WIDGB4 AK Rtest S 2

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REVIEW: Speaking 1–4

Can respond to an offer or suggestion, expressing enthusiasm

Can express belief, opinion, agreement and disagreement politely

Can give compliments, using fixed expressions

Can describe how to do something, giving detailed instructions

Can use language related to accessories, cosmetics and hair

Can use language related to appearance

Can use language related to job description and types of work

Sample Responses
1 Work with Student B/A to roleplay a conversation. Follow the prompts on the role card.

Student A/B:

Expected Exchange:
Student A: Hello, Fran. How are you today/How are things today?
Student B: Great thanks and you? You’re looking fantastic today. I love your hair like that.
Student A: Thanks. You’ve made my day. I went to a new hairdresser yesterday and wasn’t sure if I really liked the way
she cut it. Is that a new jacket you’re wearing? It’s very cool. It looks really good on you.
Student B: That’s really nice of you. You’ve made me feel really good.
Student A: By the way, could you help me with this new phone?
Student B: Sure! What’s the problem?
Student A: I can’t connect to the internet.
Student B: No problem. Let me have a look. It’s the same as mine, so I think I can help. Tap the settings here. We need
to check that your data usage or wi-fi is on. Look, tap it here so it says ‘on’.
Student A: Oh, it’s working now. That’s great. Thanks for helping me.
Student B: No worries. Each phone is a bit different.
Student A: Hey, what are you doing for lunch today? Do you want to meet?
Student B: Yeah. That would be great.
Student A: See you later then.

Expected Answers to Questions:

1 Yes, of course. It’s always nice to receive a compliment and it makes you feel good about yourself.
2 Yes, last week I had to help my grandmother send a text message on her new phone.
3 I sometimes suggest that we do our homework together when it is particularly difficult. Other things I suggest are what
to do together at the weekend and where to meet.
4 I’m quite easy going, so, yes, I usually agree to my friends’ suggestions unless I really don’t want to do something –
then I’ll refuse!

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REVIEW: Speaking 1–4
2 Look at the photo and describe it to Student B/A.

Student A:

Expected Response:
I can see two women and I think they are in a shop. One woman is the shop assistant the other is a customer. The
customer is trying on some earrings and the assistant is holding a mirror so that she can see what they look like. There
are some jewellery boxes on the table/counter in front of them. Maybe the customer is going to a special party – that’s
why she’s buying the earrings. Both of the women look quite smart. The customer is shorter than the assistant and she’s
got long dark brown hair, which I think is in a ponytail. She’s wearing a beige dress, or a jumper and skirt and she’s got
painted nails. The shop assistant is taller than the customer and has also got long black hair, but it isn’t tied in a ponytail.
She’s wearing a patterned blouse and black skirt.

Student B:

Expected Response:
Let’s see … In my picture, there are three women also in a shop. Two of the women are customers and I think they have
bought something because the shop assistant is giving one of them a bag. The two customers look very happy with their
shopping and are smiling. I can’t see the shop assistant’s face, but I think she’s happy, too. The shop assistant has long
straight brown hair and is wearing a white blouse and a brown leather skirt. The customer who is taking the shopping bag
is wearing a yellow or gold blouse and a green skirt. She’s got long blond hair which is curly. The other women is behind
the bag, but I think she’s wearing a stripy summer dress because it hasn’t got any sleeves.

Student A/B:

Expected Answers to Questions:

1 Yes, I think it would be fun to work in a clothes shop. You could see all the latest fashions and maybe buy the clothes
at a discount.
2 I’m not really sure what I want to do in the future, but I think I’d like to work in a caring profession, so maybe with
children or as a nurse.
3 I think they are very important. You will give a good impression if you are smartly dressed. Instead, if you are dressed
very casually or even scruffily it will give the impression that you don’t care whether you get the job or not.

Marking Grid
Marks out of 20 should be awarded for the two tasks combined (each task is worth a maximum of 10 marks).
Award up to 2 marks for each section of the mark scheme for each task, according to the descriptions below.

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REVIEW: Speaking 1–4
Marks Task Spoken Spoken Range Accuracy
achievement production and interaction

0-1 Gives only short Can make Can interact with Has sufficient Can use some simple
answers to the themselves reasonable ease vocabulary to structures correctly, but
questions. understood in in structured conduct routine still makes basic
everyday mistakes. Limited
Doesn’t develop short exchanges situations and
transactions but will control of short simple
ideas and even though short routine
generally have to sentence structures,
doesn’t express pauses, false exchanges compromise the but message can be
opinions. starts and provided the other message and understood.
reformulation are person helps if search for words.
very evident. necessary.
partners will need
to ask for
repetition from
time to time.

1.5 Gives clear Can keep going Can initiate, Has enough Good control of
answers to the comprehensibly maintain and language to get by, elementary language,
questions, and even though close simple face- with sufficient but errors still occur
vocabulary to when expressing more
develops some pausing for to-face
express themselves complex thoughts.
ideas with grammatical and conversation on
with some Uses reasonably
examples. Gives lexical planning is familiar topics. hesitation on accurately a repertoire
opinions. very evident in Can repeat back everyday topics. of frequently used
longer stretches part of what Lexical limitations ‘routines’ and patterns
of free production. someone has said may cause associated with more
Can reasonably to confirm mutual repetition and even predictable situations.
fluently sustain understanding difficulty with
straightforward and start again formulation at times.
description of using a different
familiar topics. strategy when
breaks down.

2 Gives very full Can express Can communicate Can express Can communicate with
answers to the themselves with with some themselves with reasonable accuracy in
questions, relative ease and confidence on some confidence on familiar contexts.
everyday topics Generally good control,
developing keep going familiar routine
although they may but with a few mistakes
ideas, effectively despite and non-routine
have to search for in more complex
expanding some pauses to matters. Can or talk around language structures.
through formulate ideas. exchange, check unknown words. However, these do not
examples and and confirm May occasionally impede the message.
expressing a information and use more complex
range of express thoughts phrases and
opinions. on abstract topics. expressions but
Can exploit a often with limited
repertoire of

© 2017 Pearson PHOTOCOPIABLE 3

REVIEW: Speaking 1–4
language and
strategies to help
keep a

© 2017 Pearson PHOTOCOPIABLE 4

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