Aristotle:: and Salvation in Another Realm, in A Better World (Cf. Afterlife)

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WESTERN PHILOSOPHICAL • Spirit/Passion: accounts for

PERSPECTIVES ON THE the basic emotions such as love,

Ancient Philosophy anger, ambition,
1000 BC to 500 AD aggressiveness, empathy
3 Periods: – These are in a dynamic
– Pre-Socratics (The Milesians) relationship with each other:
– The Ancient Triumvirate in agreement or in conflict.
– Post-Aristotelians But it is the responsibility of
the Reason to restore harmony
Pre-Socratics among the three.
• Cosmo-centric: There is a – Harmony: Justice in the
fundamental principle/thing that individual, social and political
underlies everything else, levels.
including the human self: • Aristotle:
– Thales: Water – The mind (self) is a blank tablet
– Anaximander: Apeiron – – The self consists of matter and
“Boundless Something” form; matter is in a continuous
– Anaximenes: Air process of developing and
• Others: Democritus (atom), becoming.
Heraclitus (fire), – The process of completion is
Anaxagoras through experiences as knowledge
(nous/mind), is acquired through the senses
(and this knowledge is true).
Pythagoras (numbers) – But this self comes from a First
Cause, the source of all changes
In what ways do I get to know although unchangeable in Itself.
myself? – The goal of the human self is
reached in happiness through
According to: The Ancient moderation or balance of things.
Triumvirate The Post-Aristotelians
• Socrates: • Maintains the dualism between
– Two Aspects of Reality body and soul
• Physical world : changeable, • More ethical in their ideas (moral
transient, and imperfect; World of norms attainment of
Senses/Matter happiness)
• Spiritual world: unchanging, – Stoicism: apathy or
eternal, perfect; The World of indifference to pleasure
Ideas/Form – Hedonism: “Eat, drink and
– Our souls (self) strive for be happy, for tomorrow, you
wisdom and perfection, and will die.”
reason is the soul’s tool to achieve – Epicureanism: moderate
such state. pleasure
– The soul is a unified,
indissoluble, immortal entity that
remains the same over time, and Is the self-related to a supreme
that is in the very likeness of the being/God?
divine. Who am I in relation to a supreme
Other philosopher: being/ God?
• Plato:
– 3-part soul/self (psyche) Based from the
• Reason: the divine essence Medieval Philosophy
that lets us think deeply (wisdom), • 500 AD to 1350
make wise choices and
achieve a true understanding of • Theo-centric
eternal truths. • From the scientific investigation
• Physical Appetite: accounts on nature and search for
for the basic biological needs such happiness to the question of life
as and salvation in another realm, in a
hunger, thirst and sexual better world (cf. afterlife)
• Influence from ancient thought:
– The (human) self endures • Period of radical social,
through time. political and intellectual
Medieval Philosophy developments
• Rather imposing than informing, • Genuine knowledge has to
because it was trying to aim at be based on independent rational
paganism and barbarism. inquiry and real world
experimentation, rather than
• There was an aim to merge dependent on knowledge handed
philosophy and religion (Christian, down by authorities.
Jewish, Muslim) René Descartes: A Rationalist
St. Augustine • “Cogito ergo sum.” – “I think,
• Integrates Platonic ideas with the therefore, I am.”
tenets of Christianity • Human identity: self-awareness
• Self: A thinking thing
• Platonic Realm of Idea/Forms: • Self: can exist independently of
the Christian philosophy of a the body
transcendent God: the self strives – But doesn’t deny the association
to achieve union with God through of the body to the self
faith and reason. • Dualism: thinking (spiritual) self
vs. physical body
• The finite, temporary world of • The spiritual self (governed by
Plato becomes a proving ground for the laws of reason and God’s will)
our eternal destinies: such that the surpasses the physical self
the human person becomes whole (governed by the laws of nature).
with both body and soul (more • Yet the intimate connection
unified view). between the soul and the body is
Anthony de Mello, SJ undeniable (pineal gland)
• Identity
“How does one seek union John Locke: An Empiricist
with God?” • Knowledge originates in our
“The harder you seek, the direct sense experience.
more distance you create between • Reason plays a subsequent role
Him and you.” in figuring out the significance of
“So what does one do, about our sense experience and in
the distance?” reaching intelligent conclusions.
“Understand that isn’t there” John Locke: An Empiricist
“Does that mean that God and • The self is not necessarily
I are one?” embedded in a single substance or
“Not one, not two” soul, but exists in space and time,
“How is that possible?” – Every aspect of the physical
“The sun and its light, the body is integrated with personal
ocean and the wave, the singer and identity. The body changes. The
his song – not one: Not Two” physical self changes.

• But the self endures because of

How can I be sure that memory.
the self exists?
• Conscious awareness and
What are the proofs memory of previous experiences
that the self exists? are the keys to understanding the
Based from readings on
Modern Philosophy David Hume: Empiricist, Skeptic
14th century to the early 20th & Nihilist
century • There is no self!
Modern Philosophy • Empiricism
Anthropocentric = centered on the – Impressions – basic
human person sensations of experiences
• Thinkers began to reject the – Ideas – copies of our
scholastics’ (medieval thinkers) impressions
excessive reliance on authority
– *Impressions form a fleeting – Unconscious (contains the
stream of sensations basic instinctual drives including
– *No constant and invariable sexuality, aggressiveness, and self-
self that exists as a destruction; traumatic memories;
unified identity over the unfulfilled wishes and childhood
course of life. fantasies; thoughts and feelings
that would be considered socially
• The self is a “bundle or collection taboo.)
of different perceptions, which Gilbert Ryle: A Physicalist
succeed each other in an • Behaviorism: No more dichotomy
inconceivable rapidity, and are in by denying the inner selves,
perpetual flux and movement.” immortal souls, states of
Immanuel Kant consciousness, or unconscious
• Contests Hume’s idea by alluding entities
to the primary experience of the
world that is not a disconnected • The self is defined in terms of
stream of sensations. behavior that is presented to the
• A priori concepts: fundamental
organizing rules or principles built • The self is a pattern of behavior,
into the architecture of the mind, the tendency or disposition for a
which categorize, organize and person to behave in a certain way
synthesize sense data into the in certain circumstances.
familiar fabric of our lives , Paul Churchland: A Physicalist
bounded by space and time. • Eliminative Materialism:
– They are innate. grounded in neuroscience
– Unity of consciousness that
makes the world • The mind/self is the brain
intelligible Let us answer this
Immanuel Kant
• The self actively organizes all the Describe what happens
sensations and thoughts into a to you when you fall in
picture that makes sense to each love—physically,
one of us. WE CONSTRUCT THE emotionally, mentally
SELF! (cognitively).
Contemporary Philosophy
• The self is not an object located • Late 19th century
in the consciousness, but rather, it • Political revolution
is a subject, an organizing • Industrial Revolution
principle that makes a unified and • Scientific advancements and
intelligible experience possible. growth of materialism
• Theory of Evolution
• The self exists independently of • More humanist as a response
and transcends experiences. to the so-called alienation
of the human person.
• The self is a transcendental Edmund Husserl
unifying principle of • The father of Phenomenology
Sigmund Freud • We experience our self as a unity
• Founded the psychoanalytic in which the mental and physical
school of psychology are seamlessly woven together.
Maurice Merleau-Ponty
• The self is multi-tiered/multi- • “lived body”
– Conscious (governed by the • An entity that can never be
reality principle; at this level, objectified or known in a
behavior and experience are completely objective sort of way, as
organized in ways that are opposed to the “body as object” of
rational, practical and appropriate the dualists.
to the social environment.)
– Preconscious
• “There is no duality of substance  The concept of personality is a
but a dialectic of living being in its descriptive one.
biological  It describes how an individual
milieu (environment).” adapts to his or her cultural
Take note: surroundings.
Personality is the basic organization
• Both Husserl and Merleau- Ponty of individuals that determines the
agree that our living body is a uniqueness of their behavior.
natural synthesis of mind and
biology.  The basic organization
refers to the structure of
• Phenomenological approach: the PERSONALITY – how
describe the phenomena of the it is put together, and the
lived experience (reducing biases) relationships among the
by describing what your immediate various parts.
responses are— physically,  It consists of the total
emotionally, cognitively. physical, intellectual, and
SOCIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE emotional structure of the
Choose your self-presentations  Each one is unique. Your
carefully, for what starts out as a total personality structure
mask may become your face” – will determine your
Erving Goffman particular way of
How would you answer the  Each one of you has your
question: own way of interacting
“Who are you?” with others and with your
social environment.
The sociological perspective of the
self will let you explore the Some Aspects of Personality
importance of the self in relation to  Physical characteristics
the society.  Abilities
 Interests
It will let you examine how your  Beliefs
attitudes and behavior is influenced  Habits
by social interactions and
relationships. The Influence of Heredity and
And as you try to understand fully Is it “nature or nurture”?
yourself, this topic will facilitate you
to accept and be more tolerant of If culture affects all aspects of your
the differences that you have and personality, what role then does
that of others for you to live in a heredity play in your personality
harmonious way and be productive development?
in society. Heredity
 Characteristics that are
Sociology - is the study of society, innate, present at birth –
patterns of social relationships, physical characteristics, like
social interaction and culture of hair, skin, and eye color and
everyday life. body size.
 It is the transmitting of genetic
SOCIALIZING THE INDIVIDUAL characteristics from your
Personality Development parents to you. We inherit basic
 In what ways do you like all needs and capacities.
other people?  Heredity gives you biological
 In what ways you only like needs. Your culture determines
some other people? how you meet these needs.
 In what ways don’t you like no
 Heredity plays an important
other people?
role in shaping human
What is personality?
personalities by setting limits At birth, you cannot talk, walk, feed
on individuals. yourselves, or even protect yourself
 Inherited characteristics place from harm.
limits on what is possible, but it  You know nothing about the
will not determine what you will ways of your culture or society.
do and what kind of personality Then, through interaction with
you will have. other people and your
environment, you are developed
Birth order into individuals who have
– your personality is also knowledge of your culture – you
influenced by whether you have become participants of your
brothers, sisters, both, or neither. society.
– Were you born first, last, or  This process of cultural
in between? Do you have only molding, how individuals learn
sisters or only brothers – or both? the basic skills, values, beliefs,
– Think about ways in which and behavior patterns of the
your own life situation could have society, is called
been different, and how your SOCIALIZATION.
personality might have been affected
by these factors. The Socialization Process

Parents The following theories will help you

• How might you be affected by understand how we become
your parents’ age? socialized and develop our identity,
• Parents amount of education, or self.
religious beliefs, ethnic
backgrounds, economic/social 1. JOHN LOCKE (1632-1704)
status, occupations, and
communities in which they live, John Locke was an English
all contribute to the personality philosopher who insisted that each
development of an individual. newly born individual was a tabula
rasa – or clean slate, on which could
be written just about anything.
Subcultures The social self is the way that you
– a subculture is a portion of see yourselves as a result of
a society that has enough interacting with others
characteristics of its own to set it
apart, and yet is included within the 2. CHARLES HORTON COOLEY
general society. (1864-1929)
 Charles Horton Cooley was an
The cultural environment American sociologist who
– every culture is different. developed the theory about
– These cultural differences affect the social self.
your personality development.  He observed that you only
– It is cultural environment that begin to have a sense of your
makes individuals human. own self – of who you are and
– It makes you embrace your what you are like – after you
similarities and celebrate your notice how others see you.
differences.  He called his theory “the
looking glass theory”.
Try This! Read a Bit  According to Cooley, you are
Read the following additional as other people see you. You
reading material on the influence of can only see yourselves only
heredity and environment in as others see you. And what
personality development. they see is what you are. You
are continually changing your
“The 10 Heartbreaking Stories of personality as you adjust your
Feral Children. “ self-image to the way you are
viewed by the rest of society.
How do you react when others see to be fundamental in any
you differently from the way you see anthropological discourse.
yourself? Culture is considered a way of life –
it encompasses the values,
3. GEORGE HERBERT MEAD behaviors, beliefs, customs,
(1863-1931) languages and traditions of a
particular social or ethnic group.
“seeing yourselves as others see you Your goal here is to help deepen
is only the beginning” your classmates’ awareness and
Two kinds of people appreciation of the ethnic group’s
“significant others and the I-self” cultural identity.
-You can act in a way that is
not expected of someone in your role The development of culture and its
because of your I-self. impact on shaping the self, appear
“generalized others and the Me- to be fundamental in any
self” anthropological discourse. Culture
- It comes from our continual is considered a way of life – it
interaction with our social encompasses the values, behaviors,
environment. It is our objective beliefs, customs, languages and
social identity. traditions of a particular social or
ethnic group.
The I-Self and the Me-Self
To summarize : Our country has a rich history of
- Your personality is socially diverse cultures with colonial
created, and develops through social influences. With the numerous
interaction. ethnic groups in the country, we
- Each time you step into a social could just imagine how hybrid our
situation, you respond to your cultural identities are. In this
surroundings. And you add to that activity, you will have a grasp on the
your unique experiences. different cultures of the country by
- This combination produces looking unto the uniqueness of each
your SOCIAL SELF. of the ethnic groups in the regional
and national levels.
Perspectives Contemporary Anthropology
“The main purpose of anthropology “Every man is in certain respects
is to make the world safe for human like all other men, like some other
indifferences” men, and like no other man.”
– Ruth Benedict
According to psychologist Henry
Your racial category, family Murray and anthropologist Clyde
structure, ethnic affiliation, religious Kluckhohn. This is how
customs, language, social beliefs Anthropologist viewed the pre-
and values, cultural expression and contemporary and contemporary
identification indubitably contribute human persons are.
on your formation as a person, and The pre-contemporary view of
accordingly, on your self-construal. human nature demonstrated
sameness, invariability, and
What is anthropology? universality where man was
How does anthropology shape your regarded as identical, constant, and
sense of self? general
It is concerned about the various
aspects of the human species, The Concept of Culture
irrespective of time and place, from
 Cultural anthropology being
ancient to the contemporary.
one of the sub-disciplines of
anthropology underscores the
The development of culture and its
concept of culture and its
impact on shaping the self, appear
influence in shaping the self.
 All these illuminate your way are regarded as part of the
of life and all these elements norms and representations of
form part of the culture you some cultures.
were raised to.
 Culture is a broad construct The following pictures below
which covers a wide range of exemplify how our CULTURES are
elements: projected through our BODIES.

- from your clothing designs  Apo Whang-Od Oggay, the

to your food preferences, Living Legend Mambabatok
- the dialect you use for (Tattoo Artist) of the Butbut
communicating, Tribe in Buscalan, Kalinga
- the festivals you enjoy,  A woman from the Mursi Tribe
- the religious beliefs and in South Ethiopia, Africa with
customs you observe, her profound lip and earlobe
- the set of values you plates.
conform to, or  A woman from the Karen
- even the kinds of books you Tribe (also known as Padaung
read, or People) of Thailand with heavy
- the jokes you crack brass rings on the neck.
 A member of the Bagobo
Our Bodies and Culture people from coastal Mindanao
in the Philippines with filed
Recall some circumstances in your and blackened teeth.
life where you pursued a particular
fashion statement or modified your The Self Embedded In Culture
body image because it is what’s “in”
or it is what seems typical based on The figure below illustrates a
your cultural context. hypothetical self-concept of
Yes or No? Mr. Juan Dela Cruz.
 Did you ever go through
tattooing or body piercing
because these convey
something about your status?
 What about having been
restricted of wearing revealing
clothes because it is
considered a taboo?


 Or had you ever been PERSPECTIVE
refrained from letting your
hair be cut because of some “Everything that irritates us about
religious beliefs? others can lead us to an
understanding of ourselves” – Carl
If you answered in the affirmative Jung
then you probably adhere unto the
proposition that culture influences William James – “ Me-Self and I-
our body image. Consciously or Self “
unconsciously, your body image or  a man's self is the “sum total
your perception of your body or that of all that he can call his, not
of others is largely influenced by only his body and his psychic
your culture. powers, but his clothes and
his house, his wife and
 Your bodies and what you do children, his ancestors and
with it is a reflection of the life friends, his reputation and
you live and the culture you works, his lands and horses,
were accustomed to. and yacht and bank-account.”
 Body modifications and
embellishments for instance
James proposed that the self has
two facets: From there, it emerges the concept
 The I-Self is said to be the self of the self as PROACTIVE AND
in action or as subject; AGENTIC.
- aspect of the self that SELF AS PROACTIVE is
does the acting, constructive; it is optimistic that it
thinking, and feeling. can get through whatever
- known as the self as the adversities it may encounter.
knower or perceiver.
 The Me-Self is refers to the AN AGENTIC SELF is one who
self as an object; takes charge of his choices and
- it is that facet of the self actions; it is self-reflective and self-
which is the known or regulating.
the perceived.
Bandura views people as being more
The ME-SELF or EMIPIRICAL than just mere planners and fore
SELF is of 3 components: thinkers.
-Material Self which
encompasses all of our important We are agents of change; we can be
possessions as well as the people we actively involved in shaping our own
treasure; lives because we are equipped with
-Social Self involved how we the cognitive faculty and capacity to
think we are viewed and regarded by do so.
others and also our instinctive
desire to be recognized; We can be highly motivated and not
- Spiritual Self contains our easily discouraged when he faced
subjective dispositions like our self- with challenges.
appraised abilities, beliefs,
attitudes, emotions, An agentic and proactive self
believes that no matter how big the
Carl Rogers – “Real Self and Ideal problem may seem to be, he or she
Self “ can overcome it.
Two essential components of the
self: Murray Bowen- “Differentiated
The real self ; speaks of how Self”
we genuinely appraise ourselves.  one of the forerunners of
- the self that feels most family therapy and notable for
true to what and who we really are. having developed a family
- may not be perfect but systems theory,
it is the part of us that feel most  posited on the differentiation
real. of selves.
- refers to the degree to
The ideal self - denotes one’s which one is able to balance:
view of self as one wishes to be. (a) emotional and
- it contains attributes, intellectual functioning, and
usually positive, that people aspire
to possess. (b) intimacy and
autonomy in relationship
Albert Bandura “ Proactive and Donald Woods Winnicott - “True
Agentic Self” and False Selves”
 advocated the social cognitive  an English psychoanalyst who
theory of learning. conceptualized the true and
 this learning perspective false selves.
contends that human  true self is based on our
behavior results from authentic experiences as a
vicarious learning, through the person.
experiences of other people.  false self, also referred to as a
 Self-efficacy - one’s conviction fake self or superficial self, is
or belief that he or she can our defense against the
take on a certain task vulnerabilities or
successfully. imperfections of our real self.
the ways of fate. As we voyage along
Psychological Needs through life, it’s the act of the soul
The need to have joy and that determines the goal and not the
laughter in your life. The calmness of the strife.”
sense that we can experience - Ella Wilcox
elation and light heartedness. “WHO AM I?”
The Eastern world comprises of
 Safety nations in ASIAN while the Western
The need to feel physically world consists of countries which
and psychologically safe. Free are geographically located in
from emotional and physical EUROPE AND NORTH AMERICA.
threats or harm.
 Belonging The perceived dichotomy between
A sense that someone truly the East and the West is not only
cares about you. That you are GEOGRAPHICAL but more of
in a mutual and loving CULTURAL as it encompasses
relationship with another differences in terms of beliefs and
person. modes of thinking, values and ways
 Recognition of life.
A sense that you are Divergences between the two are
acknowledged for what you apparent even in terms of
accomplish and who you are. understanding concepts like truth,
To feel significant, that you justice, and the self
make an impact.
 Freedom “I am John Doe, a clever basketball
The need to have choice in your player and Trainor. I used to live in
life, to have a sense of control Toronto but I moved in here for new
over the decisions that direct experiences. Aside from I enjoy
your behavior. To be free from a dancing, I also find fulfillment in
sense of external control. basketball coaching. In fact, I am
one of the most amateur coaches in
 Fun basketball in our village”.
The need to have joy and Another one:
laughter in your life. The sense
that we can experience elation “I am Juan Dela Cruz, a full-blooded
and light heartedness. Ilocano. I am the youngest in a
brood of five; I also love playing
 Self-Esteem basketball and an avid fan of
The need to feel competent & Toronto Raptors”.
confident. The sense that you
can achieve results, make good If you’re on the same class as the
decisions, and you will stand characters above, how would you
by your principles. present yourself in the group? ( Go
over your answers in our previous
 Safety lesson last time and checked it out!)
The need to feel physically and The aforementioned scenario
psychologically safe. Free from captures individualistic and
emotional and physical threats collectivistic orientations toward the
or harm self which are espoused by the
Western and Eastern worldviews
THE SELF IN respectively.
“One ship sails east and another The INDIVIDUALISTIC Perspective
sails west with the same self–wind  views the SELF as one that is
that blow, it’s the set of the sail and independent from others; it is
not the gale that determines the way a separate, autonomous, and
we go. As the winds of the sea are distinct entity.
 prefer to express their unique  Outer-world dependent:
inner attributes, abilities, Searching outside yourself –
personal preferences and through research and analysis
achievements.  Science/evidence-based
 The individualistic thought culture: What can be
recognizes individual proven/measured is deemed
differences; it tends to prize the truth
autonomy over collective  Man is an element of the
wisdom and effort where the Divine
individual is a regarded a self- Eastern (Classical Indian and
made whose success and Chinese Philosophies)
happiness do not necessarily  Inner-world dependent:
depend on others, not even to Searching inside yourself –
the society in general through meditation and right
The COLLECTIVISTIC thought living
 all things are seen as  Evidence is meaningless;
interdependent and truth is given and does not
inseparable parts and parcels have to be proven
of the larger social world.  Man is a part of the cosmic
 One of the most unity
distinguishing hallmarks of Western (Greek and Judeo-
the Eastern worldview is the Christian Traditions)
awareness on unity and  Life is a service (to God,
mutual interrelation of all money, business, etc.)
things and events in life.  The journey of mankind is
 Collectivists recognize that linear; everything has its
their identity and self-esteem beginning and end.
are wrapped up in their group  Action is not necessarily a
and so they would more likely translation of the mind.
value promoting group  The concept of “Me”: the true
harmony and cohesion, “me” is a part of the Divine
belonging and fitting-in. that need not become
apparent: it is given, does not
EASTERN AND WESTERN have to be cognizable
THOUGHTS Eastern (Classical Indian and
Western (Greek and Judeo- Chinese Philosophies)
Christian Traditions)  Life is a journey towards
 Individualism/Fragmentary/ eternal realities outside the
Dualistic: A human being has world
an individualistic nature and  The journey of mankind is
is an independent part of the cyclical: perception of eternal
universe and the society. More recurrence (life after death,
focused on the individual reincarnation)
events and the role of the  The action is the extension of
person. Emphasis is on the the mind.
“I”.  Me- to be discovered by
Eastern (Classical Indian and liberating from the false “me”
Chinese Philosophies) – attachment to the material
 Collectivism/Wholistic: A things
human being is an integral
part of the universe and the We will be examining how the self
society. People are was explained by the major
fundamentally connected. all philosophies of the East –
events in the universe are Hinduism, Buddhism,
interconnected (Systematic Confucianism, Taoism. We shall
Approach). Emphasis is on likewise explore the indigenous
the “WE”. conceptualization of the self based
Western (Greek and Judeo- on the Filipino culture.
Christian Traditions)
The Self as Embedded in the  Buddhism discards the
Oriental (EAST) Thoughts existence of the self.
 The EASTERN thought values  The idea of the self is illusory.
unity and harmony and being This false belief yields harmful
part of the greater whole, thoughts of selfish desire,
where everything is believed to “me-and-mine” mentality,
be connected and the craving, attachment, ill-will,
interdependent with others hatred, conceit, pride, egoism,
and nature. and any other defilements and
 The self is fundamentally social problems. It is the
connected with the other source of all troubles in
selves and is an integral part societies.
of the universe and society.
 One’s conformity with shared The goal of the self is to attain
norms and values is very enlightenment by freeing oneself
important; the self must place from ignorance that causes
duties over rights. suffering. To eliminate ignorance
The Self in Hinduism and attain enlightenment, the self
 Hinduism believes that SELF should:
is Atman (Atman is the
innermost essence of the self
whose destiny is to be 1. Know the four noble truths:
Brahma in Nirvana). - First Truth, identifies the
 Attachment of the self to the presence of suffering.
material world (maya/illusion) - Second Truth, seeks to
leads to suffering (samsara). determine the cause of suffering.
 Reincarnation of the self is a (In Buddhism, desire and ignorance
form of suffering because the lie at the root of suffering. By desire,
self keeps coming back to the Buddhists refer to craving pleasure,
material-world thinking that it material goods, and immortality, all
is its real destiny. The self has of which are wants that can never
to liberate itself from this be satisfied. As a result, desiring
ignorance by cultivating an them can only bring suffering.
authentic knowledge (self- Ignorance, in comparison, relates to
realization) that the self has is not seeing the world as it actually is.
NOT MAYA but ATMAN. Vices, such as greed, envy, hatred
 When the self has been and anger, derive from this
thoroughly cleansed from its ignorance. )
illusions, the self is filled with - Third Noble Truth, the
the sense of well-being, and at truth of the end of suffering -
death, its soul is liberated suggesting either the end of
from endless rebirths suffering in this life, on earth, or in
(reincarnation) and join the the spiritual life, through achieving
universal spirit Brahma and Nirvana. When one has achieved
becomes one with Brahma. Nirvana, which is a transcendent
The Self in Buddhism state free from suffering and our
 The doctrine of NON-SELF OR worldly cycle of birth and rebirth,
ANNATA dictates that the self spiritual enlightenment has been
is subject to the law of reached.
changes. Everything, - Fourth Noble truth charts
including the self, is always in the method for attaining the end of
constant change: born, grows, suffering, known to Buddhists as
and dies. The self is composed the Noble Eightfold Path.
of five aggregates: natter, 2. The way to get out of suffering is
sensation, perception, mental by practicing the Noble Eightfold
construct, and consciousness. Path
Each aggregate is transitory in Right Understanding,
nature. That is why there is Right Thought,
no such thing as permanent Right Speech,
self. Right Action,
Right Livelihood,
Right Effort, indescribable force that govern
Right Mindfulness and natures.
Right Concentration. THREE GREAT VIRTUES of Tao:
Moreover, there are three themes HUMILITY, FRUGALITY AND
into which the Path is divided: CONTENTMENT
 good moral conduct - the self should not strive for
(Understanding, Thought, learning, riches, and power;
Speech); - the self should find last
 meditation and mental thing happiness by being, quiet,
development (Action, thoughtful, and
Livelihood, Effort), and humble.
 wisdom or insight In other word to be able to
(Mindfulness and harmonize, the self must practice
Concentration). the WU-WIE or the non-interference
The Self in Confucianism with the natural courses of events.
The self is a moral and social being. Most of the problems in the world is
Confucius was essentially caused by the self’s active
concerned with what made a good participation in creating harmony
life. Good life depends on order, and with nature. Too much involvement
order depends on good and just of the self in nature can lead to
government. If a ruler lives and destruction.
governs virtuously, virtuous people
would obey him. Virtue consists of Filipino Concept of the Self
correct behavior, such as  A FILIPINO is considered
benevolence, righteousness, multilayered because of
propriety, wisdom, and loyalty. foreign influences, such as
These virtues must guide those of India, Indonesia,
human relations, namely, (a) Malay, Chinese, Spanish, and
between ruler and people; (b) American which are
between parents and children; (c) embedded in our culture.
between husband and wife; (d)  Our understanding of the
between elder brother and younger Filipino as a self must be
brother; and (e) between friends and based on the concepts of
friend. PAGKATAO and LOOB.
 Pagkatao or humanities
The self is a dot in the universe and indicates the fact that a
being a part of nature, the self must Filipino is a human being just
live in accordance with the law of like anyone else.
nature that rules and directs the  The concept of loob is
movements of all things. exemplified by Filipino holistic
The highest achievement of worldview and interiority
every human being is being a wise (human heartedness) that
person. As a wise person, his was according to Mercado
highest achievement is affinity with (1974) .
the universe. The happiness of the  The self is seen as a body-soul
self is found in the self’s conformity embodiment. The present is
with nature. the continuation of the past,
Confucius advocated the and this continuity moves in a
active role of man in relation to cyclic manner that has no
creating oneness with nature. Since beginning and no end (Gulong
the self is the master of nature, his ng Palad).
duty is to actively harmonize himself  A FILIPINO does not
with nature by translating the distinguish the subject from
innate law of nature into action. the object, the person from
The Self in Taoism feelings.
- advocates what is natural and  Harmonious relationship is of
spontaneous, simple, and prime importance; this is
necessary. maintained by the value of
Taoism considers the self as merely sensitivity.
one of the many elements of the
natural world. Tao is an
 Interiority pertains to love, (deoxyribonucleic acid) at work in
mercy, charity, elemency, and us, and for some, even looking like
leniency. carbon copies of them.
 The human heartedness is
mirrored in the Filipino The Physical Self
concepts of kagandahang- “Make sure you don’t start seeing
loob, kabutihang loob, yourself through the eyes of those
kalooban, which somehow who don’t value you. Know your
depict our interdependency worth even if they don’t.”
with others. – Thema Davis
 They slow the social PHYSICAL SELF
dimension of the self, sharing  refers to the body, this
of the self with others in marvelous container and
values of pakikisama, complex, finely tuned,
camaraderie, hospitality, machine with which you
utang-na-loob, bayanihan interface with your
spirit, family-centeredness, environment and fellow
meal-centeredness, etc. beings.
 the physical self is the
THE SELF, therefore, is a relational concrete dimension, the
being, who thinks, acts, behaves, tangible aspect of the person
and decides always in accordance that can be directly observed
with his being with others. and examined.

Unit 2 Relationship Of Physical Self To The

Development Of Self-esteem
Unpacking The Self
How do you evaluate people you
How Do I Look Like Myself? meet? Do you assess them based on
Have you ever faced the mirror and how they look/appear?
asked yourself "Why do I look like
me?” science explains that our Do you let your physical appearance
parents are very munch define who you are?
instrumental in understanding why Self-esteem
we look how we look. - is an individual’s sense of
personal worth and an acceptance
Gregor Mendel first figured out how of who one is. It
genes are passed from parents to - It is the value you place on
offspring in plants, including yourselves;
humans. His experiments on pea - how much you like or dislike
plants showed that genes are who you are.
passed intact from generation to And how do you achieve this?
generation and that traits are not  A self-help environment
blended. Mendel’s discovery was reflects the belief that
that it is through the genes that autonomy and independence
traits were passed from parent to off are the birthright of every
spring through several generations child.
(Cummings, 2016).  Nothing renders people more
helpless than not being able
Genetics definitely has a hand on to maintain their own needs
our physical appearance. or to take care of themselves
Our biology dictates that our looks in basic ways.
are a result of the genes transferred  Self-concept is based on what
to us by our parents. From our skin you know about yourselves,
tone, hair color to our height, our which includes the ability to
physical features are an evidence take care of your own needs.
that we are our parents’ children. * To care for oneself, to feel capable
When heredity is actually at work, of learning, to solve problems, are all
we find ourselves being the mirrors rooted to feelings of self-esteem.
of our parents, which was the
result of their DNAs * Children’s well-being should be
developed and its foundations laid beautiful adornments
early during the early years of meant to attract men
development for them to understand who are husband
themselves and others. material
 To the Masai tribe of
* Your physical attributes and Kenya, long, stretched
experiences impact the development earlobes and low-
of a strong self-concept and a maintenance buzz cuts
positive self-esteem. are the ideal.
There are four (4) components of - Women are known to
self-esteem (Gordon, 2000): shave their heads and
(1) A sense of one’s own identity use everything from
(2) A sense of belonging elephant tusks to twigs
(connectedness) to pierce and stretch
(3) A sense of one’s own uniqueness their lobes to become
and more attractive.
(4) A sense of self (power). A positive  Many Americans may
sense of self is critical for young consider a lip plate a
people. form of body mutilation,
but to a Mursi or Suri
Research (Marshall, 1989) shows woman in Ethiopia, it
that low self-image is correlated denotes female
with poor mental health, poor maturity, signaling that
academic achievement, and she has reached child-
delinquency. bearing age.
The process includes
How Beauty Is Defined Around The the removal of the two
World lower front teeth before
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, a piercing is made to
and you don’t have to look too far to allow a heavy clay or
realize that’s true. wooden disk to adorn
and stretch the lower
 You’ve all done some things in lip. Like ear stretching,
the name of beauty (eyelash larger and larger disks
extensions, Brazilian waxes are inserted over time to
and using tanning beds, to further elongate the lip.
name a few) that probably The larger the disk
seem crazy to people in becomes, the greater
different cultures who define the beauty, as it
beauty much differently. signifies maturity,
 In the U.S., they may value which is an attractive
long, flowy hair, bronzed skin attribute to a male of
and a face free of wrinkles, the tribe.
but in other parts of the  Long, giraffe-like necks
world, pale complexions, are the ultimate sign of
visible scars and shaved beauty and female
heads are enviable traits. elegance to the Kayan
Here, you will explore different - At 5 years old, Kayan
qualities that are considered women start priming
beautiful around the globe their necks with heavy
 While some are brass rings. - Each
concerned with erasing year, more coils are
scars, Ethiopia’s Karo added, pushing down
tribe is creating them. their shoulders and
In the tribe’s eyes, creating the effect of a
beauty is literally longer neck.
skin deep: the scars - Keep in mind that the
cut onto the stomachs rings in this centuries-
of women at old ritual can weigh up
childhood are seen as to 22 pounds (9.98 kg).
 In various parts of Asia, Both men and women
pale, white skin is are proud to show off
revered as a sign of their procedures — a
affluence and sign of their social
attractiveness. In status and their path on
Japan, women avoid the the route to beauty
sun at all costs, while  Instead of accessorizing
skin-care products with with extravagant
whitening agents are jewelry, women in India
the norm in places like turn to nose rings,
China and Thailand. bindis and henna to
Sometimes, it’s hard to make themselves more
find products without attractive for festivals
bleaching properties and celebrations, like
 Tattooing is a sacred weddings.
ritual to the Maori Brides in particular will
people of New Zealand, often wear a dot of red
and not something powder on the face
parents warn their known as a kumkum to
teenagers they’ll one day look more beautiful.
regret. Traditionally, a  In Japan, stick straight
chisel was used to carve hair is seen as the
grooves into the skin, norm, and therefore, the
creating swirling tattoos most beautiful hair
called Tamoko. Women texture.
with tattooed lips, chins
and full blue lips are the
most beautiful. The Filipino Obsession with
 While Americans are Beauty: The Case of Xander Ford
perpetually dieting The Filipinos obsession with
and striving to be thin, beauty translates not only with
Western African women but also with men. Take the
cultures find women case of Xander Ford, previously
who are overweight to known as Marlou Arizala, a former
be the most beautiful member of Hash 5 – a teen boy band
— the more stretch which became an online sensation
marks, the better. not because of their attractiveness,
In the past, it wasn’t nor talent, but because of the
completely unheard of disgust and animosity they receive
for families in for their ‘ugly’ faces.
Mauritania to send their
daughters to “fat farms,” A Healthy Body Image, and Self-
camps that would force- esteem in Peril
feed girls 16,000 The quest for physical
calories a day to help perfection has brought us to an
them reach their ideal ordeal that will not end unless we
weight. got to the bottom of the problem.
Fuller figures are still Our society has not only placed so
the ideal, and fattening much importance on looking
camel’s and cow’s milk beautiful, but also has done a great
are go-tos for plumping job in commercializing the same.
up, but thankfully, the Perhaps, at one point in our
government now frowns lives, we have been implicitly or
upon the unpleasant explicitly criticized, or even ridiculed
force feeding. for how we look. Our standards
 Nose jobs seem like a have become so unbearable that our
staple in the image- society mocks us for looking
conscious U.S., but Iran imperfect. This has caused many of
is actually the us to lose confidence in ourselves
rhinoplasty capital of and break that one last strand of
the world. self-esteem that we do have. When
women in particular get called out femininity. Foxes attractive beauty
for being heavy, they are not called associated with romantic and sexual
as such by people to remind them to prowess, and as
get healthy for their own good, but using cosmetics to feel sexy.
to just vilify their looks, and magnify Social butterflies
their imperfections. This, in turn, (16% of the population) enjoy the
results to, not only having a strong beauty of the conversation. They
desire for the bullied to go thin, but like to share their tips
with it also comes that fear gaining friends were inspired by beautiful
weight, thus, restricting themselves women, and the feeling
from food intake. of satisfaction and success
comes with a nice look. Particularly
The Filtered Self present in Latin
The advent of social media put America, Social butterflies have
pressure on us to look even better. buying beauty products to their
On Instagram, the most famous friends and neighbors who
photo-sharing application known to are direct sellers.
us to date, we post our most Graceful swans
physically appealing self, and more (23% of the
often than not, we use filer population) as subtle improvements
applications, where we can hide our resulting from use of a smart beauty
imperfections, creating, and products. For them, beauty leads to
recreating a self that is better confidence and
approved by our online friends. joy. Appear more graceful swans
Instagram, together with the many frequently in Europe and the United
other photo sharing applications, States, and they like to focus on
give us the freedom to alter our improving its existing beauty.
looks, and present our physical Comfortable cats
selves, not just the way we want it, (19% of the population) are very
but the way our society approves it. satisfied with their
Today’s youngsters are sadly natural beauty. although use
the victims of such since we live at a some beauty products are the least
time when our self-approval likely to wait or expect
depends on the likes, shares, and dramatic changes. more
comments of our social media posts. concentrated in Europe and the
When our filtered photos look United States than in emerging
better than the unfiltered ones, and markets, comfortable chats see
the virtual world agrees, we tend to some clips beauty products here
keep everything that way. There is and there as a way to feel more
that possibility, however, that the comfortable in their own skin.
more we approve of the filtered us,
the more that we disregard our real,
unfiltered physical selves. The Spiritual Self
Powerful Peacocks
(15% of the
population) are particularly Developing Your Spirituality
drawn to experimentation. They You have to identify the four
love the dynamism sections in the gallery walk, the
Beauty, partly because looking to ‘New Model of Spirituality’ that
advance in a dynamic Andrew Wallas presented in one of
world. Particularly present in his works.
rapid growth The four stages according to
of China, powerful peacocks associa Wallas, are the following:
te beauty with professional In this corner you viewed objects
success and power. such as
The Seducer Foxes • (1) a letter of a narcissistic
(27% of the population), the • (2) photo of a manipulative
largest group in the world, love to classmate
use cosmetics to improve • (3) self-love placards
• (4) images of self- absorbed (3) photos depicting peer pressures
people and (4) news clips on issues about
• (5) narcissists phrases. clergy/ priests and
This stage represents your (5) a question mark icon.
undeveloped spirituality; at this This is a difficult, troubling **stage
point of spiritual growth, you are as what you have taken to be
manipulative and self-serving. untouchable is now being
Though you may pretend or you challenged. The biggest stumbling
even think you are loving toward block in this stage is the fear that
others, you are narcissistic and you are falling back to Stage I and
don’t really love yourself or others. hence you often retreat into the
perceived safety of the second stage.
Stage 1 - Anything Goes. Stage 4 - Free Flowing
In this corner you viewed objects In this corner you saw materials like
such as (1) image of peace and serenity
(1) a letter of a narcissistic (2) quotes about happiness and
(2) photo of a manipulative contentment
classmate (3) the book on Purpose Driven Life
(3) self-love placards (4) sample personal reflection on
(4) images of self- absorbed people life, love and God and
and (5) photos of good deeds and acts of
(5) narcissists phrases. love.
Through the struggle and insecurity
This stage represents your of Stage III, either suddenly or
undeveloped spirituality; at this slowly, you emerge into the final
point of spiritual growth, you are stage which is characterized by an
manipulative and self-serving. acceptance and peace with who you
Though you may pretend or you are.
even think you are loving toward
others, you are narcissistic and You discover an alignment with the
don’t really love yourself or others. flow of life.

Stage 2 - Rigid You recognize, not as an

In this corner, you saw things like intellectual concept but as a lived
(1) copy of the Ten Commandments experience, the true unity and
(2) Holy bible/ scriptures interconnectedness of all things.
(3) prayer books It is essential to embrace each stage
(4) images of a prayerful family and of your spiritual journey and not try
(5) illustrations of different religious to rush on to achieve the next.
worship activities.
Wanting to move quickly towards
This stage is characterized by firm enlightenment is often an ego need
set of external rules which you need rather than a spiritual one.
to follow.
The prescriptive nature of this Embracing each stage fully and
phase provides you comfort, as you accepting yourself as in the perfect
do not have to think for yourself. In place in every moment of your
religion, you will mainly view your journey can make the process of
God as an external, transcendent spiritual growth smoother and less
Being. You generally need a challenging
legalistic God, who will punish
misdeeds, to keep you from chaotic In like manner, Victor Frankl (1959)
behavior. theorized that we can discover
Stage 3 - Questioning meaning in life in three different
In this corner you found things such ways:
as (a) by creating a work or doing a
(1) quotations about questioning deed;
God (what I give to life – making a
(2) image of an angered person difference to the world.)
toward his God over the death of his (b) by experiencing something or
mother encountering someone;
(what I take from life – meaning “companion.” The
experiencing the joy of living) doubling of kad intensifies the
(c) by the attitude we take toward nature of the companionship
unavoidable suffering and that so that it means “ a constant
everything can be taken from a companion” or an
man, but one thing: the last of the “inseparable partner,”
human freedoms - to choose one’s therefore an attached
attitude in any given set of companion of the living
circumstances. person (Manuel 1989).
(how I view life – accepting  The Ibanags of the Cagayan
what cannot be changed, being Valley, according to Mariano
positive about what can be Gatan, are aware of the
changed) distinction between body
(baggi) and soul (ikararuwa)
but not in the Western way.
 In Western Philosophy, the
THE SOUL: ACCORDING TO soul is the principle of life in
INDIGENOUS FILIPINOS man. Body is the matter, soul
In understanding the spiritual self, is the form. As long as body
we also need to know the role of the and soul are one unit, man is
spirit of a sacred or of a God. Even alive.
in today’s modern era, we are still  Death is the separation of the
influenced by the world views on the soul from the body. The body
presence of spirits. cannot stay alive without the
soul. But the soul lives
Let us read the article published in without the body.
Lopez Museum and Library about  Freed from the body, it ceases
how primitive Filipinos understand to experience thirst and
the concept of soul or spirit. hunger, cold and heat. As
spirit, the soul is the opposite
The SOUL according TO THE of the body which is matter.
The ‘soul’ or spirit of a person is
 For Filipino groups the soul is
Kaluluwa by the Tagalogs not taken as the principle of
Gimokud by the Bagobos life. The phenomenon the
Makatu by the Bukidnons Ibanags call mekararuanan
Dungan by the Ilonggos when the (from the word me and
person is alive; kararua means “to be rid of
“kalag” or “detached”, “free”, when the soul”) is a state in which,
he is dead. because of shock, the soul
Ikararuwa by the Ibanags leaves the body.
Kadkadduwa by the Ilokanos when  The body is alive but it is
the soul is in the without sense, and like a
Physical body and karuruwa when it rudderless boat has no
departs direction.
 For the Ibanags, the role of
the soul is to give direction
 Kaluluwa, ikararuwa or and wholeness to the man.
kararuwa and inikaduwa all  But the body, as the Ibanags
come from the root word conceive it can stay alive
duwa, two. That is because independently of the soul,
the soul has two existences – while the soul itself, even
one physical, where it is when separate from the body,
connected to the human body experiences material wants
and its life, and the other and needs (Gatan 1981).
spiritual, where it exists on its  The dungan or soul of the
own. Ilonggos, according to Alicia
 The Ilokano kadkadduwa
further derives from kadduwa
Magos (1986), is not normally  The babysitter or the mother
seen by the human eye. shows her concern by calling
 Sometimes, however, it comes the child’s soul back, saying
out of the body and takes on a “Uli, uli, kalagyo, Maria,
visible form such as that of an magbalik ka sa bahay.” (Come
insect (a housefly or a moth) bac, come back,
or a small animal like a lizard. namesake/soul of Maria,
 That is why lolas are always return to your home/body”)
telling their children “to eat The child becomes normal
even just a little before going again the moment the
to bed.” For if the child’s kaluluwa rejoins the body.
dungan “gets hungry at night,
it might go to the pot of rice in
the kitchen and be mistaken
for an insect.” And be killed.  Another involuntary departure
 The dungan may leave the of the soul happens when it is
body voluntarily as when the lured or captured by bad
person us asleep, according to spirits or engkantu.
the Bisayans.  Among the Bisayans it may be
 When a person can see imprisoned, they say, in a
himself in his dreams it spirit cave guarded by old Tan
means that his “other self” Mulong whose spirit dog has
has left the physical body. one mammary gland and two
Among the ancient Filipinos it genitals.
was deeply impressed that a  If the imprisonment is
person who was asleep should temporary the person gets
not be awakened abruptly. listless or sick, in which case
 Thus a slumbering person is the dungan has to be lured
first called softly and out by a skillful shaman.
gradually louder and louder to  If it is too deep in the cave
give the soul a chance to (such as in the third or fourth
return to the body. compartment), the person
 The dungan’s travel outside dies, says Magos. Sickness is
the body should be free from the temporary loss of the soul.
accidents. Its permanent loss is death.
 It could get trapped in a jar or  The dungan is ethereal –
be poured out with liquid from something light and airy since
a vessel. Only when the soul it travels with the air or the
has safely returned home wind.
would the owner be able to  Prior to its entry and
wake up. habitation of a human body,
 Whatever happens to the the dungan is believed to
dungan happens to the inhabit the region above the
physical body as well. It is surface of the earth together
also believed that another with other dungan.
cause for the voluntary  It awaits the time when it can
withdrawal of the soul is when enter a body. The dungan
the body is badly maltreated then takes a special interest
(Magos 1986). in the “unborn” being, usually
a relative, which it has chosen
to inhabit.
 According to E. Arsenio  The Bukidnons believe that
Manuel the folk believe that a the soul or makatu already
soul can leave the body exists before a child’s birth
involuntarily too (1989). but that is separate frm its
 Among the people of body.
Alaminos, Laguna, when a  In a pregnancy ritual a
child gets frightened it is miniature cradle is hung over
believed that the kaluluwa the place where the pregnant
departs from the body. mother sleeps.
 This is where the soul of the the wind towards the upper
unborn baby is supposed to regions.
sleep before it joins the infant  There it waits until it can find
at birth (Unabia 1986). another body to enter. The
 The Bisayans believe the soul Bagobos believe that when the
or dungan is not located in throbbing of the skull cap
any specific part of the body. ceases, the soul exits through
 It is also believed to grow what used to be the fontanel.
proportionately with the  The Negritos believe that the
person’s body. soul can exit through any
 It is normally weak at the parts including the big toe.
baby’s birth, that is why
attractive babies are said to
be susceptible to usug, that is TOPIC 5:
the unintentional transfer of THE POLITICAL SELF
disturbing vapors of a strong “Caring for myself is not self-
body to a weak one by indulgence, it is self-
holding, talking or looking at preservation, and that is an act
the weaker one (Magos 1986).
of political warfare.” – Audre
 For this reason the dungan
needs protection and nurture. Lorde
 Soul-nature, the folk believe,
means the performance of A. Who is a Filipino?
age-old spirit rituals many of Article IV Section 1 of the 1987
which are still followed in the Constitution (Official Gazette Republic of
provinces today. Examples of the Philippines) states that you are a
these are birth, illness and Filipino citizen if:
death rituals consisting of
trances, prayers and animal a. You were born in the Philippines;
sacrifices. b. Your parents are citizens of the
 An adult person with a Philippines;
healthy dungan properly c. You were born before January 17, 1973,
lodged in his physical body of Filipino mothers, who elect Philippine
should have bodily health and citizenship upon reaching the age of
well-being, intelligence and majority; and
good sense (Magos 1986). d. You are naturalized in accordance with

Being a Filipino is not reflected by

 The Bisayan dungan has a
citizenship alone. The values and traits must
secondary meaning of
also be manifested.
“willpower.” A strong dungan
B. Values and Traits of a Filipino
is the intellectual and
psychological capacity to Filipinos have their own
dominate or persuade others trademark.
to one’s way of thinking.
 A person with a lot of When asked to describe who is
willpower is said to “have a
a Filipino, there are adjectives
strong dungan.” Constant
companionship (sometimes or unique descriptions that are
under the same roof) of two automatically attached to them.
people may lead to a spiritual
competition between the two Some of the cultural values are:
dungan and the defeat (and
sickness) of the one with the 1. Utang na Loob – This is a way of
weaker dungan (Magos 1986). showing gratitude for a favour or
 At death the dungan leaves assistance extended to a person, such
the body via the nose, eyes, debt can never be fully paid and the
ears and other orifices and obligation can last for generations. It is
eventually goes with the air or expected that when the grantor asks for
help, the debtor needs to return the manifest on one’s views and actions to
favour with no excuses. circumstances in life.
4. Peer group – The cliché “tell me who
2. Hiya – Filipinos are generally your friends are and I will tell you who
dependent on what other people will you are” explains how peer influence
think or say about them. Social each other. Generally, the opinion of one
approval, acceptance by a group and becomes the stand of the whole group
belonging to a group play a vital role in and vice versa, hence the statement,
their life. Expressions such as “one for all, all for one.”
“nakakahiya,” “ano na lang ang 5. Media – Filipinos are well-versed on
sasabihin nila” are oftentimes heard media information. Findings oPOSSf
from them: Adel (2019) reveal that an average of
3. Bahala Na – Filipinos have the four hours and 12 minutes is spent on
tendency to utter this expression social media platforms. This record
especially if they are about to perform a doubles the global average of two hours
difficult task or if they have exhausted all and 16 minutes. Filipinos are also
possible efforts in performing a task. regarded as world’s heaviest internet
This shows their belief that someone up users.
there will take care of the rest for things
that they are in little or no control at all. Check This!

4. Bayanihan – This term comes from Play and let the students sing
the word “bayan” which means nation,
town or community. This is a Filipino trait the Patriotic Oath
of helping others without remuneration. Patriotic Oath
This is a communal trait which shows I love the Philippines.
favourable deed towards one another in It is the land of my birth;
the community
It is the home of my people.
5. Compadre System – It is expected
that friends over non-acquaintance are It protects me and helps me to
given priority to be given a favour such be strong, happy and useful.
as job placement, promotion and the In return, I will heed the counsel
like.(Panopio, Corder-McDonald, & of my parents;
Raymundo, 1995); (David & Macaraeg,
2010) I will obey the rules of my
C. Role of Family, School, I will perform the duties of a
Church, Peer Group and Media in patriotic, law-abiding citizen; I
the Development of a Filipino will serve my country
Identity? unselfishly and faithfully
1. Family – The family which is the most I will be a true Filipino in
basic unit of society is the first world of a thought, in word, and in deed.
child. Here, the child develops the initial
sense of self, his/her first place of THE MATERIAL SELF
indoctrination. 1. The Self and our Possession
2. School – The school which is the first  The things we possess
formal education of a child continues define who we are.
whatever was instilled by the family
 They manifest our being,
during preschool age. Since most of the
our personality our “self.”
waking time of the child is spent in the
 In fact they are a great
school, values instilled at home are then
further crystallized. In the Philippines, measure on our level of
for a person finishing a degree, at least either happiness or
seventeen years are spent in the school, loneliness.
hence educational institution Comments such as:
significantly play in molding a person’s  “buti ka pa” (good for you)
identity.  “sana all” (hope everybody),
3. Church – The child is spiritually  “buti na lang nakabili ako”
influenced by the church teachings. The (good enough I was able to
learnings one gets from the church buy one),
 “cannot wait to use this,” - a ring you purchased which
are expressions of reminds you of a faithful friend;
satisfaction or - a brand of watch which
dissatisfaction. reminds you of the time spent
with your first boyfriend;
In a recent study, findings - purchasing the same brand of
revealed that: perfume reminds you of a long
 that lower-class students lost friend.
showed high materialism Sentimental value is greatly
tendencies to valued by many hence the
compensate for self- difficulty in giving them up or
esteem (Lia, Lua, & Xiaa, foregoing them.
 the study on influential Hoarding disorder is
mechanism of materialism characterized by the acquisition
on personal well-being and retention of possessions up
showed that materialism to the extent of impairing a
has negative impact on a person’s life, regardless of the
person’s subjective well- value of the items (Christopher,
being and depression Moulding, & Knight, 2017).
 furthermore, materialism
influences personal well-
being via psychological 2. Consumer Culture
needs satisfaction (Wang,  Consumer culture refers
Liu, Jiang, & Song, 2017). to a marketing strategic
planning theory that
Take note: focuses on the relationship
 Dependence on our consumers have with
possession as definition of certain goods and services.
ourselves are reflected on  It essentially considers
how we purchase, care, consumer behavior to
and worry, for the things certain products.
that we have including Entrepreneurs would look
the effort exerted in for ways in order to provide
acquiring them. the items desired by
 The brand, color, or quality consumers.
of bags, perfumes, wrist  It helps target groups of
watches, gadgets, books, individuals who share the
shoes and other same interest, desire and
possessions we have are need for a certain product
reflections of who we are. or services.
 it is not the capacity to  Significant predictors of
buy, but the interest to materialism were celebrity
possess and the priority endorsement, peer group,
set in having those and TV advertisement.
possessions  Moreover, materialism is
 The cliché, “tell me who your the significant predictor of
friends are and I will tell you who compulsive buying
you are” can be translated to “tell behavior (Islama, Weia,
me what you possess and I will Sheikhb, Hameeda, &
tell you where you are obsessed” Azamc, 2017)

The significance of the things we The following are the signs:

possess do not lie on the thing  being a shopaholic,
itself but on the memory ascribed  a panic buyer,
to it.  buying the latest gadget,
For instance:  waiting for the latest
- you bought the bag during your gadget to be out in the
first anniversary, market,
- it was a gift to yourself;
 competing with peers in
acquiring new products,
 buying even if it is not
 seeking happiness in
possessing expensive
 and always desiring for

 People at times are more

interested on what the
brand says and not on its
 They buy signature NEEDS
products because the
brand speaks of the quality 1. Biological & Physiological
of life they enjoy. Needs
 People buy because they 2. Safety needs
are driven by the status 3. Love and belongingness needs
symbol attributed to the 4. Esteem Needs
things they have which in 5. Cognitive Needs
turn favorably influences a 6. Aesthetic Needs
higher self-esteem. 7. Self-actualization Needs
1. Biological: 8. Transcendence Needs
Hypothlamus: “I
Prefrontal Cortex: POSSESSIONS
Correct! It’s necessary  Instrumental Functions
Amydala: I relate to the functional
want this properties of a product. For
Prefrontal Cortex: Ok example, a person bought
a van for family and
2. Psychological: business use.
a. Sigmund Freud’s concept of Id  Social Symbolic
(pleasure principle) Functions signify personal
b. Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy qualities, social standing,
of Needs group affiliation, gender
role. For instance buying
If you plan on being anything an iPhone instead of
less than you are capable of Samsung, Oppo, Huawei,
being, you will probably be Vivo, or Cherry mobile
unhappy all the days of your life. phones.
A musician must make a music,
an artist must paint, a poet must  Goods and possessions
write, if he is to be ultimately at are used to fill in or to
peace with himself. compensate for the
- Abraham Maslow person lacks. (E.g. Even
though you are not too
smart or not qualified, so
long as you wear an
expensive watch, an
high-class pair of shoes
and you have the latest
model of cellphone.
 Reflect: Is it for real that
a person would feel good
about herself/himself if
he/she has an expensive
set of clothes? Car? Bag?
 Categorical Functions What to give or leave those who
refer to the extent to which will be left behind: accentuating
material possessions may portions of their personal
be used to communicate histories for which they wish to
group membership and be remembered.
status. Example is buying
or renting condo unit in 3 Strategies–
Makati City. 1.Solidifying identities –a
 Self-expressive Functions period of intense self-reflection,
reflect a person’s unique heightened life review process
qualities, values or 2.Accumualting artifacts –
attitudes. There are people objects that represent the
who may represent person, her accomplishments,
themselves by collecting talents, journeys, sentiments.
objects with a Hello Kitty 3.Distributing artifacts –wills
brand. Others may express and testaments
their favorite color through
the color of their clothes,
accessories, shoes etc.
Managing and Caring for The Self
The purchase and use of material
goods depends on its specific
“Self-care is giving the world the
function and oftentimes people
best of you, instead of what is left of
may be reluctant to admit that
material things fulfill symbolic
- Katie
and affective rather than
instrumental functions.
Learning To Become A Better
3 Dimensions or Orienting
Values (Richins, 1991)
 Learning to become a better
1.Acquisition centrality :
student is learning to study
materialists tend to place
smarter, not harder.
possessions and the process of
 When you study effectively,
acquiring possessions at the
you apply certain techniques
center of their lives.
of time management, study
habits, self-discipline and
2.Acquisition as the pursuit of
happiness : materialists tend to
view their possessions and their  Each of these techniques will
acquisition as a means of be learned in this topic. Let us
providing the materialist with first begin with self-efficacy.
some level of personal well-being
or satisfaction with their lives. Self-efficacy
 is a construct anchored from
3.Possession-defined success : the Social Cognitive Theory of
materialists tend to base their Albert Bandura.
own and others’ success on the  It is associated with self-
number and quality of confidence.
possessions.  Self-efficacy refers to an
individual’s belief in his or her
AS a person grows older… capacity to execute behaviors
•An aging person would wish necessary to produce specific
that whatever defines who performance attainments.
he/she is would stay with  It reflects confidence in the
her/him—gadgets, photos, ability to exert control over
jewelries, appliances one’s own motivation,
•Sentimentality, memories of behavior and social
friends and experiences…photo environment.
albums give a sense of continuity  When developed, self-efficacy
positively affects all aspects of
human life.
 One possesses self-efficacy  However, the potency of the
when he/she forms positive persuasion depends on the
thoughts about credibility, trustworthiness
himself/herself. and expertise of the
 Positive self-thoughts build persuader.
our self-esteem and create in
us the inner strength to take Social Persuasion
control of social situations.  Social persuasion is about
having others directly
Mastery experience influence one’s self-efficacy.
 Savor your mastery  While social modeling refers to
experiences, but the key to the observation of a role-
mastery is approaching life model, social persuasion is
with dedicated efforts and about having others directly
experimenting with realistic influence you by providing
but challenging goals. opportunities for mastery
 According to Bandura (1997), experiences in a safe manner.
Easy success with little effort  In line with social modeling,
can lead us to expect rapid social persuasion is choosing
results, which can in turn, the right mentor.
make us easily succumbed to  When competency builds and
failure positive self-beliefs are
 Experiencing failure is formed, self-efficacy becomes
important so we can build self-fulfilling prophecy.
resilience to it. Emotional States
 This is done by treating failure  Emotional states or
as an opportunity to learn and physiological states are also
a chance to reach competence sources of efficacy
with a different approach. information.
Vicarious experience  Powerful emotional arousal
 Choosing role models who such as anxiety can effectively
demonstrate self-efficacious alter individual’s beliefs about
behavior can help you develop their capabilities.
similar behavior.  People may view a state of
 Priming or role-modeling is a arousal as an energizing
way of addressing factor that can contribute to a
ambivalence, which is a successful performance, or
common problem among they may view their state of
young people like you. arousal as completely
 Ambivalence puts you into a disabling.
state of uncertainty when you
make difficult decisions. How To Improve Your Self-efficacy:
 Contemplating on what your By: Madhuleena Roy Chowdhury
role model has done to 1. Set your goals above your
achieve success can help you abilities.
build competence and
mastery skills.  In setting your goals, keep in
 Seeing people similar to mind your three personal
oneself succeed with zones - your panic zone,
consistent effort, raises the comfort zone and stretch
observers’ belief in their own zone.
abilities to succeed (Bandura,
2008). Your panic zone
 Role models do not  constitutes everything that is
necessarily come from your outside your abilities.
social environment, the  Trying to do such things will
internet and digital resources decrease your self-efficacy and
can provide windows into the might lead to panic.
lives of many inspiring Your comfort zone
 are all things that you like to  It was emphasized earlier on
do. that to develop self-efficacy,
 Being in your comfort zone you need to set your goals and
allows you to do things simplify them.
skillfully.  If you were to improve self-
 By staying in your comfort efficacy, try to look at your
zone, you may maintain your bigger goals and make a plan.
self-efficacy but you might not  But before making a plan,
be able to improve it. believe in your abilities first.
 If you continuously stay on  A person with high self-
your comfort zone, you might efficacy will identify his/her
not be able to explore priorities and works hard to
opportunities for growth. achieve the main goal.
4. Think positive
Your stretch zone  Keeping this attitude will help
 is where you are supposed to you overcome all obstacles.
be. This is not like being like
 You stretch zone consists of “superman” or “wonder
all things that are challenging woman” but it is how you can
but possible to achieve. reframe negative thoughts
 These are the things within into positive ones.
your reach yet make you feel 5. Take control of your life.
 Being in your stretch builds Improving One’s Study Habits:
your self-efficacy. If you want to succeed in school, try
 You need to set goals above to apply the following techniques:
your abilities to build your
self-confidence. 1. Plan when you are going
 Achieving high goals can do to study.
wonders to your self-efficacy  Set a fixed schedule for
studying. Students who
2. Simplify your goals into small whimsically and sporadically
pieces study do not perform well as
 People with low self-efficacy those who have set a study
imagine that tasks are harder schedule. Even if you are all
than they are. caught up in your studies,
 Hence, they do not make an following a schedule will help
effort or even plan to complete you manage your time well.
 When this becomes a cycle, 2. Never cram.
the goals or plans that you Successful students typically space
have set for yourself remain their work schedule into shorter
as a plan. periods of time. Spacing your study
sessions will reduce the risk of
 Tasks are harder if you fail to
forgetting during written
make the few steps to
complete them.
 The core to developing your
3. Set a specific for each study
confidence in building your
skills is to learn how to break
Simply studying without direction is
your goals into smaller pieces.
not effective. You need to know what
 What does this mean? Learn exactly you want to accomplish each
to cut from your list the study session. Each specific study
unessential ones and focus on objective must in harmony with
the more manageable ones. your overall academic goal.
 Select those that will make
you feel comfortable and 4. Never procrastinate your
confident in reaching planned study session.
Successful students Do Not
3. Focus on the main goals. Procrastinate. Procrastination leads
to rushing and rushing  Some of you at this point
consequently leads to errors. maybe maintaining one or
more online identities that are
5. Start with the most difficult distinct from your “real world”
subject. selves; or if not, some of you
When you give more time in may have a single online self
studying the most difficult subject, that is more or less the same
it would be faster to work on the as the one they live in the real
less difficult ones; thus enabling you world.
to complete the work.
6. Make sure you are not ONLINE IDENTITY
distracted while studying.
Free yourself from any form of Given that your online behavior
distraction. When you are distracted makes a huge impact on how you
while studying, you will lose your present your digital self, it’s
train of thought and unable to important to always use social
focus. Both will lead to poor and media with care and consistency—
ineffective study habits. always make yourself aware of how
your personal brand can be affected
7. Join study groups. by what you say and post.
Working in groups will benefit you Always assume that potential
in three ways: people will often perform an online
1) get help from others when search, so make sure that
you are struggling to everything they find about you is
understand a concept, positive and professional.
2) complete assignments more
Effective students use groups  Let’s face it, like Sasha in the
effectively. episode you watched, most
8. Review your notes, schoolwork often you try to impress
and assignments over the others – to put your best foot
weekend. forward, to try to look good
Reviewing what you have learned for and always into new trends,
the week over the weekend will and to always get people to
make your long-term-memory like you even if it means you
system work more efficiently. need to lie, to pretend and to
Our long-term memory system create fictitious self of yours.
keeps information for longer storage  However, selective self-
and use. presentation and impression
Forgetting is less likely to happen management is very important
during examinations when in the development and
information are stored in our long- maintenance of your social
term memory. relationships, and it is
critically important for you to
gain self-confidence and pride.
 But your success in social
relationships and your
triumph as a person requires
a delicate balance of self
“Overloading attention shrinks
presentation and impression
mental control. Life immersed in
digital distractions a near constant
cognitive overload. And that  It is with this reason that you
overload wears out self- control.” – need to monitor and control
Daniel Goleman how you appear to others.
 But never forget that you also
 Your digital self is the need to be straightforward
personality you use when and ‘authentic’.
you’re online.
◦ As digital natives, the emergence
of gadgets and your frequent
online acts are known to have
been interfering your daily lives to
a huge extent.
◦ You almost rely fully on modern
technologies to accomplish any
task. Your social media account
is a face of modern technology
that found its way in your life,
which for sure have both positive
and negative effects on you.
◦ The next activity will give you a
glimpse on some of the negative
impacts online undertakings
bring into our lives.

The Sexual Self

Part 1
“Sex is something you do.
Sexuality is something you are.”
– Anna Freud
Sexual self-concept refers to the
totality of yourself as a sexual being,
including positive and negative
concepts and feelings.
3 Dimensions of Sexual self concept  For the female: the
( according to theorists ) ovaries, fallopian tubes,
 Sexual Self-Esteem uterus, cervix, vaginal
 Sexual Depression, and canal, Bartholin’s and
 Sexual Preoccupation Skenes glands, vagina,
sexual self-concept may be a good clitoris, and clitoral hood
indicator of what kinds of are all considered as sex
relationships we tend to get into, organs.
and how we tend to behave within  All parts of the female
relationships, with an emphasis on reproductive system grow
sexual satisfaction. during puberty, but in
different rates.
DEVELOPMENT OF PRIMARY  The uterus weighs 5.3
AND SECONDARY SEXUAL grams with the average
CHARACTERISTICS eleven- or twelve-year-old
Primary Sexual Characteristics girl; by the age of sixteen,
 are the physical the average weight is 43
characteristics directly grams.
involved in reproduction, such  the sex organs grow
as the sex organs. rapidly.
 sex organs show a major  The menarche, or first
physical change during menstrual flow, is the first
puberty – its growth and real sign of sexual
development make up the maturation in girls
primary sexual  This starts a series of
characteristics. regular discharges of
 Primary sexual characteristics blood, mucus, and
are there from birth (for broken-down cell tissue
example, penises vs. vaginas). from the uterus that
Male Reproductive Organ occurs every 28 days until
 The male gonads (testes), the menopause, in the late
which are located in the forties or early fifties.
scrotum (sac), outside the
body, are only approximately Secondary Sexual
10% of their mature size at Characteristics
the age of fourteen years. The appearance of secondary sexual
 Rapid growth occurs for a characteristics makes one “sexually
year or two, after which appealing”.
growth slows down; the testes BOYS
are fully developed by the age  Hair
of twenty or twenty-one. Pubic hair appears about one
 The penis accelerates in year after the testes and penis
growth shortly after the rapid have started to increase in
growth of the testes begins. size. Axillary and facial hair
 At first, the growth is seen in appears when the pubic hair
length, followed by a gradual has almost completed its
increase in circumference. growth, as does body hair. At
 Nocturnal emissions (wet first, all hair is scanty, lightly
dreams) are spontaneous pigmented, and fine in
orgasms during sleep that texture. Later it becomes
includes ejaculation for a darker, coarser, more
male. luxuriant, and slightly kinky.
 This can be seen when boys  Skin
have a sexually exciting The skin becomes coarser,
dream, when they have a full less transparent, and sallow
bladder, are constipated, in color, and the pores
when wearing tight enlarge.
undergarments, or when they  Glands
are too warmly covered. The sebaceous, or oil-
Female Reproductive Organ producing, glands in the skin
enlarge and become more armpits produce perspiration,
active, which may cause acne. which is especially heavy and
The apocrine glands in the pungent just before and
armpits start to function, and during menstrual period.
perspiration increases as
puberty progresses.  Muscles
 Muscles The muscles increase in size
The muscles increase and strength, especially in the
markedly in size and strength, middle of puberty and toward
thus giving shape to the arms, the end, thus giving shape to
legs, and shoulders. the shoulders, arms, and legs.
 Voice
Voice changes begin after  Voice
some pubic hair has The voice becomes fuller and
appeared. The voice becomes more melodious. Huskiness
husky and later drops in and breaks in the voice are
pitch, increases in volume, rare among girls.
and acquires a pleasant tone.  Breasts
Voice breaks are common Shortly after the hips start to
when maturing is rapid. enlarge, the breasts begin to
develop. The nipples enlarge
 Breast Knots and protrude and, as the
Slight knobs around the male mammary gland develops, the
mammary glands appear breast become larger and
between the ages of twelve rounder.
and fourteen. These last for  Hips
several weeks and then The hips become wider and
decreases in number and size. rounder as a result of the
enlargement of the pelvic bone
and the development of
GIRLS subcutaneous fat.
 Hair
Pubic hair appears after hip Sexual awakening takes place
and breast development is through the different parts of
well underway. Axillary hair your body where they lead to
begins to appear after the sexual stimulation due to
menarche, as does facial hair. their sensitivity to touch.
Body hair appears on the
limbs late in puberty. All hair Erogenous Zones Of The
except facial hair is straight Human Body
and slightly pigmented at first – sensitive areas on the body that
and then becomes more cause sexual arousal when they are
luxuriant, coarser, darker, touched
and slightly kinky.
 Skin
1. Clitoris – this is the female body
The skin becomes coarser, part contributing most to sexual
less transparent, and sallow arousal. It is extremely sensitive due
in color, and the pores enlarge to nerve endings. Research shows
that stimulating the clitoris is the
 Glands fastest and easiest way for many
The sebaceous and apocrine women to achieve orgasm through
glands become more active as pressure and vibration.
puberty progresses. Clogging 2. Vagina – it is where the “G-spot”
of the sebaceous glands can is located. The interior of the vagina
cause acne, while the contain nerve endings, and women
report that deep stimulation leads to
apocrine glands in the
more intense orgasms. The outer
edge of the vagina, on the other 3. Scrotum
hand, tends to respond to light - it is one of men’s most notable
touch. erogenous zones. Lots of
3. Cervix – located at the lower end nerves mean that this area is
of the uterus, has its own feel-good super-sensitive to touch.
nerve pathways. In fact, some 4. Neck – while touching the neck
research suggests that the vagina, doesn’t appear to be quite as much
clitoris, and cervix all respond of a turn-on for men as for women,
separately and distinctly to sexual it’s still ranked pretty highly on the
stimuli. Nerves in the cervix respond erogenous zones list. The neck has
most to pressure stimulation, but great sensitivity to low-frequency
light touch has been shown to elicit vibration, making it a prime spot for
a response as well light erotic touch.
4. Mouth and Lips – surveys found 5. Nipples – as with women, men
kissing to be more important in rank nipples as a definite hot spot.
relationship-building than in sexual While male nipples don’t appear to
arousal. Studies suggest that many serve any real purpose (they’re
women rank the lips and mouth basically by-products of evolution),
highly as erogenous areas. that doesn’t mean they’re totally
5. Neck - according to a large useless – they still have plenty of
international survey of women, both nerve endings.
the nape and back of the neck are 6. Perineum – is the area between
among the top 10 erogenous zones. the anus and scrotum and is
One study found that the neck is hooked up to perineal nerves, which
very sensitive to light touch, help convey sensations of sexual
especially among people with low pleasure from the genitals to the
body fat. Another study found that brain.
women with spinal cord injury can 7. Ears – highly sensitive to touch
get pretty turned on by neck because of a high number of
stimulation alone. sensory receptors on the skin, the
6. Breasts and Nipples – both men ears are ranked just behind the
and women have breasts for scrotum for body parts that help
evolutionary purposes especially men orgasm when touched or
women; and they play a role in otherwise stimulated.
sexual arousal as well. Nipple
stimulation sets fireworks off in the
same region of the brain that UNDERSTANDING THE HUMAN
processes sensations from the SEXUAL RESPONSE
clitoris and vagina. Just as with the “Falling in love is stronger than
clitoris, pressure and vibration the sex drive” (Fisher, 2005, p.
stimulate them. 60).
7. Ears – are super sensitive to
touch, probably due to a large  Media show numerous
number of nerve endings concepts about sex, lust, and
desire, which could be
MALE EROGENOUS ZONES explicitly or implicitly
1. Penis - both survey and lab- embedded in ads, magazines,
based scientific experiments movies, TV shows, radio
demonstrate that penile stimulation programs, games, etc.
significantly contributes to sexual  The portrayal on sex are left
satisfaction. And while this can be a for the general public to
sensitive subject, circumcision process. If the audiences are
doesn’t appear to decrease not high media literate,
sensation or sexual satisfaction. concepts of healthy-safe sex,
2. Mouth and Lips – they are highly morality, and even love could
sensitive; male lips respond to light be blurred and become double
touch, temperature, or pressure. standard.
Kissing also triggers a release of
hormones involved in intimacy –
especially oxytocin, the so-called • Sex is also at times
“love hormone.” called “love making” giving
premium to the act being • HOMOSEXUAL (gay/lesbian) -
based on and done out of love. “Sexually attracted to members
Science, like it always does, of the same sex” (King, 2014, p.
tries to explain the thing we 376)
call love. Despite the many • BISEXUAL - “Sexually attracted
efforts, it admits not being to people of both sexes” (King,
able to identify the exact 2014, p. 376)
reason why we fall in love with • HETEROSEXUAL (Straight) -
a specific person. “Sexually attracted to members
of the opposite sex” (King, 2014,
• However, it is able to p. 376)
give reasonable bases and • PANSEXUAL/OMNISEXUAL -
glimpses of what happens Can be sexually attracted to
inside our brain in the stages any sex or gender identity
of love. It also gives us tip on • ASEXUAL - Not sexually
how to keep the chemistry attracted to any sex or gender
The “T” in LGBT, which stands
Diversity of Sexual for transgender or gender non-
Orientation conforming, pertains to gender
 We will always have our identity. “Some who do not
own personal stand, belief, identify as either male or
and preference and it is just female prefer the term
logical to expect others to “genderqueer” (Lesbian, gay,”
have their own. Being able to 2018, para. 2). Below are some
respect diversity, can help in types of gender identity
effective, ethical, relational, (“Dimensions of Gender,”
and professional 2017):
 Sexual orientation refers “gender identity consistent is
to our sexual preferences with the sex they were assigned
towards males, females, or at birth”
both (Cole, 2009; Kin, 2014). • TRANSGENDER / TRANS
Most of us already have - “gender identity consistent is
awareness of the existence of with the sex they were assigned
at birth”
diverse sexual behaviors due
• AGENDER - “people who
to a person’s sexual do not identify with any gender”
preference. We may not be • NON – BINARY - •
able to fully understand but “people who “do not
we have to give respect. identify strictly as a boy or a girl
– they could identify as both, or
Gender identity is one’s neither, or as another gender
concept of being male, female,
• A transgender is different
both, or neither and is
from a transsexual.
“entirely determined by • A transsexual is one who
socialization (nurture), not transitions from one sex to
biological factors (nature)” another through undergoing
(King, 2014, p. 361). several surgical procedures.
• Though we may have
In the acronym LGBT which experienced “having feelings
stands for lesbian, gay, towards or fantasies about
bisexual and transgender, people of the same sex, it doesn’t
“LGB” pertains to sexual mean you are gay or bisexual, it
can be part of emerging sexual
orientation” (“Lesbian, gay,”
awareness” (Code, 2009, p. 12).
2018). Below are some types • Sexual orientation,
of sexual orientations: sexual behavior, and gender
identity are independent
concepts. All could be fluid or
• We may have the 1. The brain stem
freedom to choose to whom we The evolutionarily oldest
engage sex with and with how structure; controls primitive
many, but if we are not careful responses associated with
and discerning, we cannot and
sexual behavior and facial
will never be able to choose or
limit the number of unpleasant
expressions; contains circuits for
irreversible long term many emotions, including
consequences it can bring to love/attachment, joy, and sexual
our live, to people who matter excitement (Lewis, 2005).
most to us, and even to the 2. The hypothalamus
society we are part of.
It controls most body systems
by regulating the production of
Desire and sexuality cannot hormones in response to both
be separated. internal and environmental events;
Libido is a person's overall it controls the pituitary gland, which
sexual drive or desire for is the master gland that controls all
sexual activity. the other endocrine glands in the
Libido is influenced by body; the hypothalamus plays a key
biological, psychological, and role in connecting the endocrine
social factors (Wikipedia). system with the nervous system.
Understanding your sexual self
3. The limbic system
will lead you to a better view
of your sexuality – making you It mediates learning, memory, and
responsible and educated with emotion; it contains the:
your actions and decisions.
a. Amygdala – helps generate
The Brain associations between experiences
Its Role and Function in the and emotions – Was this an
Human Sexual Response experience that felt good, that

• Our brains are involved

resulted in a good meal, or a loving
touch? Or was this an experience
in all steps of sexual behavior that produced fear or pain?
and in all its variations, from
feelings of sexual desire and b. Hippocampus – located near the
partner choice, to arousal, amygdala, it plays an important role
orgasm and even post-coital in organizing and storing memories
cuddling (Clark, 2014). for events.

• The brain impacts the

*** The amygdala and hippocampus
seem to work together, so that
sequence of physical and emotions associated with past
emotional changes that occur experiences influence the storage
as a person participates in and retrieval of specific memories.
sexually stimulating activities
(Wiley, 2015). The Cerebral Cortex is made up of
tightly packed neurons and is the
• The brain is responsible wrinkly, outermost layer that
in translating nerve impulses surrounds the brain.
from the skin into pleasurable
It is also responsible for higher
thought processes including speech
• It controls nerves and and decision making.
muscles used during sexual The cortex is divided into four
activity. It regulates the different lobes:
release of hormones, which
are believed to be the a. frontal lobe – for cognitive
physiological origin of sexual functions and control of voluntary
desire. movement/activity
b. parietal lobe – processes
4 hierarchically organized, information about temperature,
interacting levels of BRAIN taste, touch and movement
c. temporal lobe – processes becomes rapid and
memories, integrating them with shallow, muscles
sensations of taste, sound, sight throughout the body
and touch contract, and perspiration
d. occipital lobe – primarily is evident; there is an
responsible for vision intense, pleasant, or
pleasurable psychological
The Sexual Response Cycle feeling associated with
Your sexual motivation – the release of sexual
libido, is your overall sexual tension; and
drive or desire for sexual 4. Resolution – the return
activity. to the unaroused state
• This is affected by biological, before the cycle begins
psychological, and social again; heart rate, blood
factors. pressure, and breathing
• A person’s ability to engage in return to normal state,
sexual behaviors is controlled and muscle tension
and influenced by decreases
• sex hormones,
• social factors – Now that you are aware of your
work and family, body’s sexual responses and
• internal behaviors, your knowledge of
psychological these intimate reactions should
factors – lead you to your appreciation of
personality and your body, mind, and sexuality.
• medical Ways of Dealing with Sexual
conditions, Energies
• medications,
• pregnancy, and • Sexual energy is a life-
• relationship energy.
• Your sexual impulses have
According to William Masters the power to influence so
and Virginia Johnson, the much of what you do, how
SEXUAL RESPONSE CYCLE is you act, and the choices
a model that describes the that you make. It takes
physiological responses that part in your everyday
take place during sexual activity. dealings in the field of
According to the cycle, it human interaction.
consists of four phases:
1. Excitement – the
• Sex, as one of the greatest
intrinsic (inner) motivational forces in life,
motivation to pursue sex if not properly controlled,
arises; it includes can lead to great
increased heart rate, destruction.
blood pressure, and
muscle tension;
• Knowing your sexual self
2. Plateau – sets the stage is to empower you to put
for orgasm; heart rate into good "use" and avoid
quickens, blood pressure "abuse" in all your male
rises, muscle tension and female relationships
increases, and breathing and interactions
becomes faster;
3. Orgasm – the release of
• SEX, is not the only
tension; also known as method of releasing your
the “climax or peak” of sexual energy.
the sexual excitement; You can convert your sexual
heart rate increases energy into productive energy.
dramatically, blood
pressure rise, breathing
The following are ways on how to of acquiring sexually transmitted
deal with your sexual energies: infections or HIV/AIDS.
1. Repression – involves
keeping certain thoughts, • Adolescence should be a time
feelings, or urges out of to form oneself as a mature and
conscious awareness. The responsible individual being, and
goal of this is to keep not at all a time to rush into
unacceptable desires or procreation.
thoughts out of the
conscious mind in order So, how do we prevent premarital
to prevent or minimize sex?
feelings of anxiety One of the ways to prevent
*** Repression is subconscious. premarital sex is to start from
2. Suppression – the person educating and empowering yourself
consciously and – learning the truths about sex and
deliberately pushes down evaluating the consequences of
any thoughts that leads premarital sex.
to feelings of anxiety.
ex. An older man has sexual • In the pleasure of a moment,
feelings towards a teenager and you can be blinded by your
quickly suppresses the thought. sexual desire.
***Suppression is conscious.
3. Sublimation - allows us • In the moment of lust and
to act out unacceptable passion, your future can be
impulses by converting destroyed.
these behaviors into a
more acceptable form. • In the moment of foolishness
ex. A person experiencing and self-gratification, your
sexual urges/thoughts bright future can turn into
might take up sports as a darkness.
means of expressing these
forces. • Sex should be saved as a gift
4. Genital satisfaction – for marriage.
giving in to one’s sexual • “Why save sex for marriage” is
desires through sexual really a question of
gratification; it includes understanding God’s purpose
sexual intercourse – the and design for sex.
likes of premarital sex,
marital sex, and We can choose to do things God’s
extramarital sex. way, and experience the beauty of
5. Integration – integrate His plan, or we can choose to do
one’s sexual energies into things our way, and experience
friendships, marriage, harm and destruction
vocation, and all levels of (Proverbs 16:25)
The Chemistry Of Love: The Science
How do we prevent premarital Behind Lust, Attraction, And
sex? Companionship
According to anthropology
• Sex comes with responsibility. professor Helen Fisher, there
are three stages of falling
• Premarital sex in young in love.
adults is an act out of curiosity,
making them unaware of the •
consequences of this behavior – Attraction (Falling in love) –
committing a mortal sin with involves romantic or passionate
your God, early/unwanted love, characterized by euphoria;
pregnancy, the gossips and physical symptoms of falling in
condemnations from the love include loss of appetite,
community/society, and the risk inability to sleep, lack of
concentration, wet palms, and
butterflies in the stomach. targets or goals to which oblige us to
perform a certain task at a specific
• direction or outcomes expected of
Attachment (Staying together) us.
- the predominant factor in long- This chapter will help you set your
term relationships. While lust own goals to better guide you on the
and attraction are pretty much things you ought to do to attain a
exclusive to romantic gainful learning experiences.
entanglements, attachment
mediates friendships, parent-
infant bonding, social cordiality,
and many other intimacies as The Concept of Motivation
• Diversity Of Sexual Behavior  Motivation is defined as
• Sexual Orientation the psychological forces
• a. Heterosexuals - sexually that determine the
attracted to people of the direction of people’s
opposite sex; commonly referred behavior, their level of
to as straight; effort and their level of
• b. Homosexuals - sexually persistence (Osland, J.,
attracted to people of their own Kolb, D., Rubin, I., &
sex; gay or lesbian; Turner, M., 2007).
• c. Bisexuals - sexually attracted
not exclusively to people of one  It is an internal state that
particular gender; attracted to directs individuals toward
both men and women; certain goals and
• Gender identity objectives.
• a. Transgender - denoting or
relating to a person whose sense  The sources of motivation
of personal identity and gender are both intrinsic and
does not correspond with their extrinsic.
birth sex;
• b. Cisgender - denoting or  Intrinsic motivation
relating to a person whose sense brings about happiness
of personal identity and gender and pleasure from the
corresponds with their birth sex; things we do.
Related minorities – intersex,
gathered under the acronyms:  We are intrinsically
motivated when we like
• a. LGBT or LGBTI – lesbian, doing things even if there
gay, bisexual, are no material rewards or
transgender/transsexual people, incentives that follow.
and sometimes intersex people
 Extrinsic motivation
UNFINISHED ITONG SEXUAL involves performing the
SELF, BROWSE NIYO NA LANG behavior because of the
YUNG PPT. IF AYAW NIYO, EDI consequences it brings.
 Money, gifts and other
material rewards are
Unit 3: Topic 2 examples of extrinsic
Setting Goals for Success

“If you want to have a happy life, tie Theories of Motivation

it to a goal not to people or things.”
- Albert Einstein Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

Goal setting is our way of Maslow's theory presents his

establishing concise and relevant hierarchy of needs in a pyramid
shape, with basic needs at the  Esteem needs: The higher
bottom of the pyramid and more needs, beginning with esteem,
high-level, intangible needs at the are ego-driven needs. The
top. A person can only move on to primary elements of esteem
addressing the higher-level needs are self-respect (the belief that
when their basic needs are you are valuable and
adequately fulfilled. deserving of dignity) and self-
esteem (confidence in your
potential for personal growth
and accomplishments).
What Are the 5 Levels of Maslow’s Maslow specifically notes that
Hierarchy of Needs? self-esteem can be broken into
two types: esteem which is
based on respect and
 Physiological needs: The first acknowledgment from others,
of the id-driven lower needs and esteem which is based on
on Maslow's hierarchy are your own self-assessment.
physiological needs. These Self-confidence and
most basic human survival independence stem from this
needs include food and water, latter type of self-esteem.
sufficient rest, clothing and
shelter, overall health, and  Self-actualization needs:
reproduction. Maslow states Self-actualization describes
that these basic physiological the fulfillment of your full
needs must be addressed potential as a person.
before humans move on to the Sometimes called self-
next level of fulfillment. fulfillment needs, self-
actualization needs occupy
 Safety needs: Next among the the highest spot on Maslow's
lower-level needs is safety. pyramid. Self-actualization
Safety needs include needs include education, skill
protection from violence and development—the refining of
theft, emotional stability and talents in areas such as
well-being, health security, music, athletics, design,
and financial security. cooking, and gardening—
caring for others, and broader
 Love and belonging needs: goals like learning a new
The social needs on the third language, traveling to new
level of Maslow’s hierarchy places, and winning awards.
relate to human interaction
and are the last of the so-
called lower needs. Among
these needs are friendships Deficiency Needs vs. Growth
and family bonds—both with Needs on Maslow’s Hierarchy
biological family (parents,
siblings, children) and chosen
family (spouses and partners).  Maslow referred to self-
Physical and emotional actualization as a “growth
intimacy ranging from sexual need,” and he separated it
relationships to intimate from the lower four levels on
emotional bonds are his hierarchy, which he called
important to achieving a “deficiency needs.”
feeling of elevated kinship.
Additionally, membership in  According to his theory, if you
social groups contributes to fail to meet your deficiency
meeting this need, from needs, you’ll experience
belonging to a team of harmful or unpleasant
coworkers to forging an results. Conditions ranging
identity in a union, club, or from illness and starvation up
group of hobbyists. through loneliness and self-
doubt are the byproducts of particularly avoiding low
unmet deficiency needs. reward low-risk situations
and difficult to achieve high-
 By contrast, self-actualization risk situations.
needs can make you happier,
but you are not harmed when  Such people avoid low-risk
these needs go unfulfilled. situations because of the lack
of a real challenge and their
 Thus, self-actualization needs understanding that such
only become a priority when achievement is not genuine.
the other four foundational
needs are met.  They also avoid high-risk
situations because they
perceive and understand it to
be more about luck and
McClelland’s Need Theory. chance and not about one’s
own effort. The more the
 McClelland’s theory of needs achievements they make the
is one such theory that higher their performance
explains this process of because of higher levels of
motivation by breaking down motivation
what and how needs are and
how they have to be  These people find innovative
approached. clever ways to achieve goals
and consider their
 David McClelland was an achievement a better reward
American Psychologist who than financial ones. They take
developed his theory of calculated decision and
needs or Achievement always appreciate feedback
Theory of Motivation which and usually works alone.
revolves around three
important aspects, namely,  The individuals motivated by
Achievement, Power And needs for achievement usually
Affiliation. have a strong desire of setting
up difficult objectives and
This motivational theory states that accomplishing them.
the needs for achievement, power,
and affiliation significantly  Their preference is to work in
influence the behavior of an a results-oriented work
individual, which is useful to environment and always
understand from a managerial appreciate any feedback on
context. their work.

 Achievement based
Need For Achievement individuals take calculated
risks to reach their goals and
 The need for achievement as may circumvent both high-
the name itself suggests is the risk and low-risk situations.
urge to achieve something in
what you do. If you are a
lawyer it is the need to win  They often prefer working
cases and be recognized, if alone. This personality type
you are a painter it is the believes in a hierarchical
need to paint a famous structure derived primarily by
painting. It is the need that work-based achievements.
drives a person to work and
even struggle for the objective
that he wants to achieve.
People who possess high Need For Power
achievement needs are people
who always work to excel by
 The need for power is the
desire within a person to hold Need For Affiliation
control and authority over
another person and influence  The a person to have
and change their decision in interpersonal and social
accordance with his own relation surge of hips with
needs or desires. others or a particular set of
 The need to enhance their
self-esteem and reputation  They seek to work in groups
drives these people and they by creating friendly and
desire their views and ideas to lasting relationships and has
be accepted and implemented the urge to be liked by others.
over the views and ideas over
others.  They tend to like collaborating
with others to competing with
 These people are strong them and usually avoids high-
leaders and can be best suited risk situations and
to leading positions. uncertainty

 They either belong to Personal  The individuals motivated by

or Institutional power the need for affiliation
motivator groups. prefer being part of a group.

 If they are a personal power  They like spending their

motivator they would have the time socializing and
need to control others and an maintaining relationships
institutional power motivator and possess a strong desire
seeks to lead and coordinate a to be loved and accepted.
team towards an end.
 These individuals stick to
 Individuals motivated by the basics and play by the books
need for power have a desire without feeling a need to
to control and influence change things, primarily
others. due to a fear of being
 Competition motivates them
and they enjoy winning  People in this group tend to
arguments. adhere to the norms of the
culture in that workplace
 Status and recognition is and typically do not change
something they aspire for and the norms of the workplace
do not like being on the losing for fear of rejection.
 Collaboration is the way to
 They are self-disciplined and work for the competition
expect the same from their remains secondary.
peers and teams.
 They are not risk seekers
 They do not mind playing a and are more cautious in their
zero-sum game, where, for approach.
one person to win, another  These individuals work
must lose and collaboration is effectively in roles based on
not an option. social interactions, for
instance, client service and
 This motivational type is other customer interaction
accompanied by needs for positions.
personal prestige, and better
personal status.
padding to give you the best chance
Goal-Setting Theory at succeeding

 Goal-setting theory refers to

the effects of setting goals on The research on goal-setting
subsequent performance. showed the following significant
Researcher Edwin Locke results:
found that individuals who set
specific, difficult goals 1) specific goals increase
performed better than those performance,
who set general, easy goals.
2) in the workplace, difficult goals
 Locke proposed five basic that are accepted by individuals
principles of goal-setting: result in higher performance,
clarity, challenge,
commitment, feedback, and 3) feedback leads to higher
task complexity. performance than no feedback, and

4) people are committed to goals

that are made public and that they
themselves set.
Effective goal-setting principles: Goals should be challenging but
feasible. This will encourage
Clarity. A clear, measurable goal is
more achievable than one that is Unit III: TOPIC 3
poorly defined. In other words, be
specific! The most effective goals TAKING CHARGE OF ONE’S
have a specific timeline for HEALTH

Challenge. The goal must have a “The greatest weapon against stress
decent level of difficulty in order to is our ability to choose one thought
motivate you to strive toward the over another”
goal. - William James

Commitment. Put deliberate effort Health is the ability to adapt and

into meeting this goal. Share your manage physical, mental and social
goal with someone else in order to challenges throughout life (WHO,
increase your accountability to meet 2001).
that goal.
It is further defined as a state of
complete physical, mental and
Effective goal-setting principles: social well-being and not merely the
absence of any disease of infirmary
Feedback. Set up a method to (WHO, 2001).
receive information on your progress
toward a goal. If losing 30 pounds in To be able to meet the challenges of
four months turns out to be too student life, one must be physically,
hard, it is better to adjust the mentally and psychologically fit.
difficulty of your goal mid-way
through the timeline than to give up In this chapter, you’ll learn the
entirely. different ways on how to take care of
your over-all wellbeing.
Task complexity. If a goal is
especially complex, make sure you
give yourself enough time to LET’S LEARN
overcome the learning curve
involved in completing the task. In Stress is a part of day-to-day living.
other words, if a goal is really tough,
make sure you give yourself some
Anytime we face a stressor, a The biomedical model of health
number of physiological responses focuses on purely biological factors
kick in. and excludes psychological,
environmental, and social
Known collectively as fight-or-flight influences. It is considered to be the
responses, bodily changes such as leading modern way for health care
increased heart beat and elevated professionals to diagnose and treat
blood pressure prepare the body to a condition in most Western
either face the threat or flee from it. countries

The sympathetic system also A second major influence on our

stimulates the release of a number views of health and illness is the
of hormones like epinephrine or PSYCHOSOCIAL PERSPECTIVE
norepinephrine that prepares the (Rice, 1998 cited by Trull,2008).
body to react.

As noted by Rice (1988), two major For centuries, medical literature has
perspectives have influenced our recognized that psychological and
views of health and illness: social processes may either cause or
influence illness and disease.
TRADITION, which developed over By 1940’s, this broad generalization
time as people sought to gain was integrated in the field of
knowledge about illness and health. psychosomatic medicine.

The biomedical tradition arose from The biopsychosocial model is an

the Hippocratic tradition of humoral interdisciplinary model that looks at
theory of disease and treatment. the interconnection between biology,
psychology, and socio-
However, biomedical theories environmental factors.
focused on anatomy, “germ theory’,
and ultimately genetics in their The model specifically examines how
attempt to define and understand these aspects play a role in topics
illness. ranging from health and disease
Biomedical model models to human development.

This model was developed by George

The biomedical model of medicine L. Engel in 1977 and is the first of
has been around since the mid-19th its kind to employ this type of
century as the predominant model multifaceted thinking.
used by physicians in diagnosing
diseases. The biopsychosocial model has
received criticism about its
According to the biomedical model, limitations, but continues to carry
health constitutes the freedom from influence in the fields of psychology,
disease, pain, or defect, making the health, medicine, and human
normal human condition "healthy." development.

The model's focus on the physical One application of the

processes (for example, pathology, biopsychosocial model within health
biochemistry and physiology of a and medicine relates to pain, such
disease) does not take into account that several factors outside an
the role of social factors or individual's health may affect
individual subjectivity. Unlike the their perception of pain.
biopsychosocial model, the For example, a 2019 study linked
biomedical model does not consider genetic and biopsychosocial factors
the diagnosis, which affects the to increased post-operative shoulder
treatment of the patient, to be the pain. Future studies are needed to
result of a negotiation between model and further explore the
doctor and patient. relationship between
biopsychosocial factors and pain.
adrenal cortex of the adrenal gland
One particular advantage of to secrete glucocorticoids.
applying the biopsychosocial model
to developmental psychology is that The most important glucocorticoid
it allows for an intersection where tress is concerned is cortisol.
within the nature versus nurture Cortisol is a hormone that
debate. mobilizes the body’s sources.
Although responses of the body to
This model provides developmental stress can be helpful, severe stress
psychologists a theoretical basis and prolonged activation of these
for the interplay of both systems can have adverse effects on
hereditary and psychosocial body organs, mental functions and
factors on an individuals' the immune system.
Stress can affect the immune
system so that it cannot effectively
The Biopsychosocial Model of destroy viruses, bacteria, tumors
Health and irregular cells.

Years ago, Ader and Cohen (1975)

This model is an integration of the presented evidence suggesting that
biomedical and psychosocial the nervous system and the immune
perspectives. system interact and are
interdependent by demonstrating
Biopsychosocial model holds that that immune system responses in
illness and health are a function of rats could be classically
biological, psychological and social conditioned.
This initial report eventually led to a
We turn now to a discussion on how number of studies investigating the
stress affects our health relationship between physiological
factors (reactions to stress) and
immune system response (Brannon
STRESS AND HEALTH & Feist, 2004 cited by Trull, 2008).

The physiological effect of stress on In any case, stress does appear to

the body involves a complex chain of be an important influence on health
events. and illness.

The stress process as shown by the

Interactionist View holds that the Personality Factors of Health and
perception of stress causes the illness
sympathetic nervous system, a
system responsible for mobilizing Personality characteristics can
body resource in urgent directly or indirectly affect health
situations, to stimulate the and illness in many ways.
adrenal gland (Ader & Cohen, 2007
cited by Trull,2008)). According to Friedman & Booth-
Kewley, (1987 cited by Trull, 2008)),
This results in the production of the following factors may result from
catecholamines (epinephrine and disease processes:
norepinephrine) whose effects on
the body include increased in heart a) personality features may lead to
rate, rate of respiration, blood flow, unhealthy behaviors;
and muscle strength. b) personality may directly affect
disease through physiological
Stress also causes the pituitary mechanisms;
gland to release the c) underlying biological variable may
adrenocorticotropic hormone relate to both personality and
(ACTH), and ACTH stimulates the disease;
d) several causes and feedback experience stressful psychosocial
loops may affect the relationship environment because they have
between personality and disease. higher levels of mistrust and are
scanning their environments for
The most widely studied association possible future mistreatment.
between personality trait/behavior
pattern and illness is that between
Type A behavior and coronary Coping With Stress
heart disease (Friedman and In the previous topic, we mentioned
Rosenmann, 1974 cited by Trull, that stress is a part of our existence.
It may have some NEGATIVE OR
These scientists identified a set of POSITIVE effect on us. POSITIVE
discriminating personality outcome of stress is called eustress
characteristics and behaviors and while its NEGATIVE consequence is
proposed that these constitute a distress
Type A behavior pattern.

Glass (1977 cited in Trull, 2008) Coping has two functions:

describes Type A individuals as
those who tend to: 1) manage the problem causing the
a. Perceive time quickly
b. Show a deteriorating performance 2) to regulate the emotions of
on tasks that require a delayed distress (Lazarus & Folkman, 1984
responding as cited in Michenbaum, 1986, Teh
& Macapagal, 1999)
c. Work near maximum capacity
even when there is no time deadline We all know that people who seem
to be able to handle severe stress
d. Arrive early for appointments extremely well are resilient.
RESILIENCE is the ability to bounce
e. Become aggressive and hostile back from difficult times with
when frustrated renewed vigor (Hoeksema, 2007).

f. Report less fatigue and fewer Coping with stress involves how one
physical symptoms interprets events.

g. Are intensely motivated to master People who tend to have

their physical and social pessimistic style are more
environments and to maintain vulnerable to stress (Peterson,
control. 1998 cited by Hoeksema, 2014).

In an important methodological and PESSIMISM may contribute to poor

conceptual analysis of the research health by causing chronic arousal of
examining hostility and health, T.W. the body’s flight or fight response,
Smith ( cited by Trull, 2009) resulting in physiological damage.
presented several theoretical models
that might explain the link between Moreover, pessimistic outlook may
hostility and health. lead individuals to engage in
unhealthy behaviors.
The psychophysiological reactivity The two major styles of coping are
model posts that hostile avoidance coping and positive
individuals experience larger coping.
increases in heart rate, blood
pressure, and stress-related
hormones in response to potential Avoidance Coping is denying that
stressors. you are ill or facing other stresses.

This model proposes that hostile Studies show that avoidance coping
individuals are more likely to has been linked to several related
problems such as greater pain after
surgery (Rosenberger, 2004 Self-Compassion
cited by Hoeksema, 2007)), lower
adherence to medical regimens and People who have self-compassion
subsequently poorer health in HIV also have greater social
positive individuals (Weaver, connectedness, emotional
2005 cited by Hoeksema, 2007)). intelligence, happiness and over
all life satisfaction.
In contrast, Expressing Negative
Affect such as talking to someone Self-compassion has also been
about important issues in one’s life shown to have a negative correlation
appear to have positive effects on with anxiety, depression, shame and
health. fear of failure.

Additionally, understanding and Ravi Shah (cited by Adams 2017)

finding meaning from life events believes that self-compassion is
reduce the physiological strain critical for healthy self-esteem
associated with chronic negative and resilience.
emotions (Hoeksema, 2014).

In contrast, Expressing Negative Following are ways of developing

Affect such as talking to someone self-compassion (Abrams, 2017)
about important issues in one’s life
appear to have positive effects on 1. Treat yourself as you would a
health. small child.

Additionally, understanding and 2. Practice mindfulness or being in a

finding meaning from life events state of nonjudgmental
reduce the physiological strain awareness.
associated with chronic negative
emotions (Hoeksema, 2014). 3. Remember that you are not alone.

Positive coping strategy on the 4. Give yourself permission to be

other hand involves seeking help or imperfect.
support from others.

Studies have found that positive Unit III: TOPIC 3

strategies lead to positive health
outcomes on the microlevel TAKING CHARGE OF ONE’S
measures such as the immune HEALTH
system activity to the macrolevel
such as progression of major
diseases (Hoeksema,2014). Relax and Soothe Yourself

 We have different ways of

coping with stress.
Self-Compassion  One method is through
relaxation techniques.
Self-compassion is a construct  Included here are some simple
drawn from Buddhist Psychology. relaxation techniques that
utilize our five senses of smell,
It refers to a way of relating to the sight, hearing, taste and
self with kindness (Abrams, 2017). touch.

It is how we treat ourselves with Try to explore the list and see what
kindness, warmth and acceptance. really works for you.

Research has shown that there is a Self-soothing Using Your Sense of

positive correlation between self- Smell
compassion and well-being.
___Burn scented candles or incense
in your room. Find a scent that is ____________________________________
pleasing to you. ___
___Wear scented oils, perfume, or
cologne that makes you feel happy, Self-Soothing Your Sense of Taste
confident and happy. ___Enjoy your favorite meal.
___Cut out perfumed cards and ___Carry gums, lollipop or candies
carry them with you in your wallet. with you to eat when you are upset.
___Go some place where the scent is ___Drink something soothing such
pleasing to you, like a bakery or a as tea, coffee, or hot chocolate.
restaurant. ___Buy a piece of ripe and juicy
___Bake or cook your own food that fresh fruit and then eat it slowly.
has a pleasing smell. ___Other ideas
___Lie down in the park and smell _____________________________
the grass and outdoor smells.
___Hug someone whose makes you ____________________________________
feel calm. __
ideas______________________________ Self-Soothing Your Sense of
_____ Touch
___Carry something soft or velvety in
____________________________________ your pocket to touch when you need
________ to.
___Take a hot or cold shower and
Self-Soothing Your Sense of enjoy the feelings of the water falling
Vision on your skin.
___ Go through magazines and ___Get a massage.
books. ___Play with your pat.
___Find a place that is soothing for ___Wear your most comfortable
you to look at, a park or a museum. clothes.
___Go to the bookstore and find a ___Other ideas
collection of photographs or ______________________________
___Draw or paint your picture or ____________________________________
work on a coloring book. __
___Carry a picture of someone you
admire or like.
___Other Understanding The Self
___ is being
____________________________________ WHO AM I
Self-Soothing Your Sense of
___ Listen to soothing music.
___Listen to books on tape or
compact discs.
___Turn on the television and just
___Listen on a gentle talk show.
___Open your window and listen to
the peaceful sounds outside.
___Listen to a recording of a
relaxation exercise.
___Listen to a sound of trickling

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