History Notes

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History Notes <Final

What is History ? Introduction to History
History is
1 The

past and true events of humans.

2 A written record ofthe
. A study of historical records

Features of history
1. History be different
1 can
types, such as :

Personal history
Local History
World History
Change and Continuity
They are two important concepts in History

Describes a phenomenon that has continued for a long time.

Means there is a break with the past.

. Similarities and differences
To help us avoid over-generalisation about people in the past, to recognise and
anlyse the diversity of past experience.

Why do we study history?


Promote the sense of belonging to our society

Tells us about the development of our community our country and the
We can learn from past mistakes
How do we study history ?
. How
1 to
express time ?
"AD and BC" :
The Christan calendar is the most common method of counting years.It starts
.The period before his birth is called B((Before
with the birth of Jesus Christ
christ) and that after his birth is called 6 AD (Anno Domini).

In B C time the number,the earlier the time is.
greater the


In AD time, the the number the later the time is.


b) Decades (10 years) and centuries <100 years) are also used to count time.

) Historians divide the past into Prehistoric times the period before
people invented writing and Historic times, which refers to the period after
the invention of writing.

6) Historic times be further divided into :

Ancient times (about 3500 Bc to AD476)
Middle Ages
/ Medieval times CAD 476-1453)
Modern times(AD 1453 -

River Civilisation : Ancient Egypt

What is civilisation?

The word civilisation" comes from the Latin word civilis, which means a citizen
or a person who lives in a city or town
generally defined as an advanced
. It is

state of human society

containing highly developed forms of government, culture,
industry, and common social norms , but what are the features of civilisation?
C Use of metal

3 Towns

, Trade
5 Government

Why did early civilisation start near the river?
Between 4000 BC-3000 BC people developed
, began to settle in river valleys and
their own civilisation .

The advantages of
living in river valleys?
Provides water for drinking
and washing

People could travel to other places by boat and trade with the people there
People could hunt and fish at the river.

The land on the river banks was fertile It was

good for farming.

The four ancient civilisation

The Nile river (Egyptians)

The Fertile Crescent (Sumerians)


The Indus Valley (Indians)

The Huanghe Valley <Chinese

Geography of Egypt
Egypt is in the north-east of Africa in the
Sahara Desert, so it is a hot dry
place , 90% of it is covered by the Sahara Desert.
The river hile
It is the
longest river in the world

It flows north to the Mediterranean


Early Egyptians lived on both sides of the river which is called the Nile Valley.
Farming in the Nile Valley
every year in the past, it left behind
The river flooded dark mud on
a layer of

its banks.This mud was fertile and farmers could

, grow good crops there

The soil has been so fertile that ancient Egyptians farmed for two
to three harvest a
Summary :

The river provided the early Egyptians with food,water, fertile black mub for

farming .The river

and the Sahara desert
gave protection to early Egyptians from
foreign attacks .

Government and governance of ancient Egypt

. Egypt was first divided into two
: lower Egypt and Upper Egypt In .

3150BC,King Menes of Upper Egypt congured Lower Egypt Egypt became a .

unified country .

Egyptian kings were called the pharaoh. Pharaoh means Great house, Egyptians
2 .

believed thattheir king was a god from heaven,therefore he was the most powerful
person in Egypt .

3 .
Egyptian society
Class A

The Pharaoh was at the top.


Laws were passed inthe name of him


Class B

They were the people who knew how to write


They were nobles officials and priests

or scribes.

They helped the pharaoh rule the country.


scribes kept records for the government .

Class (
They were the common people.

They were craEts men and farmers


craftsmen had to help the pharaoh carry out building projects.


Farmers worked in the farmland and they had to give part of their crops to the

Pharaoh .

· Class D

They were the slaves


They were criminals, prisoners of war and people who failed to pay taxes.

Religion in ancient Egypt

The ancient Egyptians believed in many religion. Each place was protected by
its own patron god People build many temples and
gave offerings to their gobs

Worship ceremonies were held after harvest and during festivals.

. Afterlife and Mummification

a) Ancient Egyptiansbelieved in life death . They therefore try to keep the

dead bodies in good condition A method of preservation called mummification was

developed by the ancient Egyptians. Mummification was a complicated and lengthy
process which lasted up to 70 days.
steps of mummification

1 . Wash the body

2 Take out the brain , organs intestines them in jus
and and store

3 Put medicine into the

body so to make it
. Wrap the body with long pieces of cloth

, put the body into a coffin

Architecture in ancient Egypt

They built several major cities like Memphis and Thebes to meet political and

religious needs .

Use equipment principles of mathmatics and mechanics ,the ancient


Egyptians built different great buildings by linestones and mudbricks,as wood

was rare in the Nile Valley so
, examples are the pyramids and the great sphinx of


It is the tomb of pharaoh,build with large blocks of stone 70 Pyramids still
a >

stan- Great Pyramid is the largest 140 meters Seven wonders ofthe Ancient world
> >
- >

Steps :
. Carve
blocks from large stone

2 .
Measure the blocks and cuts them to the right size

3 . Bring the stone blocks down the River Nile on boats

. The
2 Great Sphinx of Giza
Near the Great Pyramid-carved from one piece of rock > they

are mythical creatures with the body of a lion and the face of a pharaoh.
3 .
Temples in ancient Egypt
Most important buildings in the city > place where gods lived > priests
- -

carry got's statues outside for everybody to see every year.

Writing in ancient Egypt
. In 3500B-invented
hieroglyphs >
few people croyal members, nobles , officials
and scribes) knew how to .
use it

Pay Y rus

Paper" comes from "papyrus' > Latin word-writing


material > made from


Egyptians .

Science and technology in ancient Egypt

1 . Mathematics
a .
Invented numeral system, decimal system

b knew how calculate

to areas of squares, circles and triangles, and made
fractions .

c . Used cubits and palms to measure length.

2 .
Chemistry and medicine

Metallurgy : Mastered refining and metalworking skills

b) Brewery : Fermentation knowledge and knew how to make wine and beer

Medicine : Performed operations and used herbal medicine to cure disease

and relieve pain

3 .
Astronomy , calendar and counting time.

a) Made a calendar system by observing star movements and flooding cycle

of the Nile-> 365 days in the Egyptian's calendar.
b) Invented sundials and water dock to count time.

4 .
Egyptians used needs to make boats > merchants sailed in large ships to
people around the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea
Ancient Greek Civilisation
Greek civilisation market the beginning of European civilisation > -

people in Europe learnt from the early civilisation centers which were located in Asia
and Africa- the Greco-Roman civilisation developed along the Mediterranean Coast.
Also known as the classical civilisation.

Introduction to the Greek civilisation

1 GeographicalLocation

Covered the
present day:

Greek Peninsula

Asia Minor

Formed by different city-states :




The relief of Greece is

hilly > no major rivers


Made transportation > trade difficult between different regions
- >

let to the development of maritime trade

made farming difficult - not

enough flat land

Transportation and difficult between different regions > retained form


of government and culture.

2 .
Climate of Greek Civilisation
summer-> very dry and hot Allow limited

> cold and wet only grow crops > not-
need much water
How to tackle the issue
. Begin to trade with other countries for food.

. Yet up colonies in the Asia Minor -> get more farmland

Development of the Greek Civilisation

The Minoan civilisation start?


On the Island of Crete

Why did civilisation start there ?

southern most island of Greece -
> close to Egypt and Middle East

with those places > d
learn their culturesi n g - .

3000BC-Minoan civilisation started on the island of Crete-absorbed the

1450 BC cultures of Egypt and Mesopotamia

1450Bc >

Mycenaeans conquered Crete in 1450B >

learnt from Minoan civilisation > developed their

1100BC own .

> Mycenaean civilisation declined > greek peninsula
entered the Dark Ages > Dorians

8th century BC from the north- > invaded Greek Peninsula

Boo BC Greeks built city-states >invented writing

sth-4th Rapid development of the city-states > Greek entered Golden age > Macedonian
- -

centuries BC king Alexandar the Great build a large empire > Asia Minor,Greece and Persia

3(entury Greek civilisation influenced the Mediterranean region>Rome invaded


BC Greece

BCGRomans occupied peninsula Greek > the
civilisation declined

City-states in ancient Greece

Features in city-state .

a religion
Feature 2 There is only one city in the city-state

Feature3 It had its own

government and way of life

came language and

2 Social system in city-states

800B2-1600B2 >hundreds of city-states > various kinds of people


living there > abult menborn in city-state citizen of that state > woman, children
-> -

rights of citizen .

citizens > political rights foreigners lower status in society > cannot participate
- -

political activities
-- I

can sold-work for masters

3 Governments

in ancient Greece


the Houseotfhe people
and Hundreds

he affairs

to the government
citizens affirs
City-state Athens Sparta
following this


Practiced Oligarchy

vote for bills nobles


Spartans join the Assembly to

could vote according to their own vote on bills but it only had limited
Will powers .

Council of Five Hundred was


kings and five overseers,they

There were two
elected to draft the bill Were elected by the citizens to supervise
the king



officials were chosen among
the citizens by lots.They had
to report on their work to the


The jurors

sort L

learn reading

oble liked

1. The


by lots

and writing

to talk

of Ancient Greece

Olympic Games
Why were they held ?
Religious event to honour zeus
When and where were the first
776B2 at Olympia
The Council of Elders consisted of 28 elders

chosen among the

to ensure fair trials.

games ?

selected from nobles aget over 60.

Farming and keeping

people hated learning

Only a few
animals were the
main activities and were done by slaves

could read and write

· How often were they held ?


Every four years

Who took part ?

Men only
What prizes would the winners get ?
Crown of Olive leaves

When and why did they end ?
A393 , Theodosius I -> Christan> banned the

When and where did the modern ones start ?
AD 1896 Athens

Why are they regarded as a

symbol of
peace and friendship ?
When the help-> city-states stop fighting
games are wars .

. Architecture
Great builders

. Temples

Stone columns and


2 .

Open areas > frama performance> to honour gots


, Sculptures

used marble and bronze

Emphasized > ideal


proportion of the human body

> life-like

body movement

4 .

Gots and goddesses > like humans > have feelings

- -

-lived at the top of Mount Olympus


Each city-state has own got


Build temples >held festivals > did plays > show respect
- -

Olympic games >

honour zeus


5 Cultural
a) Dramas
To honour

Two main types

play male
comedy >
were mask >show

or female roles

② tragedy

b) Alphabets and

Made up of 24 letters

c) Philosophers and writers

Good at thinking >
great thinkers writers , poets :

exploring truth by asking

. Socrates :
and answering questions> stimulate

critical thinking,draw out ideas

2 . Plato : Concept of society ruled by wise virtuous man-started schools >

ideal -

teach students >wrote books on governing people


3. Aristotle : Books on politics , philosophy , education , science > laid

foundation of logic->
teacher of Alexanbar the Great
, Herodotus : Wrote
history of Persian Wars-
> called Father of History

S Homer : Most famous

poet in Greece-two poems on the Trojan War

6 Aesop : Wrote tables


6 Democracy

comes from two Greek works > -

meaning ruled by the people"


Athens chose their leaders

, Law
6th > Athens > legal reforms
century B2- protest civil rights

People in Athens >tried by
a public court > Jurors chosen from
classes -> ensure fairness

. Mathematics and
8 Science

1. Pythagoras : The pythagoras Theorem

2 .
Endid : Wrote book on geometry Elements"
2 . Archimedes : Found way to measure circumference of circle -> discovered
Archimedes' principles

. Most famous doctor in ancient Greece-wrote code of

Hippocrates :

conduct for doctors > studied causes of illnesses- cured many people


Greeks:Drew maps and found their way at sea

by watchingone
Ancient Roman Civilisation
Development of the Roman Civilisation

Origin ofcivilisation
2000 B 1000 BC-
>tribe Latin settled in
Itly - build villages along river
- -

Tiber > United >Form Rome > expanded northwards southwards Italy·
- - -

Roman Kingdom Roman Republic Roman Empire

(753BC to SO9BC) (509BC to 27 BC) (2) B(toAD 476)

2 Republic in ancient Roman

Roman Kingdom-
> in
753BC > Rome was a country > ruled by a king> Etruscans
- - - >

from North- brough ancient Greek civil > taught them > dig channels> build
- -


509B(-> Romans >forced Etruscan king to leave > replace with Roman
- -
Under Republican system > leaders > chosen by elections > x hereditary kingship
- - - ->

different > earlier kingdom, Roman Empire


3. Politics of Early Roman Republic

Legislative body : Senate

Formed by 300 nobles > Responsible for

making laws
Nominated Change in legislative body in Roman
Executive body every Republic
Thief Excutives :
1 .

Early Roman Republic > nobles > only
- -
two consuls L and Senators

3 .
Assembly> later
added > elected

by "
C After commoner
fought > participation >

commoners > participating > making laws

- elect two tribunes-
> join Senate
Dictatorship of Julius Caesar in the late Roman
Julius Caesar > famous military dictators > 59BC-> elected
Consul > rule Rome

- -

leadership Julius Caesar > Rome powerful > lives improved

more -

Defeated general Pompey > senators against him > made Dictator for life 44 BC
- -


same year > assassinated by

senators > adopted son
Octavian > general Antony

5 .
Republic Monarchy

3/B2 civil war broke out Antony defeated > Octavian-

> sole ruler

27 B(- Augustus
> Senate offered Octavian > title
Augustus > 66 supreme ruler called

- - >

Caesary memory

End to Roman - Augustus
Rep > beginning Roman Empire> ruled 40 years > Empire >
- - -

strong powerful

Empire > followed > imperial system> Emperor x elected > held executive , indicial
- -

power->nobles x Power

6. Expansion into world power


3rd century BC- Roman invaded other regions >270BC-

- >
conquered whole Italian Peninsula


After invation of Carthage in Punic Wars (2461C-146BC) > Conqured most


regions around
Mediterranean- claimed it as Inland sea - won lot of treasures- conquests > enhancing

economic power

. Development of the Roman Empire
First tow centuries Roman Empire (27BC-AD 180) > called Pax Romana (Roman

Peace" >-

golden age
AD3as-> Empire divided to Western Roman Empire Eastern Roman

Prolonged wars
decline of classical civilisation AD476-Germanic people
overthrew West Roman

Legacy of Ancient Rome

Romans- good learners > borrowed many ideas from Greeks > in proved them> important
> - - -

achievements in areas > politics, law , architecture > left many treasure > continues

influence modern lives

Language and numbers
Romans spoke , wrote Latin -> used letters > used all
greek alphabet > changed some
- -

over the Empire- > used

by Catholic Church

Medieval times educated people in Europe -> read and wrote it > basis of modern


Developed own numbers -> still use today

2 . Governance and Law

Romans took Greek idea - democracy > developed government > with upper,lower


Romans build large empire > ruled with laws > laws fair,just
- -

everyone equal before it-

nobles , commoners obeyed same laws

laws protected people right to properties - land kept to poor farmers > citizens -

outside Rome > if not tried fairly > appeal to Rome.

- -
3 . Calendar

When Julius ruled Rome> asked Greek mathematician > improve Roman calendar > the new
- -

one had 365 days in a

year every 4 year > extra day-called Julian Calendar>improved
-> - -

become modern calendar.

. Architecture

Romans build temples, palaces , theatres , circuses and forums > took ideas greek -> support

building >tall columns > invented own method > build large arches ,domes > Columns,arches,
- -

Comes > typical style of Roman architecture

Life in Medieval Times
What was the Medieval Time?

Early Medieval Times CAD 476-800) (Also called the Dark Ages

Late Medieval Times CAD 800-1492)

1 .
Europe in Medieval Times

Many small kingdoms in Medieval times

Wars broke out as kingdoms > compet for land
and other resources

2 . Features of Medieval Times

Fall of Western Roman Empire > foreign tribes > not
- -
as civilized

Wars broke out often -> most ancient Greco-Roman Civilisation was destroyed - called
Dark Ages

Feudalism in Medieval Times

1 .
Meaning of feudalism
AD8th century > development - new political and economic system > feudalism
- -

Small kingdoms in Europe- the kings were not powerful enough-rule whole kingdom
by themselves ->needed nobles> help rule

2. Features of feudalism

Medieval European political , economic system


where lord->land , protection to vassals > return> gave taxes, he

- -

loyal > fought for them


Land vassal receive - called flet-can be small village ,manor , large region
Eldest son inherited the fief when vassal dies

Church given land

Noble could be both Lord and vassal

Manorial system used to manage one's land

-Manor produced
food their economy > self-sufficient- tree
and daily goods - -

local nobles > rich , strong power > king > ruler in
- - -

3. How did feudalism work

The King
only limited by gob -right the land , receive taxes,
All powerful > power
- :
own all

protected by nobles and knights

The nobles

Obey and serve the king -> rights : receive land from king protected by knights, live
in castles


Fight for their lords - rights : receive land from king or a higher rank

X Freedom-give
crops > lords taxes
provide services >right: receive land from the

Making of Christendom

, Birth of

Began in Palestine in AD1t century > started by-

Jesus Christ

Believe in one Got-bible > holy book


Believe in redemption through God

Christian ->love another > forgive enemies


one -

2. Development of Christianity in the Roman Empire

St Paul spread it > Empire from AD45

Early Christians > persecuted > not worship Roman gots

- -

AD 313 > Emperor Constantine stopped killed Christian-> became Christian



AD380 > Theodosius Official religion Empire


3 Great Schism

> Christian Church also

After split Roman Empire- split-Eastern Church in

Constantinople> Western
Church in Rome >
AD 395

Church Orthodox Church Roman Catholic Church in AD1054

officially split-> Eastern

Called Great Schism

4 Formation of Christendom

Spite of Great Schism- Christianity gradually > #I religion -

of feudal kingdoms
9th Century > Charlemgne-> build large empire > people follow Christianity
- -
Spread Christianity > Christendom emerged > influence of
of Roman (tholic
- -

Church continuously

Power and influence of the Church

Medieval Church position of life > Pope leader
among Europeans > influenced aspects


Church- God's representative

Political Power
Kings crowned by Pope-gain support of Christians > Pope hishops > advisors to king

Pope > power>- settle disputes > mediate wars > maintain political stability
- - -

Economic power

church- > owned lots

> wealthy- of farmland > collected taxes from people

Legal power

Church made Canon Laws > set courts in different places


Carried campaigns > stop nobles exploiting help maintain


commoners > -

Law , order

Provide many social services > O looking after elderly, children > O treating patients >
- -

③building roads bridges


> set schools >taught Latin > religion-related knowledge > rhetoric >
- - -

meaning of the bible > mathematics > calculation of religious festivals


Cultural Inheritance

monks copies ancient texts and classics in Monasteries > preserved classical
civilisation late times -> developed modern European civilisation

Social Development inthe medieval times

1 Rise of towns

late medieval times > craftsmen merchances >live outside
>towns> owned
manors- -

fedual lords >townspeople needed to

pay taxes

Social status >townspeople decided
by wealth x

Merchants paid > charter > got

autonomy > electing Consul , setting courts

Europeans live in towns > enjoy

more freedom

. Contractual spirit and constitution
contracteal spirit->
spirit norm > both lords , vassals valued > feudal -

rights Juties
> contractual

- 1215- English nobles forced kings to sign Magna Cartax
king recognise rights of people > people obey him-

. Rise of universities
strictly controlled by the Church-mainly taught religious

Townspeople wanted to learn other knowledge , study >

newly-build schools

Medicine, law , philosophy were taught


Degree > practised

system , wearing academic gown- now
Decline of feudalism
1 . Serfs became free
late medieval times > serfs start sell crops in towns >exchange money
- -

serfs used money > saved >
- -

buy freedome
Black Death
AD 14th century plague -broke out > killed

many people

Not enough peasants >work on fields > manorial system weakened
- -

. Decline of Church influence
kte medieval times > control -
over education- broken up by

Got new knowledge from advanced Arab civilisation> different->weakened

influences on
people's mind

lost power after failure of Crusades

4 . Rise of the middle class


Some townspeople> very rich-formed

new middle class

Paid large amount of money > might -
become autonomous
Strong Kings
kings grew stronger took land and
power from nobles

Refused to pay taxes to Church

Openly disobeyed the

Islamic Civilisation
Origin of Islam
1 .
ProphetMuhammad and Start of Islam
Islam started > An >th century > Arabian

Muhammad ->founder of Islam >
AD 610 >

Angel Gabriel told him

Allah - one and only got

Mahammas started preach Islam in Mecca > regarded >Allah's

- - -

prophet by the followers

C. The

People in Mexca-worship many gods


Islam believed in one god-not welcomed by > local religious leader, merchants


profited from pilgrims -> joined forces >against Muhamma


AD 622 Muhammad followers > Hegira(Migration

migrated to Medina > know


of Muhammad >first year Islamic calendar

2 . Mecca becoming
holy city
A 630, Huhammad returned > controlled Mexco

Removed all ibol from Kabha > Mecca > Pilgrimage Centre- holy

city of Islam

Teachings of Islam
1 .
Meaning : Submitting to Allah
2 Holy book :the Koran
Contains words of Allah to Muhammed through Angel Gabriel

Written in Arabic-only read in Arabic- religious rituals



wash hands before reading holy book

3 . Placeof Worship : mosque
Minaret> call made to prayers five times each day
Qibla Wall-direction of Mexca- pray in the direction

Symbol of Islam : The cresent Moon
symbolises birth of new era-by Islam
S Followers : Muslims

Oney teachings of Allan and Muhammad >

follow six articles of Faith

Belief in Allah : Allah as one and only got
Belief in angels : Allah's servants > invisible

Belief in Day of Judgement : People will go to heaven or hell
Relief in Holy Book : Koran -> last perfect book given
by Allan-
follow Goctrines in Book strictly

Belief in predestination : Wordly affairs - arranges by Allah

Practise Five Pillars

Profession of faith : Recite beliefs There is got but God , and

messenger of God

Prayer : Face towards Mexca> pray five times a day

Fasting Must not eat, brink-month of Ramadan > sunrise
: - to sunset-> purify

body, mind -> please Allah

Alms : Give alms to help poor,needy

Pilgrimage -> Make one pilgrimage to Mea in one's lifetime

Development of Islamic world in Medieval times

- . Internal Development m External Conquest

AD 622 Arabic Empire founded >

Unite Muhammed Fought Arabic tribes >


state and religious conquered ones followed Islam

Muslims- > controlled whole Arabian

peninsula,west Asia

AD632 -
Muhammed died >x choose anyone-> Rashidun Caliphate >formed by four caliphs->

caliph (successor to Allah's prophets elected from tribs of Muhammed -> let Arab
> Muslim elected 4

caliphs > Split

Muslims - military conquests .

Islam to :
Shia(follower : recognised Ali Muhammed's
cousin, son-in-laws only

Sunni<tradition) : Recognised all four

AD661 m
Dynasty founded a
Arabian Empirey y
continued expans eastward


Central Asia> Westward > North Africa, Inberian

- -

I ↓ Peninsula
-Mus l
attacked im
Constanple (capital
Eastern Roman Empire) > failed

of -

- -

Al 732 -

Muslims >invate Gaul-failed


AD 751 > defeat Chinese army- Talas -

Century Umayyad Dynasty >Overthrown ->
t -
Christian Countriesh
try stop Muslim invasion

replace > Abbasid Dynasty > Baghdad recaptured lost land > Iberian Peninsula>
6 - > -
- -

capital city > developed into World's

centre of cultural integration golden >

age 28th-13th century

AD 11th-13th -> Crusades - recapture Jerusalm-

century Holy lands Muslim failed

AD 13th -
Abbasid Dynasty > overthrown >
- -

Islam Spread- > Southeast Asia>


Century Mongols >

< 8- end of Arabian Empire Southeasten Europe > Westward expansion
- - >

Ottoman Empire

3 Islamic civilisation develop cultural centre


Encouraged > Abbasid Dynasty > libraries , translation centres

- -

, research centres >


set up > House of Wisdom > Translation Movement> started translate > Greco-Roman
- - - -

persial,Indian texts >helped preserve , development of learning

Arabia- located Europe , Asia- wars and trade- >
spread , exchange of

products,technology , religions
> between Europe Asia-

, promoted
Development of Trade between East and West

Arabs > acted

business middlement >th century > travelled
overseas > traded

goods different places >make profits


Controlled parts of Silk Roads -8th century > euro-asian

> frequent under
control -
merchanting trade

century > China developed > Maritime Silk road European ,Asian traders >

- -

used route -> trade luxury goods > silk,spices


11th century , ports, city-states > develope along supply
lines > Crusaders > Italian

city-states > Venice , Genoa - controlled Mediterranean Sea> developed trade ->Asia

Promoted spread-exchange products , technology , religions :

1 .
Arabia to Europe and Asia

Promoted > expansion of Arabian merchanting trade- important language

> for
European , Asian traders

Islam> popular in Europe and Asia


Muslims->translated , studied Greco-Roman classics >


astronomy, medicine > -

spread across Asia

. Europe to Asia via Arabia

European traders > buy crafts > precious stones, glass > Asia
- -

Christianity Spread -> China-AD635 > -

Nestorian Priest Alopen> Chang'an China

Nestorianism- known as Tingjiaol
. Asiato Europe via Arabia
Chinese-> Paper-making , mathematics >spread to Arabia- Muslims improved >Spread to


Products >silk, spices


cane > brought to

sugar- Europe

Legacy Islamic civilisation of

Aspect Legacy
Language and -

European ,Asian vocabularies> derived from Arabic


writing system


Rise of ideas ofi

Rationalism > Opinions

- and actions based on reasons and knowledge

secularism > free from religious influence


Empiricism -> conclusion based on observation and research


L i te ra ttranslates
-Bookof Kings
one rights-arabian classics
thousand and a

P a
Arabesques > consisted

infinitely i
repeating n
extensible geometric patterns symbolic i - >

Islamic decorative style > due - -> avoidance -> painting human figures and animals

Arc hi
Characterised > Greco-Roman

Comes , arches > mosques tec


decorated > colored bricks > -

- -


na tofh
Muslims > concept e

developed m
Arabic numerals a
Studied Greek geometry
proposed theories >trigonometry

- -

Muslim scholars > promoted


algebra , decimal numeral system

Alchemy -
Islamic scholars used scientific methods-
> alchemy >
experiment ,analysis

Chemistry -

Fostered development of alchemy >

- laid founadtion of early chemistry

medicine -
Scholars combined Greco-Roman medicine> Persian,Indian theories

Muslims> set up earliest hospitals > Islamic doctors opium > anaesthetic-alcohols

disinfectantin surgery

Translated Ibn Sina's Canon of Medicine to Latin- 12th century

Book of Pharmacists >


published > 1sth century > classify drugs >- based on Ibn
- -

al Baitar's Book of Medicine,Nutritional Terms

Astronomy -
Islamic scholars invented astrolable, quadrant

astrolable > set up in auadrant

Time for Islami calendar > determined

worship ,

by astronomy

Based on Greek, Persian astronomy >

Muslims' observation > star movements

Geography -

Al-Biruni-mathematics >tell geographical locations


Divided world into different parts > recorded
- the history , peography, products,
custom- > countries

navigating technology-based
European improved on Muslim knowledge > led

voyages of Discovery > 15th century -

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