the server is validate the dynamic

Lecture 90

How to handle dynamic value ?

- web_reg_save_param_ex

- hold the dynamic value in the LR parameter

- Identify the LB and RB perfectly

Randomly Picking One value From Correlation




-Create a global variable of type string
- char* spet= lr_paramarr_random("PET");
-Look the return type is C type String

-Correaltion Function only Understand LR

parameter Not C sTRING


it is a process by which a hardcoded value is replaced with the parameter in the script

This options help the script to execute with multiple value thereby simulating a real time scenario

Time sheet

LR parameter cannnot be compare to INTEGER


* Paranthesis is required for LR varaible

* Watch log can be used only for C variable debugging


* Controller is configured to

File Operation

- Using View MEnu , u can add any tab u like.

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