Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 GB

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Cross (X) A, B, C or D on your answer sheet!

1. We connected this device to our computers. We D. Printer

use this device to move the cursor. It is a …
5. We connect this device to the computers so we can
A. Keyboard see other faces on video call. It is a …

B. Screen A. Webcam

C. USB Drive B. Printer

D. Mouse C. Mouse

2. We use this device to type on. It is a … D. Desktop computers

A. Desktop Computer 6. The yellow mouse is bad.

B. Mouse what is the superlatives form of bad?

C. Keyboard A. Worse

D. Screen B. Best

3. It is a small device to save our files. It is a … C. worst

A. Printer D. Better

B. USB drive 7. Acer is a good laptop.

C. Keyboard What is the superlatives form good?

D. Mouse A. Worse

4. It is a device to print. It is a … B. Best

A. Keyboard C. worst

B. Screen D. Better.

C. Desktop computer

Question number (8-9)


Rp.8.000.000. Rp.7.500.000. Rp.9.500.000. Rp.5.000.000.

8. Which laptop is the most expensive? 9. Which laptop is the least expensive?





Correct the underlined words. (10-12)

10. Which USB drive is the most expensive?

Sandisk is the expensive USB drive.

A. More expensive

B. Expensiver
C. Expensivest

D. Most expensive

11. Macbook is least expensive computer.

A. Is the Least

B. Is most

C. the most

D. Is least expensive.

12. Which mouse is most expensive?

A. Is the more

B. Is the most

C. The most

D. The more.

Question number (13-15 )

There are many types of gaming phone. The first model is Blackshark,it has the lates android version

and powerfull proccesor.the price is Rp.9.000.000. the second is Nubia x,designed for gaming

experience and it cost Rp.6.000.000.the last model but not least is cost Rp.4.000.000.

that phones are expensive because they are designed for the best gaming experience.

13. Which is the most expensive mobile phone? C. There are 5 gaming phone.

A. The most expensive mobile phone is Pocophone D. There are 2 gaming phone.

B. The most powerfull mobile phone is nubia. 15. Which is the most powerful mobile Phone ?

C. The most expensive phone samsung A. Nubia and Pocophone

D. The most expensive mobile phone is blackshark B. Pocophone

14. How many gaming phone are there? C. Nubia and Black shark.

A. There are 4 gaming phone. D. Black shark

B. There are 3 gaming phone.

1. ………………………………………………………………… ? The black keyboard is the cheapest

2. ………………………………………………………………… ? The white mouse is the most colorful

3. …………………………………………………………… ? The green USB drive is the least Advanced

Complete the sentences using superlatives form!

4. The Lenovo ………………………………

5. The Hp ……………………………………

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