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Haemophilia (2008), 14 (Suppl.

3), 76–82

Diagnosis of factor VIII deficiency

*Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Central Laboratory for Haematology, Nijmegen; and Foundation of the
European Concerted Action on Thrombophilia (ECAT), Leiden, the Netherlands

Summary. The correct diagnosis of factor VIII defi- the three methods for factor VIII activity assay, one-
ciency and the assessment of severity of the disease stage and two-stage assay and chromogenic assays,
are essential for a patient-tailored treatment strategy. are discussed. The chromogenic assay seems to be
An optimal diagnostic procedure comprises sensitive more sensitive than the one-stage assay with regard
and specific screening methods and factor VIII to the detection of severe haemophilia. Discrepant
activity assays. Different screening reagents show results obtained with one-stage and two-stage assays
variable characteristics and receiver operator char- are reviewed and discussed.
acteristic curves are presented showing the relation
between sensitivity and specificity of eleven activated Keywords: assay, deficiency, factor VIII, laboratory
partial thromboplastin time reagents. The details of

philia and carriers of haemophilia is important as

these patients need to be protected against bleeding
Factor VIII (FVIII) deficiency, a laboratory-based complications during surgical interventions [3]. In
diagnosis, includes all the clinical situations where this review, the practical problems that arise with the
FVIII clotting activity (FVIII:C) is lower than the laboratory diagnosis of FVIII deficiency will be
normal values and may lead to clinical bleeding discussed.
An FVIII:C assay has to be performed when a
Screening tests for detection of FVIII:C
patient is suspected of having haemophilia or being
carrier of the disease or when a screening clotting test
is prolonged. Assays to monitor treatment and to
Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (aPTT)
establish concentrate activities have recently and
extensively been reviewed [1,2] and are beyond the While hereditary haemophilia is detected by direct
scope of this publication and will not be further measurement of FVIII:C, non-hereditary haemo-
discussed. philia (especially the mild forms in de novo muta-
The correct diagnosis of FVIII deficiency is a tions) will mostly be identified by a screening test for
prerequisite for a patient-tailored treatment strategy. bleeding problems using aPTT assays. Nowadays,
It is extremely important to discriminate between more than 35 aPTT reagents are available but only a
severe (FVIII:C < 1 IU dL)1), moderate (FVIII:C few publications are available that investigate the
between 1 and 5 IU dL)1) and mild haemophilia sensitivity and specificity, to detect FVIII deficiency,
(FVIII:C between 5 and 25 IU dL)1). Besides, the of these reagents [4–6].
correct identification of patients with sub-haemo- We evaluated eleven aPTT reagents that were most
frequently used in external quality surveys for their
Correspondence: B. Verbruggen, Radboud University Nijmegen potential to detect FVIII deficiency: Cephascreen,
Medical Centre, Central Laboratory for Haematology, Nijmegen, aPTT Kaolin, PTT-LA, PTTa and PTT Reagent, all
the Netherlands.
from Stago; Synthasil and aPTT-SP from IL; Actin
Tel.: +31 24 3614796; fax: +31 24 3568408;
e-mail: FSL, Actin FS and Pathromtin SL from Dade Behring
(Siemens); Platelin LS from Biomerieux (Trinity
The authors stated that they had no interests which might be Biotech). In total, 30 samples were analysed, 15
perceived as posing a conflict or bias. normal samples and 15 samples from patients with
Accepted after revision 15 February 2008 haemophilia As FVIII:C was between 20 and

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76 Journal compilation  2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

(a) Cephascreen Platelin * SL test does not have any diagnostic values at all. All
tests have a reasonable sensitivity and specificity for
30 IU dL)1 FVIII:C activity (Fig. 1a). However, a
0.90 number of tests lack sensitivity and/or specificity for
0.80 detecting 50 IU dL)1 FVIII:C activity (Fig. 1b). A
number of reagents show batch variability to some
degree which means that one cannot fully rely on the

0.60 data of a single batch.

0.50 Besides these characteristics of the test, the pre-
analytical treatment of samples and the quality of
liquid handling within the laboratory are determi-
0.30 nants of quality of testing. Guidelines for optimal
0.20 performance are provided by the Clinical and Lab-
oratory Standards Institute (CLSI, Wayne, USA) in
the H21-A5 protocol describing collection, trans-
0.00 port, and processing of blood specimens for testing
0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 plasma-based coagulation assays and molecular
1-specificity haemostasis.
As most tests are sensitive for low FVIII levels and
(b) Cephascreen Kaolin as (mild) FVIII deficiencies are the most common
1.00 abnormality of the classical coagulation pathway,
FVIII has to be quantified whenever an abnormal
aPTT is found.
0.70 Thrombin generation test and thromboelastography

The thrombin generation time (TGT) was originally
0.50 described by Macfarlane and Biggs [7] for whole
0.40 blood and by Pitney and Dacy [8] for plasma. Since
then, a vast number of variants have been pub-
lished, all differing in detail from one another. In
0.20 the more modern versions of the test, chromogenic
0.10 and fluorogenic substrates are used in the reaction
mixture allowing continuous monitoring of throm-
bin generation. The test has recently been reviewed
0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00
by Barrowcliffe [2]. The TGT seems of limited value
1-specificity for the diagnosis of haemophilia A because of the
low sensitivity and specificity especially for moder-
Fig. 1. (a) Receiver operator characteristics (ROC) curves for the ate and mild FVIII deficiency. However, the test
ability of the reagents to detect 30 IU dL)1 (1a) and 50 IU dL)1
may be useful to discriminate between different
(1b) FVIII:C activities. On the Y-axis the sensitivity and on the
X-axis 1-specificity. (b) Every individual point on a curve repre-
phenotypes within the population of severe haemo-
sents the correlation between sensitivity and specificity at a certain philia A patients [9–11]. In addition, the test may
cut-off value of the reagent. Only the extreme curves are shown. be useful as a global haemostasis test to monitor
haemophilia A patients, who are being treated with
FVIII products, to predict the outcome of treatment
60 IU dL)1, with a proven gene mutation. Receiver [12,13].
operator characteristics (ROC) curves were con- Thromboelastography [14] and other types of
structed (Fig 1a,b, only the extremes are shown) for waveform analyses [15] are whole blood assays that
the ability of the reagents to detect 30 IU dL)1 and measure speed of clot formation and strength of the
50 IU dL)1 FVIII:C activity representing mild and clot. The assays are started by addition of calcium
borderline FVIII deficiency, respectively. The more a and/or tissue factor or celite to citrated blood
curve is located to the left upper edge of the diagram samples. The assays show variable results for fac-
the better are both the sensitivity and specificity. A tor-deficient plasmas [16], lack specificity but may be
diagonal line from (0;0) to (1;1) indicates that the useful for monitoring of treatment of haemophilia A

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Journal compilation  2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Haemophilia (2008), 14 (Suppl. 3), 76–82
78 B. VERBRUGGEN et al.

patients. The methods have recently been reviewed main advantage of the method is that it does not need
extensively [2]. expensive reagents (e.g. FVIII deficient plasma or
chromogenic substrates) and that it is not influenced
by pre-activated coagulation factors in the sample.
FVIII assays
However, no commercial reagents are available for
FVIII concentrations can be quantified by bio- this assay and it is difficult to automate. At present,
assays measuring activity and immunological assays the two-stage clotting assay is largely replaced by the
measuring cross-reacting material (CRM). There are chromogenic assay that has more or less the same
three bioassays available: (i) one-stage clotting assay, characteristics.
(ii) two-stage clotting assay and (iii) assay with
chromogenic substrates.
One-stage FVIII:C activity assay
The most widely used immunological assay now-
adays is the ELISA-based method. We analysed FVIII The one-stage FVIII:C assay is the most widely used
CRM with ELISA and FVIII:C activity with the one- method for the determination of FVIII clotting activ-
stage assay in 60 patients with mild to moderate ity and detection of FVIII:C deficiency. The test was
haemophilia A (Fig. 2). There is a big variation in first described by Langell in 1953 [18]. Nowadays, it
ratio between activity and CRM and we concluded is performed identically to the original method and
that the CRM assay does not contribute to the has been extensively reviewed by Over [19] and more
classification of haemophilia A patients. recently by Mannucci [20]. The test is based upon the
ability of a highly diluted patient sample to shorten
the clotting time in a medium that additionally
Two-stage FVIII:C activity assay
consists of FVIII deficient plasma, an aPTT reagent
The two-stage FVIII:C activity assay was developed (phospholipids and a negatively charged surface or
by Biggs in 1955 [17]. In this test, serum of a normal liquid contact activator) and calcium. Because all
donor and diluted patient plasma are incubated with clotting factors are present in excess of FVIII, the
phospholipids and calcium, which results in the clotting time of the mixture is mainly affected by the
formation of prothrombinase. This is proportional to FVIII:C activity resulting in a linear relation between
the FVIII concentration and can be quantified by sub both clotting times (linear) and standard dilutions
sampling into normal plasma and measuring the (logarithmic). An important prerequisite for this assay
clotting time. The details and limitations of the test is parallelism of these curves between standard
have recently been reviewed extensively [2]. The dilutions and dilutions of patient plasma. Non-paral-
lelism indicates the presence of inhibiting or otherwise
disturbing factors and the results of these assays are
160 not appropriate. Consequently, FVIII:C activity
assays always have to be performed in at least three
different dilutions to check parallelism. However, this
is a time-consuming and expensive procedure. As a
practical alternative in our laboratory, we assay more
than one dilution in only previously unknown

patients with FVIII:C < 50 IU dL)1.

A number of variables can influence the assay and
may contribute to an undesirably high intra- and
inter-laboratory coefficient of variation and/or de-
40 creased accuracy of the results. These items will
shortly be discussed.

0 Reference plasma
0 40 80 120 160

FVIII:C activity (IU/dL) In all types of assays (one- and two-stage assays and
chromogenic assay), the FVIII:C activity of patient
Fig. 2. The relationship between the data of the FVIII assay of
cross reactive material (CRM) with ELISA and the data of FVIII:C
plasma is read from a calibration curve of reference
assay with the one-stage assay in plasma of 60 hemophilia A pa- plasma representing the correlation between clot-
tients with a missense mutation in the FVIII gene. The curve from ting time or extinction (linear) and FVIII:C activ-
(0;0) to (160;160) represents the line of identity. ity (logarithmic). An absolute requirement in the

 2008 The Authors

Haemophilia (2008), 14 (Suppl. 3), 76–82 Journal compilation  2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

performance of the FVIII:C assay is the identical batches with FVIII:C residual activity equal to or
composition of the type of sample, the type of FVIII more than 1 IU dL)1.
(native or recombinant) and citrate concentration in A second requirement is the excess of all factors
reference and patient plasma. (the so-called Ôlike vs. except FVIII. Shortage of one of the other clotting
likeÕ principle). The FVIII:C activity of a given factors may influence the FVIII:C activity data and
plasma is expressed in IU dL)1, where 100 IU is may lead to non-parallelism between reference and
arbitrarily defined as the activity that is present in patient plasma. Concerning this aspect, a certificate
1 dL of pooled plasma. To be sure of potency, as of quality from the manufacturer or provider of the
close as possible to 100 IU dL)1, at least 50 healthy deficient plasma may be very helpful. Otherwise, one
donors aged 18–65 years have to be included, has to check every new batch of substrate plasma for
selected to represent all blood groups and both sexes these requirements.
equally. Aberrations in the potency of the pool will As von Willebrand Factor (VWF) is the natural
result in over- or underestimation of the FVIII levels. carrier protein of FVIII, the presence of VWF in
It is strongly advised to calibrate the reference FVIII-deficient plasma is of importance. In FVIII:C
plasma against the international standard for FVIII assays, markedly lower activities were found when
of the World Health Organization (WHO) that can using VWF-depleted-deficient plasma in comparison
be obtained from the National Institute for Biolog- with VWF-containing plasmas [22].
ical Standards and Control (Potters Bar, UK). The
calibration is performed by parallel measurement of
aPTT reagent
WHO standard and local standard in at least four
dilutions. The potency of the local standard can be Limited data comparing the sensitivity, reproducibil-
derived from these assays when both curves show ity and accuracy of various aPTT reagents used in the
parallelism [20]. FVIII assay are available. Cinotti et al. [21] used five
While final dilutions of patient plasma samples and different reagents (four from DADE and one from
standard dilutions can be made with a buffer IL) in highly standardized test procedures to analyse
solution, predilutions of the standard sample have three different plasma samples with 0.9, 8.6 and
to be made with FVIII deficient plasma [21]. Stan- 43 IU FVIIIdL)1. Good correlation was found
dard samples, prediluted with buffer, will give a between different reagents for the two highest
matrix in the assay medium that will differ from that concentrations but results were more variable for
of the patient sample. This will result in prolonged the samples with very low activity. The problems in
clotting times of the prediluted low activity standard the very low range of FVIII levels were also clear
samples and therefore FVIII:C activity results in the from a survey by the United Kingdom National
patient sample will be falsely high. External Quality Assessment Service (UKNEQUAS),
where approximately 30% of the participating lab-
oratories obtained results in the range between 1 and
Factor VIII-deficient plasma
3 IU dL)1 with plasma of a severe haemophiliac
An important feature of the FVIII:C assay is the [23]. These variations were of course not only due to
quality of the FVIII-deficient plasma [22]. In the past, the reagent variations but were the sum of all
congenital-deficient plasmas derived from severely possible errors. To clarify the role of the type of
affected patients were mostly used in the assays. reagent in identifying severe haemophiliacs, we
Nowadays, artificially depleted plasmas (immunode- analysed five samples from severe haemophiliacs
pleted, chemically depleted) are almost exclusively and five samples from moderate–severe haemophil-
used as substrate plasma. iacs with eleven different reagents that were most
The most important condition for deficient sub- frequently used in the FVIII:C assays. The results
strate plasma is the absolute absence of FVIII. (Table 1) show that 2/11 reagents (reagents 1 and 9)
However, in our experience, part of the commer- were not able to detect FVIII:C activity <1 IU dL)1
cially available immunodepleted FVIII-deficient plas- indicating that these reagents cannot be used to
mas is not fully deficient. As a result, the reference detect severe haemophilia. For the samples from the
curve will flatten in the range 0–3 IU dL)1 FVIII:C moderate–severe patients, there was a ratio of about
activity and FVIII:C activity in this window cannot 3 between the lowest and the highest result of the
be determined reliably and so severe haemophilia A different reagents. From these figures, it can be
(FVIII:C activity<1 IU dL)1) cannot be diagnosed. It concluded that the diagnosis of severe haemophilia
is strongly advised to check the residual FVIII:C with the one-stage assay may be very difficult unless
activity of FVIII-deficient plasma and reject all an appropriate aPTT reagent is used and the other

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80 B. VERBRUGGEN et al.

Table 1. FVIII:C activity assay with one-stage method of five samples from severe haemophilia A patients (1, 5, 7, 8 and10) and five
samples from moderate haemophilia A patients (2, 3, 4, 6 and 9). Eleven different aPTT reagents were used in the FVIII:C assays.

Sample Mutation gene type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1 inv. Intron 1 1.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.9 0.1 0.3 0.8 1.4 0.3 0.5
2 ex10 Tyr 476 stop C fi G 6.4 4.1 5.1 4.3 5.4 3.8 4.6 4.6 6.8 5.2 5.8
3 ex7 Hs256Arg A fi G 2.5 1.4 1.5 1.4 2.1 1.2 1.3 1.9 3.6 1.7 1.8
4 ex14 Asp121461u C fi G 5.4 3.9 4.5 3.7 5.0 3.8 4.1 4.6 8.3 5.0 4.9
5 inv. Intron 22 1.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.9 0.1 0.2 0.8 2.0 0.4 0.4
6 ex23 Arg2163Cys C fi T 1.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 1.3 0.5 0.8 1.5 3.0 1.0 1.0
7 ex14 Arg795stop C fi T nd 0.4 0.7 0.3 0.6 0.1 0.3 0.9 1.3 nd 0.5
8 inv. Intron 1 1.7 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.9 0.5 0.6 0.9 1.8 0.7 0.9
9 ex7 His256Arg A fi G 2.8 1.7 2.0 1.3 3.0 1.6 1.9 2.9 1.9 2.1 2.6
10 inv. Intron 22+/) 2.1 1.1 0.4 1.0 1.9 1.0 1.3 2.0 1.6 1.2 1.6
The results of the assays are expressed as IU dL)1.
Reagents: 1, STA Cephascreen (Stago); 2, STA APTT Kaolin(Stago); 3, PTT-LA (Stago); 4, PTT a (Stago); 5, PTT Reagent (Stago); 6,
Synthasil (HemosIL); 7, APTT-SP (HemosIL); 8, Dade Actin FSL Activated PTT Reagent (Dade Behring); 9, Dade Actin FS Activated
PTT Reagent (Dade Behring); 10, Pathromtin SL (Dade Behring); 11, Platelin LS (Biomerieux); NO, Not Determined.

test requirements are optimally met. To our under- persons with high FVIII levels after treatment with
standing, it may be better to diagnose severe desmopressin. However, in about 1/3 of the patients
haemophilia with a chromogenic assay. with mild haemophilia caused by a single-point
mutation, a discrepancy is described between the
one-stage and two-stage assay (both the two-stage
Chromogenic assay
clotting assay and chromogenic assay) [29]. Usually,
The chromogenic assay of FVIII:C is recommended the activity with the chromogenic assay is lower
by the FVIII and FIX subcommittee of the Scientific compared with the results of the one-stage assay and
and Standardization Committee (SSC) of the Inter- at least 17 different mutations have been identified so
national Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis far with discrepant assay data. Most mutations
(ISTH) as a reference method for FVIII:C activity appear in the interface between the subunits of the
assay both in plasma and in FVIII concentrates. The FVIII molecule [29]. The discrepancy can, at least
first report on chromogenic FVIII assay was pub- partly, be explained by increased instability of the
lished in 1975 [24] and further elaborated in the mutated molecule. In the chromogenic assay, this
following decade [25]. The reaction mixture consists renders lower FVIII:C activity because of the longer
of purified activated factor IX (FIXa), purified factor incubation time as compared with that of the one-
X (FX), phospholipids, calcium, a chromogenic stage assay. Recently, mutations have been described
substrate sensitive for activated factor X (FXa), which result in the converse discrepancy [30,31].
thrombin to activate FVIII and a highly diluted The chromogenic method has some advantages
reference plasma or patient plasma as a FVIII source. over the one-stage clotting assay. The assay is not
FX is activated by FIXa, and this step is accelerated influenced by the presence of lupus anticoagulants
by FVIIIa, approximately 100 000-fold [26]. FXa and thus can be used to distinguish between FVIII
hydrolyses an FXa-specific chromogenic substrate, inhibitors and lupus anticoagulants in patients with
resulting in the release of the chromophoric group acquired deficiency of FVIII [32]. Additionally, the
para-Nitro Aniline (pNA). The extinction can be assay is not influenced by clotting-specific reagents
read in a photometer at 405 nm and is directly like deficient plasma and aPTT reagent, or by pre-
proportional to the FVIII concentration. The method activation of FVIII and other clotting factors and has
can be easily executed with automatic analysers. a lower analytical variation and is more accurate
The results obtained with the amidolytic assay and especially in the lower range [27]. A method based
the one-stage clotting assay highly correlate with on commercially available reagents has been recently
each other [27,28]. No significant differences in the described that claims a detection limit of
results between the two methods were detected in the 0.15 IU dL)1 [33].
blood of donors with normal or high FVIII levels, in At our laboratory, a method has been developed
patients with a chronic liver disease and in normal for improved discrimination between severe and

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Haemophilia (2008), 14 (Suppl. 3), 76–82 Journal compilation  2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

used [34,36]. It shows the need for further standard-

ization as well as the need for critical evaluation of
the performance of the local test system.

Each step in the assessment of FVIII deficiency
(screening, diagnosis, classification) has its specific
conditions and limitations and requires a method
that best fits the specific demands concerning sensi-
tivity, specificity, accuracy and reproducibility. One-
stage and chromogenic FVIII:C assays mostly show
good correlation but clinically important discrepan-
cies are observed in mild haemophilia patients with
Fig. 3. The relationship of the Factor VIII:C activity and the
between-laboratory variation (CV) in the ECAT external quality missense mutations. Very low FVIII:C activities can
assessment programme (n = 150–200) for the period 2005–2007. best be diagnosed by chromogenic assays.

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 2008 The Authors

Haemophilia (2008), 14 (Suppl. 3), 76–82 Journal compilation  2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

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