Class 8

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T.M – 80M TIME – 3 HR


Q.1) Choose the correct options:- [10M]

1. An agriculture implement use since ancient times for telling the soil adding fertilizers removing weeds etc is-

a) hoe. b) combine. c) plough. d) seed drill.

2. The process of conversation of sugar into alcohol in the absence of oxygen is called -

a) pasteurisation. b) vaccination. c) fermentation. d) Decomposition.

3. Coal is processed in industries to get some useful products which of the following is not obtained from coal -

a) Coke. b) Coal gas. c) Coal tar. d) CNG.

4. The world first oil well was drilled in -

a) USSR. b) USR. c) India. d) UK

5. Shyam was cooking potato curry on a chulha to his surprise he observed that the copper vessel was getting
black in from outside it may be due to -

a) proper combustion of fuel.

b) proper cooking of potato curry.

c) improper combustion of the fuel.

d) meaning of copper vessel.

6. On placing an inverted tumblr over a burning candle the flame extinguish after sometime this is because of
non availability of-

a) oxygen. b) carbon dioxide. c) water vapour. d) wax.

7. In a large commercial complex there are four ways to reach the main road one of the path has loose soil the
second is laid with polished marble the third is laid with bricks and The fourth has gravel surface it is raining
heavily and Paheli wishes to reach the main road the path on which she is least likely to slip is -

a) Loose soil. b) polished marble. c) bricks. d) gravel.

8. To sharpen The Blade of a knife by rubbing it against the surface which of the following will be most suitable
a) stone. b) Plastic block. c) wooden block. d) glass block.

9. Boojho's uncle has set up an electroplating factory near his village he should dispose of the waste of the
factory -

a) nearby river. c,) in the nearby cornfield

b) in the nearby pond. d) according to the disposals guideline of the local authority.

10. Which of the following metals is used in electroplating to make objects appear shine.

a) iron. b) copper. c) chromium. d) Aluminium.

Q.2) Fill in the blanks :-

1. An electric lamp glows due to ____________ effect of electric current.

2. The force that always opposes the applied force is called ___________.

3. Splitting of light into its constituents colour is known as __________.

4. The most comfortable distance at which one reads with the normal eye is about _______cm.

5. Food is also obtained from reared animals called __________.

Q.3) State True or false and correct the false statement:-

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