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Matriculation number ID of degree programme

12341243 UM 992 339

Last name, first name(s) Date of birth
Naveed, Neesaun 18.09.1989
Degree programme
University course; Lightweight Membrane Structures MEng (as a non-degree student)

The following examinations have been taken:

Course/subject/module: ECTS Semester Date Assessment
Number/semester/type/title hours
FA3391 16S 6,00 --- 3,33 2023-10-02 excellent (1)
FA3393 16S 12,00 --- 6,67 2023-11-03 good (2)
Architecture and Engineering II
Total 18,00 10,00

Date Servicecenter for Students


University for Continuing Education Krems

Confirmation of examination results excluding recognised credits Page 1 of 1
Unterzeichner / Universität für Weiterbildung Krems (UWK) / University for Continuing
Signatory Education Krems
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