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Quasar Communications, Inc.

The answer provided below has been developed in a clear step-by-step manner.

Step: 1

A projectized structure is a structure of the project where the main focus s on the outcome of
the project. In order to get the best possible outcome, the management tries different
management approaches.


A projectized structure’s main focus is on the activities and its main focus is to just empower the
team and personnel working on the project.

Step: 2

The pros of projectized structure are as follows:

i) The degree of transparency is high in the projectized structure as the subordinates directly
report to the superior. Because of this direct reporting to the project manager or superior, the
decision-making is very fast.

ii) The projectized structure also supports effective communication between the team
members and the project manager as there are not too many people in the communication

iii) The members of the team of project are highly encouraged and motivated. The degree of
cooperation is usually in such a project structure and more milestones are achieved.

The cons of projectized structure are as follows:

i) In the projectized structure, the project manager holds a great amount of power. They may
misuse the power of the team members. There may be chances of repetition of resources in
case of more than one project.
ii) In the projectized structure, there is a strict schedule and a lot of deadlines. This can make
the workplace hectic and difficult to work in.

iii) The application of the projectized structure is a costly process. It requires a lot of extra funds
and extra time as well in order t be successfully implemented.


The team members directly contact the project manager and have to follow his or her
instructions very clearly in order to project be successful.


The advantages of a projectized structure are the easy communication, sorting activities, and
how the team members are almost always motivated. The disadvantages are how the project
manager has all the power, the strict project schedule, and the structure being costly.

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