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• TCP/IP Network Model

• Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol

(TCP/IP) suite is the engine for the Internet and
networks worldwide.
• TCP/IP is a set of protocols developed to allow
cooperating computers to share resources across the
• This model was initially developed & used by
ARPANET (Advanced Research Project Agency
Network). ARPANET was a community of researchers
sponsored by the U.S. department of defense.
• The most accurate name for the set of protocols is the
"Internet protocol suite".
• TCP and IP are two of the protocols in this suite.
• The Internet is a collection of networks. Term
"Internet" applies to this entire set of networks.

• TCP/IP is a family of protocols .
• These include IP, TCP, and UDP. Others are protocols
for doing specific tasks, e.g. transferring files
between computers, sending mail.
• Network Interface Layer (Host to
Network Layer)
The network interface layer is the lowest layer in
TCP/IP ref. model.
It is also called as link layer or the data-link layer or
Host to Network Layer
It is the interface to the actual network hardware.
This interface may or may not provide reliable
• Internetwork Layer (Internet
• The internetwork layer, also called the internet
layer or the network layer.
• The task of this layer is to allow the host to insert
packets into any network and then make them
travel independently to the destination.
• The order in which the packets are received can
be different from the sequence in which they
were sent.
• Routing of packets & congestion control are
important issues related to this layer.
• Internet Protocol (IP) is the most important
protocol in this layer. It is a connectionless
protocol . IP does not provide reliability, flow
control, or error recovery.
• These functions must be provided at a higher
level. IP provides a routing function that attempts
to deliver transmitted messages to their
destination. A message unit in an IP network is
called an IP datagram.
• This is the basic unit of information transmitted
across TCP/IP networks.
• Other internetwork-layer protocols are IP, ICMP,
•Transport Layer
• This is the layer above internet layer.
• The transport layer provides the end-to-end
data transfer by delivering data from an
application to its remote peer.
• The most-used transport layer protocol is the
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), which
provides connection-oriented reliable data
delivery, duplicate data suppression,
congestion control, and flow control.
• Another transport layer protocol is the User
Datagram Protocol. It provides
connectionless, unreliable, best-effort service.
As a result, applications using UDP as the
transport protocol have to provide their own
end-to-end integrity, flow control, and
congestion control, if desired. Usually, UDP is
used by applications that need a fast transport
mechanism and can tolerate the loss of some
•Application Layer
• An application layer is the topmost layer in the
TCP/IP model.
• It is responsible for handling high-level protocols,
issues of representation.
• The application layer is provided by the program that
uses TCP/IP for communication.
• An application is a user process cooperating with
another process usually on a different host.
• This layer allows the user to interact with the
• When one application layer protocol wants to
communicate with another application layer, it forwards
its data to the transport layer.
• Following are the main protocols used in the application
• HTTP: HTTP stands for Hypertext transfer protocol. This
protocol allows us to access the data over the world wide
• SNMP: SNMP stands for Simple Network Management
• SMTP: SMTP stands for Simple mail transfer protocol. The
TCP/IP protocol that supports the e-mail is known as a Simple
mail transfer protocol.
• DNS: DNS stands for Domain Name System. An IP address is
used to identify the connection of a host to the internet
uniquely. But, people prefer to use the names instead of
addresses. Therefore, the system that maps the name to the
address is known as Domain Name System.
• TELNET: It is an abbreviation for Terminal Network.
• FTP: FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. FTP is a standard
internet protocol used for transmitting the files from one
computer to another computer.
• TCP/IP(Transmission
OSI(Open System
No Control Protocol /
. Internet Protocol)
1 It has 7 layers It has 4 layers
Follows vertical Follows horizontal
approach. approach.
OSI model has a TCP/IP does not have a
3 separate Presentation separate Presentation
layer and Session layer. layer or Session layer.
Transport Layer is both
Transport Layer is
4 Connection Oriented and
Connection Oriented.
Connection less.
• Network Layer is both
Network Layer is Connection
5 Connection Oriented and
Connection less.
TCP/IP model is based on
OSI is a generic, protocol standard protocols around
independent standard, acting as which the Internet has
6 a communication gateway developed. It is a
between the network and end communication protocol, which
user. allows connection of hosts over
a network.
In TCP/IP model the transport
In OSI model the transport layer
layer does not guarantees
7 guarantees the delivery of
delivery of packets. Still the
TCP/IP model is more reliable.
OSI is a reference model around
TCP/IP model is, in a way
which the networks are built.
8 implementation of the OSI
Generally it is used as a

Network layer of OSI model
The Network layer in TCP/IP
provides both connection
9 model provides
oriented and connectionless
connectionless service.

Protocols are hidden in OSI

model and are easily In TCP/IP replacing protocol
replaced as the technology is not easy.

OSI model defines services,

In TCP/IP, services,
interfaces and protocols
interfaces and protocols are
11 very clearly and makes clear
not clearly separated. It is
distinction between them. It
also protocol dependent.
is protocol independent.

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