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Proceedings of the ASME 2008 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and

Information in Engineering Conference

August 3-6, 2008, Brooklyn, New York, USA




Balike, Krishna Prasad∗ Rakheja, S

Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Ion Stiharu
Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering
CONCAVE Research Center
Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, H3G 1M8

ABSTRACT: travel [1]. The position and orientation of the vehicle wheel
An existing kinematic model is discussed in this paper while it travels from full jounce to full rebound, strongly
for its suitability for the kinematic analysis and synthesis of influences the road holding and directional dynamics of the
five-link rear suspension mechanism of a passenger car. The vehicle and this position and orientation of the wheel is
formulations for the trajectory of wheel center and contact determined by the suspension mechanism [2]. It is evident
patch along with other basic suspension kinematic parameters, from the literature that the handling dynamics of passenger
as a function of wheel jounce and rebound are discussed and cars are of primary concern in the vehicle design, as a vast
simulated. A model of the suspension is built in Multi-body number of studies had focused on this issue [3-5]. In order to
Dynamics software ADAMS/view to validate the discussed obtain the required handling, directional stability and tire wear
model. The simulation results of kinematic model are found to characteristics from the suspension, due considerations has to
be influenced by magnitude of the assumed velocity be given to these issues in the suspension design process. The
component of wheel center, however when a small magnitude initial stages of vehicle suspension synthesis involves the
of velocity is assumed as the input to the model the results development of kinematic model of the quarter car to
match with the ADAMS model. A sensitivity analysis method investigate the movement of the wheel carrier to full bump to
is discussed in this paper which reveals the influence of rebound, by considering the mechanism elements as rigid
suspension joint locations on the wheel center trajectory and members and at this stage inclusion of compliance members
other kinematic parameters. The information obtained from like tires, springs, bushings or dampers are not important [4].
the sensitivity analysis can be effectively used for tuning of Optimizing the suspension geometry by tuning of suspension
the hard points to obtain desired kinematic parameters. Using hard point locations (joint locations are referred to as hard
the results of sensitivity analysis, two of the hard points of an points in this paper) should be done at this stage to arrive at
existing suspension are relocated and was verified by the required wheel path, however it is a challenging task.
kinematic analysis of the modified suspension that the Knowledge of the influence of each hard point on the wheel
modification had resulted in an improved camber variation path makes obtaining optimized suspension geometry easier
with a slight compromise on ride height. task.
The position analysis of a few types of independent
1 INTRODUCTION suspensions can be carried out by planar analysis but the multi
The position and velocity analysis of any mechanism without link suspensions deployed in many of the recent high end
considering the effect of forces acting on it, is usually termed passenger cars form a spatial mechanism and thus the planar
as kinematic analysis and the kinematics of vehicle suspension kinematical analysis of such mechanism is complicated [1].
mechanism deals with the articulation of the suspension The multi-link suspensions are spatial mechanisms and
mechanism and change in wheel orientation during its vertical numerous researchers have shown interest in the analytical

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approach to the kinematic analysis of the multi link suspension numerical results is discussed in Section 7 and Section 8 gives
[6-11]. Suh [6] used displacement matrices method to solve the concluding remarks.
the position, velocity and acceleration of joints. Lee et al [7]
used velocity vector method for the position analysis of the 2 GEOMETRY OF FIVE-LINK SUSPENSION
wheel center and the joint centers. Knapczyk et al [8] Figure 1 illustrates schematics of a five link independent
proposed the displacement analysis of multi link suspension suspension in its basic form. It is a modified form of double
by vector algebraic method, considering suspension as a wishbone suspensions where the wheel career is attached to
modified mechanism with upper two links disassembled. The the vehicle chassis through five distinct links with spherical
analysis was carried out by solving an optimization routine joints in both wheel career and chassis. The five spherical-
describing a condition that the distances between the spherical joints of the suspension form a spatial mechanism
homologous released joints remain equal to the lengths of the with one active degree of freedom i.e. vertical motion of the
disconnected members. Roca et al. [9] repeated the kinematic wheel. Each link has one isolated passive degree of freedom
analysis with the same method and compared the results with due to its mobility around its longitudinal axis; however this
the results of model developed using ADAMS/view software. degree of freedom does not alter the kinematics of the
Knapczyk et al. [10] experimentally verified the method in mechanism [8]. In the Fig.1 the points A1, A2,…A6 are the link
[8]. The formulations were derived using screw calculus and joints at the chassis and the points B1,B2,…B5 are the link joints
are very complicated. The studies in references [8-10] were at the wheel carrier. The point B0 is the wheel center, N is a
focused on the elasto-kinematic analysis and they did not point, wheel plane makes contact with the ground and C is the
address the influence of change in the hard point locations on spring attachment point in the link. The load on the wheel is
the wheel center path. Simionescue et al. [11] considered carried by the spring and shock absorbers mounted between
suspension as a rigid body guiding mechanism released from one of the links and the car body. If the position of joints in a
its joints and to be moved in successive positions along an global three dimensional coordinate system is considered as
idealized vertical trajectory. In order to find the joint variable parameters, there are 30 parameters that can be varied
disposition for which the distances between the homologous to get a better ride and handling performance of the vehicle
released joints vary as little as possible an objective function [8].
was defined. The objective function which on minimization
yielded an improved suspension performance but the objective
function was defined with an assumption that the wheel
orientation should be vertical during wheel vertical travel
which has a few disadvantages as will be explained later.
Further none of the above studies had addressed motion ratios
in their studies which are important from the perspective of
ride dynamics of vehicle.
The present study is aimed at exploring a simple kinematic
model to simulate the kinematic parameters and to carry out
sensitivity of kinematics of the multi link suspension
mechanism to the hard point location variation. The kinematic
model based on a system of velocity equations proposed by Figure 1: Schematics of a multi link suspension system
Lee [7] for the multi link suspension is considered for this
study. However, in reference [7] none of the simulation results 3 VEHICLE SUSPENSION KINEMATICS
were illustrated. We are unaware of the model validation Suspension kinematics are derived based on vector relation of
published else where. Validation of the model by comparing velocity of any point in a rigid body with respect to velocity of
the simulation results with other models is one of the main point in the same body. The instantaneous velocity of any
objectives of this study. Subsequently, to explore the point Q in a rigid body A as shown in the Fig. 2, relative to a
usefulness of this method to compute motion ratio and to carry fixed inertial frame OXYZ can be described by the relation
out the study of kinematic parameter sensitivity to hard point [12]:
location to enable tuning of suspension hard points are the vq = v p + ω × r (1)
other objectives of this work.
where, vp and vq are the instantaneous velocities of P and Q, r
The paper is organized as follows: The geometry of five link is the position vector from P to Q and is the angular velocity
suspension is briefly described in Section 2. Based on the of A The cross product of two vectors can be represented in
methodology suggested by Lee in reference [7], velocity their components form in x, y and z directions as:
equations for the joints of five link suspension mechanism are
derived from the fundamentals in Section 3. Section 4 x y z
describes the derivations for suspension kinematic parameters, ω × r = ωx ω y ωz (2)
with the explanation on importance of each on the vehicle
rx ry rz
performance and Section 5 describes the model of the
suspension developed in ADAMS/view. Numerical results
corresponding to the validation are discussed in Section 6. The
proposed sensitivity analysis method together with the

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in the form of three components of velocities of six points that
include five joints and wheel center point and three
components of angular velocities of the wheel carrier. This
indeterminate system of equations can be solved if one of the
unknown can be suitably assumed. Since the natural path of
the wheel is vertical, it can be assumed suitably. Now, other
20 unknowns can be calculated by solving 20 equations.
Rearranging the Eqs. (5-8) for each of the link;
vBi x eAi Bi x + vBi y eAi Bi y + vBi z eAi Bi z = 0
v Bi x − v B 0 x − ( rB 0 Bi z )ω y + ( rB0 Bi y )ω z = 0
vBi y − vB0 y + (rB0 Bi z )ω x − (rB0 Bi x )ω z = 0
Figure 2: Instantaneous velocity of any point in a rigid vBi z − ω x (rB0 Bi y ) + ω y (rB0 Bi x ) = vB0 z
body. can be written in the matrix form as [4],
[ A]{q} = { f } (9)
Using the above vector relations, velocities of various joint
locations can be specified for a suspension mechanism, where, [A] is a matrix basically formed by the vectors between
based on the following assumptions [4, 7], the joints, {q} is a vector of unknown velocities and {f} is the
1) the vehicle chassis is rigid and fixed assumed vertical velocity input. When a value is chosen for
2) the links of the suspension are rigid the wheel center vertical velocity component the set of
3) wheel carrier or knuckle is rigid equations can be solved, each point in the knuckle is moved
4) elasto-kinematic effects in the joints are neglected by a small distance related by the equations and gives rise to
5) wheel is rigid, locked and rigidly fixed to the wheel new set of coordinates. For a parametric time of t, the
carrier so that it forms a part of it. distance traveled by any point in the wheel can be estimated as
Since by assumption, wheel carrier is a rigid body, when it product of the velocity and time.
moves through a path in 3-D space in relation to a fixed δxi = vi .δt (10)
reference frame; it will appear to rotate about an instantaneous where, xi is the displacement of any joint center in the wheel
axis at an instantaneous angular velocity . The velocities of assembly. A new position of any point is the sum of old
each point on the knuckle can be determined by the relation position and the displacement. And if we assume that the
vBi = vB0 + ω × rB0 Bi for i = 1...5 (3) parametric time t is unity, then we can write,
where, VBi is the instantaneous velocity vector of points Bi, is δxi = vi . (11)
the instantaneous angular velocity vector, rB0Bi is the position The positions of the joints for successive movement of the
vector from point B0 to point Bi, the subscript i represents the wheel center can be simulated by solving the matrices each
number of links, and ω × r ≡ cross product of and r. The time the wheel center is moved by an assigned value in
instantaneous angular velocities of each point in a rigid body vertical direction.
remain same [12]. Since the chassis is assumed to be fixed, so
are the points Ai, the velocities of points Bi are constrained to 4 SUSPENSION KINEMATIC PARAMETERS
be at 900 from AiBi. The condition, that the dot product of ANALYSIS
vector from B to A and the instantaneous velocity vector for The handling and ride performance of the vehicle are
each link is being 0, leads to a second set of equation: influenced by a few of the suspension kinematic parameters
such as camber, toe angle, roll center height and motion ratio
eAi Bi .vBi = 0 (4) variation with wheel vertical travel [13]. These parameters are
where, eAiBi are the vectors representing the links from points related to wheel center path. In the present study only front
Ai to Bi. The Eq. (3) can be rewritten in terms of its view kinematic parameters are considered. Wheel center path,
components along the x, y and z axes as: wheel contact patch path or half track variation, camber angle,
v Bi x = v B0 x + ω y ( rB0 Bi z ) − ω z ( rB0 Bi y ) (5) roll center height and motion ratios are formulated in this
section by extending the velocity relations. The coordinates
v Bi y = v B0 y − ω x (rB0 Bi z ) + ω z (rB0 Bi x ) (6) used for these derivation are SAE vehicle coordinate system
i.e. x is along longitudinal, y is along lateral and z is along
v Bi z = vB0 z + ω x (rB0 Bi y ) − ω y (rB0 Bi x ) (7) vertical direction of the vehicle and the origin is located in a
where, the subscripts x, y and z represent the components of plane normal to ground and passing through the axle [14].
the vectors in the respective directions. Similarly Eq. (4) can 4.1 Wheel Center and Contact Patch Trajectory
be rewritten, decomposing it in to component form as, The path followed by the wheel center and wheel-ground
e Ai Bi .v Bi = v Bi x e Ai Bi x + vBi y e Ai Bi y + v Bi z e Ai Bi z (8) contact point both in x and y (longitudinal and lateral)
direction during jounce and rebound motion of the suspension,
From the Eqs. (5-8) four equations can be written for each of is one of the primary concern in the kinematic analysis of any
the five links and their corresponding joints, thus together suspension [1, 8]. The phenomenon known by ‘track change’
there are 20 equations, and 21 unknowns. The unknowns are

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is the foot print of a tire in lateral direction when viewed in a
direction normal to road surface [1]. Track change can occur
due to wheel vertical travel as in the case of a bump. As it
involves a motion in lateral direction, there will be some
relative motion between the wheel and the road surface. This
lateral motion causes the tire to develop a lateral force which
in tern will develop tire slip causing change in wheel direction.
Vehicle driver has to give a corrective steering to get back the
direction. Track change has to be minimized to have good
directional behavior of the vehicle [2]. This makes the study of
wheel track variation a critical issue.
The solution of Eq. (9) yields the wheel center position
for successive steps of vertical velocity components assigned.
With the assumptions that the wheel is rigid and is fixed to the
wheel carrier which represents the condition that wheel being Figure 3: A schematic diagram of wheel camber
locked fully and the wheel center successive positions known, 4.3 Roll Center Height
the position analysis of contact patch point N, can be made The term roll center is associated with the point in the
using the following relation. transverse vertical plane at which lateral forces if applied does
v N = vB0 + ω × rB0 N (12) not produce any angular displacement of the sprung mass. The
roll center height is the distance at which the roll center is
where, vN is the velocity of the wheel contact patch point as
located above the ground in static position. The roll center
shown by point N in the Fig. 2. The decomposition of the
height is sometimes specified taking vehicle body as the
above equation in x and y directions gives the contact patch
reference. Recent researches have distinguished the force roll
lateral and longitudinal positions. The successive positions
center defined above, from the kinematic roll center which is
when estimated fetches the contact patch path with the wheel
obtained by joining the contact patch with the instantaneous
center [15]. The kinematic roll center is based on the
4.2 Camber Change symmetry assumption between spring rates of the left and
The static camber angle is the inclination of the wheel plane right of vehicle. As the vehicle rolls the symmetry is disturbed
from a plane perpendicular to the road surface when viewed the roll center obtained based on quarter car suspension looses
from the front and positive camber occurs when the top of the its meaning as far as its effect on vehicle roll is concerned.
wheel tilts outwards and negative camber occurs when the top However the kinematic roll center height and its variation with
of the wheel tilts inwards. A small static camber is provided wheel jounce-rebound is widely used as qualitative suspension
intentionally in a vehicle to achieve an axial bearing pressure data and for the analysis of ride height changes. Furthermore,
and to decrease the kingpin offset, but a large camber of the the roll center height determines the tire scrub characteristics
wheel causes a lateral force developed at contact patch which during the vehicle roll [15]. Figure 4 shows the schematic
usually makes the vehicle understeer and also leads to tire diagram representing roll center height of a suspension [13].
scrub and accelerated wear [14].
All the independent suspension can be assumed to be rotating
about an imaginary instantaneous center, in y-z plane, during
jounce and rebound of the vehicle causing the wheel to have
camber with respect to ground [13]. Similarly, during
cornering of the vehicle, the roll of the vehicle induces
modification of the wheel camber and this camber is termed as
roll camber. Wheel camber causes lateral forces developed at
tire and the total wheel camber variation has to be zero in an
idealized suspension mechanism [2]. In this study the analysis
is restricted to the camber variation during the wheel bounce
and rebound only. Figure 4: Schematic diagram showing the roll
Since the wheel is assumed to be rigidly fixed to wheel carrier center
the camber angle can be related to the y coordinates of the
wheel center and contact patch. Referring to Fig. 3 the wheel The formulations for the roll center height described here is
camber angle can be described as, exactly same as that proposed by Lee [7]. With an assumption
 N y − B0 y  (13) of equal spring rates of the suspension of both left and right
camber = sin −1   sides, the roll center will be located along the center line of the
 Wheelradius 
vehicle. Referring to the Fig. 4, it can be noted that the dot
where, Ny and B0y are the y coordinates of contact patch and in product of the instantaneous velocity of point N and the
the wheel center respectively. The wheel camber when position vector from the point N to roll center is zero.
estimated for successive positions of wheel in its vertical
travel yields the camber change with wheel jounce-rebound. vN .rNRc = 0 (14)
where, VN is the instantaneous velocity of wheel contact patch
N and rNRc is the unit vector from the point N to roll center Rc.

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Since the roll center is located in the transverse vehicle plane, velocity of point C in the direction of the spring will yield
the equation can be expanded in terms of the components in y more accurate result.
and z axes as
vN y (rNRcy ) + vN z (rNRcz ) = 0 (15) 5 SUSPENSION MODELING IN ADAMS/VIEW.
ADAMS (Automated Dynamics Analysis of Multi-body
where, the subscripts y and z represents the components in the System) is a software package that permits static, kinematic
respective direction. But, from the geometry as shown in Fig. and dynamic analysis of multi-body system such as
4, suspension system. In ADAMS environment a system is
rNRcy = Rc y − N y (16) assembled by a set equation of motion using Lagrange method
where, RCy and Ny are the y coordinates of the roll center and and a set of constraint equations to represent the relative
contact patch respectively. Similarly, motion between any two parts. The program solves the
rNRcz = Rch = Rc z − N z (17) equation of motion algebraically for displacements, velocities,
accelerations and forces.
where, Rch, is the roll center height, Rcz, and Nz are the z
coordinates of the roll center and the contact point N A five link suspension mechanism was modeled in ADAMS
respectively. Substitution of the equations (16) and (17) in to software in order to compare the simulation results of the
equation (15) gives, analytical model. The ADAMS/view software package was
v N y ( Rc y − N y ) + v N z Rch = 0 used for modeling of the quarter car suspension due to its
effectiveness in determining the kinematic responses that were
− v N y ( Rc y − N y ) studied in the analytical model. The links were modeled as
or, R ch = (18)
vNz rigid bodies connecting between wheel carrier and ground
through non flexible spherical joints. The ground represented
The instantaneous roll center height can be estimated for each the fixed chassis. The wheel center is given a point motion in
step of wheel vertical travel and the roll center change can be vertical direction and the motion was defined as a sinusoidal
simulated. function of time which makes the wheel carrier to simulate a
4.4 Motion Ratio or Installation Ratio cycle of bounce- rebound and back to the equilibrium position.
The motion ratio or the installation ratio is the ratio between Figure 5 demonstrates the ADAMS model of the suspension.
the changes in length of force producing elements like spring
or damper, to the change in vertical movement of wheel center
or it is also the velocity ratio of the spring to the wheel [13].
The wheel load acts at the wheel ground contact point and the
spring force acts at a distance from the pivot. Since the points
of application of two forces are different, the rate of the spring
required to support the vehicle is more than that of a spring
that acts at the point of wheel load. The motion ratio can be
given by the relation [13]:
Spring _ displacement
Motion Ratio =
Wheel _ vertical _ displacement
As the wheel travels vertically the position of the spring
attachment point changes and so is the motion ratio. Figure 5: ADAMS model of the suspension
Determination of the motion ratio change with wheel vertical
travel is important to a suspension designer because in order to 6 NUMERICAL SOLUTIONS AND DISCUSSIONS
maintain a constant ride natural frequency springing has to be Numerical analysis of the five link rear wheel independent
designed to compensate for the motion ratio [13]. Assuming suspension was carried out using the velocity vector method.
the spring attachment point C to be a point in the rigid link The geometrical data of Mercedes 190 five link suspension
A1B1 of Fig. 1, the velocities of points C and B1 are related by components given in reference [8], which represents the
the ratio of the distance from pivoted point A1. The velocity of equilibrium position of joint coordinates from a reference
point of B1 in the wheel knuckle is estimated by solving Eq. frame fixed at ground level below chassis are used for the
(9). The instantaneous velocity of point C can be formulated analysis. The same geometric data were used in the kinematic
as: analysis in references [8-11]. The velocity equations were
eB1 A1 .v B1 written in the matrix form as in Equation (9) and MATLAB
vc = (19) codes were written to solve the matrix equation. The
e A1C MATLAB codes, in addition to solving the equations update
where, vc is the velocity of point C, eA1C is the unit vector the joint locations and plot the consecutive joint locations in
representing the distance of point C from chassis attachment each of the x, y and z direction. The vertical component of the
point. Decomposition of the above equation gives the wheel centre velocity, vB0z was assigned as 1 mm/s initially.
velocities in all three directions. If the spring is assumed to be The simulations were carried out for one cycle of 100 mm
positioned vertically, only vertical velocity component needs jounce-rebound and then returning back to the equilibrium
to be considered. When the spring is positioned at an angle to position.
the vertical, the component of the resultant instantaneous

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The joint locations, wheel center and contact patch paths were
simulated for the wheel jounce-rebound. The ADAMS model
is simulated under similar conditions and the readings from
the result file were exported as spread sheets. Both the results
were compared. Camber angle, roll center height and motion
ratio variation with wheel jounce-rebound are estimated. The
values for 100 mm jounce to 100 mm rebound are plotted in
all the cases and the first and the last quarter cycle readings
were neglected. The simulation results from both the models
are compared.
Figure 6 illustrates the comparison of the wheel center path
with wheel jounce-rebound obtained by simulating the
analytical model as well as the ADAMS model. The analytical
model trajectory deviates from the ADAMS trajectory and the Fig. 7: Contact patch path vs. wheel bump
deviation increases continuously when the wheel travels from
full jounce to rebound. Figure 7 shows the contact patch path
with the wheel jounce-rebound, the deviation of the analytical
model curve from the ADAMS model curve is continuous as
in the case of wheel center trajectory but the deviation is less
as compared to the wheel center curve. The similar results
were obtained in references [8] and [11].

Figure 8: Spring attachment point vs. wheel bump

Figure 6: Wheel center path vs. wheel bump

Figure 8 compares the trajectory of spring attachment point C,

obtained by simulating analytical model with the path of
ADAMS model. Both the plots coincide except for the slight
deviation that can be observed below 60 mm of rebound. In all
of the above results the difference between the analytical and
ADAMS model results increases continuously as the wheel
goes through jounce to rebound. This is due to the fact that in
each iteration joints positions are estimated based on their
previous position. Any error in the previous step of iteration Figure 9: Wheel center and contact patch path vs. wheel
would add up to the current iteration and the numerical error bump
becomes cumulative.
The amount of numerical error in this analysis is estimated by
Figure 9 illustrates the wheel center and the contact patch the variation of the length of the links at successive steps. The
trajectory in one graph. It can be observed that wheel contact distance between the joints of two ends of the link is its length
patch is farther in y direction during wheel compression. and supposed to remain a constant value. The length of link
estimated after each iteration should remain same if the
positions estimated by the numerical calculation is the true
position. Figure 10 illustrates the propagation of error with
successive iterations, being represented by the increase in
length of link 1 with the successive iteration. The link lengths

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are computed for different magnitudes of vertical velocity The load shift from inner wheel to outer wheel causes the
components. It can be observed that when the assigned inner wheel to develop less lateral force as compared to the
vertical velocity is 0.1 mm/s the length variation got reduced outer wheel but is desirable to eliminate the rebound camber.
to 10% of that of 1 mm/s velocity. From Fig. 10 it is evident
that the accuracy of the results can be increased by reducing
the magnitude of vertical velocity input to the system of

Figure 12: Camber change vs. wheel bump

Figure 13 illustrates the roll center height variation with the
wheel vertical travel taking ground level as the reference.
Figure 14 shows the motion ratio variation with the bump
Figure 10: Variation of simulated link length with wheel movement of the wheel. The motion ratio decreases with the
bump for different velocity inputs increase in jounce, the suspension under consideration
requires a progressive rate spring to maintain a constant wheel
Figure 11 illustrates that the deviation of the wheel center and rate.
contact patch trajectories of analytical model from and the
ADAMS model can be reduced considerably when a small
vertical velocity was considered. Both the curves coincide, the
difference being negligible.

Figure13: Roll center variation with the wheel jounce-


Figure 11: Wheel center and contact patch path with

vertical velocity of 0.1 mm/s.

The camber angle increases continuously to negative side

during compression as shown in the Fig. 12. An initial camber
of 0.9° is assumed during the analysis in order to compare the
results with the published results [8, 11]. From Eq. (13) and
Fig.9 it is clear that the wheel plane is tilted inwards during
jounce and the inner tilt of the wheel is considered as negative
camber. The suspension designer prefers to have a negative
jounce camber which will cancel the positive roll camber
during cornering [1]. The suspension under consideration has
positive rebound camber which is not good for the handling Figure 14: Motion ratio vs. wheel bump
performance [2], although the rebound camber is less
significant as compared to the jounce camber in cornering.

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influence the wheel center movement in y-z plane during
7 SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS wheel vertical travel. Subsequently, lateral movement of
The sensitivity of a system to changes in its parameter values wheel center determines the camber change with wheel bump.
is one of the basic process in the analysis of a system and
knowledge of sensitivity is very valuable in optimizing the Table 1: Sensitivity of wheel center path to hard point location
design. In the case of suspension kinematic studies it would be displacement
appropriate to consider the suspension hard points location in
the space as system parameters. The sensitivity of the Joints x y z
McPherson suspension kinematic parameters (camber, caster, B1 0.0002 -0.0001 -0.0008
toe, wheel base, and kingpin changes with wheel jounce-
rebound) to the hard point location was studied by Bae et al B2 0.0000 -0.0000 -0.0000
[16] using axiomatic design approach. The main objective of B3 0.0001 -0.0000 -0.0004
our study is to find the influence of the changes in hard points B4 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0000
on the kinematic parameters. Modification of the model
B5 0.0001 0.0000 -0.0011
discussed in Section 3 to enable to study the sensitivity of
suspension kinematic parameters to the changes in the hard A1 0.0002 0.0001 0.0010
points of the five link suspension is proposed in this section.
A2 0.0000 0.0000 0.0001
The Equation (9) can be modified to write in terms of the
unknown velocity vector {q} as, A3 0.0001 0.0000 0.0005
{q} = [ A]−1{ f } (20) A4 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
The matrix [A] is formed by the distances between the joint A5 0.0001 0.0000 0.0013
locations and is function of joint locations. Considering any
change in joint location in x, y and z directions as changing
parameters, the parameter vector can be formed as, The sensitivity index values as shown in the Table 1 are
S= [Aik…Bik…], Aik are the movement of the chassis-link joint validated by displacing the hard point locations and carrying
of ith link in x, y and z directions and Bik are the change in out the kinematic analysis. Figure 15 illustrates the wheel
location of link-knuckle joint of ith link in x, y and z directions center trajectories obtained by displacing the two of the most
respectively. The components of the matrix [A]-1 depend on influential joints A5 and B5 and one of the least influential
the parameter vector S. Assuming that the matrix [A]-1 is a joints A2 by 5 mm in positive z direction. Movement of the
continuous function of S, its expansion about a nominal joint A5 makes the trajectory outwards in jounce and inwards
parameter vector yields a sensitivity matrix [W] in the form of in rebound. An opposite trend is shown by moving B5 since it
[17]; has negative sensitivity index value. And the movement of
(21) joint A2 shows negligible effect on the wheel center trajectory.
[W ] =
The partial derivative of the matrix with respect to the
parameters gives the sensitivity of the system to parameter
changes [17]. The partial differentiation of the matrix [A]-1
with respect to the parameters Sik yields;
∂ [A ] −1 ∂ [A ] (22)
[W ] = = − [A ] [A ]−1
∂ s ik ∂ s ik
In the case of five link suspension the parameter vector
contains 30 elements. This analysis yields the sensitivity of
each unknown in the wheel carrier to the hard point location
changes from the existing locations, when the wheel center is
moved up vertically by a unit distance. Furthermore, this
analysis method yields the influence of each hard point on the
kinematic responses of the mechanism.
The Table 1 demonstrates the sensitivity index values for
lateral position of wheel center, obtained by the sensitivity
analysis method discussed above. The results can be
interpreted in the following way: relocation of any of the Figure 15: Effect of joint location displacement on
joints by moving from the original set up will move the wheel wheel center trajectory
center inwards or outwards when the wheel carrier moves up
vertically, depending upon whether the sensitivity index is It can be noted from Eq. (13) that as the value of y coordinate
negative or positive. For example, if the joint B5 is moved in of the wheel center reduces, the camber angle gets negative.
positive z direction, the wheel center trajectory will move An inward wheel center trajectory would result in inward
inwards during jounce and outwards during rebound. From the camber angle too. Figure 16 illustrates the camber angle
table it can be comprehended that the joints A1, A5, B1 and B5 variation when joints A1, A2, and B5 are moved up by 5 mm.
or the front upper control arm and the rear lower control arm The joint A1 has a positive sensitivity index value and its

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displacement makes an outward camber angle trajectory in vehicle due to lowered ride height but a compromise is
jounce. The influence of joint A2 on camber variation is required in the ride height during straight line motion. This
negligible. example is for illustration purpose only and during suspension
design the effects of this change on the other parameters have
to be considered. A second level sensitivity analysis which can
determine the sensitivity of all the kinematic parameters to
changes in the hard point location would yield more optimized
suspension geometry.

Figure 16: Effect of joint location displacement on

camber change
These observations help in tuning the suspension joint
locations for a desired kinematic parameter. The suspension
Figure 18: Effect of geometry modification on the roll
under consideration has a large negative jounce camber and
center height.
positive rebound camber.
In this paper an analytical model for the initial kinematic
analysis of suspension mechanism has been discussed. The
wheel center and contact patch trajectories for the wheel
jounce-rebound are simulated using the developed method and
the results are compared with the ADAMS model trajectory. A
few of the suspension kinematic parameters were formulated,
their relevance in suspension design are discussed and are
simulated. A method of sensitivity analysis, to determine the
influence of changes in the hard point location on the wheel
center trajectory and the kinematic parameters are discussed.
Numerical error plays an important role in the accuracy of the
results, because the position of any joint is determined based
on the position in the previous iteration. However assigning a
very small vertical velocity component for the wheel center,
the error can be minimized. The motion ratio can be
Figure 17: Reduced camber variation by changing the effectively estimated using the velocity vector method. The
joint locations of upper front control arm sensitivity analysis method discussed in this paper can be
effectively used to find the most influential link and joints that
This camber variation can be reduced considerably by
affect the kinematic parameters. In the discussed example, the
changing the upper front control arm joint locations only. Fig.
upper front and lower rear control arms are found influencing
17 shows the reduced camber variation by relocating the joints
the wheel center trajectory the most. This analysis helps in
A5 and B5, by 5 mm in positive and negative z directions
tuning of the suspension mechanism for the desired
respectively. The effect of modifying the suspension geometry
performance and it was illustrated through an example for
for improved camber angle on roll center height is
improved bump camber change.
investigated. Fig. 18 compares the roll center height migration
The constraint equations in the model are true for any rigid
between the original set up and modified suspension geometry
body mechanisms, so the method can be applied to other multi
as a function of wheel jounce-rebound. With the hard points
link suspension mechanisms effectively. Velocity vector
optimized for the minimal camber variation, the roll center
method discussed in this paper does not replace the need for
height is observed to be lower than that the roll center height
advanced commercial software for the suspension design and
with the original set up. The lowered roll center height in the
analysis but the sensitivity analysis information can
static condition reduces the roll angle of the vehicle which in
supplement the design process.
turn reduces the roll camber. From the perspective of ride
height the vehicle is more stable during the cornering of the

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