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Out for A Jog

By: Patroclus

Content Warning: Pet play, Pegging, light CBT, Free Use, Rape, Public, Humiliation, Cum
Dump, Voyeurism, Exhibitionism, Mind Break, Chastity, Orgasm Control, Spanking, BDSM
Alex, aka Puppy, Slut, Cock Sleeve, BitchBoy Honey, aka Puppy, Doll, Dollie, Bitch
Pet in Training Pet

Phoebe, aka Mistress, Lady Phoebe (Pictured in blue lingerie)

Pet Owner
Rise and Shine
It was a beautiful Sunday morning; Phoebe was intent to make the most of it. She had
woken up before the sun, like she always did, and made her breakfast downstairs. It was a quiet
morning, and she liked it that way. Plus, it let her pets get some well-deserved rest. They
hadn't woken yet this morning, likely because they had had a long day yesterday and were both
sound asleep. That was good, Phoebe thought. It was going to be another long one today- for
them at least. For her, it was shaping up for an amazing day.
She was wearing a pair of bright orange workout shorts and purple panties, and a
matching orange sports bra, along with a pair of running shoes. Her daily run would commence
shortly, once she was finished drinking her morning glass of water beforehand to pre-hydrate,
and she had woken up her pets. It was convenient, she figured, to take them on a walk with her
as she ran. The problem was that they couldn't always keep up with her- especially on the
longer runs. It may have partly been because they were on a leash and had to carry all of the
things she could use on them. On the other hand, they weren't weighed down by as many
clothes either, unless you count a leash and collar as clothing.
As she drained the last of the water in the glass, Phoebe looked out the window at the
sunrise and thought to herself "We're burning daylight". It was time to get the pets up, whether
they wanted to or not. Some days, she had something special prepared to wake them up,
whether it be a surprise morning fuck, a splash of water, gagging and then wanking them until
they came for her, or sitting on their faces and waking them up with some good old-fashioned
cunnilingus. Today, however, she was in more of a rush, and so simply picked up a little bell
from the counter, rang it, and waited.
A moment later, from the living room, where the pet beds were (when they didn't sleep
with her), Honey came trotting in. She entered completely naked minus her cute black collar,
with her mouth closed, eyes on Phoebe, hands held together behind her back, and with a pep in
her step that Phoebe liked to see. Honey came right up to her before kneeling before her, knees
held together, arms still behind her back, head back, mouth open with her tongue out, and eyes
firmly fixed on her mistress, all without a word. Phoebe preferred her pets to walk on two feet
unless otherwise told- it was much faster and less hard on their poor knees. Some of her
friends got their pets cushions or pads for their knees and elbows, when the full-bitchsuit was
the choice du jour. But Phoebe liked keeping things simple- and her pets prompt. Which made
her wonder where her second pup was...
"Where is he?" she asked Honey, kindly but firmly. Honey knew only to respond when
spoken to or given permission and did so quickly. "I woke him up before I came."
Phoebe began tapping her foot impatiently, before she saw Alex stumble in a few
seconds after. Unlike Honey, who was well-trained, disciplined, fit and proud as a pet could be,
Alex was... a work in progress. She had just got him a month ago, with no training whatsoever.
He even had had some rebellious spirit left in him, but she broke *that* almost immediately. It
had taken a long day and a lot of orgasms- he was writhing in combinations of pleasure and pain
by the end as she had been jerking him while he was tied to the bed, then another long day of
pegging after locking up his drained cock. But even though now he was broken in and a willing
slut, they still were working on making him a good pet. She had let him out of that cage after
only a week, but then Honey told her she saw him jerking himself off against explicit orders not
to. That had earned him another week with his cock locked up, a set of anal beads and
complete orgasm denial, which Honey helped police and administer. After that week, with his
balls swollen and eager for release, Phoebe had him sit for a full day, legs and neck bound
enforcing proper posture, in front of her 4k TV. On it, she had queued up 15 hours of porn, with
a healthy mix of femboys, anal, JOI, sissy, pet play, and straight porn. His hands were free, but
the remote was out of reach, meaning he couldn't change the volume (set just loud enough that
he couldn't tune it out), and she told him that if he touched his cock even once she might have
no other choice but to lock it up indefinitely. Further, she wouldn't let him orgasm for another
month, not even from being fucked. She recorded the whole thing to make sure he didn't touch
his cock, and though she watched him become enthralled in the porn, and his cock stiffen and
slacken over and over, through a monumental effort he made it through. As a reward, she went
to peg him that night so that he could cum, and he came immediately when she put the dildo
So, he didn't have to have his cock in a cage- which was good, because Phoebe preferred
to have his cock out and on show. For now, mostly because she was curious to try it out, she
had it wrapped up with a harness of sorts, which let it get hard but constricted it when it did.
But there was still a host of other problems: tardiness, sluggishness, speaking out of turn, not
understanding commands or carrying out the wrong one, being out of shape and unable to keep
up on runs, and cumming sporadically without permission. Phoebe had to surmise the porn-
watching experience had the unintended effect of him hardly being able to hold back his orgasm
with stimulation. She didn't expect either of her pets to be able to control their orgasms
perfectly- there wasn't anything they could do to stop it, realistically. But she still had them ask
for permission before cumming, or at least tell her when they were going to. Alex often scarcely
had the time to say "Mistress" before he burst his load all over himself, earning himself a light
spanking. She felt a little bad for him, knowing he was trying and learning, but rules were rules,
and if he didn't obey, he had to be punished. Even Honey, whom Phoebe adored and showered
with affection, earned herself some discipline from time to time, sometimes not even
Today, as Phoebe was preparing for her run and Honey was already on her knees, she
watched Alex scurry over without any of the poise of his fellow pet, kneeling down, then looking
off of Honey to correct his pose. Finally, he was there, mouth open, tongue out, knees together,
hands behind his back, ready to obey. Phoebe almost sighed, but he was improving, even if
slowly. A work in progress, indeed.
"We're going on a run today," Phoebe told them, before taking her cup and refilling it
with water. "Let's make sure you're hydrated before we go. Dollie." She said, handing the full
glass to Honey, who took the command to take her hands out from behind her back to take the
glass. "Thank you, Mistress", she said eagerly, before drinking. She didn't chug it- Phoebe knew
that was recipe for a very bad time on their run- but she did drink quickly. Alex stayed next to
her, waiting for her to finish. Phoebe caught his eyes flash over towards Honey, before darting
back to focus on her. She gave him a very stern look, and she saw the guilt build on his face,
even with his tongue lolling out like a dog. In reality, Phoebe didn't care all that much about
that, but when training them you have to enforce the small things as well as the large.
After Honey finished drinking, Phoebe refilled the glass and gave it to Alex. "Thank you,
Mistress", he said, taking it in his hands and drinking as well. While he did, Phoebe turned
towards Honey, and instructed her, "Go get the bag together. All the usual stuff in it." Honey
nodded, bowed, stood, and left towards the closet to make sure the bag was fully stocked.
Phoebe, meanwhile, waited for Alex to finish drinking, before calling over to Honey to bring the
leashes as well. Once Alex finished and Phoebe took the cup back from him, she held out her
hand, palm flat towards him, as a signal to test his memory. He thought for a second, before
changing position, spreading his legs apart and bringing his arms in front instead of behind,
curling his fingers into two paws he held up near his shoulders, elbows tucked into his sides.
She then turned her palm over and waited for him to rise on his knees with the same arm
position, rather than resting on his thighs. This time, he did this promptly, tongue still sticking
out and eyes still locked onto hers. She then held her hand steady and curled her fingers up,
which he took as the sign to rise to his feet. Once on his feet, she turned her palm down and
flat again, and he returned to his knees, eyes not even flinching. She curled her hand into a fist,
and he closed his legs and placed his hands in his lap, pulling his tongue back in and closing his
mouth, still watching her expectantly but with a more serious expression now. After he held
this for a few seconds, she smiled and rubbed his head through his hair, letting him loll his
tongue out happily and enjoy the scritches, before bending down and giving him a gentle kiss
on the forehead. Positive reinforcement is important too.
Honey returned with the bag and leashes, and from her knees held them out for
Phoebe. She gave her some head rubs too, since she was in a good mood, and took the
backpack and the leashes. The former, she gave to Alex, which was enough of an order for him
to break posture to put it on, and then she clipped leashes to both of them. With palm up and
fingers curled upward, she beckoned them both to rise and led them to the door, stepping out
onto their front walk.
It was going to be a beautiful day for a run, Phoebe could feel it. It was slightly chilly,
which meant it would be perfect temperature once they started moving. There wasn't any
breeze, and only a few puffy clouds in the red morning sky. The birds were tittering and
twittering, and she took the moment to take a deep breath of the lovely fresh air. She started
with some jumping jacks to warm up for her stretches, then did some dynamic stretches to get
everything loose. Her pets followed her lead, holding onto their own leashes for the stretches
before handing them back to her for the run. Once they were warmed up, Phoebe started
jogging, and the other two followed, lest they be tugged along by the leash before they even
got going.

The Run
Phoebe put great importance on being in tip-top physical shape, and she required it of
her pets too. She and Honey had been doing this routine most days for over a year, along with
weight training with her gym equipment in the basement, and as such both were in excellent
shape (though Phoebe preferred to keep Honey curvy, with softer edges and less toned than
herself). Alex had been scrawny when he arrived and had gotten scrawnier that first two weeks.
Now, he was doing much better, and one could make out the outline of abs on his stomach.
Phoebe wanted him to be strong and lean, but she loved that he looked like a total twink and
wanted to keep him that way. For now, him getting too fit wasn't too much of a problem-
despite being a boy he still struggled to keep up with the women.
They started out at a moderately quick pace, but Phoebe aimed to keep it consistent for
the whole run. It would be about three miles total, around the neighborhood, and she normally
took a bit under half an hour to do it. The leashes swayed behind her as she held them in her
hand, forcing the pets to keep up as best they could without getting too close. Sometimes, their
neighbors would look out the window and watch the pets run by- or watch Phoebe, who
certainly wasn’t hard on the eyes herself. Occasionally, they’d pass someone else on their
morning run, but normally didn’t stop to chat for long, unless it was someone Phoebe really
wanted to talk to. They also normally went for much more casual walks later in the days, where
they’d often pass someone else walking their pet- whether that be human or canine. Phoebe
recognized most of the outgoing people in the neighborhood by this point, as did Honey, though
the latter was much more familiar with how they tasted. Alex still had lots of work to do getting
familiar with everyone- and keeping up.
After about a mile, they reached the start of a loop that would bring them back to this
point to finish the run. Phoebe looked back to check on her pets, and saw that Alex was at the
end of a tight leash, breathing heavily and struggling to keep up, while Honey was still spritely
and ready. With a sigh, Phoebe brought them to a temporary halt under a tree that hung over
the sidewalk, took Alex’s leash, and threaded it through the boards in a fence next to it.
“Take a rest, puppy”, she commanded, calmly. “You’re tiring far too quickly. How about you
wait here for us, and we’ll come back and get you on our way back?”
Sweating and panting, Alex simply nodded, acquiescing to being led to the fence. Once
his leash was threaded through the hole, Phoebe extended her hand towards him, palm out,
expecting something. He was puzzled for a moment, before taking off the backpack and setting
it on the ground in front of him, opening it and looking at her confused. She realized he didn’t
know what she was beckoning for, and simply added, “the lock”. He began looking through the
bag for a lock, as Phoebe began tapping her foot impatiently. It was bad to stop mid-run, and
she wanted to keep going as soon as possible. Finally, he found the small padlock, with the key
on a chain and in the lock, and he handed it to Phoebe. She snatched it from him and quickly
ran the bar through the loop of the leash, locking it to the rest of the leash and forming a loop
around the board in the fence. He was stuck to the fence now so long as his leash was attached
to his collar, and to ensure that she had him pull out a second, smaller lock to lock the clip to
the loop on his collar. They both worked with the same key, the chain for which she slid around
her neck. With Alex secured, she pointed to the ground next to the fence, and he picked up on
the signal to kneel and wait there, where she had him put the backpack on his shoulders again.
This wasn’t the first time something like this had happened, but today was the first time he was
being left without Honey staying with him.
“Stay here until we get back,” Phoebe instructed him, gesturing with her palm down.
“Not that you have much choice. But if anyone comes by, service them however they please, so
long as you’re here and in roughly the same condition when we get back. Understood?”
Alex nodded, and then, following her palm, spread his knees, put his hands up like paws,
lolled his tongue out, and was ready to please. Satisfied for now, Phoebe nodded and, with a
quick tug on Honey’s leash, they set off again on their run, leaving Alex behind.
While they ran, he waited with his tongue out, panting and trying not to squirm as the
ground was rough on his knees. His head was tilted up, but if he turned his eyes down, he could
watch the house across the street. Someone there was in the kitchen, looking at him as they
did the dishes, though he couldn’t see them very well. He felt himself being watched, felt
utterly humiliated being left out in the open like this, wrapped cock on full display, panting and
tired and on a leash like the puppy he was. It was so humiliating, in fact, that his cock was as
stiff as a board.
The person doing the dishes left the window and disappeared. His eyes darted around
the block, flashing back to the front door of the house across the street again and again,
expecting someone to come out. He didn’t have to wait long before he saw the door open and
a woman come out wearing an apron, walk to the street, look both ways, and cross.
She was a brunette with glasses and a slender, pointed face, along with an overall thin
physique. She reminded him of a librarian, except the black apron she wore overtop. It had
some wet spots and what looked like possible soap- why she hadn’t taken it off after doing the
dishes and before coming outside, he’d soon find out. But when she came out, she looked
around and spoke to him very sweetly.
“Awww, did poor puppy get left behind?” She asked, rubbing his head gently. He closed
his eyes and smiled with his open mouth. “Ahhh, so you’re Miss Phoebe’s new pet… I heard she
had gotten a femboy. My my, what a handsome boy you are.”
He was loving the praise, and wiggled his butt to show it, with the side effect of his cock
also wiggling along with it. Seeing his cock wag, the woman giggled and smiled very brightly.
He hadn’t met this woman before, but she seemed super nice and gentle and sweet.
Apparently, though, she knew Phoebe, which wasn’t a surprise. It was a tight-knit community
after all- lots of casual sex being passed around.
“You really are quite the beauty... I’m Nina, and you are…?” She looked at the tag on his
collar. “Ah, Alex, is it? Well, don’t feel bad about not being able to keep up. Phoebe is in crazy
good shape- she and Honey have been working at this fitness routine since before I moved into
the neighborhood.”
He whimpered softly, not sure if he should respond with words or not. He hoped that if
he just looked at her with enough inquiry in his eyes, she’d see it and answer him. While he saw
her make eye contact, and was almost positive she noticed his doubt, she didn’t do anything of
the sort- as if she was intentionally ignoring him, or rather, testing him.
“What did Miss Phoebe tell you before she left?” Nina asked, still rubbing his hair. This,
at least, he knew to respond to.
“To stay here and service anyone who comes by however they please,” He replied,
blushing fiercely. It was demeaning, especially to say something so naughty to someone who
looked so innocent and kind. Even though the statement itself was somewhat neutral, the fact
that he was naked, leashed and collared, and wearing a bag full of sex toys made it much more
clear what ‘servicing’ meant. “Oh- so long as I stay in roughly the same condition when they get
“’Roughly the same’, huh?” Nina ran her hands through his hair, clearly contemplating
something. Looking into her eyes, it was at this moment he stopped panting. They were cool,
calculative, much sharper than the gentler look a few seconds ago. He recognized that look- it
was the look of someone with a plan forming. A plan to use him for their pleasure.
“Well, then she won’t mind if I try out this on you…” Nina said, stepping back and
undoing the knot on her apron, letting it fall to the ground beside her and revealing what she
was wearing underneath: a white tank top, black leggings, and a harness with a very large, very
pink, ribbed strap-on dildo by her crotch.
Alex barely had the opportunity to gulp before she grabbed his head and pulled it up to
the head of the dildo, the clearest way to say “suck it” there is. With no other option, he
acquiesced, getting to work lapping the cock with his tongue as completely as he could. The
ribs were mostly on the top side, about halfway down the cock, and he didn’t quite reach them
as he was focusing on the tip. After letting him lick it for a few seconds, Nina pushed his head
farther, forcing him to take in the head of the cock in his mouth and bob on it. With each thrust,
she pushed it a little deeper, getting slobber all over the dildo and getting his lips closer and
closer to the ribs. He shuddered to think what they would feel like in his throat- he could only
imagine they’d hurt, but he expected her to make him deepthroat it eventually. In the
meantime, she pushed his head against the fence and face-fucked him, giving him no say in the
matter, though each stroke only was over the head. It was barely deep enough to make him
start to gag on some strokes, but mostly she held back. After a minute, she started to slow
down and take longer strokes, pulling the cock out just barely all the way before putting it back
in, creating a satisfying pop every time it left his lips. Once he had regained his bearings, he had
locked eyes with her, expecting vengefulness and sadism, but still seeing sweetness and
gentleness, betraying not thoughts of “I’m going to fuck the shit out of this bitchboy until he’s
crying and cumming uncontrollably”, but of “Aww, look at him, he’s so adorable and sweet”. As
she was thrusting slowly, it allowed him the chance to breathe, and he whiffed a slight rose
scent. Whether that was from the dildo, or from her, he couldn’t tell, but it was a very pleasant
Finally, she pulled out and didn’t put the strap-on back in, letting him take a moment to
breath. She held his hair firmly with one hand, and took his curled hand in another as she lifted
him to his feet and turned him around to face the fence. The backpack was now towards her,
and he heard her unzip it and rummage through it. “Oh~” She remarked, “Phoebe always does
come prepared. Let’s see if there’s anything useful here…”
Alex was caught off guard when, expecting her to pause while she looked, she continued
ruffling through the bag as she slid the cock into him, causing him to yelp in unexpected
pleasure. It was pretty loud, louder than he had intended, and she clicked her tongue as if to
say “well, I guess that settles it”. Nina grabbed a fistful of his hair again and, pulling his head
back, placed a ball gag into his gaping mouth before securing it behind his head. Holding onto
his head still, she then reached around and grasped his balls firmly but without squeezing. He
squirmed and whimpered softly, before moaning loudly as she used the handholds to help her
press the ribbed dildo in all the way to the base. If they weren’t already awake, he’d probably
just woken up half the neighborhood- and Nina was just getting started.
She began thrusting at a steady pace, barely giving him time to warm up but without
pounding him ruthlessly. He smeared his spit over the dildo with his hole, but the first few
strokes felt slightly dry and rather painful. The ribs were a new experience for him- after the
first few strokes, where they just felt uncomfortable, they began to stimulate his hole in a way
unlike anything he had had before. They added so much more sense and texture to the
pleasure experience, and it caused his legs to go weak way sooner than normal. He had to
grasp onto the fence with both hands, moaning through the ball gag, as she steadily thrusted in
and out and continued whispering gentle nothings into his ear.
“Ooh, you’re such a good submissive boy. You take this cock so well, don’t you? And
your ass- it’s so cute and tiny, I just want to eat it up. And this cock of yours… what a strong and
proud little tool you have. My, it would be such a shame to not show this off to everyone. It’s
bigger than my boyfriend’s- nice and round and thick and strong and tall. I see why Phoebe
picked you…”
He lost most of her compliments to being far too preoccupied with his hole being
opened up. The dildo was huge, and even though his hole stretched to take it the fuck was one
of the tightest he had had in a long time- since the day Phoebe had had to break him in. It had
been such a long day…
Between being fucked in public for all to see, the compliments about his cock, and
thinking about the time Phoebe fucked him until he was reduced to quivering while covered in
his own cum, he was put over the top. He squirted against the fence, four strong spurts he
could hear make contact, as his whole body rippled in pleasure and his knees shook even
harder. Nina saw it and giggled that same adorable, sweet, gentle giggle, and slid the cock in for
one final deep thrust, jerking him until it all oozed out.
“I see that Phoebe still has a lot of work to do with you,” Nina sighed, although if she
was trying to sound disappointed Alex thought she didn’t do a very convincing job of it. Instead,
she seemed to be getting more excited, as she pushed his face against the fence and pulled the
cock out. Without it holding him up anymore, his knees buckled and he almost fell down,
saving himself part way down and slowly rising back to being bent over. She produced
something else from the bag, and he didn’t know what it was until he heard a thwack and felt a
sharp smarting pain from his rear. Apparently, she had gone with the paddle and was too
excited to get started to give him any warning.
Nina began working his ass with the paddle, alternating angles and sides to make sure
his ass was hurting evenly all around. He squirmed and yelped through the gag, drooling over
the fence as he was pushed up against it, seeing Nina out of the corner of his eye smiling
broadly as she delivered blow after blow. Shudders ran through his body with each hit, and his
ass became more and more red and raw. He wasn’t sure what the line of “roughly in the same
condition” was, but with the gag he had no way to protest. But, if Phoebe had made sure the
paddle was in the bag, then she must have expected this sort of thing to happen.
Finally, the paddling stopped, and Nina let go of his head as she walked behind him. His
legs were weak as he tried to stay standing, whimpering and feeling that his ass would be sore
for the rest of the day. But Nina wasn’t done, and after a moment of digging around in the she
took him by the hair and pulled him down to the ground with her, making him straddle her on
the sidewalk as she laid back, positioning the dildo right under his raw butt. She took firm hold
of his cock, causing him to gasp sharply, and using the other hand to hold the dildo guided him
down onto it to ride her. She pushed him all the way down until he had taken the full length
and his backside was resting on her thighs. It was clear that she had pulled two more things out
of the bag and put the paddle back; a bottle of lube, which she had (graciously) used to ease her
entry, and some rubber bands. The sight of the latter made Alex squirm, which just grinded the
cock inside him and made his cock stiffen up again. She held onto his penis with one hand as
she stretched the rubber bands across her fingers one at a time, grabbing his balls and sliding
the rubber bands up and over his sack, so that they squeezed near the base of the sack. She
put three bands on in total before beginning to stroke his cock and flicking his balls with the
middle finger on her other hand. It made him groan through the gag, but he stayed steady and
let her work, flinching at each flick.
Nina kept at it for what felt like forever, making him grind on the dildo as she continued
to flick his sack over and over. Alex was whimpering and trying to keep back tears of pleasure
and pain. It was by no means excruciating or torturous, but the combination of a full hole, his
cock being jerked, and the flicking was intense, to say the least. Initially, he kept his hands
behind his back so he could squeeze his fists at each blow, but then Nina paused stroking him
for a moment and lifted her shirt, revealing bare breasts underneath. She took his arms and
brought his hands to her breasts, making him cup each in his palms. He ended up squeezing her
breasts rather than his own hands at each hit, which she evidently enjoyed quiet a lot. After
letting him get away with just sitting all the way on the dildo, she began tugging him gently up
and down to get him to start bouncing, leading to an incredible combination of sensations that
he was too overwhelmed with to really process much else. All he could do was focus on
breathing and how good it all felt- and bracing for the next flick.
It was in this position that Phoebe and Honey returned to find him in. They had a view
of him from a long way off on the loop, and Phoebe smiled as she panted from the run. She was
glad to see that he had been following her orders to the T- and that Nina had finally met Alex
after all this time. Leading Honey on her leash, Phoebe approached and jogged in place as she
talked to Nina, watching the scene in front of her with great interest.
“Nina! How have you been? It’s been a while since we’ve gotten the chance to chat.”
“Oh, hey Phoebe!” Nina said, pausing flicking but continuing the stroking. “Jared and I have
been doing well- he’s liking his new position. At work, I mean. And mine is just as fun as it’s
always been.”
“That’s great to hear,” Phoebe replied. Jared and Nina had moved in together as a couple, and
since then Phoebe (and by extension, Honey) had gotten to know them pretty well. They were
some of her favorite people in the neighborhood- which was part of the reason she had tied up
Alex right across the street from their house, “I see you’ve met my new pet, Alex.”
Nina nodded happily, “He’s really nice. Handsome, cute, eager to please…”
She bucked up into him and gave him another flick, causing him to lurch and continue to ride at
the pace he had been, before he slowed down slightly to listen.
“…And I was telling him, this cock of his is just wonderful.”
Phoebe smiled. Nina was always one to give compliments rather than critiques. Nevertheless,
she noted Alex’s paddled ass and saw the stain on the fence. Knowing he was bad at holding it
in until given permission to release, and not wanting him to accidently cum on Nina’s face, she
pointed to the ground beside the pair and ordered Honey, “Blow him, in case he cums.”
The girl did so promptly, stopping her running in place and kneeling down next to Nina.
The woman helped guide the cock into Honey’s mouth, and she held her head still to let it
bounce up and down as he rode the dildo. The feeling of her lips around his cock, and the
tongue across his tip, sent more shudders of pleasure through his body, as the ribbed dildo
stimulated his ass in a wonderful way.
“May I…?” Nina inquired of Phoebe, who nodded in return. “Flick his balls too,” She ordered to
Honey, and stretched her hand out to grab the girl by her ass. They continued talking, with
Alex’s hands still on her breasts, and his bussy still full of her cock.
“You just got him recently, no?”
Looking for ideas regarding how Alex became Phoebe’s pet. Maybe they met at a club, and Alex
was still getting over breaking up with his ex-girlfriend and was really missing sex. Or maybe
Phoebe has something over on Alex, and he agreed to be her pet so she wouldn’t ruin his
reputation or something. Maybe she paid somebody for him as more of a societal structure. I’m
open for ideas.

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