Academia Science IT Journal Package November 2022

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Innovative Technologica:
Methodical Research Journal

ISSN: 2776-0987 Impact Factor: 7.375



Vol. 3 No. 11 (2022): it.academiascience
Davronov Qahramon Anvarjonovich, Makhmudov Umidjon Bahodir o`g`li


Hakimova Dilovar Gayratovna


Siddikov Rasuljon Uktamovich, Ergashev Nasimbek Akhmadjonovich, Isomidinov Azizjon Salomidinovich,
Ummatov Rustambek Bektoshevich, Madaliyev Akhrorbek Niyzonidin ogli


Ibragimov Lochinbek Abdurakhmonovich


Ibragimov Lochinbek Abdurakhmonovich


R. A. Mamasoliyev


Tojiyev Rasuljon Jumaboevich, Rajabova Nargizakhon Rakhmonalievna, Mullajonova Maftuna Malikjon qizi


Shohida Khusanova, Ergashev Yuldashali, Abduqaxorov Abdusattor


Rasulova Zukhra Xakimberdievna, Xalikova Latofat Uktamovna, Saitova Iroda, Sheralieva Shakhnoza


Tuychiboev Baxodir Bosimovich
Muxtorov Abdullo Fayzullo oglu


B. N. Davidbaev, N.B. Davidbaeva


Abdullaeva Sabokhon Azatovna, Nomozova Gulnoza Inatullaevna


Sarvara Akobirova

Eshmuradov Shuxrat Xujanovich


Askarov Khasanboy Kholdorovich


Niyatova Maftuna Norbek kizi
ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022


Davronov Qahramon Anvarjonovich
Scientific Leader of Agriculture, Doctor of Science. FarPI

Makhmudov Umidjon Bahodir o`g`li

Master Degree Student of ‘’Q.X.M.S and D.I.T`` Direction

This article illustrates about the technology of high-quality storage and
application of organic fertilizers to crops, special attention to testing the
proportions suitable for agricultural products in the conditions of Uzbekistan.

Keywords: granular organic fertilizers, crop rotation, demand for fertilizers,

technological methods, mineral fertilizers, period of stress.

The development of agriculture and the increase of the harvest are inextricably
linked with the acceleration of the industry and the increase of income from
production. Application of fertilizers and other chemical means in agriculture
is one of the most important factors of production acceleration. When fertilizer
is added to the soil, not only its productivity will increase, but in the future, the
need for different forms of fertilizers will arise, and their production will be
started. Proper use of fertilizers should be economically efficient. In agriculture,
it is necessary to produce high-quality products without increasing the
additional cost of production tools and labor, that is, in the existing conditions,
it is necessary to reduce the price of the product and increase labor efficiency.
The practice of the world and our country on the development of agriculture
shows that the use of mineral fertilizers on a scientific basis can increase the
productivity of cultivated crops and the amount of gross produce, create a solid
fodder base for livestock, and maintain soil fertility. and is one of the most
important ways to increase. Many developed countries of the world, on account
of this, Uzbekistan has taken a place among the countries that export
agricultural products together with a high level of agricultural culture due to
the rational use of fertilizers.

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

Fertilizers are highly effective only when they are used scientifically, taking into
account specific soil and climatic conditions, nutritional characteristics of
certain crops and their rotation in crop rotation, agrotechnical measures,
properties of fertilizers and many other factors. will give. The main goal of the
fertilizing system is the most optimal fertilizer for obtaining an abundant
harvest from agricultural crops, taking into account organizational
management, agrochemical and agrotechnical measures aimed at the rational
use of fertilizers in the conditions of crop rotation. is to determine the type,
standard, and application periods. In the development of the system, special
attention is paid to the biological characteristics of the crop, the amount of the
planned harvest, the soil and climate conditions, the subsequent effect of the
fertilizer, the balance of nutrients in the process of crop rotation, the effect of
the fertilizer on the quality of the crop and the fertility of the soil. attention is
given. Fertilization system is usually designed for long-term planning of
fertilizer for each field. This system has the following main tasks:
- Increase crop productivity and improve crop quality;
- To increase the fertility of soils and to achieve homogeneity in terms of
- Effective use of fertilizers, intensive farming and environmental protection.

Depending on the specialization of the farm and the distance of the crop
rotation areas from livestock farms, one of three types of fertilizing systems is
used in them: organic-mineral fertilizer system. In this case, organic fertilizers
(manure, composts, green fertilizers) are used together with mineral
fertilizers; a system based on the use of only mineral fertilizers; a system based
on the use of only organic fertilizers (used in some industrial-livestock farms).

1. Karimov M.U. “O`g`it qo`llash muddatlari va g`o`za hosildorligi”
“O`zbekiston Milliy ensiklopediyasi” Davlat ilmiy nashriyoti. Toshkent 2003.
2. Musayev B. S. “Agrokimyo”. “Sharq” nashriyot-matbaa aksiyadorlik
kompaniyasi bosh taxririyati. Tashkent-2001.

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

3. Musayev B.S. “O`g`it qo`llash tizimi”. T.: Respublika o`quv uslubiyot markazi,
4. Umarov X.Z, Toshxo`jayev A.T, Umarova M.Z. “Sabzavotchilikda o`g`itlardan
foydalanish.” Toshkent- “Mexnat” -1989.
5. Bo‘riev X., Rizaev R. Meva-uzum mahsulotlari biokimyosi va texnologiyasi. -
T.: Mehnat, 1996. - 108 b.
6. Валентас К. и др. Пищевая инженерия: Справочник с примерами
расчетов. СПб.: Профикс, 2004. -848 с

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022


Hakimova Dilovar Gayratovna
Termiz State Pedagogical Institute Theory and
Methodology of Education (Primary Education) 2nd Year Master's Student

This article discusses the method of organizing phonetic exercises in mother
tongue and reading literacy classes, creating a system of phonetic-graphic
skills, and regular use of exercises in teaching.

Keywords: interactive methods, non-traditional teaching methods, oral and

written speech method, paronym pairs of words, phonetic knowledge

Jahonda globallashuv jarayoni tezlashayotgan bir paytda tillarni asrash, ularni
takomillashtirish va o‘qitish masalalari dolzarb bo‘lib bormoqda. Bugungi
kunga kelib til ta’limiga doir turli interfaol usullar amaliyotda keng
qo‘llanilmoqda. Har qanday tilning asosini uning tovushlar tizimi, ya’ni
fonetikasi tashkil qiladi. Ingliz, fransuz, nemis va boshqa rivojlangan xorijiy
tillarni o‘qitishga doir ilmiy adabiyotlarda fonetikaga, xususan, talaffuzga
alohida e’tibor beriladi va ta’lim jarayonida fonetik mashqlardan unumli
foydalaniladi. Dunyo tajribasida talaffuz mashqlari bir bo‘lim yoki bir mavzu
bilan tugab qolmaydi. Darsliklarda keltirilgan mashq turlari o‘quvchida to‘g‘ri
talaffuz ko‘nikmalarining osongina shakllanishiga olib keladi. mumkin. SHu
ma’noda fonetika o‘qitishda ham turli noan’anaviy dars usullaridan
foydalanish lozim.
Bugungi kunda ta’lim jarayoniga turli yangi pedagogik texnologiyalar tatbiq
qilinmoqda. Biroq ona tili ta’limida shunday mavzular bo‘ladiki, ularni
o‘qitishda didaktik o‘yinlardan ko‘ra amaliy ishlash orqali kerakli natijalarga
erishish mumkin. Ta’kidlash kerakki, talaffuzning imloga va aksincha,
yozuvning og‘zaki nutqqa ta’siri bo‘lishi tabiiy. Fan-texnika qanchalik shiddat
bilan rivojlanmasin, baribir, yozma nutq muhim bo‘lib qolaveradi. Bugungi
kunda o‘quvchilar nutqida imloviy xatolar juda ko‘p uchrayotganining sababi
ham fonetika o‘qitish, talaffuz masalasi bilan bevosita bog‘liqdir. O‘quvchilar
o‘z ona tilidan mahorat bilan samarali foydalana olsa, o‘z fikrlarini ta’sirchan,
ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

tushunarli bayon qila olsa, ajdodlardan qolgan boy ilmiy, badiiy merosni
chuqur anglash darajasida o‘z tilini bilsa, ana shunda ona tili ta’limi o‘z
maqsadiga erishgan bo‘ladi. Buning uchun ona tili darslarida foydalaniladigan
o‘quv materiallari nihoyatda puxta ishlangan bo‘lishi, ko‘nikmalarni kompleks
tarzda shakllantirish imkoniyatiga ega bo‘lishi lozim. Bir paytning o‘zida ham
talaffuz, ham imlo, ham so‘z boyligini oshirish, qolaversa, mustaqil fikrlashga
yo‘naltirishga sharoit yaratish takrorlanish jarayonini hosil qiladi, bu esa
nutqiy mahoratni oshiradi. Aslida ona tili darslarining asosiy maqsadi bo‘lgan
o‘quvchilarda nutqiy malakalarning shakllanishiga zamin yaratuvchi fonetika,
orfografiya, orfoepiya, punktuatsiya bo‘limlarini o‘qitishda mashqlardan
muntazam foydalanish, qolgan bo‘limlarni esa, topshiriqlar asosida o‘qitish
samaraliroq natija beradi. Har qanday ma’lumotni qay darajada o‘zlashtirish
tinglovchining xohish irodasiga bog‘liqdir. Psixologik nuqtai nazardan darsda,
ayniqsa, yangi dars bayonida o‘quvchini qiziqtirish lozim. Aks holda, harakat
samarasiz bo‘lishi mumkin. SHu ma’noda fonetika o‘qitishda ham turli
noan’anaviy dars usullaridan foydalanish lozim.

Kichik yoshdagi o’quvchilarning og’zaki va yozma nutqni egallashlarida
fonetikadan olgan bilimlarining ahamiyati katta: a) fonetik bilimga asoslangan
holda I sinf o’quvchilari savod o’rganish davrida o’qishni va yozishni bilib
oladilar; b) fonetik bilim so’zni to’g’ri talaffuz qilish (tovushlarni to’g’ri talaffuz
qilish, urg’uli bo’g’inni farqlash, orfoepik me’yorga rioya qilish) asosini tashkil
etadi; d) fonetik bilim morfologik va so’z yasalishiga oid bilimlar bilan birga
o’quvchilarda qator imloviy malakalar (jarangsiz va jarangli undoshlarning
yozilishi) shakllantirish uchun zamin bo’iadi; e) fonetik bilim gapni ohangiga
ko’ra to’g’ri aytish, logik urg’u va gap qurilishidagi to’xtamlarga rioya qilish
uchun zarur; d) so’zning tovush tomonini bilish uning ma’nosini tushunish va
nutqda ongli qo’llash uchun muhimdir; hozir va hozir, atlas va atlds so’zlari
manosidagi farq faqat urg’u orqali ajratiladi. So’zning tovush tomonini
tasawur qilish so’zlarni talaffuzda farqlash, ayrim so’ziarni to’g’ri talaffuz
qilish va qo’llash uchun zarur.
O’qituvchi boshlang’ich sinflarda o’qitiladigan barcha fanlarga oid darslarda
so’zni aniq va to’g’ri talaffuz qilish ustida doimiy ishlab boradi, shu maqsadda
ko’pincha so’zni tovush tomondan tahlil qilishdan foydalanadi.

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

Maktab dasturiga muvofiq, boshlang’ich sinf o’quvchilari fonetikgrafik

ko’nikmalar tizimini hosil qiladilar: tovushlar va harflar, unli va undosh
tovushlar, jufti bor jarangli va jarangsiz undoshlar, jufti yo’q jarangli va jufti
yo’q jarangsiz undoshlar; so’zni bo’g’inlarga bo’lish, urg’uli bo’g’inni talaffuzga
ko’ra amaliy farqlash ko’nikmalariga ega bo’ladilar.
Bolalar maktabga keigunga qadar ham nutqning tovush qurilishini amaliy
o’zlashtiradilar, ammo ular maxsus o’qigunlariga qadar so’zni bo’g’inlarga
bo’lishni, so’zdagi tovushlarni izchil talaffuz qilishni bilmaydilar. I sinf
o’quvchilarida so’zni to’g’ri talaffuz qilish, bo’g’inlarga bo’lish, undagi har bir
tovushni tartibi bilan aniq aytish ko’nikmasini shakllantirish ustida maqsadga
muvofiq ishiash, o’z navbatida, analiz, sintez, taqqoslash, guruhlash kabi aqliy
mashqiarni bilib olishga, shuningdek, tovushlarning tabiati, so’z tarkibida
birbiriga ta’siri kabi ayrim elementar bilimlarni o’zlashtirishga imkon beradi.
I sinfda fonetika va grafikani o’rganishga katta o’rin beriladi, chunki
o’quvchilar o’qish va yozish jarayonini shu sinfda egallaydilar. Bu bilimlar
keyingi sinflarda mustahkamlanadi, takomillashtiriladi.
“Kim xattot?” usuli. Sinf uch guruhga bo‘linadi. Qur’a tashlash yo‘li bilan
ulardan biri ekspert, qolgan ikkisi bahslashuvchi jamoalarga ajratiladi.
Ekspert guruhi jamoasi x va h undoshi ishtirok etgan so‘zlarni aralash holda
aytaveradi, bu so‘zlardan bir jamoa tarkibida x undoshi ishtirok etgan
so‘zlarni, ikkinchi jamoa tarkibida h undoshi ishtirok etgan so‘zlar qatorini
yozib boradilar. Belgilangan vaqtda jamoalar ishi to‘xtatiladi. Ekspertlar
jamoasi ikkala guruh ishlarini tekshirib beradi. Ish yakunida o‘qituvchi uchala
guruh ishlarini ko‘rib chiqib baholaydi. “Juftini top!” usuli. Bunda tutuq belgisi
ishtirok etgan so‘zlarning paronim juftlarini topish uchun uchta jamoa
bellashadi. Sardorlar bellashgan paytda qolganlar tutuq belgisi ishtirok etgan
so‘z qatnashgan xalq maqollaridan topib turadi. Kimda misol ko‘p bo‘lsa, o‘sha
jamoa g‘olibdir. 5 minut vaqt. Tutuq belgisi ishtirok etgan so‘zlarning
talaffuzida ham kamchiliklar uchraydi.

Darsliklarda mazkur belgining uch vazifasi haqida batafsil ma’lumot qoida
shaklida berilgan bo‘lsa-da, talaffuzda chalkashlik mavjud. Ya’ni, unlidan keyin
kelganda ham, undoshdan keyin kelganda ham ajratib aytilaveradi. Bunday
holatda ham talaffuz mashqlari, topshiriqlar va noan’anaviy usullardan
foydalanish mumkin. 1-topshiriq. Dastlab tutuq belgisining unli harflardan
ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

keyin kelishiga, so‘ng undosh harflardan keyin kelishiga xalq maqollari

orasidan misollar topib yozing va talaffuz asosida farqlang. Va’daga vafo
mardning ishidir. Qal’a atrofidagi xandaq suv bilan to‘ldirilgan.

1. Hamroev G‘.H. Fonetikaning umumta’lim maktablarida o‘qitilishiga doir
ayrim mulohazalar //. –Toshkent, TDPU, 2018. –B. 485-487.
2. Mirzayev F. Fonetika o‘qitishda xalq maqollaridan foydalanish ta’lim
samaradorligini oshirishning muhim omili sifatida 2010. –B. 116-118.
3. Yо‘ldoshev J.G‘., Usmonov S.A. Pedagogik texnologiya asoslari: -T.:
“О‘qituvchi”, 2004- y.
4. Tolipov О‘.Q., Usmonboyeva M. Pedagogik texnologiyalarning tatbiqiy
asoslari (о‘quv qо‘llanma).-T.: “Fan” nashriyoti, 2006 -y.
5. Farberman B. Ilg‘or pedagogik texnologiyalar.-T.: “Fan”, 2000
6.Makhmudovich, Gulyamov Komiljon, and Ikromov Muhammad Anasxon
DECORATIVE ARTS." Web of Scientist: International Scientific Research
Journal 3.5 (2022): 957-963.
Importance of Using the Ict to Increase the Efficiency of Education." JournalNX
7.1: 106-108.
8.Khaydarovich, A. A., & Muhammedovich, S. U. (2022). THE ROLE OF
Inderscience Research, 3(05), 22-26.
IMAGINATION AND MEMORY. Scientific Bulletin of Namangan State
University, 1(3), 340-343.

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022


Siddikov Rasuljon Uktamovich
Tashkent State Named After Islam Karimov Technical University Kokan
Branch Head of the Department Technical Sciences Doctor of Philosophy

Ergashev Nasimbek Akhmadjonovich

Researcher Fergana Polytechnic Institute

Isomidinov Azizjon Salomidinovich

Technical Sciences, PhD Fergana Polytechnic Institute
The Republic of Uzbekistan

Ummatov Rustambek Bektoshevich

Tashkent state named after Islam Karimov
Senior Teacher of Kokan Branch
of Technical University

Madaliyev Akhrorbek Niyzonidin ogli

Tashkent State Named After Islam Karimov
Technical University, Kokan Branch, Assistant Teachers

The article presents the results of a study to determine the coefficient of
resistance of the working fluid flow, speed and diameter of the nozzle hole
fed to the rotor-filter device for wet cleaning of dust gases. A S32-412 nozzle
with a hole diameter dsh = 1; 2; 3 mm was used in the study. The coefficient
of resistance of the nozzle to the working fluid flow is determined by the
ratio of the hole thickness to the diameter. Standard methods were used in
conducting the experiments.
Keywords: rotor-filter, resistance coefficient, nozzle, dusty gas, liquid flow,
speed, wet method, filter mesh material, diffuser, confusor.

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

Мақолада чангли газларни ҳўл усулда тозаловчи ротор-фильтрли
қурилмага берилаётган ишчи суюқлик сарфи, тезлиги ва штуцер
тешиги диаметрининг қаршилик коэффициентини аниқлаш бўйича
ўтказилган тадқиқот натижалари келтирилган. Тадқиқотларни
ўтказишда тешигининг диаметри dш=1;2;3 мм бўлган S32-412 маркали
штуцердан фойдаланилган. Штуцернинг ишчи суюқлик оқимига
кўрсатадиган қаршилик коэффициенти тешик қалинлигининг
диаметрига нисбати бўйича аниқланган. Тажрибаларни ўтказишда
стандарт услублардан фойдаланилган.

Калит сўзлар: ротор-фильтр, қаршилик коэффициенти, штуцер,

чангли газ, суюқлик сарфи, тезлик, ҳўл усул, фильтрловчи тўрли
материал, диффузор, конфузор.

Currently, there is a tendency to use wet processing devices for cleaning
dust from industrial enterprises and neutralization of secondary gases. the
use of this type of devices is special due to its efficiency and good effect in
cleaning small-sized (up to 0.1 μm) dusts and washing secondary gases
[1,2]. However, using such a method also has its own disadvantages. for
example, the high liquid consumption of wet gas cleaning and the problems
of retreatment of the resulting sludge increase the total energy
consumption of the process. In addition, the overall hydraulic resistance of
the device increases and reduces the performance. therefore, it is urgent to
create methods and devices that allow high cleaning with low energy
consumption and small hydraulic resistance and to apply it to industry.
Research method and object:based on the above, the constructions and
operating parameters of the wet gas cleaning device were systematically
analyzed. based on the results of the analysis, a structural diagram of the
rotor-filter device and a laboratory copy were developed [3,4,5]. Figure 1
shows the structural scheme of the device

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

1 – diffuser; 2 – cylindrical body; 3 – confusor; 4 – working fluid nozzle; 5 –

probe; 6 – rotor-filter; 7 – liquid bath; 8 – slurry pipe; 9 – straightening pipe.
Figure 1. Construction scheme of the rotor-filter device

The device consists of a rotating rotor and a filtering mesh material covered
on its upper part, a diffuser that directs the dusty gas stream perpendicular
to the surface of the mesh material, a nozzle that scatters the liquid by the
ejection method, a screen that evenly spreads the liquid on the surface of the
filter, a bath where the working liquid is collected andIt consists of a
cylindrical body equipped with a slurry pipe and a confusor that emits
purified air into the atmosphere. When the dusty gas flow moves through
the diffuser and hits the filter surface perpendicularly, the gas and dust
particles form in the liquid film on the working surface of the filteris
cleaned.purified gas is released into the atmosphere through the
condenser.The main advantage of the rotor-filter device over the existing
wet dust cleaning devices is that, firstly, due to the rotation of its rotor, the
working surface changes quickly and provides an increase in the contact
surface of the filter, and secondly, the flow of dusty gas moving through the
diffusercleaning of the filter on the outer A and inner B working surfaces,
this situation serves to improve the efficiency of dust removal in the device.
However, insufficient research has been conducted on the operating
parameters of devices similar to this device, including achieving high
cleaning efficiency with low fluid consumption and minimizing energy

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

Research Results
In this research work, experiments were conducted to determine the
working fluid consumption and resistance coefficient supplied to the rotor-
filter device.
S32-412 nozzle (hole diameter dsh = 1;2;3 mm, 3 pieces corresponding to
the width of the device rotor-filter) was installed to form a film by evenly
spraying the liquid on the surface of the rotor-filter in the devicethe
installation interval was set to 25 mm corresponding to the liquid spraying
angle α. Figures 2 and 3 show the installation and general view of the
nozzles. a filter (5) that evenly spreads the liquid on the surface of the filter
(length Lz=700 mm along the diameter of the rotor-filter and width Bz=150
mm along the length of the spread), a centrifugal pump (Qmax=40l/min;
Ndv=0.37kW; hmax=38m ; V=220V; nayl=3000 ayl/min according to GOST-
2757030-91), rotometer (RS-5; scale indicators 0÷100between; according
to GOST-13045-81) and a beaker (full volume 3.2 liters) was selected for
taring. fluid flow rate and hole diameter dsh=1; 2 and 3 mm were
determined using the volumetric method. For this purpose, the filling time
of the beaker was determined according to the 0÷90 indicators of the
rotometer [1,2].

а – dш=1mm; б – dш=2mm; в – dш=3mm.

Figure 2. The appearance of the nozzles

Figure 3. Installation of nozzles on the cover and liquid spray angle

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

In the experimental determination of liquid consumption, each experiment

was repeated 5 times, and the square dimensions of each point and the
resulting errors were determined. when the rotometer scale indicators
changed from 0÷90, the liquid consumption changed to Q=0.068÷0.360
m3/h. The consumption change in each indicator increased in steps of
0.044 m3/h. Table 1 shows the results of the experiment.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
view name
Indicators of the total consumption of the rotometer
2.45 1.53 1.26 1.07 0.56 0.48 0.42 0.37 0.32 0.30
73 117.64 142.85 168.2 200 225 257 295 339 360
0.073 0.117 0.142 0.168 0.200 0.225 0.257 0.295 0.339 0.360
2.65 2.11 1.45 1.27 1.12 1.05 0.55 0.50 0.45 -
68.1 85.3 124.7 141.7 160.7 171.48 197.8 216.86 240.1 -
0.068 0.085 0.124 0.141 0.160 0.171 0.197 0.216 0.240 -
2.52 2.07 1.38 1.22 1.07 0.57 0.49 0.44 0.40 -
71 86.95 130.45 147.54 168.2 189.47 222.2 246.57 272.7 -
0.071 0.086 0.130 0.147 0.168 0.189 0.222 0.246 0.272 -
2.50 2.01 1.33 1.18 1.01 0.53 0.45 0.40 0.36 0.33
72 89.55 135.33 152.5 178.2 204.5 240.5 272.5 300 327.27
0.072 0.089 0.135 0.152 0.178 0.204 0.240 0.272 0.300 0.327

The coefficient of resistance of the nozzle hole to liquid flow was determined
according to the graph of dependence of the thickness of the nozzle hole on
the ratio of the diameter of the hole shown in Figure 4, recommended by B.A.
Alimatov and I.T. Karimov [8]. conducted experiments RD 34.20.519-97
"Ispytaniya hidravlicheskogo soprotivleniya truborovodov. Mashiny i
apparatus dlya izmereniya rashoda gasov i davleniya. It was determined
according to Programma i metody ispytaniy" [9,10].
ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

Figure 4 shows the dependence of the orifice resistance coefficient on the

ratio of orifice thickness to diameter

Figure 4. Dependence of the nozzle hole resistance coefficient xsh on the

ratio of the thickness of the nozzle hole to the diameter d/dsh

From the data given in Figure 4, it can be seen that when the nozzle hole dsh
= 1 mm, the total consumption of liquid is Q=0.240 m3/h and its speed
ωs=84.92 m/s. when the nozzle hole dsh =2 mm, the total consumption of
liquid Q=0, 272m3/h and its speed ωs=24.72 m/s, and when the nozzle hole
dsh =3 mmtotal consumption of liquid was Q=0.360 m3/h and its speed was
ωs=13.08 m/s.The following empirical formula was obtained using the
method of least squares for the dependences presented in Figure 4 [6,7].
xsh = -0.57072 d/dsh + 1.356 d/dsh + 0.7147 R² = 0.9981 (4)

An increase in the diameter of the nozzle hole reduces the range of influence
of the hole on the working fluid. but it causes a decrease in the angle of
scattering (injection) of the liquid. This, in turn, reduces the limit of covering
the surface of the filter material with a liquid film

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

1. Исомидинов А.С. Разработка эффективных методов и устройств
очистки пылевых газов химической промышленности: Дисс. … PhD.
– Ташкент, 2020. – 118 с.
2. Тожиев Р.Ж., Каримов И.Т., Исомидинов А.С. Чангли газларни ҳўл
усулда тозаловчи қурилмани саноатда қўллашнинг илмий-техник
асослари: Монография. ФарПИ "Илмий-техника" журнали нашриёт
бўлими-Фарғона 2020. – 91 б
3. Мадаминова Г. И., Тожиев Р. Ж., Каримов И. Т. Барабанное устройство
для мокрой очистки запыленного газа и воздуха //Universum:
технические науки. – 2021. – №. 5-4 (86). – С. 45-49.
4. Вальдберг А.Ю., Николайкина Н.Е. Процессы и аппараты защиты
окружающей среды. – М. : Дрофа, 2008. –239 с.
5. Isomiddinov A. et al. Application of rotor-filter dusty gas cleaner in industry
and identifying its efficiency //Austrian Journal of Technical and Natural
Sciences. – 2019. – №. 9-10.
6. Исомидинов А. С. Исследование гидравлического сопротивления
роторно-фильтрующего аппарата //Universum: технические науки. –
2019. – №. 10-1 (67).
7. Rasuljon, T., Azizbek, I., & Abdurakhmon, S. (2021). Research of the
hydraulic resistance of the inertial scrubber. Universum: технические
науки, (7-3 (88)), 44-51.
8. Домуладжанов И. Х., Мадаминова Г. И. Вредные вещества после сухой
очистки в циклонах и фильтрах //Universum: технические науки. –
2021. – №. 6-1 (87). – С. 5-10.
9. Исомиддинов А. С., Давронбеков А. А. Исследование
гидродинамических режимов сферической углубленной трубы
//Universum: технические науки. – 2021. – №. 7-1 (88). – С. 53-58.
10. Isomidinov A. S., Madaliev A. N. Hydrodynamics and aerodynamics of
rotor filter cleaner for cleaning dusty gases //LI International
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2018. – С. 29-32.
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гидравлик қаршиликнинг тозалаш самарадорлигига таъсирини

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тадқиқ этиш. Journal of Integrated Education and Research, 1(1), 173-

12. Muxtorov, S. S. O. G. L., & Qoxxorov, I. I. O. G. L. (2022). Issiqlik almashuvchi
qurulmalar va ularda jarayonni intensivlash usullari tahlili. Science and
Education, 3(5), 370-378.
13. Karimov, I. T., Ahrorov, A. A., & Kahorov, I. I. (2019). The method of
determining the size of the mixing zone bubbling extractor. In
14. Siddikov, R., F. Yusufkhodjayeva, and F. Sakhobiddinova. "The “Small
work” method is used to teach softening apply." Journal of Pedagogical
Inventions and Practices 8 (2022): 63-65.
15. Abdullayevich, Mamadaliyev Foziljon. "A METHOD FOR CALCULATING
16. Turgunovich, Haminov Burkhan, Umarov Sodikjon Akhmadali ogli, and
Asimov Maruf Mansurovich. "Technical and Economic Efficiency of the Use
of Antifriction-Vibration-Sound-Absorbing Composite Polymer Materials
and Coatings Made of Them in the Working Bodies of Cotton Gins." Nexus:
Journal of Advances Studies of Engineering Science 1.3 (2022): 50-53.
17. Дусматов, Абдурахим Дусматович, et al. "МЕЖДУСЛОЕВЫЕ СДВИГИ
Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences 2.4 (2022): 133-141.

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022


Ibragimov Lochinbek Abdurakhmonovich
Assistant, Department of Food Technology,
Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Fergana, Republic of Uzbekistan

This article provides information on the Physico-chemical properties of soaps,
types of soap based on consistency, and types based on the purpose of use. The
chemical formulas of soaps are also mentioned.

Keywords: Soap, oil, laundry soap, perfume soap, oleic acid, naphthyl acids,
sodium hydroxide, Potassium hydroxide.

Soap is obtained by treating neutral fats with caustic alkalis or by neutralizing

fatty acids with caustic alkalis or alkaline carbonates. According to the
consistency of soap, it is hard, oily, liquid and powdery; depending on the
purpose of use, it is divided into laundry soap, perfume soap and technical
soap; according to the method of preparation, it is divided into glue and core
soap. Natural and hydrogenated vegetable oils, animal oils, synthetic fatty
acids, oil refining waste, and rosin are used as raw materials for soap making.
Neutral and decomposed oils are used for soap making. From a scientific point
of view, this product is the result of the alkaline hydrolysis of fats or oils [1-4].
The first distribution of soaps and oils is attributed to the French chemist
Michel Chevrel, who devoted almost all of his life to the study of higher
carboxylic acids. Therefore, Michel Chevrel belongs to the foundations of the
theoretical explanation of the composition of oils and, consequently, soap.
Chevrel forms triglycerides, esters of acids, if glycerol, a trihydric alcohol
containing three hydroxide groups, reacts with an acid whose general formula
is R-COOH. They will be fat. If the reaction is carried out in an alkaline
environment, the resulting product reacts with NaOH (KOH) to form soap [5-
9]. These theoretical conclusions later strengthened Berthelot's experiments
in the laboratory. Usually, the composition of various soaps includes the
following parts:

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

Oleic acid;
Naphthyl acids;
Sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide.
Therefore, the chemical formula of soap is conventionally written as follows:
If we talk about a typical household product used for washing clothes, the soap
formula would look like this: C 17H 35 -COONa.
It includes the following:
Stearic acid;
Caustic soda;
Sometimes it uses coconut oil.
In different countries, the production of this type of product is carried out in
different ways, so often the results differ in terms of structure, color and
washing quality. So the soap formula is self-explanatory. Chemistry gives the
following definitions to this product: These are salts of higher carboxylic acids
containing alkali or alkaline-earth metals. At the same time, it should be noted
that the general condition of the products, transparency, smell and other
organoleptic parameters differed greatly. Everything depends on the chemical
composition and production method.
Large-scale production of soap is carried out in special soap factories. There,
according to pre-planned and defined technologies and designs, solid and
liquid copies of the product are produced in large quantities. The main
technological chains are:
Neutralization reaction between caustic soda and fat hydrolysis products
(carboxylic acids);
Caustic soda or interaction with caustic soda;
Alkyl hydrolysis of triglycerides.
In short, soap is widely used as an agricultural product. According to its
physical and chemical properties, we can get different soaps.

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

1. H.N.Musaev “Anorganik va organik kimyo” Toshkent, 2012
2. H.M.Shohidoyatov, H.O’.Xojaniyazov h.b “Kimyo” Toshkent, 2012
3. T.Xudoyshukurov, B.Atoyev, M.R.Muxtorova. (1981). Ilmiy-nazariy
asoslar. Umumiy ovqatlanish korxonalarida mahsulot ishlab chiqarish
texnologiyalari. MKI, 224.
4. Martyn D. Wheeler, Styuart M. Nyuman, Endryu J. OrrEwing va Maykl N. R.
Ashfold. (1998). Bo'shliq halqasini pastga tushirish spektroskopiyasi. J.
Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans., 94(3), 337-351.
5. Усманов, Б. С., Кодиров, З. З., & Ибрагимов, Л. А. (2021). Способы
использования высокочастотных лучей при длительном хранении
сырья для производства растительных масел. Universum:
технические науки, (5-3 (86)), 93-96.
6. Кодиров, З. З., & Ибрагимов, Л. А. (2021). Исследование технологий
экстракции растительного масла из гранулированного сафлорного
семени. Universum: технические науки, (10-3 (91)), 13-15.
7. Саттарова, Б. Н., & Ибрагимов, Л. А. (2021). Химический состав и
свойства куриного мяса. Universum: технические науки, (4-4), 36-37.
8. Ibragimov, L. (2022, February). Quality of milk and dairy products.
In Archive of Conferences (pp. 82-84).
9. Хошимов, И. Н., Худойбердиева, Ш. Д., & Ибрагимов, Л. А. (2021).
Значения растений сои, мош, арахиса. Oriental renaissance: Innovative,
educational, natural and social sciences, 1(8), 597-604.
10. Ibragimov, L., & Ibragimova, S. S. (2022). Don va don mahsulotlari. Miasto
Przyszłości, 24, 224-225.
11. Abdurahmonovich, I. L. (2022). Study of the influence of the use of various
catalysts in the hydrogenation of safflower oil on the composition of
fodder and technical fat. Innovative Technologica: Methodical Research
Journal, 3(05), 54-63.

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022


Ibragimov Lochinbek Abdurakhmonovich
Assistant, Department of Food Technology,
Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Fergana, Republic of Uzbekistan

The process of transesterification allows obtaining fatty systems with a
minimum content of trans fatty acids, since this process does not affect the
formation of double bond isomers of unsaturated fatty acids. The process of
transesterification allows to add physiologically valuable amount of linoleic
acid to the oil base. Per-esterification allows obtaining new types of fatty
products with desired properties and allows regulating the content of highly
soluble fatty acids in oils. Peretherification lowers the melting point of oil or
mixture of oils, increases their plasticity and stability against oxidation in
atmospheric oxygen.

Keywords: Saturated, unsaturated, fats, pereetrify, solid fat, catalyst,


It is known that extracted refined cottonseed oil is inferior to pressed oils in
terms of purity, as it contains 3,4-benzopyrene, gossypol, chlorophyll and
their food products. So, technology is closely related to economy. The basis
of health is sports, daily consumption of the required amount of water and a
properly selected diet that includes healthy and natural products. According
to scientists and nutritionists, the following products are among the ten most
useful for the body and are suitable for women and men. Marine fish
contains a record amount of Omega-3, Omega-6 and iron [1-7].
These elements help normalize cholesterol, reduce the risk of heart attack,
participate in hematopoiesis, improve hair condition, prevent memory loss
and even prevent some types of cancer. Fish, like meat, contains proteins,
fats and minerals, but is more easily absorbed by the body.

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

Salmon is considered especially useful, it contains the maximum amount of

nutrients. Next are tuna, mackerel and herring - more than 8% fat. They
should be eaten 1-2 times a week. Garlic contains important substances -
potassium, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins B and C, selenium, manganese,
iodine and essential oils [8-11].
Beans, peas and lentils contain a large amount of vegetable protein, which is
why they are included in the 10 most beneficial foods for human health. The
use of beans in food helps to normalize cholesterol levels and lower blood
pressure. Dishes made from this product are suitable for prevention of heart
diseases, diabetes, osteoporosis. They also effectively cleanse the body and
stimulate the intestines, quickly satisfy hunger and give energy. Legumes are
rich in vitamins B and A, carbohydrates and proteins, and have a lot of fiber.
This composition helps improve the condition of bone tissue, improves
hormonal levels, slows down the aging process, and improves brain function.
Most of the agricultural land is already cultivated in almost all regions of the
world. This means that increasing food security in the future will be mainly
related to the intensification of agriculture on cultivated soils, which implies
the continuation of the practice of applying fertilizers to maintain high
If current trends continue, by 2050, according to forecasts, the world
consumption of nitrogen will increase by 2.7 times compared to today, and
phosphorus by 2.4 times; other estimates put the growth in fertilizer use at
a smaller rate, at about 1% per year. Nutrient depletion not only reduced soil
fertility, but also led to land degradation, as organic matter depletion
reduces water-holding capacity, reduces soil physical maturity and physical
structure, and increases susceptibility to erosion. The loss of nutrients and
organic matter leads to a gradual decline in productivity, further reducing
the input of organic matter and increasing soil degradation.
In many regions of the world, including sub-Saharan Africa (sub-Saharan
Africa - 48 countries) and parts of Latin America, severe non-use or
unbalanced use of fertilizers leads to nutrient depletion and removal of
nitrogen, phosphorus and minerals. Came

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

In short, the mineral substances contained in food products not only serve
the growth of the plant, but also cause a number of harmful consequences
for the human body. Today, due to the increasing number of chemical
elements in the composition of all foodstuffs, human immunity is fighting
against harmful elements. As a result, it is observed that the body suffers
from various viral diseases. In order to prevent these diseases, it is necessary
to pay attention to the composition of food, to give up semi-prepared foods
and energy drinks. Only then will the next generation be born healthy.

1. M.G'. Vasiyev, Q. O. Dadayev, I. B. Isaboyev, Z. Sh. Sapayeva, Z. J. G‘ulomova.
(2012). Oziq-ovqat mahsulotlar asoslari. Toshkent, Voris-nashryot.
2. Ravshanov S.S.Mirzayev J.D. (2020). Makaraon mahsulotlari
texnologiyasi. Toshkent. 260 b.
3. T.Xudoyshukurov, B.Atoyev, M.R.Muxtorova. (1981). Ilmiy-nazariy
asoslar. Umumiy ovqatlanish korxonalarida mahsulot ishlab chiqarish
texnologiyalari. MKI, 224.
4. Martyn D. Wheeler, Styuart M. Nyuman, Endryu J. OrrEwing va Maykl N.
R. Ashfold. (1998). Bo'shliq halqasini pastga tushirish spektroskopiyasi. J.
Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans., 94(3), 337-351.
5. Усманов, Б. С., Кодиров, З. З., & Ибрагимов, Л. А. (2021). Способы
использования высокочастотных лучей при длительном хранении
сырья для производства растительных масел. Universum: технические
науки, (5-3 (86)), 93-96.
6. Кодиров, З. З., & Ибрагимов, Л. А. (2021). Исследование технологий
экстракции растительного масла из гранулированного сафлорного
семени. Universum: технические науки, (10-3 (91)), 13-15.
7. Саттарова, Б. Н., & Ибрагимов, Л. А. (2021). Химический состав и
свойства куриного мяса. Universum: технические науки, (4-4), 36-37.
8. Ibragimov, L. (2022, February). Quality of milk and dairy products.
In Archive of Conferences (pp. 82-84).
9. Хошимов, И. Н., Худойбердиева, Ш. Д., & Ибрагимов, Л. А. (2021).
Значения растений сои, мош, арахиса. Oriental renaissance: Innovative,
educational, natural and social sciences, 1(8), 597-604.

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

10. Ibragimov, L., & Ibragimova, S. S. (2022). Don va don

mahsulotlari. Miasto Przyszłości, 24, 224-225.
11. Abdurahmonovich, I. L. (2022). Study of the influence of the use of
various catalysts in the hydrogenation of safflower oil on the composition of
fodder and technical fat. Innovative Technologica: Methodical Research
Journal, 3(05), 54-63.

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022


R. A. Mamasoliyev
The Senior Instructor, Fergana State University Faculty of Foreign Languages
In Humanitarian Directions Department of Foreign Languages

This article discusses the use of the concept of teacher in different conceptual
spheres, that is, in different languages, and the etymology of their origin.

Keywords: concept, word, knowledge, teacher, pedagogue, educator, Trainer,

Tutor, Master, Coach, governess, lecturer, speaker, addressee, semantic signs.

Uzbek linguist M.I.Umarkhojaev gives the following definition of knowledge:

The perfection of man is through knowledge. therefore, learning knowledge is
obligatory for every person. By the way, knowledge is our inherited wealth, it
increases as we spend it, it does not flow in water, it does not burn in grass, as
your knowledge increases, your friends increase. if you eat it, you will live
longer, if you collect knowledge, teach it to others and leave it, your name will
be eternal, if you die, knowledge will go with you, it will be your companion in
the grave. As our grandfathers said, wisdom and knowledge are the adornment
of a person, and they are created through knowledge. learning is worship, and
seeking knowledge is the greatest jihad. Teaching knowledge to a person who
does not know is the best charity. Knowledge is the best companion in times of
loneliness, a reliable companion on lonely roads, an ornament in the eyes of
friends, and a sharp weapon against enemies. The first step in acquiring
knowledge is silence, then listening, next is memorization, next is practice, and
the last is teaching what you have learned to others. Science is better than the
state. Knowledge is you, and you protect it. There is nothing higher and dearer
than knowledge in the world
We all know that specialists working in the field of education are called by
several names. There are various explanations for their origin and etymology.
The conceptual spheres of the concept of "teacher" are as follows. first, let's
give the explanation of the word "teacher": the word teacher is taken from the
Arabic language and is related to the words ilm, education, scholar.

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

In Uzbek, it is used in two different meanings:

1.teacher; teacher, pedagogue; math teacher, music teacher, university
teacher: the salary of a Fiqh teacher is 300 dirhams, "Science and Life"
2. An educator, a person who teaches something to someone; master, master.
today, the word muallim is rarely used in everyday language.
We see that the concept of "teacher" is often referred to as "teacher".
There are different opinions about the etymology of the word Domla, and the
full form of the word is domulla. This full form is also used in the vernacular.
According to the explanatory dictionary, it was formed by combining the
Persian and Indian words dodo and the Arabic mullah
According to the national encyclopedia, this word refers to intellectuals who
educated boys in old schools, imams of mosques, teachers in higher and
secondary special educational institutions, who gained prestige in a certain
field, who set an example for others with their advanced worldview, faith and
other qualitiesused for people.As for the word teacher, this word is a purely
Uzbek term. The word "teacher" stands out among words such as domla,
muallim, ustoz, coach, as it is purely Uzbek. It means a person who teaches one
of the basics of science and education.
The official position of specialists who teach in higher and secondary special
educational institutions and schools is teaching. The physical education
teacher told him that "you will become a good athlete". O. Hoshimov, "Listen to
your heart"
Means coach-educator, Murabbi is derived from the Arabic language and is
cognate with the word tarbiya. In Uzbek, it is used in meanings such as
educator, leader, sports coach. He is a coach who has won many prizes with his
Mudarris-teacher. The word Mudarris comes from Arabic. It is related to the
words "dars" and "madrasa". means a person who teaches in a madrasa. Even
now, religious educational institutions, including madrasa teachers, are called
mudarris. This word was actively used in the language before: his great uncle
was the mudarris of the "Khoja Porso" madrasa of Buhoror, and Abdurahman
was brought up by this person, A. Qadiri"Scorpion from the Altar".
Pedagogue is an ancient term, the root of this word goes back to the ancient
Greek phrase paidagogos. This term, meaning child-leader, was originally used
to refer to the slaves who gave the first education and took care of the child.

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

In ancient Athens, when a child reached the age of seven, he was given the
education of a pedagogue. He educated the child. Protection from physical and
mental dangers is also entrusted to the pedagogue. The pedagogue is obliged
to follow and bring the child to school, to always be with him. The word
pedagogue is related to the word editor. A pediatrician is a specialist in
children's health. The word "pedagogue" first came to Latin, and then to
French. It entered the Russian language in the 18th century and was later
assimilated into Uzbek. In modern Uzbek, the word pedagogue is a specialist in
the field of pedagogy; means a teacher, a person who is engaged in education
and training of children and young people, who has special training in this field:
The task of a pedagogue is high, complex and noble. "Science and life"
A tutor means-coach. This term appeared in our language in the last year,
means a specialist who constantly analyzes the spiritual and social condition
of students and provides close assistance in solving existing problems. Tutor is
an English word. passed into English from Latin through Old French. The root
of this word goes back to the Sanskrit language. Tutor is used in modern
English to mean a teacher, a coach, a specialist engaged in private education. In
Uzbek, it means an employee of a higher education institution. it deals with
issues such as student interest, extracurricular activities, and living conditions.
The word coach can give meaning.
The word professor in Latin means public teacher, teacher of the people. we
saw in our analysis above that its core goes back to the verbs profiteri - to say
openly, to announce, to speak openly. Professor is a scientific title or position
of highly qualified scientific staff in higher educational institutions and
scientific institutes. originally used as an official title at Oxford University in
the 16th century.
Instructor -lot.instructor-organizer, organizer
1. A person who guides subordinate institutions, social organizations and
individuals, teaches them how to do something correctly. The young instructor
led the next woman in. O'.Usmanov, Mysterious beach
2a person who teaches and gives qualifications for a certain specialty. In this
city, in Navoi, many sports activities are carried out by public trainers and
instructors. (from newspaper)
An educator is a person who provides education, a coach. Kindergarten
educator. Female educator. his eyes full of pride...staring at the teachers, he

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

wanted to express his sincere gratitude to the respected Davronov, who was a
father instead of a father, to the passionate educator Mrs. Nafisa. P. Tursin,
Teacher. Abdulla Qahhor was a true teacher of the youth. From the newspaper.
Trainer-from the English language trainer-train means to train. A specialist
who leads the training of athletes in any type of sport. Coach of the football
team. The trainer gave me gloves and said: "Keep your heart!" I. Raheem, my
love. In this city, most of the sports activities are carried out by public trainers
and instructors. From the newspaper. The coach urged his student not to get
excited and gave his last advice. From the newspaper.
ausbilder means teacher, especially a ski or swimming coach
A teacher is a teacher who teaches people everything he knows and at the same
time educates them.

Pedagogue - Greek piadagogos - educator. pedagogic specialist; a person who

is engaged in raising and teaching children and young people, who has special
training in this field, a teacher. Skilled pedagogue. Team of school pedagogues.
One of the skilled pedagogues who was able to instill a special love for
geography in their students. S. Ahmad, Yulduz. The task of a pedagogue is high,
complex and noble. "Science and life".
Pedagogical-Pedagogical, specific. Pedagogical team. Pedagogical activity.
Pedagogical skill. Pedagogical practice.
A pedant is a teacher or teacher who deals with academic subjects and teaches
them to students
Erzieherin, Erzieher - teacher, teacher, pedagogue who teaches the theories
of educational theories and methods
A governess is a teacher who previously raised and educated children in one
family and was paid for her work.
Meisterschaft is a skilled coach or teacher who teaches in a particular sport
Lehrer is a teacher who teaches at school
Tutorin, Tutor - tutor or tutor, tutor, teacher at a British university or college
A trainer is a teacher or coach who prepares a person or a team for a sport
Vorlesung-lecturing teacher, teacher
lector-teacher from Latin lector-teacher. A person who reads a lecture
Wiederholungstäter - teacher, teacher, educator, repititor woman means
schoolmaster or schoolmistress.

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

1. М.И.Умархўэаев. Қизил китобга тушмас туйғулар.-.,Академнашр.-
2. Ў.Ҳошимов, “Қалбингга қулоқ сол”.
3. Абдулла Қодирий.”Меҳробдан чаён” (Жулқунбой) Тошканд, 1928-нчи
йил, 5 феврал 2. АМИР....
4. › wiki › Педант.Педант – Викицитатник
5. › .Wiederholungstäter – Erhöhtes
Bußgeld und Fahrverbot

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022


Tojiyev Rasuljon Jumaboevich
Doctor of Science, Professor, Fergana Polytechnic Institute,
Fergana Republic of Uzbekistan

Rajabova Nargizakhon Rakhmonalievna

PhD Student, Fergana Polytechnic Institute,
Fergana, Republic of Uzbekistan

Mullajonova Maftuna Malikjon qizi

Assistant, Fergana Polytechnic Institute,
Fergana, Republic of Uzbekistan

The article highlights the fluidized bed dryer, which achieves intensive mixing of
the material, accelerated heat and mass transfer, due to which the drying agent can
be used at elevated temperatures without significant loss in the quality of the final
product. Combining the simplicity of the device with high efficiency and ease of

Keywords: layer, dryer, agent, devices, air, evaporation, pressure, process, particle,

Many industries are faced with the need to reduce the moisture content of various
materials. At any scale of use of drying technologies, it is fundamental to implement
several technical and economic parameters, such as the minimum drying uniformity,
the minimum time to reach a given moisture content, and some other dehydration
characteristics. These parameters can be provided by a competent approach to the
choice of the most appropriate basic physical processes for a given specific
situation, the corresponding drying technologies, and finally, by creating equipment
on which these processes and technologies can be implemented.
However, the heat and mass transfer between the outer surface of the particles and
their inner regions in this technological scheme is no different from that typical for
convection drying, which leads to a multiple increase in energy consumption and a
ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

decrease in the drying rate at low product moisture and, accordingly, to an increase
in the energy intensity of the process. The creation and introduction into industrial
production of devices of this design, which make it possible to increase the
efficiency of the drying process and reduce the specific cost of thermal energy per
unit of output, is relevant. The solution of this problem is impossible without further
improvement and study of the equilibrium and kinetic laws of mass and heat transfer
between the dried material and the drying agent, as well as the hydrodynamic
features of the motion of the solid and gas phases in the apparatus. Therefore, the
development of such models is relevant and of great practical importance.
To date, there are a large number of different drying (dehydration) technologies:
natural drying, aeration [1], convection, drying in a pseudo fluidized bed [2],
infrared drying, microwave [1,3], freeze drying [3], etc. . We will conduct a
comparative analysis of these technologies, based on the use.
Relatively small systems of parameters (criteria): productivity, energy consumption,
drying speed, drying quality, preservation in the process of drying useful substances.
In the chemical industry, drying along with evaporation and roasting, as a rule,
determines the technical and economic indicators of the entire production as a
whole, which is associated with significant costs of thermal energy for these
processes. Convective drying processes are widely used in the production of mineral
salts and fertilizers, polymeric materials and other industries.
For drying dispersed materials, fluidized bed dryers are successfully used, the
undeniable advantage of which, compared with other dryers, is the developed
contact surface between the particles and the drying agent and the intensive
evaporation of moisture from the material.

Fig 1. Scheme of the installation for drying materials in a fluidized bed.

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

Consider the design of the simplest installation for drying bulk materials (fertilizers)
in a fluidized bed (Fig. 1). The installation consists of a drying chamber (box and
bottom) 1, equipped with gratings, 2 made in the form of inclined steps along which
the material moves. The material for drying is continuously supplied by a screw
feeder 3 using a conveyor 4. The drying agent is prepared in a heat generator 15
with a temperature of about 473 K and fed to the grate 16. Passing through the holes
of the grate, the drying agent enters the layer at a speed equal to the speed of
hovering particles of average diameter, and creates a fluidized bed for the final
drying of the material that has already passed drying on the grate.
High-pressure fan 12 through a heat generator, depending on the source of heat they
receive, are classified into those using coal dust.
Thermal generator for the preparation of the coolant-heated air. Coal dust 8 and air
9 through the nozzle 22 are fed into the furnace 14, where the combustion process
takes place. Solid fuel is burned in the furnace.
In Fig.2. the principal schemes of the operation of burners for burning dust of coal
fuel are given. Figure 2 shows a burner diagram with the air mixture supplied
through the central pipe, and secondary air through the peripheral channel; in Fig.
2b, on the contrary, the secondary air is supplied to the burner through the central
pipe, and the air mixture is supplied through the peripheral channel. Both the air
mixture and the secondary air are often supplied in swirling jets. In this case, the
combustion products are recirculated to the flame base (shown by arrows) and
contribute to the stable combustion of the air mixture.

Fig.2. Scheme of operation of burners for burning dust of coal fuel.

1-supply of an aero mixture of solid fuel; 2-secondary air supply.

Pulverized fuel is obtained by crushing solid lumpy fuel, followed by fine grinding
and drying. Fineness of grinding determined the presence of combustible volatile

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

substances in the original fuel; the smaller they are, the more difficult it is for the
fuel to burn, so its grinding should be finer.
Pulverized fuel burns as a result of chemical reactions of oxidation of its
combustible part with atmospheric oxygen. Burning is preceded by thermal
decomposition. Thermal decomposition products are better oxidized by atmospheric
oxygen. The calculation of the amount of oxygen required for fuel combustion is
based on the stoichiometric ratios of the oxidation reactions of combustible elements
of the working fuel mass: Ор ; S р ; Нр . For example, carbon oxidation can be written:
С+О2=СО2, or 12 kg C + 32 kg + О2=44 kg CO2. For complete combustion of 1 kg
μ μ
of carbon, C is necessary О2 kg О2 , where, О2 − the relative molecular masses of
μс μс
oxygen and carbon.
1 kg of working fuel contains carbon Ср/100. Then, for the complete combustion of
carbon in 1 kg of working fuel, oxygen ( О2)(Ср /100)kg is required. Similarly, it
can be obtained from the stoichiometric ratios S+O2= SO2 and 2H2+ O2=2H2O that
the combustion of sulfur Sp/100 and hydrogen Нp/100 contained in 1 kg of working
fuel, respectively, requires ( О2)(Ср /100)(μ02 /μc )(Sр /100)(μО2 /2μн2 )(Нр /
100)kg of oxygen.
The composition of the working fuel contains Ор/100 kg of oxygen, the mass of
which must be subtracted from the oxygen required for combustion. Therefore, the
amount of oxygen G02 required to burn 1 kg of working fuel can be written
μ02 C p μ02 Sp μ02 Hp Op
G02 = [( ) ( )+ ( )( )+( )( )] −
μc 100 μs 100 2μH2 100 100
Atmospheric air contains only 21% oxygen, then the volume of air VТ, theoretically
necessary for burning 1 kg of working fuel, will be
G02 100
VT = ( ) ( 21 ) or
100 1 μo2 Cp Sp Hp Op
VT = [( )( ) ( )][( ) + ( ) + ( )−( )]
21 100 So2 μc μS 2μH2 μO2
Similarly, according to stoichiometric dependencies, the yield of combustion
products is determined when burning 1 kg of fuel. However, for practical purposes,
the above calculations are not made, but use empirical formulas.
In real conditions, when burning fuel, the oxidation of the combustible mass
requires a slightly larger amount of air, because part of the oxygen does not have
time to enter into a chemical reaction due to the imperfection of the process of
mixing fuel with air. The required increase in air is determined by the ratio of the

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

actual air consumed for combustion of 1 kg of fuel Vд to the theoretical Vт. This
ratio is called the excess air coefficient L
L = Vд /VT
The value of L depends on the type of fuel and on the design of the combustion
device. The greatest completeness of mixing is achieved when working with solid
fuel, so it can be drained with a minimum excess of air (L=1,1-1,15).
The combustion of solid fuels requires a significant increase in L, which ranges from
1.5 to 3.5. Therefore, in each specific case, for the combustion of solid fuels, the
value of L is chosen according to heat engineering reference books. Cold air is
blown by a fan 12 in the pipe 11, takes heat from the pipes and enters through pipe
15 for use in thermal installations, for example, in a dryer. The calculation of such
a generator is reduced to determining the required heating surface. On the one hand,
the combustion products of the fuel heat the pipes, on the other hand, the moving
air takes away this heat from the surface of each pipe. The initial calculation is the
amount of air Vn and the degree of its heating ∆Т. Then you can determine the
amount of heat that needs to be transferred to the air,
Q T = VH Cv (Tk − TH ),
Where Vn is the volume of heated air; Cv is the heat capacity of air; Тн and Тк –
initial and final air temperature [2].
Therefore, the generator must provide a given amount of heat, which must be
transferred to the air Q T
QT = KA(T HC − T B )
K is the heat transfer coefficient through the heating surface of the generator; A -
the required heating surface (the total surface of the pipes washed by air); Tнс -TB
average inlet and outlet temperatures for combustion products and air, respectively.
For example (Тк+Тн)/2.
The heat transfer coefficient K is determined by the formula
1 δ
К = 1/( + + 1/L2 )
L1 λ
Where, L2 is the heat transfer coefficient from the combustion products to the
surface of the pipes, L2 - also from the heating surface to the air; δ - pipe wall
thickness; λ - thermal conductivity of the pipe wall.
Thus, knowing Qt, as well as determining K and ΔT, they find the heating surface
A, and then the number of pipes.
The process of dehydration in these dryers is that the heated air moves in a vertical
direction (from bottom to top) at such a speed that the air pressure forces on the
ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

product particles balance the gravitational forces acting on these particles. As a

result, each particle, as it were, “floats” independently of the others, and all elements
of its surface are the same. Effectively interact with the flow of heated air, that is,
the entire area of its surface is the area of evaporation, which somewhat reduces the
energy intensity of the process.
A fluidized (pseudo-fluidized) bed dryer achieves intensive mixing of the material,
accelerated heat and mass transfer so that the drying agent can be used at elevated
temperatures without significant loss of quality of the final product. Combining the
simplicity of the device with high specific productivity and ease of automation.
The parametric series of these dryers with an effective cross-sectional area (blown
through by a stream of heated air) from several tens of square decimeters to several
square meters is used for drying a wide variety of materials.

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ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022


Shohida Khusanova
Lecturer, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan

Ergashev Yuldashali
Lecturer, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan

Abduqaxorov Abdusattor
Master’s Degree Student, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan

The article analyzed the technological characteristics, performance, and
advantages of the models of cotton separators currently used in cotton ginning
enterprises, and made suggestions for the development of its resource-saving

Keywords: continuous technological process, cotton cleaning plant,

transportation conveyors, suction devices.

The reception and storage of seed cotton is a continuous technological process,
and the transfer of raw materials and finished products to the departments and
territories of the cotton ginning enterprise requires a large number of different
transport vehicles and special mechanized devices that require a lot of heavy
work. and equipment is used [1-4].
Complex mechanization of these works is much more difficult due to the large
volume of raw materials and finished products. One of the main features of
cotton ginning plants is a large amount of load in a continuous technological
process [5-9]. Due to the large area of the cotton gin, the distance between the
sections is 50 to 120 meters, sometimes more. In the past, in the area of cotton
factories, cotton raw materials were transported from department to
department by workers in sacks on their shoulders. Nowadays, with the
increasing productivity of cotton ginning enterprises, this method is no longer
acceptable, mainly labour-intensive work is done with the help of various types
ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

of mechanization. Two methods of transporting cotton raw materials are

− Mechanical method. Mechanical transportation is carried out using
conveyors. They consume less energy, but it is more difficult to move them
from one place to another, they have a low level of durability and a large
consumption of metal.
− Pneumatic method. The pneumatic method is one of the main forms of
transportation of cotton raw materials from warehouses to production and
from one department to another.
Pneumatic transport is carried out at the expense of airflow. Pneumatic
conveying is reliable in operation, the cotton loss is low during transportation,
and maintenance and repair are convenient. But from the point of view of energy
consumption, air consumption here is significant.
Vehicles must meet the following requirements:
a) Ensuring sufficient productivity of the cotton ginning enterprise (the
productivity should not be less than 12 t/h);
b) Ability to move at a high level;
c) High level of reliability during operation;
d) Low energy consumption during operation.
The method of mechanical transportation (with the help of belt conveyors)
ensures the fulfilment of the requirements of point 4, therefore, this type of
transportation is purposefully used for the inter-departmental transportation
of seeded cotton in the production zone of the cotton ginning enterprise. The
pneumatic method ensures the fulfilment of the requirements of the first three
points, this method is purposely installed in the raw material area of the cotton
ginning plant [10-14].
Pneumatic vehicles are divided into intra-enterprise, inter-departmental and
intra-departmental types depending on the place of installation. The way it
works is based on the ability of the air, which depends on the state of movement
of the air in the pipes and the cotton during the mixing.
The air pressure at the entrance and end of the pneumatic conveying device is
different. This method of transportation is the most optimal when the suction
devices in cotton ginning plant transport fibre from the battery of sawing gins,
and also when transporting fluff from lint separators to condensers (Fig. 1).

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

Figure 1. A drawing of a pneumatic transport device in suction view.

The main elements of the suction-type pneumatic transport device are:
1 – cotton riot picker (RBD); 2 – Suction main pipe; 3 – separator; 4 – intake air
duct; 5 - centrifugal fan; 6 – air outlet, air dust; 7 - dust collecting devices.

The working pipeline consists of the main section and connecting joints. Pipes
in the main section are made of 2-3 mm steel sheets of welded construction with
a diameter of 400-500 mm. The working length or radius of movement of the
pipeline in a cotton ginning enterprise that prepares a large amount of seeded
cotton and has a preparation facility can be 200÷250 meters. Main portable
pipes are placed underground at a depth of 600÷700 mm or on trestles [15-18].
At certain intervals along the entire length of the pipelines, for connecting a
separate pipeline to each warehouse, special pipes (teaches) are installed on the
ground, as well as monitoring and connection wells. Portable pipes are placed
on the ground.
The equipment that supplies the entire area of the cotton gin with seed cotton
is called a separator (Fig. 2).
The main task of the separators is to separate the seed cotton from the air, which
is absorbed by the air. The separator works based on the decreasing pressure of
the air effectively sucked into the working chamber. This type of transport is
widely used in all-cotton ginning enterprises.
The CC-15 scraper separator consists of two mesh barrier working chambers:
(1) for cotton and (2) for air. In the cotton section, the section for cleaning the
seeded cotton from the mesh screen (5) has a guide (3) and a scraper (4) on the
sides, with the help of which the cotton is directed to the vacuum valve (6). The
vacuum-valve separator is designed to separate seeded cotton from the working
chamber. The air outlet, side and conical sides of the separator chamber are
covered with a mesh surface. A certain part of the seeded cotton entering the
ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

separator working chamber (1) with the airflow falls into the vacuum valve (6)
due to the decrease in the speed of the airflow, and a certain amount of cotton
sticks stuck to the mesh surface by being absorbed by the air. With the help of
"ich" (4), it is squeezed from the mesh surface and transferred to the vacuum

Figure 2. CC-15 scraper separator

Table 1. Technical indicators of separators

Separator Cleaning Required Radius of
brand efficiency power movement
SS-15 up to 15 t/c 8÷10% 7 kW 120÷150 t
SX 20÷22 t/s 12÷15% 9.7 kW 180÷200 t

The operation procedure of pneumatic transport is based on the movement of

seed cotton coming with the airflow at a certain speed (V). Therefore, the mixing
of seed cotton inside the pipeline depends on the effect of air pressure.
The air velocity (Vh) at the place of transfer of seed cotton into the pipeline can
be found using the following formula:
Vh = 8,5G 0,4 m/s (1)
Air consumption (Q) absorbed in the head of the pipe is found from the following
Q=  Vh (m3/s) (2)
where: d is the diameter of the pipe, m;
G - work performance of the separator, t/s;
Vh − speed of air in the pipe, m/s;

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

8.5 is a coefficient that takes into account air friction on the pipe walls and
pressure reduction in the pipe.
Knowing the efficiency of the separator for seeded cotton and the pressure of
the pipeline in the transport system, it is possible to determine the radius of
movement of the pneumatic transport device in the field:
  1100  
   3   
R = H    1 +  h 2 
V  (m) (3)
 Q 
 
 
here,  - weight concentration of the mixture.
= (4)
5, 4  Q
 - parabola coefficient for new pipes,  = 0,111 ;
 - useful efficiency of the device = 0,5
N - air pressure generated in the fan; mm. water.
 - the coefficient taking into account the movement of seed cotton in the pipe
(when G=5÷10 t/s,  =0.6; When G>10 t/s,  =0.5)

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efficiency of processes of removing cotton fiber from saw teeth. Gospodarka
i Innowacje., 25, 118-124.
7. Mahmudjonova, F., Anvarova, D., & Toirjonova, G. (2022). Determination of
the forces of interaction of the raw material with the saw
cylinder. Gospodarka i Innowacje., 25, 113-117.
8. Adxamovna, B. G. (2021). Directions for Improving the Organizational and
Economic Mechanism of Food Industry Management in the Digital
Economy. Central Asian journal of innovations on tourism management and
finance, 2(12), 16-21.
9. Sh, K., Sirojiddinova, M., & Gofurjonova, D. (2022). Problems of fiber removal
processes from saw teeth in fiber separation. Gospodarka i Innowacje., 25,
10. Salimov, A., Khusanova, S., Salimov, O., Toshtemirov, Q., Yakubov, N., &
Rakhimjanov, A. (2022). Research of The Process of Preparation and Storage
of Raw Cotton. Journal of Optoelectronics Laser, 41(7), 612-618.
11. Ulugboboyeva, M. M., & Tursunova, X. S. (2021). Ways to solve problems in
the production of knit wear. Asian Journal of Multidimensional
Research, 10(9), 29-33.
12. Tursunova, X. S. (2021). Study of Preliminary Design Work for the Selection
and Manufacture of Fabrics Based on the Analysis of School-Age Girls'
Clothing. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 11(103), 568-572.
13. Dekhkanov, S. A. (2020). Перспективы развития внешне экономической
деятельности объединенных арабских эмиратов и республики
узбекистан: современные реалии, инновации и стратегии
развития. Theoretical & Applied Science, (4), 926-929.
14. Raxmatovna, M. S. (2022). Analysis of women's clothes sewing-a study to
develop a norm of time spent on the technological process of knitting
production. International Journal of Advance Scientific Research, 2(03), 16-
15. Maripdjanovna, U. B. M., & Xilola, T. (2022). Problems of automation of
technological processes of sewing manufacturing. Galaxy International
Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 10(1), 550-553.

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

16. Бердиева, З. М. (2020). Способы обучения учащихся решению

химических задач. Достижения науки и образования, (6 (60)), 4-8.
17. Tursunova, K., & Fozilov, S. (2022). Research on the Development of Daily
Clothing Sets for Teenage Girls from BI-Component Knitted
Fabrics. Periodica Journal of Modern Philosophy, Social Sciences and
Humanities, 12, 26-28.
18. qizi Tursunova, X. S., & Berdiyeva, R. N. A. (2022). Teenage girls'range of
modern dresseS. Results of National Scientific Research International
Journal, 1(7), 145-152.

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022


Rasulova Zukhra Xakimberdievna
Department of Foreign Languages
Tashkent State Transport University

Xalikova Latofat Uktamovna

Department of Foreign Languages
Tashkent State Transport University

Saitova Iroda
Department of Foreign Languages
Tashkent State Transport University

Sheralieva Shakhnoza Irkinovna

Department of Foreign Languages
Tashkent State Transport University

Interest in portfolios in education has been steadily growing over the past
few years. This is evidenced by the number of publications posted on the
platform of the Information Center for Educational Resources [ Education
resources information Center (ERIC)]. As of July 2021, 8513 publications are
available for study. Of these, 710 publications - on the e- Portfolio search
query. In addition to numerous projects, related software, software vendors
and the e- Portfolio community can also be found on the Internet.
E-portfolios are becoming an increasingly common component of higher
education programs, serving as a constructive learning space where
students can reflect on their academic achievements, host collections of
work on which they can be assessed, and create "integrated showcases"
where students can demonstrate their achievements to potential employers.
In addition, already working professionals are encouraged to create
personal electronic portfolios that reflect their continuous learning,
promotion and application for new positions.
The Russian Federation, which signed the Bologna Charter in 2003, has
chosen the path of consistent integration into the European Higher
Education Area (EHEA). One of the most important tasks of building the
ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

EHEA is the development of approaches to the organization of teaching,

learning and to the assessment of learning outcomes. Particular attention
deserves foreign experience in the use of e- Portfolio technology in the
educational process at the national and international levels.
In the field of education, you can find portfolios for different age categories
(from kindergarten to university), for different purposes (from the
presentation of the first steps and learning progress to application
portfolios), portfolios created using various media (portfolio software,
learning platform, Word file, folder, etc.).
When working with a portfolio, the products created during the learning
process (so-called artifacts) are collected, selected, discussed, analyzed,
evaluated and made visible to others. Thus, traces of learning processes and
learning outcomes are documented.
There are many different portfolio typologies used in scientific publications.
Often there are different typologies, as well as mixed types, which cannot
always be clearly separated. On the one hand, diversity reflects the richness
of portfolio options in the education sector, and on the other hand, indicates
that there is no unambiguous approach to distinguishing portfolio types. As
an illustration of this provision, we will describe the types of portfolios that
are most often in demand in the educational process.
Portfolio types by target orientation: development, presentation, evaluation.
Development Portfolio: Here the focus is on the individual development of
students. Such a portfolio can be created to accompany research, for
example, throughout the course, across multiple modules, or across
Presentation Portfolio: Selected artifacts can be used in courses to present
the learning process.
Evaluation Portfolio: Parts of a portfolio can also be used for evaluation
and/or as evidence of performance (for example, as research or module
implementation). To this end, some artifacts are usually collected, analysed,
presented, and finally evaluated by educators.
Portfolio types by content: result-oriented or process-oriented.
The purpose of the Process Portfolio is to introduce you to your own learning
methods and strategies. Learning processes are documented, analyzed and
commented on. The basis for this can be a diary and a work journal.
However, other materials, such as own and other texts, descriptions of
ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

environmental influences, or communication experiences, may also be

included in the work if they influenced the student's learning process. A
process portfolio can be used as a starting point for a performance-oriented
A performance-oriented portfolio, on the other hand, should reveal the main
tendencies of the student's own learning. During the course or project,
various artifacts are collected that are considered especially successful. They
reflect and give a general idea of progress. Unsolved problems are solved
with the help of specific proposed methods and serve as the basis for future
The division of portfolio types by assessment, that is, the assessment of
students' achievements: summary or formative.
Formative assessments are conducted concurrently with the course, with
final assessments completed at the end of the course. Final grades are often
taken in written, oral exams and term papers. They summarize the event's
final learning success and are final. On the other hand, formative (diagnostic)
assessments are a process: thanks to regular feedback, learning progress,
strengths and weaknesses of students become visible and thus make it
possible to purposefully improve their own learning. At the same time,
teachers can take into account the learning process of students in order to
rework or develop their own course.
Division of portfolio types by duration (time): event portfolio or research
Portfolios can be created for different periods of time. In fact, this method is
designed for a longer period of time, so it should be used at least for the
duration of the project or internship. However, it can also be produced
during the semester to accompany study sessions.
Division of portfolio types by social type: individual or group portfolio. A
group portfolio is always useful if the learning process has already taken
place within the framework of joint training or in projects.
Let's consider examples of learning with the help of electronic portfolios at
universities in Germany.
Electronic portfolios in the study of a foreign language.
In the intercultural communication module at the Leipzig University
Language Center, students get acquainted with the problems and
circumstances of learning a foreign language using the example of a language
ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

they do not know. Working with e - Portfolio is an integral part of the

courses. On the e- Portfolio platform, students define their learning goals,
collect learning materials (PDFs, videos, links) and set important dates
during the semester. Document weekly tasks and keep a study diary. Record
their learning progress in a portfolio with assignments for continuous
preparation and attendance tracking. Reflect on the learning process every
five weeks using leading key questions. In addition, students are offered a
checklist that indicates which artifacts should be in the portfolio when sent
for evaluation.
As G. Brauer notes, the process of introspection for students about their own
artifacts is a difficult task for them. To systematize the thought process, he
offers students a total of four levels of reflective practice.
Level 1: Includes description (completed activity) and documentation (with
reference to the activity as a whole).
Level 2: includes analysis (in relation to one's own work) and interpretation
(in relation to the consequences of one's own actions).
Level 3: includes assessment (against expectations or other indicators) and
assessment (based on criteria).
Level 4: Includes planning for alternative courses of action.
Without a differentiated distribution of tasks, most students document or
analyze them selectively.
Electronic portfolios as an element of reflection of the learning process of
future teachers.
At the University of Passau, a course concept supported by an e-portfolio
was developed and evaluated. This course is designed to systematically
improve the ability of future teachers to analyze their work and to help
ensure that reflection processes become an integral part of school work. In
particular, students received tasks in the form of an electronic portfolio,
consisting of two parts, the results of which they must record in their
personal electronic portfolio.
Until the final presentation of the e-portfolio and the corresponding
summary assessment by the teachers, the phases of visits alternated with
the phases of the virtual e-portfolio. The learning stages took place once a
week in the form of an e-portfolio-supported course at the University of
Passau. At these stages, depending on the course, different content of
knowledge was transferred. At the intermediate stages of the virtual e-
ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

portfolio, students-future teachers received tasks on (self) reflection and

work on the e-portfolio to deepen the content of this knowledge, which they
worked on at the e-portfolio stages. In addition, all communication was done
through the ILIAS e-learning platform.

1. Amanov A.K. Principles of communicative competence and its practical
reflection on homework. International Interdisciplinary research journal
(GIIRJ), 480-484, 2021.
2. Sheraliyeva Sh. Application And Importance of Transport Terminology.
Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQI) Volume 12, Issue 10,
October 2023: 4742-4750
pomoshh/dogovory-i-uslovija/transportnaja- terminologija/
3. Ganieva M.G. Developing diagnostic assessment, assessment for learning and
assessment of learning competence via task based language teaching.
Academicia Globe: Inderscience research, 2022.
4. Ishankulova, D. A. (2022). Relative Pronouns in language system. Journal of
educational discoveries and Lifelong Learning. -43-49, 2022-yil.
5. Kiyasova R.M. Methods of teaching logistics terms to senior students using
interactive classroom activities. Peerian journal, 2022.

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

6. Khalikova L.U. Mastering educational and research skills in a foreign

language. Innovative technologica: Methodical research journal, 2022.
7. Rasulova Z.Kh. Innovative methods of teaching english in nophylological
sciences. Archive of Conferences, 238-240.
7. Saydaliyeva D.Z. Semantic and syntactic features of relative pronouns in
English language. ResearchJet journal of analysis and inventions, 2022.
8. Sidiqnazarova Z.M. Social problems raised in “Mother to son” Langston
Hughes. Peerian journal, 2022.
9. Shamuratova M.Sh. Literary identity of “the joy luck club” by Amy Tan.
Academicia Globe: Inderscience research, 2022.

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022
10. Tulaboyeva G.T Common mistakes in learning english. International
Bulletin Of Engineering And Technology, 2(9), 51–53, 2022.
11. Xusanova I.A. Methods of teaching logistics terms to senior students using
interactive classroom activities. Peerian journal, 2022.

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022


Tuychiboev Baхodir Bosimovich
Candidate of History, Associate Professor
Head of the "History" Department of Gulistan State University

With the development of modern information technology and software, the
improvement of photographic equipment, new methods of studying rock photo
images without manual influence are emerging. The article discusses the
recommendations developed by experts for photographing rock monuments
and processing them in digital format.

Keywords: Primitive art, photogrammetry, three-dimensional scanning and

modeling, digital catalogs, poster exhibitions, "stiken" technology, ACDSee,
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, Adobe Photoshop , Adobe Light Room graphic
editing programs, pigment card method, LAB color environment

Primitive art reflected the first ideas about the world surrounding man, served
to preserve his knowledge and skills and leave them to the next generation.
Communication between people was formed through art. As much as the stone
weapon played an important role in the crafting activity of the primitive period,
art acquired such an important importance in the formation of the spiritual
world of the primitive man.
Primitive art territorially includes all regions of the Earth's surface,
chronologically all periods of human history. One of the universal events in the
history of mankind was the fact that people turned to art, a new type of activity
for them.
Ancient rock images are considered to be one of the sources of information
about the distant past, and these rock images can be seen only in the natural
environment. Various animal figures, people, mythical creatures, many
geometric symbols, which were painted or hammered on the surface of the
rocks, have reached us over thousands of years.

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

Today, in the mountainous and sub-mountainous regions of Uzbekistan, about
150 monuments of rock paintings have been identified in chronological order
from the Mesolithic to the Middle Ages. Monuments are mainly located in the
north-eastern (western Tien-Shan, Turkestan, Aloy mountain ranges), central
(Nurota, Zarafshan ranges) and north-western (Bukantau, Tamditau, Sultan
Uvais, Kuljuktau) parts of Uzbekistan [1]
Among them, Zarautkamar cave, Sarmishsay petroglyphs, images of Khojakent,
Suratlisoy, Karaqiyasoy, Bukantau are considered famous among the scientific
community [2].
The study of rock paintings is related to the process of documenting them.
Documenting the photos is a source of defining the content of the images and a
way to prevent these unique monuments from disappearing without a trace. In
this sense, high-quality documentation of rock paintings is considered an
urgent issue. Today, a number of modern methods such as photogrammetry,
three-dimensional scanning and modeling, mapping using GIS technology, and
aerial photography using drones are used in global petroglyphs. The relevance
of research in this direction is beyond doubt. These methods allow researchers
to look at previously studied monuments with new eyes and discover new
ones. Modern digital methods are characterized by a high level of accuracy and
effective results in the study of rock paintings.

Methods and Level of Research

Today, photography is the main method for studying and documenting rock
paintings and petroglyphs in global petroglyphology (Finland, Sweden,
Russia). Today, with the development of computer technology and software,
and the improvement of photographic equipment, new methods of studying
rock photo images without manual influence are emerging. Using these
techniques, researchers will be able to identify, document, and identify
inaccuracies in previously identified rock monuments using modern digital
photography techniques. Modern methods can serve as a basis for the study of
many abstract, ambiguous forms identified in rock paintings to this day. In
addition, modern digital photo technologies, study of petroglyphs, monitoring
of the state of preservation of rock paintings and the rock surface where they

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

are located, their restoration , typology of images , study of the specific aspects
of rock painting imaging technology, creation of digital catalogs of petroglyphs,
organization of poster exhibitions and has a number of other similar

Research Results
The goal of photographing petroglyphs is to create a quality copy of the image.
A photo image taken at a professional level is considered the main document
that helps to understand the correlation of the findings found in the research
process. When photographing petroglyphs, it is recommended to use
professional grade equipment.
In the process of obtaining and processing photo material, a number of
methods are being developed by specialists. The world petroglyphists have
developed an algorithm for taking photos of rock monuments. Below, we
consider the recommendations developed by experts for taking quality photos
and processing them in digital format:

1. Prerequisites for filming

When photographing rock paintings, the topography of the place where the
petroglyphs are located and the seasons are important. It is observed by
researchers that in most cases, images detected in spring, in rainy weather,
"disappear" in summer [3 . S.23 ] . The reason is that in the spring, after the
rain, the image is clearly visible. In the summer, it becomes difficult to see the
image under the influence of the sharp rays of the sun.
A researcher photographing petroglyphs must have the skills of a traditional
photographer, be able to adapt to the existing conditions and create the
necessary environment. The importance of incident light (natural sunlight,
solar light, light reflected by a mirror, etc.) is important in studying the image
on the rock, that is, in obtaining the maximum image that reflects all its
elements. An image taken in natural light allows to reflect the image down to
all the small subtle elements only if it is taken at certain times of the day [4 .
P.445-446 ] .

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

Since rock paintings are usually located in mountainous areas and in winter
they are often covered with snow, it is difficult to study them in this season.
Favorable conditions for photographing and studying such images correspond
to the second half of spring and autumn.
During field research during the summer months, traditional methods of
working with light are used for photo imaging, for example: shadowing the
object to be photographed using black polyethylene film or cloth, and lighting
it from the side using a large mirror. By changing the angle of inclination of the
mirror, it is possible to get a clear image of the petroglyph corresponding to
the terrain. Rock pictures can be photographed at night with the help of
projectors to clearly reflect the terrain [5 . s. 462 ] .

2. Technical description of photo cameras for photographing

It is recommended to use a 24X36 mm full-frame, sensor, small-format camera
(Full Frame) and a lens with strong light sensitivity for taking pictures of rocks.
The light sensitivity of the matrix (ISO) depends on the shooting conditions.
When photographing petroglyphs, it is convenient to work in the enhanced
aperture mode. Usually, the middle position of the aperture allows you to
clearly capture not only the central part of the image, but also the elements on
the sides in most lenses. When the amount of light is not enough, it is
recommended to mount the camera on a tripod so that the picture is not dim
and unclear. The main problem in zooming in on petroglyphs is the lack of
resolution of the object being photographed. Since most of the petroglyphs are
located in places that are difficult to approach , various problems arise when
photographing them. In such situations, it is recommended to use the "sticken"
technology, that is, to adjust the focus of the camera by taking several pictures
by moving the lens closer or further away from the image. The process of gently
zooming in and out of the lens allows you to adjust the desired focus. Today,
small rotor drones can be used to photograph petroglyphs in hard-to-reach

3. The method of photographing a group of rock paintings and a

panoramic image. Applying this method involves several steps, including:

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

a) As a result of photographing the entire image of the rock, not only the part
with the pictures, but the entire image, the general appearance and shape of
the rock is captured.
b) The image of the rock photo is captured in a panoramic photo along with the
surrounding landscape.
c) When photographing a group of rock images, the images located on the
surface of the rock are divided into parts of the same size. Each of these pieces
is digitized and photographed under the same conditions and in the same light.
In this case, the s urates are taken at the same distance and at right angles. To
capture the surface of the rock at the same distance, a photo camera is mounted
on a 1.5-meter rod and photographs are taken using this device. At the other
end of the rail, a color scale is installed to determine the color ranges of the
image during processing. Each photo frame captures a 1X0.7 m surface of the
rock. A photo includes a part of the side images, and then, in the process of
editing with the help of a computer program, the images are combined and
brought to a single composition. As a result, a high-quality, general image of a
group of petroglyphs, all elements of which are clearly visible, is created,
reflecting all the small details of the large object.
g ) Photographs are taken using digital cameras or 135 mm film. These films
are then converted to digital format [6].

4. Processing of digital photos

Documenting and processing of images taken with digital cameras is carried
out using graphic editing programs ACDSee, Adobe Photoshop Lightroom,
Adobe Photoshop , Adobe Light Room [7.,8] .
Using the capabilities of the software, in the process of photo processing, you
can get a realistic image of the petroglyphs, reflected to the smallest elements,
without the influence of hands. While these methods have a number of
advantages, there are also some disadvantages. For example, most of the time,
the unevenness of the surface of the rock or the location in a high place, which
is inconvenient to approach, limits the researcher's ability to take a photo in a
right-angle projection, changes the image, and gives a distorted form.
Graphical editing software is useful for archaeologists involved in studying and
documenting petroglyphs, as they allow the study of petroglyphs without
physical impact.

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

With their help, images with a high resolution can be obtained as a result of
image processing. In addition, they allow you to convert and save the processed
images of rock images to various formats for use in further processes.
Graphic editing programs are powerful image processing programs. These
programs include image editing, processing, saving, printing of 8, 16, 32-bit
images, reading and processing of images in TIFF, PNG, GIF, JPEG, BMP, DICOM,
FITS, RAW, PK, Mac, Linux formats. have
In practice, the most effective method for identifying and recording color
images is the pigment card method developed by A.K. Solodeynikov [9, 10, 11]
, that is, the image obtained by graphic processing of the photo image (digital
filtering of the photo using Adobe Photoshop graphic editing software) is
counted. The above programs allow you to increase the sharpness of the image,
produce different colors using the LAB color environment, and achieve other
similar effective results with very simple operations.
Graphical programs provide the ability to provide high-quality images of
colored rock images using color environments such as RGB, LAB, YDS, YBK, LDS
. For example, YDS and LDS reflect pale yellow colors, YBR and LRE red colors,
and YBK r light media enhance black and blue images. With the help of
computer graphics programs, the colors in the image are enhanced and the
level of color accuracy is achieved. As a result, it becomes possible to see
elements in the image that are difficult to see with the naked eye.
A complete image of the rock with the help of digital documentation
methodology; cracks in the rock, its damaged parts, small elements and other
aspects are created. At the end of the research, a general electronic database of
rock photo monuments will be formed.
Graphics software helps reveal the content of the image by enhancing the
visibility of subtle images captured during the capture and review process by
using imperceptible ocher, and by seeing distinct elements in the image. In this
process, the original colors and shadows in the photo are enhanced.
5. Three-dimensional scanning and modeling of rock pictures (3D
format) .
High-quality pictures taken from different angles allow creating a model of the
monument in 3D format - photogrammetry. Photogrammetry technology
allows digitization of objects from 5 cm to 2 m in quality with the help of a
camera, personal computer and special programs . In this case, the quality of

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

modeling is related to the number of captured images, that is, the more quality
images, the more perfect the model in 3D format [12].
While showing the wide possibilities of digital photography, it is necessary to
dwell on a number of shortcomings that are common in practice, but can be
eliminated if the work is properly organized. In most cases, photos taken in
natural light are taken at a sharp angle to the surface of the rock. In order to
take a quality photo of the rock, and then put it on paper, it is necessary to take
the photo at right angles to the surface of the rock and from different angles. In
some cases, depending on the terrain, it is recommended to use a lens with the
function of shifting and bending so that the image does not come out blurry and
In the article, while summing up our thoughts on the above-mentioned
methods and technologies, we want to show that these methods do not negate
other useful methods, such as tracing or film, but on the contrary, complement
and improve them. At the same time, we must emphasize the need for a
complex approach to the process of studying rock monuments. Because
documenting the monument in digital format was considered preferable in
terms of preserving the monument and achieving quick results.

Based on the above, we can come to the following conclusions:
• The method of researching rock pictures without manual effects, photo
images with the help of computer graphic editing programs, is considered one
of the most effective methods in practice today.
• Graphics editing software is a convenient solution for studying poorly
preserved rock paintings. For example, it becomes possible to identify and
study images that are hidden under the shell of calcite, which cannot be seen
with the naked eye.
• Images processed by graphic editing programs in laboratory conditions
make it possible to identify images in the ancient layer of petroglyphs, which
are difficult to see with the naked eye.
• Editing programs have the ability to reveal the original content of the image
by enhancing the subtle elements in the color rock photos. Color environments
such as RGB, LAB, YDS, YBK, LDS allow you to display a high-quality and bright

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

• The elements identified as a result of the study of images with the help of
computer programs expand the possibilities of studying pictures of a certain
plot or their content.
• With the help of graphic editing programs, it becomes possible to create a
whole panoramic photo image of a rock photo monument.
• At the end of the research, it will be possible to form a general electronic
database of rock photo monuments.
Generally speaking, the main goal of the article was to show the possibilities
and the future of modern technology and technical tools in the process of
identifying and studying complex resources such as rock paintings in field

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12. Kazakov V.V. Application of information technology and
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NGU // Vestnik NGU. Series: Information technology. Volume 14. No. 4.
2016. S. 5 1 .
14. Туйчибоев, Б. (2022). Қоятош суратларини ўрганиш ва сақлашда
рақамли технологияларнинг ўрни. Значение цифровых технологий в
изучении истории Узбекистана, 1(01), 19-24.
15. Басымович, Т.Б. (2022). Некоторые вопросы изучения материальной
культуры «Древняя Уструшана». Техасский журнал филологии,
культуры и истории , 11 , 18–22.

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022


Muxtorov Abdullo Fayzullo oglu
Lecturer of the Department, "Electrical Mechanics and Technologies ",
Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Uzbekistan

The article deals with the analysis of reliability in power supply systems of
light industry enterprises and electric power failures that affect the quality of
manufactured products. Development of methodological support of reliability
and increase of stability of switching devices, relay protection and automatics
at substations 35-110kV.

Keywords: reliability, failure, short interruptions in power supply and

product quality.

In this article I want to talk about the relationship between the quality of
products and the reliability of the power supply of the enterprise. As we know,
in order to successfully compete in the market, each company must comply
with international standards called ISO. Successful competition mainly
depends on the quality of products. The quality of products depends on its
value, the higher the quality, the higher the cost in the world market.
Main part. Electrical installations used for the conversion, transmission and
distribution of electricity are exposed to a large number of factors:
environmental influences, operational, accidental, design and installation
To transmission devices - overhead lines of all voltage classes - the main
factors contributing to their failures are rain, sleet, thick fog, frost, etc., and
for cable lines and power transformers installed in open-type electrical
installations, to environmental factors include solar radiation, atmospheric
pressure, ambient temperature.
In short, the real number of failures and failures of elements of electrical
systems is non-stationary, since the frequency of failures λ depends on the

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

operating time t. Based on this, you can build a simple graph of the
dependence of λ on t, which is called the characteristic of the object

Here: 1-period of running-in - the period of detection of hidden defects in

installation and manufacture ("detection" of defects (1 - 3 years)); 2- period
of normal operation; characterized by an approximately constant failure rate.
As we know, in cases of emergency shutdown of one consumer connected to
the 6-10 kV bus section at substations, there will be no consequences for other
consumers that are powered from this bus section. In case of damage to
outgoing cable lines of 6-10 kV at substations of 35-110 kV, the shutdown
time for the maximum current protection of automatic switches is set to 1
second, and the introductory switches are even longer, as a result of these
shutdowns, there will be a violation in the power supply to other consumers
of the 6-10 kV buses connected to this section resulting in emergency
shutdowns of a part of technological processes characterized by high
requirements in terms of continuity, quality and reliability of power supply.
At the 110/10/10 kV Strelkov substation (which is connected to dozens of
textile and light industry enterprises) and other substations, change the
undervoltage protection trip rates of the electrical load nodes of the electrical
system, which consists in lowering the minimum allowable voltage level and
increasing the undervoltage protection response time delay.
We know that voltage drops have a great impact on the operation of
asynchronous motors, and subsequently lead to a change in the mechanical
characteristic, which is the dependence of the electric motor torque on the
rotational speed or slip, the sinusoidal mode of operation of the frequency
converter is violated, which leads to an emergency stop of the process

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

For electrical machines, transformers and cables, the most significant thermal
aging of the insulation. An electrically insulating material, being in an electric
field, loses the properties of an electrically insulating material if the field
strength exceeds a certain critical value.
As we know, if there is a significant voltage drop at the terminals of a full load
motor, the drag torque of the mechanism can be greater than the maximum
torque of the motor. In this case, there will be a “jog” of the engine and a
repeated automatic start of electric motors or electric drives, a voltage dip
will pass into the system as a whole. With a decrease in voltage, the conditions
for starting the motor worsen, since the starting torque decreases and the
constant resistance torque of the mechanism increases the current consumed
by the electric motor, which leads to an increase in winding heating losses.

It is necessary to change the rates of operation of the undervoltage protection
of the electrical load units of the electrical system at substations, which
consists in a reasonable decrease in the level of the minimum allowable
voltage and an increase in the time delay for the operation of the undervoltage
protection, as well as relay protection of the sectional device to be performed
according to a two-phase two-relay circuit with a limited time delay .
It is necessary to protect cables from direct solar radiation on openly laid
cable structures and overpasses, not forgetting free access to these structures
for maintenance personnel.
Improving the characteristics of the main elements of substations-35-110kV
by means of automation. AR of three-phase and phase-by-phase, high-speed
protections. To reduce non-sinusoidal voltages (reduce higher harmonics), a
separate power supply is used for consumers with a non-linear current-
voltage characteristic. To effectively improve the reliability of power supply,
it is necessary to provide and develop rational organizational and technical
measures for the operation of energy systems. At the same time, one of the
important tasks of operation is the creation of a well-established system for
collecting and processing information about electrical equipment failures.
At the same time, one should not forget that for the efficient operation of
energy systems it is unthinkable without strict observance by the personnel
of the energy supply organization.

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

1. Постнов, В. В. Уровень качества выпускаемой продукции
предприятия и его конкурентоспособность / В. В. Постнов, А. С.
Селиверстов, Д. Е. Митрофанов, Д. Ю. Уткин. — Текст :
непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2017. — № 43 (177). — С.
2. Gafurov M., Мухторов А.Ф., Аннаев З.Й. Надежность
электротехнических систем предприятий с непрерывными
технологическими процессами Universum: Технические науки.
Выпуск: 11 (80) Ноябрь 2020. Часть 5. Москва 2020. С 17-21.
3. Захаров О. Г. Надежность цифровых устройств релейной защиты.
Показатели. Требования. Оценки [Текст]: учеб. / О. Г. Захаров. — М.:
Инфраинженерия, – 2014. – 128 с.
4. М.B. Bozorov, А.Ф.Мухторов, Development of a method for assessing the
efficiency of the power supply system of industrial enterprises. EURASIAN
JOURNAL OF ACADEMIC RESEARCH Vol.1 Issue 2. –P.1000-1003.
5. Gafurov M., Мухторов А.Ф., Аннаев З.Й. Надежность
электротехнических систем предприятий с непрерывными
технологическими процессами Universum: Технические науки.
Выпуск: 11 (80) Ноябрь 2020. Часть 5. Москва 2020. С 17-21.
6. М.B. Bozorov, А.Ф.Мухторов, Analysis of methods for forecasting
electricity consumption of the company mergantex. International Jurnal
for Innovative Engineering and Management Research.

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022


B. N. Davidbaev
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor,
Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Fergana

N.B. Davidbaeva
PhD, Senior Lecturer, Fergana Polytechnic Institute,
Republic of Uzbekistan, Fergana

The article presents the schemes and principles of operation of the device of
a cotton separator with a shock-absorbing gasket and a composite scraper
shaft. The results of the experiment of the recommended separator are given.

Keywords: Cotton heart, scraper, perforated mesh, flyer, vacuum valve,

scraper shaft, working. Chamber, rubber, seeds,damage, wear, air, pressure,
elasticity, gasket sleeve, clogging.

The cotton separator device plays an important role in the field of primary
processing of cotton. The structureof the SS-15A cotton separator currently
used in ginneries consists of a chamber for separating raw cotton, a vacuum
valve, various mesh surfaces and a scraper shaft [1-7]. The main
disadvantages of this device are the lack of good separation of raw cotton
from the air, the decrease in the natural quality of raw cotton and insufficient
processing resources of the elements of the cotton separator [8-12].
The separator device for fibrous materials consists of a separation chamber,
inlet and outlet pipes and a mesh drum, and the horizontal plane from the
inlet pipe to the mesh drum is expanded [12-19]. On the inside of the
chamber onthe opposite side of the inlet pipe, there is a barrier separating
the two channels, at the top of the chamber there are air ducts and at the
bottom, there are ducts and vacuum valves for transporting raw cotton
possibility, moreover, duringthe operation of the separator, the volume of
the air mixture of raw cotton in the inlet.

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

For other fibrous materials, the separator design consists of two parts with a
reflective structure, which combines to form an additional horizontal air
outlet [20-21]. At the bottom of the return, there is a console-mounted
sensor in the form of a comb plate, which controls the slope of the system
(switch) and the channel for filling the raw cotton.
Spiral plate separator in the design, the return barrier is mounted under the
air outlet duct with a wall on the side of the separation chamber. The spiral
plate is connected to the lower wall of the inlet pipe and the upper wall of
the barrier.
To study the operation of the cotton separator in more depth, a plastic
window was opened on the door of the separator and the separation process
was observed inside the working chamber and videotapedby the camera to
determine the negative impact. It is known that cotton fibres consist of 6-9
fibrous seeds, and a mixture of air, cotton fibres, small and large impurities,
rocks and hard rocks combine to form various mass packages. Experiments
have shown that an average of 60-65 % of the raw cotton entering the
working chamber hits the back wall in front of the separator inlet pipe and
the raw cotton falls into the vacuum valve it was foundthat the bundles of
large and small masses of cotton came in succession and collided with each
other and fell into the vacuum valve due to their weight. . In addition,
mechanical damage to the seed and cotton fibre when it hits the backwall of
the working chamber, high erosion of the working chamber wall after a
certain period of time as a result of hitting the raw cotton raw material on
the back wall of the working chamber; cracking (Fig. 1) can lead to a decrease
in air pressure in the chamber; it was found that due to the lack of good
separation, the raw cotton was accumulated in the chamber and the adhered
cotton raw material unevenly adhered to the mesh surface. It was also
observed that in a single rotation of the scraper, only up to 60% of the cotton
pieces adhering to the surface of the net were separated. The rest of the
cotton pieces are separated from the mesh surface after the second and third
rotations of the straight scraper. The fact that the cotton pieces stay on the
surface of the net for a long time and move around it several times has a
negative effect on its quality, the formation of a cotton wrap around the gin
during the separation of cotton seeds sown on the mesh surface, which

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

gradually covers the surface of the net with cotton a result of which
the air pressure drops and the cotton swab gradually occupies the mesh
surface, resulting in breakage of the nozzle and clogging of the separator,
which causes the failure of the drive motor that drives the suctionshaft.
At the Tashlak and Kuva ginneries in the Fergana region, an average of 5-6
electric motors fail every year. This results in an average loss of 10-15
million soums per plant per year.
In order to overcome the above shortcomings, the working chamber is
modified to create a construction that ensures uniform distribution of the
raw cotton to the working chamber without damage.
In the improved design of the proposed cotton separator equipped with a
shock-absorbing plate, the process of separating the raw cotton from the air
reduces the damage to the seed when it hits the back wall of the separator,
reducing various defects in fibre content and improving fibre quality.
The design of the advanced cotton separator works as follows: The main part
of the raw cotton loses air velocity by hitting the surface of the elastic
element 8 located on the flexible working seam 1:1 flexible shock absorbers
7 through the suction pipe 5 together with the air and the main part of the
raw cotton under the influence ofits own weight the vacuum-valve falls to 2.
Some pieces of cotton are attached to the surface of the grids (3) on both
sides of the working chamber. Vacuum-valve 2 blades transfer the raw
cotton to the next process, that is, together with the dusty cotton springs; the
airflow is absorbed by the fan and directed to the cyclone facilities. Under
the influence of centrifugal force from the cyclone device, some particles and
fibres of dust are trapped.

Figure 1 Schematic of an advanced cotton separator device.

1 working chamber, 2 vacuum valves, 3 mesh surfaces, 4 suction shafts, 5 sliding tubes, 6
separator back walls, 7 flexible shock absorber seals, 8 elastic element surfaces, 9 screws, 10
frames, 11-elastic element bushing, 12-clamp.

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

According to the experiments conducted at the Tashlak and Kuva ginneries of

the Fergana region:
− Seed damage is reduced by an average of 0.20 - 0.23%, and contamination -
by 0.10-012%.
− 80-85% of the cotton pieces on the surface of the net are cleaned once the
bushings withtheelastic element are rotated around the face axis.
− The service life of the elements of the cotton separator increases by an
average of 15-20%.

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ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022


Abdullaeva Sabokhon Azatovna
Assistant of the Department of Physiology
Uzbek State University of Physical Culture and Sports, Chirchik, Uzbekistan

Nomozova Gulnoza Inatullaevna

Assistant of the Department of Physiology
Uzbek State University of Physical Culture and Sports, Chirchik, Uzbekistan

One of the main tasks of the university at the present stage is to obtain not
only knowledge and skills, but also the disclosure of the abilities of each
student, the education of a personality that will always be ready for life in a
high-tech, competitive world. The condition for reforming the labor market
is the socio-economic transformations taking place in the modern world in
various spheres of society. They are closely related to solving the problems
of adaptation of university graduates to the modern conditions of their
professional activities. These reforms affect the educational process of a
modern university.

Keywords. Innovative methods, modular training, tutorials, personalized,

team-individual training

Today, graduates of higher educational institutions require new professional

thinking, flexibility of thinking, awareness, patience, tolerance, in-depth
analysis of the information received, identification of true and false, etc. In this
regard, there is a need to create conditions for the development of critical
thinking of university students, which is an inseparable part of their
professional competence [1,3,4].
Depending on the individual cognitive characteristics of students, teachers of
a foreign higher pedagogical school use the following teaching technologies:
• Modular training,
• Personalized learning,
• Tutor training system (tutorials),
• Brigade-individual training.

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

Modular learning. Has a clear organization of the process of self-education

and group classes. It consists in the fact that the student is given the
opportunity to independently work with an individual program, including an
action plan, an information bank and a methodological guide to achieve goals.
The teacher performs various functions: from information-controlling to
consulting-coordinating. The content of the training is presented in the form
of separate training packages. A student can independently combine a set of
modules depending on his individual plan [5,6].
Principles of modular training:
■ Dynamism, effectiveness and efficiency of knowledge;
■ Flexibility in organizing the process of educational activities;
■ Awareness of the prospects in achieving goals;

■ Variety of methodological advice;

■ Parity of relations between teacher and student [2,3].
A learning module is an integration of various courses or learning topics in
the structure of one discipline, subject to a common learning goal and step-
by-step tasks to achieve it. The module formulates educational goals and
objectives, options for their gradual achievement; outlines the main points of
the educational material, its essence; explanations are offered for its
assimilation at several levels of complexity; recommendations are given for
additional deepening and expansion of the studied material; a list of
references is attached to each block of material; theoretical and practical
tasks are offered (some of them are at the student's choice); individualized
feedback is organized. Entrance control, determining the readiness of the
student to assimilate the material presented in the module, allows
formulating recommendations for organizing his subsequent educational
activities. Intermediate control enables self-control and correction of
educational activities in the course of work on the module. Generalized
control is also individualized depending on the program of study of this
module and the characteristics of the student.
Personalized learning (Personal System Instruction) - independent work by a
student at an individual pace on specially prepared printed materials. Self-
learning is accompanied by watching movies, transparencies, listening to
phonograms, performing laboratory exercises. Students, as necessary,
selectively attend lectures, practical or tutor classes (in some cases,
undergraduate students are tutors of their junior colleagues). The transition
ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

to the next educational section is allowed only after studying the previous
one, the assimilation of which is checked by ordinary or test tests, as well as
with the help of technical means (sometimes self-assessment or group
assessment of knowledge acquisition is used). Independent work is
accompanied by weekly meetings of students in a group and written reports.
The essence of personalized learning is that the course material is divided
into portions, each of which contains the information to be studied: examples
and tasks, questions for self-testing, as well as the necessary guidelines. The
student independently studies the material and, when he considers that he
has mastered this portion to perfection, turns to the teacher and receives a
“readiness test”. Permission to proceed to the study of the next part of the
educational material is possible only after receiving a high mark for the
previous portion. Studying the course is usually accompanied by lectures, but
attending them is optional. After passing all the program material in this
subject, the student is given an overall grade.
Tutor training system (tutorials) - regular individual group lessons of a
teacher-tutor with several students attached to him for the entire period of
A tutor should be seen primarily as a mentor. He observes the progress and
formation of the student's personality in the process of his education. In the
traditional structure of the tutorial, there are three distinct functions. Thus,
the director of studies is responsible for the study of students as a whole, the
moral tutor is responsible for their "moral character", the tutor oversees the
studies of an individual student during a trimester or academic year. At
Oxford, these functions are performed by the same person. In Cambridge and
other universities, a tutor conducts practical classes with students and is
called a supervisor. His duties also include monitoring the progress of
students, their attitude to learning, the formation of independent work skills
Brigade-individual training
 Individualized teaching in small groups, when a significant number of
lagging behind does not allow teaching material to the entire academic group
at the same time. This learning technology is characterized by a rigid target

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

Principles of brigade-individual training:

 Excellence in learning - the mastery of each student with educational
material to perfection, regardless of abilities, and thus achieving the goal.
More general requirements arising from the published principle:
 Students' awareness of the goal of learning;
 Providing students with methodological recommendations for
organizing independent learning activities;
 Organization of the student's involvement in the educational process;
 Providing students with a lower initial level, additional opportunities;
 Continuous progress in learning (Continuous Progress) - the flexibility
and dynamism of the learning process.
Students are divided into groups of 4-5 people. The teacher selects groups so
that their composition is as diverse as possible in all respects: the group
includes boys and girls, good, average and poor performers, as well as (under
appropriate conditions) students of different ethnic origins. The training
material is divided into programmed portions-sections, members of the
subgroup work on various sections. Each student works through the material
of the section at their own pace in the following sequence:
1. Familiarization with the teacher's guide to mastering a particular skill;
2. Development of a series of work plans, each of which is devoted to
mastering individual skills - components of this skill;
3. Self-assessment of this skill;
4. Final test (placement test).

Team members work in pairs, checking each other's performance of control

tasks on a 100-point scale. If a student achieves a score of 80 percent or better
in the self-assessment and peer-review mode, the student passes the final test
for that skill. It is conducted by a well-performing student appointed by the
teacher (student monitor). By the end of each week, based on the results of
the final verification work (test indicators of each participant and the number
of tests they passed in a week), the results of the work of the teams are
summed up, team indicators are compiled.
At our university, at the Department of Physiology, innovative pedagogical
technologies are used in teaching students, such as modular training, case-
study, design method, problem-modular learning. These methods form
students' critical thinking. Critical thinking is the type of thinking that helps,
ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

is critical of any statements, does not take anything for granted without
evidence, but at the same time be open to new ideas and methods. Critical
thinking is a necessary condition for freedom of choice, quality of forecast,
responsibility for one's own decisions. Thus, in the university, the technology
of teaching pedagogical procedures, the sequence of operations and actions
that together make up the pedagogical system, the implementation of which
in pedagogical practice leads to the achievement of specific goals of training
and education.

[1] Мороченкова И. А. Формирование критического мышления
студентов в вузе. Дис. … канд. пед. наук. — Оренбург, 2004.
[2] Соколова Л.Б. Становление культуры педагогической деятельности
учителя: моногр./ Л.Б. Соколова. – Оренбург: изд-во ОГПУ, 2001—318с.
[3] Шакирова Д.М. Формирование критического мышления учащихся и
студентов в условиях модернизации образования: отчет по теме НИОКР
№ 02-2.3-98/2004 Ф(02) / исп.: Д.М. Шакирова, М.И. Махмутов, Н.Ф.
Плотникова.-Казань, 2004.-С.58
[4] Holubová, R.(2008). Effective teaching methods – Project-based learning
in Physics. US-China Education Review, Vol. 5, No.12. p. 27.
[5] Jayawickramrajah, P.T. (1993). Impact of problem-based, integrated
medical curriculum on students approaches to learning. Baharin Medical
Bulletin, 15: 116-121
[6] Schmidt, H.G. (1993). Foundations of problem-based learning: some
explanatory notes. Medical Education. Vol. 27, Issue 5, p. 422–432.
[7] Su, W.L. (2021) How to Use Modern Teaching Methods to Cultivate
Students’ Autonomous Learning Ability. Open Access Library Journal, 8, 1-5.
[8] Cliff WH, Wright AW. Directed case study method for teaching human
anatomy and physiology. Adv Phys Educ. 1996;15(1):S19–S28.

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022


Sarvara Akobirova
Associate Professor of TSUL

The expansion of international contacts and the visibility of prospects for a
specialist who speaks a foreign language create favorable conditions for
raising the prestige of the subject "foreign language" in all educational
institutions. In this regard, the question of improving the quality of the
educational process in foreign languages and the search for new, more
effective methods and techniques for teaching law students is particularly

Key words: speaking skills, legal English, educational institution, effective

methods, non-linguistic universities

At our university a foreign language is provided in the first and second years
of study for two hours a week. The occupancy of groups is the same as for all
groups (10-12 people). Given the relentless growth in the importance of
English proficiency in the legal profession, these learning conditions can be
described as extremely difficult. And even the growth in the importance of the
subject for professional training has not yet been reflected in the
improvement of these conditions, which complicates the solution of the main
issues that have always been and are facing methodologists who study the
problems of teaching foreign languagesvat non-linguistic faculties in non-
linguistic universities.
The first of these problems is the correlation of general language training with
special, that is, professionally directed training. It is important to determine
what should be their relative weight in comparison with each other, whether
there is a need for a strict division between these two components, and it is
more efficient to start special professionally oriented training.
The second problem is the ratio of teaching reading and teaching oral speech
in non-linguistic faculties.

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

As you know, for many decades, the main goal of teaching foreign languages
at a non-linguistic faculty was considered to be teaching reading texts in the
specialty, and only during the last decades, or rather in the 60s of the XX
century, oral speech as a learning goal is gradually gaining ground in a non-
linguistic university. Taking into account that, on the one hand, the conditions
for learning have not improved, and on the other hand, now no one questions
the focus of teaching a foreign language both on communication in the general
field of activity and in the professional one, and no one denies the need for
training students not only reading, but also oral speech, then the question
arises - is it possible at all in these conditions of learning to achieve the
intended goals.
There are a number of factors that to some extent offset the negative impact
of what Michael West would call "Teaching English in difficult circumstances".
These factors are:
- the first - with all the critical attitude to school teaching foreign languages, it
must be recognized that the level of preparedness of graduates entering law
faculties/universities today is much higher than it was when the main
problems of teaching foreign languages were posed at non-linguistic faculties.
The data on the readiness of first-year students to understand authentic texts
on jurisprudence, obtained by us in repeated tests over the past years, are, on
the whole, very encouraging;
- the second - a student who entered the University of Law has a high
motivation for learning a foreign language, moreover, about % of students
realize that a career as a lawyer without knowledge of foreign languages, and
especially English, is less promising. And already this external motivation is
of serious importance;
- the third is, undoubtedly, the existing difference between non-linguistic
specialties in terms of the degree of ease of reading special texts. This
difference affects, first of all, in the degree of proximity (or remoteness) of
special terms and general vocabulary; the level of pre-university awareness
of trainees about the chosen specialty and its basic concepts is essential. In
this regard, jurisprudence is a comparatively "profitable" specialty.
Characters of jurisprudence, legal terms, designations of jurisprudence - these
terms are largely internationalized, and a very high percentage of words and
phrases that are both terms and units of a common language.

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

Jurisprudence undoubtedly belongs to those sciences whose English

terminology is difficult, primarily because of its ambiguity, and not because of
isolation from the general vocabulary;
- the fourth important factor is the proximity of jurisprudence to the life of a
common person. "Right and law stand in the middle of life." They regulate it,
and hence the ease of saturating general language training with elements of a
legal specialty, permeating almost any everyday or cultural topic with
elements of jurisprudence.
- the fifth factor is the role that law plays in the life of the country of the
language being studied. Let's start with the fact that achievements in
jurisprudence, their practical implementation are the primary national pride
of the English-speaking countries. The future lawyer either already knows or
will be convinced that England is not only the birthplace of the rule of law, it
is the country where the law and the observance of the law are both an
integral and everyday element of everyone's life. The complex influence of
these factors is an objective prerequisite for the assumption that with an
adequate and, at the same time, averaged in its addressing methodology, it is
possible to postulate reading authentic literature in the specialty and teaching
oral speech on a series of professional topics, starting from the first year.
Due to the limitation of studying a foreign language course at the University
of Law for only two years, the problem of maximum movement of the
beginning of reading texts in the specialty and teaching oral communication
on professional topics to the beginning of the first year becomes extremely
important. At the same time, instead of opposing general and special training,
their interpenetration is an integral task. In view of the foregoing, the
prospects for a positive solution to the above problems have a solid
foundation. And therefore, dependence on an adequate methodology for
teaching foreign languages at law faculties is of decisive importance. Two
years of communication with students, systematic observation of their
subjective attitude to the study of English, their almost identical answers to
the questions of the questionnaire, give the right to name as the reason for
such effectiveness the uninterrupted professional orientation of the entire
course of teaching a foreign language, its connection with the study of English
jurisprudence in a broad sense.

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

Such content of the course became the main stimulus in mastering the English
language simultaneously with the legal culture of the native speaker. The
peculiarity of the structure of the course at the content level lies in the
constant fixation of the attention of students on the legal life of English-
speaking countries in all its richness, diversity and attractiveness for the
future lawyer. At the same time, the system of tasks used in the course for
developing the skills to work with authentic texts and take part in oral
communication on professional topics played an equally important role.
The proposed system includes three groups of exercises: receptive, receptive-
productive and productive. At the same time, professional vocabulary was
worked out, taking into account the recognition of syntactic complexes, as
well as grammatical material, reflecting the mental constructions of the
English legal system. At the same time, special attention was paid to the most
active types of polysemy (for example: genus / species: suitor - 1) party to the
case, 2) plaintiff; type / type: to commence an action - 1) act as a co-defendant;
general action / specialized action: detain - 1) detain, 2) take into custody,
To form a linguistic guess, work was carried out on the most productive
suffixes of the English legal terminology system ( -er / -or to designate the
subjects of crimes: - a robber, - a counterfeiter; -ing, -ary / -, -tion /, -sion- to
designate criminal acts: - espionage, - theft, - bribery, - theft, - hacking, -
For the formation of skills for independent work with vocabulary, special
importance was attached to the awareness of synonymous and antonymic
relations, since in English terminology even the basic terms of criminal and
criminal procedural law can be synonymous ( "guilt" and "fault" express the
legal concepts of "guilt") .
The list of typical situations of professionally oriented communication, which
is proposed in the work, includes: establishing business contacts in oral and
written form; exchange of information in the process of professional
interaction; reasoned message on professional issues; business conversation
on a specific topic, telephone conversation scenarios, etc.
The concept and content of the professionally oriented communicative
competence of undergraduate students of law faculties were determined, the

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

structure and methodology for conducting a holistic professionally oriented

English language course were developed. To develop the content of training
in professionally oriented communication of law students, a linguo-didactic
analysis of pragmatic authentic texts of a legal orientation is always carried
out, which makes it possible to develop a scientifically based methodology for
the formation of professionally oriented communicative competence of law
students, as a necessary component of training a modern specialist. The
practical materials used in experiential learning can be recommended as an
elective course to the main program of law schools and as a basis for
conducting electives and elective courses at the initial stage of teaching
English. The conducted research simultaneously determines further steps
that continue the development of the chosen problem - the study of English in
the junior courses of law faculties. The first urgent task is a positive decision
on the continuation of compulsory foreign language classes in the senior
courses of the Universities of Law. Moreover, here one could put forward the
following proposals regarding the nature of this continuation:
- it can be considered proven in advance that a graduate of the Universities of
Law should be fluent in the first foreign language at the level of reading
specialized literature, mostly without a dictionary, and discussing legal issues
in a foreign language both by foreign colleagues who came here and in the
country of the language being studied. In this regard, one cannot count on the
fact that special subjects of jurisprudence at a Law university will require so
much from law students the use of foreign-language bibliography that this
alone will provide there is improvement in a foreign language, and it will be
possible to get by with an elective in senior courses;
- in my opinion, English language courses should be developed, in which, on
the one hand, the process of improving the ability to communicate on near-
specialized topics is expanded and deepened, and on the other hand, more
complex reading and discussion of texts of the main specialties, some of which
have already been touched upon (criminal law , civil law), and new senior
disciplines, including international law.
- in these training materials, all those components that are presented in the
two-year course should now receive, firstly, a more systematic character, and
secondly, more problematic and tasks for independent reading, processing in

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

English and discussing what has been read, and acting out scenarios could
have been much more complex and deeper.
Equally important is the development of the most effective ratio of the main
elements of the course: textual material, speech exercises, scenarios for
professionally oriented learning in accordance with the needs and
capabilities of students with different levels of general language training.

1. Mc. Croskey, James C. An introduction to interpersonal communication.
James C. Mc. Groskey, Carl E. Larson, Mark L. Knapp. Englewood Cliffs
(N.J.), Prentice-Hall. 1971. 144 p.
2. Dimensions in communication: Readings. / Ed. by James H. Camplell, Hall
W. Hepler. Belmount (Calif.): Wadsworth, cop. 1965. - 230 p.
3. Shears P. Law for English educational system. Pitmzn Publishers, 1994.
133 p.
4. Russel F., Locke Ch. English Law and Language. Cassell Publishers Ltd,
1993.- 181 p.
5. Tiersma P. M. Legal Language. Chicago, 1999. P. 139.

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022


Eshmuradov Shuxrat Xujanovich
Kashkadarya Regional National Center Training Teachers on New Methods

The article presents the experience of using mind maps in the lessons of the
Russian language and literature. This approach makes it possible to effectively
train students to work with a large amount of educational information,
students' understanding of the meaning of the text, and the formation of a
personal position.

Keywords: New standards of education, teaching, educational information,

mind map.


Эшмурадов Шухрат Хужанович
Кашкадарьинский областной национальный центр
подготовки педагогов по новым методикам

Аннотация: В статье представлен опыт использования интеллект-

карт на уроках русского языка и литературы. Данный подход позволяет
эффективно обучать школьников работе с большим объемом учебной
информации, пониманию обучающимися смысла текста, формированию
личной позиции

Ключевые слова: Новые стандарты образования, преподавание, учебная

информация, интеллект-карта.
В настоящее время вопрос о развитии умственных способностей
ребёнка, о его одарённости – один из самых актуальных в современной
школе. Основной задачей для школы является формирование личности

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

активной, стремящейся к решению любых задач подходить

творчески.Современный школьник должен быть включен в «активную
учебно-познавательную деятельность», владеть приемами «поиска,
построения и передачи информации, презентации выполненных работ».
При этом учащиеся в рамках получения нового знания по предмету
учатся преобразовывать информацию и использовать в различных
учебных ситуациях. На традиционном уроке русского языка учащиеся
получают знания, в основном, двумя путями: от учителя или из учебника.
Проблема заключается в том, что даже если ученик хорошо понял
учебный материал в готовом виде, то он его быстро забывает. На
следующих занятиях учителю вместе с учащимися приходится вновь
«проходить» изученный материал. А если прошло несколько недель, то
изученная информация забывается учениками практически полностью.
Именно с этим связан тот факт, что к выпускному классу большинство
учеников не помнит многие правила по русскому языку, на изучение
которых по учебному плану отведено было, казалось бы, достаточно
времени. И как следствие, огромные перегрузки при подготовке
выпускников к экзамену по русскому языку. Учителю приходится
признавать, что силы и время, потраченные на объяснение учебного
материала, были использованы неэффективно.
Поэтому необходимы иные приемы работы с учебной информацией,
обеспечивающие качественное и долгосрочное запоминание материала.
Таким приемом, по нашему мнению, является использование интеллект-
карты, позволяющей фиксировать и запоминать значительные объемы
информации. Прежде всего, рассмотрим определение интеллект-карты в
различных источниках:
- метод структуризации концепций с использованием графической
записи в виде диаграммы;
- диаграмма связей;
- техника визуализации мышления и альтернативной записи;
- отображение на бумаге эффективного способа думать, запоминать,
вспоминать, решать творческие задачи, а также возможность
представить и наглядно выразить свои внутренние процессы обработки
информации, вносить в них изменения, совершенствовать;

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

- графическое отображение процесса радиантного (ассоциативного)

-способ изображения процесса общего системного мышления с помощью
схем. Общим в данных определениях является акцент на способе
мышления и отображения информации (как правило, визуально, в виде
рисунка/схемы/диаграммы и др.).
В нашей статье мы будем рассматривать интеллект-карту как способ
отображения информации, позволяющий визуализировать и
запоминать большой объем информации. Обратимся к истории вопроса
об использовании интеллект-карт в различных сферах деятельности
человека. Теоретическое обоснование интеллект-карт было впервые
представлено миру весной 1974 году. Сам метод был предложен
американским психологом Тони Бьюзеном, который считает интеллект-
карты эффективным методом экономии времени на изучение
Сейчас проблема современной школы состоит в том, что у детей пропал
интерес к учению вообще, и к изучению русского языка, литературному
чтению в частности. Отсюда низкая грамотность, нежелание читать
художественную литературу, подмена книги компьютером. Огромное
количество детей не посещают театры, не работают со словарями,
дополнительной литературой. Результат – неразвитая речь, память,
воображение, неумение анализировать, делать выводы,
дополнять. Поэтому на школу возложена большая ответственность по
становлению творческой личности.
Любой предмет школьного курса должен развивать в ребёнке
творческие способности: это и уроки ИЗО, и уроки трудового обучения, и
уроки математики, но, я считаю, что огромные возможности в этой
области имеют предметы гуманитарного цикла, в частности, русский
язык и литературное чтение.
В нашей стране изучением этого метода занимаются ученые Санкт-
Петербургского университета: Бершадская Елена Александровна и
Михаил Евгеньевич Бершадский. В образовательной деятельности
интеллект-карты чаще встречаются на уроках естественно-
математического цикла.

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

Сложные взаимосвязи элементов, структур, процессов доступнее

показывать посредством простых схем. Однако и в гуманитарных науках
есть своя логика, иерархия, структура, - их тоже можно изобразить
схематично. Восприятие учеником текстовой информации на уроке
может быть самым разнообразным. Интеллект-карты (далее ИК)
позволяют увидеть глубину понимания школьником материала: чем
больше ассоциативных линий рисует школьник в ИК, тем более глубоко
и разносторонне он понимает представленный учителем текст.
Аналогично сам ученик может, согласно составленной ИК, создать текст,
имеющий ту или иную смысловую нагрузку, и продемонстрировать
глубину понимания того, о чем он пишет.
В любом из представленных вариантов ученик выражает
индивидуальное восприятие информации и её смысла. В нашем опыте
мы использовали ИК в различном виде:
- готовые, для изучения нового материала;
- частично выполненные, для дальнейшего дополнения учащимися;
- полностью созданные учениками индивидуально или группами.
Рассмотрим пример работы над смыслом поэтического текста на уроках
литературы в 6 классе. Известно, что шестиклассникам, в силу разных
причин, бывает сложно понять истинный смысл поэтического текста,
пописанного зрелым поэтом. Так, при изучении на уроке литературы
поэтических произведений С. А. Есенина, шестиклассники отмечали
красоту языка стихотворений поэта. Однако на вопрос о смысле текста
ученики отвечали общими фразами: «о природе», «о красоте весны» и т.п.
Глубину лирических переживаний поэта ученики при чтении
стихотворения не смогли постигнуть. Тогда мы предложили детям
организованный диалог: обратиться друг к другу в паре с вопросами: -
Кто написал стихотворение, что мы знаем об отношении автора к
изображенному в тексте? - Какова тема текста? Как мы это докажем? -
Через какие образы раскрывается тема в данном стихотворении? Какими
словами автор характеризует каждый образ? - В каких
словах/предложениях/строках мы чувствуем отношение поэта к
изображенному в тексте? Почему мы так решили? - Что хотел выразить
автор в этом стихотворении? Как мы это поняли? - А что чувствуем мы,
читая это стихотворение поэта? Затем ребята составляют в паре
интеллект-карту по данным вопросам. В центре пишут название
ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

стихотворения и его тему. Далее рисуют линии, связанные с

обнаруженными в результате обсуждения в паре образами. От каждого
образа чертят линии, обозначающие тропы и фигуры речи,
характеризующие авторское отношение к изображенному в тексте.
С противоположной стороны от образов ученики указывают своё
восприятие. На следующем этапе дети объединяются в группы по 4 – 6
человек и представляют свои ИК, составленные в парах. В результате
получается общий продукт группы – карта с уточнениями,
дополнениями. Возможно разделение учеников на группы по
направлениям: стилистика текста, языковые средства выразительности
данного текста, синтаксический строй текста и др. По результатам
работы в каждом направлении группы презентуют свои ИК. А в целом
получается комплексный анализ предложенного текста. В качестве
контроля могут быть предложены на выбор, например: групповая
защита проекта по составленной совместно ИК, индивидуальное
сообщение, письменное эссе по ИК. Ученик получает положительную
отметку при условиях:
- наличия связного текста (устного/письменного) по ИК,
- демонстрации собственного понимания смысла текста.
Данный подход к пониманию смысла текста мы использовали и на
уроках в других классах. Считаем, что эффективно прием с ИК можно
использовать и при подготовке выпускников к итоговому сочинению по
русского языку. Это позволит исключить механическое запоминание
чужих трактовок смысла того или иного литературного произведения -
чем изобилуют сочинения выпускников последних лет. Составление ИК
по прочитанному произведению требует от ученика вдумчивого
прочтения текста, а необходимость демонстрации собственного
понимания смысла мотивирует к связному высказыванию. Таким
образом, интеллект-карты позволяют эффективно работать с
информацией на уроках русского языка и литературы, способствуют
пониманию обучающимися смысла текста, формированию личной

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

Список использованной литературы:

2.«Эффективное использование метода интеллект–карт на уроках»:
Методическое пособие. Авторысоставители: В.М. Воробьева, начальник
отдела доп. образования детей, Л. В. Чурикова, методист отдела
подготовки кадров, Л. Г. Будунова, методист отдела подготовки кадров, -
М.: ГБОУ «ТемоЦентр», 2013. - 46 с.
3. Тони и Барри Бьюзенов «Супермышление», - Издательство: Попурри,
2003, - 304 с.
4.Федеральный государственный образовательный стандарт основного
общего образования. ФГОС ООО Утвержден приказом Министерства
образования и науки Российской Федерации от «17» декабря 2010 г. №

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022


Askarov Khasanboy Kholdorovich
Scientific Leader Q.x.f.f.d., Senior Teacher
QXMT Chair FarPI

Abdusaidov Yorqinbek Azimjon ogli

Q.X.M.S and D.I.T Direction
M20 - 21 Group Masters Degree Student

This article discusses the analysis of the efficiency of processing seed cotton
using resource-efficient technologies, the technologies used in the initial
processing of cotton.

KEYWORDS: cycle schedule, cotton broker, bottlenecks, “fire-packed”, picker


The tendency today is to limit cotton storage at the processing mill by
scheduling deliveries from the cotton gin on a short cycle basis. The short cycle
schedule has saved operating capital, and spacing and has reduced in the fire
exposure. Cotton is easy to ignite; it has a fast spreading flame front and an
acrid, dense smoke. Cotton fire burrows into bales. Characteristics of burning
cotton dictate the need to follow certain design criteria for cotton warehouses.
The maximum sizes for warehouse sections generally extend 20 ft (6.1 m) high
and span 10,000 ft2 (929 m2) of floor area. Lift trucks unload bales from trucks
or freight cars onto a receiving dock that accesses various warehouse sections.
To facilitate inspection and sampling of cotton bales, workers occasionally cut
a bale tie with a tie-cutter and take samples from opposite sides of each bale.
High stacking of baled cotton stresses the ties of bottom bales. Should a tie slip
or let go, friction or sparking may ignite the cotton.

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

Quality control of incoming bale shipments has reduced much of the need to
test raw materials. When in-house testing is performed, small clump samples
from the cotton bales are brought to the classing office in small tote boxes or
in small paper wrapped bundles. Samples are checked for staple length and
proper grade. Bales within 5% of grade specifications are stored in warehouse
sections. Unsatisfactory bales are held in the dock area until they are returned
to the cotton broker. At one time, a standard warehouse section was about
5000 ft2 (465 m2), but competitive pressure for labor-saving methods and
lower unit costs have forced a trend toward larger and higher one-story
warehouse sections. However, larger areas create greater loss possibilities and
a need for extended fire protection. At some point, the necessary fire protection
becomes an economic burden. Although cotton bales are highly compressed
and are partly wrapped in burlap or woven plasticmesh, enough fiber ends are
exposed to allow rapid flame propagation over the entire pile of bales. Bales
wrapped in plastic sheeting usually contain synthetic fibers.
Although relatively rare today, a “fire-packed” or “hot gin” bale results when a
spark or hot ember becomes trapped in the cotton while it is being baled at the
cotton gin. Even though the bales are tightly packed, enough oxygen is in the
hollow cotton fibers to sustain combustion. A fire can continue to burn within
the bale, probably undetected, until it breaks through to an outer surface,
sometimes days or weeks after initial baling. As a fire propagates over the
surface of the bales, it will burrow into them and continue to burn until water
is directly applied to the area. Tightly packed cotton does not absorb water
readily, and as a result, “wet” water and sharp pointed nozzles are necessary
to finally extinguish a burrowing fire in bales or packed cotton. See NFPA 18
for guidance. Bales of cotton must be overhauled individually before local hot
spots can be finally extinguished. Complete extinguishment usually requires
removing and opening each bale involved to extinguish deep seated pockets of
smoldering cotton.
Opening. Modern cotton gins generally supply clean, consistent cotton;
however, debris in the form of dirt, leaf matter, grass, stones, baling wire,
machine dust from the ginning process and tool parts from the handling
process can be present. The opening process removes stones and machine
parts before they damage processing equipment or ignite the cotton. The

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

cellulosic matter is removed before it is pulverized and becomes harder to

remove. Low impact equipment removes much of the cellulosic debris.
Cotton in bales is tightly matted and highly compressed. Opening machinery
loosens and separates the cotton into tufts so it can be effectively cleaned and
further processed.
The opener room is one of the potentially serious bottlenecks in a cotton mill.
Bales of cotton are brought from the warehouses into the opening rooms. Bale
ties and coverings are removed from selected bales. The stripped bales are
then laid out and allowed to sit for several hours until they reach room
temperature and adjust to the humidity of the area.
To ensure uniformity in the end product, cotton must be blended from several
bales to make the size, length and color of the cotton as uniform as possible.
This blending process, starting with opening, continues through most
processing operations.
At one time, opening and blending operations began with hand-feeding the
fiber from the laid-down bales into hoppers, whose spiked conveyors and saw-
toothed rollers opened (loosened) the matted fiber. These machines
discharged fiber into weigh hoppers which would discharge a mixture of the
appropriate blends of fiber. These openers, operating with the weigh hoppers,
discharged stock onto a conveyor belt which in turn fed a pneumatic transfer
system through the cleaning machinery.
Today, automated equipment takes stock from the opened bales with gantry
mounted mechanical fingers. The state-of-the-art opening and blending
systems start by laying a row of opened bales of fiber, arranged in the
proportions of the desired blend of the end product. An automated opener
containing rotating fingers (or saw-toothed shaped rollers) passes across the
top of the row and removes the top few inches of fiber from each bale. As the
machine passes, the fiber is pneumatically transferred through a channel,
adjoining the opening machine track, to the reserve hoppers on the cleaning
machinery. High-limit switches on the reserve hopper control the speed of the
opening machine as it removes fiber from the bales.
Removing impurities and short fibers from the cotton fiber is essential to
ensure product quality and to allow the use of high speed spinning machines.

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

The cleaning operations are performed pneumatically and mechanically while

the fibers are further separated by spiked rollers and saw-toothed rollers. The
dust and light impurities are sucked away while heavy waste is removed by
inertial traps.
The efficiency and high speeds of these cleaning machines critically depend on
the air flow inside the equipment and the dust removal system. Magnets and
metal detectors arranged to open a diversion damper also eliminate metal.
These cleaning operations can be performed in cascading single function
machines or within one integrated cleaner. The fibers from the cleaning
machine then discharge into reserve hoppers or into pre-feedersfor the chute-
fed carding operation. Picking Early cotton mills used hand-fed hoppers that
transferred stock on slow moving conveyors through opening machines,
cleaning machines, and picker machines. Picker machines formed a rolled mat
of fiber called a picker lap. Fires in these machines were common and were
controlled by sprinklers installed in each hopper.

Modern opening systems automatically process stock from the time it is laid
out to the time it discharges as sliver from the card machines. Chute-feed
systems eliminate manual stock handling, as well as the picker process. In
general, lay-down bales are automatically fed into openers connected to
various mixers and blenders. The material is then air driven through steel
ductwork to the carding process where card lines are fed from individual
mixers/reserve hoppers. Usually, hand-fed waste opener hoppers reintroduce
usable waste to the process. These chute-fed card systems could easily
transport fires throughout the entire process, particularly with the high speed
of the equipment.

1. O. Rakhmatov, K.K. Nuriev, A.M. Yusupov. WASTE-FREE TECHNOLOGY FOR
2. Primary processing of cotton/E. Study guide under the general editorship of
Zikriyoev.-T "Mehnat", 2002.- 408 p.
3. Azizov I.R., Jumaniyazov Q., Erkinov Z.E. "Technology of waste-free
processing of fibers" TASHKENT - 2021.
4. Pavlov, Yu.V. et al. Theory of processes, technology and equipment of the pre
-warning of cotton and chemical fibers: a textbook. - Ivanovo: IGTA, 2007. - 536
ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022


Niyatova Maftuna Norbek kizi
Jizzakh Branch of the National University of Uzbekistan
named after Mirzo Ulugbek, The Faculty of Psychology
The Teacher at the Department of Foreign Languages

The paper shows the importance of the methodology and assessment, essential
components of the assessment points and giving feedback to the students in
teaching and learning the English language. This article provides detailed
suggestions with illustrations, background of previous researches,
foundations, results of them and so on. The authors and researchers with all
level may use in practical and theoretical researches with the help of data in
the article.

Keywords: components, level, assessment procedure, motivation, knowledge,

feedback, English as a foreign language, post-assessing process, system
parallel, intention,
Nowadays, there are sufficient number of sources that supply instructors how
to design assess and how to organize post-assessing procedure (giving
feedback). As a consequence, instructors can create assess, which regarded the
most useful way in determining pupils’ knowledge. At the same time, they are
able to establish post-assessing procedure, which is regarded as significant
part of assessing the pupils’ knowledge with the help of that very sources and
materials. However, the research worker found out that materials and sources
regarding the second issue (post-assessing procedure) are not enough. So,
every single instructor should create and work out his/her own method of
building this procedure. This qualification paper is focused on managing both
assessing and post-assessing procedures, the ways of using target procedures
in EFL classes. It should be highlighted that a great amount of the research
work literature around assessment points to the significance of feedback to
pupils as part of the learning procedure. Ellis argues that formative assessment
is "specifically intended to provide feedback on performance to improve and
accelerate learning."

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

Proving a pupil with a grade or mark in response to a piece of assessable work

is not, except in the broadest sense, giving feedback. Similarly, making
comments on pupil work is not, of itself, providing feedback. Feedback is a term
that requires careful definition for it to represent a useful contribution to
learning. In addition, Freeman precisely, however not particularly usefully,
defines feedback as ‘data about the gap between the actual level and the
reference level of a system parameter which is applied to alter the gap in some
way. It is also essential to say that in the context of assessment for learning, the
‘system parameter' is the intended learning outcomes from a course, topic or
(most often) a particular assessment task, the ‘actual level' is each pupil's
achievement in response to the assessment task, while the ‘reference level' is
the agreed standard of performance expected for successful completion of the
task. So in this context, feedback is data provided to pupils that is applied by
them to alter the gap between their current performance and the view (i.e. data
that helps the pupil learn). If comments are not or cannot be applied by pupils
to alter the gap, then those comments do not constitute feedback! It is essential
to believe in this point that as Walker notes "a necessary precondition for a
pupil to act on a gap is that he/he is given a comment that enables her/him to
do so: the comments must be usable by the pupil." Consequently "it is the
quality, not just the quantity, of feedback that merits our closest attention".
At this point it is important to note that a great amount of the research work
on feedback has focused on the feature of written comments on pupil tasks,
although some have addressed wider feedback practices that can help pupils
build self-assessment and self-regulation skills in relation to their thinking,
motivation and behavior during learning. This perspective moves the feedback
procedure away from being an ‘after the assessment event' transmission of
data from instructor to pupil and towards an ongoing dialogue to help build
pupils' knowledge, skills, confidence and perception about themselves as
learners. Grant Wiggins, the President of Authentic Education in Hopewell,
New Jersey has identified that feedback is applied so as to describe all types of
comments, including mainly advice, praise and evaluation as well. However, he
has added that none of these is feedback indeed. Grant Wiggins has noted that
data given as a feedback should not be just judgment or recommendation on
how to improve, however also should be related to aim.

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

Instructor should not solely recommend, judge or recommend; feedback

should include itself aim of learner indeed. Moreover, he has noticed that
decades of education research work support the view that by teaching less and
providing more feedback, we can produce greater learning. All his views he has
summed up in one formula: less teaching + more feedback = better results. We
also need to mention, another great scholar Harris has argued that feedback
has variety of forms. He has regarded that most useful feedback provides the
data, which learners really desire and ready hear from the instructor. Basically,
feedback can be ignored in that case, if it gives too little data or vice versa. If
the learner does not demonstrate his interest toward lesson and is not
interested in improving, any type of feedback will be ignored. So, a very large
difficulty for the instructors is knowing how a great amount of feedback to give
and knowing the right time to give it. Another difficulty is giving enough
feedback quickly enough to help learners, however not so a great amount of or
so quickly that the instructor cannot do any other part of his or her job. In
addition, Harris, D points out that walking around the classroom and giving
oral comments to pupils who are working individually or in groups should also
be applied by instructors. It can be interchanged with written form of
comment. Instructors will know areas, which needs further improvement and
note what pupils doing well. He argues that instructors should not just put a
grade, because grade does not tell the learner what was right and what was
wrong, so it is not useful in guiding learners to improve. He argues that it is the
least useful form of feedback. So as to avoid any learner to be single out for
correction, Harris recommends managing and decorating a task that includes
itself major errors taken from everyone in the class. This type of task gives a
chance to talk about mistakes that most learners made. It is essential to say
that Professor Nunan has defined feedback as a significant issue; pupils desire
and need to know how they are doing as they learn. The main rationale is that
the knowledge that they are gaining gives pupils a sense of improvement,
which motivates them to learn more and more. Similarly, feedback gives
chance to pupils gets to know when they have made a mistake so that they will
correct and learn from it, and take corrective measures. So, it is undoubtedly
essential for instructor to regulate pupils’ learning and give them feedback.
Feedback can be given in the following forms: to individuals, to a group of them
or to the whole class.

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

Instructor should know which from can be more suitable and efficient in
different situations. Professor Nunan has argued that it would be more useful
if the whole class can share in the monitoring procedure and the feedback. We
want to note that moreover, Professor Nunan has analyzed the right time to
give feedback and duration of it. He noticed that a significant dimension of
feedback is its immediacy. The longer the time gap between the completion of
the work and its feedback, the less efficient the feedback becomes. Basically,
feedback should be provided within minutes after the completion of a task (e.g.
immediately after a pupil asks or answers a question). Feedback should also be
given to pupils as frequently as possible. Ideally, a pupil should receive
feedback for each and every assigned task in the procedure of acquiring
proficiency with new material. Instructors should try to give feedback in a
positive manner, as positive feedback not solely provides more data than
negative ones, however it also helps to strengthen a pupil’s motivation and self-
esteem. A positive approach should also be accepted when providing pupils
with feedback on their mistakes.
Another factor that may impact the effectiveness of feedback is whether it is
provided continuously or differentially. When continuous feedback is
employed, pupils receive feedback each time they perform a given task,
whereas differential feedback is solely provided when a pupil performs better
on the task. One advantage that differential feedback offers over continuous
feedback is that it emphasizes improvement rather than a pupil’s absolute level
of achievement. Hence, all pupils have a near equal chance of obtaining
recognition. When feedback is geared to the absolute level of performance,
recognition is solely given to the best pupils. So, it is generally good to give
pupils feedback when they demonstrate improvement. In addition, he has
pointed out using non-verbal language can be useful in a classroom condition.
Instructors can use non-verbal gestures to indicate their intention; they can
nod their heads, use facial expressions or hand gestures to prompt the pupil to
continue, or adopt a physical stance that signals their readiness to move on.
Instructors should vary their reactions to pupils’ answers; they can restate
what the pupil has noted to support the point, ask for clarification, invite the
pupil to elaborate, acknowledge the pupil’s contribution however ask for
another view, or nod their heads however remain silent. In addition, Professor

ISSN: 2776-0987 Volume 3, Issue 11 Nov. 2022

Nunan has noted that instructors should give credit to pupils for correct
answers, however be aware that most pupils will stop thinking about a
question once the facilitator has indicated that someone’s response is correct.
However, instructors should correct wrong answers and urge the pupil to
rephrase or revise the answer. If a pupil needs help in answering a question,
instructors should look to other pupils to provide help rather than providing it

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