Consolidation and Permeability Behaviour of Newark Bay's Dredged Sediments by Seepage - Induced Consolidation Test

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Consolidation and permeability behaviour of

Newark Bay’s dredged sediments by seepage-
induced consolidation test

Masoud Janbaz & Ali Maher

To cite this article: Masoud Janbaz & Ali Maher (2017) Consolidation and permeability
behaviour of Newark Bay’s dredged sediments by seepage-induced consolidation
test, International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 11:2, 120-126, DOI:
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Published online: 27 Jun 2016.

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Consolidation and permeability behaviour of
Newark Bay’s dredged sediments by seepage-
induced consolidation test
Masoud Janbaz* and Ali Maher
Annually, two to four million cubic yards of sediments need to be dredged to maintain the navigational depth
for cargo ships in NY/NJ harbours. The dredged sediments are hydraulically disposed into impoundment
ponds and capped. The limitations on disposal sites force the designer to design the ponds to its
fullest capacity which requires understanding of consolidation behaviour of these sediments. Dredged
sediments, however, do not follow the traditional consolidation behaviour proposed by Terzaghi. The
limitations and simplifying assumptions of infinitesimal strain and constant permeability make the traditional
consolidation theory impractical dealing with these sediments. Therefore, a consolidation apparatus
based on seepage force was constructed in Rutgers University to account for all of the shortcomings of
traditional consolidation. The outcome of this research programme showed that this method of testing is
applicable to the soft sediment consolidation testing and provides reliable and repeatable results.
Keywords: Dredged sediments, Seepage-induced consolidation, Index properties

Introduction settlement to play an important role in the consolidation of

this type of material. Since the consolidation process is very
Each year, approximately two to four million cubic yards of time-consuming, it will strongly influence the reclamation
soft sediment need to be dredged from NY/NJ bay areas in planning, future utilisation of the landfill, vegetation and so
order to create enough depth in waterways for ships to carry on. Therefore, it is very important to precisely evaluate the
goods. This is economically very crucial since bulk carriers consolidation behaviour of this material to better estimate the
need to get in and out of ports which play a significant role in useful life of a disposal area and the time required to achieve
the economy of the area. In general, dredging whether mechan- reclamation.
ically or hydraulically will be the solution to the problem but
by putting more strict environmental regulations nowadays,
dealing with proper ways of disposal, the sediments are getting Newark Bay sediment characteristics
more challenging. Once the sediment is dredged, they should According to Maher et al. (2013), New Jersey waterways is
be disposed either in upland disposal facilities such as landfills, divided into three general regions regarding physical properties
confined disposal facilities or confined aquatic disposals. The of the sediments, i.e. harbour region, shore region and Delaware
fine nature of the sediments which has very high water con- region. The harbour region is mostly comprised of fine-grained
tent restricts the usage of traditional consolidation tests. Large silts and clays, shore regions are primarily sand and Delaware
strains and settlement due to self-weight of the sediments are region with a combination of all grain sizes. Understanding
two major factors which cause traditional consolidometer to be the geotechnical behaviour of sediment is based on obtaining
ineffective. Due to the value of the huge footprint of disposal key geotechnical indices such as index properties, permeability
areas and environmental regulations on the aquatic disposal and strength of the material. Depending on the type of appli-
facilities, designing the catchment areas capacity to the fullest cation and project specifications, the geotechnical experimen-
potential requires knowledge of consolidation or time settle- tal plan can change. In general, a wide variety of sediment
ment behaviour of the sediments. types are dredged from the Newark Bay every year because
The consolidation behaviour of fine sediments is not just in of navigation channel maintenance. The general overview of
dredging operations. Slurried minerals from mining operations, the material includes fine-grained silt, red clay, glacial till and
in the form of mine tailings, have the same challenges when sand (Maher et al. 2013). The sediments tend to have organic
disposed. The low density of material causes the self-weight content of about 10% with high water content which makes it
difficult to handle. The general soil classification, according
Department of Civil Engineering, Rutgers, The State University of New to Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) of Newark Bay,
Jersey, Piscataway, USA
is high plasticity silt (MH) or organic silt (OH) depending on
*Corresponding author, email

© 2016 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

Received 21 April 2016; accepted 24 May 2016
120 DOI 10.1080/19386362.2016.1195034 International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering   2017  VOL 11   NO 2
Janbaz and Maher Consolidation and permeability behaviour of Newark Bay’s dredged sediments by seepage induced consolidation test

Table 1 Index properties of Newark Bay silt sediment

USCS classifi- Moisture Permeability

Location cation Sand (%) Silt (%) Clay (%) content (%) LL-PL (cm/sec)
Newark Bay, OH 19 72 9 480 94–54 3.8 × 10−8
Port Elizabeth
Newark Bay, OH 22 70 8 175 88–52 3.8 × 10−8
Port Elizabeth
Newark Bay, OH 14 80 6 146 100–64 3.8 × 10−8
Port Elizabeth
Newark Bay, OH 40 50 2 70 54–30 5.5 × 10−8
Lower Channel
Newark Bay CH 6.5 33 60.5 35 39–26 1 × 10−7
Arthur Kill OH 10 78 12 181 113–70 –
Lower Passaic OH 4 74 22 144 108–60 2.9 × 10−8

the organic content of the sample. Organic content could be permeability with void ratio, the Gibson’s theory plays the fun-
as high as 10%, and the rest of the soil is composed of mostly damental role in the consolidation of soft sediments.
silt and up to 20% of clayey material. The water content (ratio There are a number of experimental tests suggested by
of weight of water over weight of dry soil) varies depending researchers in order to investigate the consolidation character-
on the sampling method and location but could be between 70 istics of soft sediments with high water content (Znidarcic and
and 180%. Water content, liquid limit (LL), plastic limit (PL), Liu 1989). The consolidation under seepage was first proposed
amount of particles fraction and permeability of the Newark by Imai (1979), and many researchers tried to come up with a
Bay are presented in Table 1 (Maher et al. 2013). set-up which can accurately determine the consolidation of soft
As can be seen from the table, the overall physical properties sediments (Carrier et al. 1983; Cargill 1986; Scott et al. 1986;
of the soft sediment of Newark Bay vary around organic silts Aydilek et al. 1999; Sridharan and Prakash 2001; Erten et al.
with high water content. In Fig. 1, the overall map of the bay is 2011). Among all of them, Znidarcic and Liu (1989) developed
shown. The high water content and type of the sediments pro- a set-up that can determine the consolidation of fine sediments
posing low density type of sediment that can be prone to high in timely manner with high accuracy. His set-up is based on
compressibility and low hydraulic conductivity which needs seepage-induced consolidation concept and can determine the
more investigation. compressibility and hydraulic conductivity of the sediment in
one test but in multiple steps.
The seepage-induced consolidation test (SICT) has been
Finite strain consolidation and seepage- used for over two decades to determine the consolidation
induced consolidation concept characteristics of soft sediments such as dredged sediments
The theory of consolidation is designed to predict the progress and mine tailings (Abu-Hejle and Znidarcic 1994; Berilgen
of deformation of an element of a saturated porous media et al. 2006; Pedroni and Aubertin 2008; Znidarcic et al. 2011;
that is subjected to an imposed stress. In general, a porous Estepho 2014). The efficient procedure of the test can result
material can be considered as a system of components that in the permeability and compressibility relationship of soft
interact with each other and each component is governed by sediments.
its constitutive relationships, namely stress–strain and flow. The SICT consists of three stages. Different stages will
Traditional geotechnical engineering applications of porous result in different void ratio measurements in different stress
media consist of two phases: a deformable mineral skele- levels. The first stage is sedimentation column in order to get
ton (soil) and an incompressible Newtonian fluid (water). zero stress void ratio, the second stage is consolidation under
Consolidation is the deformation caused by outflow of pore low effective stresses created by seepage force, and the last
water from a saturated soil skeleton. Since the system is con- stage is consolidation under load. There are always intermediate
sidered to be saturated at all time, the outflow of pore water is stages based on the magnitude of stress of interest. The first
equal to the deformation of soil or increase in effective stress stage is the sedimentation column which is performed aside
in the soil skeleton. In this case, the water flow is stimulated from the actual seepage testing apparatus and may take weeks
by any change in the imposed stresses on the soil skeleton, to be completed. In the first stage, the slurry from the dredging
i.e. either difference in the hydraulic head between the top station will be poured into graduated cylinder and will be left
and the bottom of the soil layer or by a surcharged load. If to settle down under its own weight (Fig. 2).
the only surcharge applied to the soil skeleton is the buoyant The average void ratio of the settled material will be consid-
weight of the solid particle, then the problem is said to be ered as zero stress void ration e00. The second and third stages
self-weight consolidation which is neglected in traditional will be performed in the SICT device which is shown in Fig. 3.
consolidation theory and plays an important role in soft (low The set-up consists of water reservoir to provide water to
density) sediment consolidation. the system, sample chamber to contain the sample, syringe
The governing equation of finite strain consolidation the- pump to induce suction and initiate seepage-based consolida-
ory is based on Gibson, England and Hussey’s work in 1967. tion on sample and data acquisition system for recording the
Since the traditional Terzaghi theory of consolidation cannot axial deformation read by LVDT, seepage rate, stresses and
consider large strains, self-weight effect and the variation of differential pressure between top and bottom of the sample.

 International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering   2017  VOL 11   NO 2 121

Janbaz and Maher Consolidation and permeability behaviour of Newark Bay’s dredged sediments by seepage induced consolidation test

1 Newark Bay map (Shrestha et al. 2014)

The second stage of the test is based on inducing suc- consolidation on sample. Axial deformation and hydraulic
tion of water from underneath of the sample and initiating conductivity of sample will be recorded. The final stage of the

122 International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering   2017  VOL 11   NO 2

Janbaz and Maher Consolidation and permeability behaviour of Newark Bay’s dredged sediments by seepage induced consolidation test

e = A(𝜎 � + Z)
And the hydraulic conductivity is based on:
K = C × eD
In these equations, e is void ratio, σ′ is effective stress and K
is the hydraulic conductivity. A, B, C, D and Z are the model
parameters which are used to predict the consolidation behav-
iour for all stress levels.

Benchmark tests
In order to confirm that the set-up provides repeatable and
reliable data sets, kaolinite clay was tested in Rutgers set-up
and the results are compared to Estepho (2014). Therefore,
samples were prepared based on water content of 1.36 to sim-
ulate the test of slurries done by Prof. Znidarcic at University
of Colorado and Estepho at University of British Columbia.
The results of compressibility and hydraulic conductivity are
presented in Figs. 4 and 5.
The constitutive equations are presented in Table 2.
The results of benchmark test at Rutgers show good com-
patibility with results of similar tests on similar sediments.
Although the test set-up in Rutgers University is modified to
2 Sedimentation column use deadweight for simpler troubleshooting purposes, but the
results are quite satisfactory and reliable.
test, which always will be divided in smaller steps, is based on
the amount of desired load and inducing the lowest possible Test results
suction for hydraulic conductivity measurements. At the end of
Eleven seepage-induced consolidation tests were performed
the test, the sample will be dried in oven and the total volume
on sediment samples from Newark Bay. The testing program
and weight of solids will be calculated. The results of the test
for each sample starts with self-weight consolidation test on
will be analysed by Excel spreadsheet based on SICTA pro-
a graduated cylinder which allows the slurry to settle under
gram principles (Abu-Hejleh and Znidarcic, 1994). The com-
its own weight for almost a week or two in some cases which
pressibility and hydraulic conductivity relations with void ratio
results in zero void ratio calculation. The index properties of
are based on equation proposed by Liu and Znidarcic (1991)
the samples are presented in Table 3.
and Somogyi (1979) which is widely accepted and used by
The grain size distribution of all of the samples is presented
researchers (Pane and Schiffman 1997; Gjerapic and Znidarcic
in Fig. 6.
2007; Jeeravipoolvarn et al. 2009; Bonin et al. 2014). The pro-
After the sedimentation column test for self-weight consoli-
posed equation for compressibility is the following:
dation, the sample is prepared for the seepage test by measuring

3 Seepage-induced consolidation apparatus

 International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering   2017  VOL 11   NO 2 123

Janbaz and Maher Consolidation and permeability behaviour of Newark Bay’s dredged sediments by seepage induced consolidation test

Void Ratio-Compressibility Void Ratio-Permeability

4 6
3.5 UBC
3 Rutgers

2 3


0 0
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1.00E-11 1.00E-10 1.00E-09 1.00E-08 1.00E-07 1.00E-06

4 Compressibility curve comparison 5 Hydraulic conductivity curve comparison

Table 2 Constitutive relationships on benchmark test

Constitutive relationship Compressibility Permeability

CU boulder (
e = 2.332 𝜎 � + 0.075
k = 5.9E − 10e4.22
UBC ( �
e = 2.559 𝜎 + 0.317
k = 6.73E − 10e4.03
Rutgers ( �
e = 2.324 𝜎 + 0.11
k = 5E − 10e4.82

Table 3 Index properties

Test # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
ω% 193.61 183.53 189.60 207.02 193.61 195.70 193.7 189.78 181.36 182.53 195.6
Gs 2.61 2.55 2.58 2.42 2.68 2.95 2.52 2.38 2.34 2.31 2.81
LL% 128 118 120 125 119 124 116 121 110 120 130
PL% 98 85 87 94 82 74 88 95 91 99 71

6.00 T1
T2 T2
80 5.00
T3 T3
T4 4.00 T4
% Finer

50 T6 3.00

40 T7
T8 2.00 T7
T9 T8
T10 T9
T11 T10
0 0.00
10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 T11
Sieve size (mm)

6 Grain size distribution curve 7 Compressibility curve

the moisture content and specific gravity. Then, the first stage by capping the impoundment ponds. This step will have some
of the seepage test under small amount of surcharge (about intermediate stress levels that will densify the sample for the
0.3 kPa) will be performed. The sample will be under suction desired stress level. The minimum hydraulic conductivity
by syringe pump and the surcharge will be due to top porous will be applied on the sample for permeability measurements.
stone, top cap and plunger. The last part of the test depends on Usually the last stage of the test starts with 1 kPa and will con-
the amount of desired stress level that will be applied in practice tinue with 10, 25, 50 and the final surcharge which is around

124 International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering   2017  VOL 11   NO 2

Janbaz and Maher Consolidation and permeability behaviour of Newark Bay’s dredged sediments by seepage induced consolidation test

Table 4 Present the equations for compressibility and permeability curves

Test Compressibility Permeability

1 �
e = 2.557(𝜎 + 0.0485) −0.173
k = 1E–13 e11.447
2 e = 2.803(𝜎 � + 0.0449)−0.154 k = 9E–12 e5.367
3 e = 2.859(𝜎 � + 0.1354)−0.209 k = 2E–11 e6
4 e = 3.164(𝜎 � + 0.0208)−0.117 k = 2E–16 e14.461
5 e = 2.807(𝜎 � + 0.0964)−0.196 k = 5E–11 e5.038
6 e = 2.18(𝜎 � + 0.2317)−0.401 k = 2E–10 e5.188
7 e = 2.669(𝜎 � + 0.0341)−0.136 k = 3E–14 e11.422
8 e = 3.266(𝜎 � + 0.1501)−0.176 k = 3E–13 e9.561
9 e = 3.142(𝜎 � + 0.1387)−0.123 k = 3E–16 e15.35
10 e = 2.959(𝜎 � + 0.0435)−0.114 k = 5E–17 e16.053
11 e = 2.557(𝜎 � + 0.0485)−0.173 k = 4E–12 e4.882

5 T1 England and Hussey can well define the self-weight and large
4.5 T2 strains which happen in the consolidation of dredged sediments
4 T3 in reality. The testing device was constructed and calibrated
3.5 T4 for testing of dredged sediments in Rutgers University. The
T5 results show that the seepage-induced consolidation test set-up
2.5 can provide reliable and repeatable data sets for consolidation

of dredged sediments and can aid designers to precisely cal-
culate the amount of settlement of these sediments under any
1 surcharge. The compressibility and permeability of sediment
0.5 are believed to be influenced by their index properties and can
0 be the reason for different test results. Authors believe that
1E-26 1E-22 1E-18 1E-14 1E-10 1E-06
further investigation is needed to prove the influence of index
k(m/s) properties on consolidation behaviour of soft sediments.

8 Permeability curve
100–150 kPa. In order to obtain the model parameters (A, B,
Z…), we just need one set of stresses and corresponding void Masoud Janbaz
ratio and the rest of the load steps in final stage is redundant.
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