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Arisha Jawad

Hist 350

Professor Jaimes

Oct 5th, 2022

Legacies of Romanticism

Romanticism refers to a cultural movement that began during the late 18th century and

lasted nearly a century. The long-lasting impact of the movement and its legacies are reflected in

works of literature such as the novel Frankenstein, written in 1818, and the movie Spider-Man 2,

which was released in 2004, two centuries after the movement ended. These works reflect on the

romanticism movement through some common prominent themes, including the role of an

individual in society and the importance of nature and companionship. These features of the

movement had a long-lasting impact on society during the time and came about as a reaction to

previous events.

The impact of Romanticism on society can be seen in Frankenstein through its emphasis

on an individual's role in society, a prominent theme of the novel. For example, "…that to create

another like the fiend I had first made would be an act of the basest and most atrocious

selfishness.1" Victor faces the choice of creating a female version of Frankenstein so he can then

go on with his life; however, he stops because of the realization that it comes with the risk of

reproduction, thus, more significant harm to society in the future. Furthermore, a similar

dilemma is seen in Spider-Man 22, when Peter Parker is faced with the choice of quitting being

Spider-Man because it comes with the sacrifice of him being isolated from his loved ones and

failing in school; however, he decides he has to go back to being Spider-Man after he witnesses
Mary Shelley, Frankenstein: The 1818 Text, (New York: Penguin Books, 2018): 100.
Spider-Man 2, directed by Sam Raimi (Marvel Enterprises, 2004),
the crime rate in New York accelerating. Therefore, the similar dilemmas seen in both these

works; the role of an individual in society and, more specifically, individuals having to choose to

put themselves at harms risk for the greater good of society, or the sacrificial trope, is a reflection

of the influence of the Romanticism movement which promoted nationalism and the concept of

the nation. "Through their language, images, and daily political activities, revolutionaries worked

to constitute society and social relations. They consciously sought to break with the French past

and establish the basis for a new national community.3” The Romanticism movement was highly

influenced by the French Revolution, which led to the growth of sentiments of nationalism

throughout Europe and emphasized an individual role in the community.

Another prominent theme in the novel Frankenstein is the importance of nature which is

also something that can be seen as a reflection of the influence of the Romanticism movement.

For example, "I, although I abhorred society, wished to view again mountains and streams, and

all the wondrous works with which Nature adorns her chosen dwelling-places."4 Victor escapes

to the countryside to mourn the death of Justine and William. Furthermore, Victor's creation,

Frankenstein, a man-made creature, is villainized as a freak of nature. Similarly, in Spider-Man

2, Doctor Octavius' artificially intelligent robotic arms are villainized as he slowly stops losing

control over them, and they try to take over the fusion reactor. This reflects the theme of nature

versus man-made objects and science, which was prominent during the Romanticism era and its

reaction against Enlightenment ideas. Romanticism pushed the importance of nature and went

against the idea of rationalizing everything and the prominence of science. Furthermore,

Romanticism was also a response against the industrial revolution, as people during the time

Lynn Hunt, “Introduction: Interpreting the French Revolution” Politics, Culture, and Class in
the French Revolution. 1st ed (2004): 17
Shelley, “Frankenstein”, 92.
began protesting against long work hours and demanding weekends. Furthermore, poetry was

one of the means through which the significance of nature was expressed, and this can be seen

through one of William Woodworth's most famous poems, "Daffodils,5" which is an example of

this as it is about how much joy an encounter with nature brings him. The poet is also mentioned

throughout the novel Frankenstein, which further emphasizes how heavily the themes of

Romanticism are reflected throughout the novel.

Lastly, the theme of companionship and the significance of love is another feature of the

romanticism era that is reflected in the novel Frankenstein. For example, "If any being felt

emotions of benevolence towards me, should return them an hundred and an hundred fold; for

that one creature's sake, I would make peace with the whole kind"6 Frankenstein, the creature's

longing for a female companion whom he can spend the rest of his life in solitude with and the

impact that isolation has on him and how it transforms him from a kind person to a butter one

who begins to commit murders, highlights this theme of the significance of companionship for

an individual. Furthermore, Frankenstein threatens to harm Elizabeth – the woman Victor is in

love with to terrify him. Furthermore, in Spider-Man 2, the woman Peter Parker is in love with is

abducted by Doctor Octavius. These events show the significance of companionship because

both protagonists are faced with their loss, and the danger of loss of companionship motivates

them to continue fighting. While the Industrial Revolution promoted the idea of individualism

and hustle culture to the extent that companionship was no longer seen as a priority, during the

Romanticism era, it was something that began to be valued again through art, poetry, and music

on the subject.

William Wordsworth, “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud," Representative Poetry Online, 1804,
accessed October 5th, 2022.
Shelley, “Frankenstein”, 84.
Several features of the Romanticism period can be seen as reactions to prior historical

movements and events, a response against the ideals promoted by the Enlightenment and

Industrial Revolution, and heavily influenced by the French Revolution. The Enlightenment

promoted individuals using science and being rational and the Industrial Revolution promoted

individualism, no leisure time and led to alienation. The Romanticism period promoted emotions

over being rational and nature over science. In addition, the French revolution led to heightened

feelings of nationalism throughout Europe, and this further led to individuals wanting a sense of

community during the Romanticism era. The legacy of the Romanticism period is reflected in

both Spider-Man 2 and Frankenstein through several themes, such as the role of an individual in

society and the importance of nature and companionship.

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