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Kurdistan Region-Iraq

University of Salahaddin-Erbil
College of Engineering
Software and Informatics Department

Cultural Heritage and Arts

Prepared by:
Huda Ghazi Faruq
Olivia Salim Slewa
Marsel Majid Polus
Bawar Surdash Kareem
Under the supervision of the Lecturer:
Dr. Narin Akrawi

March–25– 2024
Survey on Cultural Heritage and Arts:



Thank you for participating in our survey! We're excited to share our vision for an app that serves as a vibrant
marketplace for cultural arts, crafts, music, and literature, while also providing valuable insights into each item's
cultural significance.
Our goal is to create a platform where users can not only purchase unique cultural treasures but also delve
deeper into the stories and traditions behind each piece. Your feedback will help us ensure that our app meets
the needs of individuals like you who value cultural heritage and seek to engage with it in a meaningful way.
Please take a few moments to share your thoughts and preferences with us as we strive to develop an app that
celebrates diversity, preserves heritage, and fosters cultural understanding through the power of digital

Thank you for being a part of this exciting journey!


1. Background:
• What is your cultural background or heritage?
• Asian
• African
• European
• North American
• South American
• Other (please specify): __________
• Have you ever actively engaged in activities related to cultural arts, crafts, music, or literature? If
so, could you please elaborate? (Short answer)
2. Technology Use:
• How frequently do you use mobile apps for shopping or exploring cultural content?
• Daily
• Weekly
• Monthly
• Rarely
• Never
• What features do you appreciate the most in apps you frequently use for shopping or cultural
exploration? (Check all that apply)
• User reviews
• High-quality images
• Detailed descriptions
• Easy navigation
• Personalized recommendations
• Other (please specify): __________
3. Needs and Preferences:
• What specific types of cultural arts, crafts, music, or literature are you most interested in
exploring or purchasing? (Short answer)
• What information do you typically seek when considering a purchase related to cultural heritage?
• Are there any specific features you would like to see in an app focused on cultural arts and crafts
shopping and exploration? (Short answer)
4. Pain Points:
• What challenges or difficulties have you encountered when trying to discover or purchase
cultural arts and crafts? (Paragraph)
• Have you ever felt that there was a lack of information or context provided when exploring
cultural items for purchase? If so, could you please describe your experience? (Paragraph)
5. Behaviors:
• How do you usually discover new cultural arts, crafts, music, or literature? (Check all that apply)
• Social media
• Online forums or communities
• Word of mouth
• Local events or festivals
• Other (please specify): __________
• Do you prefer to shop for cultural items online or in physical stores? Why? (Short answer)
• What factors influence your decision-making process when considering a purchase related to
cultural heritage?

Survey Responses:

1) Fatima Abbas:
1. Background:
• Cultural Background: Middle Eastern (Other)
• Engagement in Cultural Activities: Fatima has actively engaged in traditional Iraqi crafts such as
pottery making and embroidery, which are deeply rooted in her cultural heritage.
2. Technology Use:
• Frequency of App Use: Rarely
• Appreciated App Features: Fatima appreciates high-quality images and detailed descriptions
when using apps for cultural exploration.
3. Needs and Preferences:
• Specific Interests: Fatima is most interested in exploring traditional Iraqi crafts such as pottery
and textiles.
4. Pain Points:
• Challenges: Fatima has encountered challenges in finding authentic traditional Iraqi crafts online,
often facing difficulties in verifying the authenticity and quality of items.
5. Behaviors:
• Discovery Methods: Fatima usually discovers new cultural arts and crafts through local events or
festivals, where she can interact with artisans and learn about their craft processes.
2) Ahmed Al-Mansour:
1. Background:
• Cultural Background: Middle Eastern (Other)
• Engagement in Cultural Activities: Ahmed has a strong connection to Iraqi music and literature,
often attending local concerts and poetry readings to immerse himself in his cultural heritage.
2. Technology Use:
• Frequency of App Use: Weekly
• Appreciated App Features: Ahmed values easy navigation and personalized recommendations in
apps he frequently uses for cultural exploration.
3. Needs and Preferences:
• Specific Interests: Ahmed typically seeks information about the cultural significance and
craftsmanship when considering a purchase related to cultural heritage.
4. Pain Points:
• Challenges: Ahmed has faced challenges in discovering lesser-known Iraqi artists and artisans
online, as their work may not be readily accessible on mainstream platforms.
5. Behaviors:
• Discovery Methods: Ahmed discovers new cultural arts and crafts primarily through online
forums and communities, where he can connect with fellow enthusiasts and discover lesser-
known artists.

3) Sara Hussein:
1. Background:
• Cultural Background: Middle Eastern (Other)
• Engagement in Cultural Activities: Sara, being an Iraqi, has always been deeply involved in
preserving her cultural heritage. She frequently participates in traditional Iraqi music
performances and enjoys reading classical Iraqi literature.
2. Technology Use:
• Frequency of App Use: Daily
• Appreciated App Features: Sara appreciates user reviews and personalized recommendations in
apps she frequently uses for cultural exploration.
3. Needs and Preferences:
• Specific Interests: Sara is interested in exploring traditional Iraqi music and literature, especially
works by Iraqi authors.
4. Pain Points:
• Challenges: Sara has experienced a lack of information about the cultural context and
significance of Iraqi cultural items when exploring them for purchase online.
5. Behaviors:
• Discovery Methods: Sara prefers to shop for cultural items online due to the convenience and
accessibility of a wider selection, especially for items not readily available locally.

4) Ali Hassan:
1. Background:
• Cultural Background: Middle Eastern (Other)
• Engagement in Cultural Activities: Ali has a rich cultural background as an Iraqi, having served
in the Iraqi army for many years. He values his heritage and often participates in cultural events
showcasing Iraqi history and traditions.
2. Technology Use:
• Frequency of App Use: Monthly
• Appreciated App Features: Ali finds user reviews and high-quality images most useful in apps he
occasionally uses for cultural exploration.
3. Needs and Preferences:
• Specific Interests: Ali would like to see features that provide detailed information about the
cultural significance and history of each item in an app focused on cultural arts and crafts
shopping and exploration.
4. Pain Points:
• Challenges: Ali has encountered difficulties in finding reliable sources for traditional Iraqi crafts
online, often facing a lack of authenticity and cultural context in the items available.
5. Behaviors:
• Discovery Methods: Ali discovers new cultural arts and crafts primarily through word of mouth,
often hearing about local artisans and their work from friends and family.

5) Layla Kareem:
1. Background:
• Cultural Background: Middle Eastern (Other)
• Engagement in Cultural Activities: Layla, being Iraqi, has a strong interest in traditional Iraqi
arts and crafts. She often explores local markets to discover unique cultural items and supports
local artisans.
2. Technology Use:
• Frequency of App Use: Weekly
• Appreciated App Features: Layla appreciates detailed descriptions and easy navigation in apps
she frequently uses for cultural exploration.
3. Needs and Preferences:
• Specific Interests: Layla is most interested in exploring traditional Iraqi crafts such as ceramics
and calligraphy.
4. Pain Points:
• Challenges: Layla has faced challenges in finding traditional Iraqi crafts online that accurately
reflect the craftsmanship and cultural significance of the items.
5. Behaviors:
• Discovery Methods: Layla enjoys exploring cultural items both online and in physical stores,
appreciating the opportunity to discover unique items and interact with artisans directly.

6) Hassan Rahim:
1. Background:
• Cultural Background: Middle Eastern (Other)
• Engagement in Cultural Activities: Hassan, being from Kirkuk, has a diverse cultural
background influenced by various ethnic groups in the region. He actively engages in traditional
Kurdish music and literature to connect with his heritage.
2. Technology Use:
• Frequency of App Use: Weekly
• Appreciated App Features: Hassan values user reviews and high-quality images in apps he
frequently uses for cultural exploration.
3. Needs and Preferences:
• Specific Interests: Hassan would like to see features that allow users to interact with artisans and
learn about their craft processes in an app focused on cultural arts and crafts shopping and
4. Pain Points:
• Challenges: Hassan has experienced difficulties in finding traditional Kurdish crafts online, often
facing a lack of information about the artisans and their craft processes.
5. Behaviors:
• Discovery Methods: Hassan prefers to shop for cultural items online due to the convenience of
browsing a wide selection from the comfort of his home.

7) Noura Ahmed:
1. Background:
• Cultural Background: Middle Eastern (Other)
• Engagement in Cultural Activities: Noura, as an Iraqi pharmacist, has a deep appreciation for her
country's cultural heritage. She enjoys attending cultural festivals and exploring traditional Iraqi
crafts in her free time.
2. Technology Use:
• Frequency of App Use: Monthly
• Appreciated App Features: Noura appreciates easy navigation and personalized
recommendations in apps she occasionally uses for cultural exploration.
3. Needs and Preferences:
• Specific Interests: Noura is interested in exploring traditional Iraqi textiles and accessories,
especially those with historical significance.
4. Pain Points:
• Challenges: Noura has encountered challenges in finding traditional Iraqi textiles online, often
facing a lack of information about the materials used and the cultural significance of the items.
5. Behaviors:
• Discovery Methods: Noura discovers new cultural arts and crafts primarily through social media,
where she follows pages and groups dedicated to showcasing traditional Iraqi crafts.

8) Youssef Khalid:
1. Background:
• Cultural Background: Middle Eastern (Other)
• Engagement in Cultural Activities: Youssef, being from Sulaymaniyah, values his Kurdish
heritage and actively engages in Kurdish arts and crafts. He often participates in local cultural
events to promote traditional Kurdish culture.
2. Technology Use:
• Frequency of App Use: Monthly
• Appreciated App Features: Youssef finds high-quality images and detailed descriptions most
useful in apps he occasionally uses for cultural exploration.
3. Needs and Preferences:
• Specific Interests: Youssef seeks features that facilitate direct communication with artisans and
provide information about the cultural significance of each item in an app focused on cultural
arts and crafts shopping and exploration.
4. Pain Points:
• Challenges: Youssef has faced challenges in finding traditional Kurdish crafts online, often
encountering difficulties in verifying the authenticity and quality of items.
5. Behaviors:
• Discovery Methods: Youssef prefers to shop for cultural items online, as it allows him to access
a wider selection of traditional Kurdish crafts that may not be readily available locally.
9) Mariam Ali:
1. Background:
• Cultural Background: Middle Eastern (Other)
• Engagement in Cultural Activities: Mariam, an Iraqi civil engineer, is passionate about
preserving her country's cultural heritage. She frequently visits historical sites and museums to
learn more about Iraqi arts and crafts.
2. Technology Use:
• Frequency of App Use: Daily
• Appreciated App Features: Mariam values user reviews and personalized recommendations in
apps she frequently uses for cultural exploration.
3. Needs and Preferences:
• Specific Interests: Mariam is most interested in exploring traditional Iraqi architecture and
4. Pain Points:
• Challenges: Mariam has experienced a lack of diversity in the selection of traditional Iraqi crafts
available online, often finding limited options for exploring different cultural traditions.
5. Behaviors:
• Discovery Methods: Mariam usually discovers new cultural arts and crafts through local events
or festivals, where she can explore different cultural traditions and interact with artisans.

10) Omar Hassan:

1. Background:
• Cultural Background: Middle Eastern (Other)
• Engagement in Cultural Activities: Omar, a literature student from Baghdad, has a deep
appreciation for Iraqi poetry and literature. He actively participates in literary events and
workshops to further explore his cultural heritage.
2. Technology Use:
• Frequency of App Use: Daily
• Appreciated App Features: Omar appreciates easy navigation and high-quality images in apps he
frequently uses for cultural exploration.
3. Needs and Preferences:
• Specific Interests: Omar would like to see features that offer curated collections and
recommendations based on cultural interests in an app focused on cultural arts and crafts
shopping and exploration.
4. Pain Points:
• Challenges: Omar has encountered challenges in finding traditional Iraqi literature online, often
facing difficulties in accessing lesser-known works and translations.
5. Behaviors:
• Discovery Methods: Omar prefers to shop for cultural items online, as it offers a convenient way
to access a wide selection of Iraqi literature and explore different genres and authors.

11) Nadia Shamon:

1. Background:
• Cultural Background: Iraqi Chaldean
• Engagement in Cultural Activities: Nadia has actively engaged in traditional Iraqi crafts such as
pottery making and embroidery, which are deeply rooted in her cultural heritage.
2. Technology Use:
• Frequency of App Use: Rarely
• Appreciated App Features: Nadia appreciates high-quality images and detailed descriptions when
using apps for cultural exploration.
3. Needs and Preferences:
• Specific Interests: Nadia is most interested in exploring traditional Iraqi crafts such as pottery
and textiles.
4. Pain Points:
• Challenges: Nadia has encountered challenges in finding authentic traditional Iraqi crafts online,
often facing difficulties in verifying the authenticity and quality of items.

5. Behaviors:
• Discovery Methods: Nadia usually discovers new cultural arts and crafts through local events or
festivals, where she can interact with artisans and learn about their craft processes.

12) Joseph Yelda:

1. Background:
• Cultural Background: Iraqi Chaldean
• Engagement in Cultural Activities: Joseph has a rich cultural background as an Iraqi Chaldean,
having served in the Iraqi army for many years. He values his heritage and often participates in
cultural events showcasing Iraqi Chaldean history and traditions.
2. Technology Use:
• Frequency of App Use: Monthly
• Appreciated App Features: Joseph finds user reviews and high-quality images most useful in
apps he occasionally uses for cultural exploration.
3. Needs and Preferences:
• Specific Interests: Joseph would like to see features that provide detailed information about the
cultural significance and history of each item in an app focused on cultural arts and crafts
shopping and exploration.
4. Pain Points:
• Challenges: Joseph has encountered difficulties in finding reliable sources for traditional Iraqi
crafts online, often facing a lack of authenticity and cultural context in the items available.
5. Behaviors:
• Discovery Methods: Joseph discovers new cultural arts and crafts primarily through word of
mouth, often hearing about local artisans and their work from friends and family.

How we have performed the interviews for the development of user personas and task

➢ In planning the interviews, the focus was on gathering insights from individuals interested in cultural arts,
crafts, music, and literature, particularly those with Middle Eastern (Iraqi) heritage. The objectives were
clear to understand participants' backgrounds, engagement in cultural activities, technology use,
preferences, pain points, and behaviors related to cultural exploration and shopping. Structured interview
questions were designed to cover various aspects, ensuring a comprehensive understanding.

➢ For conducting interviews, a diverse set of participants was selected, representing different demographics
within the target audience. One-on-one interviews were scheduled to create a conducive environment for
open discussion, allowing participants to express their thoughts freely. Responses were carefully recorded
to ensure accuracy and completeness for later analysis.
➢ During the analysis phase, responses were reviewed to identify common themes, preferences, pain points,
and behaviors. Responses were grouped into categories based on the interview questions, and key insights
were extracted to understand users' motivations and expectations. User personas were developed based on
the collected data, representing typical users with distinct characteristics and goals. Additionally, task
analysis was conducted to identify user tasks within the app, mapping out user journeys and interactions
to inform the app's design and functionality.

➢ In documentation, survey responses were compiled and organized in a structured format, including
background information, technology usage habits, preferences, pain points, and behaviors. Detailed
profiles were created for each user persona, incorporating demographic information, motivations, goals,
behaviors, and pain points. Task analysis was documented, outlining key tasks identified through the user
interviews and mapping out user flows and interactions to guide the app's development process.

Analyzing interview data:

Common patterns and unique insights:

1. Common Patterns:
• Strong connection to Iraqi cultural heritage.
• Interest in preserving and promoting traditional Iraqi arts and crafts.
• Frustrations with the lack of authenticity and information about cultural items online.
• Preference for detailed descriptions and high-quality images in apps.
Unique Insights:
• Fatima actively engages in traditional Iraqi crafts like pottery making and embroidery.
• Ahmed is particularly interested in Iraqi music and literature, attending local concerts and poetry
• Sara frequently participates in traditional Iraqi music performances and enjoys classical Iraqi
• Ali participates in cultural events showcasing Iraqi history and traditions, reflecting his
commitment to heritage preservation.
• Layla explores traditional Iraqi arts and crafts in local markets, supporting local artisans directly.
2. Common Patterns:
• Emphasis on connecting with Kurdish cultural heritage.
• Desire for features that facilitate interaction with artisans and provide cultural context.
• Frustrations with the difficulty in finding authentic traditional Kurdish crafts online.
• Preference for user reviews and high-quality images in apps.
Unique Insights:
• Hassan actively engages in traditional Kurdish music and literature, reflecting his diverse
cultural background from Kirkuk.
• Youssef promotes traditional Kurdish culture through local events and seeks features that
facilitate direct communication with artisans.
3. Common Patterns:
• Daily use of mobile apps for cultural exploration.
• Appreciation for user reviews and personalized recommendations in apps.
• Desire for curated collections and recommendations based on cultural interests.
• Frustrations with the difficulty in finding traditional Iraqi literature online.
Unique Insights:
• Omar actively participates in literary events and workshops related to Iraqi literature,
demonstrating his deep appreciation for Iraqi poetry and literature.
Recurring tasks, backgrounds, needs, technology use, motivations, frustrations, preferences, and goals:

1. Fatima Abbas:
• Recurring Tasks: Engaging in traditional Iraqi crafts such as pottery making and embroidery.
• Background: Middle Eastern, specifically Iraqi.
• Needs: Seeking authentic traditional Iraqi crafts.
• Technology Use: Rarely uses mobile apps for cultural exploration.
• Motivations: Interest in preserving and promoting Iraqi cultural heritage.
• Frustrations: Difficulty in finding authentic traditional Iraqi crafts online.
• Preferences: Appreciates high-quality images and detailed descriptions in apps for cultural
• Goals: Access authentic traditional Iraqi crafts easily through digital platforms.

2. Ahmed Al-Mansour:
• Recurring Tasks: Attending local concerts and poetry readings related to Iraqi music and
• Background: Middle Eastern, specifically Iraqi.
• Needs: Information about the cultural significance and craftsmanship of cultural items.
• Technology Use: Uses mobile apps for cultural exploration weekly.
• Motivations: Connecting with Iraqi cultural heritage through music and literature.
• Frustrations: Difficulty in discovering lesser-known Iraqi artists and artisans online.
• Preferences: Values easy navigation and personalized recommendations in apps.
• Goals: Access a diverse range of Iraqi cultural items and support local artists.

3. Sara Hussein:
• Recurring Tasks: Participating in traditional Iraqi music performances and reading classical Iraqi
• Background: Middle Eastern, specifically Iraqi.
• Needs: Information about the cultural context and significance of Iraqi cultural items.
• Technology Use: Daily use of mobile apps for cultural exploration.
• Motivations: Preserving and exploring Iraqi cultural heritage.
• Frustrations: Lack of information about Iraqi cultural items online.
• Preferences: Appreciates user reviews and personalized recommendations in apps.
• Goals: Access accurate information about Iraqi cultural items and support cultural preservation

4. Ali Hassan:
• Recurring Tasks: Participating in cultural events showcasing Iraqi history and traditions.
• Background: Middle Eastern, specifically Iraqi.
• Needs: Detailed information about the cultural significance and history of cultural items.
• Technology Use: Monthly use of mobile apps for cultural exploration.
• Motivations: Valuing Iraqi heritage and traditions.
• Frustrations: Difficulty in finding reliable sources for traditional Iraqi crafts online.
• Preferences: Finds user reviews and high-quality images useful in apps.
• Goals: Access authentic traditional Iraqi crafts with cultural context provided.
5. Layla Kareem:
• Recurring Tasks: Exploring traditional Iraqi arts and crafts in local markets.
• Background: Middle Eastern, specifically Iraqi.
• Needs: Authentic representation of traditional Iraqi crafts online.
• Technology Use: Weekly use of mobile apps for cultural exploration.
• Motivations: Supporting local artisans and preserving Iraqi cultural heritage.
• Frustrations: Challenges in finding traditional Iraqi crafts online.
• Preferences: Enjoys detailed descriptions and easy navigation in apps.
• Goals: Find and purchase traditional Iraqi crafts that accurately reflect craftsmanship.

6. Hassan Rahim:
• Recurring Tasks: Engaging in traditional Kurdish music and literature.
• Background: Middle Eastern, specifically Kurdish.
• Needs: Features that facilitate interaction with artisans and provide cultural context.
• Technology Use: Weekly use of mobile apps for cultural exploration.
• Motivations: Connecting with Kurdish cultural heritage.
• Frustrations: Difficulty in finding traditional Kurdish crafts online.
• Preferences: Values user reviews and high-quality images in apps.
• Goals: Access a diverse range of traditional Kurdish crafts with cultural information provided.

7. Noura Ahmed:
• Recurring Tasks: Exploring traditional Iraqi crafts in cultural festivals.
• Background: Middle Eastern, specifically Iraqi.
• Needs: Information about the materials used and the cultural significance of Iraqi textiles.
• Technology Use: Monthly use of mobile apps for cultural exploration.
• Motivations: Appreciation for Iraqi cultural heritage.
• Frustrations: Lack of information about Iraqi textiles online.
• Preferences: Prefers easy navigation and personalized recommendations in apps.
• Goals: Access a wide selection of traditional Iraqi textiles with detailed information.

8. Youssef Khalid:
• Recurring Tasks: Promoting traditional Kurdish culture through local events.
• Background: Middle Eastern, specifically Kurdish.
• Needs: Direct communication with artisans and information about cultural significance.
• Technology Use: Monthly use of mobile apps for cultural exploration.
• Motivations: Preserving and promoting Kurdish cultural heritage.
• Frustrations: Difficulty in finding authentic traditional Kurdish crafts online.
• Preferences: Appreciates high-quality images and detailed descriptions in apps.
• Goals: Access traditional Kurdish crafts and support local artisans.

9. Mariam Ali:
• Recurring Tasks: Visiting historical sites and museums to learn about Iraqi arts and crafts.
• Background: Middle Eastern, specifically Iraqi.
• Needs: Diverse selection of traditional Iraqi crafts online.
• Technology Use: Daily use of mobile apps for cultural exploration.
• Motivations: Passion for preserving Iraqi cultural heritage.
• Frustrations: Lack of diversity in online selection of Iraqi crafts.
• Preferences: Values user reviews and personalized recommendations in apps.
• Goals: Access a wide range of traditional Iraqi crafts through digital platforms.
10. Omar Hassan:
• Recurring Tasks: Participating in literary events and workshops related to Iraqi literature.
• Background: Middle Eastern, specifically Iraqi.
• Needs: Curated collections and recommendations for Iraqi literature.
• Technology Use: Daily use of mobile apps for cultural exploration.
• Motivations: Deep appreciation for Iraqi poetry and literature.
• Frustrations: Difficulty in finding traditional Iraqi literature online.
• Preferences: Appreciates easy navigation and high-quality images in apps.
• Goals: Access a diverse range of Iraqi literature and explore lesser-known works.

11. Nadia Shamon:

• Recurring Tasks: Actively engages in traditional Iraqi crafts like pottery making and embroidery.
• Background: Iraqi Chaldean.
• Needs: Seeking authentic traditional Iraqi crafts.
• Technology Use: Rarely uses mobile apps for cultural exploration.
• Motivations: Interest in exploring and preserving Iraqi cultural heritage.
• Frustrations: Difficulty in finding authentic traditional Iraqi crafts online.
• Preferences: Appreciates high-quality images and detailed descriptions in apps.
• Goals: Access authentic traditional Iraqi crafts easily through digital platforms.

Common Patterns:
• Strong connection to Iraqi cultural heritage.
• Frustration with the lack of authenticity and information about cultural items online.
Unique Insights:
• Actively engages in traditional Iraqi crafts.
• Discovers new cultural arts and crafts through local events or festivals.

12. Joseph Yelda:

• Recurring Tasks: Participates in cultural events showcasing Iraqi Chaldean history and traditions.
• Background: Iraqi Chaldean, with a military background.
• Needs: Detailed information about the cultural significance and history of cultural items.
• Technology Use: Monthly use of mobile apps for cultural exploration.
• Motivations: Valuing Iraqi Chaldean heritage and traditions.
• Frustrations: Difficulty in finding reliable sources for traditional Iraqi crafts online.
• Preferences: Finds user reviews and high-quality images useful in apps.
• Goals: Access authentic traditional Iraqi crafts with cultural context provided.

Common Patterns:
1. Strong connection to Iraqi Chaldean cultural heritage.
2. Frustration with the difficulty in finding reliable sources for traditional Iraqi crafts online.

Unique Insights:
3. Participates in cultural events showcasing Iraqi Chaldean history and traditions.
4. Discovers new cultural arts and crafts primarily through word of mouth.
Segment the data:

Based on the analysis, we can segment the interview data into the following user types based on their
behaviors, goals, and needs:

1. Traditionalists:

• Behaviors: Actively engage in traditional cultural activities such as crafts, music, and literature.
• Goals: Preserve and promote their cultural heritage.
• Needs: Access to authentic cultural items and information.
• Examples: Fatima Abbas, Nadia Shamon.

2. Heritage Enthusiasts:

• Behaviors: Participate in cultural events and festivals to learn about and support their heritage.
• Goals: Explore and showcase their cultural history and traditions.
• Needs: Detailed information about cultural items and their significance.
• Examples: Ali Hassan, Joseph Yelda.

3. Digital Explorers:

• Behaviors: Use digital platforms for cultural exploration, though preferences vary.
• Goals: Access a diverse range of cultural items conveniently.
• Needs: High-quality images, detailed descriptions, and reliable sources for cultural items.
• Examples: Ahmed Al-Mansour, Sara Hussein.

4. Community Connectors:

• Behaviors: Rely on word of mouth and community networks for cultural discovery.
• Goals: Support local artisans and share cultural knowledge within their communities.
• Needs: Recommendations and connections with local artisans.
• Examples: Layla Kareem, Hassan Rahim.

These user types represent distinct segments of the surveyed population, each with its own behaviors,
goals, and needs regarding cultural heritage and arts.

Creating draft personas:

1. Traditionalist – Nadia Shamon

• Background Information:
• Demographics: Female, 45 years old, Iraqi Chaldean, residing in Baghdad.
• Occupation: Homemaker with a passion for traditional Iraqi crafts.
• Income: Moderate.
• Education and Lifestyle: High school educated, values cultural traditions and spends free
time engaging in crafts.
• Technology Use:
• Device Preference: Uses a smartphone for basic communication and occasional cultural
• App and Internet Usage: Rarely uses apps, prefers face-to-face interactions and local
events for cultural discovery.
• Goals and Needs:
• Primary Goals: Preserve and promote traditional Iraqi crafts and heritage.
• Specific Needs: Access to authentic traditional Iraqi crafts and information about their
cultural significance.

• Preferences and Behaviors:

• Shopping Preferences: Values authenticity and craftsmanship over convenience.
• Behavioral Trends: Prefers discovering cultural items through local events or festivals.
• Challenges and Pain Points: Difficulty in finding authentic traditional Iraqi crafts online.
• Daily Life: Spends time at home engaging in crafts and occasionally attends local cultural
• Quote: "The stories behind each craft piece are as important as the craft itself. I seek authenticity
in every stitch and pattern."

2. Heritage Enthusiast - Joseph Yelda

• Background Information:
• Demographics: Male, 55 years old, Iraqi Chaldean, residing in Erbil.
• Occupation: Retired military officer with a strong connection to Iraqi Chaldean history
and traditions.
• Income: Comfortable.
• Education and Lifestyle: College educated, deeply involved in preserving cultural
heritage through community events.
• Technology Use:
• Device Preference: Uses a smartphone and laptop for communication and occasional
cultural exploration.
• App and Internet Usage: Monthly use of apps for cultural exploration and occasional
online shopping.
• Goals and Needs:
• Primary Goals: Promote Iraqi Chaldean history and traditions through cultural events.
• Specific Needs: Detailed information about the cultural significance and history of
cultural items.
• Preferences and Behaviors:
• Shopping Preferences: Values authenticity and cultural context in cultural items.
• Behavioral Trends: Discovers new cultural arts and crafts primarily through word of
• Challenges and Pain Points: Difficulty in finding reliable sources for traditional Iraqi crafts
• Daily Life: Active in local cultural events, spends time with family, and engages in hobbies.
• Quote: "Preserving our heritage is not just a hobby; it's a duty we owe to future generations."
3. Digital Explorer - Ahmed Al-Mansour

• Background Information:
• Demographics: Male, 35 years old, Iraqi Kurd, residing in Sulaymaniyah.
• Occupation: Software Engineer with an interest in Kurdish arts and culture.
• Income: Above average.
• Education and Lifestyle: University educated, tech-savvy, enjoys exploring cultural
content online.
• Technology Use:
• Device Preference: Prefers using a smartphone for cultural exploration.
• App and Internet Usage: Weekly use of apps for cultural exploration and occasional
online shopping.
• Goals and Needs:
• Primary Goals: Explore and learn about Kurdish arts and culture.
• Specific Needs: Access to a wide range of Kurdish cultural items with detailed
• Preferences and Behaviors:
• Shopping Preferences: Appreciates high-quality images and detailed descriptions in apps.
• Behavioral Trends: Discovers new cultural arts and crafts primarily through online
forums and communities.
• Challenges and Pain Points: Difficulty in finding lesser-known Kurdish artists and artisans
• Daily Life: Balances work with hobbies like exploring Kurdish culture online.
• Quote: "Technology allows me to explore and celebrate my Kurdish heritage, one click at a

4. Community Connector - Layla Kareem

• Background Information:
• Demographics: Female, 40 years old, Iraqi Kurd, residing in Kirkuk.
• Occupation: Community Organizer with a passion for supporting local artisans.
• Income: Moderate.
• Education and Lifestyle: College educated, actively involved in community events and
cultural preservation.
• Technology Use:
• Device Preference: Uses a smartphone and laptop for communication and cultural
• App and Internet Usage: Weekly use of apps for cultural exploration and connecting with
• Goals and Needs:
• Primary Goals: Support local artisans and promote Kurdish arts and crafts.
• Specific Needs: Recommendations and connections with local artisans.
• Preferences and Behaviors:
• Shopping Preferences: Enjoys exploring cultural items both online and in physical stores.
• Behavioral Trends: Discovers new cultural arts and crafts through local events and social
• Challenges and Pain Points: Difficulty in finding authentic Kurdish crafts online.
• Daily Life: Actively participates in community events, supports local artisans, and engages in
cultural activities.
• Quote: "Connecting with local artisans keeps our cultural heritage alive and thriving."
Refining personas with tasks:

Core Tasks:

1. Discover Cultural Items:

Task: Explore and discover traditional cultural items from various regions.

Reflection in Personas:
Digital Explorer (Ahmed Al-Mansour): Utilizes the app to explore a wide range of Kurdish cultural items
with a focus on high-quality images and detailed descriptions.

Community Connector (Layla Kareem): Engages in the app to discover both online and local cultural items,
supporting and promoting Kurdish arts and crafts.

2. Access Detailed Information:

Task: Access detailed information about the cultural significance, craftsmanship, and history of each item.

Reflection in Personas:
Traditionalist (Nadia Shamon): Seeks authenticity and values detailed information about traditional Iraqi

Heritage Enthusiast (Joseph Yelda): Desires in-depth cultural context for items, appreciating the significance
and history.

3. Connect with Artisans:

Task: Facilitate communication with artisans, potentially through a chat or inquiry system.

Reflection in Personas:
Digital Explorer (Ahmed Al-Mansour): Values direct communication with artists to gain insights into their

Community Connector (Layla Kareem): Actively seeks to connect with local artisans, fostering a sense of
community support.

4. Receive Personalized Recommendations:

Task: Receive recommendations based on cultural interests and preferences.

Reflection in Personas:
Digital Explorer (Ahmed Al-Mansour): Appreciates personalized recommendations that align with his
interest in Kurdish arts and culture.

Community Connector (Layla Kareem): Values recommendations that align with her passion for supporting
local artisans and preserving Kurdish heritage.
5. Leave User Reviews:
Task: Provide feedback and leave reviews for purchased items.

Reflection in Personas:
Traditionalist (Nadia Shamon): May leave reviews to share her experience and encourage authenticity in the

Heritage Enthusiast (Joseph Yelda): Likely to provide constructive feedback, contributing to the
improvement of the platform.

6. Participate in Cultural Events:

Task: Stay informed about upcoming cultural events and festivals.

Reflection in Personas:
Digital Explorer (Ahmed Al-Mansour): Interested in staying updated on cultural events related to Kurdish
arts and crafts.

Community Connector (Layla Kareem): Actively participates in local events, leveraging the app to stay

7. Support Local Artisans:

Task: Make purchases to support local artisans and contribute to cultural preservation.

Reflection in Personas:
Digital Explorer (Ahmed Al-Mansour): Expresses support for local artisans by making purchases based on
his cultural exploration.

Community Connector (Layla Kareem): Actively contributes to cultural preservation by supporting local
artisans through purchases.

Refined Personas:

Digital Explorer - Ahmed Al-Mansour:

Engages in the app to explore a wide range of Kurdish cultural items, seeking direct communication with artists,
and appreciates personalized recommendations based on his interests.

Community Connector - Layla Kareem:

Actively uses the app to discover both online and local cultural items, supporting and promoting Kurdish arts
and crafts. Seeks recommendations and connects with local artisans to foster a sense of community support.

Traditionalist – Nadia Shamon:

Values authenticity and detailed information about traditional Iraqi crafts. Uses the app to discover and explore
cultural items, potentially leaving user reviews to encourage authenticity.

Heritage Enthusiast - Joseph Yelda:

Desires in-depth cultural context for items, appreciating the significance and history. Actively participates in
cultural events, providing feedback to contribute to the improvement of the platform.
Expand the details of each persona:

1. Traditionalist – Nadia Shamon:

• Background Information:
• Demographics: Female, 45 years old, Iraqi Chaldean, residing in Baghdad.
• Occupation: Homemaker with a passion for traditional Iraqi crafts.
• Income: Moderate.
• Education and Lifestyle: High school educated, values cultural traditions and spends free
time engaging in crafts.

• Technology Use:
• Device Preference: Uses a smartphone for basic communication and occasional cultural
• App and Internet Usage: Rarely uses apps, prefers face-to-face interactions and local
events for cultural discovery.

• Goals and Needs:

• Primary Goals: Preserve and promote traditional Iraqi crafts and heritage.
• Specific Needs: Access to authentic traditional Iraqi crafts and information about their
cultural significance.

• Preferences and Behaviors:

• Shopping Preferences: Values authenticity and craftsmanship over convenience.
• Behavioral Trends: Prefers discovering cultural items through local events or festivals.

• Challenges and Pain Points:

• Difficulty in finding authentic traditional Iraqi crafts online.

• Daily Life:
• Spends time at home engaging in crafts and occasionally attends local cultural events.

• Quote: "The stories behind each craft piece are as important as the craft itself. I seek authenticity
in every stitch and pattern."
2. Heritage Enthusiast - Joseph Yelda:

• Background Information:
• Demographics: Male, 55 years old, Iraqi Chaldean, residing in Erbil.
• Occupation: Retired military officer with a strong connection to Iraqi Chaldean history
and traditions.
• Income: Comfortable.
• Education and Lifestyle: College educated, deeply involved in preserving cultural
heritage through community events.

• Technology Use:
• Device Preference: Uses a smartphone and laptop for communication and occasional
cultural exploration.
• App and Internet Usage: Monthly use of apps for cultural exploration and occasional
online shopping.

• Goals and Needs:

• Primary Goals: Promote Iraqi Chaldean history and traditions through cultural events.
• Specific Needs: Detailed information about the cultural significance and history of
cultural items.

• Preferences and Behaviors:

• Shopping Preferences: Values authenticity and cultural context in cultural items.
• Behavioral Trends: Discovers new cultural arts and crafts primarily through word of

• Challenges and Pain Points:

• Difficulty in finding reliable sources for traditional Iraqi crafts online.

• Daily Life:
• Active in local cultural events, spends time with family, and engages in hobbies.

• Quote: "Preserving our heritage is not just a hobby; it's a duty we owe to future generations."
3. Digital Explorer - Ahmed Al-Mansour:

• Background Information:
• Demographics: Male, 35 years old, Iraqi Kurd, residing in Sulaymaniyah.
• Occupation: Software Engineer with an interest in Kurdish arts and culture.
• Income: Above average.
• Education and Lifestyle: University-educated, tech-savvy, enjoys exploring cultural
content online.

• Technology Use:
• Device Preference: Prefers using a smartphone for cultural exploration.
• App and Internet Usage: Weekly use of apps for cultural exploration and occasional
online shopping.

• Goals and Needs:

• Primary Goals: Explore and learn about Kurdish arts and culture.
• Specific Needs: Access to a wide range of Kurdish cultural items with detailed

• Preferences and Behaviors:

• Shopping Preferences: Appreciates high-quality images and detailed descriptions in apps.
• Behavioral Trends: Discovers new cultural arts and crafts primarily through online
forums and communities.

• Challenges and Pain Points:

• Difficulty in finding lesser-known Kurdish artists and artisans online.

• Daily Life:
• Balances work with hobbies like exploring Kurdish culture online.

• Quote: "Technology allows me to explore and celebrate my Kurdish heritage, one click at a
4. Community Connector - Layla Kareem:

• Background Information:
• Demographics: Female, 40 years old, Iraqi Kurd, residing in Kirkuk.
• Occupation: Community Organizer with a passion for supporting local artisans.
• Income: Moderate.
• Education and Lifestyle: College educated, actively involved in community events and
cultural preservation.

• Technology Use:
• Device Preference: Uses a smartphone and laptop for communication and cultural
• App and Internet Usage: Weekly use of apps for cultural exploration and connecting with

• Goals and Needs:

• Primary Goals: Support local artisans and promote Kurdish arts and crafts.
• Specific Needs: Recommendations and connections with local artisans.

• Preferences and Behaviors:

• Shopping Preferences: Enjoys exploring cultural items both online and in physical stores.
• Behavioral Trends: Discovers new cultural arts and crafts through local events and social

• Challenges and Pain Points:

• Difficulty in finding authentic Kurdish crafts online.

• Daily Life:
• Actively participates in community events, supports local artisans, and engages in
cultural activities.

• Quote: "Connecting with local artisans keeps our cultural heritage alive and thriving."
Finalize and Documentation in Figma

1-Traditionalist – Nadia Shamon:

In Figma:
2-Heritage Enthusiast - Joseph Yelda:

In Figma:
3-Digital Explorer - Ahmed Al-Mansour:

In Figma:
4-Community Connector - Layla Kareem:

In Figma:

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