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London Metropolitan University, Faculty of Computing

CC6059ES Project Analysis & Practice

Coursework Assignment, 2023/24
Module Leader: Ms. Sasini Randunuge

Weighting: 100%


NAME: Sandirasegaram Saumiya Priyaa

Submission deadline: 8th January 2024

The electronic version of your individual report must indicate ID number, Surname and First name in
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evidence then you should follow the “mitigating circumstance” procedures outlined in the Red Book, otherwise
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Sandirasegaram Saumiya Priyaa -23039219 1

CC6059ES – Project Analysis & Practice Coursework
Agile Project Management: A Case Study Analysis

Student Name: Sandirasegaram Saumiya Priyaa

LMU ID: 23039219

Sandirasegaram Saumiya Priyaa -23039219 2


Sandirasegaram Saumiya Priyaa -23039219 3

Table of Figures...................................................................................................................................3
Summary of the Case Study............................................................................................................5
Key Findings from the Case Study............................................................................................................8
Positive Aspects:......................................................................................................................................8
Challenges and Lessons:..........................................................................................................................9
Key Project Insights:................................................................................................................................9
Introduction to Privacy by Design (PbD)......................................................................................10
Core Principles of Privacy by Design......................................................................................................10
Project Management & Privacy by Design: Case Study Analysis............................................................11
Integration of Agile and Privacy by Design............................................................................................11

Table of Figures
Figure 1 Simple process of how scrum works.................................................................................5
Figure 2 Principles of Privacy by Design........................................................................................9

Sandirasegaram Saumiya Priyaa -23039219 4

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Mr. Vikum Jayasundara, whose guidance and
support have been invaluable throughout the completion of this project. His expertise,
encouragement, and insightful feedback have immensely contributed to the development and
refinement of this coursework. I am grateful for his dedication and mentorship, which have
played a pivotal role in shaping my understanding and execution of the subject matter.
Additionally, I extend my appreciation to all those who have aided, encouraged, and support
during this academic endeavor. Their contributions have been instrumental in the successful
completion of this project.

Sandirasegaram Saumiya Priyaa -23039219 5

CC6059ES – Project Analysis & Practice Coursework
Agile Project Management: A Case Study Analysis

This comprehensive report conducts an in-depth analysis of two fundamental aspects within
modern project management, scrutinizing Agile Project Management and Privacy by Design
methodologies through detailed case study examinations. The first segment evaluates Agile
Project Management in a pharmaceutical company's context, specifically focusing on the
development of a stock management module within an ERP system. The second segment delves
into Privacy by Design and its application in systems designed to prioritize privacy from the
outset. Each section critically evaluates the methodologies, delineates their positive and negative
aspects, distills key learnings, and contemplates their implications for future project initiatives.
This report aims to present a scholarly discourse on these critical components of contemporary
project management, highlighting their significance and practical implications.
Summary of the Case Study
The case study investigates the application of Agile Project Management, specifically the Scrum
framework, within the context of the XYZ Project, undertaken by a pharmaceutical company.
Agile methodologies, rooted in adaptability and collaboration, have gained prominence in
modern project management landscapes due to their emphasis on iterative development and
customer-centricity (Beck, 2001); (Ken Schwaber, 2013).
The XYZ Project adopted Agile principles to enhance its approach to project execution. The
project's planning phase involved meticulous Backlog Grooming sessions, wherein the Product
Backlog was refined to prioritize high-value activities for each Sprint (Sanjiv Augustine, 2005).
Sprint Backlogs were formulated, delineating specific requirements for each Sprint period,
negotiated among the Product Owner, Scrum Master, and Scrum Team (Highsmith, 2004).
The project duration was segmented into Sprints, each estimated at 20 days, aligning with the
prescribed duration for Scrum Sprints (Highsmith, 2004). Initial Sprints encountered challenges
common to the early stages of Agile adoption, such as frequent adjustments, difficulties in
embracing the Scrum framework, and communication gaps with stakeholders (Highsmith, 2004).
Daily Scrum meetings, led by the Scrum Master, facilitated ongoing communication, focusing on
the previous day's activities, encountered challenges, and planned tasks (Ken Schwaber, 2013).
Identified impediments were logged for resolution, including challenges related to team
knowledge gaps, cross-departmental collaboration, resistance to the Agile approach, and
communication barriers with the Product Owner.
The Exploration phase encompassed Sprint Reviews and Retrospectives, allowing the team to
showcase completed work to stakeholders, gather feedback, and retrospect on performance to
refine subsequent Sprints (Ken Schwaber, 2013). Customer-driven scope changes were
accommodated, impacting the project duration, and necessitating additional Sprints, a common
characteristic of Agile projects welcoming change (Highsmith, 2004).

Sandirasegaram Saumiya Priyaa -23039219 6

Value Engineering sessions were conducted at the end of each Sprint to ensure alignment with
project goals and prioritize requirements effectively ( (Freeman, 1984); (SAKURAI, 1997)). The
project culminated in Release Sprints, marking the deployment of increments reflecting
completed Sprint deliverables (Ken Schwaber, 2013).

Figure 1 Simple process of how scrum works

The project's success and benefits were evident across various stakeholders. The project team
found motivation in frequent deliverables and real-time communication, fostering a positive
work environment. Customers appreciated the early deliveries, which allowed for timely
feedback, identification of errors, and additional needs, ultimately contributing to enhanced
satisfaction and value.

Sandirasegaram Saumiya Priyaa -23039219 7

In summary, the Agile Project Management approach, specifically utilizing Scrum, brought forth
a series of benefits. These included early and frequent deliverables, effective scope management,
reduced project duration and costs, increased stakeholder satisfaction, and an overall conducive
work environment. The case study highlights the efficacy of Agile methodologies in delivering
successful projects and emphasizes its potential for widespread adoption in various industries.
The approach adopted by the project team in implementing Agile Project Management,
specifically Scrum, showcased several key facets that significantly impacted the project's
dynamics and outcomes. The case study accentuates the team's methodical use of Agile
principles, reflecting a proactive and iterative approach throughout the project's lifecycle.
The team embraced the Scrum framework, dividing the project into five sprints over 100 days,
underscoring a commitment to incremental development and continuous feedback loops. The
utilization of short, focused iterations allowed for frequent deliverables, enabling prompt
responses to changes, and facilitating client engagement at each sprint's conclusion. This
approach, as described by Schwaber and Sutherland (2013) (Ken Schwaber, 2013), emphasized
flexibility, adaptability, and responsiveness, aligning well with Agile methodologies.
Moreover, the team's real-time communication and collaboration were pivotal in fostering an
environment conducive to innovation and problem-solving. The case study highlights how
constant communication among team members, stakeholders, and clients engendered a positive
work atmosphere and facilitated prompt issue resolution. This echoes the assertion by Cohn
(2005) (Mike Cohn, 2003)regarding the significance of effective communication in Agile
However, while the case study predominantly accentuates the positives, it's crucial to note that
the specific challenges or hurdles faced by the team in implementing Agile methods aren't
extensively detailed. Real-world Agile implementations often encounter resistance to change,
resource constraints, or difficulties in adapting to the iterative nature of Agile frameworks.
Understanding these challenges and their resolutions could provide a more comprehensive view
of the team's approach.
In my opinion, the team's dedication to Agile principles, notably collaboration, adaptability, and
iterative development, greatly contributed to the project's success. However, a more nuanced
depiction of challenges faced, and their resolutions would offer a balanced perspective on the
team's approach, aligning with the holistic nature of Agile methodologies.
The Agile Project Management implementation in the case study revealed several positive
aspects that significantly contributed to project success while also highlighting certain challenges
inherent in this methodology.

Sandirasegaram Saumiya Priyaa -23039219 8

Key Findings from the Case Study
The case study on Agile Project Management within the pharmaceutical company's XYZ Project
reveals compelling insights into the application of Agile methodologies, notably Scrum, in
project execution. The study showcases several pivotal findings, highlighting the project's
successes and challenges while implementing Agile principles. By embracing an iterative
approach and emphasizing continuous feedback, the team navigated through the complexities of
Agile adoption, fostering collaboration, and delivering incremental value. However, while the
positive aspects are evident, a more comprehensive exploration of the challenges faced, and their
resolutions could provide a more nuanced understanding of the team's journey towards Agile
Positive Aspects:
1. Incremental Deliveries and Continuous Feedback:
 Iterative Approach Benefits: Agile's iterative nature provided the project with tangible
deliverables at frequent intervals, ensuring that stakeholders received ongoing updates
and opportunities for feedback.
 Client Expectation Alignment: This approach significantly reduced the risk of
misalignments between client expectations and the functionalities being delivered,
allowing for prompt adjustments based on feedback received.
 Iterative Improvement: By offering smaller, iterative releases, Agile allowed the team to
incorporate feedback quickly, ensuring that the project's trajectory stayed aligned with
evolving stakeholder needs. (Ken Schwaber, 2013).

2. Enhanced Team Motivation and Collaboration:

 Communication and Work Environment: Real-time communication channels fostered
an environment conducive to collaboration, aligning with Agile principles that prioritize
interactions and teamwork.
 Value of Individuals: Emphasizing the importance of valuing team members' inputs and
promoting a culture of collaboration increased team satisfaction and, subsequently,
 Positive Impact: Higher satisfaction among team members positively influenced their
commitment to the project, contributing to the overall success of the initiative.(Beck,
2001); (Highsmith, 2004).

3. Flexible Scope Management:

 Adaptability to Change: Agile's flexibility in accommodating scope changes positively
influenced project dynamics. Unlike traditional methodologies where scope changes
often disrupt timelines, Agile allowed for prompt adjustments to changing requirements.
 Risk Mitigation: The ability to address evolving needs without significant disruption
minimized potential risks associated with inflexible project scopes, ensuring that the
project remained aligned with evolving stakeholder demands.
 Improved Responsiveness: Agile's adaptable approach ensured that the project could
swiftly respond to new opportunities or challenges, optimizing its overall impact and
efficiency. (Schwaber, 2004).

Sandirasegaram Saumiya Priyaa -23039219 9

Challenges and Lessons:
1. Limited Details on Challenges Faced: The case study lacked comprehensive insights
into hurdles encountered during Agile adoption, such as resistance to change or resource
constraints, limiting a holistic view of the project's journey (Torgeir Dingsøyr, 2008).
2. Scope Creep and Management: Managing scope changes while preventing scope creep
emerged as a challenge, emphasizing the need for a balanced approach in accommodating
evolving needs without straying from project boundaries (Boehm & Turner, 2003).
3. Documentation and Tracking: Agile's preference for working software over
comprehensive documentation might pose challenges in maintaining detailed records,
requiring a balance to ensure traceability and future reference (Pressman, 2006).

Key Project Insights:

 Iterative Deliveries Yield Immediate Value:
 Prompt Usability: The project's ability to produce usable outcomes within the
initial stages underscored the advantages of frequent and tangible deliveries.
 Proactive Problem-Solving: The iterative approach facilitated quick identification
and resolution of issues, ensuring that the project progressed steadily, and
problems were addressed early.
 Enhanced Stakeholder Engagement:
 Continuous Stakeholder Involvement: Regular customer reviews ensured ongoing
engagement and collaboration with stakeholders, reducing the likelihood of last-
minute scope alterations, or missed requirements.
 Preventing Misalignments: By maintaining consistent communication with
stakeholders, the project team mitigated misunderstandings, aligning project
deliverables closely with stakeholder expectations.
 Team Satisfaction and Communication:
 Positive Work Environment: Transparent, real-time communication channels
fostered a work environment that promoted motivation and satisfaction among
team members.
 Empowered Teams: Open communication empowered team members to voice
their ideas and concerns, contributing to a collaborative and supportive
 Challenges in Scope Management:
 Flexible yet Boundaried Approach: Balancing the flexibility required to adapt to
evolving requirements while maintaining project boundaries to avoid scope creep
emerged as a significant challenge.
 Key Learning: Understanding the delicate balance between adaptability and
adherence to project constraints is crucial for managing evolving project scopes
 Learning for Future Projects:
 Continuous Engagement: Continuous stakeholder engagement emerged as a
crucial factor for successful Agile projects, ensuring ongoing alignment with
stakeholder needs.
 Iterative Development and Empowerment: Emphasizing iterative development

Sandirasegaram Saumiya Priyaa -23039219 10

and team empowerment as foundational aspects for Agile success enables teams
to adapt more readily to changing project dynamics.
 Adaptability as a Core Principle: Recognizing adaptability as a core principle for
future projects allows for flexibility in responding to changing needs without
compromising project boundaries.

These insights illustrate the significance of iterative methodologies, emphasizing the value of
ongoing stakeholder engagement, transparent communication, and the importance of finding a
balance between adaptability and defined project boundaries for successful Agile project
Introduction to Privacy by Design (PbD)
In today's digital landscape, the protection of personal data stands as a critical priority fueling
innovation. Privacy by Design (PbD), spearheaded by Dr. Ann Cavoukian, presents a proactive
strategy integrating privacy considerations at the core of technological systems, diverging from
treating privacy as an afterthought. PbD fundamentally integrates privacy features into the
inception of design and development, emphasizing user control over personal data and
cultivating trust through responsible data practices. This comprehensive framework ensures
privacy becomes an integral element in system architecture, functionalities, and operations,
championing a user-centric approach to privacy while emphasizing accountability and trust.
(Ann Cavoukian, n.d.)
Core Principles of Privacy by Design
The core of Privacy by Design (PbD) lies in seven guiding principles that infuse privacy into
technological advancements. This framework acts as a proactive guide, urging organizations to
embed privacy measures within their systems and processes. This approach not only ensures
compliance but also cultivates a privacy-conscious digital environment, promoting responsible
data practices.

Figure 2 Principles of Privacy by Design

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Project Management & Privacy by Design: Case Study Analysis
The XYZ Project, within the pharmaceutical industry, exemplifies the convergence of Privacy by
Design (PbD) principles with Agile methodologies, particularly Scrum. PbD, developed by Dr.
Ann Cavoukian, emphasizes embedding privacy considerations into the inception of systems and
processes, rather than treating privacy as an afterthought.
Integration of Agile and Privacy by Design
The integration of Privacy by Design (PbD) principles within the context of the XYZ Project,
alongside Agile methodologies like Scrum, showcases a proactive approach toward privacy
considerations right from the project's inception. PbD's core principles, emphasizing user-centric
privacy features and robust safeguards, align remarkably well with the iterative nature of Agile
Within the XYZ Project, the amalgamation of PbD and Agile principles was evident, presenting
a unique blend that fostered both adaptability and privacy consciousness. By adhering to PbD's
foundational principles, the project aimed to embed privacy into the system architecture and
design. This involved proactive measures to anticipate and prevent potential privacy invasions,
ensuring privacy as the default setting without requiring user action, and integrating privacy into
every stage of the project lifecycle.
Integrating Privacy by Design (PbD) principles within the XYZ Project presents numerous
advantages, aligning with the project's objectives and enhancing its outcomes:
1. Enhanced Trust and Stakeholder Confidence: By prioritizing privacy considerations
from the project's inception, the XYZ Project demonstrates a commitment to
safeguarding user data. These fosters trust among stakeholders, including customers,
partners, and regulatory bodies, enhancing confidence in the project's integrity.
2. Regulatory Compliance and Risk Mitigation: Adhering to PbD principles ensures
compliance with data protection regulations. This proactive approach mitigates potential
legal risks associated with privacy breaches or non-compliance, safeguarding the project
against regulatory penalties or reputational damage.
3. Improved User Experience and Satisfaction: Integrating privacy features in line with
PbD principles contributes to a positive user experience. Respecting user preferences and
offering transparent controls over personal data can enhance user satisfaction and
retention, creating a competitive edge in the market.
4. Reduced Potential for Data Breaches: Implementing robust security measures and
Privacy Impact Assessments (PIA) as part of PbD reduces the project's vulnerability to
data breaches. By identifying and mitigating privacy risks early, the project minimizes
the chances of unauthorized access or data leaks.

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5. Cost-Efficiency and Resource Optimization: Addressing privacy considerations
upfront can potentially reduce costs associated with retroactively incorporating privacy
measures. It streamlines the development process, optimizing resource allocation, and
preventing expensive rework to align with privacy standards later in the project lifecycle.
6. Enhanced Reputation and Brand Value: Prioritizing privacy within the XYZ Project
can contribute to building a positive brand image. Demonstrating a commitment to user
privacy and responsible data handling enhances the project's reputation, attracting
stakeholders who prioritize data privacy.
7. Futureproofing Against Evolving Regulations: Integrating PbD into the project design
ensures adaptability to changing regulatory landscapes. By embedding flexible privacy
features, the project becomes better equipped to navigate evolving data protection laws
without requiring significant overhauls.
8. Competitive Advantage Through Innovation: Balancing privacy needs with innovation
can set the XYZ Project apart from competitors. Finding creative ways to deliver robust
functionality while respecting user privacy can be a unique selling proposition in the
9. Transparency and User Empowerment: PbD fosters user trust by offering transparent
privacy practices and empowering users with control over their data, enhancing
10. Long-Term Sustainability and Adaptability: Projects designed with PbD principles
remain adaptable and sustainable, aligning with evolving user expectations and
regulatory landscapes for long-term success.
The XYZ Project seamlessly integrated Privacy by Default into its framework, aligning with the
principles of Privacy by Design (PbD). It emphasized configuring systems to prioritize user
privacy automatically, implementing stringent default settings without necessitating user
intervention. By making robust privacy measures the norm, the project protected user data while
respecting individual privacy choices. Empowering users with easy-to-use controls further
enhanced transparency and trust. This commitment underscored the project's dedication to
prioritize user privacy and adhere to PbD principles.
While offering significant advantages, implementing PbD in the XYZ Project presented
challenges. Integrating privacy features complicated development, potentially extending
timelines and conflicting with user experience. Resource-intensive Privacy Impact Assessments
(PIA) and compliance demands affected budgets and schedules. Managing third-party
compliance and initial investments for PbD added complexity and raised costs. Balancing
diverse laws and educating stakeholders posed additional hurdles, potentially conflicting with
business goals.
Overcoming these challenges required meticulous planning, balancing privacy and functionality,
and aligning with project objectives and user needs. Despite obstacles, embedding privacy into
the project design offered long-term benefits outweighing challenges, ensuring success and

Sandirasegaram Saumiya Priyaa -23039219 13

sustainability. The XYZ Project's integration of PbD principles within Agile methodologies
became a benchmark for prioritizing privacy. Addressing challenges explicitly, fostering a
culture of privacy consciousness, and aligning technology, compliance, and user expectations,
led to a robust fusion of privacy considerations and Agile methodologies.
Ultimately, the integration of PbD within Agile methodologies wasn't solely about compliance; it
aimed to instill a mindset prioritizing user-centric privacy features, fostering trust, and ensuring
responsible data handling throughout the project's lifecycle. This proactive approach, aligning
with Agile's ethos of adaptability and collaboration, embedded privacy as a fundamental design
element, ensuring a holistic approach to project success.

The culmination of the XYZ Project, marked by the strategic fusion of Agile Project
Management methodologies and the integration of Privacy by Design (PbD) principles,
underscores a transformative shift in project execution paradigms. The amalgamation of Agile's
iterative frameworks, particularly Scrum, and proactive privacy considerations has reshaped the
project's landscape, redefining benchmarks for success. The project's accomplishments in early
deliverables, stakeholder engagement, and fortified data security highlight the efficacy of this
symbiotic approach, albeit with inherent challenges that underscore the need for a
comprehensive and adaptive strategy.
From my vantage point, the synergy between Agile Project Management and Privacy by Design
represents a watershed moment in project execution. This convergence not only embodies
adaptability and iterative progress but also champions proactive privacy measures, ensuring
compliance and ethical data handling. Despite encountering complexities in balancing user
experience with stringent privacy features, the project's successes underscore the transformative
potential of integrating agile methodologies with privacy-centric design, promising a future
landscape marked by ethical innovation and stakeholder-aligned practices.

Sandirasegaram Saumiya Priyaa -23039219 14

Ann Cavoukian, P., n.d. Privacy by Design-The 7 Foundational Principles-Implementation and Mapping of
Fair Information Practices. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed January 2024].

Beck, K. e. a., 2001. Manifesto for Agile Software Development. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 1 January 2024].

Boehm, B. & Turner, R., 2003. Balancing Agility and Discipline-A Guide for the Perplexed. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed January 2024].

Freeman, R. E., 1984. Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach. illustrated, reprint ed.

Highsmith, J., 2004. Agile Project Management: Creating Innovative Products. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 1 January 2024].

Ken Schwaber, J. S., 2013. The Definitive Guide to Scrum: The Rules of the Game. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 1 January 2024].

Mike Cohn, D. F., 2003. Introducing An Agile Process to an Organization. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 1 January 2024].

Pressman, R. S., 2006. Engenharia de software. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed January 2024].

SAKURAI, 1997. Gerenciamento integrado de custos. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 1 January 2024].

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Sanjiv Augustine, B. P. F. S. S. W., 2005. Agile Project Management: Steering from the Edges. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 1 January 2024].

Schwaber, K., 2004. Agile Project Management with Scrum. 1st ed. s.l.:s.n.

Torgeir Dingsøyr, T. D., 2008. Empirical studies of agile software development: A systematic review.

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