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Name Irfan ullah

Semester 8

Roll no RCRS-16-029

Assignment EBP

Answer of Q1

Let suppose we consider a patient of ankylosing spondolytis


In the patient with inflammation spine and SIJ suffering from ankylosing spondolytis Is the rest is more is
more causative agent in inflammation or back pain than various triggers like smoking etc.


For the patients with Ankylosing spondolytis Is the genetic marker HLAB27 is more diagnostic factor than
physical examination or MRI.


For the patients with Ankylosing spondolytis Is physical activity is more effective than pain killers or


To reduce inflammation, stiffness and to reduce pain.

Answer of Q2

A.Identification of each component of PICO

Population= Patient of age 50 or older than 50 year

Intervention=Physical Therapy

Comparison=pain killers

Outcome= To reduce pain easiness in doing physical activity

B. Formulate a question using PICO

In older adults patients of age 50 or older than 50 years is physical therapy is more effective than pain
killer in decreasing pain and doing physical activities.

C. Type of question
The type of question is Interventional.

Answer of Question no 3

Importance of clinical audit

Clinical audit is very important in our clinical practice as it keep a check on facilities and intervention we
provided and ensures its quality.

Clinical audit protect reputation of medical staff.

Through clinical audit we maintain quality of data.

Its provides us information about our funds and to use it in things that are deficit which were noticed in
process of audit.

Through clinical audit we have proper and regular check to ensure quality.

We can use pre existing data.

It ensures safety of staff members and participant.

What happens after the clinical audit?

After performing the process of clinical audit we have in front of us the number of things that must be
addressed, the facilities that are deficit, lack of hygiene or any other category...After the audit these
deficits are expected to be fulfilled in the next cyclic process to ensure good quality.

What if the situation doesn’t change after the re audit

If the situation doesn’t changes after the 2nd audit so it means one of the 2 things..

1...The goal that we have targeted or want to accomplish cannot be fulfilled due to any reason e.g.

2..The institute did not try there best to make improvement and use there funding’s to fulfill the deficiet

a. Summary of Cohort Study ( Roll No. 24-31)

Summary of cohort study..

A study was conducted by different researcher’s named Marc Campo , Sherri Weiser, Karen L Koenig,
Margareta Nordin in the year of 2008 on title of ‘’Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders in Physical
Therapists: A Prospective Cohort Study With 1-year Follow-Up”. The objective of the research were to
determine the one year work related musculoskeletal disorders in physical therapist and determination
of specific risk factors. The design of the study were cohort perspective study. The sample size were 882
randomly selected physical therapist from APTA and the study setting included job strains, physical risk
factors and specific physical therapy tasks. The outcomes was work related musculoskeletal disorders
with severity of 4 out of 10 and present one a month long lasting than one week.

The relation between work related musculoskeletal disorders were found in physical therapist after
follow of one year. The 67% was baseline questioner response rate. After one year the incidence rate
was 20.7% of WMSDs. There were found various factors that bring increase in risk rate for work related
musculoskeletal disorders included joints mobilization, soft tissue work, reposition of patient, transfer of
patient. So it was concluded that the prevalence of work related musculoskeletal disorders is greater.


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