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CHEMUstRy VARCHASYS (l\Ay28 75152 ) ighment ~ 0 | Bechion= (y j Exploin the Wenking principle fy, Elect ho Chemical Sensors omel wention He Applications Aus These ane the most versatile & Wiytely developed Chemical peueoucumlinct) ahe wade wp ofS essentionl Compenenis: O Neceptoh Shed binds sine Sample ) dhe Sample ch Aca ye & G Ahansducer 40 Convent the Heattion inte q measumMable Elect hical Soe Jn Most bn ¢ Sensons , AH electrode Os the Site co einen oxidized oh Cur farce is used Proclucis ‘ty Reattion are Reduced on Reaction. Elecasocde by Applying a Small Mose in Clecdtecles wullive jqs between Custhenit voclucecl is wienit ohed & Used +o find Content retary, | \ ‘ | Auriliony Pepernersce Wehking elect node ) ler thocle Applications i edecimorh.eraleel Sunsons Nl ae ampetomet mic Zenson is used to assist ciate hes porhients fn cletecing & Conthelling blowd aes levels 2) Ec &ensogs fird Application in detection et Newto - thonsmitess Such a5 dopantine & Chelestrel levels - 3) E-c potentiometric Bensons abe usect to clefect Nutsi Concenrtuations Such as hitnoytn Phespohous tte- 2] Whot ane Elecinochenical Sensohs? Explain its Application in heasunement “hy Dissel veel Oxygen (De) Avs E-C Serisons Ohe the most Versotile § wield dlevelsped Chemical Sensons. Consists aN 3 Components: O Retepton. the Sample o% Binal G a thansdutea. >» Ec Sengons ke Mieeasutiement hk Doo Polawizetion Veltage | Anede Etertnolyte Yasatete ts Cothede Manibhane Reactions Codtwele: Opt 2e7 4 24,0 =r HO. t+ 2om” G HOL 1 2 Sey” Ancdle: Ag ag’ ay Wee § HAG 4 WO a Wager Wer ning i . Oxygen aU ycpyases Actohding Yo lls pasttial pheccume ’ though Henibhane into measuhing Chamber & fs Hrecduced at Cathode +o ty lorie jons (On~ ). ° At Anode, Silven wi be oxidized f in phesenee 6 Chlohicde dhe Un dissolve ble eae Will deposit at | Electhiode - These teed 4o te Nerioved. 3] Deteing the Conceps nN Eledhotheniical Benson, Explain £5¢ Stnsons Kn Phovme centicols. Aus E.C detection eccuns at the iwittayece between on Analyie Cafelofeneu) 4, intenest & Wehking to Whith Q potential ts Applied with Fespedt +o A Ct ca While Connes ponding Cutimient 16 measuhec: >» EC Stnsons jen cletection o We race Oa oH a a co". CO ee i cle Nt une Orie " os ut iS ad ° ° 4 eg we Sts [dicofenoc tS eleciso- Uttive Molecule & Under oes E-C oxidations 04 pu Fon COMbon- paste electnodes ~» Oxidation Cumhent Prrocluiced ov Senson is Related to Concenthation of Dicloyenac phesevit tr San les ) \ i ests UW] What ane ACUoIOAS f tronscducens 7 Explain Aboud deter cr 4 Ascohbic Acid & Gilyophosate With Cl oxides Se An Actuetom is oO device That produces & notion by CenveaHing @heagy u Signals going ink Sy oer @ electhic Motohs , jatkscmew et: A thansducen is an elecimonic clevice Whrot Convears Entayy from ene form to Anothes fx michephones, LEDs sa.G > Detection oh Ascembie Acid (A: A) Ascowbic Acid fs Gnti- oxicdunt Rnown as Vit-C. It plays imp nele fn Hepair cH fissues during tq El ject Medobelisn & Con bilp to block clam aN parre Radicals ~» Ascohbic Acid ts Reveasitly oxidized do Dae ALA -2 Amount Piacuanicn produced chusiveg Oxiclation od ponticulah Petental ts Related yo aster Ascohbic «A present In Saw ples o spesuble Sensoh as X | oH (Asconbic Acid ) Ho 4 2H! be. ‘an ( Delay dso A, A) eS) Detection ot Cilys phosote ~ Glyephosote is ah henbictele & is Applied to Kil] both bhoad 1e0}; plonis & \ acca ~y Oxidation Reaction on Electhocle Sunface Reveals G Non- Keven seble Oxfelation Cuttent. ~> Oxidation Curiment is Related 4o Cornet’ “1, blyophosote. 0 a Gilyephosote iI H 6 P. N ae ~~ 7 a ot Vy ~ | ; oH oH ae aac ; mae A tu? ; Sanson aa » © Gu a Ma ec eae e a ee e e 8] U#iltzing dhe Concept nh Elect Chemisty 7 descnibe dhe Censtmuction , Working % Applications ©), Ne-ien 8” Aus: Constmuction ie Elecvode Weattions tn O No -ionw Boleny Utilizes hod Carbon (Co) with Sodium metal toms as Anode, and dnansition metol Oxide NaMod, as Cathode Na-for Butesies Can Use agereous & non~ Aapeous clecdmolytes The wrest Widely used Salis tn ron - Agy! Elect nolytes ane NatlOy ff NoPF,. NaxCs 4 IN oct) Ol eeeeRemmN] 0.4110) saint Gp i ; rT pienliny Dusting Discharge Protess @ move jem Ancde to edthnal Cincedt , H Con be used fo Vomious Applications. Pl€enihile Na-ions tive jem Anode +o Cathode ea the Electrolyte « Ve Hoge bbtGin J Obtaton ita Na - fon ceud bb Z6v. hin Battay is Recharging , Na fone hove fue Cathode to Anode. Applications : Used in Mobiles, Cannnas, Calculators , KCD Ivs 6] het ane Quantum Dot Sensitized Solan Cells (Qosse¥) 7 loch king Painciple » Dino penties &\ Applications Explain Ans 2-7 Quantum clods ane GHHEICiOl Ato nis: > G dots whe Bemricenduchon particles & KEW Nonomed en => G- do in having eplcol & Cleteucal puopentes dhe Aipyes pron -» A gosse is Absonbing 110 5 4 Jonge persetic les Solan COM Thot Uses Ge clots a6 phictovel tore rretenial Wea Gpsse ~ Excitation phocess : QD, thy -» 40s" —> Exciton Dissecintion ; QD,’ —» e' t h’” CEne Canmiers) > Injecton Process : Gos + 110, —» Tid, €") + &0," — Enes y Generation ; Th iD,(6) t CH i-> 30, +(e: * ) Gt Elect ee >> Puopenties © QDSS¢5 present promising Cost ejective elena tives to Conventional Silicon SCs because 4) beHea Quelines Suth a5 Simplicity in jobuication, ekpiciency upto Gay, Quantum clots ane Special class ch Stmiconductens, Which are Nano tnystals + The Encagy band Gop incheases with clecnease & ef Stioetunn clots « Adjustable bond gap tl G-clois Alluws +e Constuuction eR Nonostautiused Sotaa cell >> Applicatons Waiches, Calculators i Ele cdsric fences WOadeA pumping - Satellites Posrable peres Supplies CHEmMisTRY VaRcHasvt (1Ay237T$132) re Module - 3 Y What ane gen - Selective Elecdtedest Explain cletekminats ue the pH of the Selution using Gilass Elecanodle. Aue: “To Measuse pH hy an Unknown Solution , a qiase.k fs Coupled with Calemel- E and Connected +0 Potentomete: ‘The Cell ohmed is he phesented us Hy | Hgth, | kca Wo Solution “hy unknown pal Gilass Electsode Potential ti Class, & o>» Colomels&, thus wt % @ Cathode Sod urocted Calomet a | Electhodle Gilass Elecinode ——— Solution oh, Unknown py Beer : EC costhodle a 6 Anode era : fl L- 0-054 pH] - Cece Rae he Ese O-05%4 2) Explain dhe Constiuction and Wehking ‘ Colomel Electrod Aw Constmuction Calome!l » E fs Constauced by fgilitng a paste 4, Hy & Nyalh ai the beHom BN Nannoy glass fFube having pomous Riga: Kiquid Mencuny Ws dhen filled Above the paste. Electhode Rephesentation : Hgoy | Hy2Cl 6 | KU ew) ——— _ Electhie Contact ia PL wihe Soluthou pare Opening to hi ka Hy ——— Calomel paste @—— Potrous plug —— KCI Solution Wonk hy Calumet electhode fs Ow ideal WeRnence Clettyocde as 4 AH olns Ee qurilibtiium very fet & maintains Stable pettntal Haacl, 42e = Hyd ca Newnst Equation EE; E> - 0.0541 tog lr J at 298k Tis invens)y Related Fo ROL Concent mation, Conc! oe E Cin Votis ) um O.242 1M O280 OM 0+ 334 3] Trae Zine Reds ame placed in OSM gh M 2nS0q Selwhen penately to ir averece Cell. Give Electhochemical Reps hou & Coltulode Ts Em Gu Repaesent ation Pasa en tel eG o Calculate EME - e.0S42 | T>..2t s ( Cathedie i reo, Metal d t t Comhesion Product 20H & H204'2024 sent in Su wounding Eh Cathode goes eduction by Acepting © loming i 1 Anode 2y'4 \ 0.) +e emt z 10, 55 2H.0 + 267 =H deze Ate => (10, 4 Hio + 2eu snus - New 1& 7 Lo. gf 2 > lou Fe on + 20H —v eH), 236 40, 2 (n-2) HO ——> Je, 0;-h,0 (oust) ck brass She Ahta S001 x 4) What ts Cer 1 A thick brass Sheet a VnEO ob inch 5 > is most Aint « ath S years oh penied, it ‘ HENLE a is loss PG due to ce Jf, density 4 B 1s 8 13 yh tm? « Calcul ate CPR iv mpy & how PY units AmeecpR ts d fined 4&5 th do at Which Any Medal a envionment detchiohates due to Chemica) React nu exposed to Cohhosiwe envionment HE —— Salt Griven CPR Units k Value W ie fs A t ce , 1 oo Fal 534 6504 1g 5 SO na By pata 87.6 650xi0my 8-73 3228 gem? Sy cre = RW ea oe SAL ee oa tmeyy Sat ee = 534x650 %10” © 8366 x 650X10- 173X500 X $100X3 Gets KS 22 ons x adco4 5 3 - B4t1on XO = 5690 X10 pa Laas pie Us65 x8760X3 23161 X 960 x3 CPR = 3.025 CPR » 0077 i“ o Comey) a Py) 6] Baieyly Explain the puinc tiple 1) nsthumentoton & Weaking ol; Poterromeden by toking tnon as example Any Porinciple Tie prrocedune oh using wre asuvement eb em to cdeieamine the Concenthaton a jonric Species Te Ol Oe is sa? Fanaa +o OS potentiom ejsy - E<&° 4 oosdi | ox n cc ized | | hhieduced | Be Hal Equation » the potential *b on Electhode £ depends upon Content nation o} Hat lone ees Which His hevedsible Instrument aton and Wok kiny Pojentiometer Consists of mepenenit tech mi que electrode, an indicaton clectuede and a clevice Re mebsuaing Potential « Sndicaton Etectoode hesponds Mapidly to The Change fn potential duc to Conct! Change of Analyte. A Rnown Value ish Analyte is 4aken tn Beaken & his potential fs determined by tonnecting do potenhome The +itnewts is Added tm Snenements oie ond potential fs witasuned eath dime » Nean to Equivalanc Point, theme is Shanp Tnenease Jn potenthal The Ene point fs cleteAmined by Plotting Change in potential eel Volume EL Pi fndicaton Clerthodde uneHe an ri oe oi i Potentionreten \ \

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