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I. Reference to context

A. “He died two months ago.”

1. Who said the above line to whom?
2. Who is ‘he’ being referred to in the above extract?
3. How did he die in the zoo?
4. Why did grandfather ask the zoo keeper to transfer Timothy to another cage?
5. Give synonyms of- a) relish b) crafty

B. We realized that we were near human beings and that they were angry and
unhappy .
1. Who is ‘they’ being referred to in the extract?
2. What were they doing in mid-stream?
3. Why did three fishermen curse the three men in the boat?
4. Who is the author of this story?


II. Reference to context

A. Marinade in courtesy,
Grind some inspiration ,
Pepper it over the top,
With gusto and dedication
1.In the above line what does the word “gusto” mean ?
2.Why do you think inspiration is peppered on top?
3.What does God use to garnish this unique dish ?
4. Why is this recipe special?

B. I come from haunts of coot and hern,

Make a sudden sally,
And sparkle out among the fern,
To bicker down a valley.
1.Who is referred to as ‘I’?
2. Where does the brook originate from?
3. Which word in the text means ‘rush’?
4. How does the brook sparkle?
5. Where does the brook finally meet the river?

C. I wish I were a watchman walking the street

All night,chasing the shadows with my lantern.
1. Who is the speaker in the poem?
2. When and where did the speaker see the watchman?
3. Why does he wish to be a watchman?
4. Quote from memory:
When at four___________________________
Garden with nobody to stop me from digging.
III. Match the following in 1-a format:
1.extolled a. resting
2.reclining b. a transparent white rock used in jewellery
3.sally c. wait
4.linger d. a sudden descent or drop
5.cast a gloom e. praised highly
6.crystal f. made them unhappy

IV. State whether the following statements are True or False-

1. Sincerity is used to garnish the recipe in heaven’s kitchen.
2. Timothy was the name of a leopard in the story.
3.The brook is a small pond mentioned in the poem.
4. Ruskin Bond is the author of the story ‘A Tiger in the House’.

V. Frame sentences-

VI. Give antonyms-

1.lusty x___________ 6. sudden x ____________
2.absurd x_________ 7. strength x_____________
3.lonely x___________ 8. muddy x______________
4.curse x___________ 9. wisdom x_____________
5.scornful x_________ 10. delicate x____________


I. Answer in one or two words:

1. A teacher is the source of _______________.
2. Who was respected a lot in the narrator’s village?
3. Name the column written by the narrator which impressed Abdul Kalam.
4. Where did the narrator meet Kalam for the first time?
5. Name the organization through which the narrator donated books to ten thousand
6.Name the book in which the narrator read about Kalam’s life.
7.Who had contested against Kalam for the post of President?
8. Name the birthplace of Abdul Kalam.

II. Answer in detail-

1. What was Arjuna’s opinion about a teacher?
2. Why is writing columns not an easy job, according to the narrator?
3. Describe the village library visited by the narrator .
4. Which were the various topics discussed between Dr. Kalam and the narrator’s son.


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