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Functions and Graphs (Whole Revision)

Monday 25 March 2024 13:34

Things to revise:
1) Straight-line
How to draw
How to get equation--> (Drawn, two points, one point, and slope)
Slope = y2-y1/x2-x1
Coordinates (midpoint (x1+x2/2 , y2+y12) , line length (square root((y2-y1)^2 + (x2-x1)^2))
Simultaneous --> Two graphs intersect
2) Functions
• Domain and Range
Inverse (Quadratic --> Completing Square)
Solving and substitution
3) Function graphs
Filling table and drawing
Solving (intersection with x-axis)
Solving by drawing a line (Old-New) --> get the intersection --> aka simultaneously
Inverse, composite, substitution
Tangent to find the gradient at a point aka gradient
Value of y that gives a certain number of ROOTS (y = k)
4) Differentiation
The gradient at a point (x,y)
Turning points (diff =0) --> maximum (second diff is positive) or minimum(second diff is
Kinematics --> (displacement/distance --> velocity/speed --> acceleration)
General Maximisation and Minimization
5) Graphs
Know the general forms of graphs
6) Graph transformation
X-change (el x y3ny el 3ks)
Trig graphs transformation

Functions and graphs (whole revision) Page 1

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