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Ash and Stephan's third-round match at the Unova League is just getting under way, and its Ash's Krookodile versus Stephan's Liepard! There's no doubt both sides are in it to win it, and they appear evenly matched as they offer move after powerful move. But Krookodile ekes out the win, so Stephan brings out his, amazingly fast Zebstrika. Krookodile has taken quite a bit of damage, so Ash switches it out for Palpitoad—a Water- and Ground-type Pokémon to combat Zebstrika's best moves, Flame Charge and Thunderbolt. With some clever strategies in place on both sides, this bout ends in a draw! Next up is Stephan’s talented Sawk, up against an unexpected Pokémon pick: Ash's Leavanny! Where Sawk is muscular and determined, Leavanny is graceful and quick, dodging many of Sawk’s moves with style! However, Leavanny's energy level can't keep up with Sawk's tenacity, and Sawk wins. Finally, Ash brings Krookodile out again as his last Pokémon. It’s obviously tired from its first battle, and Iris and Cilan are concerned about the type disadvantage. But Ash has a surprise up his sleeve: he’s taught Krookodile to use Aerial Ace! This unexpected Flying-type move tums the tables on Stephan and Sawk, and Ash wins the match! The quarterfinals begin the next morning, and Ash is up against Cameron in a full six-on-six battle. On top of that, Ash finally comes face to face with Cameron's "secret weapon’—an intimidating Hydreigon! How will Ash respond? Find out next time!

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