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2019 International Conference on Information Science and Communication Technology (ICISCT)

Simulation of Undersea Optical Communication

System using DCF and SSF

Hassan Muwafaq gheni, M.F.L. Abdullah, R.Talib, Khaldoon Anmar Omar, Abdullah Ali Qasim, Anas Malik
Abdulrahman , Marwan najm fakhri ,Abdullah Dawood
Dept. communication engineering
Faculty of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia,,,

Abstract— Optical fiber is the link and the backbone of the meet the ever increasing demand for larger transmission
communication system. This is especially where fiber optic bandwidth.[11][12] [13].
undersea is found low loss, high efficiency and large effective
area major for enabling system to transmit big data up to In this paper, A design of an undersea fiber cable system
thousand kilometers with less distortion. In this paper, we was proposed consisted of the transmitter part Including the
designed 220 Km fiber optic system with data rate 40 Gb/s in drive circuit and a light source, besides a connector to join
the term of two scenario: the first scenario used fiber optic fiber with the transmitter part. An optical amplifier was used
cable with 80 core diameter and the second scenario used to regenerate and reshape the optical signal. At the other end,
optic fiber cable with 17 core diameter which made the the receiver part included the photo detector, electrical
transmission signal for long distance very difficult. Observing amplifier and process circuit. Figure 1 shows 220 Km
the first scenario, the signal transmitted with less dispersion distance with data rate 40 Gbit/s. Fiber optic block diagram.
and less bit error rate 2.956* over 220 Km. the signal
transmitted over 220 Km with high chromatic dispersion in the
second scenario. To avoid chromatic dispersion using, an ideal
dispersion compensation FBG, was used to reflect the
undesired signal. The received signal on the other side with bit
error rate of 4.8625 * .

Keywords— RoF; RZ modulation; optical fiber; optical

wireless system


The development of optical cable undersea technology

during the past decade was very significant. In the last years,
optical cable technology was becoming more widely used
than satellite technology. The optical cable is characterized
by high reliability because the distance between the two
repeaters is relatively large, small components and small Fig. 1. Undersea optical system block diagram [1]
optical cable diameter. In addition more protection was
provided for the information sent through the optical cable, II. PRPOPOSED SYSTEM
which is characterized by the difficulty of information
hacker. The undersea cable system requires optical fiber 1n this design the transmitter side is a CW type of
support to the transmission of information with minimal loss laser with frequency 1550 nm with polymer connector [14].
and less chromatic dispersion, and this must be flexible The proposed design uses two types of fiber slandered
enough to be used under hard environmental conditions single mode fiber (SSMF) and dispersion compensating
[1][2]. Polymer optical fiber could be one of the choices for fiber (DCF) [15] [16] over two lengths; the first length will
undersea communication. [6][7][8][9]. be 110km (SSMF), and the second length will be 110Km
(DCF). DCF: is specified at 1310 nm and 1550 nm but with
The optic fiber provides transmission data with high rate
a zero-chromatic dispersion slope in the 1550nm region.
Reaches to Tbits/s with low power consumption and high
efficiency. When updating the 10 Gbps optical transmission EDFA amplifier type with gain of 20 dB and ROA amplifier
system to 40 Gbps, the main limits are chromatic dispersion, with gain of 12 dB was used in this design. [17] [18] At the
nonlinear effect, especially the interactions of dispersion and receiver side, an APD was used as a photodetector with
intra-channel nonlinearity. This is, moreover, in order to sensitivity -20 dB [19]. The proposed diagram is shown in

978-1-7281-0447-8/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE

Figure 2. This paper proposed two scenarios; design and
implementation of undersea optical fiber in term of using the
high performance fiber. From the other hand used same
design with distance 220 Km but with less performance,
compared with the previous scenario in term of high
dispersion and less fiber core diameter , which makes
transmitting at for long distance more difficult.

Fig. 3. Simulation of first scenario.

Fig. 2. Proposed block diagram of undersea optical

A. Calculation dispersion budget over the link

The parameters in Table 1 are used for the simulated
system description of the fiber parameters.[20][21]


Parameters Value
The following assumptions have been made to meet the Bit rate 40 G bps
specifications of the proposed design [21]. The data rate Sequence length 128
speed 40 Gb/s was used. Because it is the maximum data
Samples per bit 128
rate speed with SMF.
Central frequency 193 THz
Dispersion = dispersion per kilometer x length of fiber Wave band 1550 nm
Table 2 shows the parameters of SSMF and DCF.


Type Length(km) Dispersion(ps/ Dispersion(ps.nm)
SSMF 110 85 9350
DCF 110 85 9350

B. First scenario (normal optical fiber SMF)

The first scenario was implemented by using normal
optical fiber SMF with normal area 80μm2 and dispersion of
16.75 ps/ (nm km). Meanwhile, the second scenario was
proposed by using the demonstrated real situation
parameters. Figure 3 illustrates the first scenario undersea
optical with two links of fiber. Figure 4 shows the output
wave before detection with a BER of 2.95×10-44. Fig. 4. BER of 2.95×10-44

C. Second scenario (optical fiber SMF)

One of the most important limitations and Time window 3.2 ns
consequences of fiber optic communication at wavelength Sampling interval 0.196 ps
Sample rate 5.12 THz
1550 is the linear chromatic dispersion. Critical value of
β = –20ps2/km at 1300 nm for SMF leads to dispersion
coefficient =16 ps/ ( For bit rate B = 40 Gb/s, the
slot duration will be TB = 25 ps. when supposing the duty
cycle 0.5 then TFWHM = 12.5ps then T0 = 7.5ps

The length of corresponding dispersion will be almost

LD ~ 2.8 km. Format transmission of (return to zero
modulation) in SMF at 40 Gb/s with taking into
consideration: group velocity dispersion, linear losses, self-
phase modulation due to the Kerr nonlinearity, and
periodical amplifier with ASE noise. An analysis was made
of the effect of noise resulting from repeated and
accumulated amplification for RZ -modulation format
transmission in SMF at 40 Gb/s. Then compensate the
dispersion using DCF. The DCF length used in the Fig. 6. Transmitter component
simulation is calculated from [21].
LSMF D SMF Parameter Setup value
L DCF  Duty cycle 0.5 bit
D DCF (2) Rise time 0.15 bit
Fall time 0.25 bit
Where L and D indicate the length of the fiber and Wave length 1300 nm
dispersion, respectively. The subscripts SMF and DCF stand Line width 0.1 MHz
for the fiber type. The value of the DDCF that used in the Laser type CW with external modulation
simulation program is -800 ps/nm-km.

x Fiber Link

The standard mode optical fiber has the following

properties dispersion coefficient as [21]:


Dispersion slope

Nonlinear coefficient


Fig. 5. RZ layout — modulation format

Figure 5 shows the RZ layout while Figure 6 the transmitter

component, where the setting value of the simulation for RZ
generator and PRBS generator is as shown in Table 3:



Parameter Setup value

Bit rate 40Gb/s
Length of sequence 128 bits
Sample per Bit 128
Number of samples 16384
Fig. 7. Fiber link with amplifier component

Linear losses α = 0.2 dB/km for SSMF fiber length is 110

km. After each segment from SMF, an amplifier Fig. 8. Output BER of 2.95×10-13
compensates the linear losses as shown in Figure 7.
Dispersion compensation fiber DCF has Linear losses α = A well-expressed maximum in Figure 8 can be seen. At
0.2 dB/km fiber length = 110 km. The tow fiber links have distances greater than 220 km, max Q becomes 7. Therefore,
dispersion factor of -85 ps/ (nm km), and effective area of 17 this is the maximum distance with good Q performance.
μm2. After the single mode fiber, an amplifier compensates
the linear losses EDFA amplifier type with gain of 20dB and
5dB noise figure and FBG. After dispersion compensating
fiber, a ROA amplifier with gain of 12 dB with 3 dB noise
figure used in this design.

Properties of optical filter are the wavelength of the carrier

=1300 nm, and Photo detector PIN type with -20dB
sensitivity. A low pass electrical filter with cutoff frequency
= 0.75 x Bit rate, then notice that the dispersion has
compensated completely with compensation of the power
losses in both fiber links. For the dispersion compensation,
post compensation is used in this simulation. Some of the
above the parameters are chosen in accordance with [21],
which allows comparison of the result.

Fig. 9. Power link scheme measurement layout

The realized power and OSNR at the five nodes are shown
In the first part of this analysis, It was noticed that the in Figure 9 while the measured result is tabulated in Table 4:
comparison format of RZ in Figure. 8 which shows the
results was obtained with high-dispersion fibers 40 Gb/s RZ TABLE 4. THE POWER AND SNR OVER THE LINK AT THE
modulation format (duty ratio = 0.5) transmission over a FIVE NODES
common distance of 220 km single mode fiber [1 loop × Node Power OSNR
(SMF 110 km + DCF 110 km)] and periodical 1 4.18 dBm 24.1 dB
amplification after each fiber. 2 -17 dBm 2.18 dB
The dependence of the max Q from the input power is 3 2.18 dBm 22.18 dB
4 -19.81 dBm 18.1 dB
shown in the graph. The BER of 4.86×10-13 analyzer eye 5 -20 dBm 0 dB
diagram represents the optimal point, which according to the
graph, is output power -20.4 dBm. We can notice that the bit
error rate in the first scenario is less than the second, IV. CONCLUSION
because DCF FBG was used in the first one. In this project of designing undersea optical fiber
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