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the contradiction, nothing else! The objection does not allow
officials to read through written records (diaries, address books,
etc.), they are only allowed to read them.
V6I'S\+Ui¥ possible to stay ruñ'tg! Call salon ' han. The paplere must be sealed, and only a*e
t *- Æe e¢ ^och 8sI}fi,T?uñd "innen or a fit8ï "in or a "prosecutor* may read them. Also for
brttic/"RecNshiltestructureæ qiese soken take spa procedure, the contradiction is useful.
care of Anwtft "ïnnen iJhd BeobaChf%r*iTIn6ft.
cucht wetdan d0rfen only the rooms of the person on dte the
Let dh show d4ttUChUDg6ss and read ilm "kics,ausgestettt is. In the case of married couples this is
m0glicltSt hig and gBnaa durCh. Tell the officer difficult, because it is assumed that they use the rooms of the
"cIirrœi,je . en so lande 4iltën. "partner" in each case (nevertheless, try to prevent a search
• /eÎste 6airlen is the 'B9schfuss ausge- of these). In the case of so-called conjugal living arrangements
St9t{t? t§t , It¢fikettén 6otteTi searches Qn they try the construct of marriage. The assumption
.S .; e¿€'the R8ume of your's friend*in use is a sub- ei
o;,NëA W residential and domestic communities is completely
clear that.
• Stefien . "g fiümeri on cl îituss7 "...vpn non-accused may not be entered. t és also
important that the rooms are npmensschif- y,çichnet. In
addition to 'Ñ the* of the §concerned person, only
common rooms such as
*/, \gohnzimrner, basement, attic and outbuildings,
r. G are available and are not rented out.
-'eoch' teleio ' ii can, then give gr d0rchten nîcht durchsuchen, sondern nur in
on weite , \/en Fait hast du das Augen- men werden. Only in case of obvious sharing
er "m An . Us teîefonteren. .Bèschutdigte*n they take the right, yet

"t¥eibate force, the search of einzdner rooms.

*¿lotjnt sioh aberl
The officers will try to search all rooms at the same
e. Insist that you allow your authorized witnesses into each
^8ln can, the search atso room for room takes place -
possibly they have brought something (Pa- piere, bugs,

You have the right to be present in any case, even if the

police bring along employees of the city/administration
as witnesses. If familiar observers have already joined
you, you can also name them as witnesses. Likewise, of
course, your "n attorney.

If the Beamt "tnrientJnteita§en, you e.g. fQr your exam

preparation or wage work constantly 1gIaucMt, sift for seizure, an
Ausn89me from the principle of non-cooperation is evenNell If possible, write your own protocol of the search.
conceivable. Manch t tlsst the state authority from|}t{+agening It should contain times, sequence of events,
to cooperate,'.uemn all too clear is that things a ' achlIcirI'tich exchanges of words. List the confiscated things, if
have nothing at all to do with the case; you can n . , whether you need to add to the official protocol. Write
you have already given them a look at'the. Contents / 'b ' . down in your memorandum any peculiarities and
procedures that seem strange to you or raise
- uzlg wlrd em DUrchsucfiungsprotoholf ge- questions.
, Jz+lttake, should be as accurate as possible
Farba, fë , wec g) to be removed, so that nothing can be The old satt now fix to a*m Anw6lt "in your
Also . ' w§\dèIj can. trust. She "he will inform you about further legal
omra .y "ifd,.I tuVss this protokotl wee steps.
Toe . " jpwtr' 'en protocoller'ift ünd
tient . chrite. You, however If, for example, your diaries, calendars and other
e d" "' t" v documents or things that clearly belong to someone
.you with all that not else have been taken, think carefully about what
Dueïd f-'/ ' " a,0Thepïûfurig of data and information is now with the police and
you the whether someone should be informed (not on the
something'Ñ44 If phone!).
something. 3egsk t/yenn
sâcfilich you, If your apartment is searched, you can assume that
men agee before, at the same time and possibly etgfiinterher
diaTalafone tapped. About the Egimhsuchung
g -naturally completely openly
ter talked e0. Other j ations, however, require under
therechttidh ftistands 0nd/ee
'. # ..
".m8ssendb° *gggtebia érttMÿ estructure until then still
nicfit'irif0rmIlike ësÿ :
Contact: Rote Hilfe e.V. I Federal Office P.O. Box
3255. 37 *- GÒttingen
Tel: ss/ 77 8o o8 I FàX: 55+ / 77a 8o 9 I I
Account: Rote Hilfe e. V.
Account number: 56036239 I Sparkasse Göttingen I BLZ 260 500 01
IBAN. DE25 2605 0001 0056 0362 39 I BIC: NOLADE21G0E
You can find out how we handle your data in the context of membership administration by
filtering 3-member.pdf.
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Bqifi jgtt{n Pt¥gT6 Fjlßpm €.Q,"

.tb N8nóabeldBm2,demèflgegefptemXmd+

tder/the Xcritoirlha in and k nfèl


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