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Geolocation – It refers to the identification of geographic location of a device through the use of

network routing addresses or internal GPS receivers.

Geocoding – It is the process of converting addresses into geographic coordinates.

ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION – It is an android permission that allows an app to access

the location in the background.

locationFromAddress – While using geocoding package, what method should you call to covert
the address into latitude and longitude coordinates?

jsonDecode - It is a function that parses a string and returns the resulting Json object.

No – When we get a response from a web service, should it always be in a JSON format?

VideoPlayerController - With the use of video_player package, what class should you declare
and use to control the platform video player?

ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION – It is the android permission that allows an app to access precise


AndroidManifest.xml – In what file should you declare permissions to access location of the

403 – What is the HTTP response code that means access to the resource is forbidden?

latitude/longitude - Provide one of the two parameters when calling the LatLng constructor.

google_maps_flutter - It is the Flutter plugin for integrating Google Maps in Android and iOS

Tween - It is a class that is used for linear interpolation between a beginning and ending value.

AnimationController - It serves as a controller for an animation.

explicit animation(explanation) - Explicit animations are animations where you have full control
over the animation's progress, state, and parameters.

GoogleMap - It is a widget which displays a map with data obtained from the Google Map

MarkerId - It is used to uniquely identify a Marker among GoogleMap markers.

lowerBound - It is a parameter for AnimationController that sets the smallest value of the
animation can obtain.
GoogleMapController - It serves as controller for a single GoogleMap instance running on the
host platform.

Firebase - is a Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) app development platform that provides hosted

backend services such as a realtime database, cloud storage, authentication, crash reporting,
machine learning, remote configuration, and hosting for your static files.

Cloud Firestore – This is a NoSQL document database that allows the storage, synchronization
and query of data for mobile and web apps.
firebase_auth – It is a package used when working with Flutter Authentication on your flutter
UserCredential - is returned from authentication requests such as

firebase_core - A Flutter plugin to use the Firebase Core API, which enables connecting to
multiple Firebase apps.

Hive.initFlutter() - Global constant to access Hive.

hive - Lightweight and blazing fast key-value database written in pure Dart. Strongly encrypted
using AES-256.

hive_flutter - Extension for Hive. Makes it easier to use Hive in Flutter apps.

hive_generator - Extension for Hive. Automatically generates TypeAdapters to store any class.

build_runner - A build system for Dart code generation and modular compilation.

Hive.openBox - opens a box. If the box is already open, the instance is returned and all provided
parameters are being ignored.

AnimatedBuilder – a general-purpose widget for building animations. Useful for move complex
AnimatedContainer – a container that gradually changes its values over a period of time.

AnimatedAlign – animated transition that moves the child’s position over a given duration
whevever the given alignment changes.

AnimatedList – a scrolling container that animates items when they are inserted or removed.
AnimatedOpacity – animated version of Opacity which automatically transitions the child’s
opacity over a given duration.

AnimatedModalBarrier – prevents the user from interacting with widgets behind itself.

AnimatedPositioned – animated version of Positioned.

AnimatedSize – animated widget that automatically transitions its size.

Hero – a widget that marks its child as being a candidate for hero animations.

FadeTransition – animates the opacity of a widget.

ScaleTransition – animates the scale of transformed widget.

SizeTransition – animates its own size and clips and aligns the child.

implicit animations - you can animate a widget property by setting a target value.

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