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Exactly your chemistry.

Please note

This information is based on our present state of knowledge and is intended

to provide general notes on our products and their uses.

It should not therefore be construed as guaranteeing specific properties of

Waxes by Clariant
the products described or their suitability for a particular application. > Production, characteristics, and applications

Any existing industrial property rights must be observed. The quality of our
products is guaranteed under our General Conditions of Sale.

® = Trademark registered by Clariant in numerous countries.

Edition: May 2003/W 320 GB

REG.-NO. DE-674-01

Clariant GmbH
Division Pigments & Additives
P.O. Box 10 15 62
86005 Augsburg

Phone: +49/821/479-28 86
Fax: +49/821/479-25 62
Internet: www.pa.clariant.com

Waxes by Clariant

> Production, characteristics and applications

2 Clariant’s range of waxes 18
Waxes, a main focus
of Clariant’s work 4 Product range 19
Description of types 19
2.1 Raw-montan-wax-based
1 Manufacturing Clariant waxes 8 waxes 19
Hard waxes 19
1.1 Montan-wax-based waxes 9 Soft waxes 26
Formation and production of 2.2 Polyolefin waxes 26
raw montan wax 10 Non-polar polyethylene and
Manufacturing montan- polypropylene waxes 26
wax-based waxes 11 Polar polyethylene and
Resin removal 12 polypropylene waxes 27
Bleaching with chromic-sulfuric 2.3 Wax micropowder 28
acid mixture 12 2.4 Variously based waxes 30
A guide for wax users by Oxidation with chromic-sulfuric
Otto Malitschek acid mixture 12
Esterification 14
Revised by Saponification 15
Wilhelm Herfert Adjustment of ester waxes
with emulsifiers 15
With articles by 1.2 Polyolefin-based waxes 16
Bernhard Kammermeier Non-polar polyethylene and
Werner Kapfer polypropylene waxes 17
Harald Kiesel Polar polyethylene and
Jan-Peter Piesold polypropylene waxes 17
Peter Pyka 1.3 Variously based waxes 17
Manfred Schmalzl 1.4 Wax micropowder 17

3 Characteristics of
Clariant waxes 32

Characteristic values 33 5 Processability of

3.1 Characteristic chemical values 34 4 Wax characteristics that are Clariant waxes 80
Acid value 34 not unequivocally described
Saponification value 35 by a measured value 62 5.1 Waxes in solvent systems 81
3.2 Characteristic physical values 35 5.2 Waxes in aqueous systems 81
Density 35 4.1 Lubricating effect 63 5.3 Waxes in molten phase 81
Melting behavior 36 Waxes as lubricants for 5.4 Waxes in solid phase 81
3.3 Measured values of additional plastics 63
wax characteristics 38 Waxes as lubricants in
Hardness 38 metal processing 69 6 Environmental behavior,
Penetrometer hardness Waxes as needle lubricants 70 toxicology, and legal status with
according to Richardson 38 Waxes as rub-resistance respect to food legislation
Ball impact hardness 38 agents in printing inks 71 of Clariant waxes 82
Flow hardness 43 Waxes in paints 71
Viscosity of the melt 44 Lubricant effects of waxes
Using Licowax® to influence in floor polishes 72 7 Clariant waxes and
the viscosity of other waxes 45 4.2 Release effect 72 their applications 84
Behavior when exposed 4.3 Binding effect 73
to solvents 51 Waxes as binders and
Solubility of Clariant waxes 51 dispersing aids for pigment 8 Literature 94
Solvent absorption 52 concentrates 74
Paste forming ability 53 Waxes as binders in color
Behavior when exposed masses for carbon paper 75
to water 58 Waxes in electro photographic 76
4.4 Waxes as film forming agents 76
Waxes in pesticides 76
Waxes in polishes 77
4.5 Waxes as adhesion promoters
and compatibalizers in plastics 78
4.6 Waxes in hot-melt adhesives 79

Waxes, a main focus of Clariant’s work

Manufacturing waxes: flaking mill

4 _ Waxes, a main focus of Clariant’s work

Wax, a raw material with tradition
and potential for innovation This definition is widely accepted in
the literature today. The EU Council
Waxes are amongst the oldest raw A practicable definition was deve- for Cooperation in Customs Matters
materials; they evidence a surprising loped by the M-Wax Department of included it in its nomenclature that
variety of characteristics and appli- the German Society for Fat Science was published in the comments on
cations. (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Fettwis- the customs tariff [2].
senschaft or DGF for short), first pub-
The close of the 19 th century saw lished in 1957 and revised in 1974 [1]: The classifications found in the
the first industrial use of and intense literature, on the other hand, are less
occupation with the group of materials “Wax is a technical collective de- uniform. In general, waxes are
known as waxes. They became the signation for a series of natural or classified as follows:
object of chemical research, industrial artificially produced materials that
mass production, physical and chemi- have the following characteristics: Natural waxes
cal inspection and testing, and speci- > Animal, vegetable,
fic application which also led to clari- > kneadable at 20 °C, and mineral in origin.
fication of the term “wax”, which at
first was used quite arbitrarily, and > firm to brittle hard, Artificial waxes
led to differentiation from similar > Chemically modified waxes/semi-
materials such as resins and plastics. > coarsely to finely crystalline, synthetic waxes: An existing wax
molecule is chemically modified.
> translucent to opaque,
but not glassy, > Synthetic waxes: A wax is built up
on a low-molecular, non-waxy
> melts above 40 °C molecule or by decomposition of
without breaking down, a macro-molecular plastic.

> relatively low viscosity already just

above the melting point, consistency
and solubility heavily dependent on

> polishable under light pressure.

If, in borderline cases, a substance

fails to meet more than one of these
characteristics, then it is not a wax
within the meaning of this definition.”

Waxes, a main focus of Clariant’s work _ 5

This classification encompasses all
kinds of waxy substances, but not Research and development are very
mixtures thereof. Mixtures are classi- Industrial mass production of montan- important in our work. Oriented to-
fied, especially by customs authorities, wax-based waxes began over seventy ward the demands of the market and
under the term “wax preparations”. years ago at the Gersthofen factory of the requirements of our customers,
what was then Farbwerke Hoechst AG we systematically develop innovative
Clariant and its range of waxes [3]. The products were sold under the solutions.
account for a major share of industrial trade name “Hoechst Wax”; later, this
development, production, and applica- was joined by the names Hostalub and The knowledge and experience of in-
tion of synthetic waxes. Hostamont. When Clariant took over dustrial chemistry in manufacturing
Hoechst’s Special Chemicals Division basic materials are utilized in all of
on 1 July 1997, it continued to supply the manufacturing processes used.
the waxes under the old names until Mixing, solvent, or emulsification ope-
mid 1999. At that time, the products rations with these raw materials, on
were renamed Licowax, Licolub and the other hand, are the task of the pro-
Licomont. The montan-wax-based cessing industry. Our processes result
waxes were the first semi-synthetic, in the manufacturing of both 100 %
controlled-production waxes to reach synthetic and semi-synthetic waxes
the market, with standardized charac- with characteristics tailored to solving
teristics and technical application special problems. This is also why
support. In the years following the Clariant waxes are usually superior to
Second World War, the product range natural waxes and other products.
was expanded by special products
designed to meet special user demands.
Polyolefin-based waxes were added.
Today the basic material classifications
montan wax and polyethylene wax are
the mainstays of the product range.

6 _ Waxes, a main focus of Clariant’s work

Wax gallery

Waxes, a main focus of Clariant’s work _ 7

1 Manufacturing Clariant waxes

Pilot plant for wax manufacturing

8 _ Manufacturing Clariant waxes

1.1 Montan-wax-based waxes
The manufacturing process is summa-
According to the wax classification rized in the flow chart in Fig. 1 [4].
system, some of Clariant’s montan
wax derivatives belong to the group
of refined, bleached waxes. Most,
however, belong to the group of semi-
synthetic waxes in which raw montan
wax is chemically modified.

Lignite (brown coal)

Solvent Extraction Briquette coal

Raw montan wax

Solvent Extraction Montan resin

Deresinificated montan wax

Chromic acid solution Refining/Oxidation chromic acid solution
Refined montan wax Acidic waxes

Alcohols Esterification

Ester waxes
emulsifiers Mixing Saponification

Ester waxes containing emulsifiers Soaps of acid waxes

Metal oxides Saponification

Partially saponified ester waxes

Fig. 1: Montan-wax-based waxes by Clariant

Manufacturing Clariant waxes _ 9

Formation and production of
raw montan wax Unfortunately, the raw montan wax
Economical industrial production is contaminated by resins and dark
Trees, shrubs, and grasses protect is only possible with coal that is matter. The naturally occurring vege-
themselves from excessive water loss especially rich in wax. Above all, this table waxes from living plant species
by excreting wax on the surfaces of is the case with the Central German are subject to fluctuations in quality
their leaves and fruits. This protective coal reserves between Halle and caused by changes in weather and
mechanism is found above all in plants Magdeburg and in Northern Hessen. climate during the growth period of
that flourish in tropical or sub-tropical Montan wax, which is characterized the plants. In montan wax, these diffe-
climates and with periods of drought. as a fossil vegetable wax due to its rences are intensified by coalification
Plants such as palms, myrtle, and lau- origins, has much the same chemical of plants of different types. Thus raw,
rel, which were already exposed to composition as the original vegetable unrefined montan wax can only be
such conditions 30-40 million years waxes from living plant species. The used in a few exceptional situations
ago in the Eocene epoch, were trans- essential component is a mix of esters in which neither color nor quality is
formed under special geological con- of longer aliphatic, non-branched, an issue.
ditions into lignite or brown coal even numbered fatty acids with the
(coalification process). Due to their corresponding alcohols [5, 6, 7].
high chemical resistance, the waxes
and resins of the plants survived this
process and the subsequent depositi-
on for millions of years. Today they
can be extracted from the lignite using
solvents. The extracted products are
referred to as raw montan wax.

Waxes as car polish additives

10 _ Manufacturing Clariant waxes

In order to make it available for a Manufacturing montan-wax-
broad range of applications, the based waxes
following disadvantages must be
eliminated economically:
1 Bleaching with chromic acid solution Refined montan wax
> excessive high resin content
+ [O2 ]
R-COO-CH2-R’ + dark matter R-COO-CH2-R’ + xCO2I + yH2O
> excessive dark color
2 Saponification and Oxidation
> inconsistent quality Acid waxes
with chromic acid solution
+ H+
> poor ability to process into R-COO-CH2-R’ + H2O R-COOH + HO-CH2-R’
pastes and emulsions
R’-CH2-OH + O2 R’-COOH
This must not have a detrimental - H2O
effect on hardness and sheen. [H+]
The first production was based on 3 Esterification with mono-
separation of the wax and dark matter Ester waxes
and polyvalent alcohols
through water vapor distillation. Of
course, when the waxes were exposed R-COOH + HO-R R-COOR
to these extreme thermal stresses,
decarboxylation processes were R-COOH + HO-(CH2)2-OH + HOOC-R R-COO-CH2-CH2-OOC-R
unavoidable, meaning that the finished - 2H2O
products contained a great deal of R-COOH +
paraffin [8]. Today the dark matter is HO-CH-(CH2)2-OH + HOOC-R R-COO-CH-(CH2)2-OOC-R
usually destroyed by means of oxidation. - 2H2O

In the chromic-sulfuric acid mixture 4 Saponification with metal hydroxides Metal soaps
oxidation process used to manufactu-
re Clariant’s montan wax derivatives, 2R-COOH + Ca(OH)2 (R-COO)2-Ca
the dark matter is destroyed without - 2H2O
breaking down the C-chains of the
wax acids and wax alcohols. Since 5 Combination of 3 and 4 Partially saponified ester waxes
the chromic-sulfuric acid mixture con-
sumed is reclaimed through electroly-
tic regeneration, this way it is possible Fig. 2: Manufacturing process for montan-wax derivatives

to manufacture high quality waxes

efficiently and in an environmentally
responsible manner.

Manufacturing Clariant waxes _ 11

Oxidation with chromic-sulfuric
acid mixture

If raw montan wax is subjected to

more intense treatment with, then
other chemical processes occur in
addition to bleaching.

The esters of C22-C34 acids and C22-C34

alcohols that exist in montan wax are
split in the acid medium of the chro-
mic-sulfuric acid mixture into their
constituent parts wax acids and wax
alcohols. Through the oxidation effect
of the chromic-sulfuric acid mixture,
Waxes in printing ink the wax alcohols are also oxidized
into wax acids. The chemical reac-
tions that take place in the process
Resin removal are outlined in Fig. 2.
Bleaching with chromic-sulfuric
Oxidizing bleaching primarily attacks acid mixture
the resins contained in montan wax.
In order to minimize consumption of When chromic-sulfuric acid mixture is
chromic-sulfuric acid mixture and thus used carefully, only the dark matter of
cost, it is expedient to extract some or the raw montan wax is decomposed
all of the resin with organic solvents into CO2 and H2O. This then results in
prior to oxidation. A lower, controlled, a light-colored, refined montan wax,
and consistent level of resin content which, similarly to natural wax, con-
can be advantageous for many appli- sists primarily of long-chained wax
cations. alcohols with wax acids. This can also
be characterized as genuine ester wax.
Licowax U is a product of this kind.

12 _ Manufacturing Clariant waxes





C22 C24 C26 C28 C30 C32 C34

Fig. 3 a: Chain-length distribution of the primary carbonic acids of the raw montan wax




C22 C24 C26 C28 C30 C32 C34

Fig. 3 b: Chain-length distribution of the primary alcohols of the raw montan wax

The light-colored, hard acidic wax

thus obtained consists primarily of
straight-chained, even-numbered,
and saturated carbonic acids with
a chain-length distribution of C22-C34
with a maximum at C28-C30.

Manufacturing Clariant waxes _ 13




8 Besides the choice of various starting

acids, in this step of the process, the
4 type and quantity of alcohol offer addi-
tional possibilities for varying the che-
C16 C18 C20 C22 C24 C26 C28 C30 C32 C34 C36 mical structure and thus the characte-
ristics of the ester waxes (manufactu-
ring of all intermediate stages from
Fig. 3 c: Chain-length distribution of the primary carbonic acids of an acid wax manufactured from montan wax partial to complete esterification of
the alcohol components).

In this reaction, the wax molecule is Ester waxes from Clariant’s

divided in half. Surprisingly, however, Clariant’s range of waxes includes Range of Waxes
the behaviour of the acid wax (aside the following acid waxes: Ester from mono- Licowax F
from its acidic function) is essentially valent alcohols
no different than that of natural and > Licowax SW Ester from diols Licowax E
synthetic ester waxes. It is only when > Licowax S Licowax KP
one determines specific physical cha- > Licowax LP Licowax KP 303
racteristics of the methyl esters of > Licowax UL Licowax KPS
these acids that one obtains values Licowax KSL
corresponding to the halved genuine Licowax KFO
ester wax molecules. The explanation Esterification Licowax BJ
offered for this phenomenon in the Licowax RT
literature [9] is that both acid waxes The aforementioned acid waxes are Ester from triols Licolub WE 4
and carbonic acids are capable of for- dimerized by hydrogen bridge bonds. Licomont ET 132
ming hydrogen bridge bonds to the For many characteristics that are Licolub WE 40
acid group and thus are present in important for application technology, Ester from polyols Licomont ET 141
dimerized form, i.e., with double molar it is desirable to restore the length of Ester from Licowax KST
mass. For this reason, acid waxes are the original molecule through chemi- strongly hydrophilic
commonly used in certain applications. cal bonding of the two molecules. alcohols
One such possibility is esterification
of acid waxes with suitable mono-
or polyvalent alcohols. The reactions
are shown in Fig. 2. In this manner,
one obtains ester waxes.

14 _ Manufacturing Clariant waxes


Effect of molecule enlargement of acidic Through application and modification

waxes obtained through esterification For many applications, however, it has of the six aforementioned process
with polyols can also be obtained with proven expedient to esterify part of steps [10], it is possible to manufacture
metal oxides or hydroxides through the acid groups before saponification. products that are chemically different.
formation of the corresponding soaps. In this manner, one obtains partially This is a function of the level of resin
Reaction of acid waxes with calcium saponified ester waxes removal and oxidation as well as the
hydroxide is one common method (Fig.2). type and quantity of alcohol used for
If all of the acid wax is saponified in > Licowax OP esterification or the saponification
this manner, then one obtains products > Licowax O agent used. It also understandable
that, in contrast to the montan waxes > Licowax OM why entirely different products are
discussed thus far, cannot be melted. formed as those formed by mixing
The high soap content can also reduces physically esters and soaps that have
compatibility with hydrocarbon waxes. Partially saponified ester waxes are already completely undergone reaction.
Thus products of this kind are used especially notable for their high ability
when melting technology and to form pastes and absorb oil. The The process steps outlined make it
compatibility with hydrocarbons are ability to form pastes declines in possible to convert a natural wax
not an issue, e.g., as a lubricant and the order Licowax OP, Licowax O, ester with a defined spectrum of
nucleating agent in plastics. Licowax OM. characteristics into virtually any num-
ber of other esters and soaps with
The current range of products various characteristics. Since all the
consists of: Adjustment of ester waxes steps are chemically controlled and
with emulsifiers reproducible, it is possible to manu-
> Licomont CaV 102 facture products of constant quality.
> Licomont NaV 101 To simplify handling, it is sometimes
expedient to manufacture waxes
optimally combined with a suitable
non-ionic emulsifier. This results in
the emulsifier-containing ester waxes

> Licowax KPE

> Licowax KLE
> Licowax NE.

Manufacturing Clariant waxes _ 15

1.2 Polyolefin-based waxes

Clariant’s range of polyolefin waxes

encompasses polyethylene and poly-
propylene waxes. From the standpoint
of wax classification, both of these
groups belong to the full synthetic.The
flow-chart illustrating their production
is shown in Fig. 4.

Mineral oil


Propylene Ethylene

Low-pressure Polymerization with Low-pressure Polymerization with Low-pressure

polymerization metallocenes polymerization metallocenes polymerization
according to Ziegler according to Ziegler according to Ziegler

Polypropylene Polypropylene Polyethylene Polyethylene HDPE

waxes, non-polar waxes, non-polar waxes, non-polar waxes, non-polar molar mass
molar mass molar mass molar mass molar mass > 10,000
< 10,000 < 10,000 < 10,000 < 10,000


polyethylene waxes,

Fig. 4: Mineral-Oil-Based Waxes by Clariant: Polyolefin Waxes

16 _ Manufacturing Clariant waxes

Non-polar polyethylene and 1.4 Wax micropowder
polypropylene waxes
Polar polyethylene and In this group of waxes, besides chemi-
Polyethylene waxes are manufactured polypropylene waxes cal composition, the particle size and
through high-pressure or low-pressure particle size distribution and thus the
polymerization like high molecular Polar polyethylene waxes are produced physical form play a decisive role
plastics. While the high-pressure pro- either by oxidizing polyethylene wax when it comes to characteristics and
cess results in branched polyethylene or by oxidative decomposition of suitability for use. It seems expedient,
waxes with a relatively low density polymer grade polyethylene [11, 12]. therefore, to classify these waxes,
and melting point, the low-pressure This results in the range of polar, which are manufactured using various
process is capable of producing both emulsifiable polyethylene waxes: processes, in a common group under
non-branched, hard types of higher the name Ceridust®:
density as well as branched types of > Licowax PED 521
lower density. > Licowax PED 522 Product Particle size
> Licowax PED 121 d50 (µm)
Clariant waxes with the designation > Licowax PED 153 Ceridust 130 11.5-14.5
Licowax PE or Licowax PP are manu- > Licowax PED 136 Ceridust 2051 5.5-7.5
factured according to the Ziegler low- > Licowax PED 191 Ceridust 3251 6.0-8.0
pressure process. > Licowax PED 192 Ceridust 3615 6.5-8.5
Ceridust 3620 7.5-9.5
This results in the polyethylene waxes Ceridust 3712 6.5-8.5
Polar polypropylene waxes are manu- Ceridust 3715 7.5-9.5
> Licowax PE 130 factured by grafting PP waxes with Ceridust 3719 12-14
> Licowax PE 190 maleic anhydride. This results in Ceridust 3910 5.5-7.5
> Licowax PE 520 Ceridust 3920 F max. 11
> Licomont AR 503. Ceridust 3940 F 12-15
Ceridust 3941 F approx. 13
and the polypropylene waxes Ceridust 5551 7.5-9.5
1.3 Variously based waxes Ceridust 6071 16-24
> Licowax PP 220 Ceridust 6721 approx. 7
> Licowax PP 230. This group encompasses all waxes Ceridust 9202 F 2.0-6.0
that defy classification in one of the Ceridust 9205 F 5.5-10.5
Licocene is Clariant’s brand name for groups mentioned above: Ceridust 9610 F 7.5-9.5
its polyethylene/polypropylene waxes Ceridust 9615 A 5.5-7.5
manufactured using the metallocene > Licowax R 21 Ceridust 9630 F 7.0-9.5
process. This provides products in > Licowax C/Licolub FA 1
which the drop point, density and > Licowax 371 FP
viscosity can be varied to a much > Licolub H 4
wider extent than before. > Licomont BS 100

Manufacturing Clariant waxes _ 17

2 Clariant’s range of waxes

Physical forms

18 _ Clariant’s range of waxes

Product range
Acid waxes are used in
Table 1 (page 20 ff.) provides a sum-
mary of Clariant’s range of waxes [155, Description of types > care products
156]. It currently encompasses some
sixty types and is subject to constant > emulsions for textile finishing
change, in the course of which old 2.1 Raw-montan-wax-based waxes
types are replaced by new ones with > emulsions for wood finishing
which better or more economical
solutions can be obtained. The great Hard waxes > emulsions for paper finishing
variety of types is virtually inevitable
due to the ability to create, through Acid waxes > dye base digestion
chemical modification or synthesis,
waxes with characteristics tailored Licowax S, Licowax LP, Licowax UL > grinding waxes
to special requirements. The diversity and Licowax SW are light-colored,
of types is thus a sign of high product hard acid waxes that consist primarily > plastics as lubricants
specialization [13]. of montanic acids. Because of their
polarity, they are easily emulsifiable,
serve as emulsifiers for other waxes
when saponified with alkalis, help to
disperse pigments and abrasives, bind
solvents and react with dye bases to
form dye base digestion. Licowax SW,
the wax that has been bleached the
most, is nearly white and is used pri-
marily for cosmetic purposes.

Clariant’s range of waxes _ 19

Hard waxes based on raw montan wax
Product Drop point Acid value Saponification value Density at
[°C] [mg KOH/g] [mg KOH/g] 23 °C [g/cm 3]

Refined montan wax

Licowax U ~ 83 ~ 82 ~ 125 ~ 1.01

Acid waxes
Licowax S ~ 82 ~ 140 ~ 170 ~ 1.01
Licowax LP ~ 84 ~ 122 ~ 155 ~ 1.01
Licowax UL ~ 84 ~ 108 ~ 145 ~ 1.01
Licowax SW ~ 84 ~ 125 ~ 160 ~ 1.01
Licowax NC ~ 84 ~ 115 ~ 155 ~ 1.01

Ester waxes
Licowax E ~ 82 ~ 18 ~ 145 ~ 1.02
Licowax F ~ 78 ~ 8 ~ 103 ~ 0.98
Licowax KP ~ 84 ~ 25 ~ 148 ~ 1.02
Licowax KP 303 ~ 89 ~ 22 ~ 90 ~ 1.01
Licowax KPS ~ 80 ~ 35 ~ 148 ~ 1.01
Licowax KSL ~ 82 ~ 31 ~ 145 ~ 1.01
Licowax KFO ~ 89 ~ 90 ~ 128 ~ 1.01
Licowax KST ~ 60 ≤ 5 ~ 15 ~ 1.20
Licolub WE 4 ~ 82 ~ 25 ~ 145 ~ 1.01
Licolub WE 40 ~ 76 ~ 21 ~ 183 ~ 1.01
Licomont ET 132 ~ 78 ~ 18 ~ 153 ~ 1.01
Licomont ET 141 ~ 76 ≤ 40 ~ 148 ~ 1.01

Ester waxes containing emulsifiers

Licowax KPE ~ 82 ~ 30 ~ 120 ~ 1.01
Licowax KLE ~ 85 ~ 30 ~ 105 ~ 1.01
Licowax NE ~ 77 ~ 44 ~ 115 ~ 0.95

Partially saponified ester waxes

Licowax OP ~ 99 ~ 12 ~ 112 ~ 1.02
Licowax O ~ 102 ~ 13 ~ 115 ~ 1.02
Licowax OM ~ 90 ~ 25 ~ 115 ~ 1.01

Fully saponified ester waxes

Licomont CaV 102 – ~ 10 – –
Licomont NaV 101 – ≤ 5 – –

Table 1

20 _ Clariant’s range of waxes

Soft waxes based on raw montan wax
Product Drop point Acid value Saponification value Density at
[°C] [mg KOH/g] [mg KOH/g] 23 °C [g/cm 3]

Ester wax compound

Licowax BJ ~ 75 ~ 21 ~ 150 ~ 0.98
Licowax RT ~ 80 ~ 19 ~ 75 ~ 0.97

Polyolefin waxes
Product Drop point Acid value Saponification value Density at
[°C] [mg KOH/g] [mg KOH/g] 23 °C [g/cm 3]

Non-polar polyethylene waxes

Licowax PE 520 ~ 120 0 – ~ 0.93
Licowax PE 130 ~ 125 0 – ~ 0.97
Licowax PE 190 ~ 135* 0 – ~ 0.96

Polar polyethylene waxes

Licowax PED 121 ~ 116 ~ 18 – ~ 0.98
Licowax PED 191 ~ 123 ~ 16 – ~ 0.98
Licowax PED 136 ~ 111 ~ 60 – ~ 1.02
Licowax PED 153 ~ 120 ~ 25 – ~ 0.98
Licowax PED 521 ~ 105 ~ 17 – ~ 0.95
Licolub H 12 ~ 105 ~ 17 – ~ 0.95
Licowax PED 522 ~ 104 ~ 25 – ~ 0.96
Licolub H 22 ~ 104 ~ 25 – ~ 0.96
Licowax PED 192 ~ 123 ~ 22 – ~ 0.98

Non-polar polypropylene waxes

Licowax PP 230 ~ 163* 0 – ~ 0.89
Licowax PP 220 ~ 163* 0 – ~ 0.89

Polar polypropylene waxes

Licomont AR 504 ~ 156* ~ 40 – ~ 0.91

Table 1 (Continuation)

* Softening point (ring and ball method) based on DIN 1995; ASTM E 28 or ASTM D 36
~ Approximately

Clariant’s range of waxes _ 21

Special products
Product Drop point Acid value Saponification value Density at
[°C] [mg KOH/g] [mg KOH/g] 23 °C [g/cm 3]

Licowax C ~ 142 ≤ 8 – ~ 1.00

Licowax R 21 ~ 105 ≤ 10 – ~ 0.94
Licowax 371 FP ~ 101 ~ 21 – ~ 0.96
Licolub FA 1 ~ 142 ≤ 8 – ~ 1.00
Licolub H 4 ~ 111 0 – ~ 0.92
Licomont BS 100 ~ 141 ≤ 8 – ~ 1.00
Licomont EK 583 ~ 115* – – ~ 1.10

Product Drop point Acid value Saponification value Density at
[°C] [mg KOH/g] [mg KOH/g] 23 °C [g/cm 3]

Ceridust 130 ~ 125 0 – ~ 0.97

Ceridust 2051 ~ 112 – – ~ 0.94
Ceridust 3251 ~ 122 – – ~ 0.96
Ceridust 3615 ~ 124 0 – ~ 0.97
Ceridust 3620 ~ 125 0 – ~ 0.97
Ceridust 3712 ~ 124 ≤ 5 – ~ 0.97
Ceridust 3715 ~ 125 ≤ 5 – ~ 0.97
Ceridust 3719 ~ 115 ≤ 19 – ~ 0.98
Ceridust 3910 ~ 142 ≤ 8 – ~ 1.00
Ceridust 3920 F ~ 125 ≤ 1 – ~ 1.00
Ceridust 3940 F ~ 125 ≤ 1 – ~ 1.00
Ceridust 3941 F ~ 127 ≤ 1 – ~ 1.00
Ceridust 5551 ~ 99 ≤ 19 – ~ 1.00
Ceridust 6071 ~ 160 0 – ~ 0.89
Ceridust 6721 ~ 155 ≤ 4 – ~ 0.99
Ceridust 9202 F ~ 330** – – ~ 2.20
Ceridust 9205 F ~ 330** 0 – ~ 2.20
Ceridust 9610 F ~ 125 0 – ~ 1.00
Ceridust 9615 A ~ 140 ≤ 8 – ~ 0.99
Ceridust 9630 F ~ 130* ~ 3 – ~ 1.10

Test methods DIN 51 801/2 ISO 2114 ISO 3681 DIN 53 479
ASTM D 127 ASTM D 1505

Table 1 (Continuation)

* Softening point (ring and ball method) based on DIN 1995; ASTM E 28 or ASTM D 36
** Melting point according to differential scanning calorimetry
~ Approximately

22 _ Clariant’s range of waxes

Ester waxes

Licowax E
is a light-colored ester wax with a
higher acid value than many natural
ester waxes. Thus it is easier to
emulsify and more capable of forming
pastes with organic solvents. Because
of its medium polarity, it is used as a
balanced internal and external lubricant
for plastics processing. Furthermore,
it is a component of care product
emulsions and technical emulsions
of all kinds.

Licolub WE 4
is an ester of montanic acid that was
specially developed for plastics and is
especially used as a lubricant for PVC
and Polyester. Due to its extremely
strong release effect, Licolub WE 4 is
used as a lubricant in manufacturing
rigid PVC films, particularly when high
demands are placed on the anti-sticking

Licolub WE 40
is a complex ester of montanic acid
with a high molar mass and very low
volatility. In PVC processing, it is
distinguished by a strong release
effect, short gelation period and good
transparency. When used in engineered
plastics, Licolub WE 40 is an effective
lubricant, especially at high processing

An example of applications for lubricants in engineered plastics: plastic car parts

Clariant’s range of waxes _ 23

Licomont ET 132 and
Licomont ET 141 Licowax KST
Both products are ester waxes based Licowax KPS is an additional dry-bright wax based
on polyvalent alcohols and are used can be thought of as Licowax E that on montan wax, which however, with-
as lubricants and release agents when has been further engineered for opti- out the addition of emulsifiers, produces
processing engineering plastics. They mal dry-bright. It can be used for a emulsions with the character of colloidal
are distinguished by high chemical wide spectrum of applications and is solutions. Thus it is used to mix waxes
and thermal stability as well as low sufficiently compatible with hydrocar- into solutions that are clear like water,
volatility. bon waxes; Licowax KPS can be emul- e.g., with tensides. Its protective films
sified better with less emulsifier than are slowly dissolved again by cold
Licowax F natural waxes. water. Thus it is often used as retarda-
is an ester that forms especially finely tion and fixation agent in pesticides.
crystallized, soft, smooth pastes. Licowax KSL Licowax KST is the only wax by
is the dry-bright wax most often used, Clariant that is soluble in alcohols such
Licowax KP and on account of its versatility. Its eco- as methanol, ethanol, and propanol.
Licowax KP 303 nomy of use, above all in combination
are esters of montanic acid that were with polyethylene waxes, micro-
developed for use in manufacturing crystalline waxes and Fischer-Tropsch Ester waxes containing emulsifiers
copier paper. Pigment-binding capabi- paraffin is especially worthy of menti-
lity and compatibility with paraffin on. This wax can be used to make Licowax KPE and
permit use for coating both the pigment high-quality care products for heavy- Licowax KLE
side and the reverse, primarily in duty hard wax films as well as low- These dry-bright waxes were
carbon paper, carbon-copy pads, priced products. developed from the emulsifier-free
and duplication paper. types Hoechst Wax KPS and Licowax
Licowax U KSL and already contain the amount
Licowax KPS and is a universally useable, refined, hard of emulsifier necessary for optimal
Licowax KSL montan wax. It can be processed by emulsification. Thus they are easily
These montan-wax-based ester waxes itself into ionic dry-bright emulsions or converted into non-ionic dry-bright
are the preferred dry-bright waxes in together with polyethylene wax, emulsions, e.g., simply by sprinkling
the product line. Using ionic or non- Fischer-Tropsch wax, or microwaxes the wax flakes in hot water and sub-
ionic emulsifiers, they can be processed and/or paraffin. Licowax U can also be sequent cooling.
into emulsions that are so fine that the used to manufacture olein-free, ionic
drying protective film shines. dry-bright emulsions without the addi-
tion of other waxes.

24 _ Clariant’s range of waxes

Partially saponified ester waxes

Licowax OP,
Licowax O and Licowax OM contains soaps of montanic
Licowax OM acid, which, when mixed with organic
contain soaps of montanic acid with solvents, form pasty, soft pastes with
various degrees of bleaching. Licowax high-glossy surfaces. Thus it is used
OP is the wax with the highest ability above all in making shoe polish.
to form pastes and the best ability to
absorb solvents. Thus it is often used
as a vehicle for pasty floor, shoe, car, Fully saponified montan wax
and leather care products, corrosion
protection agents, and grinding pastes. Licomont NaV 101
Thanks to its balanced polarity, it is is the sodium salt of montanic acid
widely used as a lubricant in plastic and is used as a lubricant, release,
processing. In the aforementioned and nucleation agent in engineering
order of partially saponified ester plastics. The best nucleation effect
waxes, the quality of the color and is obtained with polyester.
characteristics decreases from
Licowax OP to Licowax OM; accor- Licomont CaV 102
dingly, these products are suitable is the calcium salt of montanic acid
mainly for applications in which color and is used as a lubricant, release,
plays a subordinate role. Licowax O and nucleation agent in engineering
is soap of montanic acid that forms plastics. The best nucleation effect
somewhat softer pastes with solvent is obtained with polyamides.
than Licowax OP does, but otherwise
evidences similar characteristics.
Thus Licowax O is used instead of
Licowax OP or in combination with
natural or synthetic ester waxes to pro-
duce the desired paste characteristics.

Clariant’s range of waxes _ 25

2.2 Polyolefin waxes

Soft waxes Depending on their compatibility with

Non-polar polyethylene and plastics, polyethylene waxes are
Licowax BJ and polypropylene waxes widely used as lubricants and as car-
Licowax NE rier material for pigment concentrates
are soft ester waxes with the consi- Licowax PE 520, or as a matting agent for paints. Their
stency of natural bees wax. They Licowax PE 130 and hardness makes them a preferred
make wax mixtures more pliant and Licowax PE 190 anti-abrasive agent in printing inks.
the protective films more flexible and are non-polar polyethylene waxes
can be used either dissolved in solvent manufactured according to the Ziegler
or emulsified in water process (low-pressure). Licowax PP 220 and
Licowax PP 230
Licowax NE already contains the Licowax PE 520 is a wax with a mole- are non-polar, hard, and primarily
emulsifiers needed in order to form cular weight of approx. 2,000 as well isotactical polypropylene waxes with
non-ionic emulsions. as relatively low density, crystallinity, extremely high melting points, manu-
hardness and melt viscosity. factured according to the Ziegler
Licowax BJ is used not only for solvent- process. They are used to increase
or water-based care products but also, Licowax PE 130 and Licowax PE 190, the softening point of hydrocarbon
in emulsified form, as an aid in textile on the other hand, are non-polar poly- waxes, as lubricants in plastics, and
finishing. ethylene waxes with relatively high as carriers for pigment concentrates.
density, crystallinity and hardness as They are also suitable for surface
well as molecular weight of 3,000 and coating of paper, pasteboard, and
9,000 respectively. Their viscosity cardboard, as well as metal foil.
increases with increasing molecular

Polyethylene waxes increase melting

point, gloss, tensile strength, hardness
and abrasion resistance of other
hydrocarbons, such as paraffin and
microcrystalline waxes. Thus they
are used to increase the temperature
resistance of care product pastes and
to increase the gloss and melting point
of hydrocarbon based coatings for
packing materials. Licowax PE 520 is
used when high flexibility is required,
while Licowax PE 130 and Licowax PE
190 are preferred when higher hard-
ness and a higher melting point are

26 _ Clariant’s range of waxes

Polar polyethylene and
polypropylene waxes

Licowax PED 121,

Licowax PED 153,
Licowax PED 136,
Licowax PED 191 and
Licowax PED 192
are hard, emulsifiable polyethylene
waxes with high melting points. Thus
they have to be emulsified in closed
containers, e.g., in a low-pressure
autoclave. The resulting emulsions
are used to manufacture dry-bright
emulsions, fruit-coating emulsions,
textile-treatment agents and metal-
draft agents.

Licowax PED 521 and Licowax PED 191, It can either be worked into the poly-
Licowax PED 522 a weakly polar, higher molecular mer during a compound step or
pertain to the flexible, emulsifiable polyethylene wax, is used in manufac- be applied to the glass fibers or natu-
polyethylene waxes with melting turing care products and as a strong ral fibers in the form of dispersion.
points low enough to permit emulsifi- external lubricant in PVC processing.
cation in open containers. They are
also used in manufacturing technical
emulsions and dry-bright emulsions Licowax PED 192
of all kinds. For plastics processing, has characteristics similar to those of
these products are offered under the Licowax PED 191. The higher acid
names Licolub H 12 and Licolub H 22. value makes it easier to emulsify.
Compatibility with optical brighteners
is improved.

Licomont AR 504
is a polar modified polypropylene
waxes used as adhesion promoter in
fiberglass reinforced, natural-fiber-
reinforced, and mineral-reinforced

Clariant’s range of waxes _ 27

2.3 Wax micropowder

Under the name Ceridust, Clariant

offers wax micropowder with particle
sizes < 40 µm. It is above all particle
size and particle size distribution that
play a decisive role in their use.
Favorable effects are also obtained in
powder coatings with this substance.
Ceridust waxes act as lubricants to
reduce friction during compounding
of the resins, fillers and pigments,
easing transport of the powder coating
compound through the lines and feeding
equipment, improving grindability and
promoting flow (degasification) of the
coating during stoving. The mechanical
properties of the coatings are preserved,
but their lubrication and abrasion-
resistance are improved. Ceridust
additives can also be used to obtain Ceridust 130, Ceridust 130,
silky matt finish effects [157]. Ceridust 3620, Ceridust 3620,
Ceridust 3615, Ceridust 3615 and
Ceridust 3251, Ceridust 3610
Ceridust 3715 and differ from one another mainly in terms
Ceridust 3831 of particle size. The coarser Ceridust
are micropowders that are easily 130 (< 36 µm) must be further reduced
dispersable in liquid and pasty printing in size during the dispersion process,
inks and in the solvents and binders thus necessitating several steps;
commonly used with them, in order to abrasion wetting out together with
improve the printing characteristics pigments and fillers is advantageous.
of the inks and the wearing qualities
of the printed goods. They regulate the
rheological behavior of the printing
ink, make the paper run through the
printing press more smoothly, and
increase the mechanical resistance
of the printed goods.

28 _ Clariant’s range of waxes

Ceridust 3620 is substantially finer
(< 20 µm) and easier to disperse, so it Ceridust 9615 A
can be added toward the end of the was developed especially for matting
manufacturing process. In all cases, and is a formulation which, when
attention must be paid to careful tem- Ceridust 9610 F, combined with inorganic matting
perature control; temperatures should Ceridust 9630 F, agents, significantly improves their
not exceed 70 °C if possible. Ceridust 9325 F, settling behavior.
Ceridust 3920 F,
The even finer Ceridust 3615 (< 15 µm) Ceridust 3940 F and
and Ceridust 3610 (< 10 µm) are suitable Ceridust 3941 F Ceridust 3910,
above all for non-porous substrates. are modified, hard polyethylene a micronized amide wax with a high
waxes with a linear structure, the melting point and especially fine
effectiveness of which has been particle size, can be combined with
Ceridust 3715, optimized by means of fluorine- polyethylene-wax-based Ceridust and
Ceridust 3712, containing substances. is notable for lending especially good
Ceridust 3719 and slip properties to the coating. This
Ceridust 3831 Ceridust 3940 F and Ceridust 3941 F considerably enhances grindability
are polar polyethylene waxes and thus are used almost exclusively in and extends the useful life of the
easily wettable with water and polar powder coatings to produce a finer abrasive material. In powder coatings,
solvent. They are especially suitable surface structure. it promotes degassing during stoving
for use in aqueous systems. of porous groundings.

Ceridust 9202 F and

Ceridust 2051 Ceridust 9205 F
is a synthetic hydrocarbon wax. are low-molecular polytetrafluorethy-
Preferred spheres of application are lenes. They are generally used in com-
powder coatings and printing inks. bination with polyethylene waxes.
In powder coatings, it functions as
a light matting agent; in printing inks, The previously mentioned Ceridust
Ceridust 2051 is used to enhance formulations, with the exception of
protection against abrasion. Ceridust 130, can be used to lend
coatings specific characteristics
such as enhanced scratch resistance,
improved anti-blocking behavior, good
slip properties, and grindability.

Clariant’s range of waxes _ 29

Ceridust 5551
is a micronized ester wax. When used
in wood varnishes, it produces a silky Licowax 371 FP
matte gloss and a surface that is plea- outstrips all other waxes in terms of
santly satiny-smooth to the touch. In 2.4 Variously based waxes toughness and flexibility of the pro-
powder coatings, it improves wetting tective film (FP stands for flexible,
and dispersability of organic pigments This group contains those waxes that polymeric wax). It is used to protect
and thus boosts color intensity. Its are not based on montan or polyolefin surfaces by forming a film on flexible
good compatibility with the polyester- raw materials. materials such as leather. Because of
based binders also makes it possible its high yield strength, Licowax 371 FP
to control rheological characteristics. is suitable for applying anti-slip floor
Licowax R 21 polishes that gather a minimum of dirt.
contains soaps of synthetic wax acids. Moreover, Licowax 371 FP has proven
Ceridust 6071 Due to its low ability to form pastes, it itself as a paint additive, dispersed
is a micronized polypropylene wax is used primarily to manufacture liquid in solvent, that can be used to manu-
that is used as a dispersing aid in wax suspensions for polishing wax, facture metallic base coats, e.g., in
pigment masterbatches for thin PP anti-corrosives, stone polishes, and automobile paints.
applications. Ceridust 6071 can be used release agents.
either as the sole dispersing agent or
in combination with usual powder
goods such as our Licowax PP 230. Licolub FA 1
Furthermore, in wood varnishes, is used as a lubricant in plastics pro-
Ceridust 6071 is used to produce cessing. In finished goods, it is used
surface structures and for matting as an anti-blocking agent (e.g., flexible
in powder coatings. PVC, TPU), slip agent (rigid PVC films),
and as a release agent in injection
molding (styrenic polymers, flexible
Ceridust 6721 PVC, TPU).
is a modified polypropylene wax. It is
used in wood varnishes to produce a
satiny matte gloss and a surface that Licowax C
is pleasantly silky to the touch. is used as a slip agent in printing inks
and coatings, as a lubricant in powder
metallurgy, as a means of increasing
melting points, and for anti-adhesive

30 _ Clariant’s range of waxes

Licomont BS 100
is a special product for modifying bitu-
men. Among other things, this makes
it possible to manufacture asphalt for
road construction that withstands
heavy traffic longer thanks to reduced
rut formation.

Sample application: Wood varnishes

Clariant’s range of waxes _ 31

3 Characteristics of Clariant waxes

Sample application: Lubricants

32 _ Characteristics of Clariant waxes

The following outlines the characteri-
stics of Clariant’s waxes so that inte-
rested readers can see for themselves Characteristic values are measured
why certain waxes are recommended Characteristic values according to standardized testing and
for special applications. Moreover, inspection methods of the following
this also enables the user to make a Since the advent of industrial exploita- institutions:
short list of suitable waxes for new, tion of wax, waxes have been descri-
previously unknown wax applications or bed in terms of characteristic values DGF Deutsche Gesellschaft für
custom solutions. Special applications that can be determined easily, quickly, Fettwissenschaft e. V.,
beyond these are shown in additional and reproducibly in any chemical la- Münster
information leaflets. boratory. These characteristic values DIN Deutscher Normenausschuß
are also used for quality control. (DNA), Berlin, Frankfurt,
Chemical characteristic values are ASTM American Society for
acid value and saponification value; Testing and Materials,
physical characteristic values are Philadelphia
density and a value that described the ISO International Organization
melting behavior of the hard waxes, for Standardization
such as the drop point. This informati-
on provides a suitable characterizati- To ensure constant quality, our pro-
on of the waxes and permits produc- duction control department also con-
tion of waxes of uniform quality. ducts extensive application-related
Nevertheless, application characteri- tests. This is also done using formula-
stics must be checked separately. tions common in the industry in combi-
Since all characteristic values are nation with corresponding additives.
measured within certain limits, the The results of such tests are not part
analytical mean values are shown as of the general, basic characteristics of
approximate values in Table 1, pp. 20 ff. the waxes discussed here.
The characteristic values are also an
integral part of the delivery specifica-
tion. The threshold values for each are
contained in the respectively valid
product data sheets.

Characteristics of Clariant waxes _ 33

3.1 Characteristic chemical values

Acid value In aqueous media, e.g., with emulsifi-

Significance cation, the strongly polar monomeric
Definition The acid value is first of all a measure form appears to be present, since
The acid value is the number of milli- of the wax acid content. It is used to emulsifying acid waxes requires more
grams of KOH required in order to calculate the necessary quantity of hydrophilic emulsifiers than those
neutralize the free acid contained in reactants in processes in which these required to emulsify ester waxes.
one gram of wax. acids react. Examples of such proces-
ses are saponification with alkalis, Due to the varying length of the neutral
Test methods reactions with amines, metal oxides part of the molecule of the CH2-chain,
DIN EN ISO 2114, ASTM D 1386 or dye bases in dye base inclusions, fatty acids are more polar than mon-
esterification with alcohols, and the tan-wax acids, and these in turn are
Explanation like. The acid value can also be used more polar than acids of oxidized poly-
The wax, which is dissolved in xylol, is to determine the amount of the polarity ethylene waxes.
titrated, after the addition of ethanol, of the waxes due to the dipolar
with ethanolic KOH with phenol- character. The number and strength The polarity of the wax types not
phthalein as an indicator. With dark or of the polar groups as well as the only has an important influence on
strongly colored wax, electrometric length of the non-polar part of the selection of the suitable emulsifier,
determination of the equivalent point molecule influence this value. The free but also for the adhesion of wax films
may be expedient [14]. Changes in the acid group is one of the strongest to surfaces for compatibility with other
type and mixing ratio of the solvents polar groups that occur in waxes. waxes as well as resins, plastics,
produce deviant results, especially solvents and plasticizers. Thus estima-
with polyethylene waxes. Wax acids can, like carbon acids, take ting it can help to avoid trial and error
on a dimeric form [9] that is substanti- through selection of suitable types
ally less polar than the free acid group when seeking solutions to problems.
and is on the same order as the polari-
ty of the ester group. It is assumable
that this form occurs above all in the
solid or molten state of the wax.

34 _ Characteristics of Clariant waxes

Saponification value

The saponification value is the number
of milligrams of KOH required in order
to neutralize the free acids and acids
released from esters in one gram of

Test methods
DIN EN ISO 3681, ASTM D 1387

The saponification value is a measure
of the amount of free acids and divisible
esters present. The esters are broken
up with alcoholic KOH; the unconsumed
KOH is titrated with hydro chloric acid.
The difference between the saponifi-
cation value and the acid value results
in the ester value. It is a measure of
the ester content. Like the acid value, Significance
the ester value makes it possible to Explanation Because wax groups of varying che-
draw conclusions about the polarity The density of waxes can be deter- mical composition, such as paraffin,
of the wax, whereby experience has mined with the help of the usual ester waxes or polyethylene waxes,
shown that esters are less polar than methods, e. g., the floating method. evidence significant variations in
the free monomeric wax acids. A substantial savings in time results density, density measurements can be
from a modification of the method in used to identify waxes. With non-polar
which the two fluids are premixed so polyethylene wax, the density also
3.2 Characteristic physical values that they form a density gradient in a makes it possible to draw conclusions
vertical column. Then it is only neces- about molecular branching and thus
sary to read off the depth of submer- crystallinity and hardness. The strongly
Density gence in order to determine the densi- branched, less crystalline polyethylene
ty with the help of reference curves. waxes are softer than the less branched,
Definition more highly crystalline polyethylene
Density is the specific mass of a waxes. While this relation is, in principle,
material. valid for polar polyethylene waxes as
well, it is changed by the oxygen con-
Test methods tent, which increases the density so
DIN 53 479 and ASTM D 1505 much that it is impossible to draw
reliable conclusions about the degree
of branching.

Characteristics of Clariant waxes _ 35

Melting behavior
Solidification point on
The melting behavior of a material is rotating thermometer
understood to mean its behavior in Römer and Hochreiter describe an
transition from solid to liquid state. interesting variant of the method for Definition
Whilst pure materials that consist of timesaving serial determinations [15]. The solidification point on rotating
the same molecules melt at a defined thermometer is the temperature
temperature, mixtures of numerous Explanations at which the melted sample stops
substances, such as waxes, have a This method can be used with waxes flowing under the conditions of a
melting interval. Thus there is a need and wax-like materials that are prefe- standardized process.
for agreement as to which temperature rably low-viscosity when melted (e.g.,
in the melting curve is to be viewed viscosity up to approx. 2,000 mPa at Test methods
as the melting point. This results in the temperatures of approx. 10 °C above DIN ISO 2207, ASTM D 938
various measurement methods: the drop point) and which evidence
clear dripping under the conditions of Explanation
the method. This method is very simple and can be
Drop point carried out in any laboratory; however,
it cannot be used with highly viscous
Definition Softening point wax because the mass spreads across
The drop point of a wax is the tempe- (ball and ring method) the tip of the rotating thermometer
rature in °C at which the first drop of a without forming a drop.
melting wax drips from a standardized Definition
nipple. The ball and ring softening point is Additional methods are determination
the temperature in °C at which a wax of the crystallite melting point or
Test methods mass cast in a standardized ring is determination of the melting behavior
DIN 51 801/2, ASTM D 127 pressed out of the ring by the weight with the Kofler bench as well as with
of a ball. the help of thermodifferential analysis
[16, 17] and/or determination of the
Test Methods solidification hold point (titer) DIN ISO
DIN EN 1427, ASTM E 28, ASTM D 36 3841, ASTM D 87.

Explanation Table 1 shows the drop point for

This method is especially well suited waxes with low viscosity, whilst the
for waxes with highly viscous melts, in softening point according to the ball
which the intrinsic weight of the drop and ring method is shown for waxes
is no longer sufficient to cause it to with higher viscosity.
fall. Thus the numerical value depends
heavily on the viscosity.

36 _ Characteristics of Clariant waxes

Montanic acid and its esters melt at
around 80 °C. Apart from a few excep- 130
tions, the determination of the drop
point and the determination of the sof-
tening point result in approximately

Temperatur [°C]
the same values. The solidification
point on rotating thermometer, on the 90

other hand, is somewhat lower. The 80

partially saponified esters of montanic 70

acid melt between 90 °C and 105 °C. 60
The non-polar polyethylene waxes 50
melt at between 118 °C and 132 °C, 0 25 50 75 100 Licowax PE 520 [%]
the polar polyethylene waxes between 100 75 50 25 0 Paraffin 52/54 [%]
100 °C and 128 °C, the polypropylene
wax Licowax PP 230 at approx. 160 °C, Fig. 5: Drop Point of Licowax PE 520 and Paraffin 52/54 Depending on Mixing Ratio; DIN 51 801, ASTM D 127
Temperature [°C]
Licowax C and Licolub FA 1 at 142 °C.

Soaps of acid waxes have such high

melting points and melting viscosities
that they cannot be processed when The lubricant function can only be
melted without damage. effective above the melting point.
Waxes with higher melting points,
On the one hand, the melting point of above all polyethylene waxes, can
a wax is important for processing, also be used to raise the melting point
which in most cases takes place when of hydrocarbon waxes with lower mel-
the wax is in its molten state (solu- ting points, e.g., paraffin [18]. Even the
tions, suspensions in solvent, emulsions addition of just a few percent of the
and melted coatings). The lower the wax with the higher melting point rai-
melting point, the easier it is to pro- ses the melting point of the mixture
cess the wax. On the other hand, in significantly, see Fig. 5.
many cases the melting point signifies
the threshold temperature up to which
certain wax functions can practically
still be used, e.g., the protective func-
tion on floors and car bodies without
collecting dirt, on fabrics without
becoming soft.

Characteristics of Clariant waxes _ 37

3.3 Measured values of additional The following waxes have a needle
wax characteristics Penetrometer hardness according penetration number < 5:
to Richardson > Licowax PE 520
> Licowax R 21
Hardness Definition > Licowax C
The penetrometer hardness is an
Hardness of a wax is generally under- empirical measure of the hardness of Needle penetration number 5 to 10:
stood to mean resistance to changes a wax. The depth of penetration of a > Licowax KPE
in form under the influence of external standardized test needle under defined > Licowax KLE
force. test conditions is measured in 1/10 mm > Licowax PED 521
(tenths of a millimeter) and stated as a > Licowax PED 522
With various materials, the influence needle penetration number.
of external force can also result in Needle penetration number > 10:
very different changes in form, such Test methods > Licowax BJ
as elastic and plastic deformation, DGF-M-III 9b [75], DIN 51 579, > Licowax RT
brittle failure, etc. This is why the ASTM D 1321 > Licowax NE
method of measuring hardness must
be appropriate to the material in Additional literature
question. Numerous methods are > Spengler and Wilderotter [19] Ball impact hardness
described in the literature, take needle
penetration, Rockwell hardness, Because this method evidences a dis- Definition
Brinell hardness, Shore hardness, ball tribution range of ± 2 with needle The ball impact hardness is determi-
impact hardness, impact hardness, penetration numbers up to 30, reliable ned by measuring the penetration
scratch hardness, and pendulum readings are only possible starting depth of a standardized ball in a wax
hardness just to name a few. They with a needle penetration number of 5, body under standardized conditions.
vary substantially in terms of the size i.e., this method is only suitable for The hardness in bar is calculated from
of the force used, the manner in which determining the hardness of relatively the test load and the penetration
the force is transmitted (ball, stamp, soft waxes. Most Clariant waxes evi- depth, based on the level sectional
needle) or the duration of exposure to dence needle penetrations of approx. 1, area of the dent pressed into the test
the force. The individual methods are i.e., they can no longer be measured body as a reference area.
adapted to the characteristic profile in a differentiated manner with this
of specific groups of materials in such method. Test method
a manner (metal, plastic, rubber or DGF-M-III 9 a [57]
waxes) so that they produce usable
readings with the intended group of Additional literature
materials, but fail completely with > G. v. Rosenberg [20]
other materials. With waxes, determi- > E. Fink [21]
nation of the penetrometer hardness, > W. Dietsche [145]
ball impact hardness, and flow > R. Braun/O. Malitschek [146]
hardness has proven useful. > R. Braun/Lambert [147]

38 _ Characteristics of Clariant waxes


Measuring the decrease in penetrati-

on depth over time after the sample is
no longer under load makes it possible
to draw conclusions about the plastic
and elastic behavior of the wax. The
methods listed above only take into
account the deformation in the wax
that occurs after five minutes of loa-
ding and remains one minute after the
load is removed (after this period, the
maximum recovery has almost been
reached). This presupposes similar
plastic/elastic behavior, a requirement
that was still sufficiently fulfilled by
the old familiar ester waxes. Increa-
sing use of polyolefin waxes has so
expanded the range of wax materials,
however, that misinterpretation can no
longer be ruled out. Given the extreme
example of a material with very high
elastic deformation but low plastic
deformation (e.g., vulcanized soft rub-
ber), this method would return high
hardness values although this material
is subjectively held to soft.
Because of the limitations of the ball
In order to avoid such misinterpretati- During the relatively long trial loading impact method of measuring hardness
ons, hardness values of varying waxes period required for a reproducible as shown above, it seems expedient to
should not be compared unless approx. measurement (five minutes), it is also use it mainly to estimate the plastic
the same elastic and plastic shares possible for flow processes to occur and elastic shares in wax deformation,
result in the test. that do not occur with practical shock which is possible only using this
and impact loading. Thus there are method. Table 2 shows Clariant waxes
limitations to the extent to which the classified in groups with roughly the
hardness value can be used to draw same plastic and elastic behavior.
conclusions about practical behavior.

Characteristics of Clariant waxes _ 39

Montan waxes
Ball impact hardness* [bar] < 100 100-300 300-500 500-700 700-1,000
Elastic deformation
as share of total
deformation [%] < 40 < 40 < 40 40-60 > 60 40-60 40-60 > 60

Licowax UL
Licowax LP
Licowax S

Licolub WE 4
Licowax E
Licowax KPS
Licowax KP
Licowax KSL
Licowax KST
Licowax U
Licowax F
Licowax BJ
Licowax RT

Licowax OP
Licowax O
Licowax OM

Emulsifier-containing esters
Licowax KPE
Licowax KLE
Licowax NE

Table 2: Ball impact hardness of various Clariant waxes

* Test method: DGF-M III-9 a (57).

40 _ Characteristics of Clariant waxes

Polyolefin waxes
Ball impact hardness* [bar] < 100 100-300 300-500 500-700 700-1,000
Elastic deformation
as share of total
deformation [%] < 40 < 40 < 40 40-60 > 60 40-60 40-60 > 60

Licowax PE 130
Licowax PE 190
Licowax PE 520
Licowax PP 230

Licowax PED 121
Licowax PED 153
Licowax PED 191
Licowax PED 521
Licowax PED 522

Special products
Licowax 371 FP
Licowax R 21
Licolub FA 1
Licowax C

Table 2: Ball impact hardness of various Clariant waxes (continued)

* Test method: DGF-M III-9a (57).

Characteristics of Clariant waxes _ 41

Montan waxes
Flow hardness [bar] < 100 100-300 300-500 500-700 > 700

Licowax LP
Licowax S
Licowax UL

Licowax E
Licowax KP
Licowax KPS
Licowax KSL
Licowax KFO
Licowax U
Licolub WE 4
Licowax F
Licowax KST
Licowax BJ
Licowax RT

Licowax OP
Licowax O
Licowax OM

Emulsifier-containing esters
Licowax KPE
Licowax KLE

Table 3: Flow hardness of various Clariant waxes

42 _ Characteristics of Clariant waxes

Polyolefin waxes
Flow hardness [bar] < 100 100-300 300-500 500-700 > 700

Licowax PE 190
Licowax PE 130
Licowax PP 230
Licowax PE 520

Licowax PED 153
Licowax PED 121
Licowax PED 521
Licowax PED 522

Special products
Licowax 371 FP
Licowax R 21
Licowax C
Licolub FA 1

Table 3: Flow hardness of various Clariant waxes (continued)

Flow hardness
The flow-hardness measurement,
Definition which encompasses both elements of
Flow hardness is understood to mean the penetrometer hardness and the
the pressure in bar that is necessary ball impact method, is especially sui-
to press a flat, circular metal stamp table for quickly testing similarly
measuring 1 cm in diameter through structured waxes, e.g. in quality con-
the wax sample at 23 °C. trol. Unfortunately, with this method,
too, it is only partially possible to com-
Measuring method pare waxes with varying chemical
Clariant GmbH internal testing and structures, since the flow process,
inspection procedure [147]. which is influenced by the makeup of
the wax, takes additional, different
energy. Table 3 summarizes the flow-
hardness numbers of Clariant waxes.

Characteristics of Clariant waxes _ 43

Additional literature

> Spengler and Wilderotter [22]


In so-called Newtonian fluids, viscosity

is independent of the input shear
stress or the prevailing shear rate.
When it comes to the group of materi-
als known as non-Newtonian fluids,
the quotient shear stress/shear diffe-
rence is no longer constant, i.e., vis-
cosity is a function of D or t. Thus in
such cases, it must be stated under
Viscosity of the melt what t/D ratio the measurement was
Test methods taken or the functional dependency of
Definition t and D must be stated in the so-called
DGF-M-III 8 [57] General flow curve.
The viscosity of a fluid is the resi- DIN 51 550 General
stance that the particles exert against DIN EN ISO 2431 Overflow cup Since the melts of nearly all Clariant
one another when they are pressed DIN 51 560 Engler waxes (with the exception of Licowax
against one another or against a viscometer PP 230 and Licowax PE 190) belong to
resting solid body, e.g., the side of the DIN 51 562 Ubbelohde the group of Newtonian fluids, there
container. Expressed in terms of phy- viscometer viscosity figures are unequivocal and
sics, the viscosity is the quotient of ASTM D 2162-99 Ubbelohde independent of the method used or the
the input shear stress t and the resul- viscometer input shear stress.
ting shear rate D: DIN 53 018 Höppler
viscometer For reasons of expediency, we measure
h = t/D ASTM D 445-97 Dynamic the viscosity of melts of low-viscosity
and kinematic waxes using the Ubbelohde viscome-
According to the international system viscosity ter, while higher-viscosity waxes are
of units, it is expressed in mPa·s. measured using a rotation viscometer.

44 _ Characteristics of Clariant waxes

Wax viscosity has a dual significance
in practical use: On the one hand, it Using Licowax to influence the
can be used to draw conclusions viscosity of other waxes
about the constitution of the wax Table 4 summarizes the viscosities of
(molecular weight, degree of bran- Clariant waxes. It shows that the acid Like the melting point, the viscosity
ching), on the other hand, like the mel- and ester waxes have relatively low of the melts of low-viscosity waxes
ting point, it is an important value for viscosities, while the partially saponi- can be regulated with high-viscosity
processing behavior and application. fied ester waxes have a somewhat waxes.
High viscosity of the melt is indicative higher and the polyolefin waxes the
of a high mean molecular weight. A highest viscosity.
low viscosity is advantageous when
processing the melt because less
energy is required for stirring. A hig-
her viscosity of the components can
be advantageous for mixing operati-
ons in melted, plastic state since
satisfactory distribution of the compo-
nents amongst one another can only
be ensured if there is sufficient shear.
This applies similarly for incorporation
of solids in wax melts, e.g., when
manufacturing pigment concentrates.
Certain applications, such as melted
coating of surfaces, require a specific
characteristic viscosity of the melted
wax depending on the process used.
The optimal viscosity must then be
attained by mixing raw materials of
varying viscosities.

Characteristics of Clariant waxes _ 45

Montan waxes
Viscosity [mPa·s] 10-50 100-500 500-1,000 1,000-5,000 > 5,000
Temperature [°C] 120 150 120 140 140 140 170

Licowax S
Licowax LP

Licowax E
Licowax F
Licowax KP
Licowax KPS
Licowax KSL
Licowax KFO
Licowax U
Licowax KST
Licowax RT
Licowax BJ
Licolub WE 4

Licowax Special
Licowax OP
Licowax O
Licowax OM

Emulsifier-containing esters
Licowax KPE
Licowax KLE
Licowax NE

Table 4: Viscosity of various Clariant waxes

46 _ Characteristics of Clariant waxes

Polyolefin waxes
Viscosity [mPa·s] 10-50 100-500 500-1,000 1,000-5,000 > 5,000
Temperature [°C] 120 150 120 140 140 140 170

Licowax PE 130
Licowax PE 520
Licowax PP 230
Licowax PE 190

Licowax PED 521
Licowax PED 522
Licowax PED 121
Licowax PED 153
Licowax PED 191

Special products
Licowax R 21
Licowax C
Licolub FA 1
Licowax 371 FP

Table 4: Viscosity of various Clariant waxes (continued)

Characteristics of Clariant waxes _ 47

Fig. 6 shows an example of viscosity
regulation of a paraffin 52/54 melt Viscosity at 140 °C [mPa·s]
using Licowax PE 520; Figs. 5 and 7
show the same using Licowax PE 190
and Licowax PE 130, and Fig. 8 shows
an example using Licowax PP 230.














0 50 100

Paraffin 52/54 mixed with Licowax PE 190 [%]

Fig. 5: Viscosity of Licowax PE 190 and paraffin 52/54 depending on the mixing ratio at 140 °C

48 _ Characteristics of Clariant waxes

Viscosity at 140 °C [mPa·s]







0 50 100
Paraffin 52/54 mixed with Licowax PE 520 [%]

Fig. 6: Viscosity of Licowax PE 520 and paraffin 52/54 depending on mixing ratio at 140 °C

Viscosity at 140 °C [mPa·s]







0 50 100
Paraffin 52/54 mixed with Licowax PE 130 [%]

Fig. 7: Viscosity of Licowax PE 130 and paraffin 52/54 depending on mixing ratio at 140 °C

Characteristics of Clariant waxes _ 49

Viscosity at 170 °C [mPa·s]







0 50 100
Paraffin 52/54 mixed with Licowax PP 230 [%]

Fig. 8: Viscosity of Licowax PP 230 and paraffin 52/54 depending on mixing ratio at 170 °C

Fig. 9 shows the increase in viscosity

Viscosity at 170 °C [mPa·s]
in a Licowax PE 520 melt through the
addition of Licowax PP 230. The curves
also show that strong effects can be
attained with a small quantity of highly
viscous wax. Thus it is apparent that it
is practically impossible to lower the
600 viscosity of a high-viscosity wax by
adding a lower viscosity wax, since
large amounts of the wax with lower
viscosity would have to be added,
which would then result in an undesi-
rably extreme change in the characte-
ristics of the high-viscosity wax.

0 50 100

Licowax PP 230 mixed with Licowax PE 520 [%]

Fig. 9: Viscosity of Licowax PP 230 and Licowax PE 520 depending on mixing ratio at 170 °C

50 _ Characteristics of Clariant waxes

Behavior when exposed to solvents

One of the peculiarities of waxes is that Thus W. Presting [67] proposes

they behave differently to most organic Waxes with a good capacity for absor- relating the solubility to respective
or inorganic materials do when exposed bing solvents are able to enhance the waxes present.
to organic solvents. Waxes are com- paste-forming capacity of other waxes
pletely or mostly insoluble in cold that are less able to absorb solvents, In practice, however, determining the
organic solvents. Solubility increases e.g., paraffin. Paste-forming capacity so-called turbidity point temperature
with increasing temperature. Around depends not only on the solvent has become the accepted method of
the melting point of the wax, it is mis- absorption of the individual compo- characterizing solubility. The turbidity
cible with solvents almost without nents, but is also substantially influen- point temperature is the temperature
limitation. The cooling of the solution, ced by circumstances such as the at which the first opacification occurs
however, does not lead to a thermally differences between the solubility and when hot wax solutions of identical
conditioned balance between the wax the melting point as well as the concentration cool. Table 5 shows
solution and the solids. Rather, the wax compatibility. Thus it is not a basic the turbidity points of Licowax formu-
solution solidifies at a specific tempe- characteristic, but rather a formulation lations in a 10 % solution in various
rature into a solid or semi-solid mass characteristic, for which the special solvents.
that more or less binds the solvent rules for optimization of pastes must
and is generally referred to as a paste. be observed.

Thus waxes can absorb solvents and Literature: [23] through [29]
convert to a semi-solid or solid paste
form. In non-mixed types of wax, this
property is usually referred to as sol- Solubility of Clariant waxes
vent absorption capability or solvent
absorption for short. It is defined by One prerequisite for the waxy cha-
the hardness of the pastes solidified racter of a material is that it does not
from solutions with the same percen- consist of molecules of same chemi-
tage of solvent. To differentiate from cal composition, but rather consists
the solvent absorption of un-mixed of mixture of many substances. In
waxes, the same characteristic in wax this case, it is no longer possible to
mixtures is referred to as paste-for- determine the solubility by making a
ming capacity and is determined by saturated solution, separating the
measuring the hardness of pastes solution from the precipitate and
with the same solid-body and solvent determining the quantity of the dis-
content. solved share. With waxes, the highly
soluble components are dissolved
out of the wax by the solvent first,
i. e., the dissolved material and the
sediment no longer have the same

Characteristics of Clariant waxes _ 51

The pastes are formed as follows: wax melt while it is stirred with the
Solvent absorption thermometer. The wax solution is stir-
A quantity of wax is melted in a hot red at 200 rpm in the air until the mini-
Solvent absorption is measured accor- bath tempered for twenty minutes at mum casting temperature (nGT) is
ding to the hardness of the pastes for- the end temperature of approx. 120 °C, reached, 2 °K above the solidification
med when hot solutions with the same PE and PED waxes at 135 °C, Licowax point on the rotating thermometer.
percentage of solvent cool. C and Licowax PE 190 at 145 °C. The Then the crust is poured into cans in
test gasoline, which has been prewar- a refrigerator with a cooled floor at a
med to 80 °C (100 °C for waxes with temperature of 16 °C and cooled for
high melting points) is poured into the twenty minutes.

Licowax 10 % Solution in
Test gasoline Xylol Methyl- n-Butanol n-Butyl-
glykolacetate acetate
[°C] [°C] [°C] [°C] [°C]
Licowax S ~ 75 ~ 40 ~ 70 ~ 65 ~ 50
Licowax LP ~ 70 ~ 35 ~ 75 ~ 65 ~ 50
Licowax E ~ 50 ~ 35 ~ 75 ~ 70 ~ 55
Licowax F ~ 40 ~ 35 ~ 85 ~ 70 ~ 50
Licowax U ~ 50 ~ 40 ~ 90 ~ 75 ~ 50
Licowax KSL ~ 80 ~ 40 ~ 80 ~ 70 ~ 55
Licowax KLE ~ 80 ~ 45 ~ 95 ~ 75 ~ 60
Licowax UL ~ 55 ~ 40 ~ 80 ~ 70 ~ 55
Licowax O ~ 70 ~ 40 Insoluble Insoluble ~ 70
Licowax OM ~ 45 ~ 30 Insoluble ~ 90 ~ 50
Licowax OP ~ 60 ~ 60 Insoluble ~ 90 ~ 90
Licowax NE ~ 55 ~ 40 ~ 70 ~ 65 ~ 55
Licowax RT ~ 48 ~ 44 Insoluble ~ 85 ~ 64
Licowax BJ ~ 55 ~ 35 ~ 70 ~ 65 ~ 50
Licowax R 21 ~ 70 ~ 70 Insoluble ~ 110 ~ 90
Licowax C ~ 100 ~ 85 ~ 105 ~ 80 ~ 100
Licowax PE 520 ~ 85 ~ 80 Insoluble Insoluble ~ 110
Licowax PE 130 ~ 90 ~ 85 Insoluble Insoluble ~ 115
Licowax PED 121 ~ 75 ~ 70 Insoluble Insoluble ~ 95
Licowax PED 153 ~ 80 ~ 75 Insoluble Insoluble ~ 100
Licowax PED 521 ~ 65 ~ 65 Insoluble Insoluble ~ 85
Licowax PED 522 ~ 60 ~ 60 Insoluble Insoluble ~ 80

Values stated are mean values from multiple determinations of initial turbidity when the hot wax solution cools.
Results may vary for individual tests.
~ = Approximately

Table 5: Turbidity points of 10 % wax solutions

52 _ Characteristics of Clariant waxes

The hardness of the paste is determi-
ned after subsequent storage for
twenty-four hours at a temperature of
23 °C. Since the hardness of the paste
ultimately depends not only on the
wax characteristics, but also the
previous history of the wax/solvent
mixture, i.e., the heating temperature,
stirring speed, cooling rate, casting
temperature, storage temperature,
etc., it is important when comparing
hardness values to ensure that the
same work routine was followed. Fig.
10 a-d shows a summary of the solvent
absorption of various Clariant waxes.

Paste forming ability

The paste forming ability is the capa-

city of a wax to form hard pastes
together with other waxes that are
less capable of forming pastes. One
measure of this is the paste hardness
of pastes formed from mixtures of
identical quantities of paraffin and
wax bases containing the waxes that
are to be tested. As a test base, we
use a paste composed of seven parts
per weight of hard wax and 18 parts In this connection, too, it is important
per weight of paraffin, melting point to adhere to the same formulation and
52/54 °C, with 5 % Ozokerite 2089 and work routine; otherwise, the results
75 parts per weight of test gasoline. obtained will not be reproducible.
The paste hardness depends on the
degree of coordination per paste, which The measurement of paste hardness
must be determined separately for each is described in G. v. Rosenberg [30].
wax. Thus the hardness determined Fig. 10 a-d shows the ability of Clariant
according to the test base should only waxes to form pastes.
be viewed as a value for orientation and
may deviate from the hardness of an
optimally matched paste. The process
employed is the same as that described
in the ”Solvent absorption“ chapter.

Characteristics of Clariant waxes _ 53

Licowax Hardness [g/cm2] nGT °C

0 400 800 1,200 1,600 2,000 2,400 2,800 3,200

Acid waxes

Licowax S

Licowax LP

Licowax SW

Ester wax

Licowax U

Licowax E

Licowax F

Licowax KP

Licowax KPS

Licowax KSL

Hardness of the 25% paste as a measure of solvent absorption, solvent test gasoline

Hardness of a paste consisting of 7 parts per weight test wax and 18 parts per weight paraffin 52/54 with 75 parts per weight test gasoline
and 5% Ozokerite 2069 as a measure of ability to form pastes

Fig. 10 a: Paste hardness as a measure of solvent absorption and as a measure of a paste-forming ability of various Clariant waxes

54 _ Characteristics of Clariant waxes

Licowax Hardness [g/cm2] nGT °C

0 400 800 1,200 1,600 2,000 2,400 2,800 3,200

Licowax BJ

Fluid 46
Licowax RT
Fluid 33

ning ester waxes

Licowax KPE

Licowax KSE

Licowax KLE

Licowax NE

Partially saponified
ester waxes

Licowax OP

Licowax O

Licowax OM

Hardness of the 25% paste as a measure of solvent absorption, solvent test gasoline

Hardness of a paste consisting of 7 parts per weight test wax and 18 parts per weight paraffin 52/54 with 75 parts per weight test gasoline
and 5% Ozokerite 2069 as a measure of ability to form pastes

Fig. 10 b: Paste hardness as a measure of solvent absorption and as a measure of a paste-forming ability of various Clariant waxes

Characteristics of Clariant waxes _ 55

Licowax Hardness [g/cm2] nGT °C

0 400 800 1,200 1,600 2,000 2,400 2,800 3,200

Non-polar poly-
ethylene waxes

Licowax PE 520

Licowax PE 130

Licowax PE 190

Polar poly-
ethylene waxes

Licowax PED 121

Licowax PED 153

Licowax PED 521

Licowax PED 522

Hardness of the 25% paste as a measure of solvent absorption, solvent test gasoline

Hardness of a paste consisting of 7 parts per weight test wax and 18 parts per weight paraffin 52/54 with 75 parts per weight test gasoline
and 5% Ozokerite 2069 as a measure of ability to form pastes

Fig. 10 c: Paste hardness as a measure of solvent absorption and as a measure of a paste-forming ability of various Clariant waxes

56 _ Characteristics of Clariant waxes

Licowax Hardness [g/cm2] nGT °C

0 400 800 1,200 1,600 2,000 2,400 2,800 3,200

Special products

Licowax R 21
Fluid 34

Licowax C

Licolub FA 1

Licolub H 4

Licowax FP 371

Hardness of the 25% paste as a measure of solvent absorption, solvent test gasoline

Hardness of a paste consisting of 7 parts per weight test wax and 18 parts per weight paraffin 52/54 with 75 parts per weight test gasoline
and 5% Ozokerite 2069 as a measure of ability to form pastes

Fig. 10 d: Paste hardness as a measure of solvent absorption and as a measure of a paste-forming ability of various Clariant waxes

Characteristics of Clariant waxes _ 57

There are limits in practical use, how-
ever, since any emulsifier, which is
incorporated into the wax as a foreign
substance, changes the characteri-
stics of the wax to a greater or lesser

A surfactant, for example, reduces a

wax’s high resistance to water or sof-
tens the protective film. Thus the pre-
ferred waxes are ones that are less
hydrophilic and can be emulsified with
a minimum of emulsifier or those that
Behavior when exposed to water permit use of an emulsifier that loses
Within a group, the hydrophobic its emulsifying effect after formation
The influence of the polar groups effect increases with increasing of the film. These include the soaps of
in waxes is not very pronounced in molar mass. It is thanks to their fatty or wax acids with volatile amines.
aqueous media. The hydrophobic emulsifiability that waxes can be
effect of the relatively long, non-polar used in an aqueous phase despite Besides the type and quantity of emul-
backbones, on the other hand, is rela- their hydrophobic behavior. sifier, a minimal melting point and melt
tively great. This is why waxes are viscosity also help to make a wax
not water-soluble. On the contrary, Emulsifiability is the capacity of a wax, easily emulsifiable. Furthermore, the
they are hydrophobic. The stronger with a suitable emulsifier, to form a quality of the emulsion depends on
the hydrophobic effect, the less polar fine, stable dispersion in an aqueous the process used. The quality criteria
the waxes are. Empirically, the follo- medium, which is commonly – but used to evaluate emulsifiability may
wing sequence with declining polarity incorrectly – referred to as an emulsi- vary depending on the application.
results: on. To be perfectly correct in terms of
physics, only a dispersion of one fluid
> soaps in another, in which the first fluid is
> acidic waxes insoluble, should be called an emulsi-
> ester waxes on; e.g., oil in water = milk. With the
> hydrocarbon waxes help of suitable emulsifiers, it is possi-
ble to emulsify nearly all waxes.

58 _ Characteristics of Clariant waxes

Thus besides the high stability of the
end product required in all emulsions,
dry-bright emulsions additionally
require very fine emulsion particles Because polyethylene waxes have a
and high self-gloss of the protective higher melting point, not all proces-
film, whilst emulsions for textile addi- sing methods can be used with them.
tives demand somewhat larger, but For example, the water-to-wax method
more homogenous particle size, and can only be used in a few cases. The
waterproofing emulsions containing higher melt viscosity of these waxes
paraffin require not only resistance also requires more stirring energy
to electrolyte additives but also high during emulsification in order to obtain
paraffin-bearing capacity. emulsions that are sufficiently fine.

When these aspects are taken into Some polyethylene waxes have a mel-
account, the montan-wax derivatives ting point that is so high, that the water
are easier to emulsify than the polar temperature necessary for emulsifica-
polyethylene waxes are. (Non-polar tion can only be attained in a sealed, Since emulsifiers have no emulsifying
polyethylene waxes are seldom can- pressurized container. Manufacturers effect above their turbidity point,
didate for emulsification.) frequently put up with this disadvanta- but most polyethylene waxes have a
ge because of the extreme toughness higher melting point, they must be
of the resulting protective films. emulsified largely using ionic
Because they have longer C-chains in emulsifier systems.
comparison with the montan waxes,
polyethylene waxes are less polar The emulsifier-containing ester waxes
than montan wax derivatives with the Licowax KPE and Licowax KLE, which
same acid value. Thus they require are derived from the corresponding
more hydrophobic emulsifiers (which, montan-wax derivatives, are easy to
however, are less water-soluble) for emulsify. They contain the appropriate
non-ionic emulsification. The lower amount of an optimal emulsifier for the
the water solubility of the emulsifier, basic wax.
the lower the turbidity point of the
solution drops.

Characteristics of Clariant waxes _ 59

The HLB system was first empirically
One can obtain fine, stable emulsions developed to describe tensides, i.e.,
simply by sprinkling wax flakes into wetting agents, detergents, and emul-
boiling water. sifiers. The HLB value depends on the
ratio of hydrophilic to lypophilic com-
One exception is the self-emulsifying ponents in the emulsifier molecule.
ester wax Licowax KST. This ester is Today, HLB values, determined either
so hydrophilic that the melt dissolves in laboratory comparisons or, in
to form a clear solution in hot water certain cases, through computation,
and forms stable, transparent, colloi- are widely available for nearly all
dal solutions at room temperature. emulsifiers.
This easy emulsifiability comes at the
expense of higher hydrophilia, i.e., a
protective film that is less resistant to
water. Precisely for this reason, this
wax is used where resistance to
water does not play a decisive role,
e.g., in transparent detergents that
contain wax or in situations where a
controlled resistance to water is desi-
red, e.g., as a retardant in pesticides.

There have been plenty of attempts to

find a numerical basis for the empiri-
cally observed emulsification behavior
of waxes. In terms of test planning
and preselection of basic materials,
the HLB (hydrophilic-lypophilic balan-
ce) system introduced by Griffin has
led to the best success [31 to 36].

60 _ Characteristics of Clariant waxes

Various emulsifiers with the same HLB
value can result in wax emulsions with
maximum stability at a specific HLB
value. Thus this HLB value of the A series of characteristics of the end
emulsifier is also referred to as the product, such as transparency and
“necessary HLB value”. The stability anti-static behavior of plastics, anti-
can also be optimized by varying the blocking effect and anti-adhesive
quantity of emulsifier or using emulsi- effect of films, non-slip quality of floor
fiers of differing composition with polishes, or processing behavior of
the same HLB value. Table 7 shows plastics using wax as a lubricant,
the necessary HLB values for some depend, in turn, on compatibility.
Clariant waxes to manufacture wax-
in-water emulsions for a very wide
range of applications. With their help,
the number of trials necessary for
optimization can be reduced signifi- Wax Type Necessary HLB value
cantly. Since the necessary HLB Montan wax Licowax S 18
values are related to the structure Licowax LP 18
of the wax of polar and non-polar Licowax U 16
molecular components one can Licowax KSL 15
also draw conclusions about other Licowax KPS 15
wax properties, e.g. compatibility Licowax E 14
with other waxes. The chemical Polyolefin wax Licowax PED 521 12
maxim that the greater the similarity Licowax PED 121 12
bet-ween substances, the more com- Licowax PED 522 13
patible they will be, also applies here. Licowax PED 153 13
Licowax PED 136 16
Polymer wax Licowax 371 FP 12

Table 6: Necessary HLB value for various Clariant waxes

Characteristics of Clariant waxes _ 61

4 Wax characteristics that are not unequivocally described by a measured value

62 _ Wax characteristics that are not unequivocally described by a measured value

This results in a broad spectrum of
Many properties of waxes cannot be lubricants of varying polarity and lu-
characterized by a single measured bricant effect for each plastic, in order
value, but rather are defined by 4.1 Lubricating effect to attain optimal processing character-
various characteristic properties that istics. In this connection, the same
are weighted depending on the appli- Waxes as lubricants for plastics lubricant can have different effects in
cation in question. Evaluating such plastics of varying polarity: strongly
application characteristics is often Thermoplastics are shaped while polar esters of fatty acids, for example,
made even more difficult by the fact warm. Plastic melts are highly viscous are highly soluble in PVC and function
that they are assessed in practical and adhere to hot machines or tool in PVC as an internal lubricant. In non-
formulations that may contain not only surfaces. If the processing tempera- polar polyolefins, on the other hand,
the basic wax, but also a whole range ture is close to the decomposition they have a relatively low solubility
of other waxes and accompanying temperature, as is the case with PVC, and are most effective as external
materials. The components of the then these plastics can only be pro- lubricants.
formulation can mutually influence one cessed into flawless end products
another in such a manner that it is no with the help of lubricants.
longer possible to draw conclusions
about the mixture based on the char- Lubricants improve the flow properties
acteristics of the individual materials of polymer melts (internal lubricant) or
(positive and negative synergies). reduce adhesion to hot metal surfaces
Thus dealing with such characteristics, (external lubricant) [37]. In order to ful-
such as gloss buffability, retention, fill this task, internal lubricants must be
etc., must remain the province of highly soluble in the polymer. External
special application literature. The lubricants, by contrast, must be so in-
following deals only with a few impor- soluble that it enriches itself at the
tant characteristics derived from the polymer/metal surface interface. A
basic functions of the wax character. lubricant is only then soluble in the
polymer when the intermolecular
forces between lubricant and plastic
are of roughly the same strength.

In other words: polymer and lubricant

must be of similar polarity. The more
they vary from one another in polarity,
the less soluble the lubricant and the
stronger the external lubricant effect.

Wax characteristics that are not unequivocally described by a measured value _ 63

Chemical Chemische structure Polar group Origin of the Effectiveness
name non-polar groups

Fatty alcohol Alcohol Fatty acid Internal lubricant,

HO–CH2– (C14-C19) primarily polar,
soluble as a clear
solution in PVC
Bi-carbon acid Ester Fatty alcohol
ester (C14-C19)

Ester of fatty acid Ester Fatty acid

C (C14-C19)

Fatty acid OH . . . . . . . . . . . O Acid Fatty acid

C C (C14-C19)
O . . . . . . . . . . . HO

Soap of fatty acid O Me O Soap Fatty acid

C C (C14-C18)

Fatty amide HN–CH2 –CH2 –NH Amide Fatty acid

C C (C14-C18)

Soap O Me O Soap Montanic acid Balance between

C C (C26-C36) internal and external
lubricant effect

Partially saponified O Me O Soap ester Montanic acid

ester C C (C26-C32)

Ester O–(CH2 –CH2)x–O Ester Montanic acid

C C (C26-C32)

Wax acid OH . . . . . . . . . . . O Acid Montanic acid

C C (C26-C32)
O . . . . . . . . . . . HO

64 _ Wax characteristics that are not unequivocally described by a measured value

Chemical Chemical structure Polar group Origin of the Effectiveness
name non-polar groups
Paraffin, liquid Short, branched chain – Paraffin External lubricant,
low compatibility
in PVC,
Paraffin, solid Short, straight chain – Paraffin nevertheless not
always opacifying

Polyethylene waxes, Long, straight chain – Polyethylene

high density
(M = 3,000-9,000)

Polyethylene waxes, Long, somewhat branched chain – Polyethylene

low density
(M = 2,000)

Table 7: Molecular structure, polarity, and effect of lubricants

Due to their structure and composi-

tion, the montan-wax-based waxes This experience was gained primarily
hover between the two extremes and The information gained using meas- with PVC, which is a plastic that is
function as both internal and external uring extruders, measuring kneaders, especially difficult to process, and
lubricants in a plastic. or high-pressure capillary viscosimet- permits a satisfactory pre-selection of
ers only describes the behavior in the suitable lubricants in serial tests. The
In order to predict the effect of waxes, measuring device. The only way to results are shown in Tables 7 and 8.
numerous attempts have been made apply this information to practical pro-
to measure or calculate their polarity cessing operations is empirically.
directly, but until now these have Nevertheless, the summary of experi-
failed to yield useable results. There ence with the various test instruments
are also principle difficulties that stand and the processing machines permits
in relation to of determining the empirical classification of lubricants
lubricant effect, from which conclu- according to structure and effect.
sions could be drawn regarding the
polarity of lubricant by way of the
polarity of the plastic [37].

Wax characteristics that are not unequivocally described by a measured value _ 65

The range of Licolub, Licomont and
Licowax formulations used as lubri-
cants in plastics processing encom-

Montan waxes
Acids Licowax S
Ester Licowax E
Licolub WE 4 The polypropylene waxes Licowax PP
Licolub WE 40 220 and Licowax PP 230 are used pre-
Licomont ET 132 ferably as carrier material for man-
Licomont ET 141 ufacturing pigment concentrates in
Partially saponified esters Licowax OP spin dying of polypropylene fibers.
Soaps Licomont CaV 102
Licomont NaV 101 Due to their molecular structure (long
CH2-chains and strong polar centers),
Polyolefin waxes montan waxes evidence an especially
Non-polar broad range of effectiveness in PVC.
Low-molecular Licowax PE 520 Besides improving flow behavior by
Licowax PE 130 reducing friction in cases of heavy
Licowax PP 220 shear loading of the polymer melt, the
Licowax PP 230 montan waxes also evidence an out-
High-molecular Licowax PE 190 standing anti-sticking effect, which is
Polar especially appreciated when it comes
Low-molecular Licolub H 12 calendering rigid PVC. Since the
Licolub H 22 montan waxes also regulate gelation
High-molecular Licowax PED 191 and improve surface quality, they have
Licolub VP H 29 a broad range of effectiveness which
is largely independent of the processing
Waxes based on other substances conditions.
Hydrocarbon waxes Licolub H 4
Amide waxes Licowax C Where the waxes based on other sub-
Licolub FA 1 stances are concerned, the surface
effects of the amide waxes are espe-
Polyethylene waxes demonstrate a lim- cially worthy of mention: more slip
ited range of effectiveness in PVC and with rigid PVC films, anti-block effect
have only external lubrication effects with flexible PVC films.
(gelation regulation, gloss, smoothness);
polar polyethylene waxes show an ad- Additional specialist literature [38]
ditional anti-sticking effect. through [52]

66 _ Wax characteristics that are not unequivocally described by a measured value

Montanic waxes
Product Chemical classification Lubrication effect in PVC
Internal External

Licowax E Ester wax

Licowax WE 4 Ester wax

Licowax OP Partially saponified ester wax

Licowax S Montanic acid

Polyolefin waxes
Product Chemical classification Lubrication effect in PVC
Internal External

Licowax PE 190 Polyethylene wax

Licowax PE 520 Polyethylene wax

Licowax PED 191 Polar polyethylene wax

Licolub VP H 29 Polar polyethylene wax

Licolub H 12 Polar polyethylene wax

Licolub H 22 Polar polyethylene wax

Licowax PP 230 Polypropylene wax

Waxes based on other materials

Product Chemical classification Lubrication effect in PVC
Internal External

Licolub FA 1 Amide wax

Licolub H 4 Modified hydrocarbon wax

Table 8: Lubricant effect of Licowax and Licolub

Wax characteristics that are not unequivocally described by a measured value _ 67

The release effect is measured as the
period of non-sticking of a rolled sheet Compatibility is defined by the trans-
Besides the summary lubrication on a two roll mill operating synchro- parency of a 0.5-2 mm thick pressed
behavior, observing the measurable nously or with friction at a temperature PVC sheet containing 0.6 % lubricant.
individual forms of the lubrication of 180-200 °C. The gelation behavior
effect can simplify preselection of can be measured either in a Brabender Table 9 outlines the most important
lubricants. kneader or by measuring a pressure applications of the various lubricants
buildup along the cylinder of a test in PVC.
extruder in the familiar manner.

Rigid PVC
Main application Gelation Shear-dependent Anti-sticking Gloss/ Slip Anti-
effects Promoting Delaying viscosity control effect Smoothness block
Film Calender E/OP/WE 4 E/OP/WE 4 FA 1
Extrusion/ E/OP/WE 4 E/OP/WE 4 FA 1
Extrusion- H 12 FA 1
blown foil
Bottles Ca/Zn-stab. OP/PED 191
Sn-stab. E/PED 191
Pipes Pb-stab. H 12/H 29 H 4/PE 520 H 4/PE 520
Ca/Zn-stab. H 12/H 29 H4 H 12 H 4/PE 520
Sn-stab. H4 H 12
Sheets Pb-stab. H 12/H 29 H 4/PE 520 H 4/PE 520
Ca/Zn-stab. H 12/H 29 H4 E/OP/WE 40 PE 520/PP 230
Sn-stab. WE 4 WE 4/PED 191
Injection Pb-stab. H 12/H 29 E/OP PE 520/PE 190
moulding Ca/Zn-stab. E/OP/WE 40 E/OP/WE 40 PE 520/PP 230
Sn-stab. E/WE 4 PED 191/E/WE 4 PE 190

Flexible PVC
Main application Gelation Shear-dependent Anti-sticking Gloss/ Slip Anti-
effects Promoting Delaying viscosity control effect Smoothness block
Films H 12/WE 4/ FA 1
WE 40
Thick articles
Extrusion/Sheet WE 4/WE 40/
+ injection moulding H 22/H 29
Cables/Hoses E/PE 520/H 4

Table 9: Effects of Licowax and Licolub in PVC

68 _ Wax characteristics that are not unequivocally described by a measured value

The main applications in engineering plastics can be summarized as follows:

Polyamide Polyester Polycarbonate Polyurethane Polyacetal

Flow Licolub FA 1 Licolub WE 4 Licowax E Licowax E Licolub FA 1
improvement Licowax E Licowax E Licowax OP Licowax E
Licowax OP
Release effect Licowax E Licolub WE 4 Licowax E Licowax E Licolub FA 1
Licowax OP Licowax E Licowax OP Licowax E
Dispersion Licowax E Licolub WE 4 Licowax E Licowax E Licolub FA 1
Licowax OP Licowax E Licowax OP Licowax E
Nucleation Licomont CaV 102 Licomont NaV 101

Waxes as lubricants in metal Products that contain wax, on the

processing other hand, adhere well to coated
In shaping operations (deep drawing, metal parts. Under heavy loads, they
In metalworking, there is practically metal stretching, pipe bending, etc.) evidence visco-elastic behavior.
always solid-body contact between wax-based lubricants offer a number Dispersions based on Licowax PED
the tool and the workpiece in the area of advantages over conventional 136 (alkali or amine saponification)
of mixed friction. The roughness peaks mineral oil or synthetic oil-based lubri- are frequently used in the metal-
determine the friction behavior and cants, since these insufficiently trans- working industry.
the wear of the friction partners in the mit the high shaping forces that occur
mixed friction area. In the event of in cold forming of stainless materials.
direct metallic contact in these zones, This is due to viscosity problems and
extremely high temperatures may insufficient adhesion of the lubricant
occur (up to 1,000 °C), which can lead to the workpieces.
to welding and tearing out of particles
from the metal structure. Due to their
good lubricant effect, Clariant waxes
are especially suitable lubricants.
They form a lubricating film between
the surfaces that contact one another,
e.g., between the mold and the molded
product. In order to function optimally
as a release agent, the wax must be
solid when used and/or must form a
highly viscous separation layer when

Wax characteristics that are not unequivocally described by a measured value _ 69

Today, more complex mixtures, such
as combinations of various wax dis-
persions (Licowax C, Licowax KST,
and Licowax PED 191) are used when
processing high alloy steels, aluminum,
titanium, etc. Through optimal coordi-
nation of the components of the for-
mulation, these formulations function
both as lubricants and as release
agents during forming. It is possible
to weld on top of the film and it can
be removed with water even after
pro-longed storage.

For wire drawing, solid waxes, e.g.,

Licowax C, are used as dry drawing
agents in combination with lubricant
carriers, such as calcium carbonate, Waxes as needle lubricants
bentonite, titanium dioxide, and others.
The development of mechanical
Pasty lubricants are often used for sewing in the industry led to needle
machining, e.g., thread cutting in high- speeds at which the friction heating
alloy steels. Licowax OP is preferred of the needle can become so pro-
for manufacturing cutting oils and nounced that synthetic fabrics, for
cutting pastes, since it works as a example, or their finishes may melt
thickener due to its solvent absorption at the surface and tend to stick to
capability, but it simultaneously also other surfaces. This either damages
acts as a lubricant. In powder metallurgy, complex work- the material or the needle frequently
pieces are formed by pressing pow- becomes unusable due to excessive
Like high-molecular polytetraflu- dered metal in special tools. The com- warming. When applied to the fabric
orethylene, the low-molecular PTFE ponents receive their metallic charac- in the form of a suitable emulsion or
formulations Ceridust 9202 F and teristics through subsequent sintering. included in the finish, waxes like
Ceridust 9205 F are notable for their Licowax C Micropowder, added to the Licowax PED 153, which have a high
extremely low friction coefficients. powderized metal, acts as a lubricant melting point, make it possible to
Thus these two Ceridust formulations and supports compression and release attain significantly lower rates of error
are suitable for use as dry sliding of the components, which are used and longer needle life by reducing
agents and as additives for improving primarily in the automobile industry. sliding friction.
the lubrication properties of grease. Licowax C Micropowder can be re-
moved from the components without
leaving behind a residue.

70 _ Wax characteristics that are not unequivocally described by a measured value

Waxes as rub-resistance Literature: [54], [55], [69]
agents in printing inks
Waxes in paints
Waxes added to printing inks via
solvent suspensions or as solid micro- Waxes are used in paints and varnishes
powder make the resulting printed in the form of solvent dispersions or
goods much more resistant to rubbing. micropowders [158, 159]. The dosage
This rub protection is also attributable is low, only approx. 0.5 to 2 %, but the
to the lubricant effect of the wax. effects are manifold. They range from
Investigations using scanning electron matting and enhanced scratch resis-
microscopes have shown that some of tance to influencing of rheological
the wax particles must be larger than characteristics, degassing, and im-
the thickness of the dried printing ink provement of pigment dispersion, e.g., Waxes that can control the rheology
film to attain a good effect. When print- in powder coatings. of paints in the form of solvent dis-
ed goods rub together, then the larger persions are Licowax PED 522 and
wax particles slide against one an- Licowax 371 FP. The micronized waxes
other, in the process of which they are in the Ceridust product line are used
polished into a protective film due to above all in wood varnishes, packag-
the polishing effect. Products suitable ing, industrial and powder coatings.
for this application are the polyethy-
lene waxes and Ceridust formulations.

Wax characteristics that are not unequivocally described by a measured value _ 71

Lubricant effects of waxes
in floor polishes 4.2 Release effect Two surfaces do not adhere to one
another if only weak forces are at
Slipping on polished floors can be A release agent is a substance that work between them. Non-polar hydro-
attributed to many causes: reduces adhesion between two sur- carbon waxes, which exert only weak
faces that touch one another. Clariant dispersion forces, separate very easily,
The surface may be very hard and waxes are especially suitable for use but adhere only slightly to the walls
non-elastic, leaving it unable to as release agents due to their release of the mold. They do not wet these
absorb outside forces acting upon it. effect. They form a separating film completely, thus sticky spots on the
This leads to acceleration of the between two surfaces that touch one molded part are unavoidable. They
object transferring the force, e.g., a another, such as a mold and the also wear off too quickly. Solvent
person’s foot. But an excessively soft molded part. residue on the molded part prevents
film can also lead to accidents, espe- subsequent painting, printing, gluing
cially on hard floor coverings, since it In order to function optimally as a or welding. For this reason, weakly
does not resist the force, but instead release agent, the wax must be solid polar materials such as montan waxes
gives way, like soft soap of paraffin. In when it used and/or it must form a are especially suitable for use as
both cases, the situation can be rem- highly viscous separating layer. release agents.
edied by using appropriate waxes –
Licowax 371 FP is especially suitable. In injection molding or pressing of They adhere to the walls of the mold
Waxes fall between these extreme molded parts made of plastics, such with their polar groups. Their non-
values in terms of hardness and tough- as polyurethane, polyester, epoxy resin, polar C-chains are oriented toward
ness and evidence, due to their plastic- rubber, concrete or metal, mold re- the molded part, which they repel.
elastic behavior (p. 38 ball impact lease agents must be used to prevent They adhere to the mold for several
hardness) the possibility to neutralize the molded part from getting stuck cycles. Any residue remaining on the
acceleration forces through plastic inside the mold. Thus the walls of the molded parts does not interfere with
and elastic deformation. They are mold are lined, before being filled, subsequent operations because of
capable of making excessively soft with a thin external release agent film its polarity. The melting point of the
protective films, e.g., paraffin, harder in-tended to last for several cycles. wax must be coordinated with the
and thus safer to walk on, but can processing temperature of the molding
also be used to increase the resilience compound. To keep the release agent
of plastic-rich floor polish films. film from dripping off from angled
Protective films can be evaluated for surfaces of the mold, the waxes
resistance to slip by measuring the must evidence optimal viscosity at
adhesion and friction coefficients application temperature.
[56, 57].

72 _ Wax characteristics that are not unequivocally described by a measured value

Experience has shown that partially 4.3 Binding effect
saponified ester waxes, such as writing when written on. The advan-
Licowax OP, are especially well-suited The binding function is among the tages of this procedure are easier
as solvent pastes for processing of most important wax functions. It leads handling of the melts in comparison to
polyester and epoxy resins, just as to binding of pigment in color concen- aqueous dispersions as well as the
Licowax R 21 mixed with Licowax PE trates for coloring plastics and binding ability to do spot printing instead of
130 and Licowax C as well as perhaps of carbon black in color masses for coating entire pages. This makes it
paraffin and microwax in liquid solvent making carbon paper. Modern, carbon- possible to shift manufacturing of self-
suspensions is well-suited for use as a less copy paper is manufactured by copying forms from paper finishing
release agent for cold-foamed polyure- applying microencapsulated leuco shops to printing shops.
thane. For hot foaming of polyurethane, dyes with waxes instead of the usually
more environmentally compatible used aqueous plastic or natural
aqueous systems can be used instead dispersion binders to the paper in a
of the solvents required for cold hot melt process. In this manner, a
foaming. For release agents in emulsion reaction layer is formed on the top or
form, the emulsifier-containing ester bottom of the paper, which, with the
waxes such as Licowax KPE and help of an activator coating opposite
Licowax KLE are suitable. the reaction layer, produces visible

Wax characteristics that are not unequivocally described by a measured value _ 73

Waxes as binders and dispersing
aids for pigment concentrates
Here one resorts to color concentrates,
Besides soluble dyes, plastics are pri- also known as master batches. They
marily colored using pigments. During contain an optimum concentration of Special processing machines with high
manufacturing, pigments precipitate in colorant dispersed in a carrier material. shear and mixing effects, such as
very fine particles, especially when One prerequisite for coloration of plas- hot/cold mixers or co-rotating twin
they are precipitated from an aqueous tics with using such concentrates is screw extruders with special shear
solution. During drying of the press good compatibility of the carrier material elements are required.
cake and subsequent grinding, the with the plastic that is to be colored.
primary particles tend to increase The viscosity of the concentrate at Using Clariant waxes in quantities of
particle size by depositing themselves processing temperature must be coor- 3-20 % with reference to the carrier
on one another, leading to what dinated with the viscosity of the poly- material, pigment wetting and distribu-
colorists refer to as aggregate or, with mer melt. The shear effect of the tion can be improved significantly and
even coarser particles, agglomerate. polymer melt will only be sufficient to the melting viscosity of the pigment
Coarse pigments not only have a distribute the concentrated pigment concentrate reduced considerably.
negative effect on coloration, but also homogenously if the viscosity of the Better pigment distribution results in
have a negative influence on numer- pigment concentrate is lower than that higher color yield, which in turn leads
ous other characteristics of the finis- of the polymer. Thus low-molecular to substantial savings in raw materials
hed plastic article. For this reason, types of the polymer that is to be costs, especially when it comes to
especially in coloring with the large colored, (also flexible types with PVC) expensive organic pigments. Clariant
agglomerates, the pigment must be or a wax that is compatible with the waxes, by lowering viscosity, ensure
pulverized again so that it is at least polymer is used as a carrier material. homogenous distribution during color-
in aggregate form. In most cases, the Dispersability can be enhanced by ation in the processing machines,
plastics processor does not have any using micronized waxes which, having even when higher pigment concentra-
special machines with which pigments a similar particle size to modern organic tions are used.
can be dispersed effectively, but rather pigments, already allow homogenous
wants to handle pigmentation at the distribution in the premixture and
processing machine, e.g., the extruder. optimally disperse and wet the pig-
If the pigments are very hard, however, ments during manufacturing of the
then the dipersive power of the pro- master batch and protect against
cessing machine is insufficient. reagglomeration.

74 _ Wax characteristics that are not unequivocally described by a measured value

The ability to increase the concentra-
tion without detrimental results can
also be used to replace part of the
carrier material with affordable fillers,
e.g., calcium carbonate. The lower
melting viscosity of pigment concen-
trates that contain waxes also permits
a substantial increase in output per-

Clariant waxes that are suitable for

manufacturing pigment concentrates

Polyolefin Engineering Styrenic polymers PVC

Conventional Licowax PE 520 Licowax E Licolub FA 1 Licowax E
Licowax PP 230 Licowax OP
Micronized Ceridust 130 Ceridust 5551 Ceridust 3910 Ceridust 5551
Ceridust 3620
Ceridust 6071

Waxes as binders in color

masses for carbon paper Finally, the wax also influences the
yield of the color mass, i.e., it must
The ability of wax to bind carbon black dose out the color so that the writing
has been used for more than one hun- is reproduced as evenly as possible
dred years already in order to manu- even with repeated use.
facture color masses for carbon paper.
Besides a good ability to bind carbon Depending on the type of carbon
and any oils, Vaseline, and fats that paper and the intended application,
may be used as softeners, the wax the following products from the line of
must also have a certain hardness in montan wax derivatives are recom-
order to keep the writing from smearing mended: Licowax KPS, Licowax S,
and to obtain sharply defined edges. Licowax KP, Licowax KP 303 and
The carbon must be so well distribu- Licowax E as well as, from the poly-
table in the wax that the melt evi- olefin wax product line, Licowax PE 520
dences low viscosity despite the high and Licowax PED 522.
concentration of carbon.
Literature: [60]-[63]

Wax characteristics that are not unequivocally described by a measured value _ 75

4.4 Waxes as film forming agents

Waxes in electro photographic

Waxes in pesticides
Even in modern copier technology,
waxes are indispensable as an impor- In emulsified form, waxes have film-
tant component in electro photographic forming characteristics, i.e., they form
toner. a dry, non-sticky, permanent film on
the surface of the plant. Depending on
During fixation, they function as a the type of wax used, this film can be
release agent to ensure that the entire engineered to be anything from water-
image is transferred to the paper. soluble to water-resistant. Clariant
offers waxes that have been emulsi-
Additionally, waxes function as disper- fied into aqueous emulsions under the
sing agents for pigments and thus product group Agrocer. Agrocer is
improve the use characteristics of the added to sprayers in a tank mix pro-
thermoplastic toner on the paper sub- cess. Thanks to this film formation,
strate. Licowax PE 130 and montan pesticides penetrate into the plants
waxes such as Licowax S and Licowax E faster and/or remain available longer
are suitable for this application. on the surface of the leaves, thus
extending their effectiveness. Under
some circumstances, it is even possi- When coating artificial fertilizers,
ble to reduce the amount of pesticide Agrocer provides a “slow release”
used. effect and is thus especially suitable
for long-term home and garden
When added to seed dressings, fertilizers.
Agrocer inhibits dust formation, red-
uces dressing abrasion, and enhances The products in the Agrocer family
flowability in the seeder. In addition, have also proven themselves well in
the dressed seed looks shinier and evaporation protection. Hard waxes
more attractive. from the Licowax and Ceridust lines
can be applied by drum directly to
pesticides that are available in solid
form (WP, WG) and bring slow-release

76 _ Wax characteristics that are not unequivocally described by a measured value

Waxes in polishes

Use of Licowax products in polishes is

highly varied and encompasses both
montan waxes and fully synthetic
waxes. Our waxes are important raw
materials for floor, car, shoe, furniture
and leather polish. They are used both
in aqueous emulsions and in solvent
systems. In dry-bright emulsions, the
waxes form fixed, tough, shiny films
that protect and maintain floors. With
Licowax 371 FP, we have a special
wax in our product line that lends the
floor anti-slip properties. In car pol-
ishes, waxes prevent the coating from
becoming brittle and cover it with a
lustrous protective film. In shoe pol-
ishes, they bind solvents; penetrate
the leather, and form high-gloss,
waterproof films. Wax emulsions
under the brand names Licomer and
Permanol, as well as finished polish
concentrates, can be purchased
through the firm Dick Peters, Holland,
which belongs to the Clariant Group.

Wax characteristics that are not unequivocally described by a measured value _ 77

4.5 Waxes as adhesion promoters
and compatibalizers in plastics

Adhesion promoters and compatibal-

izers are used to improve integration
of glass fibers, natural fibers, and
mineral fillers in thermoplastics.
Improved integration of the individual
reinforcing materials attains higher
mechanical characteristics. Licomont
AR 504 is a polar modified polypropy-
lene wax with reactive polar groups
that permit better anchoring of the
reinforcing materials in the polymer
matrix. It can be included as a powder
via a compounding step or can be
applied by means of dispersion as a
dressing directly to the reinforcing
material in the plastic.

78 _ Wax characteristics that are not unequivocally described by a measured value

4.6 Waxes in hot-melt adhesives

Hot-melt adhesives are impressive

because they are versatile, extremely
economical, and, above all, ecologi-
cally responsible; this makes them
suitable for a broad spectrum of appli-
cations. Hot-melt adhesives are used
successfully in a gamut of industries
including the packing, furniture, textile
and automobile industries. But precise-
ly this versatility means that a variety
of physical characteristics are deman-
ded of hot-melt adhesives which,
through modification of the basic com-
ponents (skeletal polymers such as
EVA, APAO, SIS, etc.) with resins and
Clariant waxes, turn them into tailored Products such as Licomont AR 504 are
end products in order to meet this amongst the most successful waxes in
challenge. our product portfolio. Adding 3-5 % of
this polypropylene wax grafted with
Two especially effective modification maleic anhydride produces extraordi-
components that Clariant offers to the nary improvements in the characteri-
adhesives industry are polar and non- stics of the adhesive when it comes to
polar polyolefin waxes. Clariant waxes wettability of polar substrates and,
can be used to influence physical consequently, significantly stronger
characteristics of the adhesive such as adhesion.
melt viscosity, softening point, adhesion Micronized waxes, such as Ceridust
and cohesion. Waxes such as Licowax PP 230, 130 and Ceridust 6075, are also used
Licowax PE 190, and the polar Licowax as powdering agents to prevent the
PED 121 are popular aids in fulfilling hot-melt adhesive granulate from
the constantly more stringent demands clumping during transport and storage.
made of hot-melt adhesives in a very
wide range of application.

Wax characteristics that are not unequivocally described by a measured value _ 79

5 Processability of Clariant waxes

80 _ Processability of Clariant waxes

5.1 Waxes in solvent systems

The behavior of Clariant waxes in the 5.2 Waxes in aqueous systems

presence of solvents has already been
described on p. 51 above. Since these Emulsifiability of waxes was dealt with
waxes are preferably processed by on p. 58 above. Thus let it merely be
dissolving them in hot solvents, there noted here once more that the emul-
is a favor for hard waxes with melting sifier-containing montan-wax-based 5.4 Waxes in solid phase
points that are as low as possible waxes Licowax KPE and Licowax KLE
(esters and acids of montan wax at and the hydrophilic ester Licowax KST Processing of waxes in solid phase is
approx. 80 °C) and that evidence a low enjoy a special position, since they highly dependent on the type of formu-
melt viscosity. The soap-containing stand out amongst the rest of the wax lation. Clariant’s range of waxes in-
montan-wax-based waxes that melt at product line due to their especially cludes micropowders for this purpose
approx. 100 °C can also be processed trouble-free processability and offer and the so-called Ceridust formulation.
easily into solvent goods. Processing special advantages due to especially
of waxes with melting points higher simple emulsification conditions. The Ceridust formulations are extreme-
than 120 °C, such as many types of ly fine micropowders with particle size
polyethylene wax, is problematic for specifications from < 15 µm to < 40 µm.
some users who are not able to work 5.3 Waxes in molten phase
at such high temperatures. Another This extremely fine micropowder is
issue to be kept in mind when pro- Complete and partial coatings of sur- used above all in applications where
cessing waxes with high melting points faces can be carried out in an espe- stable suspensions in solvent or water
is solvent loss and the concomitant cially environmentally responsible, are to be obtained without further pul-
environmental pollution and hazards. economical, and energy-saving manner verization of the wax or particles of
with melted waxes: there is no envir- this size are to be embedded in paint
While it is possible to dissolve flakes onmental contamination by solvents or printing ink films in order to produce
of a wax with a high melting point in and no aqueous systems that require specific effects.
solvent even below the melting point, drying. Melt coating is already fre-
this takes place so slowly that this quently used today, e. g., when manu- Licowax C Micropowder has found
method is used only in exceptional facturing mechanical and chemical wide use for years now as a lubricant
cases in practice. copy paper in office technology, in in powder metallurgy; it can be re-
hot-melt coating of paper, cardboard, moved, from products during sintering
and metal film for packaging, and in thermally without leaving behind any
coating textile area structures with residue.
waxes that have a protective, slippery,
and static friction function.

Processability of Clariant waxes _ 81

6 Environmental behavior, toxicology, and legal status with respect
to food legislation of Clariant waxes

82 _ Environmental behavior, toxicology, and status in foodstuff law of Clariant waxes

Long-term feeding tests with selected
The fact that waxes are closely related waxes resulted in neither macro-
chemically to corresponding non-toxic Biological studies of wastewater have scopically nor microscopically detec-
structures of biological origin is al- shown that Clariant waxes have a table toxic damage to the test animals
ready an indication that they belong to chemical oxygen demand (COD) even at maximum dosage (5 % in feed).
an environmentally compatible group of 2,000-3,000 mg O2 /g, no noticeable The “no-toxic-effect level” is thus
of materials: natural ester waxes are biological oxygen demand (BOD), good around 50,000 ppm. The dermatological
produced by vegetable or animal COD elimination capability, and is non- test on rabbits (skin and mucous
organisms. Their insolubility in water toxic for fish and bacteria. When these membrane compatibility) showed no
and extraordinary resistance to envir- waxes are converted into a fine-par- negative findings. Thus Clariant waxes
onmental influences have enabled ticle form (0.1-5 mm) through emulsifi- are also not subject to the “German
them to survive for millions of years cation in laboratory tests, then a slow Ordinance on Hazardous Work
undamaged, so that today they can oxygen demand over and above that Materials”. A product group with such
be recovered as raw montan wax. of the emulsifier evidences gradual a positive assessment in terms of
decomposition. environmental behavior and toxicology
The environmental compatibility of is especially suitable for manufacturing
Clariant waxes as chemical conversion In practice, however, such emulsions articles of everyday use that come
products has been demonstrated by do not occur in wastewater, since into contact with foodstuffs.
numerous investigations. The biode- they become instable due to dilution,
gradability of non-volatile, solid mate- a change in pH or the presence of Food and drug authorities in many
rials is decisive for their environmental extraneous ions. They agglomerate to countries, above all also Germany’s
behavior. This requires solubility in coarse systems, for which the findings Federal Institute for Consumer Health
water, or at least a fine dispersion. with regard to coarsely dispersed Protection and Veterinary Medicine
wax/water mixtures apply. (Bundesinstitut für gesundheitlichen
Clariant waxes are practically insoluble Verbraucherschutz and Veterinär-
in water. Thus mixtures with water will medizin or BgVV for short) and the
only be attacked by microorganisms Toxicological characteristics US Food and Drug Administration
very slowly and will not cause any (FDA) have approved the esters of the
no-ticeable biological oxygen demand The toxicological behavior of Clariant montan-wax acids, the polyolefin and
in bodies of water, drainage ditches or waxes is determined above all by their the amide waxes for use in numerous
wastewater treatment plants. Rather, chemical inertness. Tests indicate that, applications in foodstuffs.
the waxes form precipitants that sepa- when ingested, waxes are passed
rate from the wastewater mechani- through the organism without digestion. Exhaustive information about the envi-
cally without undesirable side effects Extensive feeding tests with dogs, rats, ronmental behavior and toxicology of
such as foaming. and mice resulted in LD50 values Clariant waxes is available in J. Lange
> 2,000 mg/kg body weight. According and J. Wildgruber [64]. Information on
to the usual international classification, the approval status of these waxes
in accordance with the “Handbook of vis-à-vis individual national food and
Toxicology” by W. S. Spector, these drug administrations is available in the
products are classified in the most leaflet “Legal status with respect to
favorable class. They are “practically food legislation of Clariant waxes”.
non-poisonous and harmless”.

Environmental behavior, toxicology, and status in foodstuff law of Clariant waxes _ 83

7 Clariant waxes and their application

84 _ Clariant waxes and their application

Varnishes, lacquers, and paints
Application and principal used Wax function Product type Product Literature
Manufacturing of fine wax dispersions Matting Polyethylene wax Licowax PE 520 65, 66
through precipitation from hot solutions; use
as matting agent for silk-finish and matte-
finish varnishes and paints, lubricating paints
Manufacturing of fine wax suspensions Matting Micronized Ceridust 3620 156, 157, 158
by mixing the micropowder with cold polyethylene wax
Wax emulsions for improving water Hydrophobing Polar Licowax PED 522
repellency and reducing dirt collection polyethylene Licowax PED 153
in dispersion paints waxes Licowax PED 121

Application and principal used Wax function Product type Product Literature
Aid to dispersion of paraffin in solvents Dispersion Soap of synthetic Licowax R 21 154
for release agents wax acids

Emulsification of paraffin Emulsification Montanic acid Licowax LP 154

for release agents
Release agents for high-quality Release Polar Licowax PED 521 154
concrete work, e. g., fair-faced concrete polyethylene waxes Licowax PED 522

Office goods
Application and principal used Wax function Product type Product Literature
Binder and dispersing agent for Binding and Esters of montanic Licowax KP 58, 59, 60, 61, 62
pigm. in carbon paper/carbonless forms; Dispersion acids Licowax KP 303
reverse coatings Licowax E
Partially saponified Licowax OP
ester of mont. acids
Inclusion and dispersion of pigment Dispersion Montanic acid Licowax S 58, 59, 60, 61, 62
bases in pigment masses for carbonless Licowax LP
forms Licowax SW
Viscosity regulation of carbon paper Viscosity Polar Licowax PED 521 58, 59, 60, 61, 62
masses containing wax for manufac- control polyethylene Licowax PED 522
turing one-time and multiple-use carbon waxes
paper (pigment side and reverse)

Clariant waxes and their application _ 85

Insulating materials
Application and principal used Wax function Product type Product Literature
Separating coating for insulation Separation, Esters of Licowax KPE 68
materials in automobiles and prefab Hydrophobing montanic acid Licowax KSL
construction Licowax KP 303
Setting the relaxation behavior of soft Separation, Polar Licowax PED 522 68
PUR-foam-based waterproofing tape hydrophobing polyethylene wax
Modification of bitumen Regulaltion Special product Licomont BS 100
of softening

Printing inks
Application and principal used Wax function Product type Product Literature
Polyethylene waxes are used for Protection, Polyethylene Licowax PE 130 54, 55, 69
friction protection, to prevent blocking lubrication waxes Licowax PE 520
of printed goods and regulate the
adhesiveness of offset and letterpress
inks; for inclusion in the printing ink,
fine wax dispersions are manufactured
through hot dispersion
Manufacturing of fine wax dispersions Protection, Wax Ceridust 130 158
through inclusion of the micronized lubrication micronized Ceridust 3620
powder in the printing ink or predisper- Ceridust 3715
sion in cold solvent Ceridust 3610
Ceridust 9610 F
Ceridust 9615 A
Amide wax Licowax C,

Application and principal used Wax function Product type Product Literature
Additive to insulation and cable Regulation of Amide wax Licowax C
molding masses on the basis of bitumen, viscosity and
vaseline, and hydrocarbon wax softening point Polyethylene Licowax PE 130
waxes Licowax PE 190

86 _ Clariant waxes and their application

Foils and paper coatings
Application and principal used Wax function Product type Product Literature
Anti-blocking agent for PVDC and other Separation Esters of montanic Licowax KPS 68, 70, 71
polymer coatings for aroma-sealed food acid Licowax KSL
packaging, regulation of water vapor Licowax KPE
permeability Licowax KSE
Surface finishing of smooth printing Surface Polar Licowax PED 522
paper, wallpaper, and decorative paper smoothing polyethylene Licowax PED 153
waxes Licowax PED 121
In emulsified form as an additive to Surface Esters of montanic Licowax KPE
coating slips smoothing acid
Separating layer between carrier film Separation Montanic acids Licowax S
and transferring decorative layer in hot Licowax LP
stamping foils
Partially saponified Licowax OP
ester of mont. acid

Release agents
Application and principal used Wax function Product type Product Literature
Solvent-containing and aqueous mold Release Montanic acids Licowax S 72
release agents for processing plastics, Licowax LP
rubber, and ceramics and for metal die Esters of montanic Licowax KSL
casting acid Licowax KPE
Licowax E
Soap of synthetic Licowax R 21
wax acids
Partially saponified Licowax OP
ester of mont. acid
Polyethylene Licowax PE 130
waxes Licowax PE 520

Hot-Melt coatings and adhesives

Application and principal used Wax function Product type Product Literature
Additive in hydrocarbon coatings on Regulation of Montanic acid Licowax LP 74, 75
packing materials (cellulose-based) viscosity,
raising of Polyethylene Licowax PE 520 74, 75
melting point, waxes Licowax PE 130
gloss enhancement Licowax PE 190
Hot-sealing capable, flexible coating for Surface finishing Polypropylene Licowax PP 220
paper and metal films (sterilizable) waxes Licowax PP 230

Clariant waxes and their application _ 87

Wood processing
Application and principal used Wax function Product type Product Literature
Emulsifiers for paraffin for manufacturing Emulsifying Montanic acids Licowax S 68
anti-swelling protection emulsions for Licowax LP
particle board
Release agent for synthetic resin coating of Release Emulsifier-containing Licowax KPE
particle board used in furniture building ester of mont. acid

Application and principal used Wax function Product type Product Literature
Additive to paraffin to improve heat Hardening, Montanic acid Licowax S 76, 77
resistance increasing
melting point Polyethylene wax Licowax PE 520

Corrosion protection
Application and principal used Wax function Product type Product Literature
Dispersing agent for paraffin in organic Dispersion Soap of synthetic Licowax R 21 68, 78
solvents for corrosion-proofing agents wax acids
Montanic acid Licowax LP
Formulation component for temporary Hydrophobing, Polyethylene wax Licowax PE 130
anti-corrosion protection on vehicles, increasing
machines, and equipment melting point

Application and principal used Wax function Product type Product Literature
Formulation component for cosmetic Shaping, hardening Montanic acid Licowax SW 78, 79
Binder for powders in cosmetics Binding Montanic acid Licowax SW
Ester of mont. acid Licowax E
Thickening agent for skin creams and Regulation of Partially Licowax OP
pomade viscosity saponified ester of
and consistency montanic acid

88 _ Clariant waxes and their application

Application and principal used Wax function Product type Product Literature
Lubricant for processing of plastics with Lubrication Montanic acid Licowax S 37 bis 52, 80
varying polarities
Esters of montanic Licowax E 148, 149
acid Licolub WE 4 150, 151
Licolub WE 40 152
Partially saponified Licowax OP
ester of mont. acid
Polyethylene Licowax PE 190
waxes Licowax PE 520
Polar Licolub H 12
polyethylene Licolub H 22
waxes Licowax PED 191
Licolub H 29
Hydrocarbon wax Licolub H 4
Amide wax Licolub FA 1

Application and principal used Wax function Product type Product Literature
Wax emulsions as aids in dressing, Protection Emulsifier-containing Licowax KPE 69
rolling and smoothing upper leather esters of mont. acid Licowax KLE
Polar Licowax PED 121
polyethylene Licowax PED 521
waxes Licowax PED 522

Metal and ceramic injection molding (MIM/CIM)

Application and principal used Wax function Product type Product Literature
Plasticizer for metallic and ceramic Binding Wax compound Licomont EK 583
injection molding compounds Plasticizing

Application and principal used Wax function Product type Product Literature
Lubricant for wire drawing Lubrication Amide waxes Licowax C powder 53
Licowax C micro-
Solvent-containing corrosion Protection Partially saponified Licowax OP
protection agents ester of mont. acid
Soap of synthetic Licowax R 21
wax acids

Clariant waxes and their application _ 89

Pigment concentrates
Application and principal used Wax function Product type Product Literature
Sole binding agent, distributable using Binding, Polyethylene waxes Licowax PE 520 81, 82, 83, 84
melting technology, for pigment or additive surface wetting Licowax PE 130
additive when using polymer-like poly- Polypropylene Licowax PP 220
ethylene and polypropylene as binders waxes Licowax PP 230
for making pigment absorption easier Micronized wax Ceridust 130
(higher concentration and color yield) Ceridust 3620
Ceridust 3910
Ceridust 5551
Ceridust 6071

Powder metallurgy
Application and principal used Wax function Product type Product Literature
Lubricant additives when pressing pow- Lubrication, Amide wax Licowax C
ders made from iron and metal alloys; binding micro powder PM
matrix lubricant

90 _ Clariant waxes and their application

Application and principal used Wax function Product type Product Literature
Polish emulsions Protection, Montanic acid Licowax S 23 bis 29, 56, 57;
gloss 86 bis 146
Dye base inclusion React as acid Montanic acid Licowax S 23 bis 29, 56, 57;
85 bis 146
Polish emulsion, Protection, Esters of montanic Licowax E
solvent-based polish gloss acid Licowax F
Licowax BJ
Licowax RT
Dry-bright polishes Protection, Esters of montanic Licowax KPS
gloss acid Licowax KSL
Licowax KFO
Licowax U
Licowax KST
Emulsifier- Licowax KPE
containing esters Licowax KLE
of montanic acid Licowax NE
Solvent-based polishes in paste form, Protection, Partially saponified Licowax OP
liquid and semi-solid solvent-based gloss esters of montanic Licowax O
polishes acid Licowax OM
Licowax R 21
Heat-resistant polishes Protection, Polyethylene Licowax PE 130
gloss waxes Licowax PE 520
Dry-bright polish and non dry-bright polish Protection, Polar Licowax PED 521
emulsions gloss polyethylene waxes Licowax PED 153
Polymer wax Licowax 371 FP
Non-ionic wax emulsions Emulsification Poly Wachsemulgator
glycol ethers 2106

Clariant waxes and their application _ 91

Textile processing
Application and principal used Wax function Product type Product Literature
Long-chain acid components of emulsi- Emulsification Montanic acids Licowax S 68
fication systems for paraffin emulsions Licowax LP
for hydrophobing fabrics Smoothing, Esters of montanic Licowax KPS
polishing acid Licowax KSL
Licowax BJ
Licowax RT
Licowax KPE
Licowax KLE
Lubricant in sewing, stretching, and Lubrication Polyethylene wax Licowax PE 520
thickening of yarn for knitted and woven Polar polyethylene Licowax PED 153
goods waxes Licowax PED 191
Licowax PED 192
Ester of mont. wax Licowax KST
Plasticizing of artificial resins for perma- Flexibility Polar polyethylene Licowax PED 521
nent-press treatment, selection of suita- waxes Licowax PED 522
ble formulations according to hardness; Licowax PED 121
soft formulations enhance flexibility and Licowax PED 153
have a more pronounced effect on feel;
harder formulations provide better lubri-
cation between yarn and metal, better
dirt repellency and washability

Wax sculpture
Application and principal used Wax function Product type Product Literature
Formulation component in keroplastic Flexibility, Polyethylene wax Licowax PE 520
compounds (pictures, decorative candles) increase melt. point

Coating of citrus fruits

Application and principal used Wax function Product type Product Literature
Surface protection and pore sealing by Protection Polar polyethylene Licowax PED 121 144
wax films applied from aqueous emul- waxes Licowax PED 521
sions; they prevent weight loss and lower Licowax PED 522
the risk of fruit diseases in transport and Esters of montanic Licowax KPS
storage; enhance appearance of fruit acid Licowax KSL

92 _ Clariant waxes and their application

Clariant waxes and their application _ 93
8 Literature

1 _ DGF-Einheitsmethoden, 12 _ Neuartige emulgierbare

Abteilung M – Wachse und 6 _ Zur Kenntnis der Wachsbausteine Polyethylenwachse
Wachsprodukte M 1 (75) des Montanwachses K. Rieger, K. Stetter
Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesell- II. Hydroxy Acids Fette – Seifen – Anstrichmittel
schaft mbH Stuttgart W. Presting, Th. Kreuter 79, p. 246 (1977)
Wax definition, specialist group Fette – Seifen – Anstrichmittel
“Waxes” in DGF 70, p. 404 (1968) 13 _ Hochveredelte Wachse auf Basis
Fette – Seifen – Anstrichmittel von Braunkohle unter besonde-
56, p. 153, (1957) and 7 _ Zur Kenntnis der Säuren des rer Berücksichtigung ihrer Eigen-
Fette – Seifen – Anstrichmittel Rohmontanwachses und seiner schaften und Verwendungsmög-
76, p. 135 (1974) Raffinate lichkeiten
W. Presting, Th. Kreuter G. v. Rosenberg
2 _ Künstliche Wachse/ Fette – Seifen – Anstrichmittel Bitumen – Teere – Asphalte –
Begriffsbestimmung 64, p. 695 (1962) Peche, 7, (1952)
Explanations regarding nomencla-
ture of the Council for Cooperation 8 _ Zur Raffinationstechnik des 14 _ Die elektrometrische
in Customs Matters Rohmontanwachses Bestimmung der Säure- und
34.04, Part 1 W. Presting Verseifungszahl von Wachsen
Freiberger-Forschungshefte A 131, Hostalka, D. Roemer
3 _ Wachstum mit Wachsen p. 99–110 (1960) Seifen – Öle – Fette – Wachse,
50 Jahre Wachsproduktion in 94, p. 663 (1968)
Gersthofen Kunststoff – Plastics 9 _ Über einige physikalische und
(24/1977) No. 10, p. 33 anwendungstechnische Eigen- 15 _ Eine Apparatur zur automati-
schaften von Esterwachsen in schen
4 _ 50 Jahre helle Montanwachse bezug auf ihren molekularen Bau Bestimmung des Fließ-/ Tropf-
K. H. Stetter E. Fink punktes von Wachsen nach
Fette – Seifen – Anstrichmittel Fette – Seifen – Anstrichmittel Ubbelohde
81, p. 158 (1979) 59, p. 1,026 (1957) D. Roemer, A. Hochreiter
Fette – Seifen – Anstrichmittel,
5 _ Zur Kenntnis der Wachsbausteine 10 _ Helle Montanwachs-Derivate 69, p. 646 (1967)
des Montanwachses F. Mader, K. H. Stetter, F. Zinnert
W. Presting, Th. Kreuter Fette – Seifen – Anstrichmittel 16 _ Kennzeichnung von Wachsen
Fette – Seifen – Anstrichmittel 74, p. 570 (1972) durch Differential-Thermo-
67, p. 334 (1965) Analyse
11 _ Polyolefinoxidation J. Lange, H. Jochinke
A. Thalhofer Fette – Seifen – Anstrichmittel,
Kunststoffhandbuch Band IV 91, p. 89 (1965)
Carl Hanser Verlag Munich,
p. 161 (1969)

94 _ Literature
29 _ Hoechst-Wachs RT, ein neues
17 _ Grenzen der Differential- Hilfsmittel zur Retentionsver-
Thermo-Analyse bei Wachsen 23 _ Retentionsnummer und besserung
R. Braun Retentionseffekt O. Malitschek
Fette – Seifen – Anstrichmittel, L. Ivanovszky Seifen – Öle – Fette – Wachse,
82, p. 76 (1979) Fette – Seifen – Anstrichmittel, 91, p. 377 (1965)
54, p. 559 (1952)
18 _ Über die Abwandlung der Eigen- 30 _ Messung der Festigkeit von
schaften von Petroleumwachsen 24 _ Neue Ergebnisse und Wachs-Lösungsmittel-Pasten
durch Polyolefinwachse Erkenntnisse der Retentionslehre G. v. Rosenberg
W. Brotz L. Ivanovszky Seifen – Öle – Fette – Wachse,
Fette – Seifen – Anstrichmittel, Fette – Seifen – Anstrichmittel, 83, p. 595 (1957)
89, p. 184 (1963) 55, p. 302 (1953)
31 _ Classification of Surface Active
19 _ Zur Rheometrie von Wachsen 25 _ Verbindung, Systeme, Gemenge Agents by HLB
Penetrationsmessungen und die Seifen – Öle – Fette – Wachse, W. C. Griffin
Einordnung verschiedener 90, p. 757 (1964) Journal Soc. Cosmetic Chemistry
Erweichungspunkte in das (1/1949)
Penetrationstemperaturverhalten 26 _ Wachs-Lösemittel-Systeme
G. Spengler, M. Wilderotter und Wachs-Typen 32 _ Calculation of HLB Values of
Fette – Seifen – Anstrichmittel, L. Ivanovszky Nonionic Surfactants
66, p. 267 (1964) Jahrbuch für den Praktiker, W. C. Griffin
Verlag für chemische Industrie, Journal Soc. Cosmetic Chem.
20 _ Messung der Härte von Wachsen H. Ziolkowski KG, p. 92 (1956) (4/1954)
G. v. Rosenberg
Fette – Seifen – Anstrichmittel, 27 _ Waxes Kolloidal Properties
80, p. 214 (1954) and Systems
L. Ivanovszky
21 _ Neuere Untersuchungen über die Journal of Polymer Science,
Messung der Härte von Wachsen 58, p. 273 (1962)
E. Fink
Fette – Seifen – Anstrichmittel, 28 _ Zur Kenntnis und Untersuchung
66, p. 27 (1964) der Ozokerite
E. Peter
22 _ Zur Rheometrie von Wachsen Seifen – Öle – Fette – Wachse,
An article about the viscosity and 90, p. 968 (1964), 91, p. 15 (1965),
flow behavior of waxy bodies 91, p. 43 (1965)
G. Spengler, M. Wilderotter
Fette – Seifen – Anstrichmittel,
66, p. 778 (1964)

Literature _ 95
33 _ Clues to Surfactant Selection 42 _ Polymere Werkstoffe,
Offered by the HLB-System Band II: Technologie 1
W. C. Griffin „Verarbeitungshilfsmittel“
Official Digist, Federation of 36 _ Emulsionstechnolgie und G. Illmann
Paint and Varnish Production HLB-Wert
for June 1956 K. Bergwein 43 _ Gleitmittel und verwandte
Fette – Seifen – Anstrichmittel, Hilfsstoffe für Thermoplaste
34 _ Untersuchungen über Zusam- 5, p. 353-355 (1967) W. Brotz
menhänge zwischen Grenz- Taschenbuch der Kunststoff-
flächenaktivität, Emulsions- 37 _ Gleitmittel Additive, Carl Hanser Verlag,
stabilität und HLB-Wert bei G. Pfahler, T. Riedel Munich/Vienna,
nichtionischen Emulgatoren Kunststoffe, 66, p. 694 (1976) 2. Auflage (1983), p. 309
W. Wachs und W. Rensche German Plastics, 66, p. 86 (1976)
Fette – Seifen – Anstrichmittel, Plastics Universales, 6, p. 233 44 _ The Influence of Lubricants
9, p. 803-810 (1960) (1977) on Rigid PVC
U. Jakobson
35 _ The Determination of Hydrophile- 38 _ Wax as Lubricants in British Plastics, 34, p. 328 (1961)
Lipophile Balance by Gas-Liquid- Plastic Processing
Chromatiography G. Illmann 45 _ Lubrication of Rigid PVC
P. Becher, R. L. Birkmeier SPE Journal, 23 (1967) B. I. Marshall
Journal of the American Oil Gummi – Asbest – Kunststoffe, British Plastics, 32, p. 70 (1969)
Chemists'Society, March 1964, 22, p. 303 (1967)
No. 3, p. 169-172 46 _ Resins Particles as Flow Units
39 _ Lubricants in PVC Meits
N. C. von Vonno A. R. Berens, V. L. Folt
Modern Plastics Enzyclopedia, Trans. Sos. of Rheology,
200 (1976 - 1977) p. 95 (1967)

40 _ Evaluating Lubricants for PVC 47 _ The Significance of a Particle

D. Bower Flow Process in PVC Melts
Plastics Compounding, Industry A. R. Berens
Medio Inc., p. 64 Polymer Engineering and
(January/February 1979) Science,
8, p. 5 (1968)
41 _ Additives For Plastics
P. R. Brostean
Plastics Engineering, p. 20
(Nov. 1977)

96 _ Literature
48 _ Zur Wirkungsweise von
Gleitmitteln bei der Verarbeitung 54 _ Der Einfluß von Wachsen auf
von PVC die Eigenschaften, insbesondere
G. J. Van Veersen die Scheuerfestigkeit von
Kunststoffe, 59, p. 180 (1969) Druckfarben
B. Müller
49 _ Gleitmittel für PVC Fette – Seifen – Anstrichmittel,
S. A. Riethmayer 69, p. 589 (1966)
Gummi – Asbest – Kunststoffe,
18, p. 425 (1965) 55 _ Wachse als Scheuerschutz
in Druckfarben
50 _ PVC-Gleitmittel K. Rieger
S. A. Riethmayer Fette – Seifen – Anstrichmittel,
Seifen – Öle – Fette – Wachse, 73, p. 231 (1971)
98, p. 193 (1972), 98, p. 227 (1972),
98, p. 399 (1972) 56 _ Einfluß von Wachsen auf 60 _ Hochoberflächige Pigmente
Haft- und Gleitreibung für die Herstellung von chemi-
51 _ L'Influence des Lubrifiants sur la R. Braun, D. Roemer schen Durchschreibepapieren
Mise en Œuvre et les Proprietes Fette – Seifen – Anstrichmittel, A. v. Raven und K. Fernderl
du PVC Non Plasifie 76, p. 163 (1974) Wochenblatt für
B. Pukanszky Soap and Chemical Specialities Papierfabrikation,
Plastiques Modernes et (December 1974) 16, p. 607/612 (1980)
Elastomeres, p. 70 (March 1976),
p. 57 (April 1976) 57 _ Reibungskoeffizienten von wachs- 61 _ Spezialpapiere für Durch-
haltigen Fußbodenpflegemitteln schreibesätze
52 _ Einfluß von Gleitmitteln auf die R. Braun, O. Malitschek J. Grosse
rheologischen Eigenschaften Fette – Seifen – Anstrichmittel, Der Polygraph, 5, pp. 375-376,
von PVC-Mischungen 79, p. 392 (1977) and 378-380 and 382 (1979)
B. Pukanszky, S. Jozsa
Angewandte makromolekulare 58 _ Wachse in der Kohlepapier- 62 _ Produkte und Markt der
Chemie, 79, p. 107 (1979) industrie Nicht-Kohlepapiere
F. Schloffer Coating, 6, pp. 152-154 (1979)
53 _ Tribologische Aspekte bei der Adhäsion 1/1959
Umformung des austenitischen 63 _ Carbonless Copy Paper
Werkstoffs 1. 4301 59 _ Wachse mit hoher Dispergier- 1974 through 1985,
Bänder, Bleche, Rohre, fähigkeit unter besonderer A World-Wide Techno-Eco-
pp. 68-73 (2/1981) Berücksichtigung ihrer Eignung nomical Study; Laves Chemie;
für die Herstellung von Fachinstitut für Chemie-
Kohlepapierfarbmassen Marktforschung
T. Riedel, W. Straßberger
Fette – Seifen – Anstrichmittel,
76, p. 541 (1974)

Literature _ 97
64 _ Umweltverhalten und
Toxikologie der Wachse
J. Lange, J. Wildgruber 71 _ Eigenschaften von Wachsen
Fette – Seifen – Anstrichmittel, für Verbundfolien
78, p. 62 (1976) H. Lindemann
Fette – Seifen – Anstrichmittel,
65 _ Mattierungs- und Oberflächen- 61, p. 99 (1959)
schutzmittel für Lacke und
Beschichtungen 72 _ Waxes as release agents
Clariant GmbH leaflet Clariant GmbH leaflet
Gersthofen No. W 267 D Gersthofen No. W 286 GB

66 _ Mattierungsmittel für Lacke 73 _ Licowax PP 230 – carrier material

K. Rieger, G. Grimm for pigment concentrates
Zeitschrift Adhäsion, 11 (1977) Clariant GmbH leaflet 77 _ Die Ursache für verschiedene
Gersthofen No. W 283 GB Lackschäden an Neufahrzeugen
67 _ Zur Struktur von Wachs/ und deren Verhinderung durch
Lösungsmittel-Systemen 74 _ Ein Kaschierwachs Konservierung vor dem Transport
W. Presting, K. Steinbach, unter der Lupe E. Ley
H. Beeckmann A. Thiel Neuzeitliche Wachsforschung VIII
Fette – Seifen – Anstrichmittel, Fette – Seifen – Anstrichmittel, Industrieverlag von Hernhausen
1, pp. 17-25 (1957) 62, p. 194 (1960) KG, Hamburg, 11, p. 37 (1967)

68 _ Rew materials for technical 75 _ Hotmelts, ein neues 78 _ Hoechst-Wachs SW Wachs

wax dispersions Einsatzgebiet für Wachse für die kosmetische und
Clariant GmbH leaflet H. R. Linhardt pharmazeutische Industrie
Gersthofen No. W 258 GB Fette – Seifen – Anstrichmittel, Hoechst AG leaflet
79, p. 151 (1977) Gersthofen
69 _ Printing Inks
Clariant GmbH leaflet 76 _ Die Kerzenherstellung 79 _ Verwendung von Wachsen in
Gersthofen No. W 182 GB R. Böhl, D. Dreyer kosmetischen Präparaten
Vom Wachs, Hoechster Beiträge W. Schweißheimer
70 _ Wachse in der zur Kenntnis vom Wachs, Band 1, Fette – Seifen – Anstrichmittel,
Verpackungsindustrie Article 8/2 62, p. 1038 (1960)
G. Matscholl
Fette – Seifen – Anstrichmittel, 80 _ Licowax, Licolub, Ceridust –
62, p. 194 (1960) carrier material for pigment
Clariant GmbH leaflet
Gersthofen No. W 270 GB

98 _ Literature
81 _ Untersuchungen über die
Dispergierung von Pigmenten 93 _ Moderne nichtionogene
H. Pahlke Selbstglanzemulsionen
Farbe und Lack, 72, pp. 623-630; 87 _ Rohstoffe für Selbstglanz- W. Sapper
747-758 (1966) emulsionen, Wischpflegemittel Seifen – Öle – Fette – Wachse,
und Fußbodenreiniger 84, p. 99 (1958)
82 _ Einige Betrachtungen über die Hoechst AG leaflet
Möglichkeiten der Herstellung Gersthofen No. S 23 94 _ Beitrag zur Bestimmung der
leicht dispergierbarer Pigmente Gleitsicherheit von wachs-
und Pigmentpräparationen 88 _ Hoechst-Wachse für die gepflegten Fußböden
K. Merkle Herstellung nicht selbst- G. v. Rosenberg
Farbe und Lack, 76, pp. 539-545 glänzender Emulsionen Fette – Seifen – Anstrichmittel,
(1970) Hoechst AG leaflet 61, p. 181 (1959)
Gersthofen No. W 129
83 _ Über die Dispergierung 95 _ Neuentwicklungen auf dem
von Pigmenten 89 _ Hoechst-Wachse für die Herstel- Gebiet der nichtionogenen und
W. Herbst lung von Bohnerwachsen und ionogenen Selbstglanzemulsionen
Farbe und Lack, 76, pp. 1190-1208 Schuhcremes auf Lösemittelbasis W. Sapper
(1970) Hoechst AG leaflet Seifen – Öle – Fette – Wachse,
Gersthofen No. W 248 85, p. 261 (1959)
84 _ Pigment- und Farbstoff-
zubereitungen zum Einfärben 90 _ Selbstglanzemulsionen 96 _ Herstellung und Prüfung von
von Kunststoffen für die Bodenpflege Bohnermassen in Klarsicht-
G. Kaufmann G. v. Rosenberg packungen
Plastverarbeiter, 24, pp. 733-736 Seifen – Öle – Fette – Wachse, W. Sapper
(1973) 78, p. 637 (1952), 79, p. 15 (1953) Seifen – Öle – Fette – Wachse,
86, p. 381 (1960)
85 _ Hoechst-Wachs PED 153 zur 91 _ Kann man Wachspräparate
Herstellung von ionogenen der Putzmittelindustrie mit
Selbstglanzemulsionen und Kunststoffen verbessern?
Wischwachsen W. Sapper
Hoechst AG leaflet Seifen – Öle – Fette – Wachse,
Gersthofen No. W 261 82, p. 579 (1956), 82, p. 298 (1956)

86 _ Fußbodenpflegemittel 92 _ Prüfung des Netzvermögens

Clariant GmbH leaflet und Selbstglanzemulsionen
Gersthofen No. W 280 GB W. Sapper
Seifen – Öle – Fette – Wachse,
83, p. 446 (1958)

Literature _ 99
107 _ Automatic Floorwax Production
101 _ Einfluß der Emulgierbedingun- F. A. Martin
gen auf die Qualität nichtiono- Chemical Specialities,
gener Wachsemulsionen p. 46, August 1968,
J. Lange, O. Malitschek p. 70, September 1968
Fette – Seifen – Anstrichmittel,
90, p. 164 (1964) 108 _ Liquid Floor Polishes
O. Malitschek, W. Sapper
102 _ Präparate für die Konservierung Soap and Chemical Specialities,
und Pflege von Automobilen p. 123, May 1965
O. Malitschek
Jahrbuch für den Praktiker 1966 109 _ Mathematical Statistical
97 _ Neue Möglichkeiten mit Verlag für chemische Industrie, Methods to Solve Polish
Hoechst-Wachsen auf dem Ziolkowsky KG, Augsburg Emulsifying Problems
Putzmittelsektor J. Lange, O. Malitschek,
W. Sapper 103 _ Über die Fußböden H. Jochinke
Jahrbuch für den Praktiker 1961 und ihre Pflege Soap and Chemical Spec.,
Verlag der chemischen Industrie, H. Fahrenwald p. 115, May 1966
Ziolkowsky KG, Augsburg Das Gebäudereiniger-Handwerk
10 (1966) 110 _ Konservierung von Dispersionen
98 _ Putzmittel in Aerosolform und Dispersionsfarben
W. Sapper 104 _ Verwendung von Wachsen K. H. Wallhäußer, W. Fink
Seifen – Öle – Fette – Wachse, zur Behandlung von Leder Farbe und Lack, 82, p. 108 (1976)
87, p. 689 (1961) und Schuhen
O. Malitschek, E. Glaser 111 _ Über den Aufbau eines
99 _ Produkte und Rohstoffe der Jahrbuch für den Praktiker 1968 Wachsfilmes bei Anwendung
europäischen Putzmittelindustrie Verlag für chemische Industrie, von Wischwachsen
W. Sapper Ziolkowsky KG, Augsburg H. Marsen, J. Herok, P. Wegener
Seifen – Öle – Fette – Wachse, Fette – Seifen – Anstrichmittel,
87, p. 689 (1961) 105 _ Einfluß der Emulgierbedingun- 80, p. 227 (1978)
gen auf die Qualität anionischer
100 _ New ionogenic self-shining- Wachsemulsionen
emulsionens based on raw J. Lange, H. Jochinke
montanic acid ester waxes Fette – Seifen – Anstrichmittel,
W. Sapper 93, p. 718 (1967)
Soap and Chemical Specialities,
p. 137, May 1962 106 _ Detergentienbeständige, leicht
entfernbare Selbstglanzfilme
F. Mader, O. Malitschek
Jahrbuch für den Praktiker 1969
Verlag für chemische Industrie,
Ziolkowsky KG, Augsburg

100 _ Literature
112 _ Über die Bestimmung der
Schutzwirkung von Fußboden-
pflegemitteln gegen die 118 _ Roll of Waxes in
Zerkratzung der Fußböden Automotive Polishes
D. Roemer M. Schafitel
Fette – Seifen – Anstrichmittel, Soap and Chemical Specialities
3, p. 180 (1970) (1969)

113 _ Wirkung und Anwendung 119 _ Über die Glanzeigenschaften

komplexbildender Metalle getrockneter Filme von Wachs-
in Wachsfilmen emulsionen. Elektronenmikros-
O. Malitschek, F. Mader kopische Untersuchungen.
Fette – Seifen – Anstrichmittel, G. Schimmel
71, p. 761 (1969) Fette – Seifen – Anstrichmittel,
59, p. 856 (1957)
114 _ Lösemittelhaltige Selbstglanz-
emulsionen, ein neuer Typ von 120 _ Glanzmessung an
reinigenden Pflegemitteln Wachsüberzügen
O. Malitschek W. Presting, E. Thiel
Jahrbuch für den Praktiker 1973 Fette – Seifen – Anstrichmittel,
Verlag für chemische Industrie, 60, p. 16 (1958)
Ziolkowsky KG, Augsburg 125 _ Beitrag zur Praxis
121 _ Glanzzahl von Bohnerwachsen der Glanzmessung
115 _ Zweckmäßige Behandlung Erfahrungswerte Th. Kossbahn
zeitgemäßer Fußbodenbeläge H. Bock, G. Hirschmann Hoechst AG,
R. Jacob Seifen – Öle – Fette – Wachse, Farbe und Lack, 70, p. 693 (1964)
Jahrbuch für den Praktiker 1973 54, p. 835 (1958)
Verlag für chemische Industrie, 126 _ Ein Gonio-Photometer
Ziolkowsky KG, Augsburg 122 _ Eine neue Methode zur zur Glanzmessung
Messung des Glanzes K. Hoffmann, Th. Kossbahn
116 _ Car-Polishes H. Haussühl, K. Hamann Hoechst AG,
J. D. Bower, F. A. Martin Farbe und Lack, 64, p. 642 (1958) Farbe und Lack, 72, p. 119 (1966)
Soap and Chemicals
Specialities, 123 _ Glanz und Glanzmessung 127 _ Untersuchungen über den
p. 35, Nov. 1977 L. Ivanovszky Zusammenhang zwischen
Seifen – Öle – Fette – Wachse, Glanzzahl, Weißgrad und sub-
117 _ Furniture Polishes 54, p. 835 (1958) jektive Glanzbewertung von
J. D. Bower Bohnerwachsen auf Linoleum
Soap and Chemical Specialities, 124 _ Physikalische Grundlagen H. Bock
p. 68, May 1978 der Glanzmessung auf Fette – Seifen – Anstrichmittel,
dem Lackgebiet 65, p. 14 (1963)
U. CorIl
Farbe und Lack, 67, p. 426 (1961)

Literature _ 101
128 _ Über den Einfluß der Schicht- 139 _ Viscoeleastic Properties of
dicke und der Oberflächen- Films Prepared from Emulsion-
rauhigkeit auf die Glanzzahl type Floorpolish Formulation
von Wachsfilmen 132 _ Ölbindevermögen von K. Gutfreund
G. Spengler, M. Wilderotter, Mineralozokeriten Proceedings of the Chemical
G. Vraun G. Matscholl, H. Preuzs Specialities Manufacture
Fette – Seifen – Anstrichmittel, Neuzeitliche Wachsforschung, Association p. 212, May 1960
68, p. 535, (1966) Industrieverlag v. Hernhaussen KG
Hamburg, 11, p. 31 (1968) 140 _ Floor Polish Trends
129 _ Zur Struktur von Wachs- Evaluation and Testing
Lösemittel-Systemen 133 _ Retention und Verdunstung L. Chalmers
W. Presting, K. Steinbach, von Wachsen Soap and Chernical Specialities,
H. Beckmann H. Werner Feb. 1966
Fette – Seifen – Anstrichmittel, Seifen – Öle – Fette – Wachse,
59, p. 17 (1957) 91, p. 105 (1965) 141 _ Polishes
L. Chalmers
130 _ Ozokerite im Bild 134 _ Polyethylen Polish Emulsions Pink Manufacture, p. 45,
A. Thiele M. O. Brunson Nov. 1967
Seifen – Öle – Fette – Wachse, Soap and Chemical Specialities,
86, p. 349 (1960) 91, Oct. 1962, 93, Nov. 1962, 142 _ Qualitätsnormen für Fußboden-
103, Oct. 1965 pflege und Reinigungsmittel
131 _ Das Retentionsvermögen Industrieverband Putz-
von Mineralozokerit 135 _ Self Shining Emulsion Polishes und Pflegemittel e. V.
N. Jedig C. L. Jones Seifen – Öle – Fette – Wachse,
Adhäsion, 3, p. 366 (1964) Paint Manufacture, p. 119, April 1972
143 _ Qualitätsnormen für
136 _ Factors in Polish Performance Autopflege und Reinigung
H. K. Stryker, D. L. Burdick Industrieverband Putz-
Soap and Chernical Specialities, und Pflegemittel e. V.
p. 83, August 1963 Seifen – Öle – Fette – Wachse,
137 _ To Improve a Finish Formulation
H. E. Boyles, N. Heimbach, 144 _ Wachse für Zitrusfrucht-
M. Fuld, beschichtungen
Soap and Chemical Specialities, Clariant GmbH leaflet
p. 77, June 1965 Gersthofen No. W 240 D

138 _ Strength Properties of 145 _ Ein Beitrag zur Bestimmung

Floor Finish Films der Höppler-Härte
M. E. Ginn, O. R. Buzzelli, W. Dietsche
K. Wicklund Fette – Seifen – Anstrichmittel,
Journal of the American Oil 4, p. 157 (1983)
Chemistry Society, Vol. 62, p. 460

102 _ Literature
146 _ Härtemessungen an Wachsen 157 _ Additive für Lacke.
nach verschiedenen Methoden Geringer Aufwand-große Wirkung
R. Braun, O. Malitschek 155 _ From A for automobile to Z for Krendlinger, Michaelis
DGF Lecture 1983 zest coating. Waxes-properties, Journal für Oberflächentechnik
profile and applications 6/1999
147 _ Ein Beitrag zur Messung Krendlinger, Heinrichs, Erhardt
der Härte von Wachsen Chemia 56 (2002) p. 210-215 158 _ Body and tone your paints
R. Braun, H. Lambert ISSN 0009-4293 with additives
Fette – Seifen – Anstrichmittel, Krendlinger
6, p. 232 (1983) 156 _ Weniger ist manchmal mehr- Polymer Paints Colour Journal,
Wachse als Additive für 2/2001
148 _ Lubricants Pulverlacke
Eric Richter Krendlinger, Heinrichs
Plastics Additives Handbook, Journal für Oberflächentechnik
5th Edition Hanser Verlag/ 6/2000
Munich 2001

149 _ Gleitmittel
Eric Richter
Kunststoffe 7/1999

150 _ Gut gewachst

Eric Richter
Kunststoffe 12/1999

151 _ Für alle Fälle: Wachse für

Technische Kunststoffe
Eric Richter
Kunststoffe 9/2000

152 _ Lubricants for Film Manufacture

Eric Richter
Plastics Additives &
Compounding 11/2000

153 _ Waxes for colored PP Fibres

Rainer Bott/Eric Richter
Chemical Fibres International

154 _ Wachse im technischen Einsatz

Franz-Leo Heinrichs,
Ernst Krendlinger
Seife-Öle-Fette-Wachse, 126

Literature _ 103
Exactly your chemistry.

Please note

This information is based on our present state of knowledge and is intended

to provide general notes on our products and their uses.

It should not therefore be construed as guaranteeing specific properties of

Waxes by Clariant
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® = Trademark registered by Clariant in numerous countries.

Edition: May 2003/W 320 GB

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Internet: www.pa.clariant.com


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