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30 January 2024
Dear Dr Khan

2023/04 MRCP(UK) Part 1

We are writing on behalf of the three Royal Colleges of Physicians of the United Kingdom to congratulate you on your
success in the 2023/04 MRCP(UK) Part 1 Examination.

Name: Dr Jawad Ahmad Khan

Code Number: 607802

Exam Number: 7007

Examination Result: PASS

Examination Scaled Score Overall: 560.00

Examination Pass Mark: 540.00

Candidates͛results are processed using a method called ͚equating͛͘This method makes results comparable between all
MRCP(UK) Part 1 examinations.

Candidates' scores and the passing score established by MRCP(UK) Research Unit, in consultation with NBME
psychometricians and approved by the MRCP(UK) Part 1 Board, are reported as a ͚scaled score.͛This score is a number
between 0 and 999, which takes into account the number of questions a candidate answers correctly and the relative
difficulty of the examination.

You now have seven years from the date of the exam you have just passed in which to pass the MRCP(UK) Part2 Written and
Clinical (PACES) Examinations. If you do not succeed in passing the Part 2 Written and Clinical (PACES) examinations within
seven years you will be required to take and pass Part 1 again . The number of attempts allowed for each MRCP(UK)
examination is limited to six, however, you may be able to apply for an additional attempt with the support of your
educational supervisor.

Please see our website for information on future examination dates and application periods. On the
website you can also download application forms or apply for future examinations online.

Yours sincerely

Dr Matt Thomas Dr Graham Curry Dr Cathryn Edwards

Dean of Examinations Director of Medical Examinations Registrar
RCP Edinburgh RCP&S Glasgow RCP

Name: Dr Jawad Ahmad Khan Code Number: 607802

Exam Number: 7007 Examination Diet: 2023/04

Overall Examination Result : PASS

Examination Scaled Score Overall: 560.00

Examination Pass Mark: 540.00

Summary of items

Analysis of answered items by speciality

Speciality Answered
correctly %

Cardiology 42
Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 79
Clinical Sciences 55
Dermatology 63
Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolic medicine 29
Gastroenterology and Hepatology 79
Geriatric Medicine 100
Haematology 80
Infectious Diseases 71
Medical Ophthalmology 25
Neurology 67
Oncology 100
Palliative medicine and end of life care 0
Psychiatry 38
Renal Medicine 79
Respiratory Medicine 79
Rheumatology 85

Note : these details are for use by the candidate only. Confirmation of the result of the MRCP(UK) Part 1 Written Examination appears in the accompanying
letter. Content categorical information is provided to assist candidates in identifying areas of relative strength and weakness; however, passing or failing the
Examination is based ONLY on the scaled score.

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