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Your family is going to Mombasa for a holiday for four days.

(a) Write a packaging list of the items you will require to carry. (10 Marks)
(b) Your cousin James is coming to take care of your home while you are away.
Write a letter reminding him of the same. (10 MARKS)


Fill in the blank spaces with the most appropriate word

It was about one and ................. 1 ............ half years since the emergency had 2
...........declared in the Mt. Kenya Reserve. The situation had 3 worse in the
Rift Valley also. The Great Sweep had followed the emergency. Every Kikuyu, Embu
and Meru as the passbooks disclosed, had his or 4 movements controlled.
This, however, was done whether one was
5 ............or not. Those who were guilty of aiding the Mau Mau movement 6
..............being swept from all over the country and taken back to the central province.
It was like herding the cattle back into ............. 7 ............. boma because they had
broken through it.
Soon after the declaration of the emergency, only a few 8 ................ or women had
been caught and detained. Nevertheless, this had not 9 . the Mau Mau movement. The
tirest fighters had become even tougher. It was their .10 they were fighting for and
had sworn to fight the intruder to the end.
were fighting for and had sworn to fight the intruder to the end.

3. Comprehension

For three or four weeks Obi Okonkwo had been steeling himself against this
moment. And when he walked into the dock that morning he thought he was fully
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prepared. He wore a smart Palm-beach suit and appeared unruffled and indifferent.
The proceeding seemed to be of little interest to him except for one brief moment
at the very beginning when one of the counsel had got into trouble with the judge.

“This court begins at nine o’clock. Why are you late?”

Whenever Mr Justice William Galloway, Judge of the High Court of Lagos and the
Southern Cameroons, looked at a victim he fixed him with his gaze as a collector
fixes his insect with formalin. He lowered his head like a charging ram and looked
over his gold-rimmed spectacles at the lawyer.

“I am sorry, Your Honour,” the man stammered. “My car broke down on the way.”

The judge continued to look at him for a long time. Then he said very abruptly: “All
right, MR Adeyemi, I accept your excuse. But I must say I’m getting sick and tired of
these constant excuses about the problem of locomotion.” There was suppressed
laughter at the bar. Obi Okonkwo smiled a wan and ashy smile and lost interest

Every available space in the courtroom was taken up. There were almost as many
people standing as sitting. The case had been the talk of Lagos for a number of
weeks and on this last day anyone who could possibly leave his job was there to
hear the judgement. Some civil servants paid as much as ten shillings and six pence
to obtain a doctor’s certificate of illness for the day.

Obi’s listlessness did not show any signs of decreasing even when the judge began
to sum up. It was only when he said, “I cannot comprehend how a young man of
your education and brilliant promise could have done this” that a sudden and
marked change occurred. Treacherous tears came into Obi’s eyes. He brought out a
white handkerchief and rubbed his face. But he did it as people do when they wipe
sweat. He even tried to smile and belie the tears. A smile would have been quite

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logical. All that stuff about education and promise and betrayal had not taken him
He had expected it and rehearsed this scene a hundred times until it had become
familiar as a friend.

In fact some weeks ago when the trial first began, Mr Green, his boss, who was one
of the crown witnesses, had also said something about a young man of great
promise and Obi remained completely unmoved. Mercifully, he had recently lost his
mother and Clara had gone out of his life. The two events following closely on each
other had dulled his sensibility and left him a different man, able to look words like
“education” and “promise” squarely in the face. But now when the supreme
moment came treacherous tears betrayed him.


1. Why is it strange that Obi Okonkwo seems indifferent to what is going on?
(2 marks)

2. What evidence is there to prove that the judge was feared?

(2 marks)

3. What is implied about the civil servants in the passage?

(2 marks)

4. Identify and illustrate two similes and one other stylistic devices in the
passage. (6 marks)

5. List all the adjectives in the second last paragraph.

(3 marks)

6. How can Obi Okonkwo’s behavior during this court appearance be

explained? (4 marks)

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7. Explain the meaning of the following expressions as they are used in the

a) steeling

b) counsel

c) wan

d) listlessness

e) comprehend

a. Choose the correct words to fill the blanks

i. The beautiful lady with shinny ................................. named Nora as her (hare,
ii. If Peter lets the bird ..............., he might ................... it forever. (Lose, loose, loss)
iii. When you .................. too quickly, you could run out of ........... (breath, breadth,
iv. The young farmers keep ....................................................... for their fanning,
(diary, daily, dairy)
v. The tailor bought a ............................ to make a ................................. for the
beautiful girl. (Clothe, cloth, clothes)
vi. They .......................the cattle in the ......................................... cattle
(deep, dipped, dip)

(deep, dipped, dip)

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b. Use the following words to construct two (4mks)


One as a noun and the other on its verb form

i. Project

ii. Air


c. Identify the silent letters in the following words

i. Fascinate

ii. Wrist

iii. Slaughter
iv. Handkerc
V. hief

d. Indicate the correct intonation for the following sentences (3mks)

(i) Can I take you home?

(ii) How did she travel to Nairobi?

(iii) I have been working very hard for the coming examination.

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e. Pick the odd one out according to the pronunciation of words in each group in
reference to the letters underlined (2mks)

• Charade Church Chauffeur Chasis

• Axe Xenon Tax Maximum

(Indicate the correct intonation for the following sentences (3mks)

(iv) Can I take you home?

(v) How did she travel to Nairobi?

(vi) I have been working very hard for the coming examination.

f. Pick the odd one out according to the pronunciation of words in each group in
reference to the letters underlined (2mks)
Charade Church Chauffeur Chasis

Axe Xenon Tax Maximum


a) Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given in brackets.


i. My sister cooked lunch at two o’clock (Begin: Lunch...)

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ii. The child saw a Lion in the forest (change into the negative)

iii. There were dresses of girls in the shop (Use the possessive noun)

b) Fill in the blank spaces with an appropriate (3mks)


b) There was a snake ........................................... the hole.

c) We went to Mombasa ................................. air.

d) .............................................. rearing livestock, Musa also keeps fish.

c) Complete the sentences below using an appropriate form of the word given
in brackets. (4mks)
i. The sick girl looked ........................................................ (help)

ii. The village was ......................................................... (access) due to the bad roads.

iii. His poor …………………….(pronounce) affected the delivery of the acceptance speech

iv: Such an …………………………… (Occur) would scare the people

d) Punctuate the following sentences.(2mks)

i. Watch out there is a speeding car

ii. if it rains we will not travel James noted

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a) Fill in each gap in the following sentences with the progressive form of the verb
in brackets


i. The men ........................................ (argue) on top of their voices.

ii. My family ................................. (plan) to have a holiday at the coast in August.

b) Fill in the blank spaces with the correct form of the adjectives given in brackets
i. Njoki is the ................................ (bright) of her two friends.
ii. This flower is .............................(pretty) than that one.
iii. Biashara market is the .......................... (far) of all the markets you have mentioned.
c) Use an appropriate quantifier phrase to complete the sentences below. (3mks)
i............................................................. money was spent in constructing the railway
line, ii .................................................... people attended the rally.
iii. Serve me ............................juice, please.

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