Final Arts DLP

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Department of Education

Region 02
Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya


At the end of the lesson, the students shall be able to:

a. Discuss the characteristics of art during the Romantic period.
b. Identify key artists and their works.
c. Understand the socio-political context that influenced the art of this period.

II. SUBJECT MATTER: Arts of the Neoclassical and Romantic Period

a. Topic: Romanticism
b. Content Standard:
The learner understands the elements and processes of art by synthesizing and
applying prior knowledge and skills.
c. Performance Standard:
The learner recognizes the differences and uniqueness of the art styles of the
different periods.
d. Learning Competency:
Describe the influence of iconic artists belonging to the Neoclassical and Romantic
e. Reference: Music and Arts (Learner’s Module) page 224-245
f. Materials: Laptop, PPT, TV
g. Values Integration:

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminaries

Let us all stand for the opening prayer. (the student will stand up)

Good morning, Class! Good morning, Sir.

Class leader kindly checked the attendance. Yes, Sir.

Thank you.

Setting of Standards

Class, I have some rules for you follow.

Kindly read it. A – Always try your Best!!!
R – Respect your art and your classroom
T – Treat everyone with kindness
I – Imagine and be Creative
S – Safety first
T – Trust in your Abilities

Okay, thank you so much.

Review of the Lesson

Activity: Arrange me!!!

Last meeting, we discussed about Neoclassic

period. Let me see if you understand the
lesson well.
Instruction: Arrange the scrambled letter or
word to get the correct answer. Did you get
it? I will flash the questions together with
the scrambled words. 1. He was an influential French painter in the
Neoclassical style and considered to be the
pre-eminent painter of the era. (JEUCQAS-
2. He was a prolific Italian artist and sculptor
who became famous for his marble
sculptures that delicately rendered nude
3. He was known as the Palladian architect of
the Neoclassical who designed two well-
known American civic buildings. (REBORT
4. His masterpiece is the Library of Sainte-
5. He designed the most famous classical block
of all, which is the Palais Garnier. (CAHRELS

Activity: Photo Analysis
I will be showing you some pictures and
after that, I will be asking questions.
(Flash the images) 1. What type of image is this? (photo, sculpture, or
2. What is the title of the image?
3. Who is the artist?
4. What exactly do you see in the painting?

Lesson Proper

Before we are going to discuss. Let’s have an
activity first. In this activity you will be group
into 3 or 4 groups and identify who is the
painter or the sculptor of this artwork. There
will be choices in the box.
1. Hercules Sitting on a Bull
2. The Church of Marissel, near Beauvais
3. Landscape with a Plowman
4. The Third of May
5. Liberty Leading the People
6. The Raft of the Medusa
7. The Burial of Sardine
8. Der Kleine Fischer
9. Insane Woman
10. Departure of the Volunteers
So, now we’re going to tackle about
Romanticism or Romantic period together
with Romantic Painters and Sculptors and
their famous artwork.

Anyone, kindly read Romanticism.

Romanticism was a movement in which the artists of
Neoclassical period sought to break a new ground
expression of emotion, both subtle and stormy.

Now, we move on to the Romantic Painting.

Romantic paintings gave more emphasis on
emotion. (images to be shown on the slides)

Next, Painters of the Romantic Period.

1. Jean Louis Theodore Gericault (1791-1824)
- He was the first French master and the leader of
the French realistic school. His masterpieces were
energetic, powerful, brilliantly colored, and tightly

Famous Artwork:
1. The Raft of the Medusa – The Raft of the Medusa
portrays the victims of a contemporary shipwreck.
The people on this raft were French emigrants en
route to West Africa.
2. Charging Chasseur – his first major work revealed
the influence of the style of Rubens and an interest
in the depicton of contemporary subject matter.

3. Insane Woman – one of several portraits Gericault

made of the mentally disabled that has a peculiar
hypnotic power.

2. Eugene Delacroix (1798-1863) France

Delacroix was considered the greatest French

Romantic painter of all. He achieved brilliant visual
effects using small, adjacent strokes of contrasting

Famous Artwork:
Liberty Leading the People – this painting
commemorates the July revolution of 1830, which
toppled King Charles X of France. A woman holding
the flag of the French Revolution personifies Liberty
and leads the people forward over the bodies of the
3. Francisco Goya (1746-1828) Spain

Francisco Goya was a commissioned Romantic

painter by the King of Spain. He was also a
printmaker regarded both as the last of the “Old
Masters” and the first of the “modern.”

Famous Artwork:
1. The Third of May – is Goya’s masterpiece that
sought to commemorate Spanish resistance to
Napoleon’s armies during the occupation of 1808 in
the Peninsular War.
2. Saturn Devouring his Son – this artwork depicts
the Greek myth of the Titan Cronus (Saturn), who
fears that he would be overthrown by one of his
children, so he ate each one upon their birth.
3. The Burial of Sardine – was a Spanish ceremony
celebrated on Ash Wednesday and was a symbolical
burial of the past to allow society to be reborn,
transformed with new vigor.
So, that’s the end of our discussion. Now, we
will be having an activity.


Instruction: In your own group, I will be

giving you a printed picture or painting and
you’re going to analyze it and fill in what is 1.
being asked.
Name of the Paintings:


Name of the painting:


Name of the Painting:


Name of the painting:


Name of the painting:
I know that you’ve learned a lot from our
discussion. So, for sure you can answer the
following questions.
What is Romanticism? Yes, Mr. / Ms.. Romanticism was a movement in which the artists of
neoclassical period sought to break new ground in
the expression of emotion, both subtle and stormy.
Okay. Very good.
Who can give me an artist in portrait
painting and his artwork? (students answer may vary)

Okay. Very good.

Why is it important to appreciate artwork
from the Romantic period? It is important to appreciate artwork from the
Romantic period because…

Activity: Multiple Choice
Instruction: Choose the correct answer. 1. He was the first French master and the
leader of the French realistic school.
a. Jean Gericault
b. Eugene Delacroix
c. Francisco Goa
d. Jean Louis Theodore Gericault

2. This painting portrays the victims of a

contemporary shipwreck.
a. Charging Chasseur
b. Insane woman
c. The Raft of the Medusa
d. Liberty Leading the People

3. He was considered the greatest French

Romantic painter of all.
a. Francisco Goya
b. Francois Rude
c. Eugene Delacroix
d. Antoine-Louis Barye

4. This painting commemorates the July

revolution of 1830, which toppled King
Charles X of France.
a. Liberty Leading the People
b. The Third of May
c. The Burial of Sardine
d. Insane Woman

5. This artwork depicts the Greek myth of the

Titan Cronus (Saturn), who fears that he
would be overthrown by one of his children,
so he ate each one upon birth.
a. The Burial of Sardine
b. The Third of May
c. Saturn Devouring his son.
d. Charging Chasseur
Please pass all your activities.

For your assignment, please do an advanced

Goodbye class. Goodbye, Sir.

Prepare by Checked by

Marvin W. Cayag Jayson A. Aguirre

Pre-service Teacher Teacher II

Approved by

Nona A. Addun
Head Teacher V

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