Sterile Processing Final Exam Questions and Correct Answers 100

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Why is it important to evenly distribute large instruments in a set?

Extra condensation will make the set more difficult to dry

Which of the following BEST describes the overall role of the CS/SPD
To provide dependable service to enhance patient care

Which of the following government agencies regulates environmental


Medical-grade kraft paper CANNOT be used with which of the following

sterilization processes ?
Low temperature gas plasma

During cycle counts, items that have a large dollar value but are NOT used
frequently are classified as
Anatomy is the science that deals with the________ of the body parts

Which of the following transports molecules within the cell?


Which of the following sets would be considered high risk for special prion
Craniotomy set

Which of the following organs produces bile?


Microorganisms are measured in


With respect to rigid sterilization container testing, which term defines the
sterilizer's ability to sterilize under actual conditions?
Maximum load testing

What is the ideal human body temperature?

98.6° F

Which of the following is TRUE of capsules

It is resistant to heat and chemicals

Pulmonary capillaries are found in which system?


Ethics is the practice of

Doing the right thing.

A microorganism that is resting and had a hard shell like outer covering is called a

Spongiform encephalopathy is caused by which of the following


Nails,tissues, and money are examples of


Cholera is transmitted by
Contaminated food and water

In the FINAL step of hand washing, the fingers should be rinsed with the fingertips

Water less hand antiseptics contain what percentage concentration of alcohol

make the MOST effective
60% to 95%

All of the following play a role in how bones support other body systems EXCEPT
Distribution of hormones

OSHA requires that containers of potentially infectious materials be


Round or spherical bacterial are called


The removal of contamination from an item to the extent necessary for further
processing is called

Which of the following should be cleaned daily

Floors and work surfaces

Which of the following is a TRUE statement regarding the use of personal

protective equipment (PPE) in the decontamination area
Failure to wear PPE can result in disciplinary action

Before the medical device is cleaned and processed

The manufacturer's instructions must be obtained
The MINIMUM time needed for effective hand washing is
15 seconds

Which of the following IS NOT s consideration when selecting a detergent?

Cost of detergent

The relative acidity or alkalinity of a solution is referred to as its


Clostridium botulinum is harbored in (the)


A solution with a pH of 3 is considered


A solution with a pH of 13 is considered

Which of the following are major non living reservois of infectious diseases
Soil and water

Alkaline detergents are BEST for mechanical washers because of

Extended dry cycles

Which of the following is used to remove severe stains on stainless steel

Organic acid detergent

One method of preventing biofilm formation on instruments is to

Rinse the instruments with distilled water and dry them out

An ultrasonic lumen cleaner is used to clean

Laparoscopic instruments

To reduce the potential for instrument corrosion, the multi step process is in a
mechanical washer consists of
Alkaline,wash,acid rinse,regular rinse
Opened but unused instrument sets should be
Completely reprocessed

If too many microorganisms remain on an item after the cleaning process, the
Disinfection process might not be effective

Which of the following chemicals are bactericidal and used for the cleaning
inanimate environmental surfaces and floors?
Quaternary ammonium compounds

What is the ceiling threshold limit value for glutaraldehyde?


Which of the following pieces of equipment is used to regulate body temperature

Hypo/hyperthermia machine

Which of the following pieces of equipment is used to prevent the formation of

blood clots?
Sequential compression device
Which series of stainless steel is used to manufacturer osteotomes?

For manual lubrication, surgical instruments should be placed in a lubricant

solution and then
Room air dried

Which of the following should be cut with dissecting scissors ?


What is the purpose of a tungsten carbide insert on a needle holder?

To hold the suture needle better

When should laparoscopic instruments be reassembled for sterilization?

When recommended by the manufacturer

Which of the following types of instruments are used to view internal organs
through very small openings?

Instruments must NEVER be


Which of the following is an example of a flexible endoscope?


In the sterile storage area of CS/SPD, the temperature is 70° F (21°C) and the
humidity is 69%. What should be done ?
Continue with routine activities

Anyone entering the the preparation area MUST

Wear proper attire

Where should the chemical indicator be placed when sterilizing two large basins
with smaller basins in one set?
In the top and bottom basins
If a wrapper will be used as a sterile field, how far over the edge of the table MUST
it extend ?
6 inches

Rigid containers are a medical device and MUST have a 510(k) clearance from the
FDA (food and drug administration)

The three basic shapes of microbes are round spiral and

Rod like

In NON TABLE TOP steam sterilizers steam is generated

A boiler

Autoclave tape is considered which class of indicator ?

Class 1

The part of the steam sterilizer that produces heat inside the chamber to prevent
condensation from forming on the chamber walls is the
The need for frequent reprocessing can be MINIMIZED by
Proper stock rotation

What is the coldest part of the sterilizer

Drain line

Gradual heating of packs occurs during which phase of the steam sterilizer cycle?

An emergency eye wash station MUST

Permit hands free operations

What is the MOST important thing to remember when double peel pouching ?
The inner pouch must lay flay inside the outer pouch

Which of the following BEST describes a MINIMUM exposure time, temperature ,

and pressure for prevaccum steam sterilization of wrapped items?
4 minutes at 270°F (132°C) and 28 to 30 pounds per square inch
What is the first step to take when an instrument needs to be sterilized for
immediate use ?
Clean the instrument according to the manufacturer's instructions

Incoming saturated steam should be within which of the following ranges of

97% to 100%

Failure to remove all air from a package within the steam sterilizer will result in
Poor steam penetration

Damage to medical/surgical supplies stored in the RECEIVING AREA can be

avoided by
Removing supplies from the original shipping cartons

Steam is exhausted from the sterilizer through the

Chamber drain line

Why MUST textile packs be placed on their sides for sterilization?

To facilitate air removal and stream penetration

The MOST unique feature of an integrating chemical indicator is its ability to

Perform in parallel to a biological indicator

EO kills microorganisms by a process called


The normal concentration of hydrogen peroxide in a low temperature gas plasma

sterilizer is

Rigid sterilization containers should be biologically tested before


In the sterile storage area, the ventilation system MUST be under

Positive pressure

The hourly exchange rate in the sterile storage area should be AT LEAST

Which of the following is NOT a factor affecting the dry time in a steam sterilizer ?
Selected sterilization time

The optimum amount of a supply to order is called the

Economical order quantity

The cochlea is part of the

Inner ear

CS/CSP should be capable of planning for approximately what percentage of the

total needs of a unit?

Which of the following MUST be made available to distribution personnel?

Policies and procedures for correct handling of sterile supplies

Which of the following agencies regulate EO?


Another name for par level inventory is

Fixed inventory level

Which of the following is considered a disadvantage of an exchange cart system?

Inventory is duplicated

Which distribution system is designed to reduce storeroom inventory ?

Just in time

A biological indicator should contain how many spores?


The drain line basket in a steam sterilizer should be cleaned


Effective sterilization starts with

Through cleaning

Generally, incident reports should be filled

Within 24 hours of incident

An exhaust hood over the EO sterilizer is an example of a(n)

Engineering control

Which of the following is the correct incubation temperature range for biological
indicators used in steam sterilization?
131°F to 140°F

Which is the largest part of the brain


A chemical indicator responding to two or more critical parameters belongs to

which class?
Class 4
Ortho phtaldehyde is classified as a
High level disinfectant

When placing paper plastic pouches in a sterilizer the pouches should be placed
Paper facing plastic in a basket
Why is it important to evenly distribute large instruments in a set?
A. The set is difficult to carry if the weight is unevenly distributed
B. Extra condensation will make the set more difficult to dry
C. It is easier for the end user to sort the instrument
D. The overall weight of the set is affected

Which of the following BEST describes the overall role of the CS/SPD
A. To provide dependable service to enhance patient care
B. To provide sterilization services on a rigid schedule
C. To provide delivery of supplies
D. To provide direct patient care

Which of the following government agencies regulates environmental


Medical-grade kraft paper CANNOT be used with which of the following

sterilization processes ?
A. Steam
B. Ozone
C. Ethylene oxide
D. Low temperature gas plasma

During cycle counts, items that have a large dollar value but are NOT used
frequently are classified as
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D

Anatomy is the science that deals with the________ of the body parts
A. Function
B. Structure
C. Physiology
D. Sociology

Which of the following transports molecules within the cell

A. Cilia
B. Flagella
C. Nucleus
D. Cytoplasm

Which of the following sets would be considered high risk for special prion
A. Open heart set
B. Laparotomy set
C. Abdominal set
D. Craniotomy set

Which of the following organs produces bile?

A. Gallbladder
B. Pancreas
C. Stomach
D. Liver

Microorganisms are measured in

A. Inches
B. Microns
C. Millimeters
D. Centimeters

With respect to rigid sterilization container testing, which term defines the
sterilizer's ability to sterilize under actual conditions?
A. Biological testing
B. Small load testing
C. Chemical testing
D. Maximum load testing

What is the ideal human body temperature?

A. 96.8° F
B. 97.8° F
C. 98.6° F
D. 99.0° F

Which of the following is TRUE of capsules

A. It is less difficult to kill than vegatitive bacteria
B. It is more difficult to kill than a spore
C. It is resistant to heat and chemicals
D. It is easily killed by antibiotics

Pulmonary capillaries are found in which system?

A. Circulatory
B. Respiratory
C. Nervous
D. Digestive

Ethics is the practice of

A. Discussing patient issues with friends
B. Not reconizing cultural beliefs
C. Dealing with what is bad
D. Doing the right thing

A microorganism that is resting and had a hard shell like outer covering is called a
A. Prion
B. Spore
C. Flagella
D. Capsule

Spongiform encephalopathy is caused by which of the following

A. Prions
B. Spores
C. Viruses
D. Pyrogens

Nails,tissues, and money are examples of

A. Fomites
B. Vehicles
C. Vectors
D. Flagellae

Cholera is transmitted by
A. Droplets
B. Vectors
C. Direct contact
D Contaminated food and water

In the FINAL step of hand washing, the fingers should be rinsed with the fingertips
B. Left
C. Right
D. Down

Water less hand antiseptics contain what percentage concentration of alcohol

make the MOST effective
A. 25% to 49%
B. 60% to 95%
C. 50% to 100%
D. 75% to 100%

All of the following play a role in how bones support other body systems EXCEPT
A. Storage of minerals
B. Growth of blood cells
C. Distribution of hormones
D. Protection of internal organs

OSHA requires that containers of potentially infectious materials be

A. Leakproof
B. Rubber
C. Metal
D. Glass

Round or spherical bacterial are called

A. Cocci
B. Bacilli
C. Spiral
D. Flagellae

The removal of contamination from an item to the extent necessary for further
processing is called
A. Snorting
B. Sterilizing
C. Cleaning
D. Disinfection

Which of the following should be cleaned daily

A. Floors and work surfaces
B. Walls and vents
C. Floor drains
D. Ceilings
Which of the following is a TRUE statement regarding the use of personal
protective equipment (PPE) in the decontamination area
A. Its use is optional
B. Vinyl gloves are all that is needed manual cleaning
C. Failure to wear PPE can result in disciplinary action
D. If the temperature in the room is too warm, gowns do not need to be worn

Before the medical device is cleaned and processed

A. The manufacturer's instructions must be obtained
B. Material compatibility testing must be preformed
C. It must be approved by the electrician
D. It must be checked for function

The MINIMUM time needed for effective handwashing is

A. 5 seconds
B. 10 seconds
C. 15 seconds
D. 20 seconds
Which of the following IS NOT s consideration when selecting a detergent?
A. Quality of water
B. Amount of soil
C. Water temperature
D. Cost of detergent

The relative acidity or alkalinity of a solution is referred to as its

B. pH
C. Fx
D. B12

Clostridium botulinum is harbored in (the)

A. Soil
B. Air
C. Water
D. Body
A solution with a pH of 3 is considered
A. Concentrated
B. Neutral
C. Alkaline
D. Acidic

A solution with a pH of 13 is considered

A. Acidic
B. Neutral
C. Alkaline
D. Concentrated

Which of the following are major non living reservois of infectious diseases
A. Soil and water
B. Oil and water
C. Gas and oil
D. Soil and gas
Alkaline detergents are BEST for mechanical washers because of
A. Extended dry cycles
B. A lack of friction in washing
C. The need to break down protein
D. The high water temperature used

Which of the following is used to remove severe stains on stainless steel

A. Proteolytic enzyme detergent
B. Lipolytic enzyme detergent
C. Organic alkaline detergent
D. Organic acid detergent

One method of preventing biofilm formation on instruments is to

A. Rinse the instruments with distilled water and dry them out
B. Soak the instruments overnight in an enzyme solution
C. Use a chlorine based cleaner
D. Use a metal bristled brush
An ultrasonic lumen cleaner is used to clean
A. Sharp instruments
B. Hinged instruments
C. Delicate instruments
D. Laparoscopic instruments

To reduce the potential for instrument corrosion, the multi step process is in a
mechanical washer consists of
A. Alkaline,wash,acid rinse,regular rinse
B. Regular rinse,alkaline wash,acid rinse
C. Acid rinse,alkaline wash,regular rinse
D.Alkaline wash,regular rinse,acid rinse

Opened but unused instrument sets should be

A. Resterilized
B. Completely reprocessed
C. Repackaged and resterilized
D. Resterilized after the indicators are changed
If too many microorganisms remain on an item after the cleaning process, the
A. Disinfection process may not vary
B. Disinfection process might not be effective
C. Item will need to be sterilized and recleaned
D. Passivation layer on the item are changed

Which of the following chemicals are bactericidal and used for the cleaning
inanimate environmental surfaces and floors?
A. Halogen
B. Peracetic acid solutions
C. Glutaraldehyde solution
D. Quaternary ammonium compounds

What is the ceiling threshold limit value for glutaraldehyde?

A. 0.02ppm
B. 0.05ppm
C. 0.5 ppm
D. 0.25 ppm
Which of the following pieces of equipment is used to regulate body temperature
A. Hypo/hyperthermia machine
B. Sequential compression device
C. Continuous passive motion decive
D. Patient controlled analgesis pump

Which of the following pieces of equipment is used to prevent the formation of

blood clots?
A. Continuous passive motion device
B. Patient controlled anagesia pump
C. Sequntial compression device
D. Hypo/hyperthermia machine

Which series of stainless steel is used to manufacturer osteotomes?

A. 200
B. 300
C. 400
D. 500
For manual lubrication, surgical instruments should be placed in a lubricant
solution and then
A. Room air dried
B. Rinsed with treated water
C. Wiped off with a dry towel
D. Blown dried with compressed air

Which of the following should be cut with dissecting scissors ?

A. Suture
B. Wire
C. Tissue
D. Dressing

What is the purpose of a tungsten carbide insert on a needle holder?

A. To hold smaller needles
B. To allow easier inspection for cleanliness
C. To hold the suture needle better
D. To provide more friction than stainless steel
When should laparoscopic instruments be reassembled for sterilization?
A. Before ultrasonic cleaning
B. When recommended by the manufacturer
C. Immediately after ultrasonic cleaning
D. If they are to be flashed sterilized

Which of the following types of instruments are used to view internal organs
through very small openings?
A. Endoscopic
B. Powered
C. Self retaining
D. Micro

Instruments must NEVER be

A. Engraved
B. Etched
C. Taped
D. Color bonded
Which of the following is an example of a flexible endoscope?
A. Bronchoscope
B. Arthroscope
C. Resectoscope
D. Cystoscope

In the sterile storage area of CS/SPD, the temperature is 70° F (21°C) and the
humidity is 69%. What should be done ?
A. Continue with routine activities
B. Inspect all packages for excessive moisture
C. Contact engineering to lower the temperature
D. Contact engineering to increase the humidity

Anyone entering the the preparation area MUST

A. Sign in
B. Be an employee
C. Wear proper attire
D. Be at least 21 years old
Where should the chemical indicator be placed when sterilizing two large basins
with smaller basins in one set?
A. In the top basin
B. In the bottom basin
C. In the center of the basins
D. In the top and bottom basins

If a wrapper will be used as a sterile field, how far over the edge of the table MUST
it extend ?
A. 2 inches
B. 4 inches
C. 6 inches
D. 8 inches

Rigid containers are a medical device and MUST have a 510(k) clearance from the
A. CDC (center for disease control)
B. FDA (food and drug administration)
C. JC (Joint commission)
D. EPA (Environmental protection agency)
The three basic shapes of microbes are round spiral and
A. Straight
B. Square
C. Oval
D. Rod like

In NON TABLE TOP steam sterilizers steam is generated

A. The sterilizer jacket
B. A boiler
C. Steam lines
D. The internal chamber

Autoclave tape is considered which class of indicator ?

A. Class 1
B. Class 2
C. Class 3
D. Class 4
The part of the steam sterilizer that produces heat inside the chamber to prevent
condensation from forming on the chamber walls is the
A. Steam gauge
B. Pressure gauge
C. Door jacket
D. Jacket

The need for frequent reprocessing can be MINIMIZED by

A. Proper stock rotation
B. Ordering more supplies
C. Using plastic bags for dust covers
D. Establishing minimum stock quantities

What is the coldest part of the sterilizer

A. Back top
B. Center
C. Bottom back
D. Drain line
Gradual heating of packs occurs during which phase of the steam sterilizer cycle?
A. Holding
B. Exhaust
C. Conditioning
D. Exposure

An emergency eye wash station MUST

A. Provide 0.8 gallons of water per minute
B. Supply the water continuously for 30 minutes
C. Permit hands free operations
D. Flush one eye at a time

What is the MOST important thing to remember when double peel pouching ?
A. The inner package must remain unsealed
B. The inner package should be folded to fit inside the outer pouch
C. The inner pouch must lay flay inside the outer pouch
D. The two pouches should be sealed together
Which of the following BEST describes a MINIMUM exposure time, temperature ,
and pressure for prevaccum steam sterilization of wrapped items?
A. 4 minutes at 270°F (132°C) and 28 to 30 pounds per square inch
B. 3 minutes at 270°F (132°C) and 38 to 40 pounds per square inch
C. 15 minutes at 250°F (121°C) and 28 to 30 pounds per square inch
D. 30 minutes at 250°F ( 121°C) and 28 to 40 pounds per square inch

What is the first step to take when an instrument needs to be sterilized for
immediate use ?
A. Place the item in a peal pouch and seal
B. Place a biological indicator in the sterilizer
C. Clean the instrument according to the manufacturer's instructions
D. Wrap in double thickness non woven wrap

Incoming saturated steam should be within which of the following ranges of

A. 97% to 100%
B. 51% to 55%
C. 10% to 12%
D. 5% to 6%

Failure to remove all air from a package within the steam sterilizer will result in
A. Wet packs
B. Poor steam penetration
C. Drying out of the packaging material
D. Poor adherence of the autoclave tape

Damage to medical/surgical supplies stored in the RECEIVING AREA can be

avoided by
A. Storing supplies no closer than 18 inches from the ceiling
B. Storing supplies at least 8 inches from the floor
C. Avoiding temperature and humidity extremes
D. Removing supplies from the origional shipping cartons

Steam is exhausted from the sterilizer through the

A. Door gasket
B. Pressure gauge
C. Chamber jacket
D. Chamber drain line

Why MUST textile packs be placed on their sides for sterilization?

A. To aid the drying process
B. To facilitate air removal and stream penetration
C. To allow as many packs as possible to fit on the rack
D. To better the chemical indicator tape

We have an expert-written solution to this problem!

The MOST unique feature of an integrating chemical indicator is its ability to
A. To take the place of a biological indicator
B. Be incubated and read within 3 hours
C. Perform in parallel to a biological indicator
D. Be suitable for all types of sterilization

EO kills microrganisms by a process called

A. Condensation
B. Maturation
C. Oxidation
D. Alkylation

The normal concentration of hydrogen peroxide in a low temperature gas plasma

sterilizer is
A. 30%
B. 48%
C. 59%
D. 75%

Rigid sterilization containers should be biologically tested before

A. Placement of the filters
B. Purchasing
C.Testing gaskets
D. The first cycle of the day

In the sterile storage area, the ventilation system MUST be under

A. The sprinklers
B. The air conditioners
C. Negative pressure
D. Positive pressure

The hourly exchange rate in the sterile storage area should be AT LEAST
A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. 8

Which of the following is NOT a factor affecting the dry time in a steam sterilizer ?
A. Type of packaging
B. Weight of sets
C. Selected sterilization time
D. Configuration of the load

The optimum amount of a supply to order is called the

A. reorder point
B. cycle count
C. Perpetual inventory count
D. Economical order quantity

The cochlea is part of the

A. Middle ear
B. External ear
C. Inner ear
D. Tympanic cavity

CS/CSP should be capable of planning for approximately what percentage of the

total needs of a unit?
A. 50%
B. 75%
C. 90%
D. 100%

Which of the following MUST be made available to distribution personnel?

A. A map of the facility
B. Dedicated locker rooms
C. Computerized inventory and distribution systems
D. Policies and procedures for correct handling of sterile supplies

Which of the following agencies regulate EO?


Another name for par level inventory is

A. Total exchange cart
B. Demand distribution
C. Just in time distribution
D. Fixed inventory level

Which of the following is considered a disadvantage of an exchange cart system?

A. Inventory is duplicated
B. Supplies must be requisitioned
C. Patients are charged immediately
D. Supplies can be potentially outdate

Which distribution system is designed to reduce storeroom inventory ?

A. Just in time
B. Exchange carts
C. Par level stocking
D. Demand distribution

A biological indicator should contain how many spores?

A. 10-1
B. 10-2
D. 10-6

The drain line basket in a steam sterilizer should be cleaned

A. Weekly
B. Daily
C. Monthly
D. Quarterly

Effective sterilization starts with

A. Proper handwashing
B. Use of a germicide
C. Through cleaning
D. use of enzymatics

Generally, incident reports should be filled

A. within 24 hours of incident
B. Only If there is a severe injury
C. When requested by workman's compensation
D. For employees injuries only

An exhaust hood over the EO sterilizer is an example of a(n)

A. Regulated area
B. Emission control
C. Emergency plan
D.Engineering control

Which of the following is the correct incubation temperature range for biological
indicators used in steam sterilization?
A. 131°F to 140°F
B. 140°F to 183°F
C. 250°F to 275°F
D. 270°F to 275°F

Which is the largest part of the brain

A. Cerebrum
B. Cerebellum
C. Brain stem
D. Spinalcord

A chemical indicator responding to two or more critical parameters belongs to

which class?
A. Class 2
B. Class 3
C. Class 4
D. Class 5

Ortho phtaldehyde is classified as a

A. Low level disinfectant
B. Immediate level disinfectant
C. High level disinfectant
D. Liquid sterilant

When placing paper plastic pouches in a sterilizer the pouches should be placed
A. Paper to paper in a basket
B. Plastic to plastic in a basket
C. Paper facing plastic in a basket
D. On their edge placed in between other packages

Extra condensation will make the set more difficult to dry.

What is the purpose of evenly distributing large sets of instruments?
To provide dependable service to enhance patient care.
What is the overall role of the SPD?

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

What government agency has the responsibility for approving new environmental
disinfectants prior to their being sold to healthcare facilities?

Low-temperature gas plasma

Medical-grade kraft paper cannot be used in what type of sterilization process?

A items
During cycle counts, items that have a large dollar value but are not used
frequently are classified as what?

The science that studies the structure of the body is known as...

What transports molecules within the cell?
Craniotomy set
What set would be considered high-risk for special prion processing?

What organ produces bile?

Microorganisms are measured in what?

Maximum-load testing
What respect to rigid sterilization container testing, which term defines the
sterilizer's ability to sterilize under actual use conditions?

98.6 F (37 C)
If you have a fever, your temperature would be above what temperature?

It is resistant to heat and chemicals

What is a capsule resistant to?
Respiratory system
Pulmonary capillaries are found in what system?

Doing the right thing.

Ethics is the practice of what?

A microorganism that is resting and has a hard, shell-like outer covering is called

What is spongiform encephalopathy caused by?

Nails, tissues, and money are examples of what?

Contaminated food and water

Cholera is transmitted by...
pointed up
In the final step of handwashing, the fingers should be rinsed with the

60% - 95%
Waterless hand antiseptics contain what percentage concentration of alcohol to
make them most effective?

~ Storage of minerals
~Growth of blood cells
~Protection of the internal organs
How do the bones support the other body systems?

Leak proof.
The OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) requires that
containers for potentially infectious materials be...

Round or spherical bacteria are called what?
The removal of contamination from an item to the extent necessary for further
processing is called what?

Floors and work surfaces

What should be cleaned daily?

C) Failure to wear PPE can result in disciplinary action.

Select the following statement that is true about the use of PPE in the
decontamination area.
A) Its use is optional.
B) Vinyl floves are all that is needed for manual cleaning.
C) Failure to wear PPE can result in disciplinary action.
D) If the temperature in the room is too warm, gowns do not need to be worn.

The manufacturer's instructions must be obtained.

What must happen before a medical device is cleaned and processed?

15 seconds
The minimum time needed for effective handwashing is...

Neutralizing acid
What chemical is required for rinsing when a high-alkaline detergent is used in a
mechanical washer?

The relative acidity or alkalinity of a solution is referred to as its...

the soil
Clostridium botulinum is harbored in...

A solution with a pH of 13 is considered...

Soil and water

which of the following are major non-living reservoirs of infectious diseases?

A solution with a pH of 3 is considered...

Anodized aluminum
What materials may be affected by the use of high-alkaline detergents?

Organic acid detergent

What is used to remove severe stains on stainless steel instruments?

rinse the lumens with distilled water and dry them well.
One method of preventing biofilm formation in lumens is to...

soft bristled brush

Generally, the distal end of a rigid endoscope should be cleaned with a...

alkaline wash, acid rinse, regular rinse.

To reduce the potential for corrosion, the multi-step process in a mechanical
washer consists of...

completely reprocessed.
Opened but used instruments sets should be...

disinfection process might not be effective.

When high-level disinfecting a device, if too many microorganisms remain on an
item after the cleaning process, the...

Quaternary ammonium compounds

what chemical is used for cleaning inaniae environmental surfaces and floors?

two times.
Unless otherwise directed, an item high-level disinfected in Gluraraldehyde must
be rinsed a minimum of...

Hypo/hyperthermia machine
What piece of equipment would be used to regulate body temperature?

Sequential compression device

What piece of equipment would be used to prevent the formation of blood clots?
400 series
Which series of stainless steel is used to manufacture osteotomes?

room air-dried.
For manual lubrication, surgical instruments should be placed in a lubricant
solution and then....

What is cut with dissecting scissors?

To hold the suture needle better.

What is the purpose of a tungsten carbide insert on a needle holder?

When recommended by the manufacturer

When should laparoscopic instruments be re-assembled for sterilization?

Endoscopic instrument
What instrument is used to view internal organs through very small openings?
It should never be engraved
What should never be done to an instrument?

What is an example of a flexible endoscope?

Continue with routine activities

In the sterile storage area of the SPD, the temperature is 70 degrees F (21 C) and
the humidity is 69%. What should be done?

wear proper attire

Anyone entering the preparation area must...

top and bottom basins

When sterilizing two large basins with smaller bowls in the same set, the chemical
indicator should be placed in the...

6 inches
If a wrapper will be used as a sterile field, how far over the edge of the table must
it extend?
With written manufacturer's instructions
When can loaner instrument sets be placed inside rigid sterilization containers?

round, spiral, and rod-like

The three basic shapes of microbes are...

a boiler
In non-table top steam sterilizers, steam is generated in...

Class 1
Autoclave tape is considered which class of chemical indicator?

The part of the steam sterilizer that produces heat inside the chamber to prevent
condensation from forming on the chamber walls is the.....

Proper stock rotation

What is most effective to minimize frequent reprocessing of sterile supplies?
drain line
The coldest location inside the steam sterilizer chamber is the...

Gradual heating of packs occurs during which phase of steam sterilization cycle?

permit hands-free operation.

An emergency eyewash station must....

inner pouch must lay flat inside the outer pouch.

When double paper-plastic pouching is permitted, the...

4 minutes at 270 degrees F (132 C) and 28 to 30 pounds of pressure per square

inch (psi)
What is the minimum exposure time, temperature, and pressure for pre-vacuum
steam sterilization of wrapped items?

Clean the instrument according to the manufacturer's instructions.

What is the first step to take when a instrument needs to be sterilized for
immediate use?

97% - 100%
Incoming saturated steam should be within which of the following ranges of

poor steam penetration.

Failure to remove all air from a package to be steam sterilized may result in...

avoiding temperature and humidity extremes.

Damage to medical/surgical supplies stored in the receiving area can be avoided

Chamber drain line

Steam is exhausted from the sterilizer through the...

facilitate air removal and steam penetration.

Textile packs must be placed on their sides in the steam sterilizer in order to...
perform in parallel to a biological indicator.
The most unique feature of an integrating chemical indicator is its ability to...

Ethylene Oxide gas kills microorganisms by a process called...

The normal concentration of hydrogen peroxide in low-temperature gas plasma
sterilizer is...

they are purchased.

Rigid sterilization containers must be biologically bested before...

Positive pressure
In the sterile storage area, the ventilation system must be under what kind of

4 exchanges per hour

The hourly air exchange rate in the sterile storage area should be at least...
Selected sterilization time
What is not a factor affecting the dry time in a steam sterilizer?

Economical order quantity

The optimum amount of a supply to order is called the...

Inner ear
The cochlea is part of the...

The SPD should be capable of planning for approximately what percentage of the
total needs of a unit?

Policies and procedures for correct handling of sterile supplies.

What must be made available to distribution personnel?

Low-level disinfection
According to Spaulding's classification, a noncritical device requires what kind of

Fixed inventory level

Another name for par-level inventory is...

Inventory is duplicated
What is considered a disadvantage of an exchange cart system?

Which distribution system is designed to reduce storeroom inventory?

10^ -6
An item is consdered sterile if the sterility asssurance level reaches...

How often should the drain-line basket in a steam sterilizer be cleaned?

thorough cleaning.
Effective sterilization begins with...

Incident reports should be filed...

Engineering control
An exhaust hood over the ethylene oxide gas sterilizer is an example of an...

131-140 degrees F (55-60 C)

What is the correct incubation temperature range for biological indicators used in
steam sterilization?

What is the largest part of the brain?

Higher temperatures require higher pressure.

What is true regarding steam sterilization?

high-level disinfectant.
Ortho-phthaldehyde is classified as a...

Paper facing plastic

When placing paper-plastic pouches in a sterilizer, the pouches should be
positioned how?

Why is it important to evenly distribute large instruments in a set?

A. The set is difficult to carry if the weight is unevenly distributed
B. Extra condensation will make the set more difficult to dry
C. It is easier for the end user to sort the instrument
D. The overall weight of the set is affected

Which of the following BEST describes the overall role of the CS/SPD
A. To provide dependable service to enhance patient care
B. To provide sterilization services on a rigid schedule
C. To provide delivery of supplies
D. To provide direct patient care
Which of the following government agencies regulates environmental

Medical-grade kraft paper CANNOT be used with which of the following

sterilization processes ?
A. Steam
B. Ozone
C. Ethylene oxide
D. Low temperature gas plasma

During cycle counts, items that have a large dollar value but are NOT used
frequently are classified as
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
Anatomy is the science that deals with the________ of the body parts
A. Function
B. Structure
C. Physiology
D. Sociology

Which of the following transports molecules within the cell

A. Cilia
B. Flagella
C. Nucleus
D. Cytoplasm

Which of the following sets would be considered high risk for special prion
A. Open heart set
B. Laparotomy set
C. Abdominal set
D. Craniotomy set
Which of the following organs produces bile?
A. Gallbladder
B. Pancreas
C. Stomach
D. Liver

Microorganisms are measured in

A. Inches
B. Microns
C. Millimeters
D. Centimeters

With respect to rigid sterilization container testing, which term defines the
sterilizer's ability to sterilize under actual conditions?
A. Biological testing
B. Small load testing
C. Chemical testing
D. Maximum load testing
What is the ideal human body temperature?
A. 96.8° F
B. 97.8° F
C. 98.6° F
D. 99.0° F

Which of the following is TRUE of capsules

A. It is less difficult to kill than vegatitive bacteria
B. It is more difficult to kill than a spore
C. It is resistant to heat and chemicals
D. It is easily killed by antibiotics

Pulmonary capillaries are found in which system?

A. Circulatory
B. Respiratory
C. Nervous
D. Digestive
Ethics is the practice of
A. Discussing patient issues with friends
B. Not reconizing cultural beliefs
C. Dealing with what is bad
D. Doing the right thing

A microorganism that is resting and had a hard shell like outer covering is called a
A. Prion
B. Spore
C. Flagella
D. Capsule

Spongiform encephalopathy is caused by which of the following

A. Prions
B. Spores
C. Viruses
D. Pyrogens
Nails,tissues, and money are examples of
A. Fomites
B. Vehicles
C. Vectors
D. Flagellae

Cholera is transmitted by
A. Droplets
B. Vectors
C. Direct contact
D Contaminated food and water

In the FINAL step of hand washing, the fingers should be rinsed with the fingertips
B. Left
C. Right
D. Down
Water less hand antiseptics contain what percentage concentration of alcohol
make the MOST effective
A. 25% to 49%
B. 60% to 95%
C. 50% to 100%
D. 75% to 100%

All of the following play a role in how bones support other body systems EXCEPT
A. Storage of minerals
B. Growth of blood cells
C. Distribution of hormones
D. Protection of internal organs

OSHA requires that containers of potentially infectious materials be

A. Leakproof
B. Rubber
C. Metal
D. Glass
Round or spherical bacterial are called
A. Cocci
B. Bacilli
C. Spiral
D. Flagellae

The removal of contamination from an item to the extent necessary for further
processing is called
A. Snorting
B. Sterilizing
C. Cleaning
D. Disinfection

Which of the following should be cleaned daily

A. Floors and work surfaces
B. Walls and vents
C. Floor drains
D. Ceilings
Which of the following is a TRUE statement regarding the use of personal
protective equipment (PPE) in the decontamination area
A. Its use is optional
B. Vinyl gloves are all that is needed manual cleaning
C. Failure to wear PPE can result in disciplinary action
D. If the temperature in the room is too warm, gowns do not need to be worn

Before the medical device is cleaned and processed

A. The manufacturer's instructions must be obtained
B. Material compatibility testing must be preformed
C. It must be approved by the electrician
D. It must be checked for function

The MINIMUM time needed for effective handwashing is

A. 5 seconds
B. 10 seconds
C. 15 seconds
D. 20 seconds
Which of the following IS NOT s consideration when selecting a detergent?
A. Quality of water
B. Amount of soil
C. Water temperature
D. Cost of detergent

The relative acidity or alkalinity of a solution is referred to as its

B. pH
C. Fx
D. B12

Clostridium botulinum is harbored in (the)

A. Soil
B. Air
C. Water
D. Body
A solution with a pH of 3 is considered
A. Concentrated
B. Neutral
C. Alkaline
D. Acidic

A solution with a pH of 13 is considered

A. Acidic
B. Neutral
C. Alkaline
D. Concentrated

Which of the following are major non living reservois of infectious diseases
A. Soil and water
B. Oil and water
C. Gas and oil
D. Soil and gas
Alkaline detergents are BEST for mechanical washers because of
A. Extended dry cycles
B. A lack of friction in washing
C. The need to break down protein
D. The high water temperature used

Which of the following is used to remove severe stains on stainless steel

A. Proteolytic enzyme detergent
B. Lipolytic enzyme detergent
C. Organic alkaline detergent
D. Organic acid detergent

One method of preventing biofilm formation on instruments is to

A. Rinse the instruments with distilled water and dry them out
B. Soak the instruments overnight in an enzyme solution
C. Use a chlorine based cleaner
D. Use a metal bristled brush
An ultrasonic lumen cleaner is used to clean
A. Sharp instruments
B. Hinged instruments
C. Delicate instruments
D. Laparoscopic instruments

To reduce the potential for instrument corrosion, the multi step process is in a
mechanical washer consists of
A. Alkaline,wash,acid rinse,regular rinse
B. Regular rinse,alkaline wash,acid rinse
C. Acid rinse,alkaline wash,regular rinse
D.Alkaline wash,regular rinse,acid rinse

Opened but unused instrument sets should be

A. Resterilized
B. Completely reprocessed
C. Repackaged and resterilized
D. Resterilized after the indicators are changed
If too many microorganisms remain on an item after the cleaning process, the
A. Disinfection process may not vary
B. Disinfection process might not be effective
C. Item will need to be sterilized and recleaned
D. Passivation layer on the item are changed

Which of the following chemicals are bactericidal and used for the cleaning
inanimate environmental surfaces and floors?
A. Halogen
B. Peracetic acid solutions
C. Glutaraldehyde solution
D. Quaternary ammonium compounds

What is the ceiling threshold limit value for glutaraldehyde?

A. 0.02ppm
B. 0.05ppm
C. 0.5 ppm
D. 0.25 ppm
Which of the following pieces of equipment is used to regulate body temperature
A. Hypo/hyperthermia machine
B. Sequential compression device
C. Continuous passive motion decive
D. Patient controlled analgesis pump

Which of the following pieces of equipment is used to prevent the formation of

blood clots?
A. Continuous passive motion device
B. Patient controlled anagesia pump
C. Sequntial compression device
D. Hypo/hyperthermia machine

Which series of stainless steel is used to manufacturer osteotomes?

A. 200
B. 300
C. 400
D. 500
For manual lubrication, surgical instruments should be placed in a lubricant
solution and then
A. Room air dried
B. Rinsed with treated water
C. Wiped off with a dry towel
D. Blown dried with compressed air

Which of the following should be cut with dissecting scissors ?

A. Suture
B. Wire
C. Tissue
D. Dressing

What is the purpose of a tungsten carbide insert on a needle holder?

A. To hold smaller needles
B. To allow easier inspection for cleanliness
C. To hold the suture needle better
D. To provide more friction than stainless steel
When should laparoscopic instruments be reassembled for sterilization?
A. Before ultrasonic cleaning
B. When recommended by the manufacturer
C. Immediately after ultrasonic cleaning
D. If they are to be flashed sterilized

Which of the following types of instruments are used to view internal organs
through very small openings?
A. Endoscopic
B. Powered
C. Self retaining
D. Micro

Instruments must NEVER be

A. Engraved
B. Etched
C. Taped
D. Color bonded
Which of the following is an example of a flexible endoscope?
A. Bronchoscope
B. Arthroscope
C. Resectoscope
D. Cystoscope

In the sterile storage area of CS/SPD, the temperature is 70° F (21°C) and the
humidity is 69%. What should be done ?
A. Continue with routine activities
B. Inspect all packages for excessive moisture
C. Contact engineering to lower the temperature
D. Contact engineering to increase the humidity

Anyone entering the the preparation area MUST

A. Sign in
B. Be an employee
C. Wear proper attire
D. Be at least 21 years old
Where should the chemical indicator be placed when sterilizing two large basins
with smaller basins in one set?
A. In the top basin
B. In the bottom basin
C. In the center of the basins
D. In the top and bottom basins

If a wrapper will be used as a sterile field, how far over the edge of the table MUST
it extend ?
A. 2 inches
B. 4 inches
C. 6 inches
D. 8 inches

Rigid containers are a medical device and MUST have a 510(k) clearance from the
A. CDC (center for disease control)
B. FDA (food and drug administration)
C. JC (Joint commission)
D. EPA (Environmental protection agency)

The three basic shapes of microbes are round spiral and

A. Straight
B. Square
C. Oval
D. Rod like

In NON TABLE TOP steam sterilizers steam is generated

A. The sterilizer jacket
B. A boiler
C. Steam lines
D. The internal chamber

Autoclave tape is considered which class of indicator ?

A. Class 1
B. Class 2
C. Class 3
D. Class 4

The part of the steam sterilizer that produces heat inside the chamber to prevent
condensation from forming on the chamber walls is the
A. Steam gauge
B. Pressure gauge
C. Door jacket
D. Jacket

The need for frequent reprocessing can be MINIMIZED by

A. Proper stock rotation
B. Ordering more supplies
C. Using plastic bags for dust covers
D. Establishing minimum stock quantities

What is the coldest part of the sterilizer

A. Back top
B. Center
C. Bottom back
D. Drain line

Gradual heating of packs occurs during which phase of the steam sterilizer cycle?
A. Holding
B. Exhaust
C. Conditioning
D. Exposure

An emergency eye wash station MUST

A. Provide 0.8 gallons of water per minute
B. Supply the water continuously for 30 minutes
C. Permit hands free operations
D. Flush one eye at a time

What is the MOST important thing to remember when double peel pouching ?
A. The inner package must remain unsealed
B. The inner package should be folded to fit inside the outer pouch
C. The inner pouch must lay flay inside the outer pouch
D. The two pouches should be sealed together

Which of the following BEST describes a MINIMUM exposure time, temperature ,

and pressure for prevaccum steam sterilization of wrapped items?
A. 4 minutes at 270°F (132°C) and 28 to 30 pounds per square inch
B. 3 minutes at 270°F (132°C) and 38 to 40 pounds per square inch
C. 15 minutes at 250°F (121°C) and 28 to 30 pounds per square inch
D. 30 minutes at 250°F ( 121°C) and 28 to 40 pounds per square inch

What is the first step to take when an instrument needs to be sterilized for
immediate use ?
A. Place the item in a peal pouch and seal
B. Place a biological indicator in the sterilizer
C. Clean the instrument according to the manufacturer's instructions
D. Wrap in double thickness non woven wrap

Incoming saturated steam should be within which of the following ranges of

A. 97% to 100%
B. 51% to 55%
C. 10% to 12%
D. 5% to 6%

Failure to remove all air from a package within the steam sterilizer will result in
A. Wet packs
B. Poor steam penetration
C. Drying out of the packaging material
D. Poor adherence of the autoclave tape

Damage to medical/surgical supplies stored in the RECEIVING AREA can be

avoided by
A. Storing supplies no closer than 18 inches from the ceiling
B. Storing supplies at least 8 inches from the floor
C. Avoiding temperature and humidity extremes
D. Removing supplies from the origional shipping cartons

Steam is exhausted from the sterilizer through the

A. Door gasket
B. Pressure gauge
C. Chamber jacket
D. Chamber drain line

Why MUST textile packs be placed on their sides for sterilization?

A. To aid the drying process
B. To facilitate air removal and stream penetration
C. To allow as many packs as possible to fit on the rack
D. To better the chemical indicator tape

We have an expert-written solution to this problem!

The MOST unique feature of an integrating chemical indicator is its ability to
A. To take the place of a biological indicator
B. Be incubated and read within 3 hours
C. Perform in parallel to a biological indicator
D. Be suitable for all types of sterilization

EO kills microrganisms by a process called

A. Condensation
B. Maturation
C. Oxidation
D. Alkylation

The normal concentration of hydrogen peroxide in a low temperature gas plasma

sterilizer is
A. 30%
B. 48%
C. 59%
D. 75%

Rigid sterilization containers should be biologically tested before

A. Placement of the filters
B. Purchasing
C.Testing gaskets
D. The first cycle of the day

In the sterile storage area, the ventilation system MUST be under

A. The sprinklers
B. The air conditioners
C. Negative pressure
D. Positive pressure

The hourly exchange rate in the sterile storage area should be AT LEAST
A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. 8

Which of the following is NOT a factor affecting the dry time in a steam sterilizer ?
A. Type of packaging
B. Weight of sets
C. Selected sterilization time
D. Configuration of the load

The optimum amount of a supply to order is called the

A. reorder point
B. cycle count
C. Perpetual inventory count
D. Economical order quantity

The cochlea is part of the

A. Middle ear
B. External ear
C. Inner ear
D. Tympanic cavity

CS/CSP should be capable of planning for approximately what percentage of the

total needs of a unit?
A. 50%
B. 75%
C. 90%
D. 100%

Which of the following MUST be made available to distribution personnel?

A. A map of the facility
B. Dedicated locker rooms
C. Computerized inventory and distribution systems
D. Policies and procedures for correct handling of sterile supplies

Which of the following agencies regulate EO?


Another name for par level inventory is

A. Total exchange cart
B. Demand distribution
C. Just in time distribution
D. Fixed inventory level

Which of the following is considered a disadvantage of an exchange cart system?

A. Inventory is duplicated
B. Supplies must be requisitioned
C. Patients are charged immediately
D. Supplies can be potentially outdate

Which distribution system is designed to reduce storeroom inventory ?

A. Just in time
B. Exchange carts
C. Par level stocking
D. Demand distribution

A biological indicator should contain how many spores?

A. 10-1
B. 10-2
D. 10-6

The drain line basket in a steam sterilizer should be cleaned

A. Weekly
B. Daily
C. Monthly
D. Quarterly

Effective sterilization starts with

A. Proper handwashing
B. Use of a germicide
C. Through cleaning
D. use of enzymatics

Generally, incident reports should be filled

A. within 24 hours of incident
B. Only If there is a severe injury
C. When requested by workman's compensation
D. For employees injuries only

An exhaust hood over the EO sterilizer is an example of a(n)

A. Regulated area
B. Emission control
C. Emergency plan
D.Engineering control

Which of the following is the correct incubation temperature range for biological
indicators used in steam sterilization?
A. 131°F to 140°F
B. 140°F to 183°F
C. 250°F to 275°F
D. 270°F to 275°F

Which is the largest part of the brain

A. Cerebrum
B. Cerebellum
C. Brain stem
D. Spinalcord

A chemical indicator responding to two or more critical parameters belongs to

which class?
A. Class 2
B. Class 3
C. Class 4
D. Class 5

Ortho phtaldehyde is classified as a

A. Low level disinfectant
B. Immediate level disinfectant
C. High level disinfectant
D. Liquid sterilant

When placing paper plastic pouches in a sterilizer the pouches should be placed
A. Paper to paper in a basket
B. Plastic to plastic in a basket
C. Paper facing plastic in a basket
D. On their edge placed in between other packages

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