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PART A) You will hear an interview with a writer. For questions 1-5, choose the best answer,
(a, b or c). (5x1=5 pts)

1. Alice became a writer because

a) she was always writing stories as a child.
b) she wanted to do what her aunt did.
c) she was keen to do any job that did not involve routine.
2. What does Alice say about learning to be a writer?
a) The writing courses she did were a waste of time.
b) She learnt to write by doing it.
c) She found it harder than she expected.
3. What does Alice like most about being a writer?
a) The fact that she has become quite famous
b) The unpredictable nature of the work
c) The freedom to choose when she works
4. What does she say about the money that she earns?
a) She dislikes the system of payment.
b) She makes sure that she saves some of it.
c) She finds it difficult to live on.
5. What does she say about travel?
a) She wishes she had more time for it.
b) She can’t afford to do it very often.
c) She feels it interferes with her work.

PART B) You will hear a woman called Gina Purvis, who is a pilot for a commercial airline,
talking about her job. For questions 1-5, complete the sentences with a word or short
phrase. (5x1=5 pts)

Sky High

Gina disliked her first job as a (1) _______________.

The airline that Gina works for insists on at least (2) ________________ hours of flying experience
from their captains.
Gina says that because her husband is a/an (3) ________________ he is tolerant of her job.
The “Notices to Pilots” provides information about any (4) ________________ that are experiencing
Gina says that if she has extra (5) ________________ she will need more fuel for her flight.


PART C) You will hear five people talking about rescues. Look at the questions A-F
below and match the speakers to the questions. There is one extra question you do
not need to use. (5X1=5 pts)

Which speaker

A) nearly drowned? Speaker 1 ______

B) found an animal in a hole? Speaker 2 ______
C) had the right equipment? Speaker 3 ______
D) called someone for help? Speaker 4 ______
E) acted without thinking? Speaker 5 ______
F) heard what sounded like an animal?


PART A) You are going to read an article about the first series of Rock School. Five
sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-F the
one which fits each gap (1-5). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to
use. (5X2=10 pts)

A) First, he made them choose rock names.

B) Others are boarding pupils who stay at the school all week, or even all term.
C) We’ve never listened to rock music.
D) They’ve never worn such outrageous clothes before.
E) Surprisingly, they don’t find it depressing to wear such old-fashioned clothes.
F) He walked and moved and shouted like a rock star, so Gene was happy.


The First Rock School

The first series of Rock School did not produce any stars. The students have been
studying their lessons as usual and Gene Simmons has almost forgotten his experiences
there. The reason may be that the school was very different from Kirkley High School. Unlike
Kirkley High, the school in the first series was not a modern comprehensive, but a private
school which has been running for over 450 years. Christ’s Hospital School has always been
famous for its orchestral music and its choir. It was an excellent school and definitely not the
kind of place you would expect to form a rock band.
Pupils at Christ’s Hospital School have been wearing almost the same uniform since
1552. They wear a long dark blue overcoat with a wide white “tie”, a leather belt and bright
yellow socks. (1) ______. Most of the pupils are proud of their uniform and like to look smart.
There have always been boarding schools like these in Britain, similar to Hogwarts School in
the Harry Potter books, but without the magic. At some of them, like Eton and Harrow,
parents pay thousands of pounds a year to educate their children. The other way to get a
place in famous private schools is to pass an entrance exam. However, Christ’s Hospital
works like a charity and offers free places to its students. Some pupils are day pupils who
live in the local area and go home each evening. (2) ______. They do their homework, eat
and sleep at the school.
As you would expect, life at Christ’s Hospital School is usually quiet, so you can
imagine the shock for the pupils in Year 9 when Gene Simmons turned up! He entered the
classroom dressed all in black, with his hair dyed black to match. All kinds of thoughts were
running through their minds as their new music tutor gave them their first lesson in rock
- We’ve never had a teacher like this!
- (3) ______.
- We’ve always sung choir music.
- Our teachers have never told us to make more noise!
On the other hand, the experience was a shock for Gene, too. The challenge he
faced in the first series of programmes was to get these well-behaved pupils acting like
outrageous rock stars. (4) ______. Josh chose The Emperor and Kwame chose Mr. Cool.
Next, Gene had to select the members of the band. Many of the pupils played instruments
well, but there’s a big difference between playing a classical guitar and bass guitar in a rock
band. The students struggled and were not impressed by Gene at all. After the first lesson
Gene was not feeling very confident about the band’s chances. At the end of the series they
were supposed to support Motorhead playing live at Hammersmith Odeon in London. It was
going to be a real rollercoaster ride for all of them!
Finally, Gene chose Josh for the lead-singer spot. The rest of the class were
surprised and some of them were jealous, especially as his singing voice was loud but not
very good. Despite this basic problem, Josh was very good at putting on an act. (5) ______.
On the day of the gig, the band managed to put on a good performance and Gene was
surprised and relieved. It was the experience of a lifetime, but not one that any of the
teenagers wanted to repeat. Since then, life has returned to normal for all of them. So far, Lil
Chris is the only real star of the Rock School series, but who knows what might happen?
Maybe the producers have already planned to visit a school near you!


PART B) You are going to read an article about water. For questions 1-5, choose the
answer (a, b, c, or d) which you think fits best according to the text. (5X1=5 pts)

Making Every Drop Count

Lisa Campbell looks at the challenge of conserving water.

Drip, trickle, splash. Do you ever think about the water we use every day for cleaning,
drinking, cooking and growing plants? Water is essential to life. It is one of the most common
substances in the universe, and our planet, with its vast oceans, is lucky to have a generous
share of it. Unfortunately, 97 percent of that share is salty, and much of the rest is in the form
of ice at the North and South Poles. Getting an adequate supply of fresh water is not always
easy, especially in the developing world, where drought is a constant threat in some areas.

Half of the world’s population still suffer from water services inferior to those available
to the ancient Greeks and Romans. More than a billion people don’t even have access to
clean drinking water and face problems caused by pollution and disease. As the world’s
population grows, there is increasing pressure on agriculture, which demands large amounts
of water. Changing the way of rivers and building dams threaten fish, with rare species of fish
becoming extinct in some seas and lakes.

Throughout the first three quarters of the twentieth century, the quantity of freshwater
used by each person doubled. The emphasis was on using more and more water. Large-
scale facilities were built for water treatment and recycling and large numbers of reservoirs
were constructed to store water. However, many people have now realized that basic human
and environmental needs are the top priority. The building of new water facilities is now less
important than using what we already have more efficiently and wisely. Repairing the existing
system could have huge benefits. Through leaking pipes and faulty equipment, Mexico City,
for example, loses enough water to meet the needs of a city the size of Rome.

Over the last 25 years, new technology and greater awareness of the problem have
meant that water is used more efficiently. Industrial processes that use less water have been
discovered; it now takes only six tons of water to make a ton of steel, compared to 60 tons
60 years ago. People around the world are also more effective at protesting against the
effects of water use on their local environment. Despite this, a lot of water is still wasted. We
can all do our bit for the environment by following a few simple water conservation dos and

The bathroom is a key area where you can save water. Short showers use less water
than baths, especially if you have a special water-saving showerhead fitted. Toilets
which use less water can be fitted, and even a plastic bottle filled with water in the
cistern will save a litre with each flush. Up to twelve litres of water is lost every minute if
you leave the tap running while you brush your teeth or wash your hands.

Kitchen and Laundry

Fill a sink to wash up instead of leaving the tap running and you can reduce the amount
of water needed by half. Dishwashers and washing machines should only be used when
they are full, and then on a short cycle when possible.


You can save water outside the home in a number of different ways. If you have a
garden, rainwater can be recycled to water plants, which should be done in the evening
or early morning so that less water is lost through evaporation. Pavements and balconies
should be swept instead of being washed. It can also help to save water if any leaks or
waste in your neighbourhood are reported to your local council.
So, next time you have a shower or open a bottle of drinking water, think about
where the water comes from and where it is going.

1. Why does the writer mention the North and South Poles?
a. They are badly affected by pollution.
b. Most of the Earth’s fresh water is frozen there.
c. They affect the amount of drinking water available.
d. They provide many people with a water supply.

2. Why are some fish in danger, according to the writer?

a. An increasing population means more fish are eaten.
b. Lakes are becoming increasingly polluted.
c. Humans change the direction that some rivers take.
d. They are forced into areas with salty water.

3. What do people now think is most important in water use?

a. Finding less wasteful ways to use water.
b. Building large treatment facilities.
c. Moving water from one city to another.
d. Storing water so that people can use more.

4. What does the writer say has happened in industry?

a. Most steel is now made without using water.
b. Less steel is being produced due to a lack of water.
c. More steel is being made than ever before.
d. More efficient methods are used to create steel.

5. Which of these water-saving methods is not mentioned in the text?

a. Informing the right people about waste.
b. Using rainwater to wash your balcony.
c. Turning the tap off when washing up.
d. Making sure the dishwasher is full when used.


PART C) You are going to read a magazine article about four people and their involvement in
sport. For questions 1-10 choose from the people (A-D). The people may be chosen more than
once. (10x1=10pts)

Sport for Life?

Sport affects people’s lives in different ways. Vicky O’Malley looks at how we can stay
involved – or lose touch completely.

A) Clarissa

I do a bit of sport at school – netball and hockey and swimming and athletics and so on, but I
am not very good at any of them. What I enjoy most is watching sport, mainly on TV but I go
to some events as well. My boyfriend thinks I am mad but I can catch him out because I
know much more about football than he does. Actually, maybe I am a bit mad because I
know nothing much about soaps or pop music or stuff that girls are supposed to watch but I
can tell you who won the European Cup any year you care to name, or who the world record
holder is in most of the Olympic events. It doesn’t seem to matter what kind of sport it is, I
just love watching it.

B) Gilbert

I used to play rugby until I got too old for it. I played for my school former pupils’ club. I liked
that because I was playing alongside chaps I’d been to school with, for the most part. Both
my sons are at the same school now and I sometimes go along on Saturdays to watch them
play, and I might have lunch at the clubhouse and stay to watch the first team play in the
afternoon. But most Saturdays I play golf, and usually one or two evenings a week too,
except in the winter. The club has an association with the school as well, so again, I am
among friends. I hope one day to be captain of the club. I can see it happening, as long as I
behave myself.

C) Anita

I think I’m the only one of my friends that is really involved in sport. I am a runner. I do 5,000
metres, 10,000 metres and cross-country. I run the occasional marathon as well, but it’s not
really my event. I train most days of the week, and that means getting up early because I
have a full-time job. I’d like one day to be a full-time athlete, but there isn’t much money
around at my level. Still, I am young and once I’ve won a few medals that might happen. I
often think, if I am out on the road on a wet morning, that this is a crazy way to spend my
time, but overall I enjoy it. When the gun goes off and a race starts, well, there is just nothing
like it for sheer adrenaline. And it is great if you win.

D) Walter

I was very active at school. I played football, did athletics in the summer and a lot of
swimming. I also went cycling or walking at the weekends. I kept a lot of it going at university.
I was in the football club all the way through and went to the pool about three times a week.
But then in my final year I got injured. I broke my ankle during a game and I never really got
started again before I left. Then I started work and I was so busy that I just never got back
into things. I manage a swim now and again but that’s about it. I must start doing something,
though. My girlfriend says I am putting on too much weight.


Which person:

1. isn’t involved much in sport these days? ______

2. has friends who don’t take part in sport? ______
3. prefers watching sport to taking part? ______
4. finds their sport exciting? ______
5. uses sport to stay in touch with friends? ______
6. stopped doing sport because of injury? ______
7. does many different types of sport? ______
8. has children playing the same game they used to play? ______
9. hopes to become a champion? ______
10. behaves in a way that is unexpected for their gender? ______


PART A) Read the text below and decide which answer best fits each gap. (7X1=7 pts)

The White Nights of St Petersburg

St Petersburg’s seasonal phenomenon known as white nights generally lasts from the 11th
of June to the 2nd of July. It is not unique to St Petersburg but it is the only city (1) ____
such an event occurs regularly every summer.
The nature of the White Nights can (2) ____ explained by the geographical location of St
Petersburg. As the world’s (3) ____ northerly city with a population of over 1 million
inhabitants, the sun never falls far enough below the horizon for the sky to get dark and
dusk eventually becomes dawn. The brightness of the nights during this time means
(4) ____ street lightning is unnecessary!
During these White Nights, (5) ____ centre of the city is very lively, full of people sitting in
outside cafeterias, watching street entertainment or simply walking (6) ____ the banks of
the city’s rivers and canals. And at about 2 am, spectators often gather by the River Neva
(7) ____ watch various drawbridges being raised to let through large boats and ships.

1. a) which b) when c) where d) what

2. a) be b) have c) is d) was
3. a) the most b) most c) more d) much
4. a) that b) which c) as d) like
5. a) a b) in c) at d) the
6. a) over b) under c) along d) between
7. a) to b) for c) because d) as


PART B) Read the text and fill in the blanks with ONE WORD. (8X1=8 pts.)

Don’t Miss This!

I’m studying art and design and I’m particularly interested (1) ________ furniture.
For that reason, my parents took me (2) ________ a fantastic exhibition of furniture in
London last month. It was at the Living Design Museum and shows how furniture
(3) ________ developed over the last one hundred years. You can see pieces of furniture
from the early 1900s up to the present day. One of my favourites is a sofa by Salvador Dali
shaped (4) ________ a pair of lips! There is also a fascinating display of pieces that we may
be using in the future!
For me, it was interesting to see how the designs have changed according (5) ________
people’s tastes and I wanted to look into every piece and every design carefully. However,
the exhibition is (6) ________ big to see in just a few hours. I strongly recommend this
exhibition to anyone (7) ________ is into art and design. It is only on for another four weeks,
(8) ________ you should get there soon.

PART C) For questions 1-7, read the text below. Use the bold words given at the end of
each blank to form a new word that fits in the blank. (7x1=7 pts)

Computer Skills in the Office

To be successful in the business market, it is vital for a company to keep up with all the latest
technological (1) _______________ (DEVELOP). Nowadays, running a company without
computers, in particular, is virtually (2) _______________ (POSSIBLE). This is why
businesses are so keen to hire the best people for their IT departments.
It is important that almost all (3) _______________ (EMPLOY) have some degree of
familiarity with personal or desktop computers, even if this involves no more than the
completion of a basic computer course. However, most people will only become
(4) _______________ (COMFORT) with using computers after practical experience.
Thanks to computers, today’s businesses are run and managed with far less
(5) _______________ (DIFFICULT) than in the past. For example, computers enable the
(6) _______________ (ORGANISE) of huge amounts of information and greatly speed up
the preparation of documents and reports. In short, the average businessperson is unlikely to
get very far without at least a basic (7) _______________ (KNOW) of computers.


PART D) Complete the second sentence for questions 1-8, so that it has a similar
meaning to the first sentence, using the word given by using between two to five words.
Do not change the word given. (8x1=8 pts)

1. He took a taxi not to walk in the rain.

He took a taxi to _____________________________ in the rain.
2. Pollution is measured by special instruments.
Special instruments_____________________________ pollution.
3. The city is lively. I was born there.
The city _____________________________lively.
4. We have never met a man as famous as he is.
He _____________________________ we have ever met.
5. It’s three weeks since I last went out.
I _____________________________ three weeks.
6. If you don’t stop smoking, you may die.
You may _____________________________ smoking.
7. The family left home very early because they wanted to make sure they catch their
The family left home very early _____________________________ miss their flight.
8. I showed no talent for rugby at university.
I _____________________________ rugby at university.


A) Write an essay about ONE of the topics below. Use 150 – 200 words. Write your
essay on your answer sheet.

Topic 1. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living and working in a foreign

Topic 2. Marrying at a young age or marrying at an old age. Explain which one is better and

Topic 3. Some people believe that the Earth is being harmed (damaged) by human activity.
Others feel that human activity makes the Earth a better place to live. What is your opinion?

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