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PHOBIA  Cognitive theorists believe that some

 Persistent avoidance behavior individuals engage in negative and
secondary to irrational feel of a irrational thinking that produces
specific object, activity, or situation. anxiety reactions.
 Excessive irrational fear of a specific  The individual begins to seek out
object, circumstance, or situation. avoidance behaviors to prevent the
PHOBIA CLASSIFICATION anxiety reactions, and phobias result.
 Social Phobia  Temperament
 Specific Phobia  Life experience
 Other phobic anxiety disorder CLINICAL FEATURES
 Phobic anxiety disorder, unspecified  Cannot be explained the reason away.
PRE DISPOSING FACTORS OF PHOBIA  Fear leads to an avoidance of the
 Freud believed that phobias develop TYPES OF PHOBIA
when a child experiences normal  SIMPLE PHOBIA (SPECIFIC PHOBIA)
incestuous feeling toward the irrational fear of a specific object or
opposite sex parent (Oedipal/Electra stimulus.
complex) and fears aggression from  Commonly seen in children.
the same-sex parent (castration  Exposure to phobic object result in
anxiety) panic attacks.
 Classic conditioning in the case of  Ailurophobia – Cats
phobias may be explained as follows:  Alophobia – Pain
stressful stimulus produces an  Anthophobia – Flowers
“unconditioned” response of fear.  Anthropophobia – People
COGNITIVE THEORY  Aquaphobia – Water
 Arachnophobia – Spider
 Astraphobia – Lightning SOCIAL PHOBIA
 Belonephobia – Needles  Irrational fear of performing activities
 Brontophobia – Thunder in the presence of other people or
 Claustrophobia – Closed spaces interacting with others.
 Cynophobia – Dogs AGORAPHOBIA
 Dementophia – Insanity  Irrational fear of being places away
 Equinophobia – Horses from the familiar setting of home, in
 Gamophobia – Marriage crowds, or the situations in which the
 Herpetophobia – Lizard, Reptiles patients cannot leave easily.
 Homophobia – Homosexuality COURSE
 Murophobia – Mice  Phobia are more common in women.
 Mysophobia – Dirt, germs,  Onset is sudden without any cause.
contamination  The course is usually chronic.
 Numerophobia – Numbers MANAGEMENT
 Nyctophobia – Darkness  Supportive therapy
 Ochophobia – Riding a car  Individual psychotherapy
 Ophidiophobia – Snakes
 Pyrophobia – Fire BEHAVIORAL THERAPY
 Scoleciphobia – Worms  Systematic desensitization
 Siderodromophobia – Railroads or  Implosion therapy (flooding)
Train travel  Regroup/family therapy
 Taphophobia – Being buried alive PHARMACOLOGICAL MANAGEMENT
 Thanatophobia – Death  ANXIOLITICS – Benzodiazepines
 Trichophobia – Hair  ANTIHYPERTENSIVE AGENTS – Beta
 Xenophobia – Strangers blockers, propranolol and atenolol,
 Zoophobia – Animal have been tried with success in clients
experiencing anticipatory
performance anxiety or “stage fright”
imipramine and the monoamine
oxidaze (MAO) inhibitor phenelzine
have been effective in diminishing
symptoms of agoraphobia and social
phobia and the SSRI’s have become
the first-line treatment of choice for
social phobia.
 Fear related to causing
embarrassment to self in front of
others; to being in a place from which
one is unable to escape.
 Social isolation related to fears of
being in a place from which one is
unable to escape, evidenced by
staying alone, refusing to leave room
or home.

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