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Revised Management Plan (Draft)


Barangay Vicente Hizon, Davao City

June 2016
Chapter I


A. Rationale

The City Waters of Davao and its coastal area is endowed with rich natural resources
which have been providing livelihood to the residents and is contributing to the overall economic
development of the city. Its 60.1 kilometers shoreline is one of the longest among coastal cities
in the country. Its coastal water is a component of the Davao Gulf Area which is an important
fishing ground and a priority area for biodiversity conservation in the Celebes Sea.

According to the study conducted by the Davao City Coastal Resource Management
Technical Working Group (CRM-TWG) and embodied in the Davao City Coastal Zone
Management Situation and Recommendation Report in 2006, there are several pressing issues
such as illegal fishing, declining fishery resources, habitat degradation, settlement along coastal
area which threaten the presence of marine mammals and sea turtles. Because of these observed
issues and concerns, the report recommended for the establishment and implementation of the
Marine Protected Area (MPA) for the conservation and protection of marine and coastal
resources of Barangay Vicente Hizon.

B. Objectives of the Management Plan

The objectives of the management plan includes the following:

a. Enforce and implement City Ordinance No. 0375-07 declaring Barangay Vicente
Hizon Fish Sanctuary and other fishery laws relative to the establishment and
management of the fish sanctuary;
b. Conduct trainings, seminars on Fish Sanctuary/Marine Protected Area and Coastal
Resource Management;
c. Strengthen members of the MPA Management Board and its Committees;
d. Encourage participation of the private sector, academe and other concerned
groups in the development and management of the Fish Sanctuary
e. Conduct regular surveillance, monitoring and evaluation activities.

C. Scope of the Plan

The revised Barangay Vicente Hizon MPA Management Plan covers a period of five
years from 2016 to 2021. The plan outlines its management structure and detailed
implementation plan for sustainable use of coastal and marine resources in the area.

D. Legal Basis

The legal basis in the establishment of Marine Protected Area in Barangay Vicente Hizon
in Davao City was City Ordinance No. 0375 Series of 2007. One of its provisions is the
preparation of the management plan with the local stakeholders hence this plan is prepared.
E. The Planning Process

The current legal context of LGU authority for management encourages multi-sectoral
approach whereby different stakeholders are involved in the planning and decision-making
process. These local development players include the barangay council, BFARMC, Bantay
Dagat/AMPA Guards, fishers association, women’s group, religious, private sectors, PNP,
PNP-Maritime, coastguard, senior citizen, academe and youth sectors. Technical assistance has
been provided for by the Davao City CRM-TWG composed of the members from the office of
the Sangguniang Panglunsod Hon. Marissa S. Abella, City ENRO, City Planning and
Development Office, City Agriculturist Office, DENR-CMMD and BFAR.

Chapter II


Barangay Vicente Hizon Sr. derived its name from the scions of a prominent, landed
family considered to be one of the original settlers in the area, Barangay Vicente Hizon Sr. was
created only on July 25, 2004 by virtue of a referendum that resulted in the division of Barangay
Pampanga into three barangays, namely: Barangay Vicente Hizon Sr., Barangay Pampanga and
Barangay Alfonso Anglingto Sr. It was officially created through City Council Resolution No.
02565-03 and City Council Ordinance No. 0161-03.

Barangay Vicente Hizon Sr. in its effort to establish a fish sanctuary near Lizada Village
finally started by setting up the demarcation lines by installing floating marker buoys to
delineate the MPA site. The barangay Vicente Hizon Sr. MPA was officially established last May
8, 2012.

The MPA area is established through the technical assistance of the DENR, BFAR and
private sector for the conservation and protection of the coastal and marine ecosystem in
barangay Hizon.


Barangay Vicente Hizon Sr. is strategically located in the 2nd Congressional District of
Davao City. It is bounded on the North by the Davao International Airport runway, Barangay
Alfonso Angliongto Sr. and Barangay Lapu-Lapu in the West, coastline of the Davao Gulf in the
South, J.P. Laurel Avenue (Davao-Agusan National Highway) and Insular Creek in the
Southeast, Dona Asuncion in the East, Dona Asuncion Subdivision, Insular Village I, West
Insular Village, Fortune Executive Homes, Nova Tierra Village 1-3, Pampanga Executive Homes
Subdivision, Belen Homes, Sto. Domingo I, Donnasville, Model Homes, Lizada Village 2-3 in
the Northeast. It is about seven kilometers away from the City Hall of Davao, and is accessible
by all means of land transportation

As of 2009 actual population count, Barangay Vicente Hizon Sr. is inhabited by 13,598 locals,
who are highly conversant in Filipino, English and native dialects. Population growth rate is 2%
based on the 2009 social census mapping.

Topography, Slope and Elevation

In terms of landscape, the coastal zones can be described as almost even with a slope that ranges
from 0%-3% . Of the total 212 hectares land area of the barangay is fringed with flat (>100 m)
land elevation.


Benthic Life form of Barangay Vicente Hizon Sr MPA

Fish Abundance in barangay Vicente Hizon Sr.

Barangay Vicente Hizon Sr. has a total population of 11,883 based on 2010 census. Major
sources of income is from salaries, small business and few others are engaged in fishing based on
the latest survey conducted by Dr. Raoul Cola, et al, 2016.

Barangay Council of Vicente Hizon Sr., though the youngest barangay created in the city,
enacted an ordinance to establish a Marine Protected Area for the benefit of the present and
future generations. The MPA has an area of 2.7 hectares with 100 meters buffer zone in order to
protect the core area. This undertaking was in line with the implementation of the City Ordinance
No. 0375-2007.

The MPA was established through the technical assistance of the DENR, City
Agriculturist Office and the Office of Councilor Marissa Abella for the conservation and
protection of the coastal and marine resources in Barangay Vicente Hizon Sr.




A clean, healthy and well protected coastal and marine environment supporting
sustainable development principles for the benefit of the present and future generations.


To protect, restore and manage coastal and marine resources where the
community takes the lead in ensuring a sustainable environment that promotes a
vibrant economy and healthy communities.


1. To actively participate and network with other local agencies and MPAs within or
outside Davao Gulf Area.;
2. To strictly implement fisheries and other environmental laws and local ordinances
3. To encourage community participation in Project Implementation, Monitoring and
Evaluation (PIME) process and (Information, Education Campaign (IEC) on
relevant issues and concerns relative to MPA management;
4. To strengthen existing MPA management board/ committees and people’s
organization to effectively manage the God given resources;
5. To access, develop and provide alternative livelihood;
6. To establish and develop linkage and networking for MPA financial sustainability.
Barangay Vicente Hizon Sr. Marine Protected Area
Hizon, Davao City
Chapter VI

Functions of the Fish Sanctuary/ Marine Protected Area Management Board

1. Recommend policies to the Sangguniang Bayan (SB) for the management of the Marine
Protected Area (MPA).
2. Formulate the internal rules and regulations governing operations and management of
the MPA.
3. Prepare and submit annual program of actions, prepare and propose a budget to be
submitted to the SB.
4. Prepare monitoring and progress report to the Office of the Mayor and the Sangguniang
5. Review, if necessary, the MPA Management Plan and recommend to any amendments in
the plan to the SB.
6. Perform such other functions as may be necessary for the smooth implementation of
the MPA Management Plan.

Functions of the MPA Management Committees

1. Committee on Law Enforcement

● Takes the lead in the enforcement of laws, regulations and ordinances pertinent
to Lupon Marine Protected Area, including the filing of cases to proper
● Coordinates with the law enforcement agencies and ensure that MPA Ordinance
and other fishery laws are strictly implemented by proper authorities
● Conducts regular monitoring and surveillance activities in the MPA site
● Link with various agencies/institutions that can provide legal assistance
● Meets on a regular basis for planning and updates
● Submits report regularly to the management board

2. Committee on Eco-tourism
● Identify and assess potential ecotourism activities
● Design site development plans in support of ecotourism activities
● Develop and prepare promotional materials and education tour packages
● Establish linkage with Municipal Tourism Office, DOT, Dive shops, NGOs and other
concerned agencies
● Meets on a regular basis for planning and updates
● Submits report regularly to the management board

3. Committee on Habitat Rehabilitation, Resource and Social Assessment

● Responsible for the formulation and implementation of a Habitat Rehabilitation
and Stock Enhancement Plan.
● Conducts activities and training relative to habitat management and stock
● Responsible for the conduct of regular social and habitat assessment and submits
monitoring report to that effect to the management board.
● Establish an MPA monitoring chart/board which may capture trend in terms of
fish abundance and mangrove, seagrass or coral cover.
● Develops survey form/questionnaire for purpose of social assessment
● Monitors data on catch and effort
● Meets on a regular basis for planning and updates
● Submits report regularly to the management board

4. Committee on Information, Education and Communication (IEC)

● It shall take care of information and dissemination of information about Marine
Protected Area (MPA), Solid Waste Management (SWM) and waste water
● It shall also coordinate with the DepEd and religious leaders on the information
and dissemination in the conservation of the environment and its resources in
the classrooms and during Sunday and Friday congregations, respectively
● Responsible for formulation and implementation of an IEC Plan, including
community organizing
● Consolidates/keeps all profiles pertaining to the MPA (socio-economic &
environment-related profiles)
● Establish IEC corner in every schools and barangay halls within coastal area.
● Develops, reproduces and disseminates local IEC materials
● Conduct regular special events, training and seminars
● Meets on a regular basis for planning and updates
● Submits report regularly to the management board

5. Committee on Waste Management

● This committee is tasked to recommend the implementation of laws concerning
the proper disposal of solid wastes and waste water at the municipality and
barangay levels
● It shall coordinate with the Livelihood and Education committees on the
segregation, composting, reuse, recycling and utilization of solid wastes for
possible income generation
● Link with various agencies and institutions that can provide assistance on solid
waste and waste water management
● Meets on a regular basis for planning and updates
● Submits report regularly to the management board

6. Committee on Livelihood
● Responsible in coming up with strategies in finding alternative livelihood for
fishermen and other stakeholders whose activities are affected with the
establishment of the MPA
● It shall coordinate with other organizations, private sectors, agencies (i.e. TESDA,
DTI, other concerned agencies) which can help in introducing to the community
alternative livelihood
● Responsible for the formulation and implementation of an Enterprise
Development Plan for the fisherfolk
● Provides assistance to fisherfolk in the preparation of project proposals/business
development plans
● Keeps Registry of Fisherfolk, association and fisherfolk cooperatives to determine
priority for livelihood assistance.
● Monitors and evaluates all livelihood projects
● Meets on a regular basis for planning and updates
● Submits report regularly to the Management Board

7. Committee on Monitoring and Evaluation

● Determines schedule and appropriate period for the conduct of monitoring and
● Conducts regular plan review from the point of entry up to the point of
termination of the plan
● Prepares catch-up plan every after regular review and evaluation if necessary
● Upon termination of the plan, prepares final report
● Meets on a regular basis for planning and updates
● Submits reports regularly to the management board

8. Committee on Networking and Linkaging

● This is a coordinative body which will work closely with the different committees
and help each committee establish linkages with other agencies, institutions,
CSOs which can help/support in the execution of each committee’s functions.

Chapter VII


The Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) of marine protected areas (MPA) is crucial for the
management to be sensitive, pro-active and responsive to the changes that are occurring as the
MPA is implemented. Monitoring is the continued observation of any chosen parameter at
regular intervals overtime. Monitoring shall be done inside the marine sanctuary or the no-take
zone of the MPA, as well as in adjacent areas outside the protected zone.

The monitoring survey will carried out to evaluate the present ecological condition of the
coral reef, seagrass, mangrove, fish abundance and other marine & coastal habitat of the
Marine Protected Area and also to evaluate the impact MPA to the adjacent coastal and
fisherfolk community of the area.

The monitoring site report will show present condition of the MPA based on the trend of
the chosen parameters such as reef density, fish population and composition that will serve as
data for decision-making for effective management of the MPA.

Field Methodologies

a. Snorkel survey
This method is used mainly to determine the percent cover of the benthic life forms: (1)
hard coral (HC), (2)soft coral(SC),(3)dead coral (DC) and dead coral with algae
(DCA),(4)Marine plants including macro-algae (MA),(5) Non-living or abiotic components
such rock (RCK),rubble (R), sand (S) and silt (SI), (6)other fauna (OT) such a echinoderms,
mollusks over a more specified area. A 50 meter transect was lain at a depth between 10-20
ft depending on the bottom terrain of the MPA site. The observer will estimate the
percentage cover of each of the benthic attribute within a 5m x 5m imaginary quadrant,
starting from 0 m until the whole transect was sampled. The estimated from the ten sample
quadrant over 50 meter line were then averaged to get the benthic description for a
particular sample site.

b. Fish visual Census (FVC)

This method is used to determine fish abundance and assemblage in a specified
area of observation. The general procedure involves observation over a 50 meter
transect line at about a constant 20ft depth contour. It is usually done using the same
transect lain for the snorkel survey method described above. A 50-10 minutes gap
between the line laying and actual census is allowed for the disturbed fish community to
return to their normal behavior. Starting at once end of the line, two observers (one on
either side of the transect line) will record estimated counts and sizes of fishes in their
local names, observing 5m to his side of the transect and moving forward until the next
5m mark. Both observers swim slowly forward and briefly stop at every 5m along the line
until the transect line completed. The faster moving fishes were counted. Each transect
covers an area of 500 m2 (50 m x 10m width).

c. Management Effectiveness Assessment Tool (MEAT)

Meat method is a 48 item guided questioner rating sheet indicates an indicator
and weighted value to determine the impact of the MPA and the effectiveness of the
management implementation of the site. The survey is conducted in a FGD approach.
The responder of the FGD is the stakeholder of the site. The MEAT has four (4)
parameter threshold levels namely level 1 established, level 2 strengthened, level 3
sustained, level 4 Institutionalized. The threshold level determines the condition and
stage status of the Marine Protected Area base on the result of the survey.

Feedback and reporting

The result of the monitoring and evaluation will be reported to the MPA manager and the
MPA manager will also make a report and recommendation regarding the result of the M&E
Committee to the MPA Board for further validation and appropriate action and it will return back
to the concerned committee to implement the action suggested by the MPA manager or MPA

Monitoring Schedule
The schedule of the monitoring and evaluation is by quarterly for the administrative and
internal operation aspect and bi-annual in bio-physical and socio-economic of the MPA
management aspect. The said MPA monitoring schedule will be take effect and implemented
upon the approval of the MPA management board.

Members of the M&E Committee

The composition of the member of the M&E Committee is came from PO, fisherfolks,
women, youth and private of the coastal community of barangay Hizon which is selected by the
chairman of the committee with the approval of the barangay council.

Budgetary Requirement
Logistic Quarterly/bi-an 5 years P 2,000.00/ P 40,000.00
nual activity
Fuel and Lubricants Quarterly 5 years P 1000.00/ P 20,000.00
Office Supply Bi-annual 5 years P 2,000.00/ P 20,000.00
Miscellaneous Bi-annual 5 years P 2,000.00/ P 20,000.00
expenses semi-annual
Incentives Quarterly 5 years P 1,500.00/ P 150,000.00
Monitoring Material
(mash, fins, slate, First year 1 year P 70,000.00 P 70,000.00
Measuring, tape,
Grand Total P 320,000.00

Note: The appropriation of this budgetary requirement requires the approval of the
barangay council based on the availability of funds.
Chapter VI

Program: Bio-physical
Issue : Coral reef and sea grass destruction
Objective: Rehabilitated and well protected coral reef and sea grass areas

Strategy Activity Target Time Budget Responsible

frame Office/
Establishment o Conduct underwater 1 Year 1 P50,000/assess
of Marine assessment to yr 3 BLGU
Protected Area o Installation of marker bouy 4 buoy
o Conduct community Yr1 P 20,000
hearing and pulong-pulong 1
o Drafting of MPA pulong-p
Yr 1 P 5,000
management plan
o Adaption of MPA
management plan 1 Yr 1 2,000
o Formulation of MPA
ordinance Yr 1 2,000
o Establishment of outpost
for bantay- dagat 1 Yr 1 5,000
o Conduct training on fishery Yr 1 50,000
1 outpost
law and paralegal 1
o Formulation of Yr 1 20,000
bantay-dagat operational 1
plan Yr 1 5,000
o Conduct training on
SCUBA diving for the Yr 2 50,000
Management/assessment Yr 2 P 20,000
o Conduct underwater stock
assessment and bio-mass Yr 2 20,000
o Conduct bio-diversity Yr 2 P 100,000
enhancement training

o Installation of artificial reef

o Installation of billboard and 4


o Procurement of patrol
Provision of boat.flashlight,radio,vernac 1 patrol Yr 1 P 200,000
logistics ular,gps,scuba gear and boat
support other supply needed
o Allocation of honorarium
for bantay-dagat Yr 2

Program: Socio-Economic
Issue : Lack of knowledge on fishing method and resource management

Objective: Improved knowledge on fishing method and better understanding on

Resource management

Strategy Activity Target Time Budget Responsible

frame Office/agency
o Conduct fishermen and
Capability gear used survey 1 Yr 1 P 10,000 CAO
building on
fishery o Conduct training on fishery
management law and other Yr 1 20,000
environmental laws 1

o Distribution of hook and Yr 1 20,000

line materials and legal
fish net 1

o Conduct training on fishery Yr 1 20,000

production strategy

o Conduct training on 1 Yr 1 20,000

capture fishery

o Conduct training on 1 Yr 2 20,000

species re- stocking
method 1

o Conduct training on 1 Yr 2 20,000

Bio-diversity conservation
and management
Program: Socio-Economic

Issue : Lack of livelihood opportunities

Objective: uplift the living condition of the coastal community

Strategy Activity Target Time Budget Responsible

frame office/agenc
Provision ● Conduct fisherfolk 1 Yr 1 P 10,000
of survey for the
livelihood livelihood recipients BLGU
● Organize fisherfolk
association and 2 Yr 1 10,000

● Registration of the
association and
coop to the CDA or
DOLE 2 Yr 1 10,000

● Conduct training on
food preservation

● Conduct training on 1 Yr 2 20,000

handicraft using the
recyclable material

● Conduct training on
product packaging 1 Yr 2 20,000

● Conduct training on 1 Yr 2 20,000

association and
coop management
and fund sourcing
1 Yr 2 20,000
● conduct training
managent (e-g 1 Yr 2 30,000
snorkling guide
another related
training on MPA
Program: Socio-Economic
Issue : Lack of community support
Objective: Strong and well establish community support.

Strategy Activity Target Time Budget Responsible

frame office/
IEC and ● Conduct regular Coastal Yr 1 to P10,000
ADVOCACY community communities Yr 5
PROGRAMS consultation and
meetings regarding
the coastal resource
management and

● Distribution of reading Yr 1 to P10,000

materials regarding yr 5 / year
MPA programs and
coastal resource

● Establish
feedbackijng scheme
between the coastal
communities and the

Program: Socio-Economic
Issue : Lack of knowledge on environmental, fishery and other related laws
Objective: Improved and developed community awareness with regards to the
Environmental laws and fishery laws.

Strategy Activity Target Time Budget Responsibl

frame e office and
Capability building ● Conduct regular 2 Yr 1 and P 50,000/ BLGU
on the training and yr 3 seminar
environmental , seminars regarding
fishery laws and the environmental,
other related fishery and other
policies related local policies

● Cross- visit or P 200,000

lakbay aral to the
places where the
CRM and MPA site 1 Yr 2
were successfully
implemented and
well know best
Program: Institutional Arrangement
Issue : Weak implementation fishery and environmental policy
Objective: Strong implementation of fishery and environmental policy
Strategy Activity Target Time Budget Responsi
frame ble office
Strict ● Conduct regular sea 2 (am and Yr 1 to Yr P 20,000/yr
implementation of borne patrol pm) 5
fishery and other
related laws with ● Implement the
regards to the approved color fishermen Yr1
CRM programs coding scheme boat
base the approved
Davao city fishery

● Establish linkages to
the national and local 1 MOA Yr1 P 5,000/yr
law enforcer

● Conduct regular
coastal community
consultation including 1/quarter Yr 1 to yr
the adjacent 5
barangays with P20,000
regards to the
enforcement of
fishery law

● Establish survillance
and intel reporting to
the bantay dagat and

● Strenghten the
Bantay-dagat and 1 hotline
deputy fish warden number
Program: Institutional Arrangement
Issue : Unregulated establishment of resorts.
Objective: Well implemented coastal zoning ordinance of the barangay.
Strategy Activity Target Time Budget Responsibl
frame e office and
Strict ● Conduct Resort Yr 1 P 5,000
implementation assessment owner
of coastal and survey
zoning to the all
ordinance and
other related nt operates
national and within the
local policies shoreline of
with regards to the barangay
the resort jurisdiction
along the ● Conduct 1/year to Yr 1
shoreline regular IEC the resort to yr 5 P2,000/yr
with regards owner
to the zoning

● Formulate 1
barangay ordinance Yr 1 P 5,000
expansion of
their resort
and jetties.
Program: Institutional Arrangement
Issue : Absence of Barangay Coastal Eco- tourism plan.
Objective: Institutionalize Barangay Coastal Eco-tourism plan.

Strategy Activity Target Time frame Budget Responsible

office and
Develop ● Conduct actual 1 Yr 2 P10,000.00
/formulate area assessme BLGU
barangay assessment of nt
Coastal coastal area for
Eco-tourism possible
plan eco-tourism

● Consolidation of P 5,000
data gather 1 meeting Yr 2

● Drafting and 1 plan

formulation of Yr 2 P 5,000
the barangay
Yr 2
● Conduct write 2 write P 20,000.00
shop for the shop
finalization of
the barangay
1 Yr 2
● Conduct consulta-ti P 10,000,00
barangay on
regarding the
plan. 1 session Yr 2 P 5,000.00

● Adaption of the
Program: Institutional Arrangement

Issue : Unregulated solid waste disposal from other barangay

Objective: To strictly implement RA9003 and conduct regular IECs

Strategy Activity Target Time Budget Respon-sibl

frame e office and
Set up ● Conduct All Yr 1 P10,000
strong meeting and adjacent
collaboration consultation to barangay
between the adjacent
adjacent barangay
BLGU’s regarding the
solid waste

● Conduct
regular coastal 2 coastal Yr 1 to yr P 20,000
clean-up clean- 5

● Conduct quarterly Yr 1 to Yr P20,000/

regular IEC to 5 quarter
all adjacent
barangay thru
of different
stakeholder on
waste disposal
Brgy. Vicente Hizon Sr. Action Plan

Activities Time Frame Resources Source Of Responsible

Needed Funds person
1.MPA management March 22, 2019 Meals BLGU Kag. Uy /WWF
council meeting at 9:00am Snack
2.Follow up barangay March 7,2016 Official fare Kag. Uy and
resolution (MPA communica company
adoption/confirmation at tion
the SP of Davao City
3.Intallation of MPA Bill May-July 2016 Billboards/ CAO,BFAR MPA Mgt council
boards/ signages/markers tarps DENR chair, WWF,
4.Strengthening of June-July 2016 Supplies CAO,BFAR Gideon Cadiz
BFARMC and Snacks
5. MPA management Plan June-July 2016 Updated MPA Mgt Council
adoption (updated) MPA Plan
7.Facilate stakeholders July-August Supplies BLGU/CAO MPA Mgt.
meeting for technical and 20016 meals Council, MKBA/
financial suppport WWF

8.Conduct massive IEC July-December2 IEC BLGU Alsons IEC com, BLGU
for MPA 016 materials CAO WWF
9.Conduct regular March to Dec. Floating Bantay dagat enforcement
surveillance and patrolling 2016 assets and and AMPA team
and monitoring at MPA Fuel Guards
site And others

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