Cobobli Notes

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Legislative - empowered by the constitution ● Supposed to know the law

to make laws ● Why do we need to know the

Executive - assist in the implementation law? Because it can be used
and make guidelines for the implementation as an excuse
Judicial - headed by the supreme court. - Prima Facie/disputable/Rebuttable
Interpret the law (judiciary) presumption > possession of stolen
property of another
State law/Human positive law > Rape act alleged against another
- National law - applicable to the ● No evidence can destroy this
whole philippines presumption
Kinds of national law ● If there is a contrary
As to purpose: procedural or evidence, it can rebut the
substantive/ adjective law presumption
(enumerate to us certain rights)
As to subject matter: public or Nature of obligations [civil code]
private law - Civil obligations
Public law - Talks about the ● Obligations that we assume
relationship of the government and as citizens of a country
its residents ● When violated, the one who
Constitution law 1987 (public law) has the rights against the
Private law - governs the violator can go to the courts
relationship of individuals ● Juridical necessity - can take
(talks about human family it to law
relationships, dealing about people) Prestations:
● To give (real obligation)
Laws under substantive law ● To do (positive personal
● Civil code (private law) both obligation or not to do
substantive and procedural (negative personal
● Family code obligation)
Adjective law Obligation vs Agreement
- Obligation = legal tie
- Ordinances (LGUs) - made by local Breach of obligation vs breach of promise to
government marry
- Administrative Regulation (IRR) - Essential requisites of an obligation:
may be promulgated by the > Active debtor
executive branch (can make little law > Passive creditor
only by the purpose of > Object
implementing) > juridical tie
Considered as a law All four must be present for it to be
Legal presumptions - Natural obligation [prescription of
- Conclusive presumption >knowledge civil actions]
of the law ignoratia legis non ● No longer enforceable
excusat) through courts
● Must be performed by the indemnification] [Actual,
debtor voluntarily perform its moral and exemplary
obligation and the creditor damages]
has to wait for the debtor to ● An act of violation of law that
realize that they need to punishes non compliance to
perform a particular law
● When civil is turned into ● To be sentenced by
natural, juridical necessity punishment
will no longer exist. ● Criminal liability - Offense
committed against the state
● Civil liability - offense
Prescriptive periods (from accrual of committed to a person. There
rights of action) are damages that have to be
- When the law allows the creditor to payed to the victim.
enforce the right against the debtor
through the courts Kinds of damages
- If the creditor does not do inside the 1. Exemplary - courts lang nakakapag
prescriptive period then the civil judge
obligation is already lost. 2. Moral - mental damage
● Written Contracts (10 yrs) 3. Actual - physical damage
● Obligation created by law (10 yrs)
● Not fixed by law (5 yrs) Obligation to give
● Negligence (4 yrs) Specific property
● Oral Contract (6 yrs) - Debtor must take care of the thing
before delivery with the diligence
5 sources of obligation “diligence of a good father of the
- Law family”
- Contracts “Preservation”
- Quasi-contracts - (means it is as if a Law may require a higher degree of
contract but it is not a contract) diligence: extraordinary
something that is provided for. ● Parties may stipulate a
1. Solutio indebiti - payment by different degree of diligence,
mistake. but cannot agree to be
2. Negotiorum gestio - no negligent in performing
contract between the parties obligation.
but there is a union lateral. -
- Crimes or delicts ● Presumption of fault is
● Civil liability vs criminal automatic
liability ● When there is damage in a
● Civil liability for damages is performance of obligation, no
necessarily included in prima facie
criminal liability - Debtor must deliver fruits,
● Scope of civil liability accessions, and accessories of the
[restitution, reparation and thing, even when not stipulated
Types of fruits Obligation not to do:
● Natural fruits - in the natural - Debtor must not perform what is
order of the things. prohibited of him/her.
● Industrial fruits - product of - Cannot force even by courts
human labor.
● Civil fruits - earned by the Rights of creditor:
creditor (?) (rents) arise from - Request that obligation be
a particular property. performed
Creditor has personal right (can demand - Demand payment of damages if
right to the thing even if it is not yet refused
delivered) to the fruits from time debtor is - Ask the court to task another person
required to deliver, but once delivered, to undo it for the account of the
creditor acquires real right (can raise right to debtor.
have the thing(rights against the whole
1. Pure and Conditional obligations
Accessions: - Is one that does not have a
● Incorporated to the thing condition and a period.
● Naturally produced Condition - Future AND uncertain event.
Accessories: Past event unknown to the
● Attached to the thing parties.
● To make it complete (ornament) Period - Future and CERTAIN event.
“If not delivered, included in the obligations
to give” [A pure obligation does not have a
Generic property:
- Debtor must deliver the thing agreed When can you demand a pure obligation?
upon Not yet immediately demandable because
Obligation to give: we are waiting for it to happen, the
- Basic distinction (Genus nunquam condition. Demandability is delayed, cannot
perit = a generic thing never be demanded by the obligee. Except in the
perishes) case of pure obligation because it is
Obligation to do: immediately demanded because there is no
- To perform based on skills (legal condition.
services, to paint a house)
- If not able to do, creditor cannot “Constructive fulfillment” the law will
force to do consider the condition fulfilled already
*Human rights against involuntary becaumn j gvyuhhhse the debtor prevented
service(?)* the fulfillment of the condition.
- If the debtor refuses to do or poorly
does it, obligation, under the law it 2 kinds of conditions
can be converted to indemnity for ● Suspensive
- No obligation until the happening of - Non-occurrence before a designated
the future and uncertain events time.
- Cannot immediately demand >Period
- certain to happen
● Resolutory - fixes the time of demandability
- Immediately demandable - presumed to the benefit of both parties
[unless otherwise provided]
Rules in suspensive condition - courts can intervene because it has a
LID = Loss Improvement Deterioration juridical necessity
> Condition
● Potestative - uncertain to happen
- Dependent to the will of ONE of the - tells when the obligation arise/cease
Obligation with a period changes into
● Casual immediately due:
- Depends on CHANCE or the will of a I = Insolvent (bankrupt)
THIRD PERSON. N - Not furnish the creditor the
guaranties/securities promised
● Mixed I = Impaired the guaranties/securities
- Party to the will of ONE of parties V = Violates any undertaking
AND partly upon CHANCE (mix of A = Attempts to abscond(to flee or to evade)
potestative and casual)
Distributive obligation
● Impossible Alternative
- Null and void from the very - Among prestation given there is only
beginning. ONE prestation that is due and
Compound obligation - The choice from the prestation given
>Divisible - there is at least one belongs to the obligor, creditor
independent condition. The compound cannot be compelled to receive part
obligation can be separated from each of one and part of another.
other. - Creditor’s act prevent debtor from
>Indivisible - the simple obligation making a choice = debtor may
compromising it cannot be separated. both rescind with damages
are dependent on a impossible condition, Facultative
therefore void. - Only ONE has been agreed but can
have substitute.
● Positive
- Obligation with a penal clause
- Occurrence of condition is expected >Accessory undertaking to the obligation
to happen although uncertainty which is the principal undertaking
before a designated time. >To ensure compliance

Dacion en pago - a money debt. The party
- Already cancelled agreed that instead of money it will be a
- Possible that the reason for the property.
extinguishment is more than one. If extinguished by dacion en pago it can
also be extuinguished by change novation
1. Payment or performance because there is a change in the object.
-refer to delivery of money
Or performance of the obligor in
favor of the obligee

These three must be present to

extinguish the obligation:
() Free disposal of the thing due
(ownership) [must be owned by the
() Capacity to alienate (right to Tender of payment w/o judicial consignation,
dispose) [debtor must have the right the obligation is not extinguished
to deliver the thing]
() will not extinguish the obligation Consignation - judicial consignation, where
unless COMPLETE the debtor is required to deposit the
payment in court.
*To extinguish the obligation there
must be a complete payment and Application of payment = debtor’s choice,
performance* unless mutually agreed that it is creditor’s
Will not extinguish the obligation
unless COMPLETE Law does not want people to have utang na
loob without their consent.

(legal compensation) Contract of agency

(agent and the principal agreed to be paid
100k. Agent was able to collect the principal
and paid 100k (the principal)

(judicial compensation) given by the courts

Mixed novation or eclectic

- Meeting of minds between two
Characteristics of a contract - Necessary legal capacity (at least
● Obligatory force - right to enforce 18yrs old, not insane, not a
their respective rights as long deaf-mute who does not know how
meeting of binds are concerned to write) must express themselve
● Autonomy of contracts - freedom of - No vice of consent - dolo causante
parties to agree on any terms and (if dolo incidente = damages)
condition as long as the stipulation is Mistakes - refers to object or conditions
not contrary to law, morals, good which have principally moved one
customs, public order or policy.
● Mutuality of contracts - binding of Intimidation - reasonable and well grounded
both parties to the terms and fear of an imminent and grave peril
condition. Parties are equally bound
to the respective term and condition Undue influence - improper advantage of
of the agreement power over the will of another.
● Relativity of contracts - binds only
both parties, cannot favor third party. Violence - serious or irresistible force
Limited only to both parties. Unless (physical)
parties agreed that there is a third ● OBJECT certain = subject matter of
party the contract (thing, right, or service)
Kinds of contracts ( in relation to other ● CAUSE (or consideration) of the
contracts) obligation which is established.
● Principal - can stand alone on the Reason why both parties gave
existence of other contracts consent.
● Accessory - Validity is dependent
upon another contract. (pledge or Simulated contracts
mortgage) - Parties do not intend to be bound at
● Preparatory - in relation of other all
contracts. To enter into further other 1. Absolute - Parties do not intend to
contracts. be bound at all, therefore void
2. Relative - partial simulation.
Generally, it is valid cause parties
Element of contracts gave consent despite that there is an
Is the contract valid? underlying reason.
To be perfectly valid
● CONSENT of the contracting
- Made or achieved from both parties
when somebody initiates it is called
an offer.
- When the offer is accepted then
there is a consent, but the
acceptance of the other party must
be absolute.

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