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Name: Huda Ghazi Faruq

Subject: Communication Skills

Communication Skills
Q1//Scenario: Pitching Your Idea
The Situation: You have a solution to a persistent problem, or an idea to improve efficiency.
But, you need buy-in from your manager or a broader team.
Applying the Communication Skills:

Poor Communication:
1. Unclear articulation confuses audience about problem, solution, and benefits.
2. Disorganized presentation hampers understanding and impact.
3. Neglecting audience needs breeds disinterest or resistance.
4. Excessive jargon alienates, hindering comprehension.
5. Lack of engagement leads to boredom and reduced receptiveness.
6. Poor timing diminishes perceived value and credibility.
7. Ignoring concerns fuels skepticism, undermining trust.

High Communication Skills:

1. Define the problem with clear examples or data showcasing its impact.
2. Articulate your solution, highlighting its direct address of the identified problem.
3. Show the value proposition, emphasizing potential benefits like cost savings or enhanced efficiency.
4. Tailor your message to resonate with your audience's preferences and concerns.
5. Address potential challenges preemptively with mitigation strategies.
6. Support your pitch with evidence, data, or case studies to boost credibility.
7. Foster engagement by inviting questions and feedback.
8. Paint a compelling vision of success, appealing to emotions.
9. Call to action: Clearly outline next steps for implementation and encourage commitment.
Case study Teamwork
Q2//Scenario: The Creative Clash
Situation: Your team is brainstorming ideas for a new marketing campaign, product feature, or
solving a difficult client problem. Two teammates have very different approaches, and are starting
to butt heads.
Applying Teamwork Skills:

Poor Teamwork:
1. Communication breakdowns lead to misunderstandings and conflicts.
2. Unwillingness to compromise results in deadlock and frustration.
3. Lack of respect undermines trust and cohesion within the team.
4. Absence of effective leadership exacerbates tensions and hampers teamwork.
5. Inadequate delegation of tasks results in overburdened team members and a disproportionate distribution
of workload.
6. Lack of accountability allows problems to persist without resolution, leading to frustration and
resentment among team members.
7. Ignoring feedback and constructive criticism prevents the team from learning and improving its

High Teamwork Skills:

1. Active Listening: Encourage active listening for understanding and reduced misunderstandings.
2. Respectful Communication: Maintain respect to foster a positive exchange of ideas.
3. Open-mindedness: Be open to alternative perspectives to enhance creativity.
4. Compromise: Find common ground to promote cooperation and avoid stalemates.
5. Facilitated Discussion: Use neutral facilitators for fair and productive conversations.
6. Collaborative Problem-solving: Approach challenges as shared objectives for teamwork.
7. Empathy: Consider others' viewpoints to strengthen relationships.
8. Constructive Feedback: Provide specific, actionable feedback for growth.
9. Team Norms: Establish clear guidelines for mutual respect and cooperation.

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