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Piano Exam Pieces 2017 82018 ABRSM Piano Exam Pieces ABRSM Grade 2 Selected from the 2017 & 2018 syliabus ABRSM Piano exams Pieces (3x30 marks) Choosing your pieces ‘Tals book contains nine places from our 2017 & 2018 Grade 2 Piano syllabus. Inthe exam, you ‘will eed to play three pieces, one from each of the three syllabus lists (A, B and C). You can, ‘choose from the pieces inthis book and/or the other pleces set forthe grade: fll list ison the ‘opposite page. Editorial guidance We have taken these pieces from a variety of sources, Where appropriate, we have edited the plecds to help you propare for your performance, We have addod fingering and metronome marks (given in square bracke(s}, and provided omament realizations. Details of other editorial changes or suggestions are given in the footnotes. Fingering and other editorial additions are for ‘guidance only; you donot have te follow them in the exam. Repeats ‘You will need to osserve all da capo and dal segno indications, but you should omit all other ‘epoats {including first-time bars) unless they are very bref (i.e. ofa few bars) or unless the syllabus specifies otherwise, Other requirements Scales, arpeggios and broken chords see inside back cover (21 marks) Sight-reading (21 marts) Aural tests (as matte) (Total available: 150 marks) Further information ‘You can find additional impoctant information about ell aspects of your exam - including scale speeds ancl descriptions of sight-reaciing and aural tess ~ at All syllabus requitements are valid from 1 fenuary 2017 until 31 December 2018. You will find advance notice af any planned changes tothe Piano requirements from 2018 (Including syllabus ‘overlap information) online at piano? from January 2016 Win your exam entry! Enter your details online o takepart in our prize drew. Be ARG) Piano Exam Pieces Nane ABRSM Grade 2 Selected from the 2017 & 2018 syllabus Date of exam Contents Editor for ABRSM: Richard Jones page usta 1 Thomas Atwood Allegretto: frst movement from Sonatina No.3 tn E cs 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Bin Mikéchien oder Welbchen (Irom Die Zauborftoe,K. 620), arr, Christopher Norton 3 3 ‘Tylman Susato La Mourisque, art Martin White 4 ust 8 1 Carl Reinecke Song second movement from Serenade, Op. 183.No.1 5 2 RedFich Smetana Waltz in G: No.2 from Poklad melodii, Vol.2 3 StanleyWilson The Stowaway: No.7 from Ship Alioy! uste 1 ‘Trad, Scottish The Pipor o' Dundes, art. Richard Michael 8 2 Sergey Prokofiev The Cat (from Peter and the Wolf Op.67), ert David Blackwell 3 Manfred Schmitz. Gospel Hair: No.43 from Mini jez, Vol.1 10 Other pieces for Grade 2 usta 4 |.Glarke The Prince of Tenmarks March, Buco, Book 1 |ABRSM) or No.28 ftom Heroque Keyboard Pieces Hook | ‘agnséa) 5 LiMogaet Polonaise in C, Pt from L. Mozat, Noroubueh A Wolfgang Scho) Telemann Dolce from Fentesia No.4 in). Keynotes Grades 1-2 (Feber) uste 4 Rortkiewiex Thiongh the Desert. No. 19 from Romautc Piano Anuhioiegy.Vol.t (Schott) 5 Gedike Pate pice, Op.6No. 1). No.7 fram Russian Muse for Piano, Book 1 (Cheer) © Holst jupiter from The Pant, Op. 22), an. Bensiger. Pino Mi-2(ABRSM) uste 4 ben The Goose gl inWister: No, 20 orn Hands Togethor- 52 Cac lk tas (Faber) 5 Simone Pé Lapoule dansle jardin (The Hen in the Garden: No.15 from Les charset ls jeux Lemoine) 6 Sarah Watts Rock Pools. Sarsh Wats oz Stix: Book 1 (Kevin Mayhew) Sarah Watts Razcamajane Repertoire Plano (Kevin Mayhew) tile in 276 ADNEN bin Un nated potcoin seed asi get by ih Dover Suholrposlawoaiery ef UNI, PouieePe, —_Alrigonoerat Ropar as pate’ Gover Sas ena Any Pott eka WIL Cake gaye ‘urtesopioduced oandedw abated ined eSaaeiy btn Ul Aes, On mae Allegretto saat ‘st movement from Sonatina No. 3 in F Thomas Attwood 11765-8981 Allegretto [1 = ¢.84] ‘The English composer and exganist'Thornas Attwood sang in the choir ofthe Chapel Royal fot the ageof nine: He stil in Naples and the with Movartin Vienna (786-7). After his retun to England he became musi tutor othe royal fanly and later organist oft Pauls Cathedral and ‘composes the Chapel Koval. Th piace illustrates his geet, elegant style that often seems to ove much to Mozart, Who® he woe studyingin Vienne, Mozart said of hin: "He partes more of my styl than any schol | aver hac: predit tha he wil proves sound musician. Al dynamics and slarsare edtrla siggestfons only Soutee: Basy Progressive Lessons Fingered for Yong Begimnorson te Piano Fortear Harpsichord (London, 1785) © 100 by Th Atetaee Bondoc Foye Shoab of basic ‘adapted ram ALU Fay Progr Less, eb Meharjones ASS) get For a Girl ora Woman tomate Streets Ein Madchen oder Weibchen Echo from Die Zeuberflite, K. 620 srrange ty Christopher Norion WA Mozart ime {Genay J = 112} : - Tt boa P In Mozart 1781 opera Die Zauberlie (The Mele Flute) this tune is sung by a comic character called Papageno, the queers bird-eatcher He ‘csomplies the Aero Tami in his quest o weecve the Queen's daughter Pamina, who has beon abcucted. To protect thom, Tamino is given & ‘mage flute, and Papegeno magic bali Inthe cri aranged here for po, Payageno longs to meet the gi of hs dreams, who lator ums cut 10 bbe Papagena. He accempanies the ong on his magic bells, which in te opera are played a tha gleckenspiel, [©2018 The Asante Ho othe egal Sees oN Te ‘hagas tomate! esuthones La Mourisque aa Arranged by Martin White ‘Tyiman Susato (exsi0rts—c1570, Stately d= 0.72 ‘Tylman Susato was a town musicin in Antwerp, where he ran @ flourishing musle publishing business, He attractive intrumentel dancer, plished in 1551, aestmplearangemenss af wallow chansons (erench songs for several voles i parts) this dence, the upparlaf-hand Gin bb. 17,21 and 25 may beaankied (92015 bythe Asocined Boatdof he Royal Sehoviso Music Repeeiaed Sees ha ee, empl andeiog by Dard Bache (ANSE) Song Second movement trom Serenade, Op. 183 No. 1 Carl Reinecke (e2e~1910) — ‘The German composer Carl Reinecke bei pa fle repatacon a a plans in Germany an Scandinavia duvng te 1840s ancl 1850s tn the lave 18th cenary hesetted in Lepz as professor ater civecton of the conservatory and conductor of te Gewardhaus Orchestra. Reinecke plano muse iludes mavy pieces for children, such as Fan Serenaden fle Jugend (Five Serenades forthe Young), Op. 103, rom ‘which this movement isaeoeted. As the tile suggpss, thi is a 9ongliko piece in style an textoro. Being written forthe plane erly it balonge to the tradition of Mondelssohr'sLedar ohne Worte(conge without wordt), ‘Source: if later erence fide jgend, Op. 183 (Leipzig 1885) (© lousy Teast Bonde ye schools afte ‘Adapted lam inch Pe erator te Yorn Op 183 (AERSM) eget rake Waltz in G ee cepts No. 2 from Poklad metodii, Vol. 2 Bedtich Smetana raed (Allegretto J = «.601 meee mf Bedfeh Smnctariosotled in Prague in 16/3, whee he aught the piano and studied theory and composition. After tho premioro in 1088 of hie moet famous work, the opora Prodan neudsta (The Bartered Brice), he was appcintad ehiet conductor ofthe Prvisioncl Thoate, a pos he retained ‘unt 1874, when he became dest. Despite this disabllty aver the next five years he composed his fmaus ele ofsix symphonic poems Ni vast (iy Ferland) and is mest importa chamber work, the string quartet Z made Zivore (Prom My Ute Smetana alse composed asiguificant amount of piano wsic, including de two volumes of Poiac metodi Treesue of Meloctes), whic dete froin 1849-50. The second piece from Vol. 2, aclected here, i unnamed in the source Here it is given en actor ile tha reletsits danco age. ‘The dynamics in bb. 1-22 ar eeitorial suggastions ony. ‘Sure: autograps MS, Naticnal Musaurs of Prague, Cac: Musaum of Nise, Seaich Smotana Museum, §217/1357 {©2016 by The Areca Hoan te Royal sehooi at bse he get male aoe The Stowaway No. 7 from Ship Ahoy! cenynant Stanley Wilson (1899-1983) sempre PP sempre staccato Fea AA Shp anys made up otcwelve nausea scenes or dhe plan fected here, ts «play on Down among ae dead nea ‘aditonal song ettbuted to John Dyer (1700-50). The piece is to be pleyed pianistmo throughout, and one can imagine the stowasay hiding deep dovrin thebold of teship, perhaps eware of the silos asleep in thelr berths. The tomb-like trosphere might explain te reference to the ‘deed men. Although the publied metronome mark is J» 182, eandidctes may prefora mor relaxed tempo, such as = 108 ‘Stanley Wilson was a student at London's Royal College of Masie (1915-21, ith an interruption for wae service), studying compton with Stanford and conducting witb Boult to eter years, he vaught at Ipswich Grammar School and Dulwich College Source Ship Ahoy! (Ma chester: Forsyth 1982) (0 Forth others Lud rom Ship yy Stan Wisin, xed by Forshee La. Used iy pansion afte pubsers Al enquies abot ths pe gare anche dirty ‘eluingto the coat sovld boaddreaed to ovyth others Ld, 26 Deeps, Mandhaer M2200 arpublahingelorhacok Unaahoried The Piper o’ Dundee sani Acrenged by Richard Michael Trad, Scottish Wild Scottish groove J veo 12 poco rit. = w, = tJ ey a ae eS ey eS , 2 The eranger, Richard Michaa tl us that ‘Ths tional Scotiah ik ong show be played aif marching to the bagpipes! The Piper of Dangeeqsess prominent eebte—in ater vars, ne folled the led ng mee VI of Stn ho waa King ems Engand sad fer othe hd Petre. He sald aaventacted ran olowers tothe aca case which masled by hsmaserVisoantDundae Ucn Graham of Claverton) As rest Donde managed coral Jacobie aciny age enough to defeat the Engl govenrer oes a th Bale ofkillecanie in 109, © zsinby The Asecned Dodoo onal tawic sae The Cat Soar from Peter and the Wolf, Op. 67 ‘arranged by Davie Blacivett Sergey Prokatiev (1991-1953) ‘Moderato J= <88 Suny soaring cole Pars Hse aca cwttg dough the eras mp con elegans i . - 2 te ? ~ . . Tie cot show The bird buy poco ti ‘ sie Zt 1 aning Mi jsrgrd hin aie tempo ste ere cazeard hi oh wes paws a re oe mf tac. 2 Peer ane chev ers sone Paya vo) a fee fr naretor and smal orcs, composed by Prokate (who sso wrote the wort In 1936 heya inhi he seid permanenly In Moscon ater many yersabroad tks econ oreo hismost ending nope saves. Each haces inthe stor istepesentea by aparicalar there played on aapeci instant the Bed hese by fae, the Dac y toe, Genter bybassoon Petr by angs the Wol7by hoes, ond the Cat (arranged hee fr piano) by claint- ths arrangement. the rds ofthe sory are ‘included for intrest they should not be ree cloud i the exc, Yeu lave to listen to theres ofthe ple to Bnd cut hat happens nxt! {Copa 187 by eve Son Lonte Led “hiscrangenent Copyiht 02 by Hlankes@ So Lao) Lb eros by senasian Bose tanks Bi Pats La. Lens sou his ls aot hse der ela he eas shold be bed to Booey Mawes Mon Paste 8, Nga ke 71-31 RENE, LN ‘ecaa aan 10 Unauthorised Gospel Flair aan No. 43 fram Mini Jazz, Vol. 1 Manfred Schmitz 1939-2014) DS. al Fine Mantred Schmitz, composer of tat Jaz, says:"You'l have los ofan “moving” int the exiting, wonderful wold of jaz! Phe ads You can strike ‘tezecented tes alot hazéer thin you would inpieees by Bach or Mozat..Yourperformance shoul elle the funyoute having while playing’ {in Gaspot Fair quvers shoul be straight, nat wang. The frrata in b.8 signs tho end not prolongation Ibe chor i acca), “The Germen composer ead pianist Mantred Schmite studied at the Frana Lisat Acedemy of Music in Wotmar, whero he later taught (1988-84), After 2960, he offen toured with his Manired Schmitz jza To, and helo wrote number ofjazz-inuenced pieces for children, (© 1995 by Dauteher Verlag ie Mase Lig Tesrolaced by pectin lg eserves Allengues about hi plo apt fom chore crt rang texans shoud be adres Desh Vrg ‘rats tek Cb, alknatineases2, 65195 Wesbaden Germany,

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