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Semester/Academic year 2 2022-2023

FINAL EXAM Date ___/___/2023
Course title Sensor and Measurement Techniques
FACULTY OF APPIED SCIENCE Duration 90 mins. Code 02
Notes: - Allow to use books, documents or Laptop.

Part 1: Problem (5 points)
A bridge circuit is used to read value of RTD Pt100 as Figure 1. Give R1 = R2 = R3 =100 ohms
a. Find Vout = f(RTD); calculate the voltage that produced by a 10.0 oC in temperature.

Figure 1: RTD Wheatstone bridge

 RTD 1  1  T 1  T
Vout  VDD     VDD     VDD
 R0  RTD 2   2  T 2  2  2  T 
b. In specific application, range of temperature is 0-300OC, find RTD value and Vout value
at minimum and maximum value of temperature, assume that Rw = 0Ω;

RTD T   R0 1   T 
RTD  0   R0
RTD Tmax   R0 1   Tmax 

Vout  0   0
 Tmax
Vout Tmax   VDD
2  2   Tmax 
c. Assume that Rw =1 Ω, Calculate the temperature error that caused by Rw
In practical, the is the effect of wire resistance
RTDr T   R0 1   T   2 Rw
In ideal case, the measurement temperature will be

RTD Tm   R0 1   Tm   RTDr T   R0 1   T   2 Rw

 R0 Tm  R0 T  2 Rw

2 Rw
 eT  Tm  T 
d. The bridge output Vout is supplied to the ADC 8 bit with V REF = 5V. Determine the range
ADC values that obtained from Vout. Find the Temperature resolution in this case
Voltage resolution:

RV   V
2 N  1 255
With Temperature Resolution

VDD  T  RT  V T
RV   DD
2 2   T  RT  2 2  T
RV   REF
2 2   T 255
V 2 2  T
 RT  REF
255 VDD 

e. It is required that the Temperature Resolution is small than 0.3OC. Find the ADC that
meets the requirement.

VREF 2 2  T
 RT   0.3
 2 N
 1 DD
V 

f. The output voltage Vout is required to processed into the range of 0-5V. The processed
output is provided to the ADC 10bit
 Draw the conditioning circuit?
Using Opamp Amplifier circuit with Gain
Vo max
VO Tmax 

 Find the Temperature resolution?

VREF 2 2  T 1
 RT' 
 2 N  1 VDD  G
 Find the ADC values at temperature 40OC and 150OC

VO T  G.Vout T 
nADC 
 2 N  1  VREF

 Determine the Temperature values that are determined from ADC values

nADC  1023
VREF 2 2   T
g. With a Wheatstone bridge, there is a error that caused by Rw. To overcome this
drawback, the current source is the solution.
 Draw the 8mA current source for the RTD sensor.
Using Current source circuit

Select V0 =0.8V; Rs = 100 Ohm

 Determine the range of output voltage

Vout  I s RTD  V 0
Part 2: Short Questions(5 points)

1. Give a full bridge loadcell as shown in Figure 2?

Figure 2: Loadcell
a. Draw an electric equivalent circuit for the loadcell
Draw as Wheatstone with 4 variable resistors
b. Determine the equation of loadcell output voltage

 R  R R0  R  R
Vout  VDD  0    VDD
 2 R0 2 R0  R0
c. Assume that the loadcell applied voltage is 10V; Loadcell capacity is 50kg, Loadcell
sensitivity is 2mV/V
i. Find loadcell output voltage at maximum load

Vout max  VEX * 2

ii. Find loadcell output voltage at 20kg load

Vout  VEX * 2 *
2. Give an instrumentation circuit as Figure 3:

a. Prove the equation VOUT

b. Write down advantages and applications of this circuit
c. Assume that VIN =15mV; Find VOUT value
3. The temperature of a fluid is measured by immersing a type K thermocouple in it. The
reference junction of the thermocouple is maintained at 0 C in an ice bath and an output
e.m.f. of 6.435 mV is measured. What is the indicated fluid temperature?
Type K Seebeck Coefficient (µV/°C): S = 41 uV/OC

  S T  Tref   ST

 T 
4. Sketch an incremental shaft encoder. Explain what it measures and how it works. What
special design features can be implemented to increase the measurement resolution of a
disc of a given diameter

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