Asking and Giving Opinion

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Example 1

Alex and Andi are talking about their plan to have a

holiday to Bali.

Alex: What do you think about going to Bali next holiday?

Andi: That’s a good idea. I’ve never been to Bali.
Alex: Do you think we should book the ticket from now or
just before we go?
Andi: I think we’d better book the ticket now. Many people
go to Bali in holiday. If we don’t book the ticket now,
we might not get any ticket later.
Alex: Yes, you’re right.
Example 2

Milly : Do you like your smartphone?

Brian : Yes. I think I got more than I expected.
Milly : Why?
Brian : I just want to buy a smartphone which has 1 gigabyte
of RAM. But this smartphone gives me more.
Milly : I think you’re lucky.
Brian : Yeah. I think with the price I’ve paid, got a smartphone
with 2 gigabytes of RAM is very awesome.
Milly : But what do you think about the camera? Is it good?
Brian : Not too bad. I got 8 megapixels for primary cameras, and
its secondary camera 5 megapixels. But it is not
the important point.
Milly : Why?
Brian : I do not like selfie. Haha.

Formal : Informal
- Have you got any comments on ….. - What do you think of…….?
- Do you have any idea? - What do you think about………?
- Do you have any opinion on …… - What is your opinion?
- Would you give me your opinion - Why do they behave like that?
on……….? - Do you think it’s going?
- What is your reaction to …… - How do you like?
- What is your opinion about……….? - How was the trip?
- What are you feeling - How do you think of Rina’s idea ?
about………….? - How do you feel about….?
- What are your views on……….?
- Please give me your frank opinion?

Formal : Informal
- I personally believe ….. - I think I like it.
- I personally consider …. - I don’t think I care for it.
- I personally think /feel …. - I think it’s good/nice/terrific……..
- I hold the opinion …. - I think that awful/not nice/terrible…………
- My own view of the matter is - I don’t think much of it.
…… - I think that……..
- Well, personally ……. - In my opinion, I would rather……….
- If I had my view, I would ….. - In my case …..
- What I’m more concerned with ….
- What I have in my mind is………
- The way I see is that…………
- No everyone will agree with me, but ….
- To my mind …..
- From my point of view ….
- If you aks me, I feel ….
- Absolutely ………

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