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However you choose to play Warhammer 40,000, the recommendations in this document are designed to create the most balanced and enjoyable
experience for all players, taking into consideration the latest data and feedback from a wide variety of sources. They will be applied in full at all official
Games Workshop matched play and Crusade events, and reviewed periodically. Where existing passages of rules text are presented, new or revised
sections are marked in red. Entries marked with a have been newly added or revised since the previous iteration of this document.

Devastating Wounds Example 2: A Callidus Assassin’s Reign of Confusion Insane Bravery Stratagem
28 Delete the example from this ability, and ability, when used, increases the cost of one of 42 Change to:
change the text to: your opponent’s Stratagems by 1CP. This ability
does not specifically name a Stratagem, and so it
DEVASTATING WOUNDS can only be used to increase the CP cost of a Battle INSANE BRAVERY
Some weapons can inflict strikes of such power that Tactic Stratagem. CORE – EPIC DEED STRATAGEM
they make a mockery of armour.
STRATAGEMS THAT CAN BE USED MORE Indifferent to their own survival, these
warriors hold their ground against seemingly
Weapons with [DEVASTATING WOUNDS] in their profile THAN ONCE PER PHASE/TURN 1CP impossible odds.
are known as Devastating Wounds weapons. Each Rules that allow you to use a Stratagem even if
time an attack is made with such a weapon, if that another unit has been targeted by that Stratagem WHEN: Battle-shock step of your Command
attack scores a Critical Wound, no saving throw of this phase or turn, but that do not specify the name phase, just before you take a Battle-shock test
for a unit from your army (pg 11).
any kind can be made against that attack (including of the Stratagem, can only be used to use Battle
invulnerable saving throws). Such attacks are only Tactic Stratagems. TARGET: A unit from your army that must take a
allocated to models after all other attacks made by Battle-shock test.
the attacking unit have been allocated and resolved. EFFECT: Your unit automatically passes that
Battle-shock test.
Fire Overwatch Stratagem RESTRICTIONS: You cannot use this Stratagem
■ Saving throws cannot be made against 42 Change to: more than once per battle.
Critical Wounds scored by this weapon
(including invulnerable saving throws).
48 Change to:
A hail of wildfire can drive back advancing foes.
41 Add the following: WHEN: Your opponent’s Movement or Charge
phase, just after an enemy unit is set up or when
‘Models cannot see over or through this terrain
an enemy unit starts or ends a Normal, Advance,
Fall Back or Charge move.
feature (i.e. a unit outside this terrain feature cannot
TARGET: One unit from your army that is within
draw line of sight to a target on the other side of
 ules that modify the CP cost of a Stratagem when
R it, even if it would be possible to draw line of sight
24" of that enemy unit and that would be eligible
you target a particular unit can only do so for a to shoot if it were your Shooting phase. to that target through open windows, doors, etc.)
Stratagem that targets multiple units if every unit Aircraft models are exceptions to this – visibility
EFFECT: If that enemy unit is visible to your unit,
you target has the same ability to modify the CP of to and from such models is determined normally,
your unit can shoot that enemy unit as if it were
that Stratagem. your Shooting phase. even if this terrain feature is wholly in between them
and the observing model. Models can see into this
RESTRICTIONS: You cannot target a Titanic unit
 ules that modify the CP cost of a Stratagem but that
R terrain feature normally, and models that are wholly
with this Stratagem. Until the end of the phase,
do not specify the name of the Stratagem can only be each time a model in your unit makes a ranged within this terrain feature can see out of it normally.
used to affect the CP cost of Battle Tactic Stratagems. attack, an unmodified Hit roll of 6 is required Towering models that are within this terrain feature
This does not apply to the Air Caste Colossus, Striding to score a hit, irrespective of the attacking can also see out of it normally.’
Colossus or Towering Wraith Construct abilities. weapon’s Ballistic Skill or any modifiers. You can
only use this Stratagem once per turn.
Example 1: A Captain’s Rites of Battle ability enables
that model to be ‘targeted by a Stratagem for 0CP’.
This ability does not specifically name a Stratagem,
and so it can only be used to use a Battle Tactic
Stratagem for 0CP. Asurmen’s Tactical Acumen
ability, however, enables you to ‘target this model’s
unit with the Fire Overwatch Stratagem for 0CP’.
As the name of the Stratagem is specified, that
ability can be used even though Fire Overwatch is a
Strategic Ploy Stratagem.

Triumph of Saint Katherine, Relics of the Exaction Squad  arks of Chaos Detachment Rule,
Matriarchs, Simulacrum of the Ebon Chalice Unit Composition – change bullet points to: Restrictions Section
Change to: ‘■ 1 Proctor-Exactant Add an additional bullet point:
‘While a friendly Adepta Sororitas unit is within 6" ■ 9 Exaction Vigilants ‘■ A unit can only embark within (or start the battle
of this model, that unit can perform up to two Acts of ■ 0-1 Cyber-mastiff’ embarked within) a Transport if both of those
Faith per phase, instead of only one.’ units share one of the same keywords from the
Wargear Options – change the first bullet point to: list above.’
 p to 2 Exaction Vigilants can each have their
Arbites combat shotguns replaced with one of the Dark Obscuration Stratagem
Strands of Fate Army Rule following (duplicates are not allowed):’ Change Effect section to:
Change first sentence to: ‘EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, your unit has the
‘If your Army Faction is Aeldari, at the start of the ASTRA MILITARUM Stealth ability. In addition, if your unit is a Nurgle unit,
battle, make a Strands of Fate roll by rolling six D6.’ until the end of the phase, it can only be selected as
Voice of Command Army Rule the target of a ranged attack if the attacking model is
Fate’s Messenger Enhancement Change first paragraph to: within 18".’
Change to: ‘If your Army Faction is Astra Militarum, Officer
‘Aeldari model only. Once per turn, just after making models with this ability can issue Orders. Each Profane Zeal Stratagem
a Hit roll, a Wound roll or a saving throw for the bearer, Officer’s datasheet will specify how many Orders Change Target and Effect sections to:
you can treat the result as an unmodified roll of it can issue and which units are eligible to receive ‘TARGET: One Heretic Astartes Chaos Undivided
6 instead.’ those Orders. Each time an Officer model issues unit from your army that has not been selected to
an Order, select one of the Orders below, then select shoot or fight this phase.
Phantasm Stratagem one eligible friendly unit within 6" of that Officer EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, each time a model
Change Target and Effect sections to: model to issue it to. Officer models can issue Orders in your unit makes an attack, you can re‑roll the
‘TARGET: One Aeldari Infantry unit from your army. in your Command phase and at the end of a phase in Wound roll.’
EFFECT: Your unit can make a Normal move of up to which they disembarked from a Transport or were
D6". It cannot embark within a Transport at the end set up on the battlefield.’ Accursed Cultists
of this move.’ Objective Control Characteristic – change the OC of
BLOOD ANGELS Mutant and Torment models to 1.
Eldrad Ulthran, Diviner of Futures Ability
Change to: The Red Thirst Detachment Rule Accursed Horde Ability – change to:
‘At the start of the battle, when making your first Change to: ‘Accursed Horde: At the start of your Command
Strands of Fate roll, roll an additional three D6 (this ‘Each time an Adeptus Astartes unit from your phase, you can return either 1 destroyed Torment
means that roll will consist of nine D6).’ army is selected to fight, if that unit made a Charge model or up to 3 destroyed Mutant models to
move this turn, until the end of the phase, add 2 to this unit.’
Night Spinner, Monofilament Web Ability the Strength characteristic and add 1 to the Attacks
Change to: characteristic of melee weapons equipped by models
‘In your Shooting phase, after this model has in that unit.’
shot, if one or more of those attacks made with its
doomweaver scored a hit against an enemy unit, that CHAOS DAEMONS
enemy unit is pinned until the end of your opponent’s
next turn. While a unit is pinned, subtract 2" from its Daemonic Pact Rule
Move characteristic and subtract 2 from Advance and Add an additional paragraph:
Charge rolls made for it.’ ‘In addition, for each of the following keywords, the
number of non-Battleline units with that keyword
The Yncarne, Inevitable Death Ability you include in this way cannot be greater than the
Change to: number of Battleline units with that keyword you
‘Once in each of your turns, if this model is on the include in this way:
battlefield, when another unit is destroyed, just ■ Khorne
after removing the last model in that unit, you can ■ Tzeentch
remove this model from the battlefield and set it up ■ Nurgle
again as close as possible to where that destroyed ■ Slaanesh’
model was and not within Engagement Range of any
enemy models.’

Wraithguard, War Construct Ability

Change to:
‘Once per battle round, when an enemy unit targets
this unit, after that unit has finished making its
attacks, this unit can shoot as if it were your Shooting
phase. When doing so, it must target only that enemy
unit, and can only do so if that enemy unit is an
eligible target.’

Add Bolt Weapons section to accompany the
Spread the Sickness Detachment Rule Cult Ambush Army Rule
Add the following to the start of this rule: *BOLT WEAPONS Change the first paragraph to:
The following are bolt weapons: ‘If your Army Faction is Genestealer Cults, each
‘During the Declare Battle Formations step, select one ■ Absolvor bolt pistol time a unit with this ability is destroyed, roll one D6,
of the Sicknesses below. Until the end of the battle, all ■ Assault bolters adding 1 to the result if it is a Battleline unit, and
units from your army with the Nurgle’s Gift ability gain ■ Auto boltstorm gauntlets adding 1 to the result if it is the first or second battle
the selected Sickness. ■ Bolt carbine round. On a 5+, add a new unit to your army identical
■ Bolt pistol to your destroyed unit, in Cult Ambush, at its Starting
■ S kullsquirm Blight (Aura): While an enemy unit ■ Bolt rifle Strength and with all of its wounds remaining, and
is within Contagion Range of this unit, worsen the ■ Bolt sniper rifle you can place one Cult Ambush marker* anywhere on
Ballistic Skill and Weapon Skill characteristics ■ Boltgun the battlefield that is more than 9" horizontally away
of weapons equipped by models in that enemy ■ Boltstorm gauntlet from all enemy units (if this is not possible, no marker
unit by 1. ■ Centurion bolters is placed).’
■ Rattlejoint Ague (Aura): While an enemy unit is ■ Combi-bolter
within Contagion Range of this unit, worsen the ■ Combi-weapon Atalan Jackals, Outrider Gangs Ability
Save characteristic of models in that enemy unit ■ Deathwatch twin boltgun Change to:
by 1. ■ Forge bolter ‘Each time you use the Cult Ambush ability to set
■ Scabrous Soulrot (Aura): While an enemy unit is ■ Heavy bolt pistol this unit back up on the battlefield, in addition to the
within Contagion Range of this unit, worsen the ■ Heavy bolt rifle normal rules, all of its models must be set up wholly
Leadership and Objective Control characteristics ■ Heavy bolter within 9" of a battlefield edge and at least one of its
of models in that enemy unit by 1 (to a minimum ■ Hellfire Extremis models must be touching one of your Cult Ambush
of 1).’ ■ Infernus heavy bolter – heavy markers (that marker is then removed from the
bolter profile battlefield). If this cannot be done, this unit cannot be
Change the parenthesis at the end of the current ■ Instigator bolt carbine set back up.’
rule to: ■ Long Vigil ranged weapon
‘(so enemy units within Contagion Range of it will ■ Marksman bolt carbine GREY KNIGHTS
have their characteristics modified).’ ■ Master-crafted bolt rifle
■ Master-crafted boltgun Haloed in Soulfire Stratagem, Type
Biologus Putrifier, ■ Master-crafted heavy bolt rifle Change to ‘Strategic Ploy Stratagem’.
Explosive Maladies Ability ■ Master-crafted scoped bolt carbine
Change to: ■ Master-crafted special issue bolt pistol  emesis Dreadknight and
‘In your Shooting phase, you can select one model ■ Occulus bolt carbine Grand Master in Nemesis Dreadknight
from your army with this ability as the target of the ■ Special issue bolt pistol Change the heavy psycannon, Nemesis daemon
Grenade Stratagem for 0CP, and can do so even ■ Sternguard bolt pistol greathammer and Nemesis greatsword profiles to:
if you have already targeted a different unit with ■ Sternguard bolt rifle
that Stratagem this phase. Each model can only be ■ Sternguard heavy bolter Heavy psycannon [IGNORES COVER, PSYCHIC]
selected for this ability once per battle.’ ■ Storm bolter RANGE A BS S AP D
■ Twin bolt rifle
24" 6 3+ 10 -2 3
DEATHWATCH ■ Twin boltgun
■ Twin heavy bolter
Dragonfire Rounds Stratagem ■ Vigil spear Nemesis daemon greathammer [PSYCHIC]
Change Effect section to: RANGE A WS S AP D
‘EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, bolt weapons*
Melee 5 3+ 14 -3 D6+1
equipped by models in your unit have the [ASSAULT] DRUKHARI
and [IGNORES COVER] abilities.’
P ower From Pain Army Rule, Nemesis greatsword [PSYCHIC]
Hellfire Rounds Stratagem Empowered Through Pain Section RANGE A WS S AP D
Change Effect section to: Change the effect on units Empowered in the
Strike Melee 5 2+ 10 -2 D6
‘EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, bolt weapons* Shooting or Fight phase to:
(excluding Devastating Wounds weapons) equipped ‘Each time a model in that unit makes an attack, Sweep Melee 10 2+ 5 -1 1
by models in your unit have the [ANTI-INFANTRY 2+] and you can re-roll the Hit roll and, if it is a melee attack, Before selecting targets for this weapon, select one of its profiles to
make attacks with.
[ANTI-MONSTER 5+] abilities.’ improve the Armour Penetration characteristic of that
attack by 1.’
Kraken Rounds Stratagem
Change Effect section to: Archon, Leader Section
‘EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, improve the Change to:
Armour Penetration characteristic of bolt weapons* ‘This model can be attached to the following units:
equipped by models in your unit by 1 and improve the ■ Court of the Archon
range characteristic of those weapons by 6".’ ■ Incubi
■ Kabalite Warriors’

C ode Chivalric Army Rule, Deeds Worthy of Saga Detachment Rule Berzerker Glaive Enhancement
Lay Low the Tyrant Change to: Change to:
Change the Oath Ability to: ‘At the end of each player’s turn, you can select one ‘World Eaters model only. Add 1 to the Attacks and
‘Each time this model is selected to shoot or fight, of the Sagas listed below. If that Saga was completed Damage characteristics of melee weapons equipped
you can re-roll one Hit roll and you can re-roll one by your army during that turn, all Adeptus Astartes by the bearer.’
Wound roll.’ models from your army gain the associated benefit
until the end of the battle. You can only select each Favoured of Khorne Enhancement
Bondsman Abilities Saga once per battle. Change to:
Change to: ‘World Eaters model only. Once per battle, when
‘Some Questoris models have a Bondsman ability, SAGA OF THE WARRIOR BORN you make a Blessings of Khorne roll, before doing
tagged with the word ‘Bondsman’. In your Command ■ T his Saga is completed if one or more Adeptus anything else, the bearer can use this Enhancement.
phase, one or more models from your army with a Astartes Character models from your army If it does, discard all of the dice from that roll and
Bondsman ability can use that ability. For each one destroyed one or more enemy Character make a new Blessings of Khorne roll. This new roll
that does, select one friendly Armiger model within models during that turn. does not count as a re-roll, so any rules that enable
12" of that model (you cannot select an Armiger ■ Benefit Once Completed: Melee weapons you to re-roll or manipulate individual dice (e.g. Icon
model that is already being affected by a Bondsman equipped by Adeptus Astartes models from of Khorne) can still be used.’
ability). Until the start of your next Command phase, your army have the [SUSTAINED HITS 1] ability.
the Armiger model you selected is affected by that  orld Eaters Daemon Prince,
Bondsman ability.’ SAGA OF MAJESTY Infernal Fortitude Ability
■ T his Saga is completed if you controlled one Change to:
Thunderstomp Stratagem, Type or more objective markers in your opponent’s ‘While a friendly World Eaters Infantry unit is
Change to ‘Epic Deed Stratagem’. deployment zone at the end of that turn, and within 6" of this model, models in that unit have a
one or more Adeptus Astartes Character 5+ invulnerable save, unless they already have an
Trophy Claim Stratagem, CP Cost models from your army were within range of that invulnerable save, in which case they have a 4+
Change to ‘2CP’. objective marker. invulnerable save.’
■ Benefit Once Completed: Improve the Objective
Valiant Last Stand Stratagem, CP Cost Control characteristic of Adeptus Astartes
Change to ‘2CP’. models from your army by 1.


■ T his Saga is completed if one or more Adeptus
Ruthless Efficiency Detachment Rule Astartes Character models from your army
Change first two paragraphs to: were reduced to below half of their starting
‘At the start of the battle, select a number of units number of wounds during that turn, but were not
from your opponent’s army depending on the battle destroyed at the end of that turn.
size, as shown below: ■ Benefit Once Completed: Adeptus Astartes
models from your army have the Feel No Pain
■ Incursion: 2 units 6+ ability.
■ Strike Force: 4 units
■ Onslaught: 6 units SAGA OF THE BEASTSLAYER
■ T his Saga is completed if one or more Adeptus
Each of those units start the battle with 2 Judgement Astartes Character models from your army
tokens (see Eye of the Ancestors). destroyed one or more enemy Monster or
Vehicle models during that turn.
If, at the start of any of your Command phases, any ■ Benefit Once Completed: Melee weapons
of those units have been destroyed, you gain a equipped by Adeptus Astartes models from
number of CP depending on how early in the battle your army have the [LETHAL HITS] ability.’
you destroyed it, as shown below (you can only gain
CP in this way once per battle, and CP gained in this
way are an exemption to the Core Rules that limit the
maximum number of CP you can gain per battle round
to 1).’

Desolation Squad, Unit Composition
Change bullet points to:
‘■ 1 Desolation Sergeant
■4  Desolation Marines’

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