27th July 2007, Page 12 - Edition 197

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The Midlands

@ R4000
HERALD S po r t
No. 197 • Friday 27th July 2007

Left: Dale Morphew looks to pass the ball,

playing for the Natal A men’s canoe polo team at
the SA Champs in Durban three weeks ago.

Right: Dale poses at the dairy farm at

Tweedie where he works, with his Natal
colours for canoe polo and gold medal for
Natal’s winning efforts at the SA Champs.

Right: Passing the ball . . .

Pictures: Julia Rees Photography

— Cell: 073-141 4844; web:
e-mail: julia@juliarees.co.za

Tel. 033-330 5566 • Fax 033-330 5948

Excelling at canoe polo, needs
support for World Champs
A/h cell: 082-443 6026
1 Laurel Crescent, Merrivale Industrial Park

* Panelbeating
* Spraypainting * Fibreglass A Howick youngster hopes to travel with the defence. quickly and being versatile, the canoes them-
repairs and fabrication * South African men’s canoe polo team to “The game is — when you’re attacking, selves are under three metres in length and
Bakkie linings Canada in July next year. all of you are attacking, and when you’re have bumpers at the front and back, the like-
Dale Morphew has been playing for Na- defending, all of you are defending,” he able youngster explains.
tal A team since 2004, having been selected explains. “It’s a very intense and physical game,”
for the U21 side in 2001 while a Grade 10 So what attracts him to it? he says of it. “Players are allowed to ram
pupil at Weston. “I don’t actually know. When I play polo, other canoes. The trick of it is to try and
Up to about fifteen players gather to prac- I feel free. keep the ball moving while you manoeuvre
tise at the University pool in “I really love it. I feel that my heart is in your boat.”
Rustic Concrete Pietermaritzburg on a Monday night — “but the sport. When I’ve played, I feel like a Since early 2007 he has been training at
Tiles • Pavers • Cobbles not as many at the moment when it’s winter new person.” the Midlands Well-ness and Fitness Centre
Cladding • Various sizes and cold!” he quips. The game of canoe polo in Howick, where personal trainer Justin
Dale plays a multiple role in the team, The game of canoe polo is played in an Stewart has been helping him to build up
Contact Lyn or Rob and possesses strengths in both attack and area of 23 metres by 35 metres on pools, his strength and rehabilitate a shoulder in-
3 Geekie Road, Howick (opposite dams and even — as jury that had him out of action for all of
Merrivale KwikSpar) • Cell 082-578 0659 he discovered on an 2006.
or telephone/fax: 033-330 7054 (a/h). GEARBOX & DIFF overseas trip in 2005 SA Champs in Durban
EXCHANGE & REPAIRS — on canals in Bel- Fit again, Dale has just played in the re-
gium! cent SA Champs in Durban held three weeks
Midlands Branch Dale spent three ago.
Tel. 033-330 5568/96; Cell: 072-126 1800 months working on Natal A played magnificently to win the
5 Main Road, Merrivale a dairy farm, near tournament, beating Gauteng 3-2 in the fi-
Oldenburg, in Ger- nals, although the team was 0-2 down at half-
Repairs to all Gearboxes & Diffs
many, and also time.
Wide range of reconditioned units available played the sport Having earlier in the day during the round
Clutch overhauls there and on a lake robin stage beaten the same side 4-1, they
Authorised CWA and RMI dealers in London. He cur- were not about to give up, and so staged a
All workmanship guaranteed rently lives and magnificent recovery to produce three goals
Full workshop facilities works on a dairy and win.
farm overlooking A need for sponsorship
Left: Terence, Peter and Midmar. As to the future, in a few months’ time
Allen in the Midlands According to the Natal A will be travelling to Johannesburg
workshop, with a BMW
Tel. 082-413 5003 • 033-266 6535 rules of the game, for a tournament, and will take part in an-
automatic gearbox and an
Isuzu manual gearbox. each half lasts 10 other in January before the team to travel to
Behind them is a diff stand minutes, with just a Canada is chosen.
where they had been working two minute break in At this stage he needs a new paddle, val-
on a 4x4 Hi-lux diff.
between. ued at R1 900, canoe at R2 600 and spon-
There are five sorship to go overseas (about R25 000 to
Durban Branch: 501 Umgeni Road players and three R30 000).
Established 1993 substitutes in each Let’s help our local achievers in sport!
Tel: 031-312 0838 team.
Fax: 031-312 6629 Needing to turn

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