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• Software Engineering NTA UGC NET Question Analysis

Software Engineering NTA UGC NET Question
Software Engineering NTA UGC NET Question Analysis
Software Engineering PYQ Part-2
Q1➡ | NET December 2022
Overfitting is expected when we observe that?

i ➥ With training iterations error on training set as well as test set decreases
ii ➥ With training iterations error on training set decrease but test set increases
iii ➥ With training iterations error on training set as well as test set increases
iv ➥ With training iterations training set as well as test error remains constant
Best Explanation:
Answer: (ii)
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Q2➡ | NET December 2022

Which of the following is not a Non-functional requirement?

i ➥ Portability
ii ➥ Security
iii ➥ Scalability
iv ➥ User interaction
Best Explanation:
Answer: (iv)
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Q3➡ | NET December 2022

COCOMO stands for …………………

i ➥ Consumed cost model

ii ➥ Constructive cost model
iii ➥ Common control model
iv ➥ Composition cost model
Best Explanation:
Answer: (ii)
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Q4➡ | NET December 2022

Modifying the software to match change in the ever changing environment is called as

i ➥ Adaptive maintenance
ii ➥ Corrective maintenance
iii ➥ Perfective maintenance
iv ➥ Preventive maintenance
Best Explanation:
Answer: (i)
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Q5➡ | NET December 2022

For a function of two variable, boundary value analysis yields.

i ➥ 4n+3 test cases

ii ➥ 4n+1 test cases
iii ➥ n+4 test cases
iv ➥ 2n+4 test cases
Best Explanation:

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Best Explanation:
Answer: (ii)
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Q6➡ | NET December 2022

How do you create agile processes to manage unpredictability?
(A) Requirements gathering must be conducted very carefully
(B) Risk analysis must be conducted before planning takes place
(C) Software increments must be delivered in short time periods
(D) Software processes must not adapt to changes incrementally
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

i ➥ A only
ii ➥ B only
iii ➥ C only
iv ➥ D only
Best Explanation:
Answer: (iii)
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Q7➡ | NET December 2022

Software project manager is responsible for the following task:
(A) Project planning
(B) Project status tracking
(C) Resources management
(D) Risk management
(E) Project delivery within time & budget
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

i ➥ All the statements are correct

ii ➥ Only B & C are correct
iii ➥ Only A & D are correct
iv ➥ Only A & D are correct
Best Explanation:
Answer: (i)
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Q8➡ | NET December 20222

Mr X designed open source software which must comply with some criteria. Choose the false
statement in respect of above.
(A) No restriction on redistribution of the software as part or whole
(B) The integrity of the author’s source code must be maintained.
(C) The software can be sold after distribution.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

i ➥ A only
ii ➥ B only
iii ➥ C only
iv ➥ All statements are false
Best Explanation:
Answer: (iii)
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Q9➡ | NET December 2022

Match List (I) with List (II)

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

i ➥ A-(II), B-(III), C-(IV), D-(I)

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i ➥ A-(II), B-(III), C-(IV), D-(I)
ii ➥ A-(III), B-(I), C-(IV), D-(II)
iii ➥ A-(IV), B-(I), C-(II), D-(III)
iv ➥ A-(III), B-(IV), C-(I), D-(II)
Best Explanation:
Answer: (iii)
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Q10➡ | NET December 2022

Given below are two statements: one is labeled as Assertion A and the other is labeled as Reason R.
Assertion A: Cohesion is a qualitative indication of the degree to which a module can be written
more compactly and is able to complete its function in a timely manner.
Reason R. Cohesion is a qualitative indication of the degree to which a module is connected to
other modules and the outside world.

In the belt of the above statements choose the most appropriate answer from the options given

i ➥ Both A and Rare correct and R is the correct explanation of A

ii ➥ Both A and Rare correct but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
iii ➥ A is correct but R is not correct
iv ➥ A is not correct but R is correct.
Best Explanation:
Answer: (iii)
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Q11➡ | NET June 2022

Alpha and Beta testing are forms of

i ➥ White -Box Testing

ii ➥ Black-Box Testing
iii ➥ Acceptance Testing
iv ➥ System Testing
Best Explanation:
Answer: (iii)
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Q12➡ | NET June 2022

If every requirment can be checked bye a cost-effective process, then SRS is called

i ➥ Verifiable
ii ➥ Tracable
iii ➥ Modifiable
iv ➥ Complete
Best Explanation:
Answer: (i)
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Q13➡ | NET June 2022

Size and complexity are a part of

i ➥ People Metrics
ii ➥ Project Metrics
iii ➥ Process Metrics
iv ➥ Product Metrics
Best Explanation:
Answer: (iv)
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Q14➡ | NET June 2022

RAD software process model stand for

i ➥ Rapid application Development

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i ➥ Rapid application Development
ii ➥ Relative application development
iii ➥ Rapid application design
iv ➥ Recent application development
Best Explanation:
Answer: (i)
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Q15➡ | NET June 2022

The Process to gather the software requirement from client, analyze and document is known as –

i ➥ Software Engineering Process

ii ➥ User Engineering Process
iii ➥ Requirement Elicitation Process
iv ➥ Requirement Engineering Process
Best Explanation:
Answer: (iv)
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Q16➡ | NET June 2022

A good software requirement specification does NOT have the characteristic

i ➥ Completeness
ii ➥ Consistency
iii ➥ Clarity
iv ➥ Reliability
Best Explanation:
Answer: (iv)
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Q17➡ | NET June 2022

Modules X and Y operate on the same input and output, then the cohesion is

i ➥ Logical cohesion
ii ➥ Sequential cohesion
iii ➥ Procedural cohesion
iv ➥ Communication cohesion
Best Explanation:
Answer: (iv)
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Q18➡ | NET June 2022

Which of the following an indirect measure of product?

i ➥ Quality
ii ➥ Complexity
iii ➥ Reliability
iv ➥ All of these
Best Explanation:
Answer: (iv)
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Q19➡ | NET June 2022

Which Metrics are derived by normalizing quality and /or productivity measures by considering the
size of the software that he been produced ?

i ➥ Function – Oriented Metrics

ii ➥ Function – Point Metrics
iii ➥ Line of code Metrics
iv ➥ Size Oriented Metrics

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Best Explanation:
Answer: (iv)
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Q20➡ | NET June 2022

The model in which the requirements are implemented by its category is

i ➥ Evolutionary Development Model

ii ➥ Waterfall Model
iii ➥ Prototype Model
iv ➥ Iterative Enhancement Model
Best Explanation:
Answer: (i)
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Q21➡ | NET June 2022

Fault base testing technique is

i ➥ Unit testing
ii ➥ Beta testing
iii ➥ Stress testing
iv ➥ Mutation testing
Best Explanation:
Answer: (iv)
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Q1➡ | NTA UGC NET November 2020

A company has a choice of two language L1 and L2 to develop a software for their client. Number of
LOC required to develop an application in L2 is thrice the LOC in language L1. Also, software has to
be maintained for the next 10 years. Various parameters for two languages are given below to
decide which language should be preferred for development.
Man-year needed for development LOC/1000 LOC/1000
Development cost Rs.70, 000 Rs.90, 000
Cost of Maintenance per year Rs.1, 00,000 Rs.40, 000
Total cost of the project includes the cost of development and maintenance. What is the LOC for
L1for which cost of developing the software with both languages must be the same?

i ➥ 2000
ii ➥ 5000
iii➥ 3000
iv ➥ 6000

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Answer: iii
It is given that number of LOC required to develop an application in L2 is
thrice the LOC in language L1.
Suppose, Number of LOC required in L1 = x
so, Number of LOC required in L2 = 3x
Cost of developing the software =
(Number of LOC / Man-year needed for development) * Development cost
+ Maintenance Time *Cost of Maintenance per year
& condition is that cost of developing the software with both languages
must be the same.
=> Cost of developing the software in L1 = Cost of developing the
software in L2
=> (x /1000)* 70,000 + 101,00,000 = (3x /1000) 90,000 + 10*40,000
=> 70x + 10,00,000 = 270x + 4,00,000
=> 200x = 6,00,000

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=> x = 3000

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Q2➡ | NTA UGC NET November 2020

Arrange the following types of Cohesion from best to worst type.
A) Logical Cohesion
B) Sequential Cohesion
C) Communication Cohesion
D) Temporal Cohesion
E) Procedural Cohesion
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

i ➥ A➡ D➡ E➡ C➡ B
ii ➥ A ➡ E ➡ D ➡ C ➡ B
iii ➥ B ➡ E ➡ C ➡ D ➡ A
iv ➥ B ➡ C ➡ E ➡ D ➡ A

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Answer: IV
Cohesion refers to the degree to which the elements inside a module
belong together.

Types of Cohesion
Functional cohesion (Most Required)
Sequential cohesion
Communicational cohesion
Procedural cohesion
Temporal cohesion
Logical cohesion
Coincidental cohesion (Least Required)
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Q3➡ | NTA UGC NET November 2020

i ➥ A-III, B-IV, C-II, D-I

ii ➥ A-IV, B-III, C-I, D-II
iii ➥ A-IV, B-III, C-II, D-I
iv ➥ A-III, B-IV, C-I, D-II

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Answer: III
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Q4➡ | NTA UGC NET November 2020

A Software project was estimated at 864 Function Points. A six person team will be assigned to a
project consisting of a requirement gathering person, one designer, two programmers and two
testers. The salary of the designer is ₹70,000 per month, requirement gatherer is ₹50,000 per

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testers. The salary of the designer is ₹70,000 per month, requirement gatherer is ₹50,000 per
month, programmer is ₹60,000 per month and a tester is ₹60,000 per month. Average productivity
for the team is 12 FP per person month. Which of the following represents the projected cost of the

i ➥ ₹33,20,000
ii ➥ ₹43,20,000
iii ➥ ₹33,10,000
iv ➥ ₹22,10,000

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Answer – B
Given that ,
–> Total Function points = 864 FP
–> Team = 6 person
–> Average Function points= 12 FP per person month.
–> projected cost =?
we have to first calculate in how many month a team will completed their
task ,then calculate what is the cost of the project?

In a 6 member team,
–> one person is Requirement gatherer
–> one person is Designer
–> two person is Programmers
–> two person is Testers

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Q5➡ | NTA UGC NET November 2020

Modifying the software by restructuring is called.

i ➥ Adaptive maintenance
ii ➥ Corrective maintenance
iii ➥ Perfective maintenance
iv➥ Preventive maintenance

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Answer: iii

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There are four types of software maintenance:
• Corrective Software Maintenance
• Adaptive Software Maintenance
• Perfective Software Maintenance
• Preventive Software Maintenance
Corrective Software Maintenance: Corrective maintenance deals with the
repair of faults or defects found in day-today system functions. A defect can
result due to errors in software design, logic and coding.

Adaptive Software Maintenance: Adaptive maintenance is concerned with

the change in the software that takes place to make the software adaptable
to new environment such as to run the software on a new operating

Perfective Software Maintenance: Perfective maintenance is concerned

with the change in the software that occurs while adding new functionalities
in the software.Modifying the software by restructuring is called preventive
software maintenance.

Preventive Software Maintenance: Preventive maintenance involves

implementing changes to prevent the occurrence of errors.

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Q6➡ | NTA UGC NET November 2020

Which of the following UML diagrams has a static view?

i ➥ Collaboration diagram
ii ➥ Use-Case diagram
iii ➥ State chart diagram
iv ➥ Activity diagram

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Answer: II
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Q7➡ | NTA UGC NET November 2020

Software reliability is described with respect to
(A) Execution Time

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(A) Execution Time
(B) Calendar Time
(C) Clock Time
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

i ➥ (A) and (B) only

ii ➥ (B) and (C) only
iii ➥ (A), (B) and (C)
iv ➥ (A) and (C) only

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Answer: III
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Q8➡ | NTA UGC NET November 2020

Given below are two statements:
Statement I: Quality control involves the series of inspections, reviews and tests used throughout
the software process, to ensure each work product meets the requirements placed upon it.
Statement II: Quality assurance consists of auditing and reporting functions of management.
In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the option given below.

i ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are true

ii ➥ Both Statement I and Statement II are false
iii ➥ Statement I is correct but Statement II is false
iv ➥ Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is true

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Answer: I
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Q9➡ | NTA UGC NET November 2020

Which of the following is/are behavioral testing technique(s)?
(A) Equivalence Partitioning
(B) Graph-Based Testing Method
(C) Boundary Value Analysis
(D) Data flow Testing
(E) Loop Testing
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

i ➥ (B) and (D) only

ii ➥ (A), (B) and (C) only
iii ➥ (D) and (E) only
iv ➥ (A), (C) and (E) only

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Answer: II
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Q10➡ | NTA UGC NET December 2019

According to the ISO-9126 Standard Quality Model, match the attributes given in List-I with their definitions in Lit-II:

Choose the correct option from the ones given below:

i ➥ (a)-(i), (b)-(ii), (c)-(iii), (d)-(iv)

ii ➥ (a)-(ii), (b)-(i), (c)-(iv), (d)-(iii)

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iii ➥ (a)-(ii), (b)-(iv), (c)-(i), (d)-(iii)
iv ➥ (a)-(i), (b)-(ii), (c)-(iv), (d)-(iii)

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Answer: II
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Q11➡ | NTA UGC NET December 2019

i ➥ (a)-(ii), (b)-(iv), (c)-(i), (d)-(iii)

ii ➥ (a)-(i), (b)-(iii), (c)-(ii), (d)-(iv)
iii ➥ (a)-(i), (b)-(iv), (c)-(ii), (d)-(iii)
iv➥ (a)-(i), (b)-(iv), (c)-(ii), (d)-(iii)

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Answer: i
Software-Engineering Software-process-models
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Q12➡ | NTA UGC NET December 2019

An ______chart is a project schedule representation that presents project plan as a directed graph.
The critical path is the______sequence of _______tasks and it defines project ______

i ➥ Activity, Shortest, Independent, Cost

ii ➥ Activity, Longest, Dependent, Duration
iii➥ Activity, Longest, Independent, Duration
iv➥ Activity, Shortest, Dependent, Duration

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Answer: II
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Q13➡ | NTA UGC NET December 2019

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The sequence diagram given in Figure 1 for the Weather Information System takes place when an external system requests the summarized data from the weather
station. The increasing order of lifeline for the objects in the system are:

i ➥ Sat comms → Weather station → Commslink → Weather data

ii ➥ Sat comms → Comms link → Weather station → Weather data
iii ➥ Weather data → Comms link → Weather station → Sat Comms
iv ➥ Weather data → Weather station → Comms link → Sat Comms

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Answer: This Question Is Dropped Marks for all
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Q14➡ | NTA UGC NET December 2019

A flow graph F with entry node (1) and exit node (11) is shown below:

How many predicate nodes are there and what are their names

i ➥ Three: (1, (2,3), 6)

ii ➥ Three: (1, 4, 6)
iii ➥ Four: ((2,3), 6, 10, 11)
iv ➥ Four: ((2,3), 6, 9, 10)

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ANswer -i

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Q15➡ | NTA UGC NET December 2019

A flow graph F with entry node (1) and exit node (11) is shown below:

How many regions are there in flow graph F

ii➥ 3
iii ➥ 4
iv ➥ 5

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ANswer -iii
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Q16➡ | NTA UGC NET December 2019

A flow graph F with entry node (1) and exit node (11) is shown below:

What is the cyclomatic complexity of flowgraph F

ii ➥ 3
iii ➥ 4
iv ➥ 5

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ANswer -iii
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Q17➡ | NTA UGC NET December 2019

A flow graph F with entry node (1) and exit node (11) is shown below:

How many nodes are there in the longest independent path?

ii ➥ 7
iii ➥ 8
iv ➥ 9

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ANswer -iii
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Q18➡ | NTA UGC NET December 2019

A flow graph F with entry node (1) and exit node (11) is shown below:

How many nodes are there in flow graph F?

ii ➥ 10
iii ➥ 11
iv ➥ 12

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ANswer -i

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Q19➡ | NTA UGC NET June 2019

i ➥ (a)-(ii),(b)-(iv),(c)-(i),(d)-(iii)
ii ➥ (a)-(i),(b)-(iii),(c)-(iv),(d)-(ii)
iii ➥ (a)-(iii),(b)-(ii),(c)-(iv),(d)-(i)
iv ➥ (a)-(iv),(b)-(i),(c)-(iii),(d)-(ii)

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Answer: IV
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Q20➡ | NTA UGC NET June 2019

Software Reuse is

i ➥ The process of analysing software with the objective of recovering its design and specification
ii ➥ The process of existing software artifacts and knowledge to build new software
iii ➥ Concerned with re implementing legacy system to make them more maintainable
iv ➥ The process of analysing software to create a representation of a higher level of abstraction
and breaking software down into its parts to see how it works

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Answer: II
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Q21➡ | NTA UGC NET June 2019

Software validation mainly checks for inconsistencies between

i ➥ Use cases and user requirements

ii ➥ Implementation and system design blueprints
iii ➥ Detailed specifications and user requirements
iv ➥ Function specifications and use cases

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Answer: III
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Q22➡ | NTA UGC NET June 2019

In the context of software testing, which of the following statements is/are NOT correct?
P: A minimal test set that achieves 100% path coverage will also achieve 100% statement coverage.
Q: A minimal test set that achieves 100% path coverage will generally detect more faults than one
that achieves 100% statement coverage
R: A minimal test set that achieves 100% statement coverage will generally detect more faults than
one that achieves 100% branch coverage

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i ➥ R only
ii ➥ Q only
iii ➥ P and Q only
iv ➥ Q and R only

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Answer: I
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Q23➡ | NTA UGC NET June 2019

Which of the following statements is/are TRUE?
P: In software engineering, defects that are discovered earlier are more expensive to fix
Q: A software design is said to be a good design, if the components are strongly cohesive and
weakly coupled
Select the correct answer from the options given below:

i ➥ P only
ii ➥ Q only
iii ➥ P and Q
iv ➥ Neither P nor Q

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Answer: II
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Q24➡ | NTA UGC NET June 2019

Software products need are adaptive maintenance for which of the following reasons?

i ➥ To rectify bugs observed while the system is in use.

ii ➥ When the customers need the product to run on new platforms
iii ➥ To support the new features that users want it to support
iv ➥ To overcome wear and tear caused by the repeated use of the software.

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Answer: II
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Q25➡ | NTA UGC NET June 2019

Which of the following are the primary objectives of risk monitoring in software project tracking?
P: To assess whether predicted risks do, in fact, occur
Q: To ensure that risk aversion steps defined for the risk are being properly applied
R: To collect information that can be used for future risk analysis

i ➥ Only P and Q
ii ➥ Only P and R
iii ➥ Only Q and R
iv ➥ All the P,Q,R

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Answer: IV
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Q26➡ | NTA UGC NET December 2018

The Software Requirement Specification(SRS) is said to be _ if and only if no subset of individual
requirements described in it conflict with each other.

i ➥ Correct

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ii ➥ Consistent
iii ➥ Unambiguous
iv ➥ Verifiable

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Answer: II
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Q27➡ | NTA UGC NET December 2018

Which of the following statements is/are false?
P: The clean-room strategy to software engineering is based on the incremental software process
Q: The clean-room strategy to software engineering is one of the ways to overcome “unconscious”
copying of copyrighted code.
Choose the correct answer from the code given below:

i ➥ Neither P and Q
ii ➥ P only
iii ➥ Both P and Q
iv ➥ Q only

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Answer: I
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Q28➡ | NTA UGC NET December 2018

Which of the following statements is/are true?
P: Software Reengineering is preferable for software products having high failure rates, having poor
design and/or having poor code structure
Q: Software Reverse Engineering is the process of analyzing software with the objective of
recovering its design and requirement specification.

i ➥ P only
ii ➥ Neither P nor Q
iii ➥ Q only
iv ➥ Both P and Q

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Answer: IV
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Q29➡ | NTA UGC NET December 2018

Software coupling involves dependencies among pieces of software called modules. Which of the
following are correct statements with respect to module coupling?
P: Common Coupling occurs when two modules share the same global data
Q: control Coupling occur when modules share a composite data structure and use only part of it.
R: Content coupling occurs when one module modifies or relies on the internal working of another

i ➥ P and Q only
ii ➥ P and R only
iii ➥ Q and R only
iv ➥ All of P,Q and R

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Answer: II
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Q30➡ | NTA UGC NET December 2018

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Q30➡ | NTA UGC NET December 2018
Match each UML diagram in List-I with Appropriate description in List-II

i ➥ (a)-(i), (b)-(iv), (c) -(iii), (d)-(ii)

ii ➥ (a)-(iv), (b)-(ii), (c) -(i), (d)-(iii)
iii ➥ (a)-(iv), (b)-(i), (c) -(ii), (d)-(iii)
iv ➥ (a)-(i), (b)-(iv), (c) -(ii), (d)-(iii)

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Answer: III
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Q31➡ | NTA UGC NET December 2018

A legacy software system has 940 modules. The latest release require that 90 of these modules be
changed. In addition, 40 new modules were added and 12 old modules were removed. Compute
the software maturity index for the system.

i ➥ 0.725
ii ➥ 0.923
iii ➥ 0.849
iv ➥ 0.524

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Answer: III
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Q32➡ | NTA UGC NET December 2018

Software products need perfective maintenance for which of the following reasons ?

i ➥ To rectify bugs observed while the system is in use.

ii ➥ When the customers need the product to run on new platforms
iii ➥ To support the new features that users want it to support
iv ➥ To overcome wear and tear caused by the repeated use of the software.

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Answer: III
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Q33➡ | NTA UGC NET December 2018

Suppose a cloud contains software stack such as Operating system, Application software, etc. This
model is referred as _ model.

i ➥ SaaS
ii ➥ IaaS
iii ➥ MaaS
iv ➥ PaaS

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iv ➥ PaaS

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Answer: I
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Q34➡ | NTA UGC NET December 2018

Which of the following is not one of the principles of agile software development method ?

i ➥ Following the plan

ii ➥ Embrace change
iii ➥ Customer involvement
iv ➥ Incremental delivery

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Answer: I
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Q35➡ | NTA UGC NET December 2018

Assume the following regarding the development of a software system P:
➤ Estimated lines of code of P : 33, 480 LOC
➤ Average productivity for P : 620 LOC per person-month
➤ Number of software developers : 6
➤ Average salary of a software developer : 50,000 per month
If E, D and C are the estimated development effort (in person-months), estimated development
time (in months), and estimated development cost (in Lac) respectively, then (E, D, C)

i ➥ (48, 8, 24)
ii ➥ (54, 9, 27)
iii ➥ (60, 10, 30)
iv ➥ (42, 7, 21)

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Answer: II
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Q36➡ | NTA UGC NET June 2018

Which one of the following is not typically provided by Source Code Management Software ?

i ➥ Synchronisation
ii ➥ Versioning and Revision history
iii ➥ Syntax highlighting
iv ➥ Project forking

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Answer: III
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Q37➡ | NTA UGC NET June 2018

A software system crashed 20 times in the year 2017 and for each crash, it took 2 minutes to
restart. Approximately, what was the software availability in that year ?

i ➥ 96.9924%
ii ➥ 97.9924%
iii ➥ 98.9924%
iv ➥ 99.9924%

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Answer: IV
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Q38➡ | NTA UGC NET June 2018

Coupling is a measure of the strength of the interconnections between software modules. Which of
the following are correct statements with respect to module coupling ?
P : Common coupling occurs when one module controls the flow of another module by passing it
information on what to do.
Q : In data coupling, the complete data structure is passed from one module to another through
R : Stamp coupling occurs when modules share a composite data structure and use only parts of it.

i ➥ P and Q only
ii ➥ P and R only
iii ➥ Q and R only
iv ➥ All of P, Q and R

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Answer: III
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Q39➡ | NTA UGC NET June 2018

A software design pattern often used to restrict access to an object is :

i ➥ adapter
ii ➥ decorator
iii ➥ delegation
iv ➥ proxy

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Answer: IV
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Q40➡ | NTA UGC NET June 2018

Reasons to re-engineer a software include :
P : Allow legacy software to quickly adapt to the changing requirements
Q : Upgrade to newer technologies/platforms/paradigm (for example, object-oriented)
R : Improve software maintainability
S : Allow change in the functionality and architecture of the software

i ➥ P, R and S only
ii ➥ P and R only
iii ➥ P, Q and S only
iv ➥ P, Q and R only

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Answer: IV
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Q41➡ | NTA UGC NET June 2018

Which of the following is not a key strategy followed by the clean room approach to software
development ?

i ➥ Formal specification
ii ➥ Dynamic verification
iii ➥ Incremental development
iv ➥ Statistical testing of the system

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Answer: II
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Q42➡ | NTA UGC NET June 2018

Which of the following statements is/are True ?
P : Refactoring is the process of changing a software system in such a way that it does not alter the
external behavior of the code yet improves the internal architecture.
Q : An example of refactoring is adding new features to satisfy a customer requirement discovered
after a project is shipped.

i ➥ A P only
ii ➥ Q only
iii ➥ Both P and Q
iv ➥ Neither P nor Q

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Answer: I
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Statistical software quality assurance in software engineering involves___________.

i ➥ using sampling in place of exhaustive testing of software.

ii ➥ surveying customers to find out their opinions about product quality
iii ➥ tracing each defect to its underlying cause, isolating the vital few causes, and moving to
correct them.
iv ➥ tracing each defect to its underlying causes, and using the Pareto principle to correct each
problem found.

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Answer: III
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Which of the following statements is/are FALSE with respect to software testing ?
S1 : White-box tests are based on specifications; better at telling whether program meets
specification, better at finding errors of omission.
S2 : Black- box tests are based on code; better for finding crashes, out of bounds errors, file not
closed errors.
S3 : Alpha testing is conducted at the developer’s site by a team of highly skilled testers for
software that is developed

i ➥ Only S1 and S2 are FALSE.

ii ➥ Only S1 and S3 are FALSE.
iii ➥ Only S2 and S3 are FALSE.
iv ➥ All of S1, S2, and S3 are FALSE.

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Answer: I
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A signal processor software is expected to operate for 91.25 days after repair, and the mean
software repair time is expected

i ➥ 96.9862%
ii ➥ 97.9862%
iii ➥ 98.9962%

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iii ➥ 98.9962%
iv ➥ 99.9962%

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Answer: IV
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Consider the method mcq ( ):
int mcq(boolean a, boolean b, boolean c, boolean d)
int ans=1;
if(a) { ans = 2; }
else if (b) { ans = 3; }
else if (c) {
if (d) { ans = 4; }
return ans;
M1 = Number of tests to exhaustively test mcq( );
M2 = Minimum number of tests to achieve full statement coverage for mcq( ); and
M3 = Minimum number of tests to achieve full branch coverage for mcq( );
then (M1, M2, M3) =___.

i ➥ (16, 3, 5)
ii ➥ (8, 5, 3)
iii ➥ (8, 3, 5)
iv ➥ (16, 4, 4)

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Answer: I
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A simple stand – alone software utility is to be developed in ‘C’ programming by a team of software
experts for a computer running Linux and the overall size of this software is estimated to be 20,000
lines of code. Considering (a, b) = (2.4, 1.05) as multiplicative and exponention factor for the basic
COCOMO effort estimation equation and (c, d) = (2.5, 0.38) as multiplicative and exponention factor
for the basic COCOMO development time estimation equation, approximately how long does the

i ➥ 10.52 months
ii ➥ 11.52 months
iii ➥ 12.52 months
iv ➥ 14.52 months

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Answer: II
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In Software Configuration Management (SCM), which of the following is a use-case supported by
standard version control systems ?
(A) Managing several versions or releases of a software
(B) Filing bug reports and tracking their progress
(C) Allowing team members to work in parallel
(D) Identifying when and where a regression occurred.

i ➥ Only (A), (C), and (D)

ii ➥ Only (A), (B), and (C)
iii ➥ Only (A), (B), and (D)
iv ➥ Only (B), (C), and (D)

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Answer: I
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Software does not wear-out in the traditional sense of the term, but software does tend to
deteriorate as it evolves, because

i ➥ Software suffers from exposure to hostile environments.

ii ➥ Defects are more likely to arise after software has been used often.
iii ➥ Multiple change requests introduce errors in component interactions.
iv ➥ Software spare parts become harder to order.

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Answer: III
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Software re-engineering is concerned with:

i ➥ Re-constructing the original source code from the existing machine (low level) code program
and modifying it to
ii ➥ Scrapping the source code of a software and re writing it entirely from scratch.
iii ➥ Re-organising and modifying existing software systems to make them more maintainable.
iv ➥ Translating source code of an existing software to a new machine (low level) language.

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Answer: II

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