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BPP School of Business and Technology


Table of Contents
Task 01......................................................................................................................................................2
Products and Services..................................................................................................................2
Operating Market............................................................................................................................3
Impacted Areas...................................................................................................................................3
Key Opportunities..............................................................................................................................4
Task 02......................................................................................................................................................5
Digital Business Agility.....................................................................................................................5
Informed Decision-Making............................................................................................................6
Fast Execution.................................................................................................................................6
Task 03......................................................................................................................................................7
Creating a Digital Ready Culture.....................................................................................................7
Putting Customers First................................................................................................................7
Creating a Collaborative Culture.................................................................................................8
Instilling a Culture of Innovation.................................................................................................8
Becoming a Digital-Champion.....................................................................................................9
Task 04......................................................................................................................................................9
Developing Digital Leadership........................................................................................................9
Recommended Leadership Styles..............................................................................................9
Developing these Styles.............................................................................................................10

Task 01
Hulu is a leading provider of high-quality streaming services that provides a diverse
selection of live and on-demand television shows and movies. It offers the choice of
viewing content with or without commercials, and can be accessed from anywhere, not
just within the home. Hulu is a significant player in the streaming and entertainment
industry, presently owned by The Walt Disney Company (after its procurement of 21st
Century Fox in 2019), NBCUniversal, and WarnerMedia.

Products and Services

The corporation offers a diverse array of programming that includes proprietary
productions, current and past seasons of television shows, films, and other options.
These offerings are distributed across multiple platforms, including smart TVs, gaming
consoles, mobile devices, and personal computers, to reach a broad audience.

Hulu offers two main categories of services, namely On-Demand Streaming and Live
TV. Hulu's On-Demand Streaming service provides a comprehensive collection of
series, movies, and Hulu Originals. In contrast, Hulu + Live TV offers an expanded
range of features, including the capacity to view live and recorded TV from over 65
channels, in addition to all the features of the On-Demand Streaming service.

Figure 1: Hulu Usage

Source: (Easton, 2022)

Operating Market
Hulu operates within the Over-the-Top (OTT) media services industry, which pertains to
streaming providers that offer products directly to consumers via the internet,
circumventing conventional cable, broadcast, and satellite television platforms that
typically serve as gatekeepers for content distribution. According to Lotz's (2017)
observations, over-the-top (OTT) media services have experienced significant
expansion in the 21st century, thereby transforming the television and movie
consumption landscape.

Hulu's business model, akin to other over-the-top (OTT) services, is emblematic of the
wider digital disruption in the media sector, presenting both obstacles and prospects for
industry stakeholders and consumers alike (Cunningham & Silver, 2013).

Impacted Areas
Digital disruption, the phenomenon where emerging digital technologies and new
business models affect the value proposition of existing goods and services, has
significantly impacted the media industry. Hulu, as a leading player in the OTT media
services sector, has been both a disruptor and the subject of disruption. The following
are three areas within Hulu that are significantly influenced by digital disruption:

 Content Production and Acquisition: The rise of digital platforms has

substantially transformed the landscape of content production and acquisition.
Traditional modes of broadcasting were primarily based on scheduled
programming where the broadcaster controlled what and when something is
viewed. However, with the advent of digital platforms like Hulu, Netflix, and
Amazon Prime, there is a push towards producing exclusive, original content to
differentiate their offerings and attract more subscribers (Tryon, 2015).
 Advertising Model: Hulu, unlike many other streaming services, offers a tier that
includes advertising. This digital disruption has challenged the traditional
advertising model. In the past, commercials were broadcast to all viewers
simultaneously, with no capability for personalization. However, with streaming
services like Hulu, advertisements can now be specifically targeted based on
user preferences and viewing habits (Napoli, 2020).

 Distribution Mechanism: Traditional TV distribution relied on broadcast

schedules and geographic restrictions. Digital disruption in the form of OTT
platforms like Hulu has demolished these constraints, allowing for global, on-
demand distribution (McDonald & Smith-Rowsey, 2016). Consumers can now
access content anytime, anywhere, and on any device. However, this also leads
to increased competition, not only among OTT services but also with other forms
of digital entertainment, such as social media and gaming.

Key Opportunities
Digital transformation is not merely about incorporating new technology into an
organization; it is about redefining organizational processes and culture to become
more efficient, innovative, and resilient. Here are some key opportunities that the CIO of
Hulu can consider to successfully digitally transform the organization:

 Embracing AI and Machine Learning: As a streaming service, Hulu already

leverages user data to recommend personalized content. However, the CIO can
deepen the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to
enhance predictive algorithms, improve user experience, automate routine tasks,
and even predict churn before it happens (Davenport & Ronanki, 2018).
 Expanding Original Content Production: Developing more exclusive, original
content can attract and retain subscribers, as well as distinguish Hulu in a
crowded marketplace. The CIO can explore technologies that support efficient
content production and management, such as cloud-based platforms for
seamless collaboration among remote teams, or VR/AR technology to create
unique viewing experiences.
 Investing in Cybersecurity: As the OTT media services sector grows, so does
its attractiveness to cyber threats. Investing in advanced cybersecurity
infrastructure is critical to protect sensitive user data, maintain trust, and ensure
service continuity. This might include AI-based threat detection systems,
encryption technologies, and regular security audits.
 Improving Quality of Service: The CIO should ensure that the quality of Hulu's
streaming service is top-notch, leveraging technology to provide high-quality

streaming with minimal buffering, regardless of the user's device or location. This
could involve investing in content delivery networks (CDNs), improving encoding
techniques, and exploring technologies like edge computing.
 Driving a Digital Culture: One of the critical elements of digital transformation is
cultivating a culture of innovation, agility, and continuous learning. The CIO can
foster such an environment by encouraging experimentation, supporting
professional development in digital skills, and promoting collaboration across

Task 02
Digital Business Agility
The Digital Business Agility Model developed by the Global Center for Digital Business
Transformation (2018) focuses on three key components: hyperawareness, informed
decision-making, and fast execution. To gain digital business agility, Hulu can
implement various initiatives and digital technologies as follows:

This component refers to a company's ability to detect and monitor changes in its
environment. For Hulu, this could mean being continuously aware of shifts in user
preferences, technological advances, competitive dynamics, regulatory changes, and
industry trends.

 Proposal: Hulu can leverage machine learning and artificial intelligence

algorithms to continuously analyze user behavior and preferences,
identifying trends and shifts in real-time. Technologies such as Natural
Language Processing (NLP) can be used to analyze customer reviews
and feedback for insights. AI can also be used to monitor the competitive
landscape and regulatory environment, automatically flagging relevant
news and updates.
 Technology Implementation: The use of IoT devices, like smart TVs and
wearables, can also provide valuable data on how users interact with

Hulu's service in different contexts. Combining IoT data with AI-powered

analysis could offer deep, actionable insights.

Informed Decision-Making
This involves interpreting and understanding the data collected to make strategic
decisions. It requires a strong data infrastructure and the ability to filter out noise to
identify true signals.

 Proposal: Hulu can implement advanced data analytics and machine

learning models to interpret collected data effectively. This could involve
using predictive analytics to forecast trends, and prescriptive analytics to
identify optimal strategies. For instance, these technologies could be used
to optimize content acquisition and production based on predicted user
 Technology Implementation: Advanced AI models can help in simulating
different business scenarios and understanding the potential outcomes of
various strategies, aiding in informed decision-making.

Fast Execution
This means being able to act quickly and effectively on the insights gained. It involves
agility, flexibility, and a willingness to take calculated risks.

 Proposal: Hulu should have robust technology infrastructure that allows

for rapid implementation of decisions. This could involve using cloud
technologies for scalable computing resources, and agile software
development practices for quick feature rollout.
 Technology Implementation: Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual
Reality (VR) technologies can be utilized to offer unique, immersive
viewing experiences, helping Hulu to differentiate itself in the competitive
streaming market.

Figure 2: Digital Business Agility Model

Source: (Bandy, 2017)

Task 03
Creating a Digital Ready Culture
Creating a digital-ready culture is an integral component of digital transformation. It
involves fostering an environment that supports continuous learning, collaboration,
customer-centricity, and innovation while embedding digital technologies into the
organization's fabric.

Here are some strategies that Hulu, a leading player in the media streaming industry,
can adopt to instill a digital-ready culture:

Putting Customers First

A digital-ready culture necessitates a customer-centric approach. By prioritizing
customers, Hulu can ensure that their products, services, and all associated
efforts align with customers' evolving preferences and expectations. This
alignment is crucial in the streaming industry, where user experience plays a
pivotal role in the competition.
 Recommendation: Hulu should leverage artificial intelligence (AI) and
data analytics to gain a deep understanding of their customer preferences
and behaviors. Personalization should be at the heart of Hulu's offerings,

providing tailored content recommendations and a user interface that

adapts to individual viewer preferences.
 Implementation: Hulu can frequently solicit customer feedback through
surveys, user reviews, and social media sentiment analysis. The insights
derived from these sources can drive continuous product and service
improvements. In parallel, Hulu should invest in technologies that elevate
the quality of its streaming service and overall user experience. For
instance, adaptive streaming technologies can be deployed to optimize
streaming quality based on the viewer's network conditions.

Creating a Collaborative Culture

Collaboration lies at the heart of a digital-ready culture. In a digital environment
characterized by rapid changes, organizations need to break down silos and
foster cross-functional collaboration to spur innovation and agility.
 Recommendation: Hulu should encourage the formation of cross-
functional teams that draw from diverse skills and perspectives. The use
of digital collaboration tools that facilitate seamless communication and
cooperation, even in a remote work context, should be promoted.
 Implementation: Hulu can deploy cloud-based collaboration tools that
enable real-time cooperation on projects. Regular cross-departmental
meetings or innovation workshops can be organized to foster mutual
understanding and collaboration among different functional teams.

Instilling a Culture of Innovation

Innovation is the fuel for digital transformation. A digital-ready culture should
encourage employees to experiment, take calculated risks, and embrace a
growth mindset.
 Recommendation: Hulu should cultivate an environment where
employees feel comfortable experimenting with new ideas. The
organization should acknowledge that failures are stepping stones
towards innovation and promote a 'fail-fast, learn-fast' culture.

 Implementation: Hulu could consider creating an internal innovation lab

or a 'sandbox' environment where employees can experiment with new
ideas without risking significant operational disruptions. Incentive
programs can be put in place to reward innovative thinking and successful

Becoming a Digital-Champion
To drive digital transformation, Hulu needs leaders who are not just conversant
with digital trends but also enthusiastic proponents of digital initiatives - in short,
digital champions.
 Recommendation: Hulu's leadership should stay abreast of the latest
digital trends and technologies and lead by example in adopting and
advocating for digital tools and practices.
 Implementation: Hulu should offer ongoing digital skills training to its
leaders and employees alike, ensuring the workforce is equipped to
navigate the digital landscape effectively. Furthermore, leaders can
participate in industry conferences, webinars, and events to stay updated
on digital trends and gain insights from peers and experts in the field.

Task 04
Developing Digital Leadership
Recommended Leadership Styles
Goleman’s leadership styles, proposed by psychologist Daniel Goleman, consist of six
distinct styles: coaching, pacesetting, democratic, affiliative, authoritative, and coercive.
Each style has its unique strengths and drawbacks, and the effectiveness of a style can
depend on the specific context.

Here's an exploration of which styles might be particularly effective for leaders at Hulu to
support digital transformation.

1. Coaching Style: This style emphasizes personal development and is

characterized by leaders guiding individuals to discover their strengths and
weaknesses, set development goals, and learn (Goleman, 2000).
Application: As digital transformation involves a significant learning curve,
leaders who employ a coaching style can help their teams build the necessary
digital skills and knowledge. This style promotes a learning-oriented culture,
crucial for adapting to the rapid pace of technological change.
2. Democratic Style: This style values team input in decision-making processes.
Democratic leaders encourage participation and collaboration, fostering a sense
of ownership and commitment among team members (Goleman, 2000).
Application: In digital transformation initiatives, this leadership style can be
invaluable as it encourages cross-functional collaboration and collective problem-
solving. It also ensures diverse perspectives are considered when adopting new
technologies or redesigning processes.
3. Authoritative Style: Authoritative leaders are visionary, providing clear direction
and motivation. They align the team around a common objective and empower
them to achieve it (Goleman, 2000).
Application: Given the complexity of digital transformation, leaders employing
an authoritative style can help provide a clear vision and direction, aligning the
whole organization towards the transformation goals. These leaders can
effectively communicate the need for change and the benefits it will bring, thus
driving buy-in and commitment.

The nature of digital transformation, with its focus on innovation, learning, and change,
suggests that a combination of coaching, democratic, and authoritative styles would be
most effective. Leaders need to shift between these styles as needed, creating a
learning environment, fostering collaboration, and providing a clear vision and direction
for the transformation.

Developing these Styles

Based on Goleman’s leadership styles, the coaching, democratic, and authoritative
styles would be most effective for Hulu's leaders during the digital transformation

process. Here are some approaches and techniques that can help develop these
leadership styles:

 Leadership Development Programs

Programs specifically designed to foster these leadership styles should be
implemented. This could involve training sessions, workshops, or coaching from
experienced leaders or external experts. The programs could cover the theory
behind each style, case studies, role-playing exercises, and opportunities for
feedback and reflection (McAlearney, et al., 2005).
 The GROW Model
The GROW (Goals, Reality, Options, Will) Model is a coaching technique that
leaders can use to guide their team members' development. It could also be used
in a self-coaching context, with leaders using it to improve their own leadership
style (Berg & Karlsen, 2016):
Goals: Identify what the leaders want to achieve in terms of their leadership
style. What aspects do they want to develop or improve?
Reality: Assess the current situation. What is the leader's current style, and how
effective is it?
Options: Identify different strategies for developing the desired leadership style.
This could involve reading leadership books, attending training, seeking
mentorship, etc.
Will: Commit to a specific action plan to develop the desired leadership style.
 360-Degree Feedback
This involves gathering feedback about a leader from their superiors, peers, and
subordinates. This can provide a comprehensive view of a leader's strengths and
weaknesses and provide specific, actionable insights for development (Cannon &
Witherspoon, 2005).
 Action Learning
This involves solving real business problems, promoting learning through action.
Leaders can develop their democratic and authoritative styles by leading cross-

functional teams to tackle digital transformation challenges. They can develop

their coaching style by mentoring team members.
 Mentoring and Role-Modeling
Pairing leaders with mentors who embody the desired styles can be effective.
Observing and interacting with these role models can provide leaders with a
practical, firsthand understanding of the coaching, democratic, and authoritative

In conclusion, the digital disruption within the entertainment industry presents both
challenges and opportunities for Hulu. To thrive amidst this change, the organization
must harness the power of AI and machine learning, expand original content, invest in
cybersecurity, and maintain superior quality of service. At the core of this transformation
should be a digital culture that promotes collaboration, innovation, and agility. Crucially,
the role of Hulu's leadership cannot be understated - leaders should not only be aware
of the latest digital trends but also foster an environment conducive to learning and
experimentation. With a balanced application of coaching, democratic, and authoritative
leadership styles, Hulu can successfully navigate its digital transformation, delivering a
competitive and customer-focused streaming platform.

Bandy, K. (2017). Creating Digital Leaders Who Thrive in a World of Exponentially
Accelerating Change. [online] Cisco Blogs. Available at:

Barrette, P. (2017). Amanda D. LOTZ (2017), Portals: A Treatise on Internet-Distributed

Television. Communication, (vol. 35/2). doi:

Berg, M.E. and Karlsen, J.T. (2016). A study of coaching leadership style practice in
projects. Management Research Review, 39(9), pp.1122–1142.

Cannon, M.D. and Witherspoon, R. (2005). Actionable feedback: Unlocking the power
of learning and performance improvement. Academy of Management Perspectives,
[online] 19(2), pp.120–134. doi:

Cunningham, S. and Silver, J. (2013). On-line film distribution : Its history and global

Davenport, T.H. (2018). Artificial Intelligence for the Real World. [online] Harvard
Business Review. Available at:

Easton, J. (2022). Netflix, YouTube & Hulu power US streaming to new record high in
April. [online] TBI Vision. Available at:

Goleman, D. (2000). Leadership That Gets Results. [online] Harvard Business Review.
Available at:

McAlearney, Scheck, A., Fisher, D., Heiser, K., Robbins, D. and Kelleher., K. (2005).
Developing Effective Physician Leaders: Changing Cultures and Transforming

Organizations - ProQuest. [online] Available at:
origsite=gscholar&cbl=41545 [Accessed 22 Jun. 2023].

Mcdonald, K. and Smith-Rowsey, D. (2016). The Netflix effect : technology and

entertainment in the 21st century. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, An Imprint Of
Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.

Napoli, P.M. (2020). Social Media and the Public Interest: Media Regulation in the
Disinformation Age. [online] Columbia University Press. Columbia University Press.
Available at:
9780231184540 [Accessed 22 Jun. 2023].

Tryon, C. (2015). TV Got Better: Netflix’s Original Programming Strategies and the On-
Demand Television Transition. Media Industries Journal, 2(2).

Wade, M.R., Macaulay, J., Noronha, A. and Barbier, J. (2018). Orchestrating

transformation : how to deliver winning performance with a connected approach to
change. Lausanne, Switzerland: Imd, International Institute For Management

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