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(September 2020 – January 2021)

Dates The lecture topic Time
14.09-10.10.20 Water Hygiene and Water Supply 8
14-19.09.20 1. Introduction to the General Hygiene 2
21-26.09.20 2. Hygiene and water supply. Water and health 2
28.09-03.10.20 3. Sources of water supply. The quality of drinking water. Protection of water 2
05-10.10.20 4. Treatment of water 2
12-24.10.20 Air Hygiene 4
12-17.10.20 5. The physical properties of air and human health 2
19-24.10.20 6. Air pollution and health 2
26-31.10.20 Soil and Health 2
26-31.10.20 7. Soil and Health 2
02-14.11.20 Solar Radiation. Healthy illumination 4
02-07.11.20 8. Solar radiation. Requirements for natural and artificial lighting of premises 2
09-14.11.20 9. Ionizing radiation as an environmental factor. Radioactivity. The sources of 2
radioactive radiation. The effect on the body. The principles of radiation protection
16.11.-05.12.20 Occupational health and protection of workers' health 6
16-21.11.20 10. Industrial Factors. Noise and vibration. The effect on the body. 2
Protection from noise and vibration
23-28.11.20 11. Industrial factors: Dust. Pesticides. 2
30.11.-05.12.20 12. Labor physiology. Occupational health of health workers 2
07-12.12.20 Hygiene of medical institutions 4
07-12.12.20 13. Hygiene of medical institutions. 2
14-19.12.20 14. Ventilation of premises. Air cube, its calculation 2
21.12.20-02.01.21 Food Hygiene 4
21-26.12.20 15. Food Hygiene. Healthy diet requirements. Nutrients, their energetic and 2
biological value.
28.12-02.01.21 16. Food poisoning and its prevention. Different type of diets (international, 2
vegetable, vegetarian).
04.01.-16.01.21 Health of children and adolescents and Environment 4
04-09.01.21 17. Health of children and adolescents 2
The physical development of children and adolescents
11-16.01.21 18. Methods and equipment’s for the study of the quality of environment. 2
Total: 36
(September 2020 – January 2021)
Date Theme of practical classes Time
14.09-10.10.20 Health and water supply 8
14-19.09.20 1. Introduction. Water and health. Discussion 2
21-26.09.20 2. Recommendations of the WHO and national standards of quality of drinking water 2
28.09-03.10.20 3. Methods of treatment of drinking water. The monitoring of drinking water quality 2
05-10.10.20 4. Sampling of drinking water and analysis of a sample, conclusion, design of the 2
research protocol.
12-24.10.20 Air Hygiene 4
12-17.10.20 5. Atmospheric air, climate, weather, microclimate and health. Air Quality Guides. 2
Discussion. / Unit #1.1 – Water and health
19-24.10.20 6. Assessment of quality of ambient air and indoor air. Ventilation of premises. 2
26-31.10.20 Soil and Health 2
26-31.10.20 7. Properties of soil. Evaluation of soil quality. Methods of disposal of solid wastes 2
and sludge. Ecology of the urban environment.
02-14.11.20 Solar radiation. Health illumination 4
02-07.11.20 8. Solar radiation. Hygienic assessment of natural and artificial lighting of premises. 2
09-14.11.20 9. Ionizing radiation safety. / Unit #1.2 – Air, soil, radiation 2
16-28.11.20 Occupational health and protection of workers' health 4
16-21.11.20 10. Physical, chemical, biological and psychosocial working factors. Occupational 2
diseases. Discussion
23-28.11.20 11. Evaluation of industrial noise, vibration and dust. 2
30.11.-05.12.20 Hygiene of medical institutions 2
30.11.-05.12.20 12. Hygienic requirements to the placement, layout and establishment of a medical 2
unit. Unit #2.1 - Occupational health, hospital hygiene
07-26.12.20 Food Hygiene 6
07-12.12.20 13. Assessment the adequacy and balance of a personal diet. Development of 2
individual diet
14-19.12.20 14. Evaluation of quality of food (bread, flour and milk) 2
21-26.12.20 15. Food poisoning and its prevention 2
28.12-02.01.21 Health of children and adolescents / environment 4
28.12-02.01.21 16. Assessment of physical development of children and adolescents 2
04-09.01.21 17. Unit #2.2 – Food hygiene and Children hygiene 2
11-16.01.21 18. Working with equipment’s for the measuring the quality of the environment 2
Total: 36

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