Opening Speech

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Opening speech

Honorable director and Esteemed Delegates of the Frankfurt Assembly,

I am Joseph Reisinger, a member of the Augsburger Hof party, advocating for a

United Germany sans Austria. My stance isn't driven by antipathy, but by our
commitment to preserve Austria's cultural and national integrity amidst political and
cultural divergences within our Empire and to prevent violent conflicts between states
. The fragmentation of German-speaking states has hindered economic cooperation,
cultural exchange, and fostered a disjointed national identity. This Assembly provides
a pivotal opportunity to rectify these challenges through unification, a goal I
wholeheartedly support. However, the inclusion of Austria presents complexities that
can undermine this process. We are here not to serve our personal interests and we are
definitely not here to just debate on our beliefs regarding United Germany. We are
here to find solutions that benefit every single state in united Germany. To draft a
successful German Constitution, we must all be willing to compromise and
acknowledge that Austrias inclusion in united Germany could easily lead to internal
conflicts that would make Germany even more fragile. Therefore , we propose
creating a comprehensive constitutional framework that outlines a balanced political
structure for a unified Germany, ensuring distribution of power between a central
government and individual states and a cooperative relationship between Austria and
United Germany. We advocate for religious freedom and freedom of movement.
These measures will enable us to build a strong, unified Germany that respects
individual state identities and promotes economic, cultural, and political cohesion.
This moment marks the first instance when the German people have elected their
representatives freely. Let us honor their faith in us. Let us set aside our differences
and unite in our pursuit of a common goal.

Thank you.

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