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Agamir Diplomats

To Whom It May Concern,

We are thrilled to extend an exclusive invitation to Agamir Diplomats Bangladesh , a

collaborative effort by the Triumph Bangladesh Foundation. We cordially welcome
esteemed educational institutions to participate in this exceptional event.

Agamir Diplomats Bangladesh is a dynamic platform where over 650 delegates,

spanning across 8 simulated United nation’s committees, will engage in profound
debates and negotiations. Your students will have the unique opportunity to assume
the roles of diplomats, representing nations, and engaging in discussions on the most
pressing global issues. They will collaborate with like-minded individuals who share a
common passion for international affairs.

Our conference is designed to offer your students a deep understanding of the

international system and to foster collaboration among diverse stakeholders to tackle
global challenges. Agamir Diplomats Bangladesh encourages academic growth and the
development of crucial negotiation and leadership skills that will serve your students
throughout their lives.

We extend a special, golden ticket to your institution to be part of Agamir Diplomats

Bangladesh. The participation of your students will elevate the caliber of our
conference and provide them with a life-changing experience. As part of this
collaboration, we kindly request your School to appoint a Campus Ambassador from
your students who will actively promote our event within your institution. Attached,
you will find detailed information regarding group delegation policies, ensuring that
your institution can make the most of this opportunity.

Your students are the future leaders, diplomats, and change-makers of our world. Their
presence at Agamir Diplomats Bangladesh will enrich their educational journey and
contribute to shaping a better future for all. If any you have any inquiries please reach
us at

We eagerly anticipate your positive response and look forward to welcoming your
students on this exceptional journey.

Agamir Diplomats Bangladesh
What is Agamir Diplomats Bangladesh?

Agamir Diplomats Bangladesh offers a unique diplomatic simulation, mirroring the

United Nations, where the youth of Bangladesh engage in crucial global discussions and
refine their diplomatic skills. Recognizing the importance of imparting diplomatic skills
to the next generation, this conference is an essential investment, echoing Kofi Annan's
sentiment: "To choose well, you must know who you are, what you stand for, and why
you want to get there." In the wise words of Winston Churchill, "Diplomacy is the art of
telling people to go to hell in such a way that they ask for directions."


Agamir Diplomats Bangladesh is Simulation of United Nations that will help students to
learn about world problems, practice public speaking, improve teamwork, and
understand how countries cooperate to solve big challenges. They learn about
diplomacy, negotiation, and critical thinking. They also develop communication skills
and gain a better understanding of global issues. People who did thid types of programs
are often become better leaders, problem solvers, and communicators in jobs like
diplomacy, law, and business. Plus, understanding global issues helps us make better
decisions for our world. So, even though it starts as a school activity, it can shape how
you think and act for a lifetime. The skills students learn can impact their future careers.
Many current leaders, diplomats, and professionals credit Simulation of United Nations
with helping them develop essential skills.


Students take on roles as delegates, speak in front of others, and collaborate to draft
resolutions (solutions) to global issues. They also debate, negotiate, and try to convince
other countries to support their ideas
Why to join us?
Distinguished Guest List: Agamir Diplomats Bangladesh (Simulation of United
Nations) boasts the presence of renowned ministers, influential business
leaders, and prominent figures. Our award-giving ceremony is not just an
event; it's a grand spectacle that will be televised by Independent TV, ATN
Bangla, Asian TV, Channel I, and various other leading television networks.
Achievements of delegates will be celebrated on a national stage, offering
unparalleled recognition and exposure.

Prizes and Monetary Awards: At Agamir Diplomats Bangladesh (Simulation of

United Nations) , we recognize and reward excellence. Selected delegates
who stand out in their performance will have the opportunity to receive prize
money, making the participation even more rewarding. It's not just about
debating; it's about showcasing the skills and being acknowledged for the
exceptional contributions.

A Truly Inclusive Experience: We believe that every participant adds value to

our conference. Whether its a seasoned diplomacy enthusiast or a newcomer,
Agamir Diplomats Bangladesh (Simulation of United Nations) welcomes
everyone . We provide a nurturing environment where every delegate can
learn, grow, and thrive. This journey with us will be enriched with knowledge,
networking, and personal development.

Campus ambassador benefits

Internationally recognized certificates for all CAs.
10% commission from every successful registration.
Crests for CAs with 20 or more delegates.
Best, Outstanding and bronze Campus Ambassador Awards with prize money.
If Ambassadors successfully achieve the specified registration targets assigned to
them, they will qualify for complementary delegate registration.
Chance to improve networking, leadership and communication abilities.
Surprise gifts for all CAs.
Delegation Guidelines

It is mandatory to designate a Head of Delegate or Campus Ambassador, along

with their contact details.
Campus ambassadors from institutions are requested to ensure at least 10
delegate registrations.
Once registered, delegates cannot be substituted with others.
All delegates, including campus ambassadors, must complete their registration
through the provided registration links.
Delegation fees are non-refundable
All Delegation fees must be paid in full by the end of December 2023
While we discourage specific country-committee preferences, experienced
delegates may highlight their prior experiences.
Adherence to rules, regulations, and deadlines is imperative.
All members of the delegation team are expected to adhere to the conference’s
code of conduct.
The Club/Organization will assume responsibility for any unlawful incidents
involving the delegation team.
Disrespectful behavior towards other Delegates, Executive Board members, or
the Secretariat will result in appropriate action by the Secretariat of Agamir
Diplomats Bangladesh (Simulation of United Nations).
No trading, requests, or illicit dealings with delegation and executive board
members are permitted. Any reported complaints or cases will result in the
cancellation of the entire delegation.
The Secretariat of Agamir Diplomats Bangladesh (Simulation of United
Nations)reserves the right to cancel participation or make decisions concerning
any delegate representing a Club/Organization.
Code of Conduct

Non-Discrimination: Discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation,

religion, or disabilities is strictly prohibited. Any instances of discrimination
that create a hostile environment should be reported to the Secretariat.
Harassment-Free Environment: we maintain a zero-tolerance policy for
harassment, whether in person, in writing, on social media, or through other
means. Harassment includes actions that threaten a person's well-being,
interfere with participation, or create an offensive environment. Appropriate
authorities will be notified if such conduct occurs.
Respectful Behavior: Delegates must refrain from shaming, humiliating,
belittling, degrading, or emotionally abusing others.
Health and Safety: Delegates must respect the health and safety of all
participants. Acts or threats of violence or any conduct that endangers
physical or mental well-being are strictly prohibited.
Compulsory Attendance: Attendance in every session is compulsory.
Delegates may be excused only with the written approval of a guardian or
Executive Board Member of Agamir DIPLOMAT BANGLADESH
Restricted Movement: Delegates must remain within the committee room
during sessions. we will not be responsible for any situations that may arise if
this rule is violated. Our campus is private property, and trespassing may
result in legal action.
Personal Belongings: Delegates are responsible for the safety of their own
belongings. Our Secretariat will not be liable for any loss or damage.
Prohibited Substances: Carrying or consuming drugs and alcohol is strictly
prohibited and will result in immediate exclusion. Please refer to the list of
prohibited and controlled products and substances.
Behavior Accountability: Our Secretariat reserves the right to take action
against any misbehavior with the organizers.
No Political Activities: Engaging in political speeches, gatherings and
provocations is strictly prohibited, and offenders will be expelled from the
event immediately.
Prohibited and Controlled Items
For security purposes, delegates are strictly prohibited from carrying the
following items under any circumstances:

Bags such as backpacks, suitcases, shopping bags, and coat bags. (Only laptop
bags will be allowed)
Narcotics, contraband, or any substances declared illegal by the Bangladesh
Government for recreational, commercial, or general use. Offenders will be
handed over to local law enforcement agencies immediately and will face
appropriate charges.
Alcoholic drinks, energy drinks, and unlabelled liquids.
Outside food, drinks, or snacks.
Cigarettes, Jorda, Pan, Biri, and any other controlled or tobacco-based
Non-prescribed medicines, vaporizers, balms, drops, inhalers, syrups, and
injections. Delegates must carry a prescription from a certified physician
from a reputable diagnostic center or hospital for any health-related
substances they bring and submit a photocopy of the prescription during
registration on Day 1.
Items like knives, pocket knives, umbrellas, sticks, fireworks, guns,
gunpowder, ammunition, or any sharp objects that can be used as weapons.
Umbrellas will only be allowed in rainy weather, and walking sticks are
permitted for physically challenged individuals.
DSLR cameras, digital cameras, action cameras, camcorders, drones, or any
devices capable of audiovisual recordings (except smartphones).
Any type of remote or remote-controlled device.
Laser guns, confetti, party spray, flares, matchboxes, torches, lighters, and
other potentially flammable objects.
Any objects that may cause disturbances during the event for other delegates
or threaten the security of the event.
Confirmation of Participation

We kindly request that you confirm your institution's participation in Agamir

Diplomats Bangladesh by providing an official administrative signature and
date on this page. Your confirmation will greatly assist us in planning for a
successful conference. After Signature please return this page to our

Institution Name:

Administrator's Signature: ______________________________________________

Date: _______________________________

Thank you for considering our invitation. We look forward to your

participation in Agamir Diplomats Bangladesh Simulation United Nations, a
collaborative effort by the Triumph Bangladesh Foundation and the
opportunity to engage in meaningful discussions and debates.

On behalf of Agamir Diplomats On behalf of Agamir Diplomats

Bangladesh Bangladesh



Taposhi Rabeya S
S.Amanat Newaz Chowdhury
Deputy Secretary General ULA
U Secretary General
Agamir Diplomats Bangladesh Agamir Diplomats Bangladesh

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