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Bliss, East Poblacion, Alburquerque, Bohol

A.Y. 2023-2024
English 6
(November 20-25, 2023 )

Lesson: Using different kinds of verbs

I. Objectives
 Students will differentiate between action verbs, linking verbs, and
helping verbs.
 Students will identify examples of each verb type within sentences.
 Students will apply their understanding by incorporating diverse verbs
into their own writing.
II. Materials
 Blackboard and chalks
 Verb sorting cards (laminated for durability)
 Examples of sentences for each verb type
 Chart paper and colored markers
 Worksheets for practiceWriting materials for students
III. Presentation
 Introduction (10 minutes):Define verbs and briefly explain the three
main types: action, linking, and helping.Engage students with relatable
examples to illustrate each type.Introduce the sorting activity using
laminated verb cards.Interactive
 Sorting Activity (15 minutes):Distribute verb sorting cards to
students.Have them categorize the verbs into action, linking, or helping
verb groups.Encourage discussion and justification for their choices.
IV. Development
 Guided Practice (15 minutes):Use examples of sentences containing
different verb types.Discuss each sentence as a class, identifying the
verbs and their types.Provide additional examples for practice, allowing
students to take turns identifying the verbs.
 Application in Writing (20 minutes):Distribute worksheets with
sentences missing verbs.Instruct students to fill in the blanks with
appropriate verbs and indicate their types.Encourage creativity and
peer collaboration.
V. Summary
 Review and Class Discussion (10 minutes):Recap the main points
about action, linking, and helping verbs.Discuss how understanding
different verb types can enhance writing.
VI. Assessment
 Individual Assessment (15 minutes):Administer a short quiz with
sentences that require identification and classification of verbs.Review
completed worksheets, providing constructive feedback.
VII. Assignment
 Creative Writing Task (20 minutes):Assign a writing task where
students create a short paragraph or story.Instruct them to consciously
use a variety of verbs, showcasing their understanding of action,
linking, and helping verbs.Collect and assess the writing assignments
for verb diversity and correctness.
Prepared by:
Regine Faith G. Baquial, LPT
Subject Teacher

Verified by:
School Principal


Bliss, East Poblacion, Alburquerque, Bohol
A.Y. 2023-2024

Science 6
2 nd
(November 20-25, 2023)

Lesson: Vertebrates and Invertebrates

I. Objectives
Students will differentiate between vertebrates and invertebrates based
on key characteristics.
 Students will classify various animals into the categories of vertebrates
and invertebrates.
 Students will demonstrate an understanding of the importance of
vertebrates and invertebrates in different ecosystems.
II. Materials
 Whiteboard and markersVisual aids (pictures, diagrams, or videos of
vertebrate and invertebrate animals)Chart paper and
markersWorksheets with classification exercisesInternet access for
research (optional)
III. Presentation
 Introduction (10 minutes):Engage students with a brief discussion on
animals they know and ask them to classify them into vertebrates and
invertebrates.Introduce key characteristics that differentiate vertebrates
and invertebrates.
IV. Development (20 minutes):Use visual aids to illustrate examples of
vertebrates and invertebrates, discussing their diverse features.Encourage
class participation by asking students to share their observations and
 Activity (15 minutes):Divide the class into small groups and provide
them with pictures of various animals.Instruct each group to classify
the animals into vertebrates and invertebrates, justifying their choices.
V. Summary
 Summarize the key characteristics of vertebrates and
invertebrates.Discuss the importance of these animal groups in
maintaining ecological balance.
VI. Assessment:Assess students' understanding through their participation in
class discussions.Evaluate the accuracy of their animal classifications during
the group activity.Use a short quiz or written responses to gauge individual
VII. Assignment:Assign a project where students research and create a poster or
presentation on a specific vertebrate or invertebrate species.Emphasize the
species' habitat, adaptations, and its role in the ecosystem.

Prepared by:
Regine Faith G. Baquial, LPT
Subject Teacher
Verified by:
School Principal
Bliss, East Poblacion, Alburquerque, Bohol
A.Y. 2023-2024

Christian Living 5
2 nd
(November 20-25, 2023)

Lesson: In confirmation we are sent to be Christ’s witnesses

I. Objectives
 Students will understand the concept of being Christ’s witnesses and
its significance in their faith.
 Students will identify qualities and actions that align with being
effective witnesses of Christ.
 Students will reflect on how they can personally embody the values
taught by Jesus.
II. Materials:
 Bible or scripture passages related to being Christ’s witnesses
Whiteboard and markers
 Chart paper and sticky notes
 Small cards or paper for a reflection activity
 Art supplies for a creative expression activity (optional)
III. Presentation
 Introduction (10 minutes):Begin with a discussion on what it means
to be a witness and relate it to their faith in Christ.Introduce key
scripture passages that emphasize the role of believers as witnesses.
IV. Development (20 minutes):Discuss qualities and actions that make
someone an effective witness of Christ.Share stories or examples from
the Bible that illustrate individuals serving as witnesses.
 Activity (15 minutes):Have students brainstorm on sticky notes
qualities and actions that reflect being Christ's witnesses.Group these
on chart paper, creating a visual representation of their ideas.
V. Summary
 Summarize the main points about being Christ's witnesses.Reinforce
the idea that witnessing is not just through words but through actions
and character.
VI. Assessment
 Assess students' participation in the discussion and their ability to
identify qualities and actions aligned with being Christ’s
witnesses.Evaluate the collaborative chart created during the activity.
VII. Assignment
 Ask students to reflect on a situation where they can act as witnesses
Christ in their daily lives.For a creative assignment, encourage them to
create artwork, poems, or short stories expressing what it means to be
a witness of Christ in their own unique way.
Prepared by:
Regine Faith G. Baquial, LPT
Subject Teacher
Verified by:
School Principal


Bliss, East Poblacion, Alburquerque, Bohol
A.Y. 2023-2024

Mathematics 3
2 nd
(November 20-25, 2023)

Lesson: Estimation and Mental Subtraction

I. Objectives
 Students will develop an understanding of estimation by rounding
numbers to the nearest ten.
 Students will practice mental subtraction strategies for two-digit
 Students will apply estimation and mental subtraction skills to solve
real-world problems.
II. Materials
 Blackboards and chalks
 Number cards (0-9)Chart paper and sticky notes
 Math worksheets with subtraction problems
 Real-world scenarios for application exercises
 Individual whiteboards and markers for students
III. Presentation:Introduction (10 minutes):
 Begin with a brief review of rounding to the nearest ten. Introduce the
concept of estimation and its real-world importance. Discuss scenarios
where estimation is useful.
 Interactive Activity (15 minutes): Use number cards to create two-
digit numbers on the whiteboard. Have students round these numbers
to the nearest ten. Discuss their estimations as a class, emphasizing
the process.
IV. Development (20 minutes)
 Teach mental subtraction strategies, such as subtracting tens and then
adjusting. Use examples on the whiteboard and encourage students to
practice on their individual whiteboards. Discuss the reasoning behind
mental subtraction.
V. Summary:Application (10 minutes)
 Provide real-world scenarios where estimation and mental subtraction
are needed. Work through examples as a class, encouraging students
to apply the skills learned.
 Class Discussion (5 minutes): Summarize key concepts and address
any questions. Emphasize the practical uses of estimation and mental
subtraction in daily life.
VI. Assessment:
 Observation (15 minutes): Observe students during the interactive
activity and application exercises. Note their ability to round numbers,
perform mental subtraction, and apply these skills in real-world
 Worksheet Completion (10 minutes): Assess individual
understanding through completed math worksheets. Evaluate accuracy
and efficiency in mental subtraction.
VII. Assignment
 Homework (15 minutes)
Assign additional mental subtraction problems for homework.
Encourage students to practice estimation and mental subtraction in
various contexts.
 Reflection (5 minutes): Ask students to write a short reflection on how
estimation and mental subtraction can be useful in their daily lives.
Collect and review these reflections for understanding.
Prepared by:
Regine Faith G. Baquial, LPT
Subject Teacher
Verified by:
School Principal
Bliss, East Poblacion, Alburquerque, Bohol
A.Y. 2023-2024

Computer 4
2 nd
(November 20-25,2023)

Lesson: Editing Photos

I. Objectives
 Students will be able to identify common tools like cropping, resizing,
and color adjustments.
 Develop students' skills in using a simple photo editing software.
 Students will successfully edit a provided image by applying at least
three different editing tools.
II. Materials
 Computers/tablets with photo editing software installed
 Sample images for editing practice
 Whiteboard and markers
 Projector for demonstrations
 Handouts with basic editing tools guide
III. Presentation
 Introduction (15 mins):Briefly explain what photo editing is and
its purpose.Display examples of edited vs. original photos using
the projector.
 Demonstration (20 mins):Use the whiteboard to illustrate basic
editing tools.Demonstrate a simple edit on the projector,
explaining each step.
IV. Development:
 Hands-on Practice (30 mins):Divide students into pairs or
small groups.Provide sample images for them to edit,
encouraging the use of learned tools.Circulate to assist and
answer questions.
 Group Discussion (15 mins):Ask students to share their edited
images and explain the tools used.Facilitate a discussion on
creativity and individual choices in editing.
V. Summary:
 Review and Reflection (10 mins):Recap key editing tools and
concepts.Discuss the importance of creativity and responsible
VI. Assessment:
 Individual Assessment (20 mins):Provide a new image for
each student to edit independently.Assess their ability to apply
learned tools and creativity.
VII. Assignment:
 Ethical Editing Reflection (Homework):Ask students to write a
short reflection on the ethical use of edited images.Encourage
them to consider the potential impact of manipulated images on
Prepared by:
Regine Faith G. Baquial, LPT
Subject Teacher Verified by:
School Principal
Bliss, East Poblacion, Alburquerque, Bohol
A.Y. 2023-2024

2 nd
(November 20-25,2023)
Lesson: Order and Beauty Through Musical Intervals (MUSIC)
I. Objectives
 Understanding Intervals: Students will be able to identify and
differentiate between common musical intervals, such as thirds, fourths,
and fifths.
 Melodic Exploration: Students will explore creating melodies using
different intervals to understand their impact on musical expression.
 Collaborative Learning: Encourage teamwork and communication skills
by having students work together in small groups during the practical
II. Materials
 Blackboard and chalk
 Musical instruments (keyboard, xylophone, or any available
 Printed musical staff sheets
 Audio samples demonstrating various intervals
 Worksheet for interval identification
III. Presentation
 Introduction (10 minutes): Briefly introduce the concept of
musical intervals, explaining how they are the building blocks
of melody. Play simple examples to illustrate different
 Class Discussion (15 minutes): Engage students in a
discussion about the emotional impact of different intervals.
Encourage them to share their thoughts on how certain
intervals make them feel.
IV. Development
 Practical Exercises (20 minutes): Divide students into small
groups. Provide instruments and ask them to experiment with
creating short melodies using different intervals. Circulate
among the groups to provide guidance and feedback.
 Interval Identification (15 minutes): Use audio samples and
the whiteboard to reinforce interval identification. Have
students listen to examples and mark the corresponding
intervals on their worksheets.
V. Summary
 Class Reflection (10 minutes): Bring the class back together
for a brief reflection on the exercises. Discuss any challenges
or insights gained during the practical activities. Emphasize
the importance of intervals in creating musical order and
VI. Assessment
 Group Performance (30 points): Evaluate each group's
performance based on melody structure, creativity, and
effective use of intervals.
 Individual Worksheet (20 points): Assess individual
understanding through the completed interval identification
VII. Assignment
 Composition Task (Homework): Assign students to create a
short composition using specific intervals. Encourage them to
consider the emotional impact and overall flow of their

Lesson: Marvelous Mural Paintings (ARTS)

I. Objectives
 Artistic Expression: Students will express their creativity through the
creation of a collaborative mural, incorporating various elements and
 Team Collaboration: Foster teamwork and communication skills as
students work together to contribute to the overall design and execution
of the mural.
 Cultural Appreciation: Introduce students to the concept of murals as a
form of cultural expression, exploring examples from different cultures
and time periods.
II. Materials
 Large canvas or mural paperAcrylic paints in various colors
 Paintbrushes of different sizes
 Water cups and palettes for mixing colors
 Aprons or old shirts for each student
 Reference materials showcasing diverse mural styles
III. Presentation and Development
 Introduction (15 minutes):Discuss what murals are and their cultural
significance.Show examples of murals from different cultures and
historical periods.Highlight the importance of collaboration in mural
 Guided Discussion (10 minutes):Discuss key elements of a mural,
such as composition, theme, and color schemes.Encourage students
to brainstorm ideas for their collaborative mural.
 Demonstration (20 minutes):Demonstrate basic painting techniques,
emphasizing the use of different brush strokes and color
blending.Explain how to work together to ensure a cohesive design.
 Activity (40 minutes):Divide the class into small groups and assign
sections of the mural to each group.Students begin sketching and
painting their assigned sections, considering the overall theme.
IV. Summary
 Reflection (10 minutes):Discuss the experience of working on the
mural as a class.Ask students to share what they learned about
collaboration and artistic expression.
V. Assessment
 Individual Participation (20 points):Assess students on their active
participation in the mural creation process.Observe how well they
collaborate with their group members.
 Creativity and Expression (30 points):Evaluate the individual and
group contributions to the overall artistic expression of the
mural.Consider the use of color, theme representation, and artistic
VI. Assignment
 Reflective Journal Entry (15 minutes):Ask students to write a short
journal entry reflecting on their experience creating the mural.Prompt
them to consider challenges faced, lessons learned, and the
importance of teamwork in art.

Lesson: Pyramid of Activities and Fitness (Physical Education) Continuation

I. Objectives
a. Understand the concept of the activity pyramid and its role in promoting
b. Identify different levels of physical activities and their benefits
c. Develop an awareness of the importance of a balanced fitness routine.
II. Materials
 Pyramid of Activities Poster:Display a visual representation of the
Pyramid of Activities to help students understand the different levels of
physical activity.
 Activity Cards:Create cards with pictures and names of various
activities (e.g., walking, running, cycling, jumping jacks). Assign each
card to a specific level on the Pyramid of Activities.
III. Presentation
 Introduction (10 minutes):Introduce the concept of
the activity pyramid as a guide for a balanced and
healthy lifestyle.Discuss the importance of physical
activity for overall well-being.
 Explanation (15 minutes):Break down the levels of
the activity pyramid: moderate, vigorous, strength,
flexibility, and balance exercises.Explain the
benefits of each level and how they contribute to
overall fitness.
IV. Development( 20 minutes)
 Engage students in a discussion about their current
physical activities and habits
 Demonstrate simple exercises for each level of the
activity pyramid.
 Encourage students to participate in a short physical
activity routine.
V. Summary
 .Summarize the key points about the activity
pyramid and the importance of a balanced fitness
 Connect physical activity to overall health and well-
VI. Assessment
 Fitness Journal (15 minutes):Assign students to
keep a fitness journal for a week, recording the
types and durations of their physical
activities.Evaluate their understanding of different
activity levels.
 Exercise Demonstration (20 minutes):Have
students take turns demonstrating a simple exercise
from one of the levels of the activity pyramid.Assess
their ability to perform exercises correctly
VII. Assignment
 Ask students to write a short reflection on how
incorporating a variety of physical activities can
positively impact their daily lives.

Lesson: Be on Guard Against communicable disease ( HEALTH)

I. Objectives
 Knowledge: Students will understand the
concept of communicable diseases, including
how they spread and ways to prevent them.
 Skills: Students will be able to identify common
communicable diseases and describe basic
preventive measures.
 Attitude: Students will develop a sense of
responsibility for personal and community health
by practicing good hygiene habits.
II. Materials
 Blackboard and chalks
 Visual aids (posters, images, or videos on communicable
 Handouts on common communicable diseases and
preventive measures
 Classroom computer or tablet for multimedia presentations
III. Presentation
 Introduction (10 mins): Discuss with students what they
know about diseases and introduce the term
"communicable diseases." Use real-life examples to
engage their interest.
 Main Content (20 mins): Present information on common
communicable diseases, their causes, and methods of
transmission. Use visual aids to enhance
 Discussion (15 mins): Facilitate a class discussion on
preventive measures such as proper handwashing,
vaccination, and maintaining personal hygiene.
IV. Development
 Group Activity (15 mins): Divide the class into small
groups. Each group discusses a specific communicable
disease and presents preventive measures. Encourage
creativity and teamwork.
 Role-play (10 mins): Engage students in a role-play
activity where they act out scenarios related to the
spread and prevention of communicable diseases. This
reinforces the practical application of preventive
V. Summary
 Summarize key points covered during the lesson.
Emphasize the importance of individual and community
actions in preventing the spread of communicable
VI. Assessment
 Class Participation (20 pts): Evaluate students based
on their engagement in discussions, group activities,
and role-play.
 Written Quiz (30 pts): Administer a short quiz
assessing their understanding of common
communicable diseases and preventive measures.
VII. Assignment
 Ask students to create a poster or a short written piece
highlighting the importance of preventing communicable
diseases. Encourage them to showcase the key preventive
measures learned in class.
Prepared by:
Regine Faith G. Baquial, LPT
Subject Teacher

Verified by:
School Principal
Bliss, East Poblacion, Alburquerque, Bohol
A.Y. 2023-2024

Filipino 6
(November 20-25, 2023)

Pamagat ng Aralin : Busilak na kalooban ay mas mahalaga kaysa kinang ng Ginto

I. Mga Layunin
 Maipaliwanag ang kahulugan at kahalagahan ng busilak na
 Ihambing ang kahalagahan ng busilak na kalooban sa kinang
ng ginto.
 .Magkaruon ng personal na pagsusuri kung paano maaaring
maipakita ang busilak na kalooban sa pang-araw-araw na
II. Materyalis
 Talaarawan o kwento na nagpapakita ng halimbawa ng busilak na
 Statistika o pagsasalaysay na nagbibigay ng konteksto sa
impluwensya ng materyal na bagay tulad ng ginto.
 Mga artikulo o video na naglalarawan ng mga taong mas
pinahahalagahan ang relasyon at pagtulong sa iba kaysa sa yaman.
III. Presentasyon
 Multimedia na presentasyon na nagtatampok ng mga visual na
naglalarawan ng busilak na kalooban.
 Role-playing o dramatization para ipakita ang kontrast ng isang buhay
na may busilak na kalooban at isa na nakatutok sa kayamanan.
 Interactive na bahagi para makilahok ang mga mag-aaral sa
pagpapahayag ng kanilang opinyon.
IV. Talakayan
 Group discussion ukol sa mga aspeto ng buhay na mas nagbibigay
halaga sa busilak na kalooban.Open forum para pag-usapan ang mga
karanasan at opinyon ng bawat isa hinggil sa kahalagahan ng
kalooban sa lipunan.
V. Buod
 Buuin ng maikli at malinaw na buod na nagtatangi sa pangunahing
punto ng aralin.
VI. Pagtataya
 Pagsusuri ng mga proyektong inihanda ng mga mag-aaral at kung
paano nila naipakita ang kanilang pag-unawa.Peer assessment para
masubaybayan ang pagtutulungan at interaksyon sa mga gawain.VII.
VII. Takdang Aralin
 Pagsulat ng personal na sanaysay tungkol sa sariling pananaw hinggil
sa busilak na kalooban at kung paano ito mahalaga sa kanilang

Inihanda ni:
Regine Faith G. Baquial, LPT
Verified by:
School Principal
Bliss, East Poblacion, Alburquerque, Bohol
A.Y. 2023-2024

Araling Panlipunan 5
(November 20-25,2023)

Pamagat ng Aralin: Mga Pamaraan ng Pananakop ng mga Espanyol

I. Mga Layunin
 Maipaunawa ang mga pangunahing pamamaraan ng pananakop ng
mga Espanyol sa Pilipinas.
 Maipakita ang epekto ng pananakop sa kultura, lipunan, at ekonomiya
ng Pilipinas.
 Magkaruon ng masusing pag-unawa ng mga pangyayari sa panahon
ng kolonyalismo.
II. Materyalis
 Kasaysayan at dokumentaryong teksto ukol sa
mga pangyayari noong panahon ng pananakop.
 Mga visual aid tulad ng mapa, larawan, at retrato
ng mga yugto ng pananakop.
 Primaryang sanggunian gaya ng mga sulat, tala,
at kahayupang dokumento mula sa panahon ng
III. Presentasyon
 Multimedia presentation na naglalarawan ng
mga pangyayari at impluwensya ng pananakop.
 Pagsasagawa ng storytelling gamit ang mga
tauhan at pangyayari noong panahon ng
 Pagtatanghal ng tradisyunal na sayaw o awitin
na may kaugnayan sa kultura noong panahon ng
IV. Talakayan
 Group discussion ukol sa mga aspeto ng buhay
sa ilalim ng kolonyalismong Espanyol.Pag-aaral
ng mga suliranin at pagtatalakay ng mga ideya
hinggil sa pag-akay ng mga Espanyol sa
V. Buod
 Buuin ang maikling buod na naglalaman ng
pangunahing ideya at pangyayari na naganap sa
pananakop ng mga Espanyol.
VI. Pagtataya
 Pagsusuri ng isinagawang project o report ng
bawat mag-aaral ukol sa isang aspeto ng
pananakop.Pagsasanib ng kritikal na pagsusuri
hinggil sa mga nagiging epekto ng pananakop sa
kasalukuyang lipunan.
VII. . Takdang Aralin
 Pagsusulat ng sanaysay tungkol sa impluwensya
ng pananakop ng mga Espanyol sa sariling
identidad at kultura.

Inihanda ni:
Regine Faith G. Baquial, LPT

Verified by:
School Principal
Bliss, East Poblacion, Alburquerque, Bohol
A.Y. 2023-2024

2 nd
(November 20-25,2023)
Leksyon : Kalambigitan sa Hinungdan ug Epekto
I. Mga Katuyoan
 Kahibalo: Maalamon nga masayud ang kahulugan sa "Kalambigitan sa
Hinungdan ug Epekto.
 "Pagsulat: Makasulat og duha ka panguna nga hinungdan ug epekto.
 Pagtagad: Makigbahin sa grupo nga diskusyon sa ilahang nabantayan nga
II. Gamiton o Materials
 Pahina sa Talan-ong (Chart Paper)Lapis ug Papel
 Multimedia Presentation (Computer o Projector)
III. Presentasyon
 Panumpa: Panumpa sa mga estudyante nga magtan-aw ug
maminaw sa leksyon.
 Panugdang: Pagpakita og mga larawan o video nga nagpaila sa
kalambigitan sa hinungdan ug epekto.
 Diskusyon: Paggamit sa multimedia alang sa aktibong
IV. Pag-uswag
 Group Activity: Pagpahigayon og grupo nga aktibidad diin ang
tagsa ka grupo magbuhat og scenario nga may kalambigitan sa
hinungdan ug epekto.
 Role Playing: Paghatag og papel sa mga estudyante alang sa
role playing sa ilang gi-hinungdan ug giepektohan.
V. . Buod og Assignment:
 Buod: Maoy hatod nga pagtigum sa kahibalo sa leksyon ug
mga kaalamang natun-an.
 Assignment: Pagpahigayon og pagsulat sa usa ka short story o
maikling teksto nga nagpakita og kalambigitan sa hinungdan ug

Inihanda ni:
Regine Faith G. Baquial, LPT
Verified by:
School Principal

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