2024 Community Enhancement Survey Results

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2024 Northeast Michigan Community

Enhancement Survey Data Report

Published April 18, 2024

Survey Development, Execution and Data Reporting:

The Sunset Project


Alpena Community College, State and Local Government Course (PLS 222)
POC: Tim Kuehnlein

Developed, executed and reported in partnership with The Thunder Bay Arts Council, Mary Ellen Jones,
and other community organizations.
2024 Northeast Michigan Community Enhancement Survey Data Report Published April 18, 2024

2024 Northeast Michigan Community Enhancement Survey

Data Report
Executive Summary

The 2024 Northeast Michigan Community Enhancement Survey was crafted to address the
evolving landscape of the Northeast Michigan region, aiming to understand the diverse wants
and needs of its current residents.

This survey also sought to uncover community members thoughts, comments and concerns,
ensuring their voices are heard and integrated into community development initiatives.
Developed collaboratively by The Sunset Project, Alpena Community College, and local
organizations, this survey hopes to serve as a vital tool for informed decision-making and
strategic planning on both a hyper-local, local and regional level.

This survey was conducted electrically, opening Monday, March 11 and closing Friday, March
29, 2024. During this timeframe, the survey collected responses from 323 individuals across 11
different counties, providing a comprehensive overview of Northeast Michigan's community

2024 Northeast Michigan Community Enhancement Survey Data Report Published April 18, 2024

Demographic Data Results

Questions one (1) through nine (9) were prompted as “Personal Information” and looked to
gain insight into the personal attributes of each participant. The following data is representative
of all 323 participant responses.

Question 1: Age
Question Type: Select One

Participant Age Number of Responses Percentage of Total

< 25 51 15.79%
26 - 36 30 9.29%
37 – 47 37 11.45%
48 – 58 53 16.41%
59 – 69 71 21.99%
70+ 81 25.08%

Question 2: Family Status

Question Type: Select All That Apply

Family Status Number of Responses Percentage of Total

Married 125 53.42%

Single 68 29.06%
Married; Children 43 18.38%
Children 23 9.83%
Domestic Partnership 20 8.55%
Single; Married 2 0.85%
Single; Children 1 0.43%
Single; Domestic Partnership 1 0.43%
Domestic Partnership; Children 1 0.43%

2024 Northeast Michigan Community Enhancement Survey Data Report Published April 18, 2024

Question 3: City / Town / Village of Residence

Question Type: Short Answer Text

Residence Location Number of Responses Percentage of Total

Alpena 115 35.60%

Ossineke 20 6.19%
Harrisville 10 3.09%
Presque Isle 5 1.55%
Oscoda 5 1.55%
Spruce 7 2.17%
Black River 4 1.24%
Rogers City 4 1.24%
Tawas City 4 1.24%
Hubbard Lake 3 0.93%
Lachine 3 0.93%
Lincoln 3 0.93%
Mikado 3 0.93%
Cheboygan 3 0.93%
Barton City 2 0.62%
East Tawas 2 0.62%
Millersburg 2 0.62%
Maple Ridge 1 0.31%
Hale 1 0.31%
Herron 1 0.31%
Posen 1 0.31%
Grayling 1 0.31%
Twining 1 0.31%
Atlanta 1 0.31%
Glennie 1 0.31%
DeWitt 1 0.31%

Question 4: Number of Years Lived in Northeast Michigan

Question Type: Select One

Years Lived in NEM Number of Responses Percentage of Total

25+ years 150 46.43%

5-25 years 77 23.84%
10-15 years 36 11.15%
5-10 years 33 10.22%
3-5 years 14 4.33%
1-3 years 9 2.79%
<1 year 4 1.24%

2024 Northeast Michigan Community Enhancement Survey Data Report Published April 18, 2024

Question 5: Place of Origin

Question Type: Select One

Place of Origin Number of Responses Percentage of Total

Local 149 46.13%

(Born and/raised in Northeast Michigan)

Elsewhere 174 58.87%

(Born and/or raised somewhere
other than Northeast Michigan)

Question 6: Level of Education

Question Type: Select One w/ “Other” Short Answer Text Option

Education Level Number of Responses Percentage of Total

Completed High School 42 13.00%

Some Higher Education 83 25.69%
Completed Higher Education 198 61.3%

Question 7: Occupation
Question Type: Short Answer Text
The following data set represents the twelve (12) most recurring responses among the 323 participants

Occupation Number of Responses Percentage of Total

Retired 38 11.76%
Teacher 25 7.73%
Student 12 3.71%
Sales 10 3.09%
Administrative 8 2.48%
Nurse 7 2.17%
Police Officer 4 1.24%
Executive Director 3 0.93%
Human Resources 3 0.93%
Writer 3 0.93%
Marketing 3 0.93%
Self Employed 3 0.93%

2024 Northeast Michigan Community Enhancement Survey Data Report Published April 18, 2024

Question 8: Average Yearly Income

Question Type: Select One

Average Yearly Income Number of Responses Percentage of Total

$79,000 + 88 29.33%
$58,000 - $78,000 76 25.33%
$37,000 - $57,000 73 24.33%
< $36,000 63 21.00%

Question 9: Hobbies & Interests

Question Type: Short Answer Text
The following data set represents the fifteen (15) most recurring responses among the 323 participants

Hobbies & Interests Number of Responses Percentage of Total

Reading 101 31.28%

Outdoor Activities 75 23.23%
Gardening 68 21.05%
Fishing 58 17.96%
Hiking 49 15.16%
Music 48 14.85%
Traveling 45 13.93%
Cooking 38 11.77%
Walking 37 11.46%
Camping 32 9.91%
Art 31 9.60%
Sports 30 9.29%
Hunting 29 8.98%
Biking 26 8.05%
Volunteering 25 7.74%

2024 Northeast Michigan Community Enhancement Survey Data Report Published April 18, 2024

Informative Data Results

Questions ten (10) through twenty nine (29) were prompted as “Community Impact Survey
Questions” and looked to gain insight into specific information as prompted by each question.
Short and long answer questions have been compiled and organized using Open AI software
(Chat GPT) to provide the most cohesive representation of data possible.

Question 10: “What do you enjoy most about your hometown?”

Question Type: Long Answer Text
The following data set represents the ten (10) most recurring responses among the 323 participants

Participant Response Number of Responses Percentage of Total

Access to nature and outdoor activities 87 26.91%

Small town feel and sense of community 82 25.39%
Proximity to water (lake, river, beach) 65 20.12%
Safety and low crime rate 49 15.16%
Beauty of the natural surroundings 45 13.93%
Friendly people and community spirit 44 13.62%
Peacefulness and quietness 33 10.21%
Availability of amenities and conveniences 22 6.81%
Cultural events and opportunities 17 5.26%
Opportunities for recreation and leisure 15 4.64%

Question 11: “What is one of your favorite activities to do in Northeast

Question Type: Long Answer Text
The following data set represents the ten (10) most recurring responses among the 323 participants

Participant Response Number of Responses Percentage of Total

Fishing 47 14.54%
Hiking 42 13.00%
Boating 28 8.67%
Swimming 25 7.73%
Kayaking 21 6.50%
Walking 19 5.88%
Camping 18 5.57%
Biking 17 5.26%
Enjoying nature 16 4.95%
Attending local events/festivals 14 4.33%

2024 Northeast Michigan Community Enhancement Survey Data Report Published April 18, 2024

Question 12: “Are there activities from the past you would like to bring back
or any new activities you would like to see in the future?”
Question Type: Long Answer Text
The following data set represents the ten (10) most recurring responses among the 323 participants

Participant Response

There's a strong desire for more festivals, including the Winter Carnival, River Fest, Ice Fest, Flower
Fest, and more.

Outdoor Activities
More outdoor community activities such as hiking, biking, fishing, camping, and swimming are highly

Community Events
Increased town events like bandshell shows, holiday events, and town-wide gatherings are desired to
bring the community together.

Family-Friendly Activities
Activities that cater to families and children, such as an outdoor ice rink, roller skating rink, sleigh rides,
and movie nights in the park.

Cultural and Art Events

More exposure to visual art, performing arts concerts, art shows, and community art creation events.

Music Events
Concerts, music festivals, and events featuring both local and major artists are desired, including big
bandshell summer concerts.

Educational Events
Historical tours, nature hikes, storytelling sessions, and educational events focusing on the area's history,
geography, and environment.

Volunteering Opportunities
More opportunities for community volunteering, including events like soup kitchens, community clean-
ups, and mural creation.

Sports and Recreation

Activities such as autocross, car shows, basketball tournaments, and ORV trails are desired for

Community Engagement
Events that promote community engagement and interaction across different age groups, including
scavenger hunts, parades, and community dances.

2024 Northeast Michigan Community Enhancement Survey Data Report Published April 18, 2024

The following are specific examples of some Question 12 responses, as provided by the survey
Community Events and Gatherings:
• Reviving past festivals like River Fest, Lighthouse Festival, or Ossineke Old Fashioned
• Organizing more town-wide events, such as bandshell concerts, holiday celebrations, or
• Introducing new festivals or gatherings focused on specific themes like art, music, or
local culture.

Outdoor Recreation:
• Creating more hiking trails and bike paths throughout the area.
• Establishing winter activities like ice skating rinks, sledding hills, and cross-country
skiing trails.
• Hosting fishing tournaments, ORV trails, and other outdoor sporting events.

Cultural and Artistic Activities:

• Hosting music festivals featuring local and regional bands.
• Organizing art shows, gallery walks, or art-related workshops.
• Offering historical tours, lectures, or storytelling events to explore the area's heritage.

Family-Friendly Events:
• Planning family-friendly festivals with activities for children, such as games, crafts, and
interactive exhibits
• Hosting movie nights in the park or family-friendly outdoor concerts.
• Organizing seasonal events like Easter passion plays or children's museum exhibitions.

Sports Tournaments and Competitions:

• Bringing back basketball tournaments like Gus Macker or organizing new sports
• Hosting autocross events or other motorsport competitions.
• Organizing fishing tournaments or other outdoor sporting competitions.

2024 Northeast Michigan Community Enhancement Survey Data Report Published April 18, 2024

Question 13: “How frequently do you currently participate in community

events and activities?”
Question Type: Select One

Participant Response Number of Responses Percentage of Total

6+ times per year 138 42.73%

3-6 times per year 116 35.92%
1-2 times per year 57 17.64%
Never 12 3.71%

Question 14: “What types of activities/events do you most frequently attend?”

Question Type: Select One
The following data set represents the ten (10) most recurring responses among the 323 participants

Participant Response Number of Responses Percentage of Total

Downtown events/festivals 46 14.24%

Music concerts 41 12.69%
Parades 33 10.21%
Art shows/exhibits 31 9.60%
Community festivals 26 8.04%
Theater performances 21 6.50%
Farmers markets 15 4.64%
Fundraising events 14 4.33%
Church activities 13 4.02%
Library events 12 3.71%

Question 15: “Where do you receive most of your information pertaining to

community activities and events?”
Question Type: Select All That Apply
The following data set represents the five (5) most recurring responses among the 323 participants

Participant Response Number of Responses Percentage of Total

Social Media 191 59.2%

Newspaper 124 38.4%
Email 40 12.4%
Word of mouth 31 9.6%
Television 26 8.1%

2024 Northeast Michigan Community Enhancement Survey Data Report Published April 18, 2024

Question 16: “In your opinion, are community events and activities marketed
well in your area/Northeast Michigan?”
Question Type: Yes or No

Participant Response Number of Responses Percentage of Total

Yes 208 64.4%

No 115 35.6%

Question 17: “If not, how would you like to see this improve?”
Question Type: Long Answer Text
The following data set represents the five (5) most recurring responses among the 323 participants

Participant Response Number of Responses Percentage of Total

More use of social media, better marketing 28 8.66%

Improved coordination, centralized information 22 6.81%
Better coverage in traditional media 19 5.88%
Early and frequent event announcements 14 4.33%
Diversification of advertising methods 10 3.10%

Question 18: “What motivates you to participate in community events and

Question Type: Long Answer Text
The following data set represents the ten (10) most recurring responses among the 323 participants

Participant Response Number of Responses Percentage of Total

Socializing / meeting friends 56 17.32%

Interest in the activity / subject matter 46 14.25%
Supporting local businesses / organizations 36 11.15%
Family involvement / family-friendly events 28 8.66%
Enjoyment / fun value 25 7.74%
Entertainment / activities value 23 7.12%
Personal enrichment / learning 19 5.88%
Community involvement / engagement 18 5.57%
Community building 17 5.26%
Volunteering 16 4.95%

2024 Northeast Michigan Community Enhancement Survey Data Report Published April 18, 2024

Question 19: “How satisfied are you with the amount of youth-based activities
in your area/Northeast Michigan?”
Question Type: Select One

Participant Response Number of Responses Percentage of Total

Very Satisfied 33 10.22%

Satisfied 108 33.43%
Unsatisfied 86 26.64%
Very Unsatisfied 12 3.72%
Does Not Apply 84 26.01%

Question 20: “In your opinion, what is the best approach to encouraging more
youth involvement in community activities?”
Question Type: Long Answer Text
The following data set represents the seven (7) most recurring responses among the 323 participants

Participant Response Number of Responses Percentage of Total

Ask them what interests them 16 27.59%

Make activities engaging and entertaining 14 24.14%
Involvement in planning and implementation 14 24.14%
Provide incentives and rewards 7 12.07%
Accessibility and affordability 6 10.34%
Parental involvement and awareness 6 10.34%
Promote through social media and schools 5 8.62%

2024 Northeast Michigan Community Enhancement Survey Data Report Published April 18, 2024

Question 21: “Where do you go if you leave your area/Northeast Michigan for
something else? (concerts, entertainment, culture, shopping, etc.) How far do
you typically travel to get what you want?”
Question Type: Short Answer Text
The following data set represents the seven (7) most recurring responses among the 323 participants.
Average travel distance mentioned is approximately 228.57 miles or 3.81 hours.

Participant Response Number of Responses Percentage of Total

Traverse City 66 24.45%

Mentioned for shopping, dining, concerts,
and outdoor activities.

Detroit 58 21.55%
Mentioned for concerts, shopping,
entertainment, and cultural events.

Grand Rapids 42 15.60%

Mentioned for concerts, shopping, dining,
and entertainment.

Gaylord 38 14.12%
Mentioned for shopping and sometimes

Chicago 19 7.06%
Mentioned for concerts, entertainment,
and shopping.

Ann Arbor 18 6.69%

Mentioned for shopping, dining, concerts,
and cultural events.

Saginaw 17 6.32%
Mentioned for shopping and sometimes

2024 Northeast Michigan Community Enhancement Survey Data Report Published April 18, 2024

Question 22: “In your opinion, what types of physical spaces would provide
cultural value to your area/Northeast Michigan? (ex. theatres, parks,
performance venues, museums, art exhibits, etc.)
Question Type: Long Answer Text
The following data set represents the ten (10) most recurring responses among the 323 participants.

Participant Response Number of Responses Percentage of Total

Parks 183 35.59%

Parks were overwhelmingly mentioned as a
valuable asset, with many expressing a desire
for more parks, improvements to existing ones,
and diverse outdoor spaces for recreational and
cultural activities.

Performance Venues 73 14.19%

There was a strong interest in having venues for
live performances such as theater, concerts, and
other cultural events, with a focus on both indoor
and outdoor spaces.

Museums 63 12.25%
Museums were seen as important cultural institutions,
with calls for more exhibits, better utilization of
existing museums, and the creation of new ones to
showcase local history and art.

Art Exhibits 47 9.14%

Participants expressed a desire for more opportunities
to engage with art, including exhibits, galleries, and
public art installations, suggesting a growing interest
in the arts within the community.

Theaters 45 8.76%
The importance of theaters for live performances,
including plays, concerts, and other artistic endeavors,
was highlighted, indicating a need for spaces dedicated
to cultural expression.

Indoor Parks 20 3.89%

Indoor parks and recreational spaces were mentioned
as desirable, especially for colder months, suggesting
a need for year-round cultural and leisure activities.

2024 Northeast Michigan Community Enhancement Survey Data Report Published April 18, 2024

Participant Response Number of Responses Percentage of Total

Community Centers 14 2.72%

Community centers were seen as hubs for cultural
activities and social gatherings, emphasizing the
importance of spaces that foster community
connections and engagement.

Outdoor Theaters 12 2.33%

Similar to indoor theaters, outdoor theaters were
mentioned as desirable spaces for cultural
performances, providing unique and immersive
experiences for audiences.

Roller Rinks 10 1.95%

Roller rinks were suggested as venues for
recreational activities and community events,
catering to diverse interests within the community.

Waterparks 9 1.75%
Waterparks were mentioned as potential attractions,
offering both recreational and cultural value,
particularly in the context of Northeast Michigan's
natural environment and tourism industry.

2024 Northeast Michigan Community Enhancement Survey Data Report Published April 18, 2024

Question 23: “In your opinion, what types of creative opportunities/programs

would you like to see more of in your area/Northeast Michigan? (ex. comedy
festivals, film festivals, music performances, arts-based competitions, etc.)”
Question Type: Long Answer Text
The following data set represents the ten (10) most recurring responses among the 323 participants.

Participant Response Number of Responses Percentage of Total

Music Performances 138 42.11%

There's a strong desire for more live music events,
including concerts, festivals, and performances
featuring a variety of musical styles.

Film Festivals 45 13.76%

People expressed interest in having more
opportunities to engage with cinema through
film festivals, screenings, and related events.

Comedy Festivals/Shows 33 10.09%

Comedy festivals and shows were highlighted as
desirable entertainment options, suggesting a growing
interest in comedy events within the community.

Arts-Based Competitions/Events 30 9.18%

There's an interest in participating in or attending
art-based competitions, festivals, workshops, and
exhibitions, showcasing local artistic talent.

Youth Activities/Competitions 8 2.45%

Some respondents mentioned the need for more
creative opportunities specifically tailored for
young people, including competitions and camps.

Community Events/Festivals 7 2.14%

Suggestions were made for various
community-oriented events and festivals, including
food festivals, wellness retreats, and outdoor

Outdoor Activities/Events 7 2.14%

Outdoor events such as concerts, festivals, and
competitions were mentioned, highlighting the
community's interest in outdoor recreation and

2024 Northeast Michigan Community Enhancement Survey Data Report Published April 18, 2024

Participant Response Number of Responses Percentage of Total

Cultural Festivals/Events 6 1.83%

There's a desire for more festivals and events
celebrating cultural diversity, including heritage
festivals and events promoting community

Art Classes/Workshops 6 1.83%

People expressed interest in attending art classes
and workshops to learn new skills and techniques,
suggesting a desire for more educational
opportunities in the arts.

Historical/Cultural Presentations 4 1.22%

Some respondents mentioned the importance of
learning about the history and culture of the area
through presentations, lectures, and guided tours.

2024 Northeast Michigan Community Enhancement Survey Data Report Published April 18, 2024

Question 24: “How can your area/Northeast Michigan work to become a more
engaging community overall?”
Question Type: Long Answer Text
The following data set represents the ten (10) most recurring responses among the 323 participants.

Participant Response Number of Responses Percentage of Total

Address the Housing Crisis 6 1.86%

Focus on solving the housing crisis to
attract young families and new residents.

Improve Outreach and Communication 5 1.55%

Enhance communication channels and
outreach efforts to keep residents informed
and engaged.

Promote Diversity and Inclusion 5 1.55%

Foster diversity, inclusion, and acceptance
within the community to create a welcoming
environment for all.

Enhance Curb Appeal and Underutilized 4 1.24%

Improve the appearance of the community,
particularly the south side and beachfront, to
make it more attractive and inviting.

Foster Collaboration and Openness 4 1.24%

to New Ideas
Encourage collaboration among community
members and leaders while remaining open to
new ideas and initiatives.

Support Local Businesses and Downtown 4 1.24%

Promote downtown development and support
local businesses to create a vibrant economic
and social hub.

Tackle Systemic Issues 3 0.93%

Address systemic issues such as job insecurity,
poverty, and addiction to improve overall
community well-being and engagement.

2024 Northeast Michigan Community Enhancement Survey Data Report Published April 18, 2024

Participant Response Number of Responses Percentage of Total

Offer More Opportunities for Youth 3 0.93%

Create more opportunities and activities for
youth to participate in and contribute to
the community.

Organize Events that Promote Diversity 3 0.93%

and Inclusion
Plan events that celebrate diversity and
inclusivity, bringing people of different
backgrounds together.

Be Welcoming to Newcomers and Migrants 3 0.93%

Create a welcoming and supportive environment
for newcomers and migrants to integrate into the

2024 Northeast Michigan Community Enhancement Survey Data Report Published April 18, 2024

Question 25: “What do you believe is the most essential need in your
community today?”
Question Type: Long Answer Text
The following data set represents the ten (10) most recurring responses among the 323 participants.

Participant Response Number of Responses Percentage of Total

Housing 67 20.74%
Affordable housing emerged as the most pressing
need, with many expressing concerns about
housing availability, affordability, and quality for
various demographics, including families,
professionals, and young people.

Jobs/Employment 34 10.53%
Creating good-paying jobs and fostering economic
opportunities were highlighted as essential for
community growth and prosperity, particularly to
retain and attract young professionals.

Mental Health Services 23 7.12%

There's a recognized need for improved access to
mental health services and resources to address the
growing concerns related to mental wellness and
substance abuse within the community.

Community Engagement/Unity 22 6.81%

Encouraging community involvement, fostering unity,
and building stronger social bonds were identified as
vital for addressing various issues and driving
positive change collaboratively.

Education 21 6.50%
Enhancing educational opportunities, including
pathways to education and quality programs, was
seen as crucial for empowering individuals and
improving overall community well-being.

Infrastructure Development 19 5.88%

Developing and maintaining essential infrastructure,
such as roads, utilities, and public amenities, emerged
as a key priority for enhancing the livability and
functionality of the community.

2024 Northeast Michigan Community Enhancement Survey Data Report Published April 18, 2024

Participant Response Number of Responses Percentage of Total

Healthcare 14 4.33%
Access to quality healthcare services, including
medical facilities and specialists, was highlighted as
necessary for ensuring the well-being and vitality
of community members.

Youth Activities 13 4.03%

Providing engaging activities and opportunities for
young people to participate in recreational,
educational, and community-building initiatives was
emphasized as essential for their development and
retention in the community.

Economic Development 9 2.79%

Continuing economic development efforts and
supporting local businesses were seen as vital for
creating job opportunities, attracting investment,
and stimulating growth.

Social Services 8 2.48%

Enhancing social services, including childcare,
transportation, and support for vulnerable populations,
was identified as critical for addressing various
social challenges and improving quality of life.

Question 26: “How valued do you feel in your community?”

Question Type: Select One

Participant Response Number of Responses Percentage of Total

Very Valued 50 15.48%

Valued 131 40.56%
Somewhat Valued 106 32.85%
Not Valued 36 11.11%

2024 Northeast Michigan Community Enhancement Survey Data Report Published April 18, 2024

Question 27: “In your opinion, what could be done to make others in your
neighborhood/community feel more valued?”
Question Type: Long Answer Text
The following data set represents the ten (10) most recurring responses among the 323 participants.

Participant Response Number of Responses Percentage of Total

Communication and Engagement 28 8.66%

Regularly asking for community input, holding
community meetings, and fostering open dialogue
were frequently mentioned as ways to help people
feel valued.

Community Events and Activities 18 5.57%

Organizing events, festivals, meet-and-greets, and
other social activities to bring people together and
foster a sense of belonging.

Inclusivity and Diversity 17 5.26%

Creating an inclusive environment where everyone
feels welcome regardless of age, background, or
beliefs was emphasized.

Recognition and Appreciation 14 4.33%

Acknowledging people's contributions, recognizing
their efforts, and expressing gratitude through
simple thank-yous and appreciation programs.

Volunteer Opportunities 13 4.03%

Providing opportunities for community involvement,
volunteering, and participation in local initiatives.

Infrastructure and Services 11 3.41%

Investing in important infrastructure, improving
public services, and addressing issues such as
transportation, healthcare, and access to resources.

Listening and Respect 10 3.10%

Actively listening to people's concerns, respecting
their opinions, and valuing diverse perspectives.

Education and Awareness 8 2.48%

Promoting awareness of community resources,
offering educational opportunities, and sharing
information about available services.

2024 Northeast Michigan Community Enhancement Survey Data Report Published April 18, 2024

Participant Response Number of Responses Percentage of Total

Promoting Positive Interaction 7 2.17%

Encouraging kindness, compassion, and respect
for others, as well as fostering connections between

Leadership and Governance 6 1.86%

Encouraging transparent and inclusive governance,
promoting community leadership, and involving
residents in decision-making processes.

Question 28: “How satisfied are you with the quality of life in your
hometown/Northeast Michigan?”
Question Type: Select One

Participant Response Number of Responses Percentage of Total

Very Satisfied 89 27.53%

Satisfied 175 54.22%
Unsatisfied 38 11.76%
Very Unsatisfied 21 6.50%

2024 Northeast Michigan Community Enhancement Survey Data Report Published April 18, 2024

Question 29: “In your opinion, is there anything more your area/Northeast
Michigan could be doing as a community to improve the overall well-being of those
who live here?”
Question Type: Long Answer Text
The following data set represents the ten (10) most recurring responses among the 323 participants.

Participant Response

Affordable Housing Solutions

Address the housing shortage and provide affordable housing options for residents, including those of
varying income levels and needs.

Economic Development and Job Creation

Stimulate economic growth by attracting new businesses, supporting local entrepreneurs, and creating
job opportunities, especially those offering livable wages.

Community Engagement and Collaboration

Foster a sense of community by promoting collaboration, respect, and support for all residents, including
initiatives to listen to concerns and act on them.

Healthcare Access and Services

Improve access to healthcare, including medical facilities, specialized providers, and services for mental
health and wellness.

Education and Outreach Programs

Implement educational programs and outreach services to raise awareness, provide resources, and
address issues such as substance abuse, poverty, and mental health.

Infrastructure and Environmental Sustainability

Invest in infrastructure improvements, including roads, public spaces, and environmental initiatives to
reduce pollution and enhance natural assets.

Youth and Family Services

Provide more activities and resources for youth and families, including affordable childcare, recreational
programs, and access to community spaces.

Promotion of Cultural Diversity and Inclusion

Promote cultural diversity and inclusion by celebrating differences, respecting religious freedom, and
fostering acceptance and understanding among all residents.

Transportation Accessibility
Improve transportation options, including public transit and services for those who do not drive, to
increase mobility and access to essential services.

Community Beautification and Quality of Life

Enhance the quality of life by investing in community beautification projects, including clean-up efforts,
beautification of neighborhoods, and promotion of outdoor activities.


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