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Dacey Presnell

Mrs. Adkinson

Senior Majors

16 April 2024

Freelance Artistry Research Paper

Internships are valuable opportunities that help to gain practical experience, explore

career paths, and prepare for future employment in one’s chosen field. During a two-year-long

internship, one’s abilities and skills will be tested, helping improve one's capabilities and

adaptability within one’s potential future career workplace. Adapting to the setting and duration,

understanding the benefits and opportunities, and developing one’s personal and professional

growth are all factors that originate from internships. Although there are numerous benefits to

working as an intern, one must also overcome challenges and obstacles to understand what their

future job entails.

Being in the appropriate environment to complete work is extremely important for any

job, especially for a freelance artist. Throughout one’s professional career, the atmosphere and

dynamics of the setting they will be working in are constantly being built upon. Although each

artist's location and setup may vary, every environment is created for efficiency and comfort.

Suzanne McConnell, a freelance artist who works from her house, states, “[T]o get another place

or have a studio, I would have to rent a place and I would have to go. It’s easier to get up and go

on the back porch and paint. It’s also more convenient and cheaper.” Although some professional

artists see benefits in working from home, other artists might have studios specifically for

working on art pieces, allowing them to focus on their work in that space. In an article that talks

about the benefits of a separate space, the author states, “You can focus on your work without the
interruptions of daily life. Without the distractions of phone calls or family responsibilities, you

can maintain a clear mindset and work at your best.” Determining what environment works best

for an artist can be crucial for productivity, and internships provide an early start to discovering

what space could provide this element. As an intern, adapting to the environment is an important

step to better understanding the job and the artist. Being a part of an internship program with a

freelance artist for a year or longer will allow the intern to fully develop an understanding of the

freelance artist’s talents, sales, communication, advertisement, and job as a whole. Assisting the

artist throughout the year will allow the intern to expand their knowledge and create pieces that

showcase their growth as an artist.

While learning the ins and outs of a freelance artist, the intern will automatically improve

their communication, critical thinking, and creativity skills. As the internship progresses over the

months, utilizing these skills becomes apparent within the internship and for the intern’s future.

Creating professional relationships is a valuable asset many artists tend to overlook when

beginning their career in the arts. In an article about the importance of networking in the art

world, Martha Ronson states, “Networking truly is the most valuable asset you have as an artist.

[T]he more people you know in the art world, the more chances you have of getting referred or

even mentioned to people who didn’t know about your art.” Not only is communication vital

within the internship but learning how to reach out to other artists and create connections

throughout one’s career will help to gain traction and lead to a successful future. Critical thinking

and creativity skills are an artist’s most valuable assets; developing these abilities throughout

one’s career becomes vital to freelance artistry. Having a mentor will provide incredible

experiences for an artist to progress in their studies and help them learn their style. When

speaking to several artists about their approach to their artwork, John Townsend said, “The style
I developed is very colorful. I am colorblind, so developing a style took me ten years to do.” An

artist could spend months or years discovering their technique, and starting one’s art career early

through an internship is extremely beneficial to this process.

Working with a professional artist is very beneficial for personal and professional growth;

learning how to work with other artists and developing one’s artistic skills are the initial

experiences as an intern. Improving one’s capabilities as an artist usually begins in art class, but

as beginner artists continue to develop their skills, internships provide the perfect opportunity for

extreme growth and experience and become a great environment to learn from a professional.

Adreon Patterson, the author of an article about the importance of art internships, states, “The

arts thrive on internships and career opportunities, which promote growth and connection in a

variety of creative fields.” Providing these valuable opportunities to apply academic backgrounds

to professional environments, internships allow students to experience careers that could be in

their future. Creating these chances to improve one’s resume and grow as an individual and

professional is extremely beneficial for the future. Growing personally through an internship is

extremely important, but professionalism is a major aspect of freelance artistry in which the

intern will learn the impact of networking, sales, and connections. Respecting and

communicating with one’s mentor is vital within an internship, allowing the intern to experience

future career responsibilities and proper workplace etiquette.

Although being an intern has many benefits to one’s experiences and knowledge, there

are also many challenges. Learning to communicate with the mentor could be intimidating for

some, but this skill is one of the most important parts of a successful internship. Adjusting to the

setting and understanding the importance of an artist’s focus is critical, which may be difficult

for beginner interns. Although difficulties arise, the mentor is a valuable resource and support;
communicating is a key component of a successful internship. An internship is meant to help an

artist’s lack of knowledge and abilities; learning how to build up one’s skills is one of the first

major steps in overcoming an intern’s initial worries. An article that depicts the struggles many

beginner artists face states, “Many interns lack practical experience, which can hinder their

productivity and confidence.” Staying positive and motivated throughout each experience will

help prevent aspiring professional artists from giving up. Accidents will occur, as well as a lack

of motivation. Trying to stay positive toward any artwork created as an intern or by helping the

mentor proves to be difficult for many people; as John Townsend, the owner of Atrium, a

downtown gallery, once said, “The meaning lies in the eye of the beholder, and if it moved you,

that’s good art.” Although he states the importance of grabbing the attention of possible buyers

later in the interview, he also reiterates the importance of self-fulfillment.

All in all, a freelance artistry internship proves to be beneficial in building one’s

experience, knowledge, understanding, and creativity. Although there may be obstacles along the

way, adapting to the setting and duration, understanding the benefits and opportunities, and

developing one’s personal and professional growth are all factors that educate and influence an

artist in their decision for their future. In an article about the overall benefits of an internship, the

author states, “Internships offer students the chance to put what they are learning into action, in a

real-world environment.” Gaining experiences of a potential future career outside of the

classroom can be vital to one’s decisions on their future, proving why internships are so

important and valuable. An internship can be a vital part of a student’s decision, helping them

add to their out-of-the-classroom experiences and learn firsthand what their potential job choice

Works Cited:

Duja Consulting. “Navigating the Maze: Challenges and Strategies in Internship Programs.”

Indeed, 19 Sept. 2023,


Esei Internships. “8 Benefits of Taking an Internship.” ESEI, International Business School, 27

Feb. 2023,

Patterson, Adreon. “The 4 Biggest Benefits of Art Internships and Fellowships.” Best Colleges,

1 Apr. 2021,

Pereira, Inês. “Top 5 Reasons to Rent an Art Studio — Wimbledon Art Studios.” Wimbledon Art

Studios, 4 Jan. 2024,


Ronson, Martha. “7 Tips For Building Connections as a Visual Artist.” MARTHA MAY

RONSON, 9 Aug. 2023,


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