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Morality refers to set of standards an normative statements may involve matters

individual person or society uses to judge concerning morality, aesthetic, grammar,

whether an act is good or bad legality, and etiquette.

Ethics aka moral philosophy ● Moral statement is normative rather

Refers to moral beliefs and practices than factual statement

3 general areas of ethics MODULE 2: Moral personhood and

1. metaethics accountability
- looks into nature, meaning, scope,
and foundations of moral values, Lesson 1
beliefs, and jusdgement.
- concerned with what morality itself Moral persons: the appropriate objects of
is. moral concern
- (meta = above/beyond) ● Entities who have moral status or
2. Normative ethics ● Either doers or recipients of action
- concerned with formulation of ● A bearer of moral rights
moral standards, rules, or principles ● All moral person have moral rights,
to distinguish right from wrong but some (not all) have moral duties.
Moral rights
3. Applied ethics RIGHTS - are entitlements; interest one is
- determines the moral permissibility allowed to pursue, actions one is allowed to
of actions and practices in specific do.
areas DUTIES - are obligations
- Areas: business ethics, bioethics, - correlation: one’s right impose
environmental ethics, computer duties on other people: and one’s duties are
ethics, social and media ethics. intended to respect the rights of other
4. Descriptive ethics
Classifying rights according to:
Moral statement as normative statements (1) The duties they impose (on other
- Moral statements are normative or people)
prescriptive, not descriptive or (2) The manner of their acquisition
factual. They are concerned with
how things should be rather than
what things are.

Normative statements vs. Factual

Appeal to certain standards in validating
Appeal to results of research, experiments,
or observations in validation


Moral person are either sources or receivers

of moral concerns

- Sources of morally evaluable actions
- Possess both moral rights and
- Morally accountable for their actions

- Receivers of morally evaluable
- Possess moral rights only
- Cannot be morally accountable for MODULE 3: CONSEQUENTIALISM
their actions
Lesson 1
All moral agents are moral patients, but not Normative ethical theories are generally
all moral patients are moral agents based on three morally relevant features of
acitions -
- If moral persons can be both moral
patients and agents, then they are The longest running
called Agentive Moral Person (AMP) People who have significant…? Have

1. Social theory - a social construct.

Decided by the society
2. Gradient theory - comes in degrees.
Possessed in greater or lesser


Accountability in general…
- Natural product of a person’s
- The deservingness of blame or
punishment for doing what is right
and wrong

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