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(a) Mathematical Economics – methods

of mathematics to create economic
1ST YEAR BSA2112-A theories and such (e.g. equilibrium model)

(b) Econometrics – statistical methods

(e.g. regression model)

ECONOMICS ✓ Managerial Economics sought to


Chapter 1: The Nature and Scope (Optimal solutions – it may not be right or
correct but it is the best solution)
of Managerial Economics

Theory of the Firm

- Combines and organizes resources for
- it is the allocation of scarce resource to
the purpose of producing goods and/or
satisfy human wants or needs.
services for sale.
- managing households
- Internalizes transactions, reducing
transaction costs.

Managerial Economics - Primary Goal: maximize wealth/value of

the firm
- It is the application of economic
theory and decision science tools to
solve managerial decision
A firm exist..
(1) to increase profitability/revenue
(2) to satisfy customer
Economic Theories
(3) sustainability ||ability to meet the
(a) Microeconomics – it is the economic
current needs of society without
behavior of individual units or specific
compromising the future, e.g. nokia, sony||
segments of the whole economy

(b) Macroeconomics – it is the economic

behavior of the whole economy itself. Value of the firm

- The present value of all expected

future profits
Decision Sciences
Alternative Theories ✓ explicit costs – audited / involves
[1] Sales Maximization monetary values

- adequate rate of profit ✓ implicit costs – unaudited / non

monetary / no receipts (resources
(to make the most of sales revenue belonging to the owner such as capital and
possible without taking a loss) inventory)

[2] Management utility maximization

- principle-agent problem Theories of Profit

(to achieve highest level of satisfaction • Risk-Bearing Theory of Profit (profit by
from their economic decision) risk)

• Frictional Theory of Profit (profit by

[3] Satisficing Behavior competing)

(acceptable option rather than the optimal • Monopoly Theory of Profit (one
one) seller/producer)

• Innovation Theory of Profit (Profit is the

Reward for Successful Innovation)
Definition of Profits
• Managerial Efficiency Theory of Profit
• Business Profit: (firms that enjoy higher levels of profit do
- Total revenue minus the explicit or so because they are more efficient than
accounting costs of production their competitors)

• Economic Profit: Function of Profit

- Total revenue minus the explicit • Profit is a signal that guides allocation of
and implicit costs of production society’s resources

• High profits signals that buyers want

more of what the industry produces
• Opportunity Cost:
• Low(negative) profits signals that
- Implicit value of a resource in its buyers want less of what the industry
best alternative use produces
(value of the option not taken when a
business makes a decision)
Business Ethics

• Types of behavior that businesses and

Notes: employees should not engage in
• Source of guidance that goes beyond - a increase in the price of a good while all
enforceable laws other things held constant will cause a
decrease in the quantity demanded of the
good. P (constant factors) Q
The Changing Environment of
Managerial Economics

a. Globalization of Economic Change in Quantity Demanded

Activity - an increase in price causes a decrease in
(this is how trade and technology have quantity demanded (rightward shift in the
made the world into a more connected and market demand curve \ \)
interdependent place) - a decrease in price causes an increase in
- Goods and Services quantity demanded (leftward shift in the
market demand curve \ \)
- Capital

- Technology
Changes in Demand
- Skilled Labor
• Change in Buyers’ Taste

• Change in Buyers’ Income

b. Technological Change
- normal goods (increase income, higher
(This is the improvement of the already
existing technologies)
- inferior goods (increase income, fall in
- Telecommunications Advances
- The Internet and The World Wide Web
• Change in the Number of Buyers

• Change in the Price of Related Goods

- substitute goods (serves same purpose)

Chapter 1: Appendix - complementary goods (adds value)
The Basics of Demand, Supply,
and Equilibrium
Law of Supply (perspective of producers)

- a decrease in price of a good, while all

Law of Demand (perspective of a other things held constant, will cause a
consumer) decrease in the quantity supplied of the
good. P (constant factors) Q
- a decrease in the price of a good while all
other things held constant will cause an - an increase in the price of a good, while
increase in the quantity demanded of the all other things held constant, will cause an
good. P (constant factors) Q increase in the quantity supplied of the
good. P (constant factors) Q
• an increase in supply will cause the
market equilibrium price to decrease and
Change in Quantity Supplied
quantity to increase
- a decrease in price causes a decrease in
( S P Q)
quantity supplied (leftward shift in the
market supply curve / /) • a decrease in supply will cause the
market equilibrium price to increase and
- an increase in price causes an increase in
quantity to decrease
quantity supplied (rightward shift in the
market supply curve / /) ( S P Q)

Changes in Supply
• Change in Production Technology Chapter 2: Optimization
• Change in Input Prices Techniques and New Management
• Change in the Number of Sellers

[ Notes:
Market Equilibrium (to know kung
kailan ka lugi o hindi) ✓ Optimization, in economics, it is not
- it is determined at the intersection of the really important if it’s right or wrong but it
market demand curve and the market should be the best
supply curve

- equilibrium price causes quantity Terms Abbreviations:

demanded to be equal to quantity supplied

Market Equilibrium of Demand
• an increase in demand will cause the
market equilibrium price and quantity to TC – TOTAL COST
( D P Q)

• a decrease in demand will cause the

market equilibrium price and quantity to
Expressing economic relationships
Equation: TR = 100Q – 10Q²
( D P Q)
- The result of the graph makes an
example of a linear regression
Market Equilibrium of Supply
- This is to show if x has relationship with

- The dependent variable is affected by

independent variable

Total, Average, and Marginal Cost

Average Cost – computes the mean

Equation: AC = TC/Q

Marginal Cost – computes the median

Equation: MC = TC/ Q

(note: means change)

(note: break even point in the graph of AC

and MC , indicates that the cost will rise

Profit maximization

Equation: TR-TC

(note: break even point in the graph of

profit maximization indicates where you
are not profiting nor at loss or hindi ka

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